z wmwwww wmm vol cm us xii no- 02 mmdtm actbn onabio thtfbsijay is fvbushkp every thursday morning at thk free pbsss power printing house acton ontario 30 cw subscription rates osj ttuk 100 six mostu8 tureb months ua ci iviriawv ill advance if not paid in advance wr mt will lo churgcd no lper dicou ul lill all anware are paiil except al th tiouof theuuulibcr advertising rates jaacji 1 vh i mo m mo u mo oikrtjirtjua i ai wj00 ii iff column sj s50u ati00 v nrr colauin7t i mm 0ucnjh i cool sw 4fu0 ia00 700 3s0 250 101 cvl ailvonisvroents cent per line tor the h- iotortiou aud mta ur huh for each sub miucnl insertion ctsh the uttnibsr of liuei rikancj by uio- space occupied measured by a sle of solid noupareil a ivertibemeats without snvriuc directions will be inserted till torbirt ana charged aeoonl- iulc triuitoryalvertisetuutatnust be aj in advano cuauges for contract advertisements must be iff the office bj- 9 am ou mondays otherwise hev vill be lft ovruntiltho following week h p moore editor ui proprietor- tuiq dadc3 iw i fourij on flic m gixv v i fllo rrrchrowii vwcppt a smwn6burraii0spnis st where dutttfli liiacutiwrtoimiu lk kkw york r 3u3irres3 directory w h lowry m b m c p s graduavof trinity jollege mem ber of college of physicians and surgeons office and residence at the hel of frederick street aiton acton banking cot stcfrey christie ft co hankers acton ontario i itexekal banking business 4 transacted uopst l6a2ts8 02 approved hotbs l notjes discounted and interest allowed on deposits i the puzzle nhl i umlwrsisuod ts plotted to fnruihli on the j- iliortibt notice in any quantity iud at bot tom price orstolam lufaber lath staves head in g shingles wash tubs churns butter tubs pork barrels wood flour arid feed and wnvthing fu the line of fanners housekeep ers o contractors necessities 1 ho puizle is to find a bettor place than thomas c moores to bu anything in tbo above linos alio to and oat i you nre indebted to him for unythiug pur- chae i from liiiu his books nay oiue are aud be wqaldlikelbt uionoy j ii e l p ii- business college gtjelph ontario ll bennett lds dentist georgetown oatiurio j4c mckinlay ld s surgeon 3l dentist georgetown ont uses the uev system of nitrons oxide gas com monly cailed vitlized air for itrciang teeth witspat paiirr having been demon strator nl practical teaeber in royal college of dental surgeons toronto pat rons railepeudnpou receiving satisfaction ta any operations performed will visit acton every second and foorth wednesday of each month office agnews hotel john la wson graduate ofon- tario veterinary colleae toronto veterinary surgeon acton ont orncc in knny uros boot audshoe st6re resi- ilence in tiv roar horses examined as to uadns and certificates given all cxlu uibt or day promptly attend ed to tenos easv tohxstox mclllax llirrlsteri solicitors notaries convey- a cers ic aprivate funds to loan town hall aetoul mie third scholastic ykak x beius september 1st patronage drawn from ten slates and province vouc g men and boys thoroaguly prepared for b isiuess pursuits graduatokoinincnt- ly biccessfol as aceountanta businesn manners shorthand writeru clerks sales men travellers etc both iu canada and he uuited states moderate rates thorc ugh practical work and courteous treat neut characterize the institution lad si admitted to all tho advantages of the olleye sp endid facilities afforded for the ac- qnisi ion of french and german fo information address m hiccormlck vvtf principal 8 3 bench- large abd stroner worth 9120 ere now sellidrat days bookstore cuelph for 50 cehts babysleigh box handles larere painted ice and well 76 lumber shingles and lath rpui other t undtjsijxued desires to inform tho public t iat be bs novon hnnil and will keet in stock full lino of pine and hemlock as woll as kinds of lumber also first and second class inc shius aljith oitict f li johxsion m0wat wji a mclexs j barkistessoucrron xotas- pcbuc money to loan on kt matthews block acton npritairs- f e mitchell soucrroe coxteraxcxb ic orncerfirstdoor wcst of the champion office mam street milton money to loan at 6 per cent hilton allan baird barristers solicitors ac tonoxto ixr geobgetown orncei creelmans block georgetown add 83 king street east toronto vr 7 all in j ketctos ba 1 bairp ea b afslaldlawaco baebistehs it soucrrorii omas- over imperial bank 24 wel lington street east entrance exehanije alley toronto john balv q c c a masten wiajijfxuiww- geobge kappele ri w badgerow a co bittcitees scjlintous ontifio hall 50 cnnrck street toronto iv-llltk0ltl- john taesixhcl coal wood having liurehued the coal butiness o mrc s 5ra tb i am prepared to supply all kinds of stove coal i have ajso a good stock of wood- hard rood ash cedar and mill wood at reason able prices wood and coal delivered james bkown mutual fire insurance compahy of th it 0t7itt7 07 wsllittgtolt estabiishep 1510 head office cuelph day