Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 17, 1887, p. 1

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l i -iwirw- ts-m-l- v yommexiino yi kv khy f hur8dav morning at tub t free pfje33 power printing n0u8e acton ontario t- 3uosofhpt10hrate8 vah loo six moxtuv oiivls tliikn months ijcw imv i lvuix if not paid in alvnaco or iv vill le ch iryil n pnixl ttcou- 1 nr nr- palj rteopt at the it ihivimmiwv i advertising rates j jlt5vhlg aoton ontario thttrsday fbblrttaby it 188t m i yi 0 wo i xiivjjl mo vo uwii v 5ii fjstv i ssaui t no itkclann- i svonfjocw il im oiatt cohmi 2ftx m 7ftrt iio in trh j tool s3a up casual mrcruscwsut s cents per hue forlhe ir- amnion mjsomitiper line for each sub cijout insertion cash the bomber of lines re3oai bv the pe occupied measured by a 5le of solid nonpareil ivertisemeow without tpeciflc rurv hums v beiowted till torbijl anil charged aconl iu1t transitory iverfwiucnts must bo paiil ia advance changes for contract lvrrtiemrnts inuot tr in the offlo by am on monday otiwrwu t uev will be left over uutil the following tree h p moobe v ktutoronl proprietor- tuic dfldca tkt ifil onrcrtgoi inlw rrcllanrrll ft iv kewspamr truon prranw spruce 8t yr svatracu uuur be tuaje tu in new at drrrrwii v yokfc actpn banking cot 8t9rey christie co -banker- afctoti- ontario a glpxkkal haxkxg lilsinuss motet oa1t30 on approved nots discounted and interest allowed on deposits find the puzzle phk umlcrbiicd if prepared to fnruicli on tho 101tctt notice in any quantity mid at bot tom price nrslclais limber lath staves head in j shingles wa8htub9 phurns butter tubs pork barrels wood flour and feed and a ivtliiug iu the line ot tannereyuouitckoeu- r 01 contractors necessities t ic pnule is to bin a better placo than thomas c moores tobu anything in the abow hues also to flml out if oauro iudobted to him for anything pur- diatm frsm htul- hit books ay oine are and ho wo ild tike the tuour 3usines3 diiestory wh lowry m bmc ps gradoivt of trinity college mem bir of college of physicians and stireous offline and residence a the lirid of frederick street aton ll bennett lds densist georgetown ontario i c mckinlay l d s surgeon ii dentist georgetown ont nses tht new system of nitrous oxide gas com monly called vitalized air for extracting tooth without piiu haviug been demou- rtor and practical tccherin ftoyj college of dontal sarseoiictorouto pat- roas mydefeaduponreceivins satisfaction ia any opemtious performed will visit acton every second and fdiirtb wednesday 3f esch mooth office agnetvs hotel john l a wsox graduate of on- tario veterinary college toronto yuerinarv surgeon acton ont office in kenny bros boot and shoe store resi dence in the roar horses examined as to canduess and certificates given all cs night or day promptly attend ed to terms eisvu hand dlel p ii business college guelph ontario f oanston i- mclrtian j btrristers solicitors notaries convey- inceri tc sprivatc funds to loairr qfiice town hall acton e f b johssiok- wm a mcleax mowat j bwite soliatorndtut prblir y jioneytoloau orru rimatthcwsvblock actou upstairs e third scholastic year begins september lbt patronage drawh xfrom ten states and provinces 1oung rneu and boys- thoroughly prepared for hastiness parsuits graduates eminent ly saccesaful as aciotiotauts buaiuew manaoere sbortlmud writers clerks sulesfnen travellers etc both iu canada and fhe united states moderate rates thorough practical work and courteous treatment characterize kho institution ladies admitted to all the advantages of the college t splendid facilities afforded for the ac- quisitjion of french and german fori information address mmaccohhick wtf principal mber shingles and lath 3 bonoh larpreand strongs worth 126 are now bellini at days bookstore cuelph for 50 cents f button fm fssi fiwinbyl7 1887 i l t uuhday moiwlnu poetry babysleigh box handles large nioe and well painted 175 day sells cheap phi uudersiiieu lesires to luorui the public t larho liu now oulinnil aud vill knep in other clm stock full liue of pine and hemlock as veil as 1 1 1- t tj 1 v- cu kinds of lumber aleo ine shjnglesi latb bll first and second guelph cloth hall m e uitcheil woucrror coicveyasces 0v5 orncfc first door west of the cfiauiioi coal wood having tiurohaved tbf coal buiues6 of mrc s snath i am prepared to supply all kind of stovejcoal i have hibo a gooil stock of wood hardwood ash ceiar nud mill wood at reasou- ablo fbccs wood and coal delivered james bbown mutual ftre insurance company oinee min street milton per cent monev to loan o hilton allan 4 baird barristers solicitors ac toboxto aj1 gliobcilo oiticescreehttans block georgetown aid 8tkmg street ast torbnto v t ilun j shtjton ju j hubd ba ta1nlaidlaw co j biejasrfts a solietroti omces over imperial bank u wei lington street east entrance exchange alley toronto joas bain q c c a mafctes wiixiiit lluvlwr geoaockaenoe rl gw badgxtbow j badeisree3 soucnoss ac oatario hall 50 churcji street toronto