Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 10, 1887, p. 4

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n vi i- w i fcooaf atfthk 0p sever mind the ctowjj lad sor faucy yonr life wont tell 5 the work ts done for all that to him that doeth lit well fancy tio world a bill lad jjook where the million stop t you ii find ihe crowd m thabawlad but theres always room at t ho top oonrqo am tafth and patience i j there jce in the old world yet you afcum a tetter chance lad the turtbec along you get keep your eye on the goal lad never despair or drop ljesu re that yourpathloads upward i there v always room at the top j i the way of the world 1 auxions daughter mother did papa have jia salary increased when ho was married omaha matron no my child i dont 6uppose he had any money saved up did lie not a penny he spent all he earned did you ret along comfortably we were very happy well yon know george hasnt been able to save a cent but t- see here it that poverty stricken fellow dares to show his face here again ill get your father to- luck him oat omaha world they arbitrated an old tramp who bod agreed to saw wood for half an hoar for his breakfast from a baltimore worn an quit at the seventh stick and said madam i have struck for more break fast and less wood aro vera willing to arbitrate certainly ahe replied and ab left the care in the hands of her bolldog who ran the tramrthalf a mile and decided that a lockout was inevitable winter snaps a lady writes i waa enabled to remove the corns root and branch by the nee of honowayicorn cure thiers who have tried it have the same experience itfccre it eads ninetenths of the disease denominated cartarrah is the result of protracted or oft- repeated colds in the head nasal balm will give immediate relief and pens anently cores l able other rin such as riches reputation power being allowed to tjut tej hlb by the wy or shall he mftkj wojjdiy i0m the foundation of oharaotor betng allowed to be a secondary and iiioidentatrnattor llmre the most humorous mau is hot always the happiest the man who has sorofnlout humor or any obstinate humorof thsblood does not feel very hvvty at least not until he is cured which by the way burdock blood bitters will do in the most trouble some of blood humors j 1 many a raau has uovcr oveu begun to learn the alphabet of a mothers love until ho was taken sick or lost his property or was forsaken by his frtonde or was in soma sort of trouble thou beholding the con stancy of his mothers affection for htm he began to pick out the letters and tor the first time iu his lite to spell the word love flee rrmwt important it is of the importance that some rood household remedy shoojd be kept within haudy reach in lease of pain and accidental iujury the most useful remedy of this kind is undoubtedly hagyardi yellow oil for iuternul land external use in alt painful complaints tho extraordinary popularity of ayers cherry pectoral is tho natural result of its use by intelligent people foroverforty years it has proven itself the very best specific for colds coughs and pulmonary com plaints dent de it poht rack and ruin your longs with tight harrowing distressing cough when a fef doses of halyards pectoral bahnrr will loosen the phlegm soothe the irritation ana heal the sore throat and bronchial pipes and may avert that destructive disease consumption j dsnblr briidftted there is no one remedy known that hat mpro curative power over dyspepsia and liver complaintthan buroockbloodlbitters i bad liver complaint and my husband web bo bad with dyspepsia that he coulc npt labor one dozen bottles of b b has enabled us both to attend to our usna work reports mrs john a campbell 0 brighton n b j it spring a resurrection of natures latent forces is taking place lake the world around you renew your complection invigorate your powers cleanse the channels of life ayers sareaparilla is the means to use for this purpose a penan unable to sleep in bed unable to work