w msskhi m 4- m volume xllofo 4ck flmlmmmmimwmmmimmmmmmnnn m wbmabft kvlry thursday morning at the futt trtka ower pklntlwj mouse xctox otttamo subscription rate8 omaivh moo six movthk mum thumwontiw 45rt lnifwt in advance it not paid in advance 1 i nr vcir will lo chrod a imjxr tlucnn linnet till d rrer are pw oscrpt at ho option t ihc nntliucr aovewtlwhc rcte8 f yk vtv a 1 bio ttfs w sriwt one column ruhcvhuiufe qnwiw tvtffinn one inch 8m sow 30to run 1m aoof- if a50 ouomi xltrbaaaat i cats xsr una ion uie flrtt iortiou and j ceni per hm for each sub- sonit intertion tia th lllullbttr ot uoeft roccmfei nf lb0 space occupied measured ty a scale of solid nonpxrcil adwrtieneat without snoviae dictions mbu usbut ana charsod accord- tbpk tniamrt adxcrhwii au mnl h paid in un cik for rpuu4ttvttimuuiuiiklu in si osice 1 9 4 xv on monday ollierwito her hb loft oxcrjutil the following vok hj j moohts kditor and proprietor- acton storey c jristic 8i co u bai acton a muter a l itixxlxq bvsinkss tka kkrs- r ontario sactkj monet loan is ok approved n5te3 notes disoonitd and interest auomtl on depositr i ft 5 1 if tuic bjtdc9 l i 1 file l gv i inio rrrcn rnwcl cv- ncwjmper art smtbjnebanmiuvwswsj vnrr nuwtwnt tatrctnillnic1srh is nkw lokk- 3usines3 directory v h lowuy m b ik c p 8 t tinuuaf of xnmtyooltesb mem ber of college of physicians and smgeous office and resukiiw at the lica 1 of fmxencx street aton tbkxnetx l db dentist georgetowu ontario 1 c mcklnlay li s surgeon i latist georgetown ont usthe new system of nitrous oxide gas com- beouij calied vitalized airi for extracting teeth without puiu havins been demon strator nd practical teicher in rojal college oflectal snrseons toronto pat ron m y depend upou recei ins satisfaction in any operafons perfermd will iisit actu evcrv second andfoarth wednedsj of each ruuin xlthceaqnew hotel ftntjthepuzzle thk nmltirslcuiw p vo fornhli on tt wkjrteji uotlop tfi anj unauuty wul at bot- tordpr oes flravclnm lumber lai h staves head ing shlngl eswashtubs chirnsr butter tubs pork btrrels wood flow and feed nml iilhnik lu the ino of fnucrs hoiuckuv- ers or contractors i ocoitttmk the uule is xc rtnix n better plnco itmu thomas cmoores to bu nnythiuc in t ho nlovt llu9 al0 to find ont if ou arp iudeb d to him for am tliiui pur- rliktvu from him his looks a omo an aud ho xrotiut like tht ni uej new- wall papers and ontabio thubsday- apkjl 14 188t r 5 r taor v bice thbehoents orideihs pilinq decorat johs lawson xiradvate of os- utrio veterinary college toronto etsnaarv rftirrteoa acton out offii la kenuj brs boot and shoe store rest- dence lu the rer horses examined i to sonndnetss and certificates gtn alt call nislit or da prompth attend ed to terras e5 tohsstox a 3kleas barrister solicitors notamf comej aacers ac wpn ate funds to loan orn l town hill acton e f b joictov ws a 3iliin t a mowat biamsteb soacnois noiahj pcbuc money to loan oitivt mattbews block acton ipstairs emitchell soucitor c0sx1llmtjjac orme first door west of the chtuiwn office 31am street hilton jloney to loan at o per cent -ttvelfll- busine5s college glikllh ontario 1uk third scholastic year begins september 1st patronage drawn from- ta states and prounces young men and xya thoronrlily prepared for business purs uts ciradoates eminent ly euccesstal acconntahts business manafiers shoe thand wnters clerks salesmen trave lers etc both an canada and the united states moderate rates thorough pract cal nork and coarteoas treatment charicteme the lubtitntion ladies admitted to all the advantages of the college splendid facdi ies afforded for the ac quisition of frel ch and german for infotmatu u address i mmucormrrri wtf principal lumber an fpilo inulcrmsiisl x tnattie has n stock a fall line ol otncr winds of li raber n css itiao sluuu a lalli lesire to inform the public v on band and will keep in pine mad hemlock as well as first anil secant vjiiilto allan a tfaird barristers solicitors it tolint it greoiiofctown oitiil creelmans block georgeeoan aii feo kin street east toronto w t ulvn j hilton l i 1bi li a coal shingles lath all new for 1897 at dats j bookstore cuelph 0n3i day sells cheap qtjexiph t1ple of music si wood lumuihtfclit4hltlic toalbusiutnr ot jlrc s smith i am pr pared