thsoradlb i i sassiu aetna mi the oth match h wife ot mr colin sand of a son yuuurin acton on the 11th lust the wife of mr wm vuuatof a daughter fcheoravjs uusat her residence xolnou on saturday mornitic stli march catharine relict of tho late wultam onto and motlnr ot mr a v ureen ot acton in hcrf tth jw prof katton oxrbtthstahobs ajuotrojuhm he ije tott fm tm tncasiw moksixo mabch 171887 notes and comments 1 i v r ti s j if si if 4 au increase iu tho number of dominion cruisers employed to protect the fisheries this season is contend probahhs during the three months onng march 8th there were fourteen oonyiotions for violation of the scott act in halton tho fines aggregated 9700 and costs it is reported that parliament will be asked at the coming session to authorize an increase in the xorthwest mounted fouoe force aid thuteach post wiltbe supplied with a kordeufeldt gun the signs of the times indicate a coming boom in business of considerable dimes- sions great waves of activity rc begin ning to gather ready to break over tho country when the spring season opens the ewbtuuswickgoterumenvib doing something for the encouragement of the horse export trade it has just imported eighteen wellbred suuons which are to be distributed in various parts of the province mid reamed to tho cms of the government in tbo4d i jreferring to the general desire not to let the jubilee year pass without settling the irish question a special cablegram to the 3tal says so admirable scheme has been submitted to the government by three politicians and will be referred to the queen who is bringing about a j4tr jmtrhr toronto jfinif mr therien mjp for montcalm is spoken of as likely to be either the mover or seconder of the address in reply to the speech from the tthrone at the opening of j dominion parliament he is the youngest member of the new house being only 26 years of age and was formerly a newspaper reporter the dandas standard challenges the yiiltonrcormrr to a comparison of the circulation of their respective journals in halton the standard j offer is one of the fairest character and unless the reformer embraces the opportunity to prove its con tentions it cannot corjsisteutly mate any further references to the ftamfartfv limit ed circulation gold rln smith m one off depu ot the liberal temperanootlnion who tntetviv red the government oft wed neadayto op ko tho enforcement el the scott act expressed hitnitefi very strongly to premier mowat against f he appointment of snecial magistrates to act hi scott aot case itu the extreme prinolplo ol coercion said tho professor whew popular opiniou ii against yon to resort to extreme tribunals this sounds well bnt profrsmith in his antltemperajbce ml forgot that in dealing with the irish question hones taken the contrary ground and vehsneutiy asserted time and again the necessity of superseding the ordinary process of the law by extreme tribunals but consistency was nover the professors strong point the liberal temperance union has ao- cemrjishod nothing except in the way ot making itself supremely ridiculous by ill- advised protest against temperance text bookjinbchools nothing is more desirable than that the young should bo correctly taught as to tho physical effects ol the old- tashionei notion that liquor is beuenoial so long as used in moderation the beet mediol authorities now aro strongly of the opinion that healtli is best promoted by total abstinence the liberal temperance people profess to favor moral suasion bat their action in this case hardly coincides with their professions in this respect toronto xck anotherrailwayhorror a bridge near boston gives vft r with a crowded passenger trail t many dead and wotjnded the poor mail whetherthojfaihtself has beeu weakened is known only in the mail office the dis patch believes at au events that the mail is not up to tlie mark of a great independent journal it takes more than ordinary brains to run a london time and the mail has undertaken the experiment with ajvery inadequate equipment slralhroy diepaleh this is unjust slid unkind ever can did critic must admit that the hterary ex cellence and dispassionate logic of the 2aiw leaders since it dropped organship and went into journalism are immeasur ably superior to the old fare of rant fierce attack and fiercer english that the minor party journals were wont to carefully water and ladle out to their readers it is really touching to see how solicitous are ail the erstwhile felloworgans of the hail lest in the advocacy