Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 17, 1887, p. 3

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few iwwwt- t jt- school opining we keep a large muck ol school books and echoo n4tcai constantly ou hand au kinds ofwatclws ctooka jeweuery and spectacles carefully irepeired jewellery and stmionety store actov f oxr 9000 m to i w- m ij tnrrmut moaxinv fsbbujlby 17 1687 crpmbs for br provided by at bttr thoughtful free press reporters 1 tbc- indies arc now talking spring fashions mount fosst is to have a new jlurb school j f daui l yonr advertisement ran d change it gjeorgettiwtt is to have a salvation array ot iu own mr george wilds hat been appointed ureevumptightar j pc4iti tor teemkfaat for dinner and for copper this wee sail tueaday wilt be a oow l day for one batch of pojitnaana the die wilkbe oast for pariiameaury candidate n tnatday in goeipb the aniboritieii fine the boy s100 and oust tor battgiujftu leighs the piano in mihon town halt is to be jold tue porvhaer will also be sold mr henderson has something to say to you at use town hall next monaay awn ing mr david goldie of ayr has just completed a newieaidencq which cost him- 40000 tb sunday school eonwmtiou ot tha coanty open at georgetown next thursday morniug mr a a baby shows a fine collection of photos in the window of the motropol- itan studio the vermont railway horror was re- terrcd to from mytraj of tho pulpits here ou sunday the valentine business has almost played oat for this section the post master has a rest mr wrdavii editor ot the mitchell adeocatt is chairman of the high school board of that town capt bteve marshall of the salvation army montreal conducted the btnioes of the army here on sunday a roller flour mill company has been organized at kincardine with a capital stock of 936000 in 5100 shares a georgetown crook went through j e belisle a local tailor for 52560 worth of clothing and etcetera last week the montreal carnival of 1s8t is now a thing of the past and has been a more pronounced success- than was ever hoped for the annual tea roeeui at boston church eequesing last week was a pro- nsanced success the proceeds amounted toaoj r drl k washington tho throat and long specialist trill arrive at the dominion hotel o monday morning next bead liis adtj i mr ales waldie who had his wrist sprained and face bruised lost week by slipping forward ofi his sleigh xs about all right again tire business annonbocment of the old aid reliable firm of john m bond co hardware merchants ftuetph will be found in this issoe advertise in the columns of the free feess which is read every week by all your customer doui advertise on the fences for the cows havent learned to read culross township brace co is about to vote on s f 5000 bylaw to establish a ilii tpill a rural municipality going iu for the encouragement of manufactories is raiber new departure while rolling a huge log w carter of kelson near kilbride bad the misfortune to have it run over him his chest was crushed four ribs broken as well as inflict- ing senocs internal injuries bevt i wilkinson of toronto held a suits a illstrated lectures u the subject ef christian baptitmi in the methodist cisurch crewsons corners on sunday j plonday and ti eslay evenings they were well attended mr 0 whillfboto aisjof monroe mich formerly of acton has kindly sent us a packet of beautiful views of the city and surround ingf sir hills artistic work is appreciated id monroe and he is doing a very profitable bastbessvf giig has made special arrangements telegraphic and artistic by which a feat hitherto nnattempted in illustrated jour nalism will be uccomplisbed on wednesday 23rd inst the day aftertite elections on that day grip will appear as a 24page paper with a large double cartoon in three colors giving pictorially theresultof the elections whlohjpr rti 8oaartridth theboaf btaaajtktwuli munwpal- ty for the jpnewtj year is m follows- the reave ind clfrk tx ojfdo members ind mtarsh p moons james molatn andwn nyj dr lowry medical purely personal paragraph bjjtingpwple wititwbom oar readers are individually or coheotively acquainted y m mr and 