offbadgnaoarr john icaeson dcl patents secured v for inventions henry grist ottawa casaba 20 tears practice- no patent no pay t a murray licehi arctiffxeec for the coanties of halton and wellington order left at bia residence main street oppoiite church street acton or addressed to acton po will receive strict attention ternii reasonable notes discounted if desired j 1 overcoatings tancyghkck melt0ns plain meltons ael8hade8 t moscow lieavehs nap beavkrs venetians plain fancy worsteds winter carnival the boiih of old wiuteiv gommltint 0110 day decided theyd have iv onrnival cay so ont they sont north wind to hid to tliofeaat all frioiuk and relutimid fp111 jl0ltt09t to lliqht the orchuhtra ready thohiipper prepared ti10 kticxts booh nrrivwl all merry and slad with drum aud with trumpet with fiddle and bow thoy danced aud they frolicked ajl niht you must know i iiefrchhments were plenty moatooojing and line- such temperate people never drink vine t1 but cakes were abundant with frobtinc of snow and ioea more plenty than waters that flow sir iciole pendant a quite slender youth to startle the people im telliur tho truth juiit hung himbelf ravi y on tup of a tower and said hed drop downward in course of an hour old urandmotlier tingle youd scarcely believe she carried hor spindle a ca pet to weave 1 a downyvrhite carpet tho fashion she said for the dame mother earth on her floor to spread i and then mr zero 1 with manner co cold i ho dropped in ambnx them surprisingly bold and danoed with mias tempest so sprightly and cay till everyone shivered who camo iu their way with fan and with frolic with laughter and glee the sons of old winter disported most free and next day at noon all the civilized land was reading the news of the carnieal grand f mk8 r n tprneb preside at tabic beddes tiie goutd ouly have put off the evil moment she went np hairs and got ont some spoons the kept in reserve and watted for the impending moment she hoped tha her husband would fit joust be in i i noci humor and not as ho ocoauionally was when things went wrong with him a lit le cross mr christie however returned that ovening in high soodhumoi moreover he had an overcoat upon his nrtp could it be he had come back for it after all aiyl tho thoft had been limited to the spoons and the counterfeit bank- 116 ti mrs christy began to hope that thi8waflo i tliourht yon went without your out sho said with a little rejoioefal leap of the heart 4b she neemod to reoojjnize the gar ment by its form and color j but mr christie laughed 8oi did he said so i did no this i8 a now ooat i bought it for william my son william is as tall its i am and ae nearly as stout and this fits me snugly bntitfly i camo aoroaa it in a queer way it is joite a bargain you see it looks en tirely neyv j yes it certainly docs said mrs christy and exactlylike yours too dear arent yon jesting i no no uo said her spougo yon know i duly bought mine a week ago i presume its the newest style and william has none yet ho meanb to get si cheaper vvrt ic- wild flowers hi d com to the hospital in thu oity 6fc disk the new ti srso stopped in 1 before one icot where a poor litt lay olaspink in blue violets turned from side to side from a faraivay country tow 1 a box of children just at er rounds e sufferer his tiuy hands a bnnch of 110 little fellow tossed and ever and anon ha would start j up mprmnriug something about little jack then fall bifck whisp- trlngj too latitoo late i i bad cose bad case iiurso father and mother bjbth died of same fever baby found dead jand this loy will ko soon and tho did doctor shook his head gravely p6or little fellow niurrlrod the- uursei to die alone no mothers hand to wipe- away the gathering dews of death no mothers arms bo mothers kiss i she brushed book the damp golden curls from tio whitei forehead the blue eyes opone wide and a yaint voice whwpered mother lthe nurse bent pityingly over bim his eyes aearched her face then olosed wearily 0hl want my mother 1 want my mother ihe moaned poor baby aaid tho physician he will hive his mother soou thechild started up rock me moth er he cried very tenderly jthe doctor lifted the little figure and placed it in the nurses arms the weary head dropped one so today while i was in the oflicej upon her shbuider the hands still lioldiug if all the year was t th mertime and all tho aim of life was just 0 lilfeon iil e a rhyme then t wduld be y wife j if all the days were 1 lagnat day and crowned with golden weather how- happy then ihroogh green oiad waya we two would stray together if all tlra nights wen moonlight nights i and we had naught to do but juat to ait and pljan delights i then i would wed wth you if life- was all a summer fete its soberest pace tne glide then i would choose you for my mate aud keepyoii attn y side but filter makes fn 1 half the year and labor half of 1 fe and all the laughter ind good cheer give place to wearing strife days will grow eold a nd moons wax old and theh a heart t