Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 21, 1887, p. 1

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sljt 3utmi jfw xm kveky thursday morning free press power printing hou8e acton ontario subscription rates oxkvsah moo six mont 50cts tltrkk vlosthbasct rlavariably in advance h noltam in advance l rr xt viiibe chained 4 n paper illeeod- tuium tiujiw utmi tine paid except at the option of the iubhher aovertiamq rates actoh banking cqt storey chri8tie co si l-bankebs- acton i ontario generjll banking business transacted kfxlt o110 ciimsin mali column quarter column one iiich- 11 til j0 mo 1 3 mo 11 mo mo9iooiw maa avon u 1100 a jo 3000 up0 to0 3j0 1 600 1 uoj aoo 100 uottly toaitsd oh ar6vfcb itotss notes discounted and interest allojwed on deposits casual advertisement 8 east per liue for the flrtmertioifcrand3ntwmnerremh ub- nvinent inwrtiou cash the number ot lines reoood bvb rpue occnpied mwsared by sle of solid nonpareil vivortisomcnte jrithcmt specific directions wiinwinied till forbid ana charged accord nsljfl transitory advertisements must bo paid a auvaneej dtnijns for contract advertistanents mutt be in the office br 9 am isn mondays otlienriae luv hill be left over iratil the following week p moork editor and proprietor- ttllo mbc3 r tetnctnl en ftlefttovo v tectums bonn 8twfc kgt antracumarb f business directory wh m b m c p s graduate oi trinity collese mem ber of college of physiciaus and surgeons office and residence at 4he head of frederick street aston find the puzzle rk nutlet piiedu prepared to furulshou tho shortest 1 lotico tu any quantity and at hot- i mu prices flrsielasa lumber kath staves head ing sh ingles wash tubs churns butter tubs por c barrels rwood f pvir and feed ami anything in tho lino of farmer- housekeep ers or contrai tow necessities the puts e la to find a better place than tho has c moores to buv any thi ig in tao above lines also to find out if you are indebted to httq for anything pur- djaod from min his books bat sonic arc and he would like he money nrw istall pspers and boed1b8 ceiling decor all new for ations tdtm jfo ft thursday monnimi amii 31 1887 1887 -at- l l bennett lds dentist georgetown ontario c mekinlay l d s surgeon am dentist georgetown onfc nses the new system of nitrous oxide gave oom- uioulr called vitalized air for extracting teath without pain having been demon strator and practical xeacher in royal c college of dental snrjeons toronto pats rouniaydependuppnreceiviugsatifaction in ny operations performed will visit acton evrv second and fourth wednesday oi each mouth office aguews hotel tohitlawsokgradtjate ofox- j tarib veterrnary college toronto r veterinary surgeon actouont office in kennv bros boot and shoe store tcai- denee iuihe rear hojfiscs examined as to soundness and certificate given all cajunijht or day promptly attend ed to terms easy -ttvelpii- busines5 college gcbph ontario the teard scholastic year tsius v 1st patronage drawn iron 1 ten stakes and provinces young men iothboys thoroughly prepared for jbosiuess pursuits graduates eminent ly isoccessfi il id accouuuuu basilicas managers shorthand j writers clerks salesmen 1 ravellers etc both iu canada and the united states moderate rates thorough practical work and oonrtebns treatment jharacterizc the institution indies admitted to all the advantages of thecouese splendid 1 acilittes afforded for tho ac quisition of french and german for inforr istion addretls i m miccormick wlf principal johnston mcleax barristers solicitors notaries convey aucess 4c spritate fund3 to loan v v omen town hall acton v p b 40hkton wji a mclevn a mow at a 1 bikkistec soucitoc xoiakt ptblic money to loan bmct matthews blockvi acton upstairs sv e mitchell soijcrioc coxvetascxb ac orftcetfirst door west oftuecaaiio oficemani street milton 5foney loan at fi percent 8 m 4 hiltox axxcx a- baird barristers solicitors ac toeoxtoattrvgcobuetowx okmck4 creelmans block georgetown aud 6g king street east toronto shxltos ujl 3 ejl1j1i ba- w t atjn t taix laidlaw co bakkistekb a soucttobs officks over imperial bank 24 wel- ihgtcra street east entrance exchange alley toronto johs bvnf q c c a mastes viivluqi ludiiw geoboe katpeuj fire days b00sst0re cuelph day sells cheap atjrerti temple of musi poetry fai srtopumbltonb there was a boy named oriiuiblotouo who ran away to sea im stok of things on laud ho said as siokas i can he i a life upon tho bounding wavo villi suit ladlike mo the seething ocean billows failed to btimu- lute his mirth for ho did not like the ship or tho dizzy roliiufibertu and he thought the sea was almost as tin pleasant as the earth i i ho wandered into foreign laudi ho saw each wondrous eiht but nothing that he heard or sav seoniyd jnbt exactly right and so he journeyed on and on mill seek- tngfordelight hoj talked with kiutjs aud ladisbfair he 1 i dined in courts they say bui always found the people dull j and long ed togotfaway to nearch for that mybterious lajnd wliero he should like to stay ho wandered over all the world his hair grew white w know ho reached that filial bonroo at last where all 6 us must ro but never