mm bjvnjiryps if nh v volume xnxo m actott ontahio thuksday december 2a 188f price three cents i rrimnpi 1 kvery thursday moitklxg at tiir free press power printinq hou8e acton ontario subsftlptton rates n i t pit m vostiiv olt thimotbk yj lnarw mittvatice ij iwtiraut iu advance 1 itpri u ill be chatm 1 no hhht ilncou- linio1 t il nrrear are paid ocojt t the illlanof the jumtncr v advertising rates acton banking cox storey christie co bankers afton outnrlo mul ono l lumu il colnmu ij iirtar column onelirh ll r 0 mo 86109 3g0 lift j soll ioji ww 600 1 350 1 hp 1 1 1110 ijojwi 1300 too 7 00 ss0 2 so 100 oajil advertisement anis ixrlfne for tho rrt uwition aud scents per liueior each sub- pvneu insertion cah the number of lino reckoned b the srwee ocxupicd measured by a s e of solid nonpareil drcrtiscnients without sinxillc direction nll be inserted till forbid and charged meconi um v tmnsitnrv adverticuieiits must be paid in airvmac hangeahn contract alerusiueutiuukt lw m tuo omce ty mil on mondays othcrwiao the vrillije lift ovi r until tho following week h p mooke kdltoraud proprietor yi1ic didc3 mtt fiefobrdoafheatoeai ihio rflrcn rnwen cv ncpoppr ad pcenvwhero ckrrtlili4 testliuurraui a ntrcu iuu bu itiurli ivkw 3usinsss directory it h lowry m b m c p s graduat of tnuit college mem ber of cquge of physicians and burgeons office and residence at the head of frederick street aton r j gkxmlil bank iso hcslnexs tr axs acted r 2c02ts7l0akbd on approves notes notesjdiscounted and interest allowed on deposits dont readthis thl undersigned is prepared to furnish on tho shortest ndttcem any quantity and at bottom prices firstclass lumber lath staves head ing shingles wash tubs churns butter tubs pork barrels wood also ffoun m feed and anything in the line o farmerbj house keepers oi contractors necessities 7 v thos omoore ii-spboial- bargains to thk- acton people i l x jbenxett lds dentist georgetown ontario ifckiklay h d s surgeon deutist georgetown ont uses the mly called vitalized air for extracting te th without pain x having been demon- trator and practical teacher in royal lvjftw of dental surseons toronto pat ron tn i depeud upon reeeiv ins satisfaction in an pentions performed will isit aclou ever j second and fourth weduesday of etch mouth office agnews hotel l iglp ii- business college gslph ontario eje days bookstore cuelph tho stock in full of nice ew fancy goods nought by mr da when iu englaud mm summer titlnkdvy moiinikii dkckmdku 23 1880 poetry to hooks tlamks john la son graduate ofon- tarit etennarv college toronto vtterinan surgeon acton out oihcl laktiin bro boot and shoe store real- jeuce ia tle rear horses examined as to oandaexa aj j certificates jjnen 11 okls inlit or da promitk attend- ej 1 1 1 oi i e ts tohncton a molean 11h tbird scholastic year begins september 1st patronage drawn from ten states and prowuees young men and boys thoroughly prepared for business pursuits graduates eminent ly successful as accountants sohinesa managers sboruiand svnters clerks sajeemen travellers etc both iu canada and the uuited states moderate rates thorough practical work and courteous treatment characterize the institution ladies admitted to all the advantages of the college splendid facilities afforded for the ac quisition of french and german for information address mikccormick uf principal lumber shingles and lath tcns choice nu0k8 bibles hand satchels writim pesks dllkblno cases ano 1000 other things 8vxta8s t0h 2ma3 presents 1 it wltpay ou to visit days bookstore christmas a happy christmagtldo to every ono though from the festal board some guests are gono and yet not gone for to each vacant plaos there oouieth ono whe hath anjingels facet aud thero ir left a store of light and love links whioh unite qa hero to thoso above a happy christmas tide and let the poor turn with a thankful heart from overy door if iu onr hearts thoros strife with kin or friond for jesus buko lot the contqnlion end so ero tho year is hidden noath its pall thank wo tho lord to be at peace with all guelph cloth hall t solicitors notaries coue- ftsiriate funds to loan tl iurnl-r- iiccr ac ohiqi town hall acton 1 1 bjiiwo wm a mullvn i a mowat buiit ibouuo niimi fnui monej to 1oau oiiti- mattbeus block acton uptairs lie uujerauue1 ileireto mforni tlie public tbat be bus now on baud and will keep in stock a full line of pine and himloclt as woll as other kinds of lumlier alo first and second cas rrocmltnsus a ijitb coal wood hauup purchased the coal buiucfc of mr c 8 smith 1 am prejiaredto sppply ail lands of ihtoie coal i have also a good stock of wood- hardwood fch cedar aud mill wood at reason able price- wood and coal deliered jvmes bkow in overcoatings ancy ijhb0k meltons plain meltons all shades moscow beavebrf nap beavers venetians plain fancy worsteds 0hr1stma8 brinqs good will mcrty chribtmas