Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 21, 1887, p. 4

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f 4 i h i i 1 t if i mm if dfe vr tbcudxy mokmko aran si 1887 i t an unanswered qtrtbtson tell m a btory grandma oe tbe dttvs vfara you were ohild i pidardolrhave eyee that- would open i and close were your dreasea bill covered vrith flttt inland bows j could you eat all the candy hd sweet meats yoa choote while mamma indulgentlysnrilod ueuweaetory grandma j of the day when you were youuy were there weekly germ jkt with joe and cake i i i had you silken owu of parisian make r goald you dance t rijlop without raiswao and converse tu aronign tongue tell me story grandma whenyoo were yeong and fair did the youths ctome wooing with courtly grace tu1 they heard that pappa had mortgaged his place then suddenly aeewor watt fairer face why 5he fast asleep in br chair i t rttfsttftteftoirc 0aafnerfu if we were allowed to look into the future and see the fatal conjueuooa that folios a neglected cold how differently would our course be could we realize our danfier bow speedily we would seek a cure hut with many it is only when the monster disease has fastened its lanes upon our lungs that we awaken to our folly what follows a neglected cold is it not disease of thffthroat and lungs bronchitis asthma consumption and many other diseases of like nature it is worse than madness to- negleet aoold andjitis folly not to have some good remedy available for this fre quent complaint one of thef most effioa- ciousmedsxnesforall diseases of the throat and ijmgs is biokles anttconsumptive syrop this medioine is composed of several medicinal herbs which exert a most wonderful influence in curing con sumption aqdotber diseases of the lungs and chest promotes a free and easy jejxpeotaraikiik soothes irritation and drives idie disease from the system i shitohv core will immediately relieve crbap whopping cough aah bronchitis bouhylicgartin r sbflohs catarrh remedy a positive cure for catarrh xjipbtheria and canker month soldbynmcgarvin wkatislir no a snuff powder or liquid but a pre paration peculiar to itself easy to use pleasant in effect xasal balm will posi tively cure cold in the head catarrh and kindred disorders why will youooogh when bhilohs cure will give immediate relief price 10 cents 50 eta and v soldbynmcgarvin the key geo h thayer of bouborn ind bays both myself and wifeowe our lives to shiloha consumption cure sold by n mcgarvin remaal george leganu of tayside out says he can heartily recommend yellow oq as the best reliever of rheumatie pain his father and mother having suffered for years with rheumatism and all remedies failed except yellow oil for dyspepsia and liver complaint you have a printed gnrarantee on every bottle of bhilohs yitakzer it never fails to cure sold by x mcgarvin tamaraf is the discovery of a leading physician 4uid after years of experiment it is now offered you in a perfected stateas a neverfailing curs for coughs colds and throat and lung complaints a xaaaa injector free with each bottle of snilohs catarrh bemedy price 50 cents sold by n mcgirsin are you made miserable by indigestion constipation dizziness loss of appetite tellow skin shiloha yitalizer is a pos itive cure sold by n mcgarvin worms derange the whole system mother graves worm exterminator de ranges worms and gives rest to the sufferer it only costs twentyfive cents to try itand be convinced tot i brofl n was always lu 4 fret beokuw rniehow he kept in debt yetlheimituedhewmwlje a4 he ku w how to economise ha palmed enough to live with prido and lay a little up beside although io nothing didrfoaport helborrov ed and was always short roytoti it wife would say a man caiit mat ago as a woman can co try c ie once bud aoon youll bo fk m hor id debts and worries free toi n only laughed no woman can ha kuo fit anoes like a man t at ength his debts and worries grew 8oibig he tnew not what to do th4 he i n time to save his life gave all 1 is earnings