un able to take ordinary exorcise from the effect of asthma until using southern asthma cure a sample package relieved thrpe packages permanently cured worms derange the whole system mother graves worm exterminator de- ranges aromas and gives rest to the sufferer it only costs twentyfive cents to try it and bo convinced i 4 mi worthy orcaameace the preparation sold by druggists known as hagyards yellow oil is worthy of all confidence as a household remedy for pain it has been over a quarter of a century in 1 the market and never fails to curd lieve rheumatism neuralgia sore quinsy deafness burns scalds frost bites ana internal or extern al and injuries or re- throat bruises pains is your hair turning gray anal falling out halls hair kenewer will restore it to its original color and stimulate the fol licles to produce a new and it variant growth it cleatiseathe scalp eridicates dandruff and is a most agreeable aqd barm less dressing heretbaiclaiantd for the past four or five yeari says mrs emery of cottam ont i have been subject to kidney troubles i was advised to try burdock blood bit rs it has done mo more good than w ist was claimed for it i can recommend it to all sufferers from like diseases vf 1- take ayers sarsaparilla in tho spring ofbe year to purify the blood irj vigorato r tbe systemexcite the liver to acti n and restore the healthy tone and vigoi of the whole physical mechanism cc jacobs buffalo ny bayp dr thomas e dec trie oil cured him f a bad case of piles of 8 years standing having tried almost every known remedy besides two buffalo physicians without relief but the oil cored him he thinks iti cannot be recommended too highly cholera and all summer complaints are bo quick in their aetion tht the cold hand of death is upon the victims befre they are aware that danger is near if attacked ao bos delay in getting the proper n edicine try a dose of dr j d kelloggab sentery cordial and yon will get immediate relief it acts with wonderful rapidity an never fails to effect a curs after years of buffering persinb whoi lave vainly sought remedioal help from other sources have obtained the loo desired refief from northrop si lymans v egetable discovery anddygpepticcnrfl wh eh puts a stop to the tormeutsof dyspepsii renews activity of the bowels and liver relievtis maladies incident to tho gentler m and builds tip failing health and strength gives purity to the blood end tone to fin whole systerv i dangers of de ay ii vc were allowed to look into th future and see the fatal consequences thai follow a neglected cold how differentlj wonld our course bo could we realize odi danger how speedily we would seek a cure but with many it is only when tho monstei disease has fastened its fangs upon otu lungs that we awaken to our folly wba follows a neglected cold is it not diseast of the throat and lungs bronchitis asthma consumption and many other diseases 0 like nature it is worse than madness u neglect a cold and it is folly not to hvi some- good remedy available for this fre quent complaint one of the most efnea cious medicines for all diseases of the throat and lungs is bickles anticonsumptivt syrup this medicine is composed o several medicinal herbs which exert ruo3t wonderful influence in curing co sumption and other diseases of the lungi and chest it promotcaj a free and essj xpectoration soothes irritation and drive the disease from the system on hats from 75 cents to 230 at j fyfes if you want a nobby durable and cheap suit go to j fyfes acton advice 10 moideb3fare you disturbed at night aud broken of your rest by a sic 1 child suffering and crying with pain of cut ting teeth if so smd at once and get bottle of mr winslovyb soothing byrnp for children teething j its value is iucal eulabub it will rolieve the poor little sul ferer immediately depend upon it moth ers there is no mistake about it it cure i dysentery and diarrhoea regulates tin tomach and bowels cures wind colis softens the gums reduces