mm r 1 if tatiot feauvnvs1xckarbiit 188 talkikoin th3b1r 8lebp you thjnk i am dead the apple tree said because i have never a leaf to show- because 1 stoop and itoba4 droop awl the dull kty- moaaeal over me grofr 1 bat im all alive in trunk and sboot tho bud o next may i fold away but 1 pity the withered grass at my rgot yon think i am dead tho quiet grass said because i nave parted with stem and blade but under the ground i am safe and sound with the snows thick blanket over mo laid im altalive aud ready to shoot should the spring pf tho year come dancing here bntl pity the flower without ibrancb or root r you tbtuk i am dead a soft voice said because not a root or branch i own d never have died but dose i hide in a plumpy seed thaithe wind has sown patient i wait through the long winter hours you wilfcsee me again i i shall laugh ntl you then out of the eyes of a hundred flowers jkia hi thom a h nit- i i a si weakness ofa word how many people ever thiuk of the weakening effect of the word very in honj or writinfi there are but few csse where it strengheos an idea tor iu stance take this sentence mrsblankisa very flue writer j how much stronger tho sentence is without the very to say that a mau is very well known indicates that lie is less known thm one of whom we saj mo is well kiiowa this weakening dement is a cuaractehstic of the word very the same ncifht be said of i all superfluous words though few if any are so persistently of that character as the word in question harffonl turn r fun fqr everyone h olloway a com curej is uie inedicke to remove all kinds of corns and warts and costs the small sum of twentyiive ohlj cents there is nothing equal ha mother graves worm exterminator for destroying worms no article of its kind baa givensuch satis faction i xotfclbg like it i was nearly used up with a heavy coldfrom which i got no relief until i triei halyards pectoral balsam i found it i sure cure there is nothing hke it says edward cousins hanson ont purge out the lurking distemper that undermines health and constitutional vigor will return those who suffer from an en feebled and disordered state of the system should fake ayers sarsaparilla to cleanse the blood andreswre vitality ruafr i never feel 6afe to be without hag- yards yellow oil for sore throats colds swollen glands 4c7 it has not failed to give relief and for my children it is so easy to administer mrs henry dob be berri- dale p q ont how oftendo we hear of the sudden fatal termination of a ease of croap when a young life might have been baved by the prompt nse of ayers cherry pectoral keep a bottle of it on hand ready for in stant nse j the evidence r a jastlrt esquire pelton of grass lake ilich a justdceof the peace was given up to die with malarial fever he testifies to a cure from burdock blood bitters after physi cians and other medicines failed have you ever tried mcgregor parkes carbolic cerate for sores ef any kind it is beyond doubt the very best preparation in the market for healing and curing sores burns cuts pimples blotches and is the only proper method of applying carbolic acid sold at dr mcgarvins drug store for 2jc per bos a slraage tfcke lr robert kissick of gbulson ont has recently recovered from a remarkable disease a tumor 6f the spleen with dropsy the tumor estimated to weigh about six pounds his medical connsel gave him no hope bat bardock blood bitters cured him mr win boyd 1 hilloobpibrg- writes having used df thomas eclectric oil for some years i have much pleasure in tea tifyibg to its efficacy in relieving pains in the back and shoulders i have also nsed it in cases of croup in childreoand have found it to be all that you claim it to be fuid lightning there are but few that nave never suffer ed almost intolerable painj rom tootbaclje neuralgia or like acute pains to them such an instant relief aa fluid lightning is an untold blessing in time of trouble no disgusting offensive medicines te be taken for days one application of fluid light- nin cures sold at dr mcgarvius drug stoie tie- latest remedy for coughs cplds croip hooping cough bronchitis etc js 1 mcgregors lung compound there is uo i emedy in existence containing any one of t le active ingredients composing mc- gre 06 lung compound so do not say yon lmve taken everything until you