to his wife jow wl fe he groaned in woe oomplote if t u cau make both tods meet ht yo ira sow passed tarn freed from ours waked fa i upon his wifes good fare his debts were paid and laid away was aom thing for a rainy day wtjtt had toms burden been iu life w a plesuro to his careful wife moral mans for o is earning gold alone in pendi ig is his weakness shown a woman s forte by nature meaut is i airing are of every cent and he w io lets his wife do this is always rich end lives in bliss bprinq prose jlter 3 ears of suffering persons who ha e vainly sought remedical help from otl ersom ces haveobtained the long desired ref ef froi a northrop lymans vegetable dii cover anddyspeptio cure which puts a 8 op to he tormentsof dyspepsia renews act tyity o i the bowels and liver relieves ma ladies incident to the gentler sex and bui idsup fail ing health and strength gives pui ity to jthe blood snd tone to the whole system v fmuboa ocmrrtace i any t ad joints by which people are cri tpled f ir life are made by neglected or bat ly tret ted rheumatism ida plank of sb sthroj ont was afflicted with rheu ms asm v i her fingers so that aha could not bei d thei i yellow oil cured her andis pre inpt c ire for all painful complaints 1 c c jacobs buffalo ny says dr thomaseclectric oil cured him of a bad case of piles of 8 years standing having tried almost every known remedy besides ftwo buffalo physicians without relief the oil cored him he thinks it cannot berecommended too nighly a ieed lire preserver t mubnrnt co u march 16th 1886 i was completely relieved frooi that dreadful disease dyspepsia with only foar bottles of that life preserver b b b and cheerfully recommend it to any one subject to ancli disease b devanny motrisbnrgh ont fe xthb extraordinary popularity of ayers cherjy pectoral is the natural result of its use by intelligent peopleforover forty years ljt has proven itself the very best specific for colds coughs and pulmonary com- tjplaints l i overworlied hy hubband strained himself with over- work canting a large swelling in the groin he suffered great agony which doctors fail ed to relieve he could not eat nor sleep i- b b b quickly cured him he eays he never had such quick relief in his jjfe extract from a letter froro mrs george bosk cookaville got cholera and all summer complainte are so quick in their aetion that the cold hand of death is upon the victims before they are aware that danger is near if attacked do not delay in getting the proper medicine- try a dote of dr j deelloffibdyientery gordial and yon will get immediate relief it acts with wonderful rapidity and neve fails to effect a cure a severe attack i never felt better in my life than i have since taking burdock blood bittern ad severe bilious attack i coulqbt ftffor several daya and was omhleto work one vtttto flured john m bidiarde st taea ont for ail bilibu frosueptbebbb sare to saustr 1 here re many remedies for coughs arid coli is but there are few that prove so satis facory as hagyards i pectoral balsam wh ch is i pleasant anc reliable cure for all throat and lung troubles including bro achitii t croup whooping cough anc the p almonary complaints of young or olch t ome p arsons have periodical attacks of ca tadian cholera dysentery or diarriooa anc have to use great precautions to avoid the diseise change in water cooking am green fruit is sure to bring on the at- tac is to such persons we would reoom- meild or j d kellogg s dysentery cordial as xingjihe best medicine in the market for all bni nmer complaints if a few drops an taken in water when the symptoms are not iced n further trouble will be experienc ed awtaalshlbk 8ere t is th s duty of every person who has usd bmkct gtrman sgritp to let its won- dei fol qu ilities be known to their friends in cunn consumption severe coughs cr up a ithmo pneumouia and in fact all throat and lung diseases no person cai inae il without immediate reliefs three daeswil relieve any case and we consider it i he duty of all druggists