tats true is better far than gra ie or golb v aud so my love at ieti i icannotwed witb ron j elu wheelcrt wilcox in walked an old hebrew man i dont say jew t jew i as seme folks do i respect the hebrews treat em well and theyll use you the same and this was a vener able old gentleman j sir says he i am a man who does rot find himself getting on well and am forced to try going about among the gentle men j am a titcr i have made on ex pensive overcoat for a gentleman fifty x and he did not pay his back one dollars was the pri mo so when ho 1 ad it on day i said sir pay me and be said our story the price of two vases established 1s10 headoffice guelph or thk iui ures buildings merchandize manu factories and all other descriptions of prow rty on the preinuninote system fm stone cnas- idavidson president secretary john taylor aent ieeiiloi w m hbmstreet k t1- licensed aucikeeb for the coanties of wellington and haltptf orders left at the fbek pbess office acton or at my residence in acton will be promptly attended to terms reasonable mgket to lmx ai30 money to loan on the jmost favor able terms and at the lowest rates of ia- tereet in unw of j500 and upwards fjause and consider that t will be to your owu interest to pat- roniza home trade wo would respectfully inform the inhabitants of acton and sur- ronndin country that we are again in full rantiips order and in abetter position than beford the fire to 311 all hrtlers entrusted to uaf patties buildingi 1 lumber will be dresseh while jyon wait and monldinga ac made with neatness and debpateh- n p we are also prepared to fill all erdejlj for pumps ou abort notice and fromilong experience in tfaq hijsiness we feel coptident that ws can give satisfaction every time so come on with yonr order and help to roll the ball along mopey makes the mare go whether she has legs or no tiios ebbaue manacer excelsior shawcrundy merchant tailors gualph wellington marhie works quj3be0 st 0uelp3 john h hamilton proprietqb wholesale and retail dealer in marble granite aud everything pertaining to cemetery work direct importer of all kinds of granite aud marble having lately visited the day of fundy granite quarries and having purchased the entire stock of gray aud red granite monuments headstones crosses urns etc of alexander taylor at less than cost i will until further notice sell at prices never before known in ontario for in stance granite laouuuiont tt high 00 7 ft 873 8 ft 90 9 ft loojo ft slio all work and material warranto ilrrtclass parties wonting anything in this lino 7ill do well to clt and see me before purchasing elbovrhero as i guarantee my prices are from 30 to 30 per cent below all other dealers out certral meamarket john day architect gcelph ont omce queens hotel block market square prakcis ndnan succcsoor to t f chapman bookbinder st georges square gtielph ontario acooiit books of all kinds made to order periodicals of- evfsry description carefully bound- ruling neitly and promptly done john j daley successor to thompson jackson money to loan on farm property at 6 per cent mortgage purchased money oaued for parties in mortgages aud other security conveyancinsin all its branches properly and- neatl done charges low farms and city property for sale jjuit with farms for sale sent to all parts of the dju inioa- tojin tending nnrcbssers and otr- oulated iu baropf european capitalists wanting farm in ontario will be sent di rections throali our european agencies prah winted for our lists ovreapon- iejice invited office near tbe post office gaelpboat will be ieft daily at the store of f joli nelson for the accoinmodatioi of customers th delivery waggon will alsccall three times a week as usual mrs t- statham joseph patton butcher has pleasure in announcing to the citizens of acton that he has purchased the butchering business of mr wm roesell and is prepared to conduct the same in a stfaitforward business manner having had large experience in the busi ness i feel that i can enaranteeallcuhtoro- ers who favor me with their patronage perfect satisfaction j all kinds of meat fresh and good and poultry fish c in season wilt be found in stock i respectfully soliot your esteemed pat- rouago i jqsbph patton acton nov 8th i88fi new blacksmith in acton ifj mhe hanlan barber shop i miu street acion i an eaky shave a stylish haircut a good seafoam an exhilarating shampoo always given razors honed and put in flrstelass condition ladies and childrens hair tastily cut j p wonneki tonsorial artfitt r msm adbey teskey having purchased the general blacksmith- ing business of maj p j smith solicits the patronage of all the customers ef the shop and the pnblio generally aorseshobwgt will be made a special feature of the bnsi- ness interfering horses carefully shod and cured- i i haying bad large experience in the manufacture and repairing of agricultural implements and machinery of all kinds as well as of general work i feel that i can narftnteesbtisfaction in every oase andrew