1k v0lltmriin03 jt mi m 3088 yj is ictbltsbku every thursday morning xt rms free press power printino h0u8c acton 6 ontario subscription ratc8 oxt vkvh10a six months joclrt three moxtks1 s3 era luvari my it aivaue it not pid lu advance msj per vr will bo charged o paper dlscon- sriuvl u all arrears arc- paid cjicopt at the ptioti of ihc publisher aovertisino rat ricr7 mi c mo s ua 1 mo duo dluniu haft column qsirter column 0c uiili i oxl 1 s0 1 duft i smb u rioo ju liw too i cool 350 j 00 700 150 lon vmal sdmrtwmieuts scents per hue for the firtinsirtiouanjs cents per hue for each sub ccmut insertion cash the number of lln rorkfioeds uie space occupied measured by a t ile ot solid nonpareil a liesouents without specific directions ili be inverted uu torbid and charged aecoul in si v traasitoryatveruiewontsiuuit be pau in dvaa-v- chtuis for contract odrertisaiuont must bo iu tho offime by 9 m on monday otherwise thov vill be left over until the following h t moork editor aulvroirietor j 16 d1bc3 nurb fooml enroltgw if- ti i ftwuwmmi vtmfejuhortf trmj -r- a r ti rfewr j- sj acton ontario thursday february 24 3887 acton banking coy 8t0riy christie co let on bankbrii i btarlo qkwral banking business transacted xoxnfr loaned 02 ajpphovsd irpxas notes discounted and interest i jlowid on doposits business directory uhtilowbt m b m c p 8 t graduate of trinity f ollege mem- ber of college of physicians and surgeons office and raideuerrtat the head of frederick street atton w fhd the puzzle the uii lersigiied u irciared to turuih ou tho tuor est police in any quantity and at hot- i torn prices ftrstclms lumt elr lath 8taves head ingr shingles wash tubs cturns butter tubs pork bar relswood flour and feed au anytl ing iu the liuo of fanners housekeep ers or co tractors necessities the uztlc it to find better place thn- tl tom as c moores to buy sir ihlug in the above lines also to find out it you ore indebted to hiui for anythiug pur- hlui his books say some are and the money hnd sleighs 3 benob large and strong worth a126 are now sftllinsrat days bqpkqtore cuelpm for so cents t ctott m xm mofkbroanvw 1887 chased frn he would ike l bennett ld8 dentist t georgetown ontario mckinlay l d 3 8urgon dentist georgetown ont uses the new system of nitrons oxide gas com monly called vitalized air for extracting teetttwithout pain having been demon strator and practical teacher in royal college of dental surgeons toronto pat rons may dependapon receiving satisfaction in any operations performed will visit acton every second and fourth wednesday of each month office agnews hotel john l a wson graduate of on- trio veterinary ttollege toronto teteriuary soeon acton ont orncrr iu keuuy bros boot and shoe store resi dence inthc rear horses examined as to soundness and certificates given all calis night or day promptly attend ed to terms eas- babyslei6h box handles large dice and well 1 painted 176 johnston mclean birristers solicitors notaries couyey- neerg ac sprivate fnnds to loan ornce tovm hall acton f b jorofstos wn a mclean x a moat biecisin soliciroi nuvust pcbuc money to loan orntt iatthew6 acton upsuirs yjrafltehell soucnon cosveijtxcss ic ostice first door west of oiehnmiiion 4iice xiain street milton money to loan si c percent ulklpn- bu si hess collece 0celph ontak10 mhe tfllbd scholastic tear x bejku september 1st patronage drawn iron tea states aud provinces oongceu md boy thoronghly prepared for bniicasa pnrsoits gradnateseminent- ly sncctaaful as accouounts boajuess manager shorthand writers clerks satesme i travellers etc both iu canada and the united states moderate rates thorough practical work and conrteona ireatmer t characterize the institution ladies admitted to all the advantages of the college splendid facilities alfforded for tho ao- qnisitionjof french and german for mjormatiou address m maccobmick wtf principal lutrjber shingles and lath fvkik uud jbinel ueaires to inform tho imblic i tht 1 is bs now on bqil and will knep in stock a fa 1 line of pine and hemlock as veil as other kim s of lumber also first and second class piue shidgles a lath goal wood huvingpurchased the coal business ot mr c s smith i am prepared to supply all kinds of stove coil 1 have also o good stock of wood harvlwootl ash cedar and mill wood at reason able pricts wood andcoal delivered 1 jamks bhoavs day sells cheap gttjexjipel thats what 8 tbs matter lot dogs delight to bark aud bite for tis their nature to but ywikoei cant afford to tight whatcvor elw ftey do our gawmnent should never let its angry passion rise became we are not ready yet for foes ot any size tis likely we may never be although our words are rash because we do not wish you see to spend the noedful cash ton cash weve rot right on the spot aud more there is behind but those who ought to use the samo are sadly deaf and blind for this and that uo matter what they spend oar money freo bat dribble tardy dollars for pur seacoast and the sea in vaina toothless lion roars or barks a harmless