Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 13, 1887, p. 1

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sstsj fcswp afeijv wssisfe r- it 3r limk xiin028 0 i arton jtrtt fjrtss acton banking goy storey christie co -bankkrs- ontario rruusnkp kvirntnwifay unikir vt tjik- fiue pl3s powl7 printing house v ton ontario y jjcsortption rates lm jt sk xostut aiiur irrrvtoj 451t iriji hvv h not paid hi advance nvili lt hivod no paper tuncou- iiyavih ijt eicopt at thp anvcbtfelnq rates- art oh v v v1wm h mvl svno awn v si i i jnpl ii oiti- 1 fvw 3 200 1100 t00 400 350 sji- m i itort cmt nts s ecut per line for on 1 ih j ivntwr hio for each snh imt5n cashv- tbc nurobr otltno- i hv ihi q occupied moauirotv by n svlil nonpareil itiiont without speviilo directions o nrtvl till torbid aud charted ajecora trauwwry advertisements must be pai v ill f ir contract ilvnitiueuu must b iv liy s am on moudaytt otherwis v ui over until the vjllowitis wck ii r mookk k uitor anl proprietor tuio babcd war r found n totft w i inio rhrcn rnwrjl c kepprr a- ftrusins raniu jo spruce sta dyrtlli t- 3usines3 directory f olio of phvicians ai at tire liwid ai rowry m b m r p s t ut ot trinity iollese mem- fiiio- of physicians and s simoons 0i-x- in i re-idence- frotcrsok srsvet atou f ji i uknnktt lj lds demist georsctown ontario ac mjkixlay l d sm s irgeoi deatut oeorjsbtown ont nbth nev sy stcsi of silroas oxide gas com- laviiy cilied vitalized air for extracting ti- thiwuhout paifl having bee demon trit4r iractical teacher in loyal comotf of usntal sursleous toronto pat- roj ai y 4ep j upon receiving satisfaction liy ohratias performed will visit a t ri every koiid and fourth wednesday of fiii nntli office asrcws hoitl rorin 3 lir v- a unklim baxrixa dcsltikss thaxsatrtilk notes motes dseioounted land interest allowed on boposits tllfcl undcrsiueil is prepared to urniab on the shortcut notice iii any uanttty and at bottom prieis flrstciaes lumber lath staves head ing shingles wasktubs churns butter tubs pork barrels wood also flottb aljii 2s nd nny thing in the line i farmers house- keepers or contrictorsvncce8itiei tbosjc moore -ghelpii- business college utjklph ontajltlo ilhi ttlllrd scholastic ylijar boins september 1st patrona drawn froni ten states and provinces xoung mcii i ud boys thoroughly prepared iorbusinti lurbuits iraduateseiutnent- lv soccewt i as accouutauu buaines- managers sliorthund wifitem clerks saltsmeu t ttvellers etc both iu canur nd the uii ted states jiodoaite rales thoroufih practical work and- courteou treatment characterize the institute b vi vcton ih3pib0ialm to ftixi acton veofljli ontaiuo thursday january- j 8 1887 da7 in lawsox graduate ofox- veterinary college toronto surgeon actonont orijicf uroj boot and shoe store resi- o ir horses examined as to ii ccrtificntes uiven ii or day promptly -vttetij- riv k riw i oii -st- siicitors notaries convey- -t- ic itiprivate funds to loau 0iiu town hall acton f ii ikivslon wjja mclkis mowat iitl soumoa xotrv prriltc money to loan matlbews blocli7 actou npatairs m mitchell soacitob cosvrtixccn tc rr- door vest f the champion oiie jin street milton money to loan at jrccit h yv h1ltox allax 6 baird v barristers solicitors sx tueoo ami georgetown qnc7i creelman5 block georgetown wi 5 king street east toronto t t illvn j suntos ea i elikd bj tain laid law d co pvli3ten3 soucuoai oiniover imperial bank 24 wei- iiultjn seet last entrance exchange advantages on lof ladies admitted to all tho the college splendid facilities afforded for the ac- quiailiqn of r rcuch and german for infohiation address mmaccormick wtf principal lumbler shingles and lath ptaeuuilcrsilueitlekire to inform the public i thst be i s now on haml and will k0 in stock a full lii t of viui anl keiiilock aft wll a other kind3 c t lumber bl ft ami second class 1iuo hhi iftlcs a lath coal wood havfiirvuri hal the coal business of mr c smith 1 ai i iri pireu to eupply all kinds of stote coal have also a good stock of wood hardwood v h cedar and mill wood at reason able prices tvood and coal delivered james brown -up- sboqkstore cuelph the stock is full of new fancy goods by mr day when in england this summer amiw toys tuouk uookh biblklil rciielh wbitimj desks urkshis0 casetj and 