inflammatior ahd gives tone and energy to the whoh system mrs winstows soothing by rap for children toothing is pleasant t the taste and is the prescription of one c f the oldest and best feinale physicians an 1 nurses in the united states and is for sal 3 by ail druggists throughout the worlc price twentyfive cents s bottlei be sflti a and ask for mrs wisseows 8oohrsp stbrp and take no other kind spring suits and overcoats at extreiiia ly low prices aud madoin the latest style 1 be sure to call and see them at j fyfe acton j jsomc persons have periodical attacks of canadian cholera dysentery or djirrhcea and have to use greafr precautions the disease change in water apdgreetn fruit is sore to bring oc tacks ti such pereons we would recom- r mend- dr jd kelloggs dyseutery cordial as being the best medicine ia the jor fill summer complaints if a f m drops bohmiten in water when the sympi oms are mfiescl no furtbetvrooblo will beei perienc edr 1 0 avoid booking tbe at- msb rem anil temrorl to hie battering browns household panacea fias do equal forvelievine pain both internal and external it cures paiii in the side bac k or bowels sore thioat rheumatisti i tbothaube loinhngo and any kind of pain or ache it willmostsurejyquic c en the blood and heal j as its acting pow i is wonderful biowns household pa it acea being acknowledged as the gre it puin reliever ami of double the strengi h of any other elixir 01 liniment in tie world should be in every family handy fi it use when wauted as it really 6 the be tt remedy in the world jor cramps 111 tlie stomach and fains and aches of all kind and is for sale by all drugcists at 25 cents atottle j i r iiloalxbiiik hheees it is the duty of every person who his used boseheeg german syrup to let its wo derful qualities be knojsn to their frieniie iu daring consumption severe congh cronp asthma pneumonia and in fast all throat and long diseases no pew n can use it without immediate relief thr e dosps will relieve any cjase andweconsid r it the duty of all snigcists to recommetd it to the poor dying consumptive at lea it tp try iorie bottle as 80000 dozen botiji s were sold last year and no one ease whei e fairly was reported such a roediciue i s the german syrup cannot be too widel y knowq ask your druggist aboat it fiamp e pities to try sold at ten cents beguli r size 75 cents bold by all druggists at d dealers in the united states aud oaaad 1 jjr dv ayer3 ar8aparilta is a iv imiyinto l mihki rmpithwhnlbvtbbjmdulbe iimilllii yellow dock mindrih ltsh itlflcujiy tisbiiw ihulii loilidw of potiwslum nml iron nnd oihtir ingrthllcnts of groat strength oud curative vlflijie ayers tar8aparilua iik hwn teitod bjrand has recelrnl tho uiiiiniliunl poimneniliitlon of 4100000 iiimllks in tliu unjtcd stnten uitd 7 100000 tinillles throughout the world aykr8 8ar3aparilla 14 tlm only lllnodpyriflcr that has jalned jiinl ntnlucd the confidence of tho eoplo of tropkiil rjountrlqi whero suchmcdj olnn are in lvat dcnuipd ayers 8ar3apariua i the most popular blood furiflb hraong killor and u iu hlnetntbh of thai rncdl- t railway til ib table u do bitted diieohests of fhobet cirsh of j in irlcan fiilljli geminn uiul danish ve m s ayer8 sarsaparilla contains ho arsenic aud no all lnmiy fiilselr railed alterative upon the credulity of the public ayers sarsaparilla has lmn for nninv rears recognized as tho best alterative mid tonic medliioo in ull civilized iouutrles ayers sar8apar ill a piqinptly iellevcs from general djibllltv xenons prostration aud derangement of the vital organ ayers sarsaparilla effects radlcfal ciircx of all maladies arts jug frbmthb taint of scrofulous crcon- tnyloifi dlspases or tho eorrtipton of jlrivury hi the system ayer8 sarsaparilla is endorsed hy the modlcnl profession and regularly prescribed by many leading pmdltlonerij f 1 v f wft- v jewktt exmaym of iwpfll oud mjstoto sountor ksh ilmt hit only prmanrlon of sarsnpnrllta that seem to do renli iwtlnjj frootl in cleanilnpt