is here with a umilo and a cheer i let all your old troubles aud quarrels bo ended for the friend that is near have a greeting moat deaf and breathe a good wish for the foo whos offended a though with him was the spite aud with you was the right in kindness of spirit forguo him to night for whoever makes plea neath the ever green tree aprmooof rood mows and welcome is be fullerton ibetl shout i wouldnt like her for a our story christmas atthe parsonage 5 i t lmitchell liltrui contvci- ai- oili fin door wtat of tbe cjitiijiun pice mam strict milton moneyto loan il per cent t 8 i hilton ail a baird brnsurs solicitors lie 1 uiii a1 geoivedws u crcalman s block geor aii kuu street eas toronto lxn 1 jlli n i a j ihiri 1 dain lillaw a co kurlitlb a soucitoi- gin t over imperial bmk wel- 1igton strctt east lntrauce lxchange vllej torouty ca 3ivsns mutual fire insurance company 0 till oottlttr op tsrsxaxweton i rvblirn 1810 head office cuelph jhn bihq c whitui liijil v baixjtkoav a co iju iits sukrrorrs a f uuliiio hbh ui church street lorunto a liion- uap i jn caiv ii t i pvtlnth slcurld for 1nvlntions hlnry grist ottawi canaii j vear- practice no patent no pay insures building mtrchandwe manu- i factoneb and all othci descriptions of j propertj on tbefremmni note kvstem cuas- davidson secretary fw- stone president john tayjloe affent hieiixio i shaw grundy merchant tailors ouelph i wellington marble works quj5bec st quelps john h hamilton lkopriktor m j murray lit nti arttiontn tor the coantie3 of haltou and welliugtod ordero left at his residence main street oppoit church street acton or addressed to acod po will receive strict attention term reasonable notes discounted if desired vv7im hemstbxet lltlnbei acctiinfcel for the counties of welhugtou and halton orders left at the fbee pbess office acton or at my residence ip acton will be promptljtteaded to terms reasonabfef money to loaii aivj money to loan on the moit favor able terma and at the lowest rates of in terest in snms of 8500 and upwards pause and consider that it will be to jour owu interest to pat ronize home trade we would respectfully inform the inhabitants of acton and snr- rouudidi country that we are auam iu full ranuing order and iu a better position thun before tbe bre to till all orders entrusted to us to parties building lumber will be dresserl while you wait aiid mouldings ac made with neatness anidespatch jf b we arc also prepared u fill all orders for pumps on short notice ahd from long experience in the business we feel confident that we can ghe satisfaction every time so conre on witli your order and help to roll theball ajoug money makes the mare go whether she has legs or no ttyos ebuagk manaszer exoelsipft bakery ctoasr wholesale aud retail dealer iu marble granite and everything pertaining to cemetery work direct x- importer of all kinds of granite and marble having lately isited the bay uffuudy granite quarries iuidliriiifihircbi3td tho entire stock ofgraj and rtj granite monuments headstones croohes urns elt of lexauilcr taylor nt less than coht 1 will until further notice bell at prices never before known in ontario for in tantttriiiiiteinouuuitut ft hfgh mco 7 ft fli 8 ft y0 9 f t c100 10 f t h20 all work and material warranted firstclass lloi ties wanting auj thiiiu in this lino vrill do well to tail and see me before purcbaing elsewhere as i guarantee in pnccr are from 30 to 50 por cent boow all othtr dealers acton meat mafeket john day architect citfllh oil oti i queens hotel block market square elluncis nusan successor to t f chapman bookbinder george square guelph ontario st org 1 account books of all kinds made to order periodicals of every description carefully bound rating neatly and promptly done john j daley successor u thompson jackson mouev to ixan onfarm property at per cent- 31ortaeb parchased money oaned parties in mortgages and other security conveyancing in all its branches properlj and ncatl done charges low rtrasand city property for sale list with farms for bale sent to all parts of the r dominion to intendingpurchasers and cir culated ra kurope european capitalists mtlufi f arm3 iu ontario will be enfc di- through oar european agenoiea- m wanted for oaflista carrewu- 2mnrlted office near rtf8w bread will be left daily at the store of mb john nelson for the accommodation of customers the delivery w wiu also call three times a week as usual mrs t statham xtatldage crosson butchers have purchased the business f mr r holmes and solicit a share of public patronage 1 r t the members of the firm are practical butchers and are prepared to ensure their customers thorough satisfaction thero will always be found on hand a full stock of all kmar of meat ac in season we have settled in acton to stay and feel satisfied that by transacting business upon business principles we will win pnblio