itmmzm aim t 18 i f l it rr y t i srjrab twrrmay mowstxo qgwaab 1881k as soon will come th1 snow whitcwre the daisies white as milk the stately irn is hung wit it ilk the rows armn blow lore mu belavodwhueyou may and bag the flying hours etay for tore spall end and all delight tlie dayis long the day is bright but soon will come the sn6w t up from the meadowsedges tall floats music by the- larks clear call bcarkt the lilies rlow i love me i pray yon whilevou may and beg the flying hoau to sw for love shall end and dear delight the day is lour the day irbhght but soon will ooruo the snow aninleonaeborelesaaea this moment is for yon aujl ftiet and bliss that lovers know j lore me beloved soon we die joys like swallows quickly tjy and love shall end and all ctylicht she day is long the dayis bright but soon will come the snyr y y pun for everyone pleasant as syrop nothing jmiiahr it as is mother the great- a vorm medicine the name graves worm exterminator est worm destroyer of the age ial rrpnte james mcmurdock writing from kinsale says b b b as a remedy for diseases of the blood liver and kidrieysj has au excel- lent reputatiou in this locality i have used it and speak from experience as well as observation it is the only medicine i want aud i advise others afflicted to try it though nnmerons causes may operate to tarn the hair gray ail that is needed to restore the uatural color is hallfc vegetable sicilian hair- renewer for more than twenty years its sales have been enormous butwe have yet to learn of its first failure a mwterft miracle f in a recent letter from r w dowton of deloraine out he states that he has recovered from the worst form of dyspep sia after suffering for fifteen years and when a council of doctors pronounced him incurable ie tried burdock blood bitters eix bottles of which restored his health an elastic step buoyant spirits and clear ttftnplexioii are the results of pure blood the possessor of healthy bldrjd enjoys a clearness of perception impossible when the blood is heavy with impurities take ayera sarsaparilla the best bipod purifier and vitalizer a sttertfjr care as a speedy cure lor dysentew cholera morbus diarrhoea colic cramps sick stomach canker of the stomach and bowels and all forms of summer com plaints there is no remedy more reliable than dr fowlers extract of wild straw- berry dealers who sell it and those who buy it are on mutual grounds in confidence of its merits ladies troubled with pimples blotches bough hands or face or spies of any description should use mcffregofa parkes carbolic cerate it will leave theskin in 6 perfect health smooth clean and good color be sure and get the genuine nade by mc gregor 4 parke price 25c sold at r mcgarvins drug store f cucumbers and melons are forbidden fruit to many persons so constituted that the least indulgence is followed by attacks of cholera dysentery griping 4c these persons are not aware that the yean indulge itp their hearts content if they have on hand a bottle of dr j d kelibggs dysen tery cordial a medicine that will give im- mediate relief and is a surej-cure- for all summer complaints highest fratst the wellknown drag firm o en c po son co of kingston writes that dr fowl ers extract of wild strawberry has long 1 ieen considered the best remedy j for sum nrer complaints in the market and adds hat their customers speak in the highest terms j of its merits wild strawberry is the best known remedy for cholera mprbns dysen- tery and alllsowel complaintk c flnid lightning there are but few that have never suffer- ed almost intolerable pain frcjm toothache jenralgia or like acute pains to ithem i such an instant relief as fluid lightrling is an untold blessinglh time or trouble no disgusting offensive medicines to be taken i for dayss- one application ofj fluid light ing cores sold at dr mcgarvins drug store hr c u liiggins beams ville writes a customer who tried abottif of northrop lymans vegetable discovery says it is the best thing he ever used to quote his own words it justrbeemed totonch the spot affected about a year ago he had an attack of bilious fever ant i jwas afraid he was in for another when i recommend ed this valuable medicine witk such