1000 other tliinrs i 8uxt4b 70s zuas prbsbnta it will pay you to vibit days bookstore nice bong it toy bo hand s mutujal fire insurance company or the cstjlclished 1910 head office cuelph insures 1 iuildings merchandize manu- aiic toronto v bts- q- c c a masieni geobge kaipeli g w badgerow i- co bitzt solicrroiis i- o hill 0 cburch street toronto ji- john caksjx bcl 1 vtkxts secured for ixvektioxsvij factories property ot f w stine ln sident aid all other descriptions thepremiorn soto system john tayliorakent henry grist ottawa casaia i yeai3 practice so patent so pay t a murray lltxsep acerioxetk for the counties of halton and wellington orlr ifft at his residence main street owtc ciiurcli street acton or addreased lo a jn po will receive strict attention tejmi reaioaable notes discounted if desired orders for in the bus can iveba w m hemstreet i licesseti arcnnxekn for the counties of wellington and halton ordersleft at the fbie pbess office acton or at my residence in acton will be promptly attended to terms reasonable moxetto loax also money to loan on the most f avori able teraw aud at the lowest rates of in terest in kurns of f500 and upwards i tw john day th architect gcelph pkt on ir queens hotel block market tjlraxcis nijnan successor to t- p cbapnjan bookbinder st geo8s square goelph pntario aadouni boois of all kinds matle to order periodicals of every description carefully -bound- ruling uetly and pro done john jdaley successor vt thompson ii jackson money to loan on farm property ati5 per cent ilortgages purchased money oiusj for- parties in mortgages and other security conveyancing in all ftabrancliea properiv abd ueatl done ehareea low1 firms uud city prpperty for sale im witii firms for sale aen tofall pt of t djn uioi to intendindttmhtubbtrattd elr caliti in surope boropean capitalista wiutnij farm in ontario ill wwaj sections through our earopeaaaenci ptrijs winted for oarjjffj jwrw ijiewvitsl oaice near ihe pom m of cuas- davidson secretary gtrblph cloth hall hiieljxiljd i i j i pause and consider ithaltit wil be to jour jwn interest to pat roniebom trade wq would respectfully inform the- inhabitants of actoil and finr- roundiiir ct untry that we are again in fall rtiinras on er and in it better position than before the ire to lill all orders entrusted to to pai ties building lumbar will pe dressed avhiie you rait and mouldings ax mode with neatn as and despatch k b e arc also prepared to till all tiichrhav moniano jancarv 18 188 j- is poetry v ik overcoatings fa5jjn oh eck m eltons un meltons all shades mos0v ueayklts xa1 beavkks venetians plaild fancy worsteds the ciirls that abb wanted the iiiti that aire wanted ate good girls good from the hearts to the lips pnro as the lily is white and pure from its hear to its tweet leaf tips the girls that are wanted aro home girls girls that are mothers right bund xliut fathers and brothers can trust to and tho little ouch undurhtand girls that tiro fair on the hearthstone and pleasant when nobody sees kind and sweet to their own folk heady and anxious to ptoaso f the girls that are wanted are wiso girls that know what to do and to buy that drive with a aniile or n soft word the wrath of the household away tho girls that are wanted are fiirls of sense whom faohion can never deceive who can follow whateverib pretty and dure what is silly to leave tlio cirls that are wanted are careful girls who count what a thiuu will cost who nso with a prudent generous hand but sea that nothing is lost the girls that aro wanted are jjirls- with hearts that are wanted for mothers and wives wanted to cradlo in loving arms the strongest and frailest of lives the clever tho witty the brilliant girl i they aro very few understand but on for the wise loving homo girls theres u constant and steady demund our story their g0rresp8nbenge m mary kylk ikllkh remarkably rood match foi ho ie forty shaw a grundy t mdrlehinf tailors oulph pum ps on short n tice and from long experience ness we feel conhdent that we tisfaction everyjtimo so come on with your order and help to roll the ball along sidney makes therparcgo whether she has lej b or no t iios ebbage slanaeer wlideton mile works john h hamilton proprietor wholesale and rptail dealer in marble granite and