have triet this for yonr cold or cougb and your opii ion will be the same as all who have usee it vizi that it is the best sold in- 50c and 100 bottles by dr mcgarvin druggi t hivi you toothache use fluid lijjht- uinf hive you rheumatism use fluid liglitiing h ive you a stiff joint use fluid light nine hivjyoir neuralgia ninj h ivo you lumbago fiih ayoufaonbled wjthi headache use rla d lightning flave yon any pain use fluid light- it will cure you the instant it is applied t yit 26c per bottle at dr mcgarvins dm prstore rt 3 f screltlm fr fmd there no trouble iu ascertaining from auy druffgist the truej virtues of hogj ardi yellow oil tor all painftil and iultoiima tory troubles rheumatism ueuralgie lum bago frost bites burns bruises sprains contracted cords stiff joints achos pains and soreness f very many ixsrsons dio annually from cholera and kindred summer eompl tints who might have beeu med if proper remo- dies had bceu used if attacked djo not dplay iu getting a bottle of dr j di kel- idggs dysentery cordial the medicine that never fails to effect a euro thoso who halvolusod it say it acts promptly and thoroughly subdues the pain and disease dr jl d kelloggh dysentery cordial is a speedy ouro for dysentery diairhcea cholera summer complaint sea sioknoss and complaints incidental to children teeth ing it gives immediate relief ts those suffering from the effects of indiscretion in eating unripe fruit cucumbers ot it acts with wonderful rapidity and never fails to conquer the disoasc no on ueed tear cholera if they have a bottle cf this tnedioino couvepient this is to certify that i have uaocl mo- gregprs speedy cure for dyspepsiaand liver complaint aud do honestly say that if it cost me one hundred dollars sloooo a bottle i would not be without it as it has done me more good than all the medicines ever used and i feel like a new man yours truly alex strhi carleton j place ont this medicino is for snlc at 50c and 9100 per bottle at dr mcgarviua drug store merit r rev dollar upou dollar is frequently spent on the faith of recommendations for article entirely worthless not so with mc gregors speedy cure you arc not asked to purchase it until its merits aro roven call at j k mcgarviua drug store and get a free trial bottle aud if not cocviuced it will cure yuu of the worst forms cf dys pepsia liver complaint etc no matter of bow long staudiug it coats you uctbiug sold iu 30c and 1 bottles sec to union ials frohi people iu your own town r ike bufterliiff bowus household panacea las uo equal for relieving pain both iuterual and eterni4l7 it cures pain in the side back or bowels sore throat rhcunalisuv tooihxcliv lumbago and any kii d of a pain or ache it will most surely quick en the blond aud ileal as its acting power is wonderful v browns household pan acea being acknowledged as the great pain reliever and of double the strength of any other elixir or liniment in the worldi should he in every family handy for use when wanted as it really is tlic best remedy- m the world for cramps in the t omach aud pajns andache of all ltiud and is for sale by all drugists at i cents a bottle j prominent among the greatest medical discoveries by the many cuiesit haseffoct- ed mco ngorx fiptuly cttic leads the van subjected to the minutest chemical analysis it hits been found to contain none of those injurious ingredients characterizing the worthless specifics daily offered to the public every ingredient possesses a pecul- ar adaptability to the various complaints for which it lias been compounded and its efficacy is being established by testimonials mm jt e jssr use fluid light- use fluid light- spang suits and overcoats at extreme v 1 w prices and made in the latest sty toe beiuretocahindseetheroat j pyfeg actn j e 31 gir hourly received we are therefore confi dent that we have a preparation which we can offer to the public with the assurance that it will be found not only a rrlitf but an absolute cure for dyspepsia layer com plaint indigestion constipation and im pare blood free trial bottles at mcgai tins drue store what trae herlt will do the unprecedented sale of bosrlu man syrup within a few years has astonish ed the world it is without doubt the safest and best remedy ever discovered for the speedy and effectual cure of coughs colds and