confidence and support 1 rut j edge crosson- acton feb 9th 1880 new blacksmith in acton t hk hanlan barber shop mhl8t8eetacton andjrjjw teskey having purchased the general blacksraith- mg business of mu p j smith solicits the patrouage of all tho customers of the shop and the public generally horseshoeing will be made a special feature of tbobtisi ness interfering cored an easy shave a titylisb baircu a good beafoam an exhilarating shampoo always razors honed and nut in flratclajsb giten opndii tftstueut horses carefully shod aud having had large experience in ihe manufacture and repairing of agricultural implements aud lnooljinery of all kinds ais t utili udir4 nm o jternpal wori feel tbat i can 5pn4ition ladies and lohudren n tjjgj fri j p wmni tobmrittl arhbt i 4 1 and3ew tfissby it was the week before christmas and miss polly pritohard sat alone in her little room dihgentljnat work bo far it had been a hard winter with the ground all ironbound with cruel frost the river clad in steely hnkb of ice thesky full of snow and wmd aud tempest but mi6 polly was very comfortable in the little red farmhouse of whioh sheoccupied one wing the other being rented out to farmer gribbage and his wife there was always a cheeiful fire of logs blazing on the open hearth always a plant at the window and a cat purnjir on the rug to be sure its rather louelj said the little old maid to herself nevrto have a bqui to speak to but it is what ono must expect when one outlives ones family and friends so she sat heie on this gray winters afternoon singing some half forgotten song and plyiug her busy needle when mrs gfibbago the farmers wifecame in dolls i delare site exclaimed looking at the bctea on tho table and as her quick eye fell on tbe work iu miss pollys liand she added aud as true as i live j youreadres9ing em yes said miss pollv coloring a bjft autumnal pink for the tov shop uaul inquisitive mrs gribbage well no acknowledged miss polly thej are for the httl girls in the orphan asjlum ihcj dont have anv onetothiuk of miv christmas jou knou woll i declare reiterated mrs grib bage why theres eighteen of em you dont mean to say that joiire dressin uijhttm dolls yes said miss polly m deprecating tones humph well i just came in to tell you that im going up to miss georgietta fullertons to tea s are you said miss poll mrs gribbage nodded complacently didnt they ask you said she miss polly shook her head well its your own fault said mrs gribbage not without asperity look at that old faded turned dress of yours miss georgietta fullerton is very partioular about her dress and now that she is en- gaged to be married to the minister miss polly gave theleast perceptible start at these words and asked r is she engaged to be mariied to him so folks say complacently answered mrs gribbage and i dont suppose he could have made a better match miss fullerton is an excellent housekeeper and has got a little money of her own and it is high time there was some one at the parsonage to keep those four noisy children in order and mrs gribbage sailed away in her rustling silk gown and red plumed hat leaving miss polly alone with her dolls the parson sat nlono also that gray threatening december afternoon in his little study with a heap of sermon paper in front of him he had sat down to write his chrisjtmas sermon but somehow the ideas refused to come there was a general aspect of forlornness abouttheroom which the poor man realized but could not explain its all very uncomfortable said mr mellen to himeelf biting thoughtfully at the feather end of his quill pen and some how i always feel it more at 0 iristmas time tban at any other hear those children scream i one would think tl ey might play without making quilt so much noise but tney are not managed as they were when poor isabel was alive i suppose i am notagooddisciplinariau or perhaps i should have them in better training really i dont know but that the good ladies in my congregation are right and that i ought to get married again i rtjbbib mellens shrill little voice uttered jusf at this mo ment oh ilikefaof thats a pretty note i out father got married again i non sense bell some one has been cramming youl but its true fatorfcjd little bell full of indignation and you neednt laugh i heard old miss grampus say eo to hiss collyer last week when they all thought i was asleep on the bed at sewing society- tjhat pap was- going to marry again i ww w8 it bftatifeesfy tfemtistt janio la tall girl of oleven the lady moan l they diduftjy7 bell aiibwered miss georg jb t m ttpbbue to mothor i wioitokw you like retorted janie scornftlly oh i dont kiiow auswered robbie ntar anyhow she scowled at me one day when 1 stepped on the train of her dreis aud i hoard her say chtmsy boy to her sister and she was very right didaotioally observe d janie yqu arc a olumsy boy rob peihaps said