sells cheap i i 0uelph cloth hall tucmdav mdrhtno fltbrvxry febbually 10 1887 ress 101887 poetry- in0yerc0atogs fancy check meltons plain meltons all shades moscow beavers- nap bkaveks vfnetians plain fancy worsteds she always made homi happy in a churchyard stood a stone weather markod and atainol the hand of time had crumbled it so only part remained up one side i oould just trace in memory of oor mother i an epitaph which spoke of homo was chiseled on the other id fiizod on monuments of fai 10 high towering to the skies id seen tlio sculptured marblo stoup i where a great hero lies but by this epitaph i pansod and readtt oer add oer for i had never seen- inscribed snob words as these before she always raado home happy 1 what a noble record left a legacy of pifmory sweet to thoso tilie left bereft and what a testimony jriveu by those who knew her beat engraven onthib plain tutlc atbno that marked their mothers rest it was a humble restingplaco i know that they were poor bnt they had seen their mother sink and patiently endure they hart marked her cheerful spirit when bcnriilk one by one her many burdens up the hill till all her work was done bo whon was stilled her woary head folded her hands so white and she was carried from the homo shed always made so bright her children raised a tnonumejnt that money conld not buy aa- witness of a noblo life v whose record is on hifib a noble life bnt written not in any book of famo apioaa tbe list of noted dnos none over saw her name for only her own houhold kiew tbe victories she had won- and none bnt they conld testif v how well her work was don j made his heart ache as ho thought of all to which it might lea t whon everything had been put away and a crimson cloth spread upon tbe small round table ada wheeled it to the are where her father was sitting and then plaoltifi her work basket on it took a seat opposite hiro there it is again 1 she smiled laying her hand upon her fathers knee what are all these long siftis for i wonder foryon forme father yob dont arthur hayden come to see you pretty often ada the soft faint pink in tbe olieeka deep eued to the riohest crimson yon bat i i thought you knew and approved sol did i dont know of a young man whobe appearance ways and habits so far as i had any knowledge pleased me more ho is a rising young man too who will make his mark in the world and when i saw or thought i saw that he was strongly attracted towards you i was glad lor your sake very slad bnt here mr blake told his daughter what he had heard young hayden say while he was waiting for the train the varying color in the face of the listener showed how deeply this touched her i never thought mercenary are you correctly father quite sure my child arthur to be- at all sure that you heard i was standing 0uh story ada blakes dowrr ii t mart grace halwnk shall poor im ures buildings merchandize manu factories and all other descriptions ot prop xty ou the premiiirb note 8 stem pyt stone cnas davidson president secretary john taylbr arent patents secured for inventions henry grist ottawa casaw 20 years practice no patent no pay a murray licensed acchokeeb for tbe comities of haitqo and weungton orders left at bis residence main street oppoasgj church street acton or addressed to acton po will reckivestrict attention terra reaeopable isotes discounted if desired hlllq i ifause and consider thali it will be to your owulintereat to pat- roniae home trade we wiiild respectfully inforpi the inhabitants of acton and sur- roundingcountry tliatwc ac iiuin in full running order and in a better position than befota the lire to fill all orders entrusted to us to parties building luimber wjll be drsseh i y wbile yon wait and mouldings ac made withneatness and despatch njbrwe are also prepared to fill all orders for j pumps on short notice and from long experience in tbe business we feel confident that we can give satisfaction every time so come on with your order and help to roll the ball along money makes the mare go whether she has legs or no r shaw a grundy merchant tailor s guelph i wellington marhle works qmaso si welts j john h hamilton profrietpr wholesale and retail dealer in marble granito and everything pertaining to cemetery work direct importer of all kinds of granite and marble j i should put ray value ou alt this i should iay another million at he least but lest iinourtbe suspicion of rat ng the beauti ful casket above tho jewels that make it bo preoions we will say hajf a million adas head had somehow forind its way down upon the speakers shoulder nor did she manifest tbe slightest objection to the arm that encircled her dear arthurl the brief aliened that fol owed was fall of sacred meaning and happiness to both when i made the reit ark that your father overheard i referred to the riches to be found in a wife noi tbosethat come with her and how riahly dowered my wife that