the re verest lung troubles it acts on an entirely different principlo from the usual prescriptions jjiven by physreiaps as it does notdry up a cough and leave the disease still in tho system but on tho con trary removes the cause of the trouble heak the parts affected add leaves them in a purely healthy condition a bottle kept in tho house for use when the diseases make their appearance will save doctors bills and a long spell of serious illness a trial will convince yon of these facts jit is positively sold by all drugniats and geii era dealers in the land price cte large bottles advice io morjiebsai you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by j a sick child suffering and crying with pain of cut ting- teeth if bo send at once and get a bottle of mrs winslows soothing syrup for children teething its value ia incal culable it will relieve the poor little suf- ferer immediately depend upon it moth ers there is ho mistake about it it cures dysentery ami diarrhtca regpiatos the stomach and bowels cures wind colic softens the gums reduces inflammation and gives tonetand energy to the whole system mrs winslow8 oothlig sy rup for children teething is pleaaint to the taste and is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female physicians and nurses in the united states and is for sale by all druggists throughout the world price twentyfive cents a bottle bjesure and ask for mrs winsmws soithino svnur and take no other kind bickles anti consumptive hyrnp is a combination of several medicinal herbs which exert a most wonderful influence in caring pulmonary consumption aid all other diseases of the lungs clieb aud throat it promotes a free and eaiy ex pectoration and gives ease even vo the greatest sufferer coughs colds shortness of breath and affections of the clfest attended with weakness of the digestive organs or with general debility ssem to vanish under its use no other romedy acts so readily in allaying inflammation or breaking up a severe cold even the most obstinate cough is overcome by its pene trating and healing properties when ohildren are affected with colds oughs inflammation of the lungs croup quinsey and sore throat this syrup is of vact im portance the number of deaths mong children from these diseases is truly alarm ing it is so palatable that a child will not refuse it and is put at such a prico that will not exclude the poor from ite benefits- i ol pppi t j vv lb8d ayer8 8ar8alaiiillaiaahluh iv oouwntnitwl mcdtelnoy nolontlttsully nankiimdtil of the gonnhio honduras s ir- rsjinsirllla yclhtw dock mandrake sill- ihilii iodide of potassium and iron mid oilier hnrrodicnts of great strength mid eimitlstrvlrtuc ayblie 6arhaparilla fllu it en tested byond 1ms received tho inuiunlltlcd commvndntloik of 4000000 fntiihius in ho united states and 7000000 fiuulllcs throughout the world ayir1 8ariaparilla ii utc ortyiplood pxtrffler that has piucd nntl retnlnctl tho confidence of the people of tropical countries where auch mwll- clues iiro in grcnt dciuaud ayer8 8ar8aparilla is the niast popular lllootl purifier nmong willors mid is in ninetenths of themedt- iiiimuots of the best class of american kmllsh tunini tout dnuwh vccls ayers sarsaparilla contains no arsenic and no aloes as do liumy falsely cnlleil alicratlvps foisted uiioii tlie credulity of the public ayers sarsaparilla hs boon- for maiiv years recognised as the lr5t alterative hud tonic medicine in nil ervlllxed countries ayers sarsaparilla promptly relievca from general debility norvmi prostration and derangement of the vital orpins ayers sarsaparilla fftccta rwllral rures of all maladies arls- ini from the tntrit of scrofulous or con- lajfious wsxwkm or the- corruption of mircnrv in the mstem khoxi v jrwlbtv exmayor of vjowcii and txntorselintor says tlmt thu only blood and expxlilu polwnoiw from the system is ayers sarsaparilla mnton fox the largost landowner and farmer of muhuew co mm credits his euro of scrofulous humor and dyspepsia to tho thorough purifi cation of his blood by ayirs sarsaparilla warbbn inland tho atmons i toi lartiuoria testlflos from hln own knowledge that lor tho euro of liver disorders gout salt kbotini and various results of high- living there is no medicine equal to ayers sarsaparilla hiium phjlups- qtopwi nuef