to suppl all kinds of stoe coal i h e uo a good ftock of ood hardvood athc edar and mill ood at reason able price wod asd coal dclnered jmes bliows idutual fire ins jrange company oouot of till- leading piadcis tmd organs violins sheet music musical mefciandibe the above celebrated musk pushing the 1 piano and organ trade tutti rreat bucce5 m tl is fljeluton ym fms tadbbhat mobmtno awul 11 1887 poetry btjbiai of tkb orit majorin thoy nursed it tenderly day by day asbqldiorsadyidfiliero but thoy found it ono evenliikoold indeftli with the mercury downlielow aoro so they carried it jxiournf ally down btaira and up tho qlobe inncthoy hurriod out to frhat dark and well known pot where tltelr other idolr were burled the deacon dug oat a hole in the mud the ico with his piokaxc turning aud tho gasman bent oer the new made gravo willi his lantern dimly burning no prayers wore said io funeral ritca the deacon tolled no boll no other mourners were present there save the yhost of louis kiel and then their dismal task complete tlioy stood in gloom and sorrow and tearfully clasped each others hands as thoy thonght of old tomorrow our story this lost letter bine and of wellington lsjrabi imil1 1810 head of mce cuelph b b alnlldlawaco uikklstves h soicrrob- omit over irirperiaibank 34 wef- ngton streeteast entrance exchange alley toronto juir b ux q c c a jmati wlluol lilot gioeok kjlfpeit augerow a carson ijilhinus ttlxti at ontario hall m taurcli street toronto imhiwkeorjipr joav calsoni o c30w attoenki patents slccbei for innentioxs hlnry okibt ottawa cotibv 20 yeaij practice no patent no pay i insures buddings mercliaudrze manu factories and all other descriptions ol property on the premium note system cnas davidson secretory fw stone brest dent johntaylok agent hello i pauser and consider that it will b to onr own interest to pat ronize home trade we would respectfully inform the inhabitants of acton and sur rounding country that we are again m full ranning order and in a better position than before the lira to nil all orders entrusted to us to parties building parties desinog to purohasc i ti stclass piano or organ should not fail to examine the roods or correspond withthn proprietor j cmclean importer of musical merchandise qti bcl stj uuclpb h shajw i ocality i qukbeo st qvzlt1 john h hami jpfiopkietok wholesalo and retail dealer in granite and everything pert lining to cemetery work importer of all kinds of granite and marble dlk ct haviug intel uitcd the qiij olfui dj granito quarries and haltir purchased tlieeitlre stock ol gray and red granite monuincr ts 1 eadstoncs crosses urnm etc of alexander thau cokt 1 will nuiil farther prices never bofort known in y stance- grnaite monument it 70 8 ft tfjooft mioo 10 ft lio j a mlrkay i licrnikn aicrioaeti- for the counties of halton and weutngtotf orders left at his residence mam street opposite ciiarch street acton or addressed to acton po will receivetrict attenfaon terms reasonable notes discounted if desired w hei1stbeet licknoeo accnovten mor the counties of wellington and halton orders left at the feek pbess office acton or at my residence in acton wul be promptly attended to terms reasonable moxur to loas also money to loan on tkfmwt favor- able terms and at the lowest rates of in terest in sums of s500 and upwards john day architect gcelvh osi omul qneeu9 hotel block market square rancis nunan snccessor to t f chapman bookbinder georges square guelpb ontario liumbei will while yoawa with neatuesi n b we orders for t and mouldings and despatch be dressed ac made f st account books of all innds made to ork- periodicals of every description careinlly bonnd bnhng neatly and promptly done weavingt mr t mitchell desires to inform the people of acton and surroundings that ho is prepared to take orders for weaving all kinds of 1ancy bag carpete flannel sheeting shirting and dress goods striped or plaid twillor plain also bed bjupkete and horsebjantets v yards wide aid ouetf cg and wotroarantee ttetfww satisfaction to all farmers and other woo will favor me with their patronage tllfci4ell are also prepared to hll all fuwips 4 on short notice and from long experience in the business we feel confident that we can give satisfaction every