tim blood end expelling poisonous matter lc from tho system is yj ayers sarsaparilla mriton fox the tsrgtitamhyfjicr and ftrnier o mmim wijp9 cmllls bis euro of scrofulous humor ondjysmnsltt to tho thorough ptirifli h- fcybirsafttapar illai warbrn lkianpi tho famous vaiip york landlord tostlflen from his own knowledge that for tbo euro of liver puordercvoout bait bheutn und various ftiutts of high living there is no tnnlloinb eqnnl to i ayer8 sarsaparilla hlium pilllups gl0w vu filtcmh tho cure of hereditary bcrofuln in throe generiuldiu of his family by ayers 8ar8aparilla tnoen cook tfett sommihctiam was cured of severe eczema undrcmuid from a rapid decline by ayer8 8ar8aparilla trtb ststrns of cnaiinr dorchttcr iiau vouch for tho alterative nml curative virtues of ayers 8ar8aparilla jonx j byan philadelphia professional baseball player was cured of rheumatism by ayers 8arsaparhla d bjckrr big spring ohio testi fies that his son fifteen yean old wtis cured of catarrh in its wont form by ayers sar8aparilla amttgttst wnitmorr limnwiej mt retired wacoptaln was cured of n cancer by ayers 8ar8apari1la op winter cobbs mammoth hciuse georgetown oolnohaflt mlfsdissbaim express 10am pasull110mniti tntougbp0 07 pm o in prjler to effect a olearadce of our winter gooito wo atjo holding forced clearing saiortf t millinery mantles dress coods winceys coakings overcoats t blankets flannels underclothing j ladles and gents furs robes tjiveeds ready- made clothlngr hosiery cloves and all classes of winter goods oi ttwi publio oun rely in getting gemiiue bnrgalns bound to offec n clearance tbe above as goods we are the nttestatioiir of a siyriadj of antsnpeaobable witnesses might hcdil were it nkeessary to prove the wmnsf ilfrcd ckwjeftectetl by this only rchliy effective biowl mruyiog mcolclnw s dr j uur ii ililnery m atlte and dr12sbm ktnq dspart- meuts me in firstclass working ordor ond are turning oullstylish miilinery atidgar- inents wo have au immenkeuoek of millinery drestf goods dre3s bilks nirtl clonkings to chocse from repared by c ayer c0j analytical chemists lowell mass drwlsts sold by all price 1 six bottles for our orderkd clothtngi department is a i wed- ding and mourning orders n specialty conie and patronize nr special poited sale and make money by saving it anderson fc co r are being- n sablbiificbpe sobiioeji sjlgrtw at- l r b jerwiys durinq imargh note a few chests of the 5 pounds for the ea left the great clearing sale at the right house watkins is still bclliog off h mantltbund ulsters marked iloln and shawls selling off at aiiunt lalf these are very warm aud conitor ta suiu and little girls vetyhaid a largo lot of all- wool french 1 bear tnmminu sell aow for 2 black and the lawst stihdtyi 8e and fancy nightshirts fine wdul collars marked down from 20 to off very levy a bi lot of mens j i wear merino underwear aud cotton their value heavy winter wool superior wilton selling off atjveijy mind tha house is on king street hamilton february 17tb 1 887 i jre a winter stock of nearly all kinds of goods at immensely cheap rates blankets and comforters at a manv ot them to about luilf prices those in tho aest styles are greatly reduced in prices- ladies if tbeir real value ladies heavy knitted woollen alexandra or polu jackets with aud without able for ladies expend to tbe cold on farms in the market or travellmjc a big stock of little boj jsome knitted woolen jtreey dresses at half prices scotch wool shuwls selling off very cheap sill ribs goods offeritg tin below their- value a still gteattr reduction made ou fur tiinruiiige less lb so kosary beaded and cbeoile trimmings goluji txcoediunly cheap mantle and lres ornaments 8e line oil ttlft bik liciluotioni striped oud brocaded vtlveieensin black and the new shades sellingtff olril uuilerncar ftud flannel regatta bleached aud unbleachid shins shirts made to order ai short c and from 17e to two for 6u gents silk ttes and scorls murked down to half price cardiean