3rs c c speight are- yisittdg ilarldiara friends miss lizzie carbwell of st visiting acton friends mr and mrs w b kenney visited friends at kilbride this week mr john hooey of lakelet was the guest of mr a teskoy a day or so va week mrs a a iiuby and children left yester day to spend a few days in her parental home in berlin miss mahaffy of oaelphr was the finest of her sister miss annia mahaffy a couple of days thisveek mr harrj- s white returned home on saturday after spndw several weeks with friends in albany and kew york ealthofiwr and h b cook sanitary inspwtor 1 tha klbotlo i law i ifabetjwiloriaiioteaded to reauenoo any voter to vote loir any particular oandu dato or refr in froni voong thf oettlor u a corrupt irmcueei and is punhhabh as such if wih bet or beta be made by the candjdauoi httftfintoc afiauu it would void tha el uon apastorbeottdbyau at the miur of the official board of the mcthodi it church oh monday ovenlnj bov r philips as tendered a hearty aud unauhtt ma invitation to contiuue tho pastor of tl o church to the end of the ecclesiastic i term three years his term here will ex lire ou june 80tb 1888 important zatea almanacs for 187 give the following particulars of intircbtr 8t valentines day corneal tt monday lent begins on thes3rdof obruary audeudaon the 10th of april al i foola day oomes on friday palm sunda y on april ard good rriday on april 8th qieons birthday on tues day domini to day on friday and christ- oua ou 8uw lay i caoaing up tl ie campaign muuua i ill ba bald before olection day a followi- by mir handersouneleu villace to- light gleuwuuatns friday uuht lfnahouse 8atarday at 2 pm ballmafad a 1 8 pm acton on monday at s pm b mr waldie gleowiluatus today at 3 pm norval at 730 pmj knatchbull friday at 2 pm school house ko i nasaagaweya at 780 pm these meotii tgs will about close the cam- psiun mualochani a tha heart of o anrfmber itthe members of uckabn treat chnrch hani lltonaro people who left other presbyterian churches when the obnoxious kist b w hustles was introduced but now mcnib btreet church is itself to in- duhte in the idxnry of an organ at the annnal meet nthe organ committee report ed having so tured s9500 iu subscriptions and recomm inded tho purchase of an in strument he report was adopted bxjbbeiylntafaigar anexro aimed smith who has been workiuj for mr j as sherwood of tra falgar went oat to the stable with ibe others to hel with the milking on snnday last butfrev t back to tho bouse and stole wi whieh 3i t sherwood had just received for milk on saturday the man was soon missed as vas also the moooy they found tho mi ns tracks and followed themi across the cc anty but he has not yet been oapturcd i c has been in prison different times rtfo mo the late j 1 williamson the reinai as of the late j d williamson whose melai choly demise iu the city of edinburgh cq tho 31th of last month was noted in the e columns arrived in gnelph ou moiiday indthe funeral was held on tuesday af i ernpon from linos church the beivicej were conducted by rev jdessrs bea tie and griffin d d the funeral was rery largely attended as a last and mat k of respect to one who had for many yet irsted an active life in their midst the m ercbanu of the city without an exception closed their placcsof business during the ti me that thefuneral was taking place mr waldie at acton mr waldi ss meeting ih the town hall on friday ev ning was well attended col allan occupi il the chair upon the plat form were 9 essrs waldie moleod and barber of c eorgejown and clements of toronto m r waldie opened the rheetinfj with an intei eating speech t embracing par ticularly the points referred to in his ad dress to be f c und in another column be bpoke quietly and deliberately and was accorded th respectful attention of his audience 1 e was followed by the other speakers abo e each of whom dwelt upon some phase af the questions prominently before ihe eh ctorateiu this contest mr henderson v as not represented newspaperb from foreign points i mr john 1 loore jr has kindly handed ns copies of the following foreign news papers pickc 1 np by him in his recent travels tji eynptuxiy