time so comer on with yonrorder and help to roll the ball along money makes the mare go whether she has legs or no thos ebitage manager i w hi rutledce tpe butcher deals in everything in the meat line wholesale and retail no city establish ment can wr found better stodkfid at all seasons ah material warranted uretclai parti 9 wantinii anything in this hue will do well to t ill and soo me before purchasing elsewhere as 1 guarantee my pricos aro from 30 to 50 per con below all other dealers ontari bit central ton marble how long it lingers heie under this hedge said miriam sho was standing in tho lane looking at the whitrnow border still thawing in the shelter of the straggling hedgerow tho two girls had been roaming tho fringo of woods across tho lane seeking the springs trailing arbntns underneath tho autumns wetdeud leavea and the fragrant little basket which miriam carried sv ring ing in hor hand told that tho search was not unsuccessful and now in tliej midst of such a breath of spring to come iponj this ausunned patch of snow lucy stood still looking rtt it too to think that it should keep the lm prcsslon all these veiks she said ticdi- tatively as if to herself yes it wa i just hero he stood ho was gathering ine tx rries out of the hedge tho hedge was cri nsou with them that da miriam cast a sharp glance at tho 1 hvly dreamy face i did not kuqyi 1 was awakening a sen timental train of memories sho sait not quite as careless ns she could have wished lucy turned with a shy little laugl and a beautiful color flushing her fair face from dimpled cheeks to brow half hidden ly the waes of sunny hair she caught hor friends hands basket and all ah miriam 1 have longed to find courage to tell you all about it you know when roger went away the mornituf after that last snow supplied hiriam with another glance at the mow border j yes well we were here we repeated miriam in the cignifi cant pause oh you know hotjer and i and he gathered the berries from me miriam and when he gvo them to me oh dear she said blushing again and pretending to pout ou might underhtand without pnt tng it all into words jou he gone through the same thing no doubt though jou wont marry anybody rogei and you are going to marry winthrop said miriam very onetlv oone through the same thing would it burpri8c pretty little lucy to bn told that the very night befoi o that berrygathering iust here he had asked miriam to marry bim and she had refused him eh well why rfiould it be anything to miriam how soon he had consoled him self and you aie going to marryj roger tayw at les3 1 winthrop she said notjiee sell at o for in- fl0 7 ft work and meat market joseph patton utcher hab pleasure in i inuonnciug no 9utionable coods of- jferod to customers iatanyprice- b to the citizens ot acton t iat he has purchased the bntchering bt bin 598 of mr wm rossell and is prepared to conduct the same in a tjtraitforwarjl business manner having had large experience in the busi ness i feel that i can guarantee all custom ers who favor me with tleir patronage perfect satisfaction all kinds of meat fresh ftndl good and poultry fish 4c in season will be found in stock 1 i respeotjully bohot your esieeined pat ronage joseph patton acton nov 8th 1886 but lncy was pouting again oh deari jou are so matterloffact miriam marry who said anything about marry ine 7 im sure neither roger nor i did only he said he could see from my sweet eyes that i understood what troublo he was in at going awa y and couldnt i give him any hope and wouldnt i remember that at any moment i should write for him be would come back at once new blace sptflth in aoton lowest pi ice s and square dealing is my motto one trial convinces on these points cash alw tys paid for cattle w h btjtledg 1 he hi nlan barber shop ttluibtbketiactqjs j lvo a stylish baufcut a good tilui swnapjyuwayb i jfolpvclasb l chodrens hair an easy hi igtveji i- eondttipn tastily cat rt- ladies i v wobdesi xonsorial arwflt andrew t3skey haying purchased the gem iral blaoksmith- wg busiiiess of mil p j s ot i solioits the patronage of all the enston ers of the shop and ihe public generally horseshoeltnd- will be made a special featdr i of thebnsi- dofs interfering horses crefjully shod and caved having