pop a nation with defonoeress shores had befter shut right up so harsh rebuffs with kicks and caffs must be our daily share because our very tender spots wonthtusdoordare so canaday must have ber way and right must yield to gall bwtum toe words we want to say cant be backed op at all new york sun pbice three janet saw ber oonni el was no other than edward wiokham j ho wished j abe was a our story templf of qilleeon allan ba1rd barristers solicitors 4c toeosto at geoboetown ornces creelmans b2oegeorgetokti and 80 kingstreet east toronto v t alias 1 shittox bt if baibd ba acton branch campbell house headquarters for the leading pianos and organs janets jealousy tbe above puwug uie colcbrated mosic house ib ni iriran fire mutual insurance company trade with great bucccsb in this locality or the b ainlaidlaw4c0 bulbisteb solicitoee orncw over imperial banu 34 wel lington street east entrance exchange alley toronto john baix q c o a mastexi willuu laidu geokgk kamele g w badgerow a co biuwsrtil- solicit0ki ontario hall 50 church street toronto c wpwil r0i3rcaitpnci patents secufted t fob inventions henlty gjif5t oitawa casaba i 2ij years practice no eateut no yy count t 07 ellington tstabulkl 1810 head office cuelph iuaurea buildings mercliaudize manu factories and all other descriptions of propertyjon the premium note bjstem pw- stone cnas davidson president secretary john taylor agent ldjtu i r parties dbeiring to ptircliase a tirstclass piano or organ should not fail to examine the goods ot correspond with the proprietor j o- mctban i quebec st oueub wellington marble works qubmo st queln t a murray f lkxnsku avctiosctr for the counties of hal ton and wellington orders left at his residence mala street opposite cii arch street actonbr addressed to acton po will receive atriot attention terroi reasonable- notes disoonnted if desired w hemstbeet ltanssed arcilfixeee pause and consider i that it will be to your own interest to pat ronize home trade we would respectfully inform thb inhabitants of acton and sur rounding country that we are again in full rannins order and in a better position than before the fire to fill all orders entrusted to ns topirties baildinr i lumber wfl i be dresser while yoni wait and mouldings dreinade with neathesb and despatch f n b avo apj also prepared to fill all orders for pumps on short liotiee apd from long experience in tbe business we feel confident jbat we can givo satisfaction every time so come on with yinr order and help to roll the ball along money makfjfl the mare fio whether she has logs or nov i tufleitltace manager john h4 hamilton piiopbietor j wholesale and retail dealer in marble granite and everything pertaining to cemetery work direct importer of all kinds of granite and marble having lately visited tbo bay of fundy granite quarries and having purchased tho entire stock of gray end red grauito raonumentfl beadstontfi crosses orus etc of alexandor taylorrat less than cost i will until further notice bell at prices never before knowu in ontario for io- stance granite monuments it high g0 7 ft 75 8 ft 990 9 ft 100 10 ft 0120 all work and material narrauted tintclass parties wanting anything in this line will dowell to call and see tne before pnrcihssiog eleowbere as 1 gaaraatee my prieeit erefrom 30 to 50 per cent below all other dealers jl i j central meat market for tbe counties of wellington and hatton orders left at the free press office acton or at my residence in aetonjj wiu bef promptly attended to terms reasonable moxmr ia loax also money to loan on the most favor able terms and at the lowest rates of in- terest insoms of 500 and upwards johkday akchitect ocetph oxt orfke queens hotel block market square bxceiislor j bakery joseph patton edgar wiokham was a rising- young lawyer indeed in one qoarter he could hardly rise higher and that was in the admiration and esteem of janet dodd the good opinion was reciprocated in short the two were in love and not only that bat engaged 1 somehow jauets morning walks often led her down tbo street on which edgars office a cosy little ouostory building more like a country cottage than r lawyers den looking out smilingly and i toll you its a great disadvantage our rnral legal bro thers have that of being relieved from the alternative of either wearing out their loi s climbing six flights of stairs or risking the bones in breakneck elevators on this particular morning janet was just in time to get a glimpse of edgars back as he hurried out with his satchel of papers and start at a halfran for the courthouse ho had hardly turned the corner before the office boy deserted bis post for a game of marbles with a brother chip across the way a mischievous thought came into janets head it was valentines day and in a shop window elie was passing was a picture of a lawyer in fall blast its title was the wisdmim a name which the spraw ling attitude of tbe legs and arms rendered not nnappropriate 1 it would be a good joke to leave it on edgars table said