ja eavy woolen fiucks worth 25c selliue off at 20c ladies and misses beautifulembroiderediljnderw oar hi uuilerwear all selling off at exceedingly low prices very superior black arid new shades of ki uu hosiery iu bluck ami the latest shades selling off very cheap now a big assortment of carpots frc y low prices an immense stock of all kinds of house fnruisbiug goods on hand exceedingly cheap east one dooi- westof hughgou street the names on tho tviiulows aretbc richt house and sic 3 a i from yelmi11 cures rheumatism wo aretleatinttowui pnrjatiro la atorsnro audi effectual deedvyer of vsnii in childicn or adnlia the wanzer lamp 50 dandle power ft 2d waazer 8s co mpuf aeturerfl hamilton oit mfpgyilnip f aiia oyeiy yarietypf e well nd cii iten ri manufwtow a ti j k v- clbaeika i continues grand trunk acwrtn railway ooiso wrbf xprum lzmkm xpres 037aro rtiro kxvtenh 2 u pm nil s 38 pm rckffdocsno clilcsso kxi and torouto tihje or cjwsio sarts going west- i 10 am nn i tso pirn oolngkosi uxoftmianlbsoprji 3 oc0pfn i gieetal 83i puj itophetvceii gticlpli tolu fivebl free fre act tl invariably itfpery tiiiadtllt option pfthl oue coiumi haucolaml quarter co one inch- pride of the valley yen prldcof the valle tlmt is the name of the modjeiue it curerl m i of dyfipepsla first i bought a sample packao for c then five packaces for 61 and be oro 1 had taken thfe content of foot- vccliagewl was entirely well have never felt the synipioing- since that woe fonr years ago i nlw bor ijlit a bottlo of fitter of tho valloy iiufnicrit lai t sprins for my hired man wlk hprnlned bis an do o badly he could not bear hu weight on it after usidr pride of the valley 1inlmout for 2- hours he was able to go- w as well abievsr and bi is tbo name of that other jlcdici le why pride of the valley catarrh and khefin atic cure that laths greatest known remedyn tbe world for tbe cure of catarrh hot an inlmlfer but tbe medicine is to be taken internally onc6 a day it strikes at tbe root of tio disease and lemorcs the cause at once as thousands will t btifv that have used tbe catarrh remedy the three above remedies co hand in band aiirtwfcoro can j get then at l a matthews ai ton ont also at all ursttclasil mellciue heiie h iu caaads manu factured by ibop a mh ibreyns r lokdonont young a lecture to on tdeflss or mantlood a lecture on hcxi are treatment and radical cure of kcmiiibl vcaknepb or hperm- atorrhcea induced by si ifabuse involuntary emissions lmpoteucv ferrous debility and imrdinrents to marrfsge gencrnlly tonsnrap- tioa bpuepsyanjl fits mc atalan fbyical luca- pacityacibyhobeutjpllvrlbwellmd the world renowned au ior iu this admirable lecture clearly prdvts fi tn bis own experience that tbe awful eonsiquen 3 of belfabase may be effectually removed wi jiont dangerohssnrgi- iperatlons tjongtes instruments rings or fsls pointing put a node of cure at ouoe certain ana effectuaj by chicb every eufferor no matterjtfhathlb fonci ion may be may cure himself cneaply private and roilicoly l3thlstteotare williiifapeabaau to thousands and tbousinde sent nndor seal in a tlain nnveopo to eny address oi receipt of foui cento or two pstgo stamps j ddress the oultonireuj keiical co new vobk n v p b ttt ib w men si n r floral gtiiie kow tioai rtctions bo plaht priest or esc emu oa live ordtrssntin oatlnskbed reftrtotlw ml kcds bot rtorwlhroi io nuui thu boos 10 cents may t eroyodei tpa 5mil lliona of p vlcli or hfsriv- a vegetables nil mud i r person salestiis reduction ladies and girls- ind girls knitted scarfs clonrjs ves selliug off at half price a heajvy knitled woolen jersey s seliug off at a big redoctioii n half price just see 1 he 5 liingoffi very low velveteens in bnlf price extra value in plain notice geuts excellent linen jackets for men and boy a selling fine scotch wdoen undcr- gloyea offering at onefourth low priced hemp np to very just see the enormous stack wean to can ot kurerv success oftln oveoiiuii wo bnvo u the fruit do liot humlli