hud large exerience in the manufacture and repairing o agricultural implements and maohiner ol all kinds aa well as of general work i feci that i can guiranteesatisfaction in e rer case andrew teskey just on the hdpe the merest hope- that it would not be in vain aud theji in the midst of it and before i could answer bim whobliould come by but charlotte dallas and you know what abpre she is and how we never can get rid of her she wonld stand talking to us both and walked back to the gate with me and roger had only time then to hurry off to catch the tram aud he couldnt say an other word apart to me only jubt beforo we turned away from him he did manage to give me a bit of a nou i suppose he had meant to leave it at the house for rue but just think miriam i lost it before i had read one word of it 1 l0btltf he man iged to give it to mo under cover of another bnuoh of berries cliar- lotte was standing with ns then and i unlucky that i was dropped it and though i let my pooketbandkerohiot fall at oncetsb if by accident and bought i could piok them both np together i couldnt find it i dared not say too muoh about having lost anything for fear of charlottes sharp eyes imagine dear it someone should have picked it np if the wind blew it into the road i j it woald have your name on it 9aid miriam steadily no doobt whoever foundit would bring it to you i thought it might have baenyhlon into the iedgeaomewhere i j i looking abput miriam- do yoji tnjnk boger i so nicer than tom 1 know mamma would be apt to like him better but c b miriam iao wish youd advije me think it is very ttn j have been irery muoh l dont you mamma in to object tq poor tom id glvi anything if you would tell mo what to doonly i sup pose yon are so wise and cool yon wonld be taking mammas side miriam laughed 11 gome counsel dear tittle dont tarry ill gie ye iny bonnle blaok ben it ye will advise me tomarryi the lad i ioe doarly sam olou be as honest as burns lassie lucy my dear and then i will know how to vnswor you but lucy shook her head doubtfully it isnt want of honesty dear 1 is that i cant make uj my mind and cant make up my mind to let mftmiiia make it up for mo did bognr bay anything to aunt gioh- ham asked miram so quietly that hor cousin could uot guess that the matter was painful to her 11 oh no and uiutnmu oncoibonie time ago fauoled roger was in lovp with you miriam j lucy said this with a touch of arauso- niont in her tono as sho glanced np at her cousin miriam was certainly handsome enough asshe stood in tho glowof sunshine but so white and cold aa well f alrin love with a snowdrift luoy had beard tom bbj j miriam had turned as if to walk on but lucy did not move it seemed this spot set her thinking of roger dont you thtuk it rather odd miriam that i havent hoard a word from him since 9 ought i to have told him it was the note that i lost i could not manage it with charlotte standing by and i fancied he would understand perhaps there was something bo an swered in the note said miriam and she climbed np the bank under the hedgerow are you sore you looked well for ttluoy i among the dead leaves sho stopped short she had set her little foot in the big print of roger winth- rops and the glazed surface iliad cracked under her weight and in the crack as she stepped back she saw something that was not ice a corner of a folded bit of paper sho stepped back and en that one instant of silence was fought the hardest battle of miriams life for why should she be the one to givp her lover to lucy i one instant then she stopped and broke away tho thin ioe from abont tho folded paper c hero is our letter luoy roger must hae stepped on it when jdn dropped it and crushed it into the snow that was why you could not find it lucy took it with a cry of delight yes miss lucy gresham- ob dont ro miriam ive a fancy for reading it just here butyou dont want mo said miriam sho was moving away when her cousin caught her pntting her arm through hers and holding her fast while sho opened her note dear lucy then with a little cry she dropped the prpcr she set her foot on it and half- laughing halfcrying she executed a war- danco upon it that ever i should have been such an idiot suqh a miserable dupe of my own amty oh and now i shall