teskey i- i when the old peddler came in at the door with those extremely pretty vases mrs- christy felf that they were the very things she wanted for her sparo bedroom and so instead of saying no when ho politely requested her to see if she had any vole does to change for some splendid vases she allowed him to sit down while she went np stains to rammage and cjme down with some old garments of her husbands and one of those old stella shawls which certainly she never should wear again un less it was at night for they went out of fashion before she was mnrricd it came to her mind that she was foolish to leave a stranger olane so long bat the old man was bitting quietly where she had left bim and looked so much liki a benevo lent old patriarch that she wa ashamed of jj ga remembering that tbe spoons were iu the pantry and the pantry anlooked how ever he was quite worldly enough to drive a hard bargain and to the coats vests aud shawl she had to add a gown that might very well haye been worn often again however it was not ready money and she felt that the vases good imitation of very costly ones were lovply she carried them into the spare room and they made the mantelpiece quite a different thing returning to the diningroom however a shock awaited her her husbands over coat which he had unwisely left at home that day because it was udosnajy warm was gone from its pagori the hallrack and opening the pantrydoor she saw that the spoons were gone with them they were only plated but no one likes to lose any thing in that way besides she felt greatly to blame for it tbe old man had been gone along while and though she sent a messenger for a police officer he gave her no hope of catching the thief or getting the things back was there nothing elsogouo the man asked mrs christy looked abou heir and dis covered that he had taken one thing more a counterfeit fivedollar bill shis had had it given to her by some one a year before and had found thrat it was worthless and had written across the back this is coun terfeit and aiaedher initials and some- bow shekopt it in her workbasket the bid man hadbpiedis wittrris black eyes and bad helped himself to it tatalleveuwh mrs christie i feel a little consoled when i remember how provoked ho will- be hell pass it somehow said the police man as he walked away promising to re port the case bnt mrs christie as she remembered that the overcoat that had been stolen was worth forty dollars andthe plated snoous at least ten found it necessary to go to her own room and ha ve a good pry it was not so much the value of the lost artlolos as the feeling that it was her fault and that tier husband might possibly be so far left to himself 8 o tell hec so tuau vents she wpui6ti08ea little of tfiat firiij character for good sedse with which to her great satis faction he bad endowed her the day did fioisiivery pleasantly yon may wait until i am tdady this ib your honest christian against a poor jew yes yes said i but underntand he had not true christian principles my good friend j very well i believe not said my old man but when this happened i exercised my cunning i said to him fv very well sir i will wait but i see there is a button loose i will fasten it for you i have silk and needle here ah said he just like you to leave it that way and off comes the coat i looked at the coat which he infolded from a paper guess it will fitmybon said 1 ill try it on and well see- 8oitdi3 then said i now you see i do this to make up to you as far as 1 can for that other fallows rascality i y6u are an honest gentlemau said he and i will rojuty yon by u great liargain i must sell my solid silver spoons i meant to raelti them not to expose my poverty but yon shall have the dozen for ten dollars well of course i jumped at that mr christy here laid the spoons on the table aud i took out a little fiftydollar bill forty said 1 but he had something i 1 else my wife is trying to sell her shawl ttfe violets were folded lovingly around her neck to and fro she cradled him the room was growing dark a faint streak of light came in at the eastern window and slipped softly across the ledge sing to me the child whispered very sweetly on the air rose and fell the rousio of that old old hymn v hideme o my savior hide j tu1 the storm of life is past nearer and nearer crept the moonlight till it touched the swaying figure y safe into the heaven guide 1 1 o receive my soul at last the song ceased mother imtootired to kneel tonight murmured the child then bpftly added now ii lay me down4to sleep i with a leng sigh the bine eyes closed tiredly the arms slippeddown all was still the moon light flooded the with silver it ling ered about tbe little whiterobed child it fell upou the golden cnrls and half closed lids aid thi withered flowers falien loose ly now froin the tired hands there was a faint sweet perfume of violets as the rocker arushed to and fro nothing stirred in the room save the swaying figure ib the moonliiiht