janet to herself and entering the shop she bought the valentine and patting it into a fancy en velope directed it in a feigned hand to edoah wickhau ewj coming out she watted till the boys across the street fell into a dispute over a question of dubs and then slipped into the office unobserved hell think its one of those nice senti mental ones she chnckled how foolish hell look when be opens it i she laid the valentine in a conspicuous place with the paperweight on one corner and was about hastening away when her eye fell on what appeared to be an unfinish ed letter now janet was tho last person lo pry into ones secrets even her sweethearts but there was something- in theflrttwords her eyes fell npou ftjatjnade it impossible to withdraw them and irresisably impell ed her to read the whole i the writing was edgars and ran thus dearest hblek do not be disturbed at any rumors you may have beard of my flirtations with aabtber for rest assured they were nothing more it is you only i love and if our engagement which i look upon as sacred be not faithfully carried but the fault shall not be mine my own darling the writer had doubtless been interrupt ed for some sudden call of business janet felt the- hot blood rise to ber face thousand miles awky if she had only known that he was is tho case lily could never havo argued h er into coning but there she was andnt help lor it to get up and leave would i ittract notice there was nothing to do hut force back her blushes and remain j wiokham opened 1 lis ease with a dear rttatement and flourii lies and proceeded to put in hi evidence ne of tbo first items of which was a lntit tbe deftndant had written to the plai ntiff jai iet almost startod from her sea on heariig the first sentencea they we re word fo word ideu- ileal with those she had read ttiat day in edgars office she wnld hard y repress a cry of joy for though it was all a mystery to her ye j she felt that her lovers faith was vindicated and hat she had cruelly misjudged him in his closing speei h edgar so mingled wit humor and patl os that 1 6 kept the jury and ihe audisnej now in tears now oonvulsedj with lauf bter jai et blushed at the thought of thb w dmiix aud bow poor joke it w old have lieen toleavo it as she had intende i the jury gavo a 1 eavy vert lot for the plaintiff and when i dgar tuned to lead his olient off in trior ipb janit saw that his face was worn an 1 haggardi poor fel low 1 hacjhe too bten suffer self- 1 it chanced that tbi ir cyea was bometjhiub io beta that 1 approach and ask hay i ball and b you this evening mis dodd oh 1 yes come laid janei with her old frank mariner i shall bo ry glad to see you and he did come j ou may be let me speak first abe said her hand cordially t ad then si e hurriedly related ber stolen vis t to his oi discovery there edgar laughed heartily as he iathlbgop ig like her- it there edgar to was unfinished when a puzzle to me yet all plain enough euro jx extending oe and her pressed the little hand in hit well ef course yo i understand it now little jealousy he adt od oh 1 yes i know it was tbe wicked man wrote u the pret but then it was in you r hand an l saw it it waeacojy though swered for the oilier side who bad it and in making which i terrnpted- whpt a dunco ivp made said janet so we shant locjk a simple flirtation dearest janets lips took on edgar kissed away letter that iywidw- ides it i its quite edgar an i had commenced demanded hadbeen in- inanoli npon ifter all myself past as shall we a pretty out which a years ago a little book teil into our hands recounting tho experionoe of a cer- tain prooiidhtbailtie man from which it appeared that as with most americans too close attention to business had broken his heahh the debtor said he could hot live ue then suted that he nsed a cer tain artiolo which effectually cured him and put of a gratitude for his own recovery ho determined to dorote a portion of his fortouo to spread its merits before the wojdd v as we read it we said thisis evidently a shrewd expression of j a commercial motive it sounds well it roads will bat many people will not believo it in a few years however that uian got fanjhus the world over he gave jjbveral huudred thousand dollars to astronomical research and hif namobecamo a household word in nearly every hime in the junifed btaifis hundreds of thousands of people day without reservation say that to this man alone they owe their lives t if ten men are collected together the ohatices are that if ohe man intidepully refers to warners safe cure seven of them will be able to tell from their own experi- encelor from the experience of their friends of marvelous results which that remedy has wrought nothing has ever been put on the maket wo arc told the sale of which baa been so great and kept np so woudorf ally and this alone is evidence that merit is at the bottom of its popularity c in dor files we find many an advertise ment from this bouse some people have beijeved have used and have been cared others have