Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 17, 1887, p. 4

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a i l jy but fojhcm de itl eom4o pass we eeevtq no wuhiosldn juitawtby jon faith tht tmu no l just vi by doobuuft baiw jost a twhotmn that wl- thui ihiiu ft i mslmii mm luteins tnjare uid mt the fatol ensequenom that v w iteow wjd howdjffereboj w mwotjrwttifw wjwtilil we realise oi di brt bow speedily we weald se annre bi t with many it ibbnly when the moniits diieaae has festered itr fangs opbn bat in ifit that wo awaken to oar folly what fo lows a neglected cold i it not disease ofjthe throat and longs bronchitis uttuxuy loopcfon and mpwiy other dlsejwee l litenatare it uvrotiethan madness fc lent a bold and itis folly not whavt good remedy arkoahleiibc thia r i qneut oomptaint one of the adit ifiw cius mediofima for all diseases of tita and lungs is bieluvs anticoosqmptivi strap this medioine is oomposed b several medicinal herbs wbiolt nct e mjhat wonderful influence in irlnjt4on tuftptioo ana ottat diseases of the long i and chest it promotes a free and easy aoectoratioosoothes irritation and drivep the disease from the system antio moiw884 yon diitufhoi atj night and broketf of ybw resvby a- tool t child suffering and crying with pain at cat ting teeth- if so send at once and get a bottle of mrs winslows8oothing syrup for children teething lie value is inoal bqlable it will relieve the poor little suf- aboeittuaiuisitirtfw ly teen to the capitol and thinking it ironld woomfbrublein the gallery appro mated to ladies aooooipsafesd by gentle- men appeared at the entrance and wei sapped by the doorkbepnr noi geotle toe are admitted hem except wiihladie the om gentleman for he was abbetonian of mature age as well is bloe blood was oqotothflcmeigwicy buttny ife ia mhra well- go in on entrance fie durovered to bis dismay that the only person present was a welldressed colored woman oncoming oat the doorkeeper civilly inqnired did yon find your wife f an english olergyman settled for many years in devonshire relates the following as a fair illustration of the quaint simpli- oity of the devonshire fold one very cold day in december he was making a visita- tion of his parish and on ooming to a amaustreatn by a footbridge was greatly snrprismatseeinkbelocr him one of his aowadiiuptobikbeiid water fori no apparent reason woe with oold bn xhtogau air of determination ha fe immediately depend npon it abth dysentery and diarrhosa regulates tht stomach and bowels onree wind colin softens the gums reduces inflammation aid gives tone and energy to the whol system lire winsicvs soothing sy wp for children teething ia pleasant t tbe taste and is the prescription of one q the oldest and best female physicians an 1 nines in the united states and is for sal i by all druggists thronghont the wbrla price t wen ty6ve cent a bottle be ear i and ask for uks wnrelowa 8ooaco btbcraodtkonopthfkibd i what far tbe worm are yon about have yon lost anythinjsjv aw aaww re plied robert i aint lost notluv bat yon see i be to sing bain m the chior on chtistrnaa ay and i be trying to get a boose wemacaiar of hoareenees a frenchman after l three weeks rj93ir denoe in england proposed to write a book on the country after three montbx fbond be was hot qnite ready after three years concluded that be knew nbthing about it moral dont rush into print iottle bick i what does sorplos mean marnms mamma surplus means o to many than does snrplioed ehoirsvmean chairs that are not needed sometimes dear winter 8n aps i belief one bottle of harvards pectoral bal- ssjn snred moo 4 sore umt and loss of wape