is to be shehasi unconsciously been telling mo herself in njanyways god make me worthy of her i i17m hemstreet liceped altctioxeel for the counties of wellington andhalton orders left at tbe free press office acton or at my residence in acton will be promptly attended to terms reasonable moxet to loas also money to loan on the most favor able termsjmd at tbe lowest rates of in terest in sums of fdooand upwards xohn day xf architect gvklru on- 0ice queens hotel block market square tmrancifil nunan successor to t f chapman bookbinder st georges square gaelph ontario thos ebftage haryicer ekcelslor bakery having lately visited tbo bay of fundy granite quarries and having purchased tbo entire stock of gray and rcl granite incyiuinenthi beadstones crosses urns etc ofalexanlcr taylor at less than cost i will tiutil further notice sell at prices never before known in ontario for in stancegranite monuments it high ifco 7 ft 75 8 jt eso 0 1 trioo 10 1 1 j20 all work and material warranted firstclass parties wanting anything in this line will do well to call and see mo before purchasing elsewhere as i guarantee my prices are from 30 to so percent below all other dealers j ccehal i ii account books of all kinds made to order periodicals of every description carefully bound baling neatly and promptlv done john j daley successor t thompson aackson money to loan on farm property at 6 per cent mortgages porohased money oaned for parties in mortgages and other security conveyancing in all its branches properly and neatl done charges low farms and pity property for sale list with farms for sale sent to all parts of the dominion to intendiufipurchasers ftnd cir- cnlated in europe european capitalisu wanting farms in ontario will be sent di rections through our european agencies farms wanted for our lists correspon dence invited office nesjr the post office guelph ontl vill be left daily at the store of m john nelson f r the accommodation of customers the delivery waggon will also call three times a weekas usual mrs t statham meat market joseph pattom butcher has pleasure in announcing to tbf citizens of acton that he has purchased the butchering bnsiness of mr wm rossell and is prepared to conduct tbe same in a utraiu rward business mabner haying had large experience in the busi ness i feel that i can guarantee all custom era who favor me with their patronage perfect satisfaction all kinds of meat fresh and good and poultry fish ac in season will be found in stock i respectfully bolict your esteemed pat ronage v joseph patton acton nov sth 1886 i mean to marry a rich wifcj not take for a lifelong companion girl you may be sure of that these emphatic words wcro woken by arthur hayden the centre of a group of young men who were standing on the plat form of the cedarville station waiting for the evening train unobserved by them a man itood at a short distance enveloped in a large over coat and with an umbrella held down closely over bis bead for it was raining fast and who cast it sharp though furtive look at the speaker that dont accord very well with your frequent visits to miss ada blike said one whose beauty is her only dowry miss blakes beauty dont hippentobe her only dowry responded harden un less im very much mistaken able ha con siderable wealth and in her own right too j but it seems hardly fair to bring the young ladys name into arfy such discus- sion added tho last speake wjitli a sud- reserve of toue and maimer and moving a little away from tho rest of the group i at thia moment the traiticatne thunder ing to the depot and for a few moments all was harry bustle and confusion mr blake the express agent and father of the young lady above alludol to took possession of the mailbag and packages left by the train and leaving ibem with their respective owners turned his steps tbwardiv the cottage where he yell knew that ada sole daughter of his liouso and heart was waiting supper for iim as ho plodded along through 1 he rain his mind sadly reverted to the time when his dying wife commended with her last breath their onyl child to iub love and protection though no wife was blest with a better or kinder husband and their brief wedded lifo was full of sunshine sirs blake married beneath her so far aa vealth and worldly position were concerned her family never forgave her as the grave t ie hanlan barber shop mxll stbbet acton j an ew shavo a stylish hairout a good geafi am an exhilarating shampooalway8 razors boned and pot in firstonus ladies and childrens hair tastily cut fi j j p wobdmonaotial artist give i con ition u new blacksmith in actcn andrew 1eskey having purchased the geieralblacksmi th ing business of mr p j smith solicits the patronage of all the customers of the shop and tbe pnblio generally horsbsboeino will be made a special feature of the busi ness interfering horses carefully shod and cored having bad large experience