r- i iv si i i t ians in tmtttauymoaxrotabtt7l88 m r4u wirohi church s ttm an old taaluaned church iu a now ftkhktodtowo shrinking back from the turbulent street ooloia dan betty howhemlwed ft brilliant piture bill mortimer is one o those smart fol low who pan toll bontnnu by merely looking at hi hand writing or the shape of he baritoi hit head or tho way ha mom biaiga when he walks bilias staufflng on the corner of austin avenue talking to and tteaaa thiottgh the nntintaiwindawa ibsmimhi iv lika a blasting beseeching to most it the oldfashioned worshippers knelt in the pews to near tha good minister pray was that caase for an unknedinft ivraofter to lose the prayer and to let his eyes stray it was not then suppose hia straying eyes met r jost over the top of a pew and beneath a hat laughing with feathers and jet two eyas of a heavenly bloe was that very soaoopuble stranger to blame if he heard not the ministers prayer if he thought of the creature and at her name aikl forgot thrcreatorbp there you ihistthat wrong wellperhapa yon are right but this much lei a sinning man say every maidens bine eyes should be kept out of sight when she kneels iu the oldfashioned way 00 you see that hoy mmtnp there with his back to w took in the stotejjmdowr yes f well thi by is going fc be a hero ho i to oonqw ths irorw he jljl be aniamarioan kabojilarjitm boy has right now more willknd intallat unikhy forty men in austii i tni matat you think so r jjtlmdiw beatjj i dont think so at all i just know it notioe how he shrngs his rign shoulder thatgoswro was peoaliar to napoleon tho great and to bo other marj nonsensoo replied dau that b6y belongs to me he has been vaooinsted aud it took thats why bo hunches up his shoulder j l is that so r responded bill v well if heliadnt been vaccinated he pould havo had a brilliant future before him x8i and caught the btuailpox per haps ttmt sftingt baifersef lay if we were allowed to look into the future and see the fatal consequences that follow a neglected oold how differently would nr oonrse be could we realize our danger how speedily we would seek a cure but with manitia only when the monster disease haa iastened hs fangs upon our lungs that we awaken to our folly what follows a neglected oold is it not disease of the throat and lungs brondbitis asthma consumption and many other diseases of like nature it is worse than madness- to neglect a cold and it is folly not to have some good remedy available for this fre- qnent tmrfi plaint one of the most effica cious medicines for all diseases of the throat and lings is bicklea anticonsumptive syrup ttuofliieine is composed of several mrdidnal herbs which exert a most iratfarm innuenoe in curing con- sumptipn aod other diseases of the longs and cheat it promotes a free and easy xpectatjatiansoothes irritation and drives the disease from the system him aaclbngyoid u you an not looking very well this even ing said tgp amkr smiling kindly on is there anything the matter replied e jones taken off his guard by the world of sympathy there was in her words ive a most beastly pain in my head been aching all day yon know i cawnt foe the life of me imagine what itoaabe perhaps she returned and a cruel look came into her eyes as she put her hand caressingly on his head perhaps dear it is what the poets mean when they speak of theaching void t varieties f v l why will you cough when shilohs cure will give immediate relief price 10 cents 50 cte and 91 sold by n mooarvin the bev qeo h thayer of bourbou ind says r both myself and wife owe ourhve8 to shilohs consumption cure sold by n mcgarvin the extraordinary popularity of ayers cherry pectoral is the natural result of its use by intelligent people tor over forty years it has proven itself the very beat specifio for colds coughs and pulmonary com plaints where the baacer lies the chief danger from taking cold is its liabi lity to locate upon some internal organ as 0 e lungs the pleura the bronchial pass- ages etc hagyards pectoral balaam loo ns and breaks apthecoldallaysirrita- tion and often prevents or cures