of its new principles it should fail to mab mowy s boodle really the highest motive with which these organs believe a journalist can be actuated gt lien a vear ago a buffalo paper declared that the canadian pacific was senseless undertaking running irom nowhere to no where xow buffalo wants to be placed on the g p b system and the caurier of that city is quite certain that that road threatens to monopolize the tea carryingjtrade we live to learn canadian- the christian juantun proposes that canadian methodists honor the queens jubilee by erecting in toronto newbuild- ings for victoria college and liberall en dowing the same this suggestion is one of the f w real practical ones that have been offered op the subject and if carried i into effect would also be the occasion of a good oldfashioned methodist jubilee plymouth church of- which rev henry ward beecher was pastor from 184z to the date of his death has 2500 members this church has a seating capacity of 2800 and he total of its pew rents has averaged about sco000 annually since 1973 its organ cost 22000 in some years the members have given as much as 9300000 for charitable purposes the man who succeeds mr beecher in charge of this ereat church will have his hands full franchise to women in answer to the question sent by the ontario superintendent of franchise the iortowing vtcr tnions declare their mem bers to be in facrof petitioning that thefran chise to women be extended to parliamentary elections vrovincial and dominion viz parkdale kemptville aylmer keene glencoe newmarket chatswortta fonthill aurora thorubury pemborke kiugrton port credit tilsouburg prescott strat ford orono bowmanville wellington st marjs s niths falls wyoming vankleek hill woo istocknapanee toronto syden ham cons econ southampton bobcaygeon milton b ant ford mitchell georgetown and the t o counties of elgin and prince edward nearly all the remaining unions are in fa mr of the franchise being extend ed to won en but are not prepared to do of petitioning a few of the ect to the franchise being given boston march 14 tho hotrors attend ing the terrible accident on tho central vermont railroad rt white rtvo junction vfc havo hardly had timo to bo forgotten whoh another accident somewhat similar occurred now here this morning though it is to be hoped not so terrible in the loss of life the scene is an iron bridge ou tho bos ton a providence railroad which is known among railroad men as the tin tfrldge it is about one mile from jamioa plain where the main line ot the boston tt provi- deuoe railroad brandies off to tho left to readvillo nud providonoo while to tho bright mus a sweeping qurvo and tho ded- ham branohes this arm is built through a valley and the embankment for a long distance is a high one south street which leaves newton street near buzzoy woods runs diagonally uuder the traok ot the branoh and it was into this cut tliat the ears of the train plunged from tlio bridge which crossed itj it is stated that the bridge was a com paratively new one and that the acoident was caused by a truck on one of the cars giving way causing tho car to striko one of the abutments of the bridge the smoking car caught fire but the fire department prevented any spread of the flames as soon as the accideut occurred word was sent to the nearest statiop surgeonb were at once iu attendance and the injured passengers received prompt attention in the meantime a force of men sot to work to relieve those who were pinned under tho wrook and a wreokiug train was mado up and sent to tho scene an inspection of the wreck reveals tho fact that tho eight cars comprising tho train arc jumbled into a complete wreck not one of the coaohes escaping almost per fect demolition in the mass of spliuters in the roadway aro pools ol blood and occasional a portion of a body can be seen although such counectod portions cf humau remains as are found arc hurried away to the morgue still there are pieces of flesh to be seen sometimes fastened be tween timbers as if actually gonged from some viotims the scene at the bridge shortly after the disaster was heartrending in one place seven bodies taken out were placed in a row all were badly mangled large numbers of women were on the train and many were to be seen in the ruins one woman was cut completely in two tho upper half only being found two men who were saved had their faces hock ed and the lips of one were cut off an adequate description of the shapeless mass is simply impossible so fur the killed