everything pertaining i o cemetery worh direct irojxrtff of all kinds of grsnite and murble havius lately visited the bay olfundy granite quarrlcsl and tirving purchased trio eutiro stock of gray aud red griinito mpuuuients headstones crosses lirup etc of alojjrndcr taylor at less than cost i will uutil further notice sell at prices never before known in ontario for in btnuce fjranite uiobumeutf ft high sco 7 ft 75 m ft ijjn o ft sl00l0 ft rl20 all work and material tvoitantednrstclabs parties wanting nnytbiug in this hue will do well to call aud sco me before purchasing clbowhero as i guarantee tny prices aro from 30 ip 50 por cent bolow all other dealors excelsior aotq3st ii be fd will pe left daily atj the store of mr john jnelson for uii accommodation of ca8tomere the d livery waggon times a v eek as usual flr i t- stathani an easy k4a5lyt acton meat market rutledge crosson butchers have purchased the business of mr b holmes and solicit a share of public patronare the members of the hrm are praotioal batchers and are prepared to ensure their customers thorough satisfaction there will always bo found on hand a full stock of all kinds of meat ac in season i whave settled in acton to btay and feel satisfied that by transacting business upon business principles we will win publio confidence and support rutledge croseon acton feb oth 1886 ill also call three ftlheaj lahlafvbabeb 8h0p u max 8rbirbt hetori it hav a stylish haircot a goad aeafoam an oxiilaraunrfsbanipoo always 1 isors honed ana pnt in firjtlfcm newlacitsmith in acton ladles and obudreus htr mmi r r- ajndpew teske y having purchased the general blackamith- ing business of mr p j smith solicits the patronage of allthe oiistotnera of the shop and the publio generally horseshoeing will be made a special feature of thabusi neat interfering horses carefully shod and cured having had lare experience in the manufacture and repairing of agricultural implenientsaiid maohinery ofall kinds a wefl as of general work i feel that 1 can obtrt tmathvfaction every case j p- tliere i i can just see him he waves bis handkerchief again look lilly that ia lennox bntlec4 yee mamma i bee the liandkerchief well i hope he will have a pleasant voyage dont you lilly oh everybody does at this season mamma and that is the best etcamer on the water they say and i almost wish we were going too said the mother with a pensive look in her eyes i should like to go when the grantleya do if we could afford to do tho thing iu proper style said the daughter thoy aro so bright and pleasant 7 the mother gave a little impatient glance at her daughter and said no more for a few minutes at last she said what was he saying to yon whilo i was talking to mrs otterson tiresome wo- up i tried to avoid her but it was useless nothing very important several thirois that my hut became me for one tldng j knew that before and that ob yes heusked me if iwonld answer him it he wrote to me r well oh i baid i fliotild have to ask you aud ho said he would write at any rate im klad you are so prudent said the mother but mr butler u a gentleman at all poiuts and he pays you a compliment when he offers to correspond with you of course i shant object oh mternma cried lilly with herown comical little langb i hopo yon will i said it on purpose i hate letter- writing and 1 i shouldnt know what to say to mr lennox butler on paper i never do in conversationr 0b well baid the mother you can mako two dimples in your cheeks and look up under your eyebrows and that seems to suit most men quite as well she was a flnelboking woman with firm features aud no dimples herself and a brilliant woman too aud there was a little pnjuc in her tone the daughter did not notice it i practiced that expression in the glass she said wheivmen get beyond mo in their conversation i assume it it saves me a great deal of trouble but i cannot do it on paper you know i dont mind an- bwering notes thauks i will go with pleasure so sorry i am engaged and that sort of thing but a letter oh you must object mamma the mother said nothing she was only thirtysix herself very handsome and at tractive after her own style bho often wondered bow this girl born when she was eighteen came to bo hers she bad married a serioub unelooking merchant of