the doctor touched the nurse and gently said tho eliild is with his mother v dont you wotry how shrewd busineas men have solved a great problem is there a fatality a nong our prdmineut men isa cfuostion that we often ask it is a question that perplexes oar leading medical men and the are at a loss to know how to answer it we sometimes think that if the physi clans vould givolpart ol tej energy to the consideration of this juestion that they give to combatting othe r schools of practice it might be satisfactorily answered the flights of isms the quarrels of old judi only happy when ijhey each other if allopathy makea a discovery that pro mises good to tho race lotnoepathy derides 1 well i looked at the shawl he shook as a reminds us often of in tribes that were were annihilating its influence if dstovefy that pro- race allopathy at- varieties he was an englishman and he found anew grievance egaiust california he was much impressed with the couutry aud its productions he wasvery enthusiastic until they showed him a pumpkin weigh ing 15 pounds i this is too much dont you know he said with an injured air a pumpkin 155 pounds 1 just fawhey i only weigh 135 myself 8pri ggs how much older is your kister than you johnny johnny i dunno mand ueterbe twentylive years then she was tv eh ty and now she amt only eighteen iguesi well booh be twins callers came aiicf she couldadtlielp telling ber story but it waea joke to the bestin tentionedamongsttfiem pandas the dinner hour approached she felt very mnoh indeed like running away r however of course she wag obliged to stay her daughters werepaying a visit to mine cousins and there was no odd else to yon shall have it for five dollars sample of my generosity he said weil i knew youd like it my dear it looks like one i used to admire you in when i courted you red centre cashmere bordj er and mr christy shook out its folds the old shawl mrs christy had exchanged for the vases that morning she knew that at once she could not mistake it bat as she looked at her husband beam ing and twinkling with good humor she could not bear to utter the truth outright thirty for the coat and ten for the epoons hesaid merrily and fiyeforthe shawl aud this is all i have out of my little fifty dollar bill poor old fellow 1 the last five he had in the world- he said hullo jwhat is this p mr cliristy put on his glasses and looked at the bill your name is wrjitten on it in red ink my dear caroline christie ahl this is counterfeit why what in thunder oh 1 cried william at this moment entering at the door thats a bilfvnothf er took a long while ago a counterfeit and it has come back to me said mr christyr- you never passed it oaroline perhaps some servant took it what a fool i was hot to pat on my glasses we both need spectaoles said mrs christy my dear neither of ns can laugh ut the other we are bothoompletely isold land when she had told her story 5t became very plain id all of them that the peddler who had stolen thei coat spoons and the counterfeit bill from mrs christy had by johanoe entered mr christys office in his business travels that he had sold hinr bsjck his own stolen jcoat his own plated spoons under the guise of a won derful bargain in solid silver and that for the shawl which bad been part payment for vases not worth three dollars he had received five happily the christy family jvere toler ably well off and could afford tolagh at the little farce in which tire had taken so prominent a part and mr i christy de clared she was glad to rew vevthfl ihawl that her husband reme iered- hsr in courting days i- a member o the police force csjlfctlbhort- ly after to state that he thi it could not be traced and was no doubt a very ounning fellow but the christy lamily not confide their joke to thw worf they kept it in the family rjit an 1 onest nmn ran for the council in the el iventh ward yesterday he was so little t lought of in the race that even his face wi is not familiar and a rival candidate tried t buy ins vote pod a biston physician was called out of a sound nlamber the other night to answer the tehphone hello what is it he asked little pleased at the idea of leaving his comfortable bed baby is crying doctor what shall i do canie across the it and breakes down horooepathy makes a mises to be a boom to al i tacks it it is absurd that these schools should tffsney that all of good it in their methods and none ia any other fortunately for the people the merit which these isms wi 11 not recognize is recognized by the public and this pnjjfio recognizatiou taking tbe form of a demand upou the medical profession eventually com pells it to recognize it it is possible thai the question has been answered by shre d but iness men a prominent man onqejaid to an inquirer whousbed him how hejgot rich iigot rich because i did things while other peo ple were thinking about doing them it seems to us that that the public have re cognized what this fata ity is atid how it can be met while the