to recommend it 1 o the foor dying consumptive at least to ty on bottle as 80000 dozen bogles we sold last year and no one case where fai rly wa i reported such a medicine as the qermin syrups cannot be too- widely kn ywn 1 sk your druggist about it sample bo ties tc try sold at teh cents regular sizi 75 oiuts sold by all druggists and deblerb n tiro united states and canada advice to mothees are ypu disturbed at sight i nd broken of your rest by a sick ch id snj sring and crying with pain ef cut tiii g teet i if so smd at once and get a bo tie of mrs winslows soothing synip foi children teething its value is incal- cu able it will relieve the poor hide suf fer er immediately depend upon it mothr en ther e is no mistake about it it cures djsenterv and diarrhma regulates the stimaoh and bowels cures wind colio so tens tie gums reduces inflanunation anl gives tone and energy to the whole syi tern mrs winslows soothing sy- ru for children teething is pleasant to th taste and i the pr of one of th oldes and best female physicians and nn rses in the united states and is for sale by i all druggists throughout the world pi ice twi ntyfive cents a bottle be sure an 1 ask for mas wjrssmws soothiso si nup nd take no other kind i k lady writes i was enabled to remove th i cornf root and branch by the use of hi illowai s corn cure others who have tri sd it b ive the same experience spri tg eaits and overcoats at extreme ly low pr fees and made in the latest styles be sure t j call and see them at j fyfes acton s 1 i et jconrort to tke safferijib bfovht household panacea has no eqtal for relieving pain both internal and ex iernal itiures pain in the side back or bow is sore throat rheumatism tcothacte lumbago and any kind of a fa in or i cue it will mostsurely quick en the bl nd and heal as its acting power is vondeiol browns household pan- acia tiling acknowledged as the great pa in bel ever snd of dofilile the strength of any ther elixir or liniment in the wi rid at onld be in every family bandy for na whet wanted as it really u the best fei aexly i s the world ut cramps in th st nuch and fains and aches of all kind ao i is foi sale by all druggists at 25 cents kmt wuw ffii u aaaw u larcie lots of k1woods arriving dally itevstmscfoods wm aiagbwaa xttvrruits vtvw ohambyftys ktvlaom newliaatles o- tfew ictatle oloths iwmwfcttiir twr onunosttt nov triaxalngi in goods of all i wadi now oajomoroi la blaok and qeb oredbpoouline dresses mantles and millinery made up in nrstclnss stylo reasonable prices wedding and mourning orders attended to with punctuality and despatch new cottonades new deniums new tiokibgs new cottons new small wares new hosiery and gfovii mew carpets new rugs new keadymado clothing new hats new gents fun ishings magniqccnt lot of new tweeds worsteds and suitings gentlemen sow is your time to leave your order goods made up in first- olkn style and prices to suit the hard times new styles and lowest rprices in foot the boot stoc k 18 large and very cheap ladies gfntlemeii we havoikjargo jbtock purchased from the best markets in the world and at the very lowest pvioeb 0ur long experienccv arid stahding enables us to bny cheap and we will sell equally cheap come and patronize us mcleod anderson co mammoth house georgetown ready net 000 worth of made overcoats all first class cood3 tte above will bu sold- at which we do not wisp to carry over until next winter cost now is the time to secure good bargains shaw a grundy merchant tailors cuolph l the plkebtrv watchfis jewelry repairing atvy ays satisfactory if you iiavkiieek lilsallointklj in spectacles try the alaska- tluy are ilia btst r j i we over sold sole agent for gueiph wr i j th- ammoiiwee 00 as the time to buy spriitg goods is at hmifl aud tliejieccssity for such makes itself more apparent people natutyilygir aibundto see where those articles most suited to their tasfoi can be hqd with hls ppiut itt vtewj we wish to an nouiide thatthe house has leoeived the largest consigomeut