ouztiu of alex andria egy t the ceylon obsena- and the time of ceylon of colombo ceylon the bong ko y daily prets of bong koug china nun china dally newe of shkng- hai china and the straits timet of singapore i idia several of these jonrnah present au ui usually primitive appearance while others are on a par with the ordinary british pape in style and arrangement the papers i re oh hie here and any who desiroto eximine t hem are welcome to call and do e a ooograph cal social an exchange says tho very latest tihing in socijal gathering is tile geogra- pliicai social the gentlemen are given cardb on each of which is printed the name of some county in the province while the ladies are eajch given a card with the name of the county seat printed thereoniall for ik avctios sale farm stock and im meuts the property of mr arch l eachero east half lot 9 con 4 erin on friday 25th febmary ai 12 oclock win hemstreet auctioneer tanarae v jsnotau ordinarymixtur6 iu fact ite properues are entirely different from any preparation used for coughs colds throat and lpng- troubles i should like to point out to th oltiaans in general of out tlirlving town tlie advisa bility of making arrangements lot a grand iubllatderaooitratiou on the fioth ot june other towns and villages are already con sidering tho idea and making preparations aiidwrjyahoaldnotvre j we ought to have a programtno aud attractive ono prepared something after this style might bo found suitable a grand prooessiou of tho band in the morn ing iii tho aftarnoba athletlo sports open jto aotdnians only in the diiviug park followc 1 by a match game of somo sort say criokot foot balt base ball or some other ah haipy thought 1 we might have a match game ot cricket euglishniotn vs all coiners lot those englishmen who blow so mutih of jtlieir lovo of sports stand against all comers ie of tins town only and show as what their national game of cricket really it or it there are not enough johnuy bulls wo mlgit have the oppotii gleans east ond v west end marriwl vs si gloor some other combina tion thou in the evening we could have agrani flro w rk display fire balloon ao- cession i aud so oh interspersed with selec tions b the and iy order to meet expenses i should suggest a coll otion before tliat day and then oily small entrance fee to the gronndu tliis would enable all both young nd all noh and poor to enjoy the f csti vit ea 1 be mason of the year renders it eepee ially a reeable to hayo some plea soraaoi twf d on ratlmr than a ooncert in thamhall l i a ooa mittee be formed and let us all unit i on tbat day to celebrate the botlt year of the accession of our queen that queen who has always loved and been loved b r her habjeou tho world over who haa alv ays had their interests at heart and has end savored to rale her people weujlud is- abote all ja woman in the brightest holiest md trt lest sense of the word let da all i be ro e the thistle the shamrock and the maple leaf that emblem of this fair ian lot ocrs with iteetordy sons and fairdatghters sodaarto all our hearts- unite tnder one head to celebrate the jubilee if the 1 lead of a nation whose dram beats cjoirclo tho earth on whose do minium the btm never sets whose glorious record it written indelibly on tho pages of history and who is at once the envy and prido of the wliole earth tin i bringing forward at this early date of the abivo project may seem rather premature to bomo of my readers but other tjwns iro already discussing the affair ai id gett ing things into shape and i dodt sc e for my part why we should be behind at ai ly rate it can db no- harm to have th subjef thoroughly ventilated it is wortlyof it i si all be glad to ieceiyo suggestions from at yorie as to the above scheme for the oele aratiot of the jubilee the general opinion of the public is that something should lie don- in this direction nhd 1 have no doab t that if a proper committee was appoint d to interview the council on tho the matter they would leud their valuable assistac oe to tl 10 furtherance of tbe scheme ow ug to election matters taking up so mat h cf my spare time my usual quota o cocreibohdence is