marry tom out of hand and have the honeymoon over before there is over a mrs roger winth- rap lucy what is it you mean i i am not going to tell you roger may tell you himself the note says ho is coming ah and this is the very day three weeks from tho verv da- he went away listen miriam she stopped suddenly lifting her band the sound of a horses hoofs was heard approaching rapidly along the road he always rides that way dont let liini guess my folly miriam theres the note you may road it im off no no jou are not to come with me i she had squeezed herself through a gap in the heage such a tiny gap that only finch a littlo creature could have done it and miriam could not hope to follow her indeed she did not think of it she was looking nt tho note lucy had thrust upon her perhaps she hid not know how close the rider was to the tnrn in the road behind hef certainly she started and colored deeply when ho flung himself from his horse and with the bridlo over his arm walked beside her miss miriam t then he started in his turn as bis glance fell on the paper in her hand you are leading my letter to lucy he said she stood still in the road and faced him pntting such constraint upon her self that one might have thought her indif ferent is it trne she said that yon could write snch a letter as this to lucy to luoy 1 btirely yu are not angry she is your cousin and a sort of cousin of mine too she is always kind and good and she loves you was there any harm in telling her that you had refused me but that i was coming back in three weeks time when carrington should have left the neighborhood unless luoy wrote me that you had meawnhile accepted him she did not write and did you ever tell lucy before that that i am in love with you supplied roger well not in so many words perhaps but i am sure she understood it her mother found out my secret one day coming upon me unawares i suppose it is an open deoret he said frankly t am uot ashamed of it miriam did not meet bis eyes she stood downcast and pale clenching her hands together in her effort 1or self control aunt gresham knew it t aunt gresbam had told her miriam binding her over to secrecy that roger winthrop had spoken to her of his love for hex lucy and that luoy in her heartef heart cared tor bim too could aunt greshara have blinded herself or had sho deliberately tried i to keep miriam and rogor apart 1 miriam felt a cold distrust of hor uncles wife but not ot luoy roger must not guess lucys mistake he was putting out his hand to miriam now i thought it was carriugton perhaps who was standing between us he said but i met him in town he almost said ypu had refused bim too miriam if you do not like hirii is tbero no hope none that f might teach you to care for tne just fthttle ifc the shook her head i you could nover toacu lio that and thonc sb she lifted her eos and saw tho white set look upon his face a quivering smile hashed over hers you nevor could teach mo that because i lovo you with rny whole heart llogor he had both her hands miriam my darling 1 but when he askod her what made her refuse him jubt three weeks ago she only shook her head j you know the homely proverb roger 1 never look a gifthorse in the mouth if i give you ray lovo npw you must not try to find out just how old it is i my darling you shall date it frqi flic wedding day if ou will let that bequilo soon woli have a doublo wedding 1 she cried gayly luoy and her faithful horn shall bo married on that day i think that yon and i together will be ablo to bring aunt grehhatu to consent frwo ways of examining- two famous lawyers jeffrey and cock- burn were once engaged together in a case in scotland jeffrey began by jaskibg one of the witnesses a plain stupidlooking countryman is the defendant in your opimou perfectly sane the witness gaaed at the questioner hut gave no answer jeffrey repeated his- enquiry altering i the words do you think the defendant cap able cf managing bis own affairs jstill in vain i ask yon said jeffrey rlo you consider the man perfectly rational no airswer yet let me tackle hjm said cockburu then assuming lis owu broadest scotch tones and tnraing to the obdurate witness he began hae ye your mull rauffiox wi ye r ou ayv j said the a wkard fellow stretching