one trial relieved me when all other failed says miss 3 moleod wewwhtain ont worms derange the whole system metber graves worm exterminator de ranges worms and gives rest to the sufferer it only costs twentyfive cents to try it and be convinced egpwfcli i was subject to agos for two or three e which nobbing would eradicate natotried bnrdoek blood bittern ainoe which time fo years i have bad no ieturs of the disease w 3 jordan 8tranfle0nt ccjjappbs bmkiorn y says dr thootas eelectiio od cored him of bsd caaeofpikhof 8 years etanding having tried a every known remedy besides tjm ffslo phybiciana witboot relief v battlm03cnredhimhethinksit cannot be leeommeaded too highly y tebtastskm t i jad dyspepsia for a long time was entirely cored by two bottles bordoek blood bitten i the beat medicine for re gulating and invigorating the system i bad esr tike f p tarmer neebingrk qah l jfalrpiresaiiiea there oonkl be jw offer more fair than that of the proptiiltbrihagyards yeuow 00 who have long offered to refund every cent ezpeoded focjtbat remedy if it fails to fee satisf tfttian fair trial for rheuma tism netizaigitfeore throat and all painful complaints t j q w3nj snits andovercoats at extreme j lownricesaod mado fn che latest styles se stire to call and tee them at i fytei jctdnw- u amkttwaiecase as everybody arobnd my nig1jborliood knows my jjdwble wm caoaed by obstinr atecemfltipatibktbotde of bnrdook blood bitters ared me entirely this stttenwotiimade bj walter 8tiason of oiriieimu s cholera and all snmmer oorapuints am so quick in their aetion that the cold ham i oldaauiiisopon the victims before the aie aware that danger is near if attack i db not delay in getting the proper medicini tty a dose of dr j deelloggsdysenter f coordial and you will get immediate rsliefl it acta with wonderful rapidity and never failaito effect a core alter years of suffering persons wh have vainly sought remedies help from other soorces have obtained thto jong desirei i relief from northrop 4 lyaahs yegetabl discovery and dyspeptic garb which puu a stop to the torments of dysp psa renew aqxivity of the bowels and l ver relieve maladies incident to the genfler six asl bftud j failing bealth and atrenstb give parity to the wood end tone to the wbols system i i jutabtssrrt ta the smtuhng browns household panacea has 0 eanaltor relieving pain both internal au 1 external itcures paiain the side back or bowels sore throat rbeumatisu todthachelinmbago and any kind of a pain or ache it will mostiiarely qaicl en the blood add ileal as itb5bnb pbw r ia wonderful browns household pai acea being acknowledged as the grot plain reliever and of double the strenetb of any other elixir or linjinent in tie world shonld be in every family handy ft t nfi whenanted as it really is the b i riinedy in the wbrld for crampe m tl f stomach and pains and aches of all kindt and is for sale by ait druggists at 25 cen a bottle rf em uk bnnofol lameirtottms vxa mi isiu i eraten the life cor brrupuan of eon- ktoryorgai a ake ft naw rich aid pare hostth to rnfaren qtwfithln ipaltdifltlijr ppssess s ovefw it is composed of the most e hcsclous alterative jliuittk nndionlo drugs known ieyj ajucpfi which ro the omlunw isarsaiinhllii yellow iu riianuacj genuine l0clsti nlom and iron ii b alllgh ntrtted nedlcinol tlyoompoiudedso r becdrew it the hlgfiett t ogree of aiteantt perfect tatforailfy olkhmreeelved the hearty endtrsement of the leadlog men in the medlct i profes- trionvwho mcogntxejitag aatandi ra bhir- ittafiinitleal vreparatlon ahd prcionoetit mtoprhctlceri r it contains no poisonous ralierals or other dsngcrous drugmho ue