disbelieved have not nsed died the manufacturers have stated as the result of their most careful investigatwus that the condition of the kidneys is the key to health and that they know if the kid neys are maintained in health by warners sate cure ninety- three per cent of diseases would disappear the urio acid or waste of the system left in the blood by what may be called constipated kidneys blocks ap the system and carries disease tevery organ this statement made time and time again- is so foil of eonbo that it is now ac- copted as a boientific truth by insurance companies who reject millions of risks every year if there is the least inactivity of these organs the public is tired of the wrangles of this school and of that school and it is quick to recognize anything that has such conceded merit and ori v ground alone can wo accouut for its extraordinary sales and popularity temperance notes sdhli bv aftf sob wat goodhy j mnie tbe r md is long and the a oar is hard to cross butwell yon knowttset sis danger injhe m i and 4e n imhy tnosa peipibtlefooii jv 2 tspfjk cents mi ftemwl fa j th stray itften youll fat safely c rarity sjthecm w rtofiwitii a biessihg and a kiss olxnotbet jove ithe daisies ero down it her feet and thelaifcwassin gabovo on on the ni rrow foot wtbi nothing ooi id tempt wr to stray so the moor uas passot at nightfall and shed f unlight a 1 the way and i wlio k uowwl th majdmj kept thinki ngas i a edt over the peril jus moo fjife what nn wa 7 f eet ar i bent if they only o raid keep in the footpath and not in he mars os stray then they wo ijd reaah the end of life r i ere te nigt could a irond the day harpttt weekly li i i i yiindi in ii 1lensibi itry so hai d to ma ka my children i happy said a wearied nother with a deep sigfo one dt y in dei air at her efforts j stop trying e tclaimed i practical friend at her elbow md do ai a neighbor of mine does an d bow is hat 1 aba asked dolefully v w jy she limply lets ber children grow and develop jiaturally only directing their gi owth pro lerly she baa always thrown t iem asi ar as practical upon their own t eaourcee taught them to wait upon thet iselves 10 matter how many servants si is had a id to construct itheir own playth ngs w rsn she returns home from an at sence the want but one thing theirnot lerskiss whatever baa been bought for t lem is 4m itowed when the needed time cor res not ling exerting is allowed to them 1 1 night and they go to bed and to deep in a wlolesome mental state that insure i restful slumber they are taught to1o naturte md to feel that there is nothing t rrayed e finely as the j lily of the field i le tees at d the butterflies l that there is hott ing so mi an as a lie nor anything so misei able as di sobedienoe that it is ajiflgrabe to i be sick and that good atl ai health good teetl from plain food plenty of i good lndrder a certain amount leep and being to thrive hildren require of letti ig alone 6n- preme faith in tl o mothei finery plain food no drugi bed are the best binge for happy and goo temper come few toys no and early to making them sjc cabinet b bancis ndnan successor to t f cufpmttu bookbindeb st georges square guelph ioutairio account books of all kinds made to order periodicals of every description caref oily bound baling neatly and promptly doae toflnj daley 1 feuccesor titliomon jackson loney to loan on farm property at 6 per cent mortgages purchased money oaned for parties in mortgages and other aecurily conveyancing in all its branches properly and neatl done charges low i arms and city property for sale list with farms for sale sent to all parts of the dominion to intendingpurchaaers and olr- culated- in europe european capitalists wanting farms in on tario will bff sen t di rections tbrougirour barppaltn agenjlw farms wanted for our lisi porrespoii wnee invited offe near postofice yelphont read will be left daily at the storo of mr john nelson for thd aceommpdafcion of cubtomors tlte de iverynyaggon will ah cah three timesa weekaalisual mrs t statham was she then tbe dupe of tbe man whose utcher hasjpleasnre inannouncing j she bad accounted all her own and who had hero the heartlessness to characterise a mere yyrtattdft the- love making in which she had believed with all the faith of her trustful nature taking up the valentine she hurried out and never stopped till she reached her own chamber first she gave way to a flood of tears then her prido came to her relief and taking up her pen in a few brief lines she informed mr wiokham that on closer examination of the state of her feel ings she found they were not such as to render the farther continuance of the rela tions between herself and hlm advisable it would be best to look npon them in the- tb the citizens of acton that he has purchased tbe butchering business of mr wm rossell and is prepared to conduct the same in a straitfotward business manner i having had large experience in the bus- ness i feel that 1 can guarantee all custom ers who favor me with their patronage