tho euro of hereditary scrofula in thrco generations of his family by ayer8 sarsaparilla tuosn cook wett isbmereiuema was cured of severe kctemo and rescued from n rapid decline by ayer8 8ar8aparillai the si8tkr8 op ciiaritv dwcheskr mass vouch for tho alterative- and curative virtues of ayers sarsaparilla jotiv j llyan philadelphia pa professional baseball player was cured of rheumatum by ayer8 8ar8aparilia p b kinin big fyrinys wviesti- ics that his son fifteen yea rftzsi 1806 o ke3ks33js m0leod anderson tx iimji timetable crarid trunk railway imloiltlsus and healkus ik 8taple and fancy dry cooda millinery manttee ordsft making ordered clothing readymadeclothlng carpets l and oilcloths j of c beg- to inform our fiionds and the public genorally- th at we lmve this season n most completo stock in all tho dfforcit depirluieuk tiiat wo have imported and piirchased flirect from the manuracurcrp tho most out imtnumte stock j that it was purchased before the rcueut advance in prices that tho publiowill get uie adwantago of tboso low prices f jj that wo tried loxixcei ourselves andeuceeeded in sccning a largo yarictv of stvlisli attractive stibslantiiil chcai goods ayers sarsaparilla is endorsed bv the medical profession and rcguliirly prescribed by many loading pmollltoners lies that his sonflffeen years old was cured of catarrh n its wont form by ayers 8ar8aparilla amherst wnrrmore brunswick me retired seacaptain was cured of a cancer by f ayers sarsaparilla the attestations of n myrlna of huimpeoliable witnesses might hctlud wore it necessary to pntve tho almost iifraemoiffijcmrescftected by ibis only really effective blood purifying medicines i is 1 oull mill1nkkv is hiipqrb nnd in laign variety s t awn ast oowo wkkt jftxcd4 1jititittt i kiirdsl2fiani bwreiis 7 10 am ewrem 0 37 am iauojaul mao ani i tliro erprdis 2 1 pm through bx co m vm- 1 mall p111 aucoid j- 0 m imill hpeclal ml pm cbleilireidoiiioutpbetwoonottejph riidtortnte j riiiiioitiiohvo jiawc ooiutf west f 10 otn aufl f vi ooltigkrshiewanandosoiini jbdioated v ouhdhessmaklng i in lirstclohi working order a large and beautiful stock of drcuji goodsjand dress silks lo select from ji ouii mantle materials arc gogeoin serviceable and cheiip lb tiecttve uiooa iuriryiug oieaicincs i ayers sarsaparilla irerakkd by dr j c aver i co analytical chemists lowell mass 1 by all druggists prico tlsls bottles for 0 sob wi our tailoring department i a large stock jef tweeds coat boose iron i 1 turns out hinguiticeiit garmentynd perfect fit ink mid overcoatings to oho it is impossible for ns to enumerate our goods or particularize the different prices but we euaranec large stock of serviceable slylish and cheap goods j ffoodb are to lo mim for cash oil produce after 15 lnotlis trial of strictly caili we are convinced ilis the proper system to do butjneiis and enables uslto compete ihany lcgitiniiito business in oanada jl mantles millinery dresses and mcleod anderson co dress goods silks ela j9lt thpe3 right house there is an ustouishing rush for all kinds watkirys goods have been bought for the cash when goods were at the yery prices and j they are being rsokl at i oo p res p o n d i n g i y low prices hamilton november 11 th sbti of woven niidkiiittid deeds io this favorite hcutc iliehdics know that ibis tlierc is an ustouisning rusn lor an kintis oi miuniuu iwmm wu y- nr r is the last one that they can possibly gl ilioir supplies at the preeut astonishingly low prices- all the manufacture iu oinrida the tinlcd staitis and europe nre avucing their pice and the stocks to lie imported nesthpriug will beabont one- fmrth dearer wlttkiiv goods havo been hi ughl rr the cami when gnndb were at their very lowest pncea and they are being sol1 nt cone alices in additi m to the gieit bargains he is cfrring4i all kinds of goods he has ninrked down large lots of manlles dolmans ulsters palet its farcspes shot t jackets ladies rey merino lnderclomiimr in most in- hwashington mo lcpso eminent throat and lung surgeon will next visit acton at domiinon hotel monday 1 3th deiqember diskasks tnuatkdtatarrh of the head and throat catarrhal deafness chronic jfroncbitis asthtna andconsumptiou also loss of voice sore throat enlarged tonsils polypus of tbo kosereioovod comk euuv coksultatiov tlkr t catakbh of