f which fw toinporact eftect liutbo ram ly crude s f rnuiye prenuees effeetk on the sysiein oft en worse than the dbeases they are offered to euro it costs no wore than any olher but would stot be the cheapt blooi-purtfj- lng medicin jn the world even were its mice tluehttmesgveitht1rtmey tthf the only one that does reaj lasting pod pekpaiudl fx or j c myh co analytical chemisu v add the purulent 8 cause jll l i -a- 1 he ears and improves the c mplexlon wtlebiiruted ibl the bl od where such dworders have not befcon o to deeply seated as to be beyond all bu nanald t iter which turo the nnnrtlln yellow louuicsif rotas it ma been before the public for nearly forty years and has constantly grown in popular favor both at home and nbrosk until there is hardly a place in too clyllxcdwrd4vhcrolt has not a host of friends made so by its marycltouh cures m been wed in end npproved by at 4w0000 families in flie united i and 7000000 througlwutihe world n have especial reason for com- nait r as proven its pdieufy in enrinst ate deeplyseated nm itunc ittg discflibs miisd b9altjmi of the blood it mutt not however noii carottuon cj everelnfhev radical cure it effecte i tlio oiily bloodpurifler that has woi m iurinirure rfjahtiary iwhi wefcoftftb is 4 rare ohadmi bnyen frbnifaetottftftdtt anretnrn by pitfohastng ftve dollars worth of goods at bar store evtry saturday furniture qr pnpj kb5 ysxm ml mr- gu nd t rtti ik railway tlioconfldeoco of the eoplcj lvbercsuch mcilli 8otlby all drogrltt mcc 10 ms pottles for 8 i- priues which gallon j a speight manacpr mr itonish th 5- everything necessary if this department mw if vtofeinery- akly the wellknown lowell mass q 30ljt5 rvttitni atj8 have been awarded it during the last three years x try also bur pefiliou aide jwwefor yonr waggons and horse powers j maotfuatfaol samuel rocers co toronto teller wit express mhmttpatf attfj imiifrv w viu 0p0calyffj bxpress foes jtopbstwew tsab feu soio mrti oolngwist 010 1 ia v 6 90 pjn ooini jji itio m iid 5 pm leb thfvaieyrthailj tbo lame of tbe cued rfne it c oreh i bouglitli sanftde piwitags for packftfle lforialt frta jupfore i had contend 6f fpnr havener erfelt four yeal ng otthevi mey mil r goratabticing yearsacjla an np 1 tylilv the disfiguring eruptions on the faoi the sunken eye the pallid comjplection it i d icate that there is something wrong goii g o a within expel the lurking foe tohealt a t y usrag ayers sarsaparilla 7lusews j- it is certainly ghtd tidings to the lipobr invalidto be iniormed of a remedy thai will give prompt and sorb rekaf in case of pain- maof erifig sootajremyisjabtgyaras jteilow oil adaptod for internal and exter- nal user in all aches pains lameness and soreness jit cares rheumatihm neuralgia sore throat croup and all infiainmatey pains wiiatatrnlybeaalilnljwoim weliveinl jnora gives of monniainb and ooeans and thousanda of means heut we can dasire no better when imnerfeet iteajlir bat how often do thiiaajoruy of peopw feel likeiving it np dishwd altcourag and worn crat with 6atowjbjsn mbg i evffly hwfeswuetaiy awtfuwlim make them free from 8sis m f bn bom dyxpepsi and emti anoh maladiee a and sorte persons have periodical attacks if lanadiap cbotera djsentery ot diarrhea i rid have to nse great precautions to avoi 3 toe disease change in water oookin t nd green fruit is sore to bring onthe t- t toks to such persons we would recoi i nend dr jdkelloegsityseotsrycordi d i a being the best medicine in tbe mark it or all aammer complaints if a few dro i retaken in water when the symptoms a e l oticed no further trouble will beexperiehp- ai 4 r 1 an article for the toilet avert hekr 