number twentyso en and the fatally in jured nmo while those who are more or less injured number upwards of fifty 1 oi h we wh eiothlngb 6ij3thi3to groceries cheap ave the largest best and cheapest stock of clothing in the county come and see for yourselves spleaiid suits for 450 j shlrtiittooioroa andwte virychap j ztt sftsi qftpl m ilr ttie tut assortment of tao utost ty es ever spicndia wtiite swrts kor 40 osats groceries grocerlis cheap cheap so pouai logat bttfftx for 9oo 3 pouadarsaiiaiforasoeati 3 pounds ourruxti for 26 coats kkllvnitob kteryfcbinsr lit tbif departmeat verr eaew our goods re el i and oaoioe we will pay cash for some choice roll butter acton icelly bros t wihter saoeipioed goods are being- winder s s skfs s yv av saceificbt saotltftgt at- ss ss sf j s j the work unions ob to marriei twomeu i oriin i the reformer sits upon timothy tuzzle of the dundas standard in a very energetic manner for his unwarranted attact upon mr henderson the late con servative candidate to any unbiased observer it really does appear as though timothy has some underlying personal spleen the venting of which against mr henderson causes him unfeigned gratifica tion mr henderson and friends caustatd it but the dundas standard will surely find that such silliness will not gain for it prestige among halton conservatives who to a man have a very high sense of ap preciation of mr hendersons strength ability and honesty of purpose a deputation from the ontario alliance j waited on the ontario government ou friday and urged that they should have a small force of provincial police that could be sent from time to time to localities where the law was set at defiance and tho local constables were enable to cope with the lawbreakers in connection with the carry ing out of the scott act hrmowat said that the government wasanxious to en- j force au laws and that any in the interest of temperance were amongst the most im portantfthat the government had dope what they could to enforce the law as mi of the deputation had already said an that the suggestions which were made ity the deputation would be considered j the contention 6f the dundas skmdard that because the number of votes cast for the respective party candidates in the recent provincial and dominion elections r in this countyare not parallel mr hen- dersouis not the strongest man in halton among the conservatives us untenable who ever beard of politicians taking the result of a provincial ami t dominion election to make ft reliabe comparison the issues arc attcebr different and are so viewed by electors generally take the re jul of the last two bptdinton elections and you wib come to a more intelligent ooefathon and that will be with the fbee fynm that mr henderson was the strong- rtrm the party couqrjiave eaoeea- cpr cable scheme march 12 one of the moet im portant q lestions that will come np for dis- cussion a the conference to be held in london d rring the first week in april to debate the question of imperial federation will be the canadian pacific cable scheme sandford fleming cmg one of the principal promoters of the scheme said yesterday that if it be awjuiesed in by the other colo nes and the necessary subsidies granted t le work of laying the cable will be comer enced immediately the aus tralian colonies had already shown them selves f avbrable to the project recognizing the inline lse benifit it would confer upon them v leming will visit england shortly in order to advance the interests of the scheme a id hasv little doubt that before nest bum ner is far advanced the work of laying th cabin will have commenced in great jnety the dominion alliance annual meeting of the members in ontario a large convention the an jual meeting of the ontario alli ance for t be total suppression of the liquor traffic ht id in toronto last wednesday and thursda was one of the mostlargely attend ed and h ghly interesting conventions ever held by tl at bod mayor howtand vice- fresiden presided at the various sessions of the m ettng the formation of a pro hibition r third party was discussed at length b tt no definite- action was taken the couv ntioii deciding to defer their de cision tin il the juinual meeting of the do minion a utancel the qt estion of compensation to brewers and disti lersmicase of thev adoption of a general p cohibitory measure came up and a motion submitted as a test of the feeling of the ga hering it was voted down by an pverwfiel ning majority there is no doubt that thii decision expresses