foudtjtho land he soubht the reason would you kno 1 the reason was that jiorth or south whereer his steps were bent on land or son- iu court or hall he fonnd but disoontent for he look bis disposition with him every whore he went olfr story the iwy shep g lumber shingles knd lath he uujersi aed desires ioinfomk tho public that be ijap now on hand and will keen in stock a full 11 10 0 piuc and henilook as well as other kinds t lumber also first and sccoral class pinq sb hglcs lath coal wood leading pianos and organs fine violins sheet music 6nd musical merchandise- 3 ssmith 1 an prcparfcd to supply all kindof stove cool havo also a ood stock of wood bardwood a hi cedar and mill wood at reason able prices wood and col delivered jamks brows mutual insurance qotjxtt 07 wslliitatolt kstadllsuell 1810 head office cuelph insure hulldiugs mjerchsndnse manu factories tndall othr aescriptions ol property on thepremiam note 8 stem p w st ne cm is davidson president secretary johln tayjl0b agent w adgebow cabsox blbklbteksitlvtr at ontario hall 50 church street toronto f jlilkieeow hpi j0hx cvbsos 1jcl co cbotrs 1 1 luuvr 1 patents secubed for inventions hexby gkit ottawa pasada 20 years practice so patent no pay x amtjbray llcexoed acctioseeb for the counties at halton and wellington ordeia left at his residence main street opposite church strm acton or addrebsed xo acton po will receive strict attention terms reasonable notes discounted tf desired tftm hemstreet llcexsed acctioseeb por the count ies of wellington and halton orders lelfat the feee pbeus ofiice actod or at my residenee in acton will he promptly attended to terms iseaaonable movet to loas r also money to loan on the most favor able terms and at the lowefit- rates of in terest in sums 0 1500 and upwards company the above pushing the plan celebrated mimic honbe is o and organ trade with great success in this locality of the i ihiirlinl paus e and consider while you rait and mouldings drc with neatni ss and desp tch n b we are ordelrs- for also on short nc tice and frim long experience in the busi ness we fee loj parties desiriug to purchase a firstclass piano or orgarfshdnld not fail to examine the goods or correspond- with the roprietfer j o mciban importer of musical merchant ise quebec st guelph h shaw j bepbesextailvt j wellington marble works qtj75bzc bt qttelph xm rl john h hamilton pbopkietob wholesale and retail dealer iu marble granite aud everything pertaining to cemetery work direct importer of alkindpi of granite and marble having lately visited the bay of fondy granite quirries and having purchased thd entire stock of gray and red granite monuments headstorjea crosses urns etc of alexander taylor at less i than cost i will until further notice sell at i prices nevemxifon known in onterio for in- thatit will be to yonr c wniinterest to pat ronize bom 1 trade we wuld respectfully inform the inhabitants of facton and sur rounding ccuntry that ve are again iifall bunce monumeutg rspning or er and in a better position than i before the f re to fill all infers entrusted to ns topai ties building f j lumbar will be dresser made prepared to fill all uni john day abchitect gcelphost ornoe queens hotel blookr market square r can give sa asfactipn eyi iry time so come on with yo lif order and help to roll theball along mc hey makes t le mare go whether she has leg or no tpos ebtae hanaeer w ps ft high 00 7 ft 758 ft 0 ft 100 10 ft 120 au work and material wammteit firstclass parties wanting anytliingin this line will do well to call and see me bofore purcboslug elsewhere as i guarantee my prices are from 3p to 00 per cnt below ail other dealers confident that we rutledce pta bufcotov deals in everything wholesale nd retail inent con he seasons x1bakcis nunan successor to t f chftpman b00kbindbb st georges square goelph ontario account books of all kinds made to ordr periodicals of every description carefully bound ruling neatly and promptly done weaving stfi if mitcflell desires io infprm the people rf acton and surroundinga that be is prepared to take orders for weayingjsll kinds of iifanoy bag carpets flannellsbeeting shirting and dress goods siriped or plaid twillor plain also bed blankets and horse blanket two central meat market joseph patton butcher has pleas to tho citizens of a lure in aoton purchased the bntcherikig business of mr bossell and is prepared announcing that be has in the meat line no city establish- found better stocked at all no qu stlonabl coocls of- fefeijtocwwbtiiirfi at any i rice lowest trices and s jhare dealing ifl my motto oi e trial convi ices on these points cash all fays j aid foi cattle w hrutledge yards wide and over j and i will guarantee that i willgivogood satisfaction to jail farmers ndotiier wno whlfavormo with their pafeonage thitghelili mhe huililnbabbeb shopj milistnberajclos an easy snw i k etylii ib haircut a good aeafoamn ej grating spwaya given condition tftjtityctti i 1 bi sor 1 loned 1 id pn j2f h p rfptipj tonsoiial artistf pu wm the same in a straitforwajd business manner having had iafgaexperience ness i feel that i can guaranf ers who favor me