perfect jatisf action all kinds of meat fresh an4 good and poultry fish feo in season will be found in stock i respectfully solict your esteemed pat ronage 1 ijosbraftton acton nov 8th 1886 here take them up very tei iflorly are your grandfathers loveletters i not exactly loveletters not what in these daye of impassioned rabtoric we should call loveletters i thiikwe may venture to open them and take just one peep for i sven the loveletters o those days were so formal aud stately that they were hardly too sacred for even a itranger to read and wou might they cdnslderthe chaiioes of their being read by pe iplefar less entitled to the privilege than thi i gt-grand- ebildren of the lady to whom they were addresredi for in those days thire were no cbvelopee nor were there sleamera to carry tho mails yonr grandf ither who was in bwtoleu would baifd bis sheet of paper carefully folded and fai toned with red wax to the master of some i low sailing- vessel and it would take its oh usees sent in november 1812 of being ndorsed in your grandmothers delicate hand as re ceived april 1613 they all ai e addressed to missj esteemed friend thd signed your most obedient and humt le servant iu one of them he is a little cibsapointed at not having beard from her he is not distressed ilest she should ha re removed from him the friendship witl wbioh she honored him before he left but he is sorry that a letter has beau lost did she over receive it their is np record of it but i think he did receive that or another just as fjoojj certainly she never removed her friendship from him for 1 ler portrait painted sixty years later hangi beside his on the wall above us and ire not we sittingaround the same fireplace where they sat sons and sons wives and grand sons what dr holmes wonld call the wonderful echoes of that maid an s yes still i wish we coold find a record of its being received but we will not hunt for it let ns tie them reyeren tly together again and put them quietly lutek where they have rested for two genei ations-r- nicholas fw november qihejnla barber shop mill stbbt acios an easy shave a- styhsb haijrcut a good ewiresstmwanffjrot itr firstlass oondiiioifc ladies and childrens hair tastily cvbkw ijp 1 wobbek tentorial artist laotfkr r andrew ieskw i having purchased the general blacksmith- ing busmessof mb p jsuntfrsolieitotbe patronage ofsll the onstomersjoi the shop and this pnbllc generally j horseshoeikg will be made a special feature of the busi ness interfering horses carefully shod and cured j having- lhad large experience iutrte manufacture and repairing of agrionlraral implement and machinery ofall kinds ios wellfljof general work i feel that lean naranteesatisfftction in very case andiiw teskby the liquordealers assembled in nation al council set for themselves a bard task they strongly condemn temperance and appeal to every member of the trade jto make proof of his declaration by bis daily life and by the conduct of his business it will be hard to fill the public mind with confidence in snob protestations j it leaks at thespigot and wastesat the bung they declared their nualterable opposition to prohibition affirming that it destroys jt business that employs an immense capital and supports a vast number of hohest work men this surrenders the threadbare plea prohibition hoes not profiibit and sets up another o veil more utenablo the capital invested in the manufacture of alcoholic lienors in this country employs 86000 men the same amount invested in the average of every other business employs 135000 their cases is desperate ithe facta fight them there ia a sharp point to burdettes hnraor commenting on kate fields asr sertion that prohibition has made sneaks and hypocrites out of hnnderds of people heretofore honest sod straightforward biirdette says itj is terrible it proves that prohibition is ajgreat evil now if kate will only look aroaud she may ascor tain that free whiakey has a tendency to reclaim hypocrites and sneaks and make honest men of them there is i nothing like unlimited grog for elevating men that ban be proved by the men who have tried it i there is how a strong probability that the murderer of rev george c haddock of sioux city iowa will be brought to pioviiig her title a dapper dndi p little la wyer suffering i greatly from that mental di aorder vulgarly called the big b d wen i pnt west to j grow np with tie countrr and forgot to leave certain little air i of the effete east behind him airs par icnlariy pffen- bivb to the agrico ltured we iterner in the first cas he had b forea western judge he had to jxamirie i woman as a wituess she wis a genome product of the sod charmin y free f r m deceit and affectation in reply to the young law yers rather sm irtly put question as to whether she hai the hot or of being a friend of the defendant the witness plied with a brief yon bet i reserve your pahy with which associate madau man haughtily ears with such conduct yourself presence what are yoju the woman draw ng its full