of goods ever into acton biyauy retail house jth atook ia not only la rge bnt well selected and varied and no pains has been spared to complete -oo- dress goods ijsbwjt railway time table iolook i ow dgbt make it tbisbeartment has been closely attended to and chnirises a wide i of all the latest shades aud styles in booklets albat ross cloths jerseys fancy checks aud stripes etc a large assort- ment of blacks in pbiinand brocaded our dress trimm ngs and battons cau fully bustain our reputation in that line and arp bought to match every shade of goods prints grand trunk railway oorwo kast oorsowkw mliod 78 alii i kxprcm12oiii bxpresno sm i kxprcm ua7m v mall lofio am i thro kxvrcnn a 14 pm 13irmhexpuw irtfu bvinm accoifl 080pirtl special msrpin cblcrlo express doeiinot itop bctwocc guolrli od toronto t t- rpm opcijootko majid oolngwet4o 10 tktpj nntl 0 20pm going east 10 i6ami and 6 0 jlui r bkssw v v v yojl0f3 what a large assortment of prints v is the exclamation 6t everyone who glances at the stacks of this material in our tbre we have the very latest in light and dark patterns to be tjd at prices within the reach of everyone ladie3 yon cannot o better than pick your patterns at once as they are already commencing to move off in lnrg quantities pftl ee ort he valley yes pride ot the v illey that is the name at the medicine it cure 1 me of dyspepsia first i bo right a ample p clcaae for c then five packftcor for 91 and before 1 had taken the content of four pack lges i was entirely well have no vcr felt the bjmptoras ninco that wu four years ago i alio bought a bottle ef pride of the valley iiinitnei t last spring for my hired man who sprained hi ankle so badly he could not bear his weight bu ft after using pride of the valley linlmont f it 24 hoars he was alile to go to work as well a ever and what ig the uaine of that other me licine 7 why pride of the valley catarrh and rheumatic cure i that is the greatest known temei v in the world for the cure of catarrhjjjoian inb ilerbnttbe medicine is to be taken internally or co a day it strikoa attbe root of the disease a id removes the cause- at once aithonaands wi 1 testify that have used the catarrh remedy the threo abovo rsmedies go hand in band an where can i get them at l a matthews acton ont also at all nrstelass medicine d ajers in canada manu factored by phof a j shuieteb london ont woeh 3owdess arb pleasant to lfca jcontaialhelrcm puritivo is c sfo rnr- tl crcftal jemtrper of vrara a in cyijul t acz adolts smen wakted vpermaaent positions guaranteed witb salary and exp mses paid any de termined man can s acceed with us pecul iar advantages to wginrxers stock com pleteincludingman rfast-seliingspeciaities- qdtfitfree address at once nome thi racer beowx bllotheks xuksebtuek bochesteb st ta marac elixir natures remecy r coughs colds hoarseness throat 3c lung complaints km a a i r t li k p 0 s it1v e i 1 1 school or any other school h of gooc o xxi i stxix l -o- if thk cillljntksjlkjribk- books pijns pencils sl4tes papeu copy hooks v drawing book scribbling books ecessarics send them always where tlieyi get what they ask for quality and at reasonable prices and that placed mm nd stationery st0bjs aoton ont i housefpewshing department we invite special attention to our immense stock of house- ftirnishing good 3 consisting of curtains cartaiii material cre- tonnee plashes tnvic covers pole8v0hahi8ejto also gplondid stockof brussels tapestry wool union carpets yrhichwe are offering at very low prices j i mckay brothers 48 king 8treet east hamilton h dry ooods and carpet dealers to farmers and threshers use on your maolimerv only the weujcnown ipsblvlbss oil q oolid lliled a t r bavo 1 eeb awarded it daring the last three years w 7w t 7 tl kour pierhmjalutolmftfooour wargopjanabonfowei6 these oik are fued and wghly recommended t the mode farm gnelpb farmers ask fot uiera use no other manufaetnred at queen 01t oil wovlu fcy j8auel rbcereicotoronlo j 9 1 f- v 1 spring opening saturday 2nd