with perfect satisfaction r all kinds of meat fresh am poultry fish c in season wl in stook i respectfully olict your esteemed pat ronage i joseph iatton acton nov 8th 1886 to conduct in the busi- aliens tom- patronage good and 111 be found rr mm blacksimith in acton andbew teskey la lies nd ohuavehs hair having purchased the general blacksmith ing business of mb p 3 smith solicits the patronage of all the customers of the shop and the public generally horseshoeing will be made a special featun of the busi dess interfering horses carefully shod and cureflf x having 1ad large experience in the manufacture and repairing ol agricultural implements and maohineryofjall kinds as well as of general work i feet that i can guaranteesatisfaotion in ever case andrew tebkey iuusuully pretty girl a carriage equal to eugenies the very poetry o motion said darcey stockton a young exquisite cane in baud and a cigar be ween the gloved fingers of the other looked critically at the regal figure of a young women who passed slowly by evidently retried with her days work bay john pvea mind to follow lier and see whero she lives those dark dlrooping eyes aud that oval faa are jubt what i want for my madonna would he willing to pay her well for a fe sittings come on what a pity she is oily a shop girl daoey didnt take the troub e to look into his companions face had lie done so be would bave discovered a sort if ominous knookafeirbwdowu expression which would have effectually deterred him from further confidence there she goes rouud the corner of duane there she goes in l as 1 he subject of bis inspection walked into a rhkety hall way there is no telling al out these bather awkward to call for a girl at such a place especially when a telle w doesnt know her namo bat i mast live her for a fev sittings at all events and at any haeard the gentlemen separated each to cogi tate on the same subject but as differently as two natures so differently 1 constituted would be likely to not a sitting daroey stocliton shall that girl give yon muttered jo iu john blake was thoroughly icquaiuted with the man he had to deal with had previous occasion to note his i idomitabto perseverance when a pretty worn an was the object of his pursuit and realized that to be master of thebituation he mi 1st proceed to business immediately so w tbout more ado john blake presented him lelf at the door of the old tumbledown staii s in duane street an old man bent and unshaven opened the door 1 please tell me air the dime of the young lady who lived here sai 1 john re spectiully theres only one family resides me and my old women that lives on this floor their name is stockton i don know any of tbe folks above theres two of em the young women one on em i 1 consump tion thats the door and tie old man limped away john blakes heart thum ed wildly against his breast once he hid a j mind to turn back what should he say j how introduce himself the nam btocktont curious coiriicidence his timi 1 knock was apswere4 by the young lady h rself tbe rich blood mounted to cheek a id brow as she stood scarcely aware of rhat under the ciroumstiances was the projer thing to do invite tbe gentleman in or inquire his business at the door but hospitality cont qnered and john twirling his bat around his fingers a greit lump in his throat al most chokiug bim as he notd a young tady about the same age as the one he was aadresslngand very muoh res mblinp her propped up with pillows her arge dark spiritnelle eyes gazing wistfullj at him i nave come ladies said john put ting on a bold front endeavoring to swal low the troublesome lamp to see if i could be pt service to you i understand your name is stockton i am very well acquainted with a family of i itpqktons in thiseityi l j oh sirsaid the invalid 1 ier beautiful lips trembling if yon hkve oply brought us good news our father diecj in calif or- nia a few mohths ago hash bister i will tell hijn all that is necessary said the other st 11 standing the gentleman will not prbl ably be in terested in our history could obtain poiltioniu jtaoohers for which we are well qnalined oh sir we hive looked for him until we could look no longer and finally after spending alt our money hl became ill and poor sister blan che baa to work out every day if yon know anything of oar relatives for tholove of rneroy tell us quiokly in a half hours tin john with heart beating wildly rang at tho arjapbratio mansion of the stocktons xt strange to relate darcey just passing out opened the door to his friend 11 bless my heart i john come in old follow but what in the worldstarted you up here i want tosee yoar mother daroey i havo a oouplo of cousins of yours in the oarriage there yur nnole williams chil dren from california what the dickens do you say blanche and grace ivo heard so muoh about heres mother lets have it all quiok john explained as speedily aa possible itaa great pityjjaroey said john on their way to the carriage that your cousin blanohe is nothing jbut a shop girl but then yon know there is no accounting for the tastes of these people what under the skies jare you driving at john inquired darcey under