fifty who had left her a widow before the child was five years old and this pretty little doll was tbeir only child she was proud of her beauty which happily she was possessed of means enough to dis play to the greatest advantage but they had no likeness to each other whatever she said nothing moro for a while and they walked slowly on and mingled with the crowd of people who hod been on board the steamer to bid their friends goodbye some were in bigb spirits chattering of the pleasant weather aud the luck of their friends in being able o cross in such a favorable season others walked gravely pondering perhaps on serious matters con nected with tbeir friends departure a few only and those of tho foreign folks among the crowd j were shedding tears ameri cans either do not feel strongly or they have thoroughly taught themselves to re press all tokens of emotion old and young well dressed and shabby gay or serious they climbed the slope of the street those who bad come in carri ages passed the pedestrians swiftly and were rapidly lost to view jfrwif pc qktlje bad reached the dooraepwusw tbftt mrs slwyn sajdtjrtt4tirl ycmpidm do not n- derstjind btla the finest man ot wfriwfsffctfiittcei and that his j hfct- wv wlna vrf7 msmkfc mako llirn a any qirl to which lilly replied and ho nover dances 1vo no doubt he would wnnt a wife who knows greek and was scientific 1 like a good many niubh bettor i j it docs not tako long to crosajthe ocean in these days a letter from leanox butler was amongst the little notcs ha lay at lilly elwyns plato when she came down to breakfast one morning she made a little fttcoab she opened it its on foreign correspondence paper and lookn like amanubcriptfor publication bho said i never shall wade through it- and what a hand i cant read it but the mother read it and insisted on reading it aloud and afterwards wasted muoh timo in urging hor daughter to reply to it your lively little creatures are hy no means always yielding and obedient lilly answered with merry giggles and made her pretty dimples for her mothers benefit and raised her arched eyebrows and shook her dainty head in a comical way but the sternest refusal could not have beeuniade more fiual w t at last in despair mrs elwyn wrote an answer to the letter herself she enjoyed the task aud sho wrote well she also wrote a good hand a band like her face aud person agreeable to look upon will ycu copy it lilly sho said llut lily again refused- and mrs elwyn aigned her daughters name to the letter it was u letter a girl might have written with propriety but a letter lilly could not have written to save her life i so the correspondence began and it contiuued mrs elwyn having written one letter with lillys signature no jongcr felt any scruples in writing more two of the brightest and benteducated people in society matched their wits against each other their kuowledge of literature and human nature their experiences in lite grqat heaven i said lennox butler v himself as he road those he received what a wonderfnl being is that little girl with tho flaxen hair and baby blue eyes she is a companion for any man the beauty of a child the mind of a woman the soul of anangel what could be more delightful than to possess a wifo like that and by degrees the descriptions the re marks and epigrams of his letters were in termixed with compliments and finally with more than compliments mrs elwyn scarcely observed thechaiige she enjoyed her correspondence tremendously and it was now a long while since lilly had even opened the letters she read and reread with delight and thus it came to pass that mrs elwyn sat locked in her own room actually trembling with agitation for the letter which had arrived that morning from mr lennox butler ended thus we have not known each other long i know hut our long and frequent corre- spondeqee has made us better acquainted with each other than years of mere social intercourse could have done i always thought yon beautiful but pardon me i never dreamed your mind was all that it has proved to beyour idea of lifosotroej your ambitions so lofty it is this that bat won my heart and made my love for you a thing that mubt endure while my hie lastsv poor mrs elwyn the situation almost made her ill it seemed to her that