happy results reasons why yon should purchase fluid lightning in preference to alii other reme dies are rapid result cures instantly it is easilyapplied no troublejno lost time it does not require constant use one appli- cation iseffectual one bottfe will remove more pain than any other remedy in exist ence try it for neuralgit toothache headache rheumatism be id at 25c a bottle by dr mcgafvin dracgist r c bruce druggist tira says have no medicine on my shel es that sells fastercer gives better satisfacl ion than dr thomas ecleetrie oil and tl e sale is con- stantly increasing the past y sax being the f largest lhave ever had one of my costo mors was cqred of catarrh by using three bottles another was raised out of bed where he had been laid up foi a long time with a lame back by using tv o bottlesj i have lots otcustbmers who i irould not be without it overnighti vaftt is mcgregor spec lycurefor it is lor dyspepsia live complaint iudikesiidn bilionsness and t is theiiiiest blood purifier in the known wr1d today does it give satisfaction i we cannot point to oneii itance where it did not r wberedoa it have the la rgest sale right in the city of hamilt va where it is manufaptured there has jbeen over one thousand dollars worth sofe in the last year retail and the great mjpjonty of the ales are by onerecomraendin it to another for aale at socand j100 per bottle by dr mcgarcin druggist ivataulttmtim among the moat prevalent fatal aud inddetftattftcks of dii lasosj are those inoi- dent to the suiunpr ttud fail such as cholera morbus bill out colic diarrhooa dyaentery etc that otteu prove fatal in a lew honw that evi ir reliable remedy dr fowlers kxtraot o wild strawborry shoald be athaud u r use in emergency we have no hesita ion in saying that dr j d killoggs dyse itery cordial is with out doubt the best tncdioino over iirodliced fori dysentery fliarriooa cholera and all summer complaints sea sickness etc it promptly gives relief and never fails to effect a positive cure mothers should never be without a b ttlo when their child ren ar teething 11 header in in tonnmg you of this wonderful remedy fpr coughs colds asthma bronchitis consomptiouv autku affections of tho tlirokt and lungs we feel that we are doing you a great kindness aa if you have any of it he above complaints if you will only trj it we will guarhtee satisfaction iu every ease or monoy refuud- ed ask for mcgrej ore luug compouud price ooo and 110 per bottle at dr mc garvins drug store merit ipifevcii pollar upon dollar is frequently spc nl tm the faith oftreconunendationifor articles entirely wortliless not to wiih me- grcgors speedy ijuvo you are iut asked to purchase it until i is merits are proven call at j k mcgarvius drutj store and get a i reetrial bottle and if not convinced it will cure you of tlie w rst forms of dys pepsia liver complaint otc no matter of how long stauding it cists you untiring sold iu50c and 1 totths see testiiuou- ials from people in your own town silamdcsarirf ike snrrrrlnc v browns honseh old panacea hib no equal for relieving path both internal and externd it cures pain in the side back or bowels sore threat rheumatism toothache iiiubnjk and ariy kind of n pain orhclie it will most surely quick en the blond and hial s its acting power is wonderful browns household pan acea being ackncwlecged as thcgrciit pain reliever nnd of double the strenuth of any- other elixir or tfoiraent in tin- world should be in every family bandy foi use when wanted as it really is the bcht remedy in the world for cramps m the stomach and paius and relies of all kiudf and is for sale by nil drngijists at 25 oints u i j atiotll j proujinont among the great tst nutlival discoveries by tho many cuies it hf ellvt- ed mcgftijorspili cttre leads the van subjected to the minutest chemical analysis it has heenfoudd locouuin none of those injurious ilugredients characteririnp the worthless specifics daily offered to the public j every ingredient possesses a pccul- ar adaptability to the iarions complniiitt for which it has leen compounilcd nnd ii efficacy is being established by testimonials hourly received we are therefore confi dent that we have si preparation which we can offr