his breath but there is no time for explanation the invalid was assisted into tbe bouse and both orphans were lovingly greeted by their aunt john blakos revenge jftta complete these young ladies wore twin sisters and under the tender care and nursing of her aunt grace speedily recovered health and strength and became after a years ac quaintance the wife of john blake i loved you the first time i haw john said grace when pressed by her ardent lover to name the day so name it yourself i shall bo satisfied manufacturing b ftc- you c temperance work over 100 colleges in the united states have prohibition clubs neither wine ale porter iior brandy has ever been manufactured in japan tho sum of 680000000 is spent annu ally by great britain on intoxicating liquors prohibition has dnveu the last saloon from sioux city and closed the last brew ery in iowa the temperance papers of the south are protesting against the manufacture of orange winet the membership of the church of eng land temperance society is at present not less than threequarters of a million it was stated at the alliance meeting in exeter hall that 5000 clergymen of the cburcb of england are total abstainers jackson miss is now a dry city the last saloon disappeared on march 8 noon demand of the law and order league some southern tourists report an in crease of 500 per cent in trade in womens and childrens clothing sinoe the adoption of prohibition the liquor meu of new york and phila delphia pay 920000 ft year to one attorney to remain in washington and resist all temperance legislation the young conservatives of pembroke havaplaced their club room at tlteservice of the wctu of that place for temper ance meetings of the children bomkoy tiik faok1iih which- xbai to success is a iasirmrnikttiujdcfltiiyi ibtfw hhtbr8y 4 this subject embraces points too humer- ous to discuss suojessf ully in the time at my disposal and i shall necessarily be brief it may bo said withont question that the first qualification to success is intelligence the successful manufacturers of this or any other country rmay ascribe their suc cess very largely to this qualifibationl an undoubtful verification of this assertion may be seen in the remarkable influence wielded sooialiy and politically by the in dustrial nations of the earth noted for manufacturing supremacy 1 ignorance is nowhere more fatal to success than in the different branches of tudustrutl pursuits striving for a foothold against the keen competition of the nine- teenth century in the matter of intelli gence i do not consider as alone essential the oulture of the scholastio institutions with which our country is favored bpt a thorough knowledge of the basiness to be conducted in all its primary derails there most be the mind for application and detail indeed tho alpha and ortega of many of opr manufacturers may be summed up in this word detail a disregard for this important matter may be looked upon as fatal to success and this applies to all departments of the business witliput a single exception in order therefore to observe details there must be diligence slid well directed energy sloth like rust con- sumes faster than labor wears and there are duties which cannot be intrusted to any but the principal it is said if you would have your workwell done go if not send and there is no class of labor to which this better applies thjui a manufacturing enterprise therefore the successful manufacturer must be diligent another primary factor of succeas is pro bity of character and the character of the goods to secure respectful consideration at the hands of the mercantile classes tnusb bear the honorablo impress of well madi pro goods whether the class of goods a popular cyclopedia a cyclopedia which presents concise and readable biographical sketches together with choice and characteristic selections from the writings of eminent authors of all ages aud all nations surely ought to be in great popular demand if its cost were not prohibitory such a work is aldetis cy clopedia of universal literature volume vi ot which now published contains 479 pages largo type beautifully printed andj bound and inolndes within it the names of eighty two eminent authors among whioh are dana dante darwin daubet jefferj son davis sir humphrey davy defoe of robinson crusoe fanie demosthenes de- quincey deseartes diokens disraeli doddridge and douglas it would seem hardly possible to plan any literary work more eminently readable and interesting if the compiling and editing were well done and the nearly universal verdict spemsto be that this is very well done indeed and the price 1 only 77 literary revolution could have accomplished such a wonder 50 cents a volume for these beautiful cloth- bound books or 60 cents for halfmoxoood binding the publisher offers a sample volume to any one with privilege of return anot satisfactory anyone anteresjied in high class literature ought to send for mr aldens 64 page catalogue of standard books whichi free to any applicant ad dress john balben publisher 893 peari st lew york clark and adams- stsv chicago or 120 young st toronto duoed be of an inferiojc