many ykahb stasdikg ccheu i fl drinfivaihiiietoii throat and lung- burgeon toronto dear sir- 1 am pleaiied to express lay entire satisfaction at the results of your new method of inhalation which lias cured mo of a very troublesome form of catarrh in fact all the usual remedies failed to giyc me any relief bat yonr treatment from the first gave me great ease and in a few months entirely cured me of amost annoying dieenw i can honestly recommend any who may bo suffering as i was to your sklll- ful consideration yours truly geo gouijrtlng represents c tckvbwl gait and w h stoiiey a- sox acton heajlofficesius yongn st tprouto write foisporticularf stances to fur less than iknlf prices just sec the immense variety of underclotlnng there are enornous stocks of it at astonish- in low prices tho bllnkets novel were so very cheap the flannels in all colors 4rom uc up arc at tvmy cheap prices hundreds of nieces of grey flannel it less than ever before hopitry amigloves for ladies gents girls jarid boys at les tlinn ever ireat piles of dfes good at prices ilover before named for such good cjualitics just j see tho lc dress goods tbo isu hinds the 18c and 25c aufitl french drcesgoods nud all the hijther prices tbey mc trorlli frohi one fifth to olicrowtll more thlhl tlicy are being sold fw an wiormtms tock of new id stylish mantles and mantle cllis direct from gfruiauvaiistiia aiidgreat brilnin the jilaukels nre imneiisely cheaper than last year the qualities rro he best in the uiarketani the assortment is enormously lark- asliipmeiil of beiutiftil silks satins jlcrveilleux ami i silk pltislies imported laltlv and aro offerink vcrv cheap thomill ucrv has n preatran beernse the styles sod qualities arc fashionable ind good and the value unsurpassed the carpets oil cloths linoleums lice smjiiiu ltaw silk and urewlln cfirlains ire beautiful thexarpets oilcloths linoleums lice smjinu ltaw silk and cireiniie uiinains are ocautiful patterns and remarkably wxd value the hi k mats mnttii window shades curtolu poles and unrpetswcepcrs are superior value the tickints slnrtiuirs deiims ducks drills oouonados canadian tweeds trcy and lute oottoas wooleu and cotton yninn and carpet warps arc all firstrate value hemeniber tho storesare ono door west of huglison street on king street east the name is dress goods and silk i at the lion thomas c- waffjilxs va bargains bargains bargains beos east hamjlton brussels carpets70c formerly fl tipcstry carpets 25e formerly 40c union carpets 85c formerly 5tf allwool carpets 156 formerly 3o hemp garpets 81c formerly 12ac china mittmcs joe forinerly 3ic lace curtains loli foririi rlv 92 curtain polescomplele uoc foruieriy too stair llods5u formerly tl50 per do moka 48 king stjreet dreis goods klc formerly fie prints 55 formerly inc giu hams 10c formerlv j0c einliroideries iicjforttierly itlc ladies hose 25c formerly 50c chililrcus ilnsctc formerly 15c poraiols 30c formerly 00c spotted muslin lic formerly hue s collars 5c formcily 15c ladi we arc in ikiui extra iudiicomcuts iu order to clc ant stock srejjs goods prints hosiery gi0703 corsets parasols sdadwlloriob twsods smrtlcge carpets cuitains oovericfs window blinds stair rods c sw- are all marked away down iu pvjee iu ioany eases uss than cost samples sent on itppllcal ion mckay brothers 18 kiiil- street east bet wren huhsou and ldin street hbmiltoti 50a rsssssl- t al glascow we have jiisl iccjivtd a ptirchnso of a manufacturer stock of silks bought at 51 c on the dollar py ourrcsident buyer in loudon these ood are the most wonderful woilriuk we can safely say ever seen on this continent b gen uuruges spectacles and eyeglasses auk the okly uihe english articles tfi the canadian market ral pebbles are kept iu stock tests aie riven to purchasers to prove their genuineness uey are recommended by aud testimonials have been received front the presld mt and vicc1resident of the medical association ot canada the lresideiii of the allege of physicians and surceoiis of quebec tlie dean of the medical faculty of laval tnivcrsity the president and exprestdeuts of the medical council of nova scotnk vtc c lbeso recommendations ought to be sufficient to prove their qualities but if urther proof is needed call on 4 i t j b pbass0k croaerai store aoton oat 7 ahk selling a very