out hisnuff- horn noo hoo long hae ye kent 3ohu sampson said the witty advocate taking a pinch ever sin he was that height was the ready reply tho witness indicating with his hand the alleged height and dao ye think noo atween you and me bald cockburn m nib most insinuating brogue that theres anything intil creature i would not uppen him with a bullcalf was the instant rejoineri wit and humofc i i the latest thing for breakfast tho young man of the family hello blade glad toseo jou im m a great hurry you just wait a ruinate and ill be back in a quarter of an houi i do not desire wealth foi itself le- inarked the philosopher no replied the oynic i suppose yoju desire it for yourself where is the ideal wifjj asks the lec turer well if she is looking for the ideal husband her search will prove fruitless pat nae you any prairies in ireland like we have ui llhonois to bo shoor vwe have didnt yiz iver hear of tipper- ary an advertiser in texas calls for f an in dustrious man as a boss hand oyer five thousand bead of sheep that can speak spanish fluently brown to jones i say lend me ft dollar till tomorrow you see i changed my vest this morning jones im sorry bnt ive fust invested my ohange j a point of economy- take my advice aud when you get a prescription put up at a drug store nevfer ask how much it is said one gentleman to another the other day why not he continued becajuse the clerk will sue you up aalhe boys say guees how much money you have gjt and charge you your a reminiscence editor fubepbkiii j 1 dkaii 8ia will you allow me space in your newsy columns while i try to interest acton ions or some kind hearted friends amongst them of the boys of ye olden times in a tree yes it is only- a tree and a poor old poplar at that but having re lation to thodayghat are gone as well as to several dear frauds that are gone also the near approach of spring and the antici pation of dry walks and fields clear of snow always reminds me of this tree for which old associations and the flight of time have ouly served to increase my veneration 1 have never forgotten ot lost interest in this tree and afthe years roll by and my locks grow gray that venera tion has grown deeper and deeper then- is nothing very remarkable or striking about this tree nothing to distinguish it abovo othor trees hard by nothing did 1 any well yes it bears on its bark a mes sage from the past to the present from friends who are gone to friends who re main the mark that it bears is the story it tells and when the facts are known i am sure many old residents will with my self be equally interested in it and perhaps try to jireseryo it and this is just what i desire and my object in writing my memory of dates is very imperfect bat i think it vras about 28 years ago this month april 5n a sunday when the warm spring sun had melted nearly all f the snow away the day was warm and bright and the balmy weather seemed to invite the then younger population of acton out for our first bpriug stroll on the point which divides the pond we went strolling out in twos and threes untila majority of the boys who were then the boys of acton had assembled together we were less sel fish and more given to assembling in oups together in those days we were utting on the dry grass aud leaves just on he border of the email grove of bushes bat ornaments the ratreme end of tne oint on the west sidt of ttie cleared field illhig yarns clocking jokes and basking b the sun jubi before as in the edge of jttae grove grewu poplar tree or rather jtwo of them then like us young smooth narked and full of lifb but now old and grey and rough some one got up and with his knife proceeded to carve his initials on the tree vanity do you say well so be it but it was an act of congregational vanity which has since afforded me much pleasure forinaftej years when i have visited the treje and trimmed and refreshed the marks i have in m4nd lived again in the day saw the faces and heard the voices of the dear old friends of long ago another and another followed suit until nearly al had left a memento which was to endure in several cases at least much longer than the hand that did the carving i well remember tho jokes indulged in abont handing our names down to pos terity