to the public with the assurance that it swill be found nqt only a rtlitf- but an a bsol hucure for dyspepsia liver com plaint indigestion constipation and im pure blood free trial bottles at j e mcgamn8 drue store 11 if yjou have a cough or cold do not neglect it many without a trace of that hereditary disease have drifted into a con- snmpt yes grave by neglecting what was only a slight cold had they used bickles anticonsumptive syrup before it was too late their lives would have been spared mr aj w levy mitchell writes i think bickles anticonsumptive syrup the best preparation in the market for coogbs and severe colds about six years ago i caught a severe cold which settled on my lnngs and for three months i had a coagli i had a physician attending me but gradually grew worse until i was on the verge of con sumption and had given np hopes of being cured when t was induced to try bioklea syrup before i had taken one bottle i found myself greatly relieved and by the time i had finished the second bottle i was completely tared i always recom mend it for severe colds aud consumption what true merit will do the unprecedented sale of boiehce get- man syrup within a fewiyears has astonish ed the world it is without donbt the safest and best remedy ever discovered for the speedy and effectual cure of coughs colds and the reverest lung troubles it acts oh an entirely different principle from the us ual prescriptions given by physicians as it does not dry up a cough and leave the disease still in the system but on the con trary- removes the cause of- the trouble heals the parts affected and leaves them in a purely healthy condition a bottle kept iu the house for use when the diseases make thir appearance will save doctors bills and a long spell of serious illness a trial will convince you of these facts it is positively sold by all druggists and gen eral dealers in the laud price 75 cts large bottles anvfcbto mothkbh are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with pain of cut ting teeth if so send at once and get u bottle of mrswinslpws soothing syrup for children teething its value is incal culable it will relieve the poor little suf ferer immediately depend upon it moth ere there is no mistake about it it cures dysentery and diarrhoea regulates the stomach and bowels cures wind colic softens the gums reduces inflammation and gives tone and energy to the whole system mrs winslbws soothing sy rup for children teething is pleasant to the taste and is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female physicians and nurses fn the united states and is for sale by all druggists throughout the world price twentyfive cents a bottle be sure and ask for mbs winslows soothino sveup and take no other kind wearing me t mi desires to inform the people of ajstoqr and surroundings that he is prepared to take orders for weaving all kinds of fancy hag carpets flannel sheeting shjrting and dress goods striped or plaid twill or plaini also bed blankets and horseblankets two yards wide and over r and i will guarantee that i willgivegood satisfaction to all farmers and others who will favor me with their patronage t hifr jiwrwjjtvf jtfls voluiti afilly accorddd to itvers by people who haw proven its benign effects john j ryan attiumo d pkattepkiaptt a- vanknlklandifeiobrjt i ic medicine in the woritl etiital jo avk t8 8ah8aiallltla cure lbf it of r leumatlsm lvpv w b ritnxixoton sotif bamptoti n bi atepj me4sredoyftol aeriqfy my bp ayhnte su8apa- iuliji cured me cured by it of inatnn orlando ssivt ioiwk miis enjoj better health than ever beft re duo tolei to tho uo of aykrs bars raiatj- tx rcurcd by it of carbunc es mid ihbomvp t kaifixrt 8 olxavxlasd man a most valuable remody lastltpde and debility incident tot 5 1 his daughter cured by i tentral a 8 an- rlieu i jloston for tho i spring saiaruuma or headaches dlzzl neu xiudlxeatlod and genoril de- blulyj ml ton fox dracut mastj one i would recommend abovo al m a blood purifier cured by sahfiaparilla of scrotulous ijiuuior and 1 yspepsla ayfers lasting god is mantle millinery dress m imimjwlrvy v r8 ir jlfp tpts tt 886 m8v sk moleod anderson 30 imrolitbuh and lijiairhsin bon francis jewett