1 rjor stands unrivalled it ckansee ti ie i caip and prowvcs it from scarf and da i ruff cores itching i and humors restori be hair when faded brgray to its original i rk color and promotes its growth j c go to j fyfes aoton lor your cloth iff ec suit yon for price qnali y iadstyleverytfme i r r csre1iar rarkescarbelle cerate have yon an old sore cut born bruisb torn bunion salt rhaumjpimpl llotches rough hands or face if s here isbtibne cure fanety mcgregor t j arkes carbplic cerate if you but ti y i i it will convince yon it costs but sop 4t dr mcgarvins drug store yvf r- if you wajnt a nobby durable and ches p juitgo to jijpyfes acton bihta nouiina bnjb prire extrsct from plan idrwtflarelutecrinpmpahdccgrego gomptiund the modern and nor tpaltlr remedy fe pjd opngha tta jijjia croapi astliroontfajl affeotlon throat lap and oh il and j dngerbus anbitapoesia widedwmrjeimerityfs iiffiiisisiii yx to5peyr4 t b on december 27tb jtriigefiroin orbnts rfnye over jeftmyns and continued jfntil stocktfting which will be tin own on the market at pricbs wliicli inuat astonish aawit k plae 1 j i 11 l l v i- 111 i alow in fintlhig but where the genuine bargains ure to be had audi the nnws e artg tthig them evry iawtul biihiness day at the k l t thttirtefteaowarnvoil when iny fttock musbfi reduced housekeepers and others will not jhave for- anmher long pitippprlluty bf ojtatiiint your waists sremeniher 1 have tlu largest stock lot b positively the furs must go p l fr on dm goods at yourdwii prices ress goods and puis m 50000 worth of new and nobby overcoats which v lc stock of spring and sunnier clothing wliieb will arrive in march millijkr t ii rivnil ed hate iiid boiriiets will ho sold at cost and a diejcoist of defclartmeul qboibrib8 boqt8 ani shcjes at priee3 to suit llemembet- 1 give iwlilne dollar give me a riull you will consnlt your best iutcrebts l will be early in february the w of my leoloseft buyers the people of this country are not acton the dhtss goods are in all the leadug niakes c np to 50ie a yard furs of every description frimrilhitto south sea seal fartrimmings from 20c ho us 4 iiughtered iiv order to liiake room for the big 25pfihjc8ktttllpwthlouall cuiliai in this six pounds of good tea equal to any 30c tea in town r b jcrwyn th plwkaies i as entbely well tfiisijrji ptoros since ttst was i klsol ousht a bottle jot pride enf iftstsprjns for my hired mauljbprbitiihis inkle so badly bs could not betfr 6f wtlrtjt on t after udr prlile of the valu y jjibinieut fo u hours he was able to go to wo k aa well an ever and what is the name of hat other med due why friie of the valley c itarrh andbb imstle cure that i tbe greatest icnbwn remodj in the world for ice care of catan b not an toha erbuttbe medicine is to bstakan internal ly one 9 a day itstrikes at the root of t s disease an 1 removes theebaie at once ss ibonsandis will jteetifr that baw used the cats thjretriedy 1 be three above remedies band nbahd and there can i eeti them t l q atthew8 acton ont alab at all firstclaa 1 moctielne deijers in canada mann- fabypnorasholbv me of dy pirst m p8tiycfungi ohihi iossor men a tea jtrr- n he aiare tfeaf iit and adlesl cure of gemii a weakness or sperin- atorrhoti imlueed by slfabnia xnolunt emiulof a irapotencv nervonsi dobiity and fjcpediii euts to itstru rb generally codbomp- pacltyb bybobeb 3culvekwejjliuj the wc rid renowned intboriq this admirable lecture dearly pror s trom bis own experience that the iirfni consequ mcies of 8elfabue may be effect ally removed ariiiioat dangerotibsurrs- cat open tions bougie instrnmento ringsor cordials poiuting out a mode of cure fat once