in the mannfacture and repairing of agrionltaral implements and machineiv of all kinds as well as of general work l feel that i can uaranteesatisfaction inivery case andrew yssey they called it not even when closed over her taking no notice whatever of the bereaved husband and oh ild porhaps mr blake thought that their feelings would relent in time towards the latter for at the cost of mnon toil and personal sacrifice he succeeded in giving ada tbe same educational advantages that her mother had enjoyed bntj ifhe had entertained any such hope it died ont long before bib daughter reached the age of womanhood ada fully satisfied her fatheri i foiid affeo- tion and all the sacrifices hehal made for her when she left school and returned to bis pleasant bnt humble home it was to become not only his comfort and blessing but bis housekeeper as well that cheerful and rosy room as clean and neai as adasbusy bjinds ould make it looked very pleasant to the weary man as he entered it a bright fire was burn ing upon- the hearth and an appetizing supper was upon the neatlyspread table but they could not wholly drive away she heavy feeling at his heart- a vague f ear came over him as he kissed hnidaughjtera smiling lips as if some heavy 0 rrow men- aood her from whioh even his love could not shield her leaning back in his easy chair his slip pored feet resting on the rug in front of the fire and his paper hnopeneded upon his knee mr blake watched his daughter as only a few steps from him and could not be mistaked he spoke seriously too ai though he meant every word of it as to your impressions to tho contrary i need not tell you how fallacious tbe appearauoea often are by which we judge he cannot bo deceived in me at all events he must know that whoever takes me takes a portionless bride i dont know abont that mahy of your mothers people are wealthy and he may think that you have expectations from some of them there was a time when i hoped for your sake that they would do something for your mothers child but that hope is past i am my fathers child too i respond ed ada lifting her head proudly- i am glad that it is 60 i do not wont those to notice me who look down on my dear good father mr bloke laid his hand affectionately upon tbe one that was resting on bis knee yon are a good sensible girl ada as well as a dear and dutiful daughter i trust that yon will fully justify your fath ers good opinion of you by disabusing young hayden a mind of the impressions that he baa evidently obtained in regard to your prospects the straightforward course is always the best in the end 11 you are right father the straightfor ward course is always the best not only in the end but in the beginning and at all times i will have a plain talk with mr hayden the next time i see him adas heart beat fast as she heard her lovers step hi the hall and thought of the ordeal through which he must pass and what might result from it she slipped away from the i6ving em brace to which he would have folded her disappointed in this arthur strove to imprison ono of the little hands as he took u beat by her side but withdrawing it ada said v not now arthur mr hayden wait i have something to say to yon first there was a puzzled look in the young mans eyes as he listened to the plain but gentlyspoken words that followed 1 what made you think that i sought for money with a wifo ada hero ada repeated the wordb that her father had heard him use the caening before and as arthur taking a notebook from his breast pocket jotted down something she exclaimed and you baid this that i intended to mary a rich wife i did and i meant every word of it in fact here he made another addition to the notes heas taking i believe yoii tp be rich very rich 1 1 am at a loss to understand how yon obtained your information i had it from you you dont suppose that i would obtain information so import ant as this second hand do you i dont supposo anything about it 1 never told you so mr hayden if you interferred so from anything i have said you greatly nlistook roe arthur jotted down something farther upon his notebooki 7 my dear ada you have told me so all of a dozen times since i came into this room yon aro telling me so all the time there is more than one way of giving and gaining information he added smil ing as he met adas statied and bewildered gaze j ihib may be very amusing to you mr hayden she responded gravely but it is a serious matter to me am i to nnder- stand that it was the wealth you jthoaght i posreessed that induced you to seek my hand it was the wealth that i heiayoa pos sessed why ada darling you are rioher than any woman i know i have jotted down a few of the preoions jewels which constitute your dowry let idt read them to yon truthfulness and filial reverence and affection two hundred thousand dollars heseizedabihy an amuslog incident in tho experienoe of a canadian cufltoma