mpisxl this depnrtiiient will he open for the inspection or on satiwlny april 2nd the department is under the abe super vision of miss smith wlio has spared no pains in bfuifiing tins brnueh to a hrx stnte of porloction we predict u pleaiant pui- prise our patrons in millinery tins spring- o- f gents furnishings this brunch of par huaiuetis is receiving a great deal- c f -cij-rc- at our hands this spring and wo have gone to considerable tfouble iu bringing it hp to a still higher standard of perfection thau we are showing a splendid fine of gents lauudriejj white shirts at 60 ceuts with collars and cuffs at a correspondingly low figure firstclass hard hats from 100 upwards pock it hand- kerchiefs and gents underwear at litthr above cost the very latestin silkties i o as wo wish to particularly inyiie an inspection of our carpets we consider- the are equalled by none iu the county iu jrice and- pattern awidxj- range oi ilemp trom 10 fents a yard up to 85 cents aiidbebutiful tapestryaa low as 40 cenri les i i jiir staple stock is complete and we are prepai excellent bargains iu cottons shirtings ducks cottoriadels linens and cretduneb red to give awide range 6t boots aud shoes anda irsh stoclcof ftrocerles ayejou hauct v l i r farmer and others can be supplied with firstclass olpver and timothy seed for cash 0- henderson mcrae co oouctr tbrntkctrr hi zach pacwcc i south ei in asthma cure mstutr m ucr ron asthma an 3 bronchitis by mail on receipt of price smpte3 256 iiegular size 100 jqdwc futfono l co- bkockvilu out saifjshf ati f pbe88 fjowel actosj i vk wab pm o of the fauune oiiegolaaanrt liajlcoioma 4 qarte wlnmn- nueinjjh casosi adwrtiieineo flxst insertion and 3 r mnaent insertion ca o of solid nottpee adsetbentii wih bo inserted mil nsly trantoy fi advance j changes for eont ih the office by 9 afl hor will be ief tprer i w h l6wb graduate tf berofcollefieiofp office and restf frederick btrpet lke wastkb wt re mvfaut of h taw inoi nrsulafis men tokmivass for i he sale of choice varieties of nursery stock o men who can make s success of the busiuc s tvo cju pay good salaries orcouiiuisounuagh eperaianent employment we have many now a itl choice specialties both ntlieiruit and oman ental lines which others do not handle appl at once with references 1 lbrothkes jnubsfjyites- rochesteilj n t american agriculturist 100 columns and oo encravings in each issue 45th yeh 150 a tear send three 2cent stahips for sampio copv nsogllsljorgerinau ind premium list of the qu avdbkst g ticctltxjbvil tcbe wobtd addrosi ptjblishebs ame1 1ican agfclctjltbbist dahdm judd president 151 broertwiy xcwyorli the key to health ttnlockb all the clogged avenues of the wweifl xidneyib and idvaf carry ngoe gradually yitboutireakeniiig the system all the impurities end foul humors of the scsretioua- at thoaarrie brae correcting aeiiity of thr btomach curiiif eilicusnegs jdve- pepsja ihefit- heartburn cof or similar complaints vjeld to d x bilsrjbm ft prprtflor- 7tr the picture galifiry gifelpii waters bros ibthebesplaceitor the latest styles and 18tqaalityirjmoulding8eoomarm picture frames gd paintings steel engravings statuary eot i cormoa poles irom go cents wudow shades spring rollers braeb lodsforseor blinds artists mater ialsl oil colom water colprsybrusher crayons canvas drawing papers ao tc waters bros near the post office i mmm2mmixwt ft ir f r tki ul al jrs tlaj4jff iii t m iskc aciimckini centikttg uew systenj of jfij moulyioalled yifamf teeth thpinlipainj strator and praea college ot tental rotts miydependt in aay operajaonal acton every secoqf of each montur rghnkawso teriojpet veterinary siirg i j keuny bros denceiu the rear soundness ftttd i ausiu3niit cdto tenrise tohnfeos barristers solia aacers ac f3r ef6 johssto j amoivaa i biwaste sot okkoipal ofhce maii j sakicrroaj li oktica birstq office main t vat 6 per cent shiltos- pbi toeosiq offices cr aad8gkingst w tjuiis b r offices iugtoii stceet alley torpatbj jphif bajdf q iabgee0j ba3u1 ontario hill i