jehu its mrs briok- nor theres a stunner for you 1 aint she always pressed ukej tho cjueen of sbeba 1 i ci nt bear mbs liricknor said bell she irughs too loud aud her false teeth dont n aud 1 dont think she likes little boys and girls sho looked real cross at the church pio nip when we had them funny dames and told mrs lenwick that she didnt think children ought to be allow ed to make so much noise ill i tell yon vjrtio dors love children though suddenly exclaimed janie and i love lior too and i wish papa would marryiier miss folly pritohard 1 what that mjiss polly that has the maltese cat and tle red cardinal bird said robbie well it aint a bad idea sho gave me someibread and jam tbe night i got lost blackl orrying on the hills and told me such a nice stoy about fortunatus and his purse whent was rehtmg on her sofa j yesj and wh it do o thi eagerly struck in jamip shejmbsiug eighteen dolls now fortl o poorjheorphanj girls in the asylum and shetrfbought eleven jackknives for the boys because she says all children ought to have a christmas shes a trump 1 declared robbie pounding both hands down upon the table i declare fve mifst a mind to marry her myself going to a jolly old fellow whose hair is snow white and whose bright little eyes are blue will be making his visits on christmas night perhaps he will call upon you a funny old name has this funuy old man you can tell what it is no doubt he creeps down the chimney as fast as he can and then just as swiftly creeps out his plump oheeks are rosy as red cherries r his nose too is red as can be you may smell now and then the smoke of iiis pipe but his faoe you never may see ho carries a bag full of sweetmeats and toys aud leaves them wherever he goes for the good little girls and good little boys so hang up your littlo whifo hose christmas cheer f here gems of sentiment gathered there i and home vob christmas dinner theres frost in the air there ice jn the brooks and wild with excitement are housewives and cooks the seasoning is ready j to make tbe mince pie the turkey is slaughtered and christmas is nigb its coming we hail with a shoot aud a cheer because tis tbe happiest day ofthe year for sisters and brothers whove long been away come home to take dinner on this christmas dayj aud this is the season when thoso who believe tis surely more blessed to give than receive whom blessings will follow through life wo are sure are ready and generous in aiding the poor but look here janie aint you help a fellow with these long- division ums before papa calls us in to recite aud then the noise of all four talking to gether drowned the sense of what they said and mr mellen smiling to himself poshed back his pen and sermon paper out f the mouths of babes and suck- christmas is a happy season when christian and antechristian feelings blend ijj a pure sense when the christian youth kisses the christian maiden under the pagan mistletoe and when christian obser vance of the happy season mingles with pagan rite christmas tenderly lovingly weluiger on tho word no cyclopedia no dictionary no book of any form is necessary to define it for us gertie may horeis a prophecy behold a virgin shall conceive and bare a feon aud his name shall bo called emmanuel lea vil 11 and hero the fulfilment of that prophecy for this day is born to you a saviour who is christ the lord in the city of david luke ii 11 christ was born when augustus was in tb fortieth year of his reign the 29th from the battle of antinm about 4000 years a little more from the creation of the world about 2500 yearg from the flood almost 2000 from the vocation of abraham and a little over 1000 from th foundation of the temple of solomon m dear old santa clans i one of the pleasantest oventsof christmas time is the advent of our dear though mythological friend santa claus it is the universal wondermentof childhood how the hugs hk said mildly who knows but old gentlemad who does not 8e to grow 4 11 11a lnnn vtaimaa hntla vlftflm i that these little ones voices have been eent to guido my footsteps aright it was a sweetaud gracious idea that of preparing a christmas for the little homeless ones who have n par mts to take tender thought for thero i think i will go out and qniet my troubled meditations witb a walk and his walk led him to the little red farm house in whose wing miss polly brit- chard sat diliflentjy at work over the eighteen dolls j i the pkrson walsj a sensible straightfor ward man who comprehended none of the sinuous wiles of society he knocked at the door and walked in i ah looked cosy and comfortable there from the big geranium in the window and the maltese cat on the rug to the shaded lamp and the workbasket beside the prim little spinster and miss polly herself with her thick brj wn hair coiled in tf knot at the back of hrr head and a faint carua- tionlike bloom oi her cheek was