there was no creditable extrication from dilemma to be hoped for you must accept him lilly she kept repeating i am sure yon will be mad uot to do so oh i bow oan yon laugh am sure you have encouraged him i now that the letters have really led him to hope your letters not mine mamma lilly remember that as if i could forget it i cried d4rs elwyn bursting into tears then lily went to her and kissed h i will answer this letter mamma she said dont cry i will refuse mr but ler and he will not wish me to do other wise when he has once seen my literary effort then she seated herself ather mot lere desk and wiioto rapidly for she had r ally somethins tosay j dear me bctiuer she began i iiave your last letter here in it you- aro fls tter- mg enough to offer me your hand and heart however yo i do it without k iow- inl me in the least you say you like my looks thank you so do some other people but an for those letter they can not ell you what i am at heart forlt ever even saw them yours came i hate long letters and i asked mamma to answer for me i did not even read the next you have a very fine collection of letters no doubt mammals all i am not ip mind and education as to heart if i have any i boppose will melton hab it for i am en gaged to him so you see it is only a fanoy obont me mamma is desperately serious and blames herself terribly i hope you wont blame her it really seems only a good joke to me i remain your friend llxiy elwtii lilly posted the letter aud mrs elwyn took to her bed in despair no answer come from lennox butler who had now been abroad for two years but one day in t pbice thbee cents i i see on kid mrs elwyn coming in from the street her most becoming walking costume found him waiting forhpr in her reception mom she gave a little cry of surprise but he came to her and took both hands in his and held them tight and bent his head and khwed them say that you are glad to see me ack and want me to stay ho said and so it was lillys stepfather who gave her away when bhe was marritd to young- will melton and there weib at least two happy couples in the world that evening four people who felt quite sun that they had chosen well and wiselyjr 7 ledger t some say consumption cant beou fed ayers cherry pectoral ptqvmrby ter years oxperianctt a euro for this dh ease when not already beyond reac h o medlpal aid ve i then its we m ford lsbbbdaav su- hwhe qqp bin place tlw young man wlio doej just as little us possible for an employerr sbnjf times wohdere why ho 1h not iveii a higher posi- tioh in tho business house in which he is employed when a lfejsbriilianfrcompartlon who works for another establishment is advanced very rapidly the reason pro bably 1b that tho leasj brilliant companion is morp faithful and works conscientiously alwoysseekiug to do more than barely enough to secure liis salary bomebody sees aud appreciates his work and when the opportunity conits a betfer rjfaco is given him which he fills with erjnaj faith- jfulncsb an illustration of this iji ay bo found in the following trueincident a boy about 16 years of age had been seeking employment in ono of our large cities he had lookcdvainly for two weeks and was well nigh hopeless of getting any work to do wheu one afternoon a few days before new years he entered a store kept by agentleman whom wo will call mjrstone the lad asked the usual question cati you give me anything to do mr stone to whonji ho appealed answer ed no j full nowv i then happehing to notice an expression of despondency on the youths face said if you wantj toj work half an hour or so go down stairs anxt pile up that kindling wood do it well and ill give you twentyfive cents all right and thank you sir answer ed tho youiig mau and went below as the store was about closing for the after- uoonhecameupstairs ah yejfsaid the geutlomau some- what hastily piled the wood well heres your money no sir im not quite through arid should like to come and finish in tlie morn- jug said the yiuug fellow refusing the silver piece all right said mr stone anil thought uo more of tho affair till the next morning when he chanced to be in the basement aud recollecting tlio woodpile glanccdtnto the coal and wood room the wood was arranged iu orderly tiers the room was cleanly swept and the