rather slim this week rbp excitement of the campaign is now ho svever fast reaching the colmibat- ing poii t it is to be sinckrelyhdped that ever tr an will do his duty by his town and his townsman during the coming week let us i ii unite and show the rest of the county bat our progressive little town will not be c jntent to take a back seat in the matter if county representation ra i for hendersou i abccs acton febf16th loj7 erin free pressings news don- a dimejapiede then each gent hhnts np the county seat of his county to take to refreshments j it you cannot tell the county seat ia your county you must pay 10 cents to the fund as a forfeit before you can obtain the desired information if this does notj afford sucient amnseuenv for the evenijbgi geographical conundrnms charades etc can be introducedr i aproeperous religious weekly tewciteqkiiin theifflcial parier of thejmethouiat chdrch bis ned an entire new dress and presents i very fine appearance indeed the guardian is one of tfie beat religious weekiies on the centiaeut one reason for jthis is that the energies of the church throughout thedominiop aro concentrated upon one paper and its interests are loyally present- ed and sustained by ministers apd people the publisher w briggs d i hhi- editor eh uewartj d d are men ojf sterling wor and practical ability apd by their enorgotjio personal efforto the metho dist chnrch has a literary advocate and tepreseritattve which is an acknowledged leader in regiona eitgryeryjlfaslio dists family f should ubeerlbe for quartlian vl the follows mr- property mr printins mr- boondai y line a six clause which sieraed blow at it was h4ltc eleotio to tho fro aud tnuet eudout electors 1 of the county if hsltbn t your vote iind inkiubnoli i- rvfj arorwefltfiuyoleltdfo -f- as your representative iu if elected 1 will faithfully dischargo the dutloi dt the responsible pot hon and do my qtmoet to imantyourlntereits the house 0fc0hm0is 0 canada dominion elecitions or tim from ou own i joirenjnndeul bym nutes of erin council we learn that mr thos talbot has been appointed assessor and mr bobert laiog collector for 1887 we indcrstaud tbat ospringe school house is to hai e a new bell it certainly isapleisant tauig in a neighborhood to baveaioodsoindingbelirung at regnlar times j deprived o the privilege of mark ing our allots at the local and municipal election we a re to enjoy it this i time in tho fed ral ole otion i j- f the naxt meeting in june of our comity council is to b held in guelph harriston came very nea having it on thfe stand ing com mittees of the county council the ecin members are placed sb burt legislation county kobertsofa county roads kirkwood assessment and bridges resolution ou the scott act bo aim a kind of an indirect relegated to a committee county of halton obmkubn having rooeive4 the unsolicited and un animous invitation of the reform party of the county to become their candidate i for the house of commons i have pleasure in t ocepting the sftrne and shall from this time to the close of the polls take every c pportuuity of making your personal ac- c uaintance at public meetings and other- my platform shall be to promote each i legislation only as will tend to make ibis canada of ours a happy united and pros parous country i j to that end i shall not favor any tbeo i i rjtical changes in the tariff which would disturb either the business of the country or itsmanufaeturing industries the finances of the country should re- oive careful attention and overy judiciras e tort to eoononikc expenditure will find in meawarmeupporter i i believe largo savings iu expenditure am b s effected a portiou of which could and siouldbe applied to a reduction of tho p astagerato from three cents to two cents sj osto place the correspondence of canal dians on the same level in that respect as prevails in jjn gland and the united stakes on the temperance question my thirty years record iswell knowu future le intion on this question shall have my ciro- fill and earnejit consideration and i shall only support such measures as t believe to be fair arid in tho best interests of tbe country to the