or high grade they certainly should be tl veiry be of theifl class a house noted for honest well made goods will thrive where others fail from u want of regard to this important particular the auccessful manufacturer aims at tbe highest state of- perfection in his products and thejre is no question of its being the surest method of securing tbe results sought and a verification pf tho well worn proverb honesty is the best policy to be successful implies a close study of the wants of the tradehence tbe successful manufacturer must be cosmopolitan in character and searcliingly investigate his customers wants otherwise he will find at the end of the season he has mistaken- the demand his wareroom stocked with un popular goodb which too often are sacrificed at a loss the question of cheapness is a secondary matter if the goods bave not in trinsic value and he who hopes to succeed by deludinghimself with the belief that anything will sell will find too late that the sacrifice to do so vill yield him nothing but disappointment iu return to be successful implies method in management and aptitude for the business engaged in there is perhaps no more important decision mide in life- than that of deciding not by inclination but by aptitude and capacity for the business con templated how mat y wrecks are strand ed on lifes shoals from a disregarded oapaoity for the condc ctiug of a business the commercial bulleins of our country amply attest i the question of attention to the minutest details ot a cctstomers order is of the ut most importance itjs certainly much easier to obtain a customer than to retain him where the disposition is absent to r etttdy ibis interests there is no class of people on the broad eajrth better entitled to first rank in commercial pursuit than the rank and file of intelligent canadian biiy too sanguine a view of tbe cost of any articlo embodied therein havinobtained the pr maryoost of the article inoloingfaborr there are legiti mate loadings which it i hould bear i if the business is an estoblu hed one and hot extravagantly conducted the expenses of conducting it the previous year should be ascertained and asearc ling analysis of the following accooptsma le salaries fire iusnrarfoo rent interest on capital dis count fuel light and i eneral expense account now it should be ascertained what per- oentage these iccounts in the aggregate have borne during tbe preceeding year to the amount of j business done having so discovered the lawful expenses of conducting the business lev it be a factor in tlte estimated cost of the article before striking a percentage for profit i am well convinced that without the closest examination and scrutiny of these details there can be no regard for exact ness the absence of which- leads to loose ness ind want of economy qither of which fire fatal to success i cannot close this paper without advert- ing to another important factor necessary to success and that in the heirty coopera tion of oar operatives how many indus tries 4aye been arrested in their develop ment fry- some unseemly dispute between employer and employee growing out of some trivial matter capable of easy adjust ment but which from a hpiritl of antagon ism tea been allowed to imperii if not destroy the interests of both there must be a spirit of fairness on both sides the question of how much can be sjaeezed out of labor and how little pay gwen should not be thoiightof i believe ot r manuf ac turersras a class are superior 1 o the grind ing process us applied to labor and believe in die maxim a fair days pay for an honest days labor the tying of labor down to tbe bare neoesitiea of life is not consistent with the spirit oi canadian manufacturers while the ni most liber ality should be extended to inulligent labor and its interests carefully guarded the necessities of tho hour arising from the keenest competition ever waed require thkt labor should be also consid ered there is no doubt our manufctui ers aim at placing the intelligent labor of this country onii hignerplane than that of our foreign competitors iu europe nevertheless the frugality and economy practise 1 by french german and english operativ must to some extentbe kept in view i ere i be lieve also thatlh all manufactures winch admit of buch a system economy in the use of material by tbe employ se should be rewarded economy is more necessary- to- day than ever it should be studied practised and paid for while waste and extravagance should have no place in the concern j i have endeavored to outline briefly what i regard as some of tbe features necessary to success in a manufacturing enterprise and to humbly add my quota to something which concerns the prosperity and progress of the manufacturing interests of canada hiagara vs vesuvins i the average american at home orabroad does not take kindly to anything that would seem to oast the shadow of a shade npon his native land a story foli tbe other evening at the richmond avenue methodist episcopal church by the eev george w peck might bo cited in iliustra iionl an englishman- was travelling tjhrough italy with an american friend liud in