pulmonary com jlaints c ire for laflaaunaterr itheaauiuna ip ocure from your druggist a bottlo of rfaj yards yellow oil and use according to dire tions j d cameron of westlake ain lie cape bretou was cured by this rkn jdy afterall otber treatment had failed it nay be takei internally for coughs opw 3 sore throat tc etc c lolera and all sa earner complain te are c uick in their action that the cold hand of death is upon the victims before they are iwaro that danger jsmw if attacked da i ot delay in getting the proper medicine- try a dose of dr 3 dkelloggs dysentery cor ital and you will get immediate relief it a sts with wonderful rapidity and neve fail to effect a cure wintee snaps a kasai injector free with each bottle of shilohs catarrh remedy price 50 cents sold by n mcgarvin shilohs cure will immediately relieve croup whooping cough anh bronchitis sold by n mcgarvin persons who have suffered for years with asthma will find a quick relief and core in the double treatment of southern asthma cure near buy b 3te agnes black of orton ont says for five years i have been a sufferer from dyspepsia and indigestion i tried one botueofburdockblood bitters and was get ting better i then bought three more and it has cured me worms derange the whole system moth graves worm exterminator de ranges worms andgivesresttothe sufferer itjmly costs twenttflve cents to try it and bo convinced h shilohs catarrh bemedy a pesitive cure for catarrh diphtheria and canker month sold by n mcgarvin a her years of suffering persons who ha e vainly sought remedical help from oth or sources have obtained the longdesired ref i ef from korthrop t iiytnans vegetable du very and dyspeptic cure which puts a si op to the tnrmenteof dyspepsia renews act vity of the bowels and liver relieves ma adies incident to the gentler sex and bui dsnp failing health and strength gives pai ity to the blood snd tone to the whole bys am h ome persons have periodical attacks of cat adian cholera dysentery or diarrhea ant have to use great precautions to avoid the disease change in water cooking an green fruit is sure to bring on ihe at tac a to such persons we would reooni me id dr j dkelloggs dysentery cordial as leing the best medioine in the market for all summer complaints if a few drops are taken in water when the symptoms are noi led no further trouble will beexperienc ed are yon made miserable by indigestion constipation dizziness loss of appetite yellow skin shilohs vitalizer is a -fios- itivecure sold by n mcgarvin a lady in brockville atates i wsb in duced to try nasal balm for a long stand ing cold in my head that was pronounced catarrh the balm j gave immediate re- ul and rrmanenay cured me it was so pleasant and agreeable to use that i at first thought it no good i now use jt withmy children for colds and stoppage of the nasal passages i i kemarkahle there have been many remarkable cures of deafness reported from the use of yellow ofl the proprietors pf ibis medicine have a large number of such testimonials it is the great household remedy for pain in- damnation lameness and soreness of every description and can be used internal ly and externally cc jacobs buffalo ny says dr thomas eclectrio oil cured him pf abad case of pheeof 8 years standing having tried almost every known remedy besides two buffalo physicianb without relief mtbe oil cored him he thinks it cannot m eonimended too highly bjbsj asemeraaly bbb i should not think it right did i not give ray testimony of what b b b has done for me iwas troubled with trilious- neas i took jone bottle it gaveimmediate relief i can recommend it as a sore cure te bilkmsnesa minnie smith orfllia 0u woj anytime mrs bichara bowe rieytnk b b hasenred the worst ctttt of chronic dyspepsia j hte werktajc ertleri myrhnsband was troubled with dyspep sia for more than four year two exper- ieaced physicians did him no good we got disoooiaged until we read of burdock wood bitten he took only two boftles r u wal1 m ffl doingheavy renjiedy in the world for cramps in the ih- r jr j aitualshlax sacrcs 1 is the duty of