officer otto of the most tboroighly amusing incidents that ever eatne under my notice during thu many years it the service said a veteran canadian cui toms official to a detroit free press reporter a few days since- occurred away back inthe 40s at prescott as you know prescott is opposite ogdensburg wth the st lawrence ber flowing between duringthe severe winters common in thatregion the river freezes solidly and there is any amount of annoy- jing petty smuggling going b very largely the work of women who cross the ice on foot there was then stationed at pres cott a zealous and efficient officer named jessop wlio determined to endeavor to check the abuse by giving it his personal attention catching one of the offenders in the act and making an example of her with this io view he watched until he saw a womun setting ont just before dask ito cross the river some distance below the town he could see by aid of his glass that she carried a larye parcel and so set out in such a way that be intercepted her before she had quite reached the canadian side i 4- madam what have you in the parcel he asked seyerely j nothing dutiable sir i assure yd answered thd woman with great apparent agitation that wont do said jessop yon must either tell me what is in the parcel or open it and show me i decline to do either growing indig nant i have given yon my word that its contents aro not dutiable arid if you were a gentleman fit to serve the queen you would not pry into a parcel carried by a lady j come come no more of this open that packaee or i shall be obliged to take it from you and examine it j take it yourself thbn i shall nevier open it said the woman placing it in his look at the besq and friend be a philosi ipber dont look s a crosk over matters yon nev sr can ftlter new verily veri y things will go mtlrrily when you are n erry s od bravo but if notieerfllv tempered int teirfully life is a tyrant md yftn are its slaw if yon gowlfully however ak llf nil nursing your n oods and your delicate jtrbimb life will be dumb to yon r all things vill come to you touched hy a ehadowjthat saddens and dims life his twi sides to it take ihe be it guides to it m he brightest my aond ver3kn sing a sotig sf sixbencc you fellov full f rye with not a i nt to bury you tomorro v should yon dio the keeperi in the barroom counting ut hi 1 money his wife is in the parlor with well dress id sis and sonny your wife h ts gon z out working and wasn ing pe oples clothes to pay for id rye whiskey to color y jut re i nose she dnue so than for the ainericap arms no sooner bad she was- off like a bird shore at such a gait that jessop who was rather fat could not have hoped to over take her even if he had the presence of mind to follow f when he rccavered sufficiently from his surprise he appreciated that there was bonetbing warm in thi parcel and that this something kicked pursuing the in vestigation he removed the covering and found himself in possession of ja fine bpy baby about jtwo weeks old making his way to the custom house in great conster natiou be laid the case and the baby before his associates tbe child was well creased and pinned to its gown was a slip of paper bearing these words written in a handsome femirline hand please bare for my boy and when he grows up makjb a custolns officer of him if ho isnt too smart set days j yhe st rongkr sex why am i a wo nan s iffragibt because i am because a oma 1 has more good bard common sept s thai 1 a man because she makes less bui ter at out her rights and quietly maintains thera aettef tbatfaman because she wont give i ilso for an article that she knows very wel she can get for 75 cents becanst she d oes not stalk lottily away from the pot nter rithout her charge if tbe robber bebii d it if a little reluctant about counting it i ut because she is too independent to pa the landlord 2 for her dinner and then p iy the head waiter 81 to send her a waiter vho will bring it to her for 60c because ahe w 11 hold her money tightly in her own good little right hand for two hours untii- she llrst gets a receipt for it from the fel ow wl io made her hus band pay the sam 1 bill i ive times last year not ny just e ive yoo credit for it for her because on i day pullman porter complained to me rno money ontbistrip too many women- ibroac dont riever get nothin out of a oma lcepufin just her regular fare i lad jui t paid him 25 cents for blacking one omyb oote and losing the other and wher be sa d that when isaw for myself the leroio firmness of those women travelling alone paying their fare and refusing to ps y the mlarits of the em- ployees of a wea thy o rporation i said these women hi ve a right to vote to aote by all tha ifi bn ve and selfreliant and sensible the f have a right to ran the government bt rdetie in brooklyn eagle im v i nevier swear she washed and pat away the tea things the low soft murmur of a happy