the general sentimeu i of the temperance element on the subje st whenever they become strong eaough t carrv prohibition they will be apt to tal jo the new forcibly put by one of the speal ers that those concerned in the traffio ha re secured their compensation as they wen along in the notoriously large profits of the business j the ba aquet tendered to this delegates by the y rang mens prohibition club was a most ei joyabfeffair about three hun dred sat i own the club deserve credit for the nltim ite success of their effort the naileries dispute with canada may end as si oh other disputes bare ended in telling thp biggest fish story liberal temperance unionists i dont want temperance textbooka and they dont want police magistrates in scott act counties the attorneyoeneral does a deputation consisting of prof gold- win smith j uordon nonat and other liberal temperance union vviue-and-beer- advocates waited upon the attorney- general and the minister of education on monday the deputation had two principal griev ances the use of total abstinence text books in the schools and the appointment of special police magistrates to- try scott act cases the hiberahsts protested against the temperance manual issued by the education department on tho grouud that it treated of the effects of the abuse and not of the sc of alcohol they quoted medical opinion to show that the moderate use of alcoholic beverages xas beneficial especially to brain workers the minister of education leininded the deputation that the manual in question had been prepared by a medical committee of the provincial board of health and was approved by the board and the govern ment the manual took a safe view of the qsestion viz the effects of alcohol on the blood and on digestion and the danger of forming intemperate habits dr richard sons text book was uuder his mr boss consideration now and if the government approved of itits action would be justified by the example of 23 states in the union and the canadian maritime provinces we will said be be doing a wise thing if we point out the dangerous and evil effects of drinking 1 referring to the appointment of special police magistrates the attorneygeneral said it was- of paramount importance that the law should be enforced if ft was not drinking would be free in siott act counties and a fearful state of affairs would ensue for himself the attotneylgenera would be clod to leave these cases to the ordinary magistrates hut the trouble was that they would not act only that flay hud be re ceived a report from uniustcdor who had to apply to thirteen magistrates before he could get one to lake uy u case they would not take these caacsj mi account o the dangers tuby nnolved magistrates houses had been destroyed and their live stock maimed there was a feeling of un r b jermyns during aptom march note a few chests of the 5 pounds for the tea left several shipments of carpets silks satins etc at the right hoi sf 1 ply carpets very full and olber large shipnents pnecs far jew than last season wt- he sure to call ni d you will get great bargains sew and beautiful prints direct from the manchester pmi nv iladies and gentlemen riirt fm are very cheap an enormous slock rfte and stylish limbrpid ries eaullflll dpjtiifnb a hpan tnutb f v- vj u v totnsisting of it- u bales aro to follow shortly besides kins is notgoing out of the carpet one fourth less thau tliey weie last season kvery customer should see the new prints they are very cheap slid stylish new and very handsomokid gloves foriladies and gentlemen direct from lb v h t maker in franco a shipment of xew dress goods this week in plain and fancy styles new black broche silk velvet this week xew embroidered and printed table covers this week an immense slock of new iiibbous in great variety this week and they are very chean an enormous tivu i 4 aiiu i flouncings aud alloyeis this week direct from the swiss agents ered lace cartains in white and cream au enormous stock laces antique laces valences y handsomeblack spani uwiuufumi iicro xhucib rrmie ana ureain mouresqne flouncinns reiee tords and baud ode laces cloth ress char- wool new new goods tlicy are very nice hamilton march ltib 1s85 t ot vxkxisrs new advertisements 1101 sb wafttei 11 1st pnl oi m ix ceslral lutallt apiih at the metkopomtuf suiho aitou jmarch kth 1hst man ani teavw anted r man ith tlam mamtl lo umlcrtaxo contract of tianiiug for taunoi j foi par ticulars apiilj to ueardmobi co acton 1 vvsi ny alton march 14th 1xst active agents