bight 1 ai you poor mizzable bntcompieheneive vulgarities for the com- yon are accustomed to said thi i cultured young do not offend refined unlady li te expressions is a lidy should in my iyin is screeched ier laak form up to itnol little lady eh whyj puiin infant you dont know a lady wht in you see her im a lady from vay bock i am and i kin- whale the mi n as say i haint you dont know beaw when j oi tr jieada in the bag im a lady from the crown of niy head to tbe sole f my foot and iu beeter nally flabbergalt 4 if 1 but the lawyer bad fled and lie took the next train for boston licensing thsprlrre of bum v- hjl r a license ib the rumsel eve justification and temperance delusion j a licehbe is the rumsellers fort and a temperance huinhag jubtioei one of the conspirators against j a license sancjjibns the light of simple jfirfaffoiiblw could not help underscoring the jwordjwhich had gone quite far enough edgar on receiving this communication hastened to seek an interview with janet but was denied admittanbe and being as proud as herself he did opt go again one day not long aftej an exoiting case came bo for trial a great crowd went to hear it including a number of ladles amottg whom are janet and her friend lilly archer who had persuaded janet to bear her company it ijvas a breach of promise case in which a fickle baobelor had f jilted a handsome young widow without money for an ngly old maid with plenty otit janet and ber friend secured good places but when tbe fair plairitlff entered deeply veiled and leaned en ber counsel and when the odd corner eighteen different telephon girla em ployed in the hartford office have been married during the last three yuan to some of the sabsoribera on the line it is a womans voice more than ber 1 raks which catohes on ib it true that when a wild looses mate dies it never takes another 1 1 iks a young widow yes but dont worjrr aboatihat- the reason it acts that way ist eoause it is a goose v shei i dont see why women should not make as good swimmers as men he yes but you see a swimmer tas to keep his mouth bhut as a general rule the man who makes raneous speeches pan give yon be manuscript if yon want tplprinj it him has upon his arrest under suspicion made a confession he implicates a num ber of men all identified with the liquor- traffio and names the one who aboi mc haddock the case will be vigorousy pro secuted and the result will be awaited with deep interest when the queen of madagascar shut up the saloons in her kingdom and the ex- saloonkeepers asked for a compensation she replied compensate those you have wronged and i will pay thei balance speaking after the manner of men that waaapo8er the thoughtful man who has resolved to quit the liquor buisness looks on his own bright happy children- with different feel- ings his change of occupation has lifted a shadow that rested on their youdg lives as well as his own rime and gilds event reckoning makes lasting fnendsf and tbe way to make reokouiugb even is to make thenj often j tbe household says the comi ng girl will walk five miles a day she will fie ittre to get here then he who readily breaks with t real friend is uuworthy of one somepersons have periodical attacks of canadian cholera dysentery or diarrhoea and have to use great precautions to avoid tbe disease chauge in water cooking and green fruit is sure to bring on the at tacks to such parsonswe would com mend div j d keuoggs pysentery jbrdial as being the best medicine in the qf arket for all summer complaints if a fevadrops aretaken in waterhen tbe sympton are noticed no farther trouble will be experienc ed 1 8pring hoitband overcoats atextreme ly lowfprioefl and made in the latest styles besure to call and see thereat j fyfes aotou it the saloon a license while pretending to regulate the teloon apologizes for theorime that it produ9ea r alicense oalls jfor a bribe and corrupts the bribe taker i a license is a jlegal sen jtion for crime for a money consideration which costs ton timestbe amount reoewed to take oare of the oonseqqentetr of the cri me a license is murder sanctioned by law a license is a murderous war on the peo- pie sanctioned by the deep e themselves a license is murder by wholesale with a provision that the murdeishall be done with alow poison only a license restricting tw nnmber of lctonsdoe8 not restrict the imonnt of poieofl to be drank a concentre tion or monopoly may and of ten does offer superior attrac tions to drink pftener highor low license is a premium to be paid for the privilege o commission to commit crime i high dr low license is a bribe to our eel- fishnets and a sanction of our criminal propensities from denitym monthly for january ifx itgrnm h m t m0 3- mm r4 f3 a s reakhp m i rk nero fiddled wlien ron vwaa burning many nowadays seem eq ially indifferent to danger toy the- manner in which thsy neglect illhealth if take in time there is scarcely a ohronio diseasi i whioh burdock blood bitters will not eradicate by its purifying rogulatinioejb