present domic ion instead thereof would pre fer manhood suffrage with a registered voters list aid provision for roraovola f rom one constituency to another our northwiet territories should le a free home to ac ual settlers and all dsal- i igs with specul ativo corporations she old pease- if elected i shall outertbe house ajs a loyal supporter of the reform party but v whatever the oohsequenoes maybe will pre far country to party and will assist government of the day in maintahiing leaee at home ind dignity in our deal ngs ith oar neighbours i desire to aim at higher and broader ews of public duty trusting that fellow eleotors will bspport me iu this i eotion with a hearty vote i am gentlemen your obedient servaut john waldie ryslst 1887 ardware imjiorters uhe markbta daily for choicest and rdott modern gcxdsj ana over the wfcrld fwm the manufacturers direct lor dish our steek ffers many nc fnetatimndiagbuis she f and haivy kardwirepulldlng hardwar iron fl mllltsupplle woodwork carrlaotops and trlmmlhgfi iron pipes and pitt intra warn lancetooth laws cow tlj8 etc ltcj we will h happy to give nuotatlbna or send an iliac tratod eatalogue for building hardware or ther goods if required call and sco iu n troable to show oar stock or premises johnm fe bnyiog all bond a co ma andiklpover tiis advertisement when you are reading the freepreaa wo desijre to call your attention to two special linos x thi ilisrline j is prints 700 psots to olwose from- prlcss begin at 6c per yard the second line j xl cretonnes w ai an imaeass tint of these gcodo splendid value 1011 mck ay brothers 48 king street bast hamilton bby croods and carpet deatebs i i s m i school jo ir tax cmtpubh bequiwj biooks i r pfenj pencils- slates papek v copy b0cjk8 l drawing bookb scribbling boolts or auy other school nocissariea send them always where they get what they of good f ality and at reasonabro prices and that place is i for 3st morvins dru alfd stationery 8t6re aoton ont a- it -thef1nes1- batches jewelry 0 i which liter teveral meetings decided to leave it sver until june having onlygot the iieng th of p assing clan se one i pohtijs pontics national policy cfthadipaftclficetc john a denounced on one band and held up as the paragon of excellence o i the otheij is thero not a middle point simewhere we notice that with reference to the questions submitted to ow two candidates anent their int ended course with regard to the immediate enoctmept and thorough enforcement o prohibition and the per fecting and enlorcement if the scott aot mrinnee ann wiced his intention of sun sporting all pro er measures for the same and mrooldii refused tdlgive any answer in writing querywhi t more harm would merchante and others to stand ioi he sheds apd by the gates ol churoh pro wrty on sunday and pi oclaint their announcements to the intending worship the shed walls and gat posts with it be fori to cover posters please let sop e ono auswer in the nestv wohtfit bo fine for yjouaptoji pepplo to have one cf yoarseivwia the ilouso of commons ehflpebfy 15th 18871 8 yjt wjjt tgbbyltgnla ajud cheap ruilgotoxlyfevactod i am opposed ranch iso and repairing always satisfactory ip 0t ixavb betx d1saitoixted is clearinq- try the alaska thuy arc the best j wo over sold i t mxam sole agent for cuelph cleabihq east ejfd iclothibrg store in order to clear put the remainder of winter stock i have determined to offer the balance of i jb12a v y my di- 3 ve3poatiltgrs atorctlyfieocedfrioesforcash clothing also at cost price for cash now is the time to bcv 3 fyfje tallok i persian lamb and astrachah ga w woollen shirts cardigan jackets and under- halton v 4 j h public meetxfqs ik ii e zsteueir 01 p tjel jiejfson i thi liberal- mjsewatite ariiate t 0b the tousfc 07 coh1 onfr at tho f crowing th ies and plaoei omagh mo iday 14th february in iiv the orai ge hall horkbi mc oday 14th february in the oral ge hall gami tttbtnesday ifithfeb lithe lowville th hfebruary in the t mperancl a r ctjminnsvirle wedto jfebroarjlmftehail nelson vi1lage thtreday 17th februarj in tbe tow ship hall glenwjllljis friday in the tem lerance hall limehodse fturday stii