xotwk a aykna sar8araitluia u tho only prep- oration that seems to do mo any real lastliur good cured by it of blood impurities v miw ebi tompkins doklyn jv r ayenfljsahsapanitla has dono nio un told good nothing olso has been so cifi- cacloua cured by it of feminine aliment fjiank m qniffin longpct nl texas com child scrofulous sores mrs h mckay lowell mats 1 cau recoijinicml ayers saiisapaiiilla to all afflicted her son cured by it of scroftilous sweulngs dlzilness nnd internal fever geo anmbws loicelli ilai ko doubt whatever that i owo my recovery to aybrs sahsapaitllla cured by ft of salt rheum hbnny j citapman nttglwct 2v r aykiis saltsapanilla is a perfect blootl purificrf cured by it of i long htmullng unit sovcro scrofulous hu mors mrb lorenzo s rcaoies auburn iue its supcriorlly to nil othors jcurcd bv it of fomlnino weaknesses h is heir to spring from ofaib intensified by tho others aykrs remi scrof- cured setny cauter xashttlle my system sconieil mituratcdwltli ula hutr ayena sarsaparili mi almost all the ills that fiej imparities in the blood tho icsult of hereditary taint or of n yrong mnhncr of fivinl aykus sarsaparilla t lorouguy purifies tho blood gives ono mid vigor dlgcttive organs nnd imps rts new vitality to tho nervous fystfcm the only prephrntion of this class forwhiei theso claims ciin ho truthfully made and the only one lhat docs roal staple and fancy dry goods millinery mantles dress making ordered clothing readymade clothing carpets and oilcloths wo beg to inform our friends and the public generally- tllatwo have this soasoha most completo stock in all the dlffercntdepartlildnw that we hove imported and purchased direct from tho mnnqraclurcrs the n- jnfotir immciise stock c that it was pnrchasod bcforolhe rccoutadvancein prices j that tho public will got tho advantage of those low prices that wo tried to excol ourselves and succeeded in securing a largo varictv l stylish attractive aubslantiul cheap floods is is in first el working ordciv ouft miluneliy 6tiperb and in largo vurioty ourdhhsmaking a inrgo and beautiful stock of dress uoodsand dre silks to select from i pbepabed by or j c ayeb co sold by all drugbists price 1 sis bottles for 5 analytical chemists lowell mass ft i ouitmantke matebials j- aro gorgeous nerviceablo and cheap 0urtail01un0 department s al turns out iiingniqcut garments ml perfect fit a large stock cf twctfds coat iugs and qycrcoitiiigs to choose frcm it is impossible for iis to enumerate our goods or particularize the different piioc but we guarantee a largo stock of serviceable elylish andchedp goods ionds are to lip sold for cash oil produce after 12 months trial of strictly cash wo arc convinced it is thoprqr5er system to do business and enables lis to compete with any legitimate business in canada mcleod anderson co railwaa tttiz table grand trunk railway ojinffkast imkilkkt mid feooani i bxprcii l24t kxiirosr710 oin kires k vnmiummoi u i thro express g 21 tlirotigh fcxp 1 nm itatl 5 4 aecoiil 40 pni special h chicago kxprcss foe jibt stoij utwceu i i hijj toronto j oliit wcstil 10 atn and 5 20 ntii 4oin kastw 40 ain and 0 i pm i royal mail steamship i the shortest i 9e passage aver ace time 8 day8 two of which are passed on the rivfcr and gulf of st lawrence j acton october 1st 188ft i yxm fflff lm vhii a uk pin tun tvlnn mu cftfiifiabsl tl 1 bkn be i -8- medicated i tueke is fully 20000 woltthofan mense variety -of- and shirt making at the right house misshoudcrson so veil kilownto the iadieauf hamilton aud the country for twouty miles around as a firstclass mantle cutter and fitter fits ladies so exectly tliatllhcy are delighted with her artistic work miss ami bs is a very superior cutter and fitter of ladies dresses her make of jdrcsscs fit so perfectly arid envelop ladies figures so gracefully that they make ladies almost everything hamilton september 30th 6ti bargains bargains bargains mo 48 king str beos eet ast hamilton- dress guild ri 10c foiincrly c prints hi formerly lic gingha ns 10c formerly 20c t embroil leries 5c formerly loe ladies lose 25c formerly childrens hose 7c formerly 15c parasiih 30c formerly coc spotted muslin 15c formerly 2oiv ladies jollnrs 5c formerly 15o