medical profession have beeu wrangling about it by iv eareful examination of insurance reports wej find that there has been a sharp reform with reference to examinations and that lio man can r owget any amount of insurauoe who has the least development of kidney disotderbecausetbey find that sixty out of every hundred in this country do either directly or in lirectly suffer from kiduey disease hence pany wilt insure a man i nrinary examination this reminds ns of a occurred a short time aeov a fellow editor was an applicant for a respectable amount of iusurance ho was wire no reliable com- except after a rigid ittle instance which oh i perhaps its a piii suggested the doctor recognizing tbe voice of a young mother one of his patients f no was rejected on exami nation because uukbowu to himself his kidneys were diseased however did not give v an eye to business apd and said dont you half dozen bottles of warners sate cure take it according to directions and in about a month come around another examination finctyouraelf all right a lady writes i waseoablodtp remove theccxhs root and branch byihe nee of holloways corp cure tried it have the same utmi uf 4fu ubf3 ul oillers who have erpei tehees the repjy i sure it cant be that per haps mthaa the colic returned the doctor with well simulated solicitude no i dont think so replied theanxioub moth er he doseht- aft tgfit way then perhaps hes hungry said the doctor as a last reaort ok ill seejeame across the wire and then all was still the doc tor went back to bed aud was boou sound asleep about half an hour afterwards he was again awakened by the violent ring of the telephone bell jumping out of bed and placing the receiver to bis ear he was cheered by the following message you were right dootor baby was hungry gembofthoughit life is a short day but it js f working d f i kepeutauce is work that ahpuld be carried on coolly andquietly a good life hath but a few days but a good name endureth forever take the hours of reflection or recreation after businesbj and never berore it if you must flee from evil do jb oalmly without agitation or you may stumble and fall in your haste v i loves secretis to be always doing little things and notjto mind because the are such very little ones the man to whom virtue is but theorna- meut of character something over and above not essential to it is not yeta man ii we would but taketo heart this useful truui conduct is fate and separate ike sorrows whiohicome to ns from oirioumi btanioes we pantiot control ierpm the mm fortunes we ourselves i havo oreited by our folly we should cdme to a far wiser under standing of how to live aud what not to do there is a- time in every niaris education when he arrives at the cjonvlction that envy is ignorance that imitation is sur- cide that he must take himself for better or for worse a ins position i c 1 i scotch english aud cauadiau suiting iu great variety at j fyfon aojon the shrewd agent p the case he had to his commission worry you get a and we will have 1 know you will and will get your policy v the editor expressed surprise at the agents faith but the ii tter replied this point is a valuable one very many insur ance agents all over the country when they find a customer rejected for this cause give similar advice and eventually he geta the insurance what are we to infez from such circum- stances have shrewd insurance men as well as other shrewd bi siuess men pnnd the secret answer to tie inquiry is it possible that bar coluu ns have been pro- olaiming in thr form of advertisements what has proved a bles liug in disguise to milliod8aud yet by m tny ignored as an advertisement in our files we find thousands of strong testinionials for wan lers safe cure no- two alika- which coaljl rfoti exist except upon a basis of truth indeed they arepub- lished under a gaarantc e of 5000to jany one wio will disprove tlieir correctness jand this offer has been stan ling we are told for more than four yeai 3 uidoubtedly this art cle which is simply dealing out justice will be considered as an advertisement and be injected by many aa hucbv i w6havetaot space or 1 proposition that a- pocr succeed to theexteutthit this great remedy has saceeeded ctmld no become so popu- lar without merit even if pushed by a vahdorbilt or anastor i heuca we take the liierty of telling to our friends that it is a d aty that they j owe ti themselves to investigate the matterand reflect careiully for thestatementa pub- lislied are subject to tha refutation bfj the entire world none have refuted them on the contrary hundreds of thousands have believed them andjproved them true and in believing have jfouul the highest time to discuss the thing could not meesureof satisfaction that which money cannot buy and money jnnot take away persian lamb caps at low prices also blacl and cheap t j fjvd thereat quahty astrachans good l gis jsm r m i hi i- ic wa v t l ite vj- i ffi i ii

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