not the least attractive el rnieut of the scene t so tneso aro the dolls for tbe little wujfs and strays of humanity eh said the parsm looking kindly at the maiden lady yes said miss polly but 1 dont know haw ou heard anything about it mr mellen it was to he a profound secret stingy with the passing years manages to visit so many homes at about the same hour and to crawl down small and sooty fkos with so large a pack on his shoulders without soiling his beard it is lather a sad experience when boyhood and girlhood discover that he is an imaginary personage and that but let tbe myth remaia un touched by the stern aud grinding facts of later fife rich and poor are under the i wi the parson 1 keep it inpst profoundly said you hoe blusbingly explained misb polly i am fond of children aud its a real pleasure to do unythiug for the little things ive often thought i should like to adopt a child r miss polly said the parson bluntly that is the very business i have come to you about what dp you say to adopting four i foilr 1 repeated miss polly yes bttid tho parson minel and their father thrown into the bargain what do you pay miss polly wdl you marry me 1 im afraid i am not good euougb said miss polly with a little grasp as if the tide of unexpected happiness was surg ing np iuto her very throat if fever there was a good christian polly jw are onl said tbe parson or else putting hii hand lightly upon the tiuy heap of dolls jou never would have taken all this piling for christs orphan little ones pnly say tes polly that is all ljwant andipollysaidj yes mrs gnbbagd was quite incredulous when she came inme aud heard tbe news i thought i was to be georgietta fullerton sure ei ough said she how ever came mr mellen to you i lam sure 1 polly with humility so like the oldtime fairy tale ends and they ljived happily ever after i for mrs melleb was a model step mother and tie 16uryojung rebels at the parsonage loved her heartily this was misi polly riichards last christmas in love ess solitude for when the next christmas oame she was the happy littlo mistress of the parsonage spell of expectation and numberless stock ings will bo hung up in the nope that if santa clans does not come to fill them some one else will rare gifts will pass from hand to band among the wealthy and even tho pinched aud pofr will be- made glad by some littlo token of love or friendship the mistletoe bough the mistletoe was used by the romans in religious ceremonies says charles dud ley warner and it may have been the golden bough of the infernal regions the druids gathered it against the festival of the winter solstice with great solemnity the prince of the druids cutting himself with a goldeu sickle it was used as a charm against evil spirits and excellent medicinal properties are ascribed to iti it was supposed to possess the power to pre serve from poison and the mystic property of giving fertility kissing under the mistletoe may have bad reforenco to this ancient belief there was a tradition that the maid who was not kissed under the mistletoe at christmas would not be married during the following year tt an obvious suggestion that in hpctiona of the couutt y where tbe statistics show a falling off in marriages this plant ougljit not to be let die out irist but think of dont know said miss stories our christmas at i the ohhehren but nothing god rebt ye little children you afjfriaht for jeus christ jyonr saviour was boyi this hape y night along the hills of salile the whitfr flocks sleeping r w when phrist the jhild of naaarath was born on c hristmos day scbtchengliih and canadian suitings m great varretyt 4 3 fyfes acton christmas in the olden time old time christmas days were givek np to boisteions sporte the lord of misrule reigaed supreme churches were nsf a to dance in boys jumped m sacks gra bbed with their mouths at apples floating in water leaped aud tried to bite moutbf uls of treacle- covered cake suspended by strings from the ceiliug the burning of the big yule log was universal and it was colt sid- ered unfortunate for a squinteyed pe son or a flatfooted woman to enter witbil its blaze the brands left from the burning were sacredly kept as a protection against lightning and for the kindling of the next years log in norway king 01afthe saint forbade it he burning of the yule jfire punishing the offenders with maiming or death it was also a belief that cattle kneeled in the attitude of prayer at jlnid- dight on christmas eve bees sang in their hives and bread baked on that day would never mould i a word to boys at christmas tide you are made to be kind boysgenerons maguauimous if there is a boy in scpool who has a club foot dout let him knowiyou ever saw it if there is k poor boy with ragged clothes dout talk about rags inl his hearing if there is a lame boy atjiigo him some part in the game that dot snt require