young man was at tlui moment engaged in repairing the jcoal- bin j t hullo said imrj stone i didnt en- cqgo you to do anything but pile up that wood j yes sir i know it answered tlior lad but i saw this needed to be done and x had rather work than not hut i dont osi pecf any pay but my quarter i v humph 1 mutte ed tslr stone r went up to his office without further com tnent half an hour later tho young man presented himself clean and wellbrushed ifer his pay mr stone passed him his quarter you teaid the youth and turn ed away i i stop a minute- baid mr stone have you a place iu view where you can find work no sir well i want yon to work for roe hejre writine something on a blip of papar- take this to that gentleman standing by the counter there he wll tell yon what to do im give yousixdollars a week to tibgin witk tlch your work as well as you did that dowp stairs apd thats all and mr stone turned away be fore the young fellow recovered from bis surprise sufficiently to speak this happened fifteen years ago mr stones store is mora than twice as large as it was then audita superintendent to day is the young man who begau by piling kindlingwood for twentyfive cents faith- fulness has been his motto by it he has i t- been advauced step by step and has nor yet hy any roeatts i readied tho topmost riuud of success he is sure to become a partner some day either with hiaem ploy er orin same other business house i i 1 ldens handy atlas of the world great ca3sar or whoever the great roman was who first said it might well have had in miud abtss handy atlas of the world when he exclaimed maltiim in faro 1 v- it is- a veritable little enojclo2cdia of knowledge concerning the earth its popula- tion and products and though it sells for 25 cents postage 4 ceutsextrajitis guaran teed to contain a greater amount of really useful information tlian ever before to be found in any 8200 atlas iu the publica- tion of this volume the literary revolution enters a new field and all will admit that it enters it triumphantly for ikstance take kan s as you find a good full page colored map showiug all towns of importance and every mileof raiu road at time of publication also statistics giving iocreaso of leading products latest reported crop statistics of manufao- turea population classified legislative facts salaries l ot state officers presideutialp os etoetoral votes and- voters colleges school houses attendance etc similarly yon will find colored maps often full page and 6tatistic8 concerping states territories and countries of tho world as follows abyssinia afghanistan africa alabama alaska algeria and soon through the alp abet besides all this there is a mass of j information con cerningthe population jroduots agricul tural mining raauufacttring etc aud dpimmeroebf the various oountries of the wbrld with interesting co ippariions craplii- cally sot forth by- ingenious colored dti- apbqblem sandy and ned were brothers ned was olilcr than sandy and thoy werejmsy dividing a stickof peppermint candy ned was earnestly trying to mako tho division true and he marked tho plato with u fishhook jwhero tlio stick onght to break in two- but alas for little sandy j and his ior painktaking brother it was a long and short division ouo piece longer tbatiibo other ned gravely looked at the pfecfts and theirqnito unequal length and he wrestled with tho problem with all his mental s length and at last ho said o sandy i can make it como ot t right if 1 take the piece thatll longeot and bitooff just ono lite tbeir four eyes boamed and brightened at this plan bo very hindy of disposing of the prob em and distributing the abdy so ned ate tho pieces even twas the simplest way to do it and be cheated little safidy and they neither of them know it brum chandler in lit nicholas s temperanc33 items prepared lor the free press by d r a few weeks ago a saloonkeeper in dover delaware who patronized bis own bar very liberally btepped into a back room where men were at work about a pump in a well the covering had been removed and ho approashed to look down but being very drunk he pitched in head foremost ilehad becone so much of a bloat by the use of strong drink that it was impossible to extricate him in time to save his life t there was ereat excitement