feby at2pm innewtonf batllnafar saturday at8pjni inthptowii actons mbndi y 2tsvfete lary in the town he ii m hall 19thfeby hall all tin above meetings will 1 o held at 8 pm ex ept those at omagba id lowville which atjo to be hld at 2 pm air wjaldie is rjispectfully iiiyivm to bo present god sav j the qu jen abstrap flv the i i 1 of the board of trus teeth of aton pab lie school f ir tbe yea r end- inffle3l8t 180 beleipts balance f rom 488i i 5 9 84 nonresident pupil 20 10 interest on deposlsl 6 16 borrowed on notes i 900 00 123 00 sehoolratesj per village trea 160000 pamens teachers salaries v caretaker and sectytreas fuel school furniture luterest 1885 1886 kepairs insurance miscellaneous esptjnses balance on hand salalhiisloo thomas t moore hattieg jelly is i assistant annie mahaffy 2nd lena m dorlaud allah mann caret hpmoore seoty we principal do ird do iker treaa j e mc jaevin c baiiman gp m obe seck tary mg j s2660l0 1h325 0t no oo 113 00 77 00 123 69 u 65 2625 38 64 77o49 2o60b u8650 0o 30000 250 00 850 -00- 93 60 30 00 14760 11 m m mi j jel mb t mitch eu1 desires to inform t ie people of aetoh and surroundings that he is prep red to take orders forweaving ill kinds of fancy beg carpets flannel bheeting sdrting and dress goods strip d or plaid to ill or plain alsobed blankets md horeeb anfaete two yards wide and pv r and 1 will gnara itee that i illgivegood satisfaction to ill f irmers lahc othere who will favor me with their patron ige tmiiohei1l mbptcatrkd g00b3 cjuegeb at old pbices mill street actr of winter goods milton janus john waldies eetlng thursd ay feb i olbltrtujiiakg 2 pm st0b7al 730pj4 7 school lo saaiaw 17a mr hehderso a is invited persian lat ib it low prioes spso ind cheap at j ili it- black astraohane isles caps the beat quility at the- mammoth house gteorgowi in order to effect a clearance of ol sale of millinery r mantles dress goods winceys o cloakings overcoats blankets sy a underclothing pa kood iii oii x2xjii ir winter goods we are holding 4 forced clearing ladies and cents furs robes v itweede 1 rteadymade r clothing hosiery- ci6ves and all classes of winter coodsi m ri m vi iu the above as goods vve are eminent thro t and lung surgeon wifl nex p vijrit alotori at dojf mem son ev monday 2 februc ry 1 887 catarrh teds vlublio can rely in getting genuine bargains bound to eftoct a oleaiinoe v oiii mili4pixi kim and pbiessmakinq depart- meuts arejo firstclasii i working jilfderahd are turning outstylish millinery and gar- ments we have anjnmienseauk kof mllllneyi dressgo0dsdre3s silks aud cloflkif iga to cbocse from v c 0v rderjbd 6u jflnft jlpajltmlttt is a 1 mu- ding and i iour6jd9amj imopnibjjd patrpnim our speolni poroed sale artdmjmrjn8 listen to w b storey esq of ihe firm ot w h storey a son act n glove man if acturers c dn washisotok i iyonge fet ronto peab 8m i akst reyon i feel a ratefulfortte radical cure yon lavn aefactod in my throat troubleand thougl j dislike ha ing iny name appear in coouoctu n witbjtne tes timonial tiusi- cess yethaving ret ard for such e 3 are similarly affected as well as 1 lavingjadetin to roo gntre tho results of your veatment 1 r like a depar ture in tliia case piortmyubq laintancewltht you i had suffered for two years from repeated attacks of catarrha sore throat each sue ing attack being mo eprpngo fd violent tbe former at the ie times i bac violent fits of coaghinrnwou idisehkrce la se quautities ot mucbus fetlin t alarmed la ugbtthe best medical skill avails jlo including 1 much noted iwigiii o0 io your treatment a t iai toinferm you ft a conipjoi marked in ittchan cf fidlf and ray fhends ftie seemed adopt j toiny id two months i w ientirr continued during t tie moi iealii mweiwye wm r ursyoj mm avtipi vwiyajsvjt tbboatt ct bsd obante did jnegooi but m my return the old m tronblo wasrenewc s seeing yod advertibed to visit thisplfteo i it ought i wotl 1 ponsoh you although i cohfess with not lot eh hope of re- celvinaany benefit bowevril was 1vqrably thfren it i asadbjoy mk cm k sudoneo rjaajsfibi risetbor t yon and haw rorahle season bspt tby case j

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