wanted i liberal coiamission iili be paid to tboso who will roako farui and isolated property specialties vldress stating experience r o box 803 tobonto the wanzer lamp 50 candle power b scttauzor oo itattitlaoturers hamilton oat j the provincial estimates willingness peace to ac m the part of justices of the hence the appointment of as far as he special police magistrates knew these magistrates had done their duty fairly and no complaints had reached his department from the speeches of hi ross and the premier it will be seen miat the deputation did not receive any eucourj agament apd very cold comfort is in stcfre for them it is very apparent that the usefulness of the liberal temperance union is gone lieutenantgovernor llobidtoii left on taesday afternoon fo new york where be is foie dined by the canadian club at thb clubs rooms this evening mi erastus wiman will deliver the address of welcome and thexieuteoantgovjarorll jt j ex peptvpl deal with the fishery jusoh ifk 1 x i floioijfyfe scob fam andcaianaaitliiff fa r prfcealfty reatjt retyfttir pyres acton s and style every time the estimates for the province for the current year were presented to the provin cial legi6laturo on monday thr total amount was 92980708 of which925h2935 was for current expenditure 5378773 on capital account and 23998 for other pur poses the total expenditure of last year was 3161709 ana ab supplementary esti- mates are always brought before the close thvllglft cannon ft attttout of the session nodoubt the outlay will be heat water boil eggs mauo ton ami coffee ojbter f ally equal to or perhaps somewhat in exoss o cliiuiilev no globe no bmoko xo odor positive j noa ilplobiie never jets heat- burns auj grade of cool oil of last years iu most of the items there is little variation northwest elections a clean sweep mode by the conservatives winmpfcu maich 15 full returns from the northwest territories in refereuce to the dominion elections held til day are not in as yet but the principal points have been heard from the result shows that the conservatives have won a complete victory there is still some uncertainty as to the final result of the tbreecornered fight in alberta where hardisty indepen dent is very popular and the returns show that he is close on the heels pf the con servative candidate sfr davk hk- governor laird the reform candidate for the saskatchewan was expected to make a good ruu but the returns so far bhow that mcdowall the ministerialist is- 139 ahead vvith 24 places io hear fropi but it is noi thought that the final result will be much changed thai commissioners for niargara palls parkjhavepresehtedto theontario govern ment a supplemental report containing tbeir valuation f thepropertiesproposedft be expropriated for park purposes from the report it islcarned tbuttbe total amount awarbe 841036 as against b9066b offerect by thecommissionorefthe difference teen the two amounts wm l o matthews hoihti m1u1i m io miummu webster in varlouj styles of ilndino with and without patent index the latest edition has 118000 wortb ol 3000jengtavlng8ioo moro words and nerfr- iy 2000 moro engnh lags than found in any otlif t american dictionary it hlso contains n tjo- grabhlcal dlcuoary gfvimi urlvt facts on- cerpsnrheariy wooftltf56n j to these lectures we halo r just added i85 gazetteer tic world codtainineover 25ix0 titles dpicrihins the qountriea cities of fcrisnii acjcnmng the ftuunafornlfeatuies tqwiw every ptitfttthedlobo- webster 18 the stahdahd i authority with the us supreme court and in llo ji office and is lecommended 1 by the leading college presidents of the united st an canada fog frondoa bmeb o uiaryof t the qnarterl lo is the best practical toe oaloutta plostiieti uwiljever iya it is the best dio- o says it i lotionarj extant says i it is tho klnd tori its place i fenian hmb cap ihe fest quality at low prices also baek aeteaohans good sn4 cheap at pyfev itjs an invaluable and at eyarymreslie fli ftvelhfrrerwj cabpets tapestry carpets only 25 cents good union carpets only- 371c allwool cjarpets only t i o i l mckay brbthers 4 kingstreet east hamilton dry goods and citrpet dealers thk finest- watdjhes jew repairing always satisfactory h vol iiamibiejj klsalimkll spectacles trj the alaska thi we eveiqld b savage sole agont for ctielph r- iry ni e the litst fmrniture cottage prices wljiich i oail on spekhjti rindflakljsr funerals f smu 1 for- furniture castle will astonish you ioif jj i a height manager oyejtwui necessaty in tbis aepartmsnt ci v