seary tterveiieuz satin at 6sc a jcrraal lino cf brocaded satin at boe j hoavr blaoi gros grain klucs at 70o i a llaffnlflceut line of colored plusho3 at 5o drehs goods dress loods selling heavy cashmere extra width at lsc very heavy worsted diagonal ladies suiting all colors at 20o latest styles in french dress goods in boticle punaina koule sergos habit oloth o at very low prices we aro al io all the tsourj in her usual e jd ii i r- go to- waters bros tin picture 6allery 6uelph eur artiftii material- oil and water color crayons cancan dratriitg pajwr lihtthtu r oil paintings steel engravings chromos c frames of all kinds mouldings room mid picture cornices and cornice poles spriugrollers and win dow shadjs from fjoc complete fancy goods suitable for wedding and birthday presents kc t3 visilms can have their pictures framed while in the city so bring them- wlth you to waters bros the picture gallerv near the post ofiice mr t mitchell desires to inform the people of actoir and surrouudiugs that lie fs prepared to take ordersfor weaving all kinds of fancy rag carpets flannel slteeting shirting and dress goods striped or plaid twillor plttiu also bed blankets and horse blauketsgtwo yards wide and over and i will guarantee that i willgivegood satisfaction to all farmers and others who will favor me with their patronage tjiitchell v galesmen wak3bp penxianent positions guaranteed with salary and expenses paid any de termioed man can succeed with ns pecul iar advantages to beginners stock com- pletcincludiuamanyfastseiliugspecialties outfit free i addrc4s at uce i no uio this paper i browk rirotheiis l spaserysiex uochester ny salesmen waxtkb we are in want of a few more firstclass men to canvass for the sale of choice varieties mjs to m wh0 canmata success of tho uusmess we can pay good salaries wk tt4bivcpermauont employns n thtajt specialties both mlwfnut anforiiainental lines which otbeix do not haudloi apply at once with references may bltothehs aunse hqchestenvny tsanhood how lost how restored weue celebrated eaiuy on uieteot euro of 8rkmatonbhc3a or seminal weakness in iss 8 imwtekcy mental andphysicaliucapacity impediments to mar s2 e ocosbuhtoo epiipsx and sanc 1- i brated author in his admirable essav- oloarlv demonstrates from a thirty veers suc- ocssral practice that the alarmingconsequences of selfabuse may bo radically enrod pointinr out amode of cure at buce staple certain and effectual by moans of which every sufferer no patter what his condition may be may cui ssjjp privately aud radleauy tathisleoture shchdd be iu the hands of everv youth and everyiuau in the land 8pat under seal iua plain envolopo to an- oddrossjpostpa4dou receipt of fouents ot two postage stamiis addross uuleui or the onlyeswell metuoal co as p o bo 460 ibress maker mls to i i u prepared toexeoute all orders for drosses ecolleut stylo wm use on your mtohitiery onlythe wellknown six aold medails h during the try alao our fbqtlebb asia waggomrandhorge powers i ex axm r wlft hocer8 cotirpntbv wbjrr lg proprf urdock lood tters vvuu cur or relieve mw mp8y roaiof3ryout headache of the win i bowets or btqqrv w 1 v v ms m r3 vol t- eveky i fbee pttzt actfj we yeabi thii invariably ii li5 per rear i tinned till all option of the spacb one column half cofumn quarter coin ono inch adtertisemej will be inserte ingly timiui in advance changes fori in the office i tber willbe i m gra berofcollegl office and frederick stl l lbei ac mel dentf new system ruonly calle teeth withoul strator and college of j ron3 mayd iu any operd acton eyeryj of each monf j03nlaj tario veterinary i la kenny bj dence in thel soundness j all calls i cdto- ter r rohn8tc barristers aucers c omc epbjoh ramo barristee jrrrck ma sphcj orncb pi office main j at c per cenll s hiltqkl toe offices and 86 king w t allan b ainlj bai oinces ling ton strel alley toroj johx bvdi yvtititst g wbj basj ontario haa uwbadge p atenj hnr1 20 years j mul for the coui orders left f opposite chd to acton pr terms reas desired w m hi for the goal orders left i or atjsy i promptly atl also nioul able terms terest in sal tohndj -votfic- sqnare tjtranci succj st georgej account periodicals 1 bound john j suc4 money per cent oanedfor security properly farms and withfarmsl doraiuiou 1 oulated in i wanting fan rotion