bind the merry laugh of one dear old friend jim allan is as clear to menow as then all joined in these jokes but all did not know that some were indeed leaving something only a mark on a tree it is ttue but yet it would remain long years after that little group of boyhood friends had beeif permanently broken and scattered and several had passed away never to re turn i regret my inability lo recall all the names of those who were present that day and whobe initials now almost obliterated are still to bofound upon that tree or its mate close by i may be in error as to a conple hut think i am right i prefer to use the old familiar names we then loiew eich other by viz jim allan charles tubby j tom dunn john malcolm pile what dd this when the medicines hands just look wise and yoa advise jtist urbane compounder of foith your prescription lay down a quarter he will look at the quarter study a minute and then make up 1 his mind that he had been foolish enough to sell you the saplq dose f or 25 centa at some post time and hell take it and not say a word lay down a dollar however and it will be l just the same no ohange try and seej- elvtim gaxtte j l danfffjrs of dfhij if we wore allowed to look into the future and see the fatal consequences that follow a negkotep cold how differently would our course be eouldwe realize our danger how speedily we wonld seek a t ire but with many it js only when the mon ster disease has fastened its tangs upon our lungs that we awaken to our folly vv hat follows a neglected cold is it not disiaee of the throat and lungs bronchitis asti ma consumption and ftiany otjher disease i of like nature it isjworse than madnesn to neglect a cold ana it is folly not to lave some good remedy available for this fre- quent complaint one of the mobt ei ica- oiona medicines too all diseases of the throat l i and lungs i is biopuea autigonsuroptive syrup this mejdioine is composed of several medioinai herbs which exert a mobt wonderful influence in curing con sumption and other diseases ot the lungs and chest it promotes a free and easy- xpeotoration soothes irritation and drives the disease from the system erastus hall sammpore charlie symon all gone all dead george cringle dan shook jim switzer donald kennedy jack all m and i think bill snyder as well asl ol anderson some of them i have nut heard from or of tor many years but at la it accounts were all still living it was alflo about this time that last named abd the writer were arranging for a great hunting and trapping expedition to the kodttf mouutains there were no cbr cpacbes to roll us away to our qcs- tmation then and our knowledge of the territory was limited being confined to poor schbol atlases of the day and chiefly to tpost reliable information derived from dime indian tales however like genuine beros as we were to be we made- the best of the only maps available to us and studied well in jmorses geography markingont onr camping places along our proposed route with great exactness until we of course had it all downfine duluth was the ast abodo of hite man on our raarob iere we were to procure certain snpplies and then bid adieu to all evidences of civilization after whiob we expected to live upon bears and injuns and other small game however we changed our minds nndj did not go which have since thought was fortunate for us ibut i now think it was unfortunate from a national point of view and for the government for haft we gone and succeeded in maintaining onr lives and heroic aspirations there would hafe been no jtorth west rebellion for there wonldhave been no indians to rsbel but mourning to my subject the last time i vi sited the tree alluded to 13 months ago i found that some vandal with a gun bad fired two bullets into it and dam aged the bark i hope no recurrence of this 1h 51 4- is ha4 4 done dont do it boys those marks are all we have left ns of the friends boya of ot your iathers and the pione aoton j 1 yours truly orillis i t april 6th 1887 7 p s a nasi d inject or free with each bottie shjlohs catarrh remedy price 50 cents sbld by n mcgarsfn are you made miserable by indigestion consfiptition dizziness loss of appetite yellow sjkin shilohs yitaliber is a pos itive owe sold by nmogarvin i v 11