every person who has use lbpsckees german syrup to let its won der ul qualities be known to their friends in curing consumption severe cougha cro dp asthma pneumonia and in fact all jiroat and lung diseases no person can use it without immediate relief three dos s will relieve any case and we consider it t it duty of all druggists to recommend it t the poor dying consumptive at least tot ry one bottle as 80000 dozen bottles wei e sold last year and no one case where faii ly was reported such a medicine as the german syrup cannot be too widely kntwn askyour druggist about it sample botjes to try sold at ten cents regular si 75 cents sold by all druggists and de lors in the united states and canada j jmce to moihebs are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick chi suffering and crying with pain ef cut tin teeth if so send at once and get a bot ue of mrs winslows soothing syrup for children teething its valuers incal cul ible it will relieve the poor little suf fer immediately depend nponiij moth era there is no mistake about it it cures dysentery and diarrhoea regulates the st maoh and bowels cures wind colic sofens the gums reduces inflammation and gives tone and energy to the whole sye tern mrs winslows boothing 8y- ru for qhildren teething is pleasant to th taste and is the prescription of one of thi oldest and best female physicists and nu sea in the united states and is for sale by all druggists throughout the world fr ce twentyfive cents a bottle be sore an i ask for mbs winslows soothixo siptp and take nq other kind i x kent and comformo the safferlas browns hoasebold panacea has no eqial for relieving pain both internal and exlernal it cures fain in the side back or bowels sore throat rheumatisin torthache lumbago and any kind of a pa n or ache it will most surely quick en the blood and heal as its acting power is i rpnderful browhs household pan- ac s being acknowledged as the great pa n reliever and of double the strength of any other elixir jjnimentiin the wo rid should be in veryfainiiytiandf fbt use whenwapted a itsjly iihbesjt mmm w- m wwplratl6n perfectly ndapi- tvunmsls of the scalp nnd the restorer of foded or gray njttaral color growth nnd it has had mauy lm havo so fully mot all tho needful for tho proper treat- bsm scalp j newirt has steadily jnrblisvi4 spread its famo nnd uscfahtpevery miartcr of tho gjobe injbpartjwedrawcietcouboattrlbiuetl tolmtoiwcanjoi ilu entire fulfilment of ittprmuet the proprietors havo often been mir- i prised at the receipt of orders from re- imote wuntrkui wlmro they had novcr i mado an cflbh foritiflntroduotlon thevttis fqlflolliort time of hau ham bjsnewbb wonderfully i improves i the personal nppcarancc r cleanses the i scalp from all impurities cures nil hu mors fevor and dryness andthiispr vents haldne8s itstlmuwcs toak- cned glands and enables them to push forward a rew and vigorous growth tho cflects of this artlclo uro not tran sient llkb those of alcoholic preparations but remain a long mmo which makes its uso a matter of economy buckinghams dye rorthb whiskers will change the beard to a natural browu or black as desired it produces a wr- raahent color that will hot wash away consisting of a single preparation it is applied without trouble fbefabbo sy bphallooaerniajnh sold by all dealers in medicines fi grand trunk railway o oo- 0010 bast mixed 705 ajn esprom 7 10 a a pass mall i009ali throue1iepmfl07ij l aocom 9 so pih 0o1s0wbst i kzprots lstssin expresn 97 am tlpo rxprcm 214 pm kau 8pecliil83lfm chicago expremflo hotgtopboten ouelpli and toronto tjkeoic1umomair doing wert0 ip fts snd 5 w pjb going eftt 10 40 aiu and 6 20 piii ab the time to buy spring qoodaia nt hand and tbe nccasity for such mftjcea itself nioro rtppardntj pooiile batiirally 1 begin to 1ojc nrodnd t see where thobohrticlea moat auited tip thaifi taate ciau be had with this poi tit in view we wiqh 4o announce tbatthe glasgow im hotise has leceived the largest oonbignmeut 6f goods e wought into acton by any retail house thie stock is not only j well selected aiifd varied