mill y a id amebic leeios ivick pad 188 ready conuiias s colored haddredj- of liiajsr- snd irir mo pame nlning to garaenin sad toluirt and orer us op an luast lasc t all tbs tuowzxf aaa jrobih dl ore tf ben eedj can oe procured with miiw fne on rectipi of 10 derincted from ins tat- si in rardro or who hsv ois vorc we bb nare pisiltfd oixz ksthcadocibtessi seedsman bochester x t m aljri i want of a fe ir moranrstclass men osb for the alo of chptce varieties fftock to weu vlio can iciitc a businerfi wh cn piy sood falnjif s audfvepdrniiifht wirjlovineut iieiv and cjljrico specialties both dprnauieiiial liucs which others apply at once vitb references may broth eks nuilscnvmcnf pochekteb x y looscoluiaui aud 100 eu ravings hi each issue 45th tfear 150 a tear aqbigulturist cojv lrtbiimu hjfet of tub jllilpeluodicai is send irrec 2cent staibps for stiiiie coiv engltslior ermcuiniid oldest anu ii5t aojucit the world addresa ptbfclshrits amekici dawd w cleaking n wanted positions guaras skpeaees pftidj wnntbedmon can succeed with t iar advantages to beginners sleteincluding matiy fasteellinc lutntfree f address at once ikmnet bbov7k bbotremb xultsebxme r nocneh7 unienliteatriomeaurimako mort jhyatwotkjtorhsthan at anythiuj this world capital not needed started free both sixes all fto8 auj do the work large earnings snre start costly outfit apd terms free delay costs yon nothing to asud ns y ahd find out if you are wise you will onee h huisrr ii coportlandjal afnlii money else in you are onocgn flrst bo iter not oulfsitdrebs so at i lo no ohlmucy ilo olohe no finiok no odor positively nonexplosive never gets heat- ed hums any grade of coal oil every lamp guarauteed without lutorferiiig with tbo light can put ou nurseit attaehmout heat water boll eggs nlako tea anil coffee oyster stew oto i lg matthews 0le agent v0ii actok and vxcinitt east end clotelikg store i i in order to clear out the remainder of winter stock 1 have determined to offer the balance of and at greatly reduced prices for ousli persian lambaud astrachan caps woollen shirts cvdigan jackets and under- clothiugalso at cost plica for cash- i now 18 the tle to buv j fyfe tailqil gcodi chjuiuen atol4 poicks mii street actost ix a6bicu ltfbist m president 3j krbai way sew furniture furniture new custom tailor has opened a ciihtom tailor shop in tlto store recently occupiedjjy kelly bros and is prepared to make upjofothing of all kinds in the latest styles and mobt workmanlike imanner aoten fob incite wilmamlbe at- prices whfti will astonish you gallon v speflcht manacer -o- tjndertplf r purieralb fully supplied with everything neoossary in thie departrujiifc mx mvm mi tjnlodki bowels idneyb inoff gri dually without system i 01 the i nnmorso the seer tirno cotectinff stomach curing pepaia jbt heart bu n ot j3iesdn vision jtanflieel yelns seroaia trie heai t nervoi wj dbhllity nil otwrbunlar con happy influence vsteba avenneaoftha md liver carry i out weakening the m purities and fou tiona at tha same aoiiity of tb biousnesa dya dizziness lon dryness r dimness of salt jpheum fluttering of s and gn- these and many dntaied to tho of btjedoce seorel ipna jbfeadaclesj const patii droiay nervoi aness compl aint r wlbciiv co proprf etprs torqntot the picture gallery guelph 4 is the best pllvce for tl bekt quality in monldii frames oil painting statuary eol cornice pc les from 8hadea spring bolle winds artists materials oil colorawpler colojrs canvas drawing pap tiers r e latest styles and r8koomahdpictnre steel engravings co cenic window brass rdsor short i r changes in the offlc they will bq this i ertuagj sontrsets l l b aw ji- bxbbisi onifl- mt onrcc office at 6 1 s hiltl omce and 86 i w t u b ainl j0fki iiugtdnl alley t johs wu ada t b ontario uw ba c pati he 20 yea fqrthel orders forthel i orders t or at prompt also i able tei terest j rohi st be so bruslier crayons srs ac c s- ibrof near tho post office

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