we aicjiinkintr extra in dress san soods prints sosior tvoods sairting bllndsj look really charming ljlease tryher she is sure to nt well miss armitagothe forewoman in the millinery gets up the most delightful ilnts and bonticls of all useful and fashionable kinds and materials at short notice nnd has the styles of hats anc bon- hots made so ns to suit any ladys complexion contour of couutenanco size or style of appearance mr mcltae in the sbirt be- partment will lit any bentleman or youiig lad iu shirts sons to givolhem the most complete satibfacljotms to fit fashion and wear ladies misses gentlemen and yountf lads will get firstclais value and the most fashionable styles with every garment warrautcd to fit at the right house the goods aro new and beautiful there is fully 200000 worth of ah immense variety of alimist everything rcqiiired in dry goods millinery mantles dolmaus ulsters jackets paletots underwear ofalkindvf6r ladies misses gents ami boys neckwear hosiery iflovcs hotiec furnishing goods in great variety laces madras bijk brochc and many other kinds of curtains carpets aud carpet materials oil clothsmats bugs carpet sweepers etain ahun- dance his goods never were so very chonii as they are this sfiisou although wool has advanced about onethird higher than it was lat may yetwatktus was over in fiurape very early and got au enormous supply of new dips goods and his general stock cheaper thau ever before and is selling piles of all- wool dress goods at froni lac fo tho best qualities over 120 pieces of bean tiful allwool stockinet dress goods which are worth 15c are selling oftat 25c he pays the cash down for his goods and gets them very cheap them will not bo any opening day at the right house as it takes all his staff of 52 clerks to wait oh bis numerous customers an 1 there is no lim to prepare for an oocnmg day butall tho departments are filled with new and fashion- able goods aud au hand are busy making tip new mantles millinery dresses shirts etc mind the bight house is on king street one door from uaglison street anil te name is thomas gvrjitszjlns -o- brussels carpets 0c formerly 1 tipestry carpets 25c formerly iof union carpets 35c formerly ope allwool carpets 65c formerly 85c hemp carpets 8c formerly 12ic cliiiia mnttitiqs ioc formerly 38c lnco curtains f 150 foiincrly f2 curtain poles complcttj i50c formerly toe stair llodstscj formerly 150 perdoz diicemeuts in order to clear out stock ikstt 11 -o- glovos corsots parasols embroidorios cajrpets cuitalnb ocreriiies window stair rods fee c are au marked away doun in price in lonuy cases jess than cost pics senton application mckay brothers i j 4s kjnajstreetkast between hugheon and john streets hamilton from theadle v to the j speight having nacted u line new kiiowkic of furniture of all ki levpr i fr sr- in lfcive just received ft ncw nnd well assorted stock s of the latest designs including m parlor furniture bedroom su b andvpsjythiii cla tlutany family m tin cridlc to the grave too for we 1 wew hcarso ll supply all oi tliu shoitct drawn byia wollnialcheil rave -son- and yndertalssrs acton ryan berk nsh aw oo of cuelph j aro very busy receiving if ev fjiji goods irfrri england ireland and scotland o ladies yon appreciate stylish ivqllinery and dress goods see qtkirooils before you bay y uyam berrinsbaw co ites urejius sofas lounges tables chairs rockers bedsteads and cradles sua03330r3 t0 john 93 uppr wyndham street guelph- hoson your v attention vp1ease rnjquiresiirihc liirultnre line during their journey aud we can prepare them for the grave hvr on hand a luige fttock of o o- t l obfjitsjs glj5t3 tb kenney bros mam street acton to the ijroxt with a fine stock of new fall goods -o- of all kinds and hizoi and all other fiincrul fnrnishiiig tenm notipe and mast- reasonable terms a first class for hire a speight manager we are now rncoivii a very laio suotf of new lall goods of every sdcicrintion onr b3tk anil suie am ironssd fiiin fie jjjjt naanufactniiers and are of the best tmality wc invc i iihfrtin every wautbanha sqppied some flue linos of tltunks and valisus on hand received direct from the nannfacturers i okperel woijfv wc make a speciiilty of this department