certain a id effectual l y wbich every sufferer no matte whsthlseosaitibu may be jny cure himseu c 3eaplypriva ely nnd radically tttbi lecture will j rore a booa to hioilsandj and thou abda j boat uc iereeal in a plain cuvolope to any address c d receipt of ti or centk or two postage stamps tddresii ti 1 oulterwiill ksdicsl 41asn8t fbw tbcrif- v- p0 jmm- s ev jiloralgnide kdw ready- contains s cnlens pi u- basdicii of illiuitn- u m and neari- 3h pnxntt jj lainlnf 10 gsnteoin sot finer culuiki sad ten us col raininr an rjincnski list ef tiarirall tbefl0w9sae j- 1 v ssiabha grown wip pia5ts affo bc1 rni rrocurm wl pricwof cac jthtowmi mlli rrt w reckuef ib ceau and ti t etna mi be cmiicwd front tm ant reitw emyowei ai wuia sh ip s www nxn mi vote we itftr to the 1 illliorif of p itoni m nifre ahuned ear jyrrfsyr vtqfi got t hamscaajaay j d williamson t a bweiis5k0th8m8oafrmaru iptof ensvljeavy woore8okswrthm iton belling off at vciy jarhfon ifiog blreet bastotfe- witsti m wmmm st i lat jt v at i il pw watklnb is etul selling off his winter stcx kpucarly iallidds of floodsrlmmensely oheap rat ss blanhejte ud eorriforere nt a at rodubtlod iies and filrls istiilwaab dbtettrmaritedvdbvh many of tl em to about hhlf prices tlioaein thelaiestalleaeregreatlv rednoedjn price tadlesabd fitrulrafitebl f snndjshavrfi at ah idbtn igulerwcii hoeiery lu cjfs bi all selling 611 atexc blaokianittfea atvirunvoiiw btihjk of all hinds of vis american to be made cat uiisout wdstnrn td nslsnd we will geud you free imetliidrmteiitvalneiiqdiinport- anee to you that win si art you in business which wlllbridilv jil in inore money right away than asiything el q in tliii n rld anyone can no tbe work and ivo at hon e either sexrtan ages something new that iist coins money fcr all workers i6 will star yon capital not needed tui u one ot thpgenu no important cuinces ot allfebme tkow who are amwijousaud enter- piishu u not delay grand outfit free ad- dress tara co augttsta maine sajlesme ir axtkd iht of a f ev more flrstclass men p oetortl teeateot choice varieties of pursery 8toclt t men who can make a snecessof thebasloess we cut paycjoodalaries or eoinmisttoh andit permanent employment we have many new an f choice specialties both nthe fruit and ornam jntal lines which others do not handl apply at once rioi references m lybbotheib ikjbsebnlek bochesiatiiift 100 columns and 100 4ngravminacklssuc 45uiyeab slboae senbree anscnt a tatropsfer sample copy fbuglisipriaaman a ad premium im ef the otbe8t atto best a5h crtttcbai pehioblcaaik the wobld addresi j pubmshebs amjbb cas agbicultrribibt david v jcbd president 31uroadway cewvork pared toturolsh an cb uses wiuiemploymenvat bomevtbe whole of he limb orforttibirspare ijss ne isht and probl vonsot ertberbay pmirtiv mwmmi jte peas i essl t earn from so cents to obner evening apd a iroportioual bnujl by de voting ajl tfleirtinie b rthe business boys and girlaearn nearly as mich as uien thatauwho see this niftyndthei r address andtestithe busl- neasremakefofl r tosuohaa arenotwell aatuaed wewfll send me dollar to pay for the troubleofwriangfi 11 paxtjcwarslaa outfit wm addreeaqfioba ibtdsbos co boruaqd uaine j einilain r hdieaana liibea iftea se ve oaa hinlsofhoiwrdsb3nggo8na ifsasgssiswfsbmrwssavjbwp m ii7z wtfxjiorltletileye biliousness intlgestiok w jainoice m xmmk m mm smaf hoptorflrrt jhtskin rw3efs iaistwif- aiv ffl r zvipa iispertoa tlsa tflp4 option ol tli j oueooli halfcoh guar one u- m aac m ain wij ba ontario ha w t ffwibltce ratekd 1yearsl amt m 1 probtfyai ationion foney aimfi propewy faandi iv

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