the course of their sojonrnings each rpaintaixied the superiority of his own country finally the grand spectacle of mount vesuvius iu eruption throwing its brilliant rays accrosa the bay of naples burst upon their astonished gaze now look at that chuckled the englishman j you havent got anything in america that can come anywhere near that- no moodily replied tbe yankee it is true wis havenot got a vesuvius but we have got a waterfall that could put that thing out in less than fivje minutes buffalo courier u p r s ah i said the stranger strange country there ore allow tier to go on said john with great dignity i the good fellcw drew his ohair a little nearer the bed add she con tinned like inaijjy inotier ipalifoifeian he fell a victim to spetalsitio and fost all his property before he died hi- gave us a letter to his brother i3reyfi obkton john jumped nearly out of i is ehair comwendini us to his c ire until we 11 this is a all sorts of people here and it shows how wild and marked are the vicissitudes of fate yes said the cauforuiauy people rise and fall here i knew an english baronet who drove a hack dear mel you dont tell mel yes and j know a ger man baron who keeps a ooothlacki stand its inoredible but look up there that is the most curiops thing i ever saw andbe pointed to a sign over an oyster shop whioh bore the legend peter simple frs and underneath oyiters bless me i bless me 1 a fellow of the royal society keeping an crystpr saloon 1 well no iliava iviwisnpr ebs doesnt meata jpk jboyix society it means fried lasted and stowedvr wiiv irr- sooohinglbn andcanadian suitings in great variety at jlfyfebactoni era and it is certainly of first impoxtance to study their intercatsi and thus secure their hearty cooperation in the develop ment of canadian industry in every department of manufacture but especially iu everyjdesciription of goods done np in packages the utmost ueatuess taste andbklllshoiild be exhibited bad judgment is nowhere j more visible and- none more keenly crijioiaed than in the packing department of i the manufacturers business indeed the buyers first impres sion of the goods ib very often taken from the neatness or want of it surraundiugthe packing of his goods it matters little what oare may be takon in the manufac ture of the article itself or what merit the goods may possess a i want of care and neatness in this section of the business will meet a just reproof from the merchant and in nine cases out of ten condemn at first sight the best productions tho question of a profit is of sufficient importance to command a place in this paper owing to the keep and too often benselesb competition prevailing at the present day thebelieleems to be cur rent with a certain class that to be a man- ufaetnrer nraflt se be the sure road to wealth and opulence jhow often is thiev delusive idea the means of bringing into competition with legitimate trade and i may add by way of parenthesis narrowed profits a- blaiasiof persons totally unfjited to hieet it and who after a bitter though wholesome experience end with disappoint mentand the loss of fear that an intelligent of the articleproduoed icost iof conducting often wanting in those est trouble to legitimate in estimating the cost of importance that the utmost oare shonld attacb to every detail pfita primary com position no assumption aa to the oost of this or that should be permitted or indeed getting even with smith jones who is rpadingthemorningpaper i declare poor smith is dead ril have to go to his funeral fyou dont have to go do jsou asked mrs jones yesi huve to go to smiths funeral for lie did as much for me he was kind enough to atjterid my funeral and i shall always be grateful to him for it what stuff is tt at how could he attend your f nueral ts the simplest thing in tne world last sc mmer i didnt die precisely but another man named jones did smith thought it wks my funeral fftd went to it now smith has diedijand i am going to get even with tjlim texas shjftings stop stop ameeiiit jeans invested i stimate of thexobt gether with tbe business is too no give the great- business i pf an article it is novel view of the jubilee x tys a london express train had just started from a scotch station when a woman ap peared on the platform waving her arms arid shouting stop stop a meenitl te guard stopped the train jumped from the van opened a carriage door and as the woman approached said come away w ly cant you come sooner woman i ae lye think oor jamie is in yer train gi arf angrily dont know if hot hell come with the next jump int woman m aogaunava its riiy youngestladttie gaun to see his auldest wither an i jist wauderin if he minded a ipuokle tiles to the bairns whjstie i- 4 a ri ww ftf st m m mna m si a fe v days ago when a lady was oollect- the east of scotland for the queens juhile 3 testimonial sheqalled on a woman whjstid she onderstood tbe quen was goiig opatupflmonumenttohejman wit h otis money and atie herself had tw men ii i the kirkyard and no a neasstane to ane o them and she didna see the usao giou the queen money to dp thftt v

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