and riiarautco latisfnction toall cnst-mier- d repairing done with neatness and desputoh kenney bros dominion house b genu f genuineness president tiiei laval scotia but if r laurances spectacles illk thk 0niy- rie engl1sfe market pebbles are igept in slock ithey areroaoinnieiidei ndvicevresidont of ihu oollipofvpliysicinnb nnd surge j ujpiyersiyi tliefreidcint aii o those- rceonunejidi scl 1 ler proof is needed coll ot w mi f ajd thresh sejop your mao unery ony tfeewkfcpewri m anu eyeglasses nsu tests aie givsn to purchm by iand testimonials have biei ile ileal issbciatfohot cinadii4 ditsjnf jquebcpj tlie peau bf tlie i expresjdcotb lions ought tpilu s to pidyo their tceiyedr6in the tiie llesident of tfedlwil faculty of council of nova vp their qualities of thfedioi snflicieif to 1 1 im- semsal stob aftton q bix gold medals l ftw during thtllast threelyesirs waggons andhbrse towers flwmo manufactured al quaeh 01 qu worfea by- j samuel rogers co toronto ree press vv7 n washington md lcpso emiuelt throat and liftig sqrgeon j with visfc vvctorj jmonday 8th november diseases treathd catarrh of the head and throat catarrhal deafne6 chronic bronchitis vsthroa aud consumption ajso iioss of voice 5ore throat enlarged tonsils polypus of the sose removed s t c05ieeaiuv co5isritation fice r r v cvruuih ov itilft yjjalts stasfjdjg ccbed r x washington throat anil lnng suigeou toronto- dear sir i am pleased to express my cntiire atisfaction at the results of your new method of inhalation which has cured rue of a very i rotiblesoiuo form- of catarrh iri fact ah tho i i6ua remedies failed to rive me any relieft but onr treatment from tliejbrst gave me great ease i nd in a few mouths entirely cured mp of ampfct i unoyiug diseafce i can lionestjy xpeomufena i ny who may be buffering as i was to your skilj- lul consideration yours truly t i eq goulding ronresent9 c tuicucu gait and mv h stwie y son acton i head offices215 yonge st toronta avriie lr particularp ss it i vi brennan is pleasue h announcing that his tail oring shop in mrs secords block is nowopen and in f nil running order and in a position i to fill all orders i- bt iei showing i i jooix- tafhkd suits at 812 j d- tlpscviehe foriaa jotch tweduit lvi ij sold eiewhelie futt23 asd 24 ike worstkd suit at 20t sohd elewlieite at 25 gentlemen- wanting a firstclass good- i tug coat ctp may rely upon beiflgsuitecl u every respect by leaving thejr or4ere wit r the clothier iburiqcl lo 00 wilu cure or reueve ilipmm dizziness dyspepsia indigestion jaundice rrypelas- saltimem eafttbum eadaghe- dropsy fluttering of the heart acidity of the stomach i dryness n qf rite skin i bowelqo 6to5d 0h r fivery actt v 81 f juvariably id lipflrybati tinned tfll 11 pptlotf ol the i ou column half colurnn quarter colon ons inch changes for in the office h they will belafs this pav tertbdng ban ilntracu may t 3usi wv ber of coliege office and frederick strl 0e sti ttinie ity medical sj of physiciftiis ornri ca u ir- l benl c bentij new system f monly called j teeth without strator and college of 1 j i jqusniiydep in any opera acton every i of each moot johslav taria ve veterinary go in kenny br lord tth0mss hanrwphgtfslrptbispapej one and are authorized to hbais5wefi oakc y ji sgi write to n wrhirua tooiri whlea mmrmy 1rt of m mtt fortna all h at deuce in the rj soundness an j v5ih illcaus ni wm ed to terma sm tohnstoj sm barristers i sbl apcersjtc a b omck j efbj0b3t r m soucri ofrice fia 1sm office main so zwk at6 per cent hilton i 3m tobj jih ofhcks cj jm aiidlking a m w t atuir val 1 ih b b babj h oftices j ih lington streej jb alley toronj j 3oks baxsj jb wmepculj sm qm n babri ohtarfo hals sm gtcbagkij ijb patentj 1jh hes xsb 30 vears p r t amu hjsb sb for the cod vlih- orders left t opposite chd vs to acton pfj 1w teiins reasj sff desired w iai forthecouj ji orders lei td iss 1 or- at my 3 profcptly am im- also moui able terms fjsg terest su i i -ab- tdjrinj ofhckj 8m square tmbanclj succ i i8s st george as account j sgk periodicals i m- bound jrd m ja xsm rtfohey ti per cent j oaned for j security 7 properly i farms andl wttlutems warifts led reotioos th r jbi farms wl fv jjfib denoetnyati bh k guelnhod featvh oa