running if there is a hungry me give him part of your dinner if thero is a dull one help him to get hia lesson if there is a bright one be not enviom of him for if one boy is proud of his tai mts and another is envious of them there are two great wrongs and no more talent tlun wore if a larger or stronger boy lias injured ypn and is sorry for it for rive him all the school will show by tiieir countenances how mdub better it is tl an to hive a greet fuss 3 w a baking powder matter more of tbe albany newspaper investigation the journal reaffirms and emphasizes the factsplain talk from prof tucker his opinion on ammonia and bread risers generally the albany n y journal some tune since published an interesting report upon the subject of baking powders in which it gave the lesafts of some tests of an elabo rate character made for the purpose of de termimng the question of which is the best and wholesomest of these articles the analyses and tests required were under taken by professors w g tucker of the albany medical college and wf mason of the rensselaer polytechnic institute of troy chemists of the highest standing and reputation well known for thet extended and valuable servicos as pnblfc analysts messrs tucker and mason the journal stated had been directed to procure from dealers in albany abd troy packages of baking powder to analyze and critically examine them and to make their reports of facts found entirely without bias or favor the report proved a matter of interest and importance and was widely copied and commented upon from the facts presented housekeepers had noifficulty in determining for themselves the best and most wholesome baking powder to use the journal its facts having been ques tioned by a local baking powder manufac turer returns to tbe subject and publishes the following interesting interview with prof tucker the facta before stated are reaffirmed and emphasized in the most breezy manner a journal reporter recently visited prof tucker for the purpose of gaining further information in reference to the baking powder question he was found in the extensive laboratory of the medical college hard at work but goodnaturedly submitted to an inquisitorial interview the substance of which here given wfh be found of interest doctor said the reporter it appears that one of our local bakiug powder manu facturers attempts to discredit the report 6omo time ago published to the journal with reference to baking powders for which the analytical examinations were made by yourself and prof mason were your analysis aud opinion printed cor rectly they were teplied prof tucker literally is tbercauy part of the report or of your views expressed therein that you would modify kot a word my examination was most carefully and accurately made the deductions i drew from the tejsts were the inevitable ones and the opinions i ex pressed were unquestionably correct you say doctor that the royal baking powder is superior to any other baking powder which you have examined that is my report have you examined many other bakiug powders 9 quite a number- wherem doctor consists this superi ority whichyou find m the royal over other brands i as stated iu my report m the great purity of its iugiedients in the unqestionj ed propriety and wholesomeuess 6f thoso ingredients in the exact proportions of the same and the chemical accuracy aud skill with whia tlwy have been combined as i said before it isil believe a baking poyr- der nnequaled for furity strength and wholesomeness doctor the joiw would like yon to the peculiar virtues of der over other and methods of raising cake i that would require a long answer something iu the nature of a lecture briefly however the advantage of such a baking powder over yeast consists in the quicker workit accomplishes in the pre servation of some of the best elements oftbe flour which are destroyed in the production of the oarbohic aeidtgas by the upo of yeast and in the absolute certainty of sweet light and digestible food over other methodsfor quiok raising the merits of a pure baking powder aro great it is olwayseady for use the acid and alkali are combined in exact proportions to pro duce definite results or to render the largest amount of leavening gas and leave nothing more thau a neutral residuum which is not tj le result where cream of tar tar and soda are bought separately and- mixed in the btchen for it will always occur where this is dono that ono or the other of these sabstances will predominate rnakipg the fojid yellow heavy bitter and unwholesome besides the cream of tar tar whioh canjbe prooured by ffie house keeper jsmoafily on terated addiriffothe uucextainty ofithere shits or the nriwhble- 8omonessof the food all these difficulties oonunuedonfourthpas6 4 i rnal 3 lady readers inform them what are a good baking pow- more oldfashioned bread biscuit aud 1