bongupon her lips as she flitted from tsjble jo cop- board and then back again the softened beauty of the face upon whioh tiis eyes rested with such a look of yearning tender- each honesty and good eerisev ditto neatuess and industry two hundred thou sand refinement and intelligence ditto one million at the lowest estimate you see i did hot dare to rate- them top high lest i make tbe prizel am sottnxioos to win unattainable 1 arthur- j wait a moment dear there is some thing that i have forgotten turn your head a httlf more to the light wealth of nutbrown hair fair hrow sot blje eyes dimpled mouth and formthelporfeotioh of system in couductiuga piece of work is absolutely necessary to ita successful coin- pletion but why will people insist upon misapplying this excellent helpful force turning it into a sort of tether or weight to hold them in a narrow rut of habit of setting certain days for certain duties and doing those duties upon those days sick or well rain or shine even though the skies fell in consequence a broom and dustpan kept handy in the chambers and used las often as needed and up of tenor obviates the necessity for a set eweeping day and keeps the house in a condition which you will not feel ashamed j to disclose to any ohance visitor a judicious watch upon tbe larder will keep unfailingly supplied bo that an unexpected tax upon it may not be dreaded j one does not feel the work of makipg a batch of cookies now and two or three pies next day perhaps baited while the dinner i cooking as one does the standing for hours to fnix and bake a great quantity of pastry on set baking days by the former method the food is always fresh which is another advantage to be considered j order and system dc not consist in set ting apart certain dayt for certain work butin choosing what ones judgment in consideration of healtt and strength and other contingencies decides to be the best time for dojng eachln ly and then planning bow to do the work with the least outlay of timeandj strength- a mewcon ayrieul- lurid for february i 1 it is iiifan a bsy of high moral standing would aljjnpst as soon steal a sheep as swear 2 it is vuar tltogejther too low for a decent boy i 3 it is coicardli i lying a fear of not being believed orojbeyed 4 it is linqeiillcmanl a gentleman according to webster 11 a- genteel man wellbred refined snch a one will no more swear than go inta the e tree t to throw rand with a chimneysweep 4 it ts indecent osenme todelcacy and extremely unfit for human ears 6 it is venovtorsht wing a boys heart to be a nest of vipers t nd every time he swears one of them sticks oat from bjb head 7 it is wicicrf violating the divine law and provoking the lispl ssure of him who will not hold him i ujltl iss who takes his name in vain maste an i lan urn twsb gave hifn ft new revelation and whioh womanly grace and lnty n0w if 1 the providence jourhaite jls of a up t pesetter who tried to go composing room to se refui ed permission and so sent up tlijs note av the v he bent him 1 friend youtb 8am- ttqbwor caoie there and t note eading please se- veijy 8ay f hat k nd of a v you an aga lower ojise that being most rjomt roue iu my jsolleotioii a friend hard- tlae up to he was ha me down soon an ivaeahmall paolage jttin- 1 you wontj so i send the two little boys v ere laying by the road side as the new ma iter passed along they hid behind a board fern e and peeped out asi the genialf oc i mm came whistling along twirling- a fl wer in his hand watch ing with interest s me 1 irds in a tree above them one little f iltoy took in the humah side of the strange at glance exclaiming no bob that aiijt ihe master its a man yes my xw i am a man as well as the master and he picked up the little fellow and 111 ted lim np as high as his armsr conld cat ry h m andaa he rolled him over on the gr iss i 3 a rollicking way he said ill alwa sjbi a man in the eyes of the boys if i oai i t is not easy for a teacher to be in ec tool what he would be out but the genius usially approximates that most deairabl 1 ble iding of the man in the teacher jmif mlo education 44 what thej li mb r business is i 1- 1 it is a businesa whi h every merchant and bnsiness man latf s anl detests it is a business whi sh is the standing dread of every mil herr it is a bnsiness fhiqh is a consiant fear ot every father it is a business whi ih is the terror of avery wife j t is a business rhicti makes ninety per cent of the basin is pi the orioainal courts it is ft business vhic 1 makes ninety per oeit oftholpaupe ism for which the tax payer has to pay jt is a business wh oh keeps employed ant army of polioe pan in the oities is a btujlneas whit i pnjts but the fire on the hearth land condemns wives to hunger and rags itisa busiflesf wh ph f pstera ce for profit and aducaii in wickedness for gain shall vheevecasb sh came of ter adanj ws ivtbe ftrsbmtud but h first ym in j t y ttm