in the town men and women who had never been inbido of his saloon before wer the first to rush to the rescue and to offer sympathy to the bereaved family as he was being dragged from the well aud stretcjhed out dead upon the saloon floor a wholesale liquordealer from philadelphia stopped in after the first shock at thus finding one of his good customers dead lie turned to a prominent lady a crubaderi and said pointing to the wrecked victim i mado that man what he was i lent him his first dollar and tet him up with his first stock of liquors and hes now worth hojwo or ip looking him full in the face sho ret sanded k you made that man what he was a drunkard a blouti a stenchan the nostrils of society and scut him headlong into eternity and to a drankards bell what is 15000 weighed against a lost soul a wasted life a wife a widow arid children orphans j he tnrnod deadly pale and without a word left- the house and so we ask what is all the bttsi- nesb and all the revenue to the millions whose homes are despoiled whose children are beggared aud whose loved ones aro sent headlong to a drunkards grave and a drunkards hell put yourself in the place of that mother whose son is pursued day and niuht by thin demon till the hairaof his head become serpents and live ccals burn into his ties h to tlie very bone and fighting devils h leaps out into eternity and then ask are my hands clean do i love my neighbor a6myelf am i doing all i can tt stay the tide that is bear ing so many down jaud may yet bear me downl area t length breautb name signification date admitted no conntios largebt rivers temperature rainfall leading cities state institutions kailroadmileage 0 number farms farm value anam arkausas andorra asia arabia atrstralaeia argeutrao re- australia publio austrohungary arizona gjams all of thiamin a bobnd volume of 103 pages for the pricool zseents postage i oeuti address jofe b lssi yubhshf for a copy of the 1 vouihn caialctfue new ork orohiagb kor a iv i sjtani aid boow wbic handsome cloth- his u paa jrfc- the peeple who do the work and pay the taxes are tired traffic that fattens idlers and takes uhpir substance to prose cute the crimit als and support paupers made by druuke mesa and in the strength of their free mai ibood they are saying so when theliijtiorsellers see whiskey wrecked men to ter to tlie polls and put in their votes for prohibition they are aston ished but it is human nature in these victims of the njonster eril to give the enemy that has blasted their lives a blow before they sink ittto premature gravjes twice as in adh money was bjsent in great britain tnd ireland last year for intoxicating liquors as for woollen cotton and lirieu goodsjput together considerably more than the whole amount spent for tho added rentb of farnis anilhousei and more than all that is ipent for bread butter cheese aud milk a brewer from to wa recently went to wisconsin town to continue the business but had- this claute inserted in his lease of a building thi s shall 5a null aud void whenever prpliib itioti prevails iu this state m j a business thitinstu3 diaxespecb- for law should perish by the law in her new en 3 readable book howi towin miss williard tells of a bright old lady who eaid jaiter viiewing a- brewery a distillery and a tobacopfactory aint i thankful that the women folks haint got all that stuff to chew aud smoke and awal low down 1 i ay theres the rul if youthful seiou of a noble house t have come to asit for the band of your daughter dootpr fashionable puysioian you have youth yes doctor i have enough of the worlds goods to sup port ber iu comfort even in luxury physician yes lam a ware of that but will treat her kindly can ii depend upon your making her a good hjasband youth doctor 1 swear tbysician oh never mind swearing my young friend 1 your intentions are all rjht but i must be suw thai you wont worry her lifvbtituftor youget lier take off your coat avjajot me sound you j to see what- odltionyour liver is in y a iitueariihmbtio ehci tfit imiis pie tmitable fov the bartholdi 6deiaf i ys3 issc 59 rm 59 fskl l- h i s jin lhrts zm ili f ks m tvt c tf- t fm r r r 1 r r ritfea ri stk tt- im i5it3 ji mr ts 11 ktjgja s fin tt uxi fflaife m

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