aiid no pains has been spared to make it complete 1 ready which we do not furnit the finest- watches jewelry repairing always satisfactory m vol uavk iiekn lllsawoistfil in stectacles try tlie aijvskaj they arc the leu weevetuold b savage sole agent for cuelph 000 made ccgftts all first class goods irii ih to carry over until next winter the above will be sold afc net cost now is the timeto secure good bargains shaw gfcuflby merchant tailors quolph jre coinage or castle prices gallon speight jss son adtpn j k speicht man acer u funerals fully etc pacta and pains and aches of all kinds am i is for sale by all droggistsftfc 25oenfs a battle dirdt over the world froth shelf arid 8teel m and etc etc we will boildinghardware call and see ur furniture -por- oo- thia department haa been closely attended to and j cotrfpriseb a wide range of all the latest shades and styles in booklfeys albat- ross cloths jerseys flancy checks and stripes etc a lare assort ment of blacks in plain and brocaded out dress trimiminga oind- buttons can fully sustain our reputation iu that line and iirebougbt to match every shade of goods j prints what a largo assortment of prints is tlie cxclanntion ot everyone who glaiicesjit the stacks of this material iu dur store we have the very latest in- light and dark patterns to be had at prices within the reach of everyone ladies you cannot do better than pick your patterns at once as they are already commeneiug to move off in large quantities j -oo- paide of the valley ye pride ofjtb v4ueytbat i tho jjame of the medicine 1 bought a saw packages for ft contents of fotir oackiges i was entirely wall have nerer felt tbo bj nptpms since tbat u tour yean ago i also oought a bottle of pride of the valley liimen last bprlug for my hired joadwbo bpralbedhif anklbno badly he coulrl not bear his weight on it after using pride of the valley iiinimentjt r 31 hoars be was able to go to work aa well as ever and what is the nameofthatitherhe iclno why pride ot the valley catarrnanbb rumatiocure thatibtbe greatest known remed rin the world for the core of cstarrb not an lnlii fer imttliomedicjnfi is to betaken internally on e 4 day it strikes at the root of uiedisease ai d removes the caorie at once as thoubanda wij 1 teitify that have used the catarrh remedy rhe three above remedies t hand in band and where con i get them- tlg matthews acton ont alsoat all ftnelaju medicine u alers in caiuula manu fsetured by ebop a 1 shmeveh j n london ont l ii 3ub8cb one ybawiir iotariljlynadd tinned wl 1 option of thoptlbu aqvt rteiast qubcoino half cmbbik qortt one inch 3 i si spring opening saturday 2nu april this department will be open for the iubpeetipn of custom era on saturday april 2nd the department is under the able super vision of mies smith who bas spared no pains i in bringing this branch to a high state of perfection we predict a pleasant sur prise for our patrons in millinery this spring -o- s which wili astonish you rundertaking- sapplied with overytbinj necessary iu this department john m ond co hamiarare iirtoorters grcte3i03p3hi watching tlie 1 n irketo daily for choicest and most modern goodi 1 aud buyiufi all the manufacturers direct for cash oor stock pfforb many iaduce ments to intending buyers onr assortment is simply immense in rr h eavy hardware building hardwire iron ii supplies woodwork carriage tops trirrimings iron pipes and fittings la tip9lancetboth saws cow tleu bo happy to ive quotations or send au illnstited catalogue foi r other goods if required no troable toshow obt stodk or premises johnmbn0 f 4 fmtoiet anf i use n your machinry only the wollknon farm onelph have heen awarded daring tl e last uiree yeari try also onr jpaarwm- al chrtmo for your irse i owers tliese oils are used and highly reeoirim mded at the mode fan lers ask for them use nonther t matmfaotured i 3uee oity oil worn ty e hi- nc van f i- i r i 1 u j at l aff j fcc ft yf lllmuel rooekb toronto this branctot our business is receiving a great dearofcjire at our hands this spriug and we have gone to consideravle trouble in bringing it up to a still higher standard of perfeetidii than eveh 1 we are showing a spleudid line of gents laiuudried white shirts at 60 cents witli collars audcuffr at a corwepohdingly low figure firstclass hard hats from 100 upwards pocket hand kerchiefs and gents underwear at little above cost tne veryc latest in silkties j -o- fr we wish to particiilarry invite au inspection of our carpets as we cunsider they are equalled by none in the county iu price and pattern a wide range of hemp from 10 cents a yard tap to 35 cents aud lieautitul tapestry as low as 40 cents es our staple stocki is cbihplete andr we are prepared to give ofcellent bargains iu jlbttous shirtiugsj ducks cottonades linens and cretonnes j m i galesmen vented permanent posit ions guaranteed with shary an4 szpnascs paia any de termined man can s icceed with us pecul iar advantages to lieginuers stock com pleteincludingniairfastsellinjjspecialtiesvi outfit free address at once name thi rarer bk0wv bbothebs jfobsebiolek kochbtkkxt tamarag elixirs v natures remedy goohscgldshoarbencss oat lungcomplaints iivvi rllinrposltivlcurih m southern asthi 59tcwe ttctccrrr iff cacfi pacnacz i a cure intaht ndutf ron asthma anb baonchltis by mail on recetpt of price samples 25c regjiff size 1 oo sdrcs fulfofto co bnocrvitlr out first inaerion andl ejatl scale adtertfseiyienis wii inglf wanpitory in aavanpe rfjt in tlie ofece by9l het w bowtv whvil thi8lpaperi jbrtuinkbnreak nmcm9wrter msine whl05 jgradnatl berof qouegeoff offieel and r frederick stre benjsi dentist nevsyiem off indnlyiealleavi teeth wiijiontp stratorland pr cbllegej of dent ron3 miydepend in anyjoperatia acton vejry see of eachmbntb teter iu sonndijess and all calls nigh edto saleshs wantejd we are in wantot to canvass or few llioro firttclass men esal6f choice varieties of nursery stock to ineii who can make a success of the business we cin pay goott salaries or commission aud giyeuernianent eniploymeut- we have many new and choice bpecialties-botli- n the fruit and ornamental lines wkich otbas do uot hindle vpply atonee tvitli references may bbothebe xckslibymen bochesteb ny american agriculturist lob columns ana j00 euffravingsiu fnch issno 45th yeah 150 a year sand tbron 2cent stamps for sample copv ffinglisu or german and lremium list ol tub oddest asnbtist aoritxitcpil rwiomcai ix the wonu address tcbiilshebs ameb1can ageicultub1st- dxvin wjcfan prebidcut j51 broailtt ny new tforkrv ttdsstonj bariisterssi ancers ts oiriw ef i johsb j a mowi m ternrs biiuhsikb 61 omcai mattie efmte spucnd oltfcb el officejiain str ahiltok ss j torosj omces crl and 86 king s w t jvltis b axs orpicses c iugtn street alie toronti jossibak wiuiaml b on a33ejti 1 20 the key to health a wide range oi boots and shoes andresh stock of gtoceriea always on hand j i- i 1 j rmrs ndotb cau b supplied with firstclues clover and trimotby seed for gasb 1 r -o- henderson mcrae coi 175 r xjnloeks all the clogged aenue3 of the bowels kidneys and liver jcarry lnapff gradually without vrfeakenlngtho sybtejn efl the impurities and fbtil hnmorsof the secretions at tho bamt tone correctia3 aeisity of til stomach curing bilibiisngss xba- headaohes disziifess apxsffls c dryness thssi ja salt isenia fi ervemsmess arid cfen ewl debility all these a s other simdar eomplainfe yield toths i mu w jivrr vrsaz l hi8lijiir8 balleff buelph iwatesbros is thejbeat place for the laf eat sitylea and ibest quality in mouldings room and pioture framcss oil paintings steel engravibgb statoaryeet j i cornice poles from go centsj wjudow shades spring rollers brass roasfor short blinds i artists materials oil colors water colois brushgicrayous canvas drawing papers totto waters bros near the post office mh t tiltiiij madoebi uenin years pi ai mtjj ifor thecou qr4 otc opposite cad ibfoibitm jeims reas desired 51 r for the cod orders left i jorfat myl promfitiy al also niori abjletermsj terest jn sjj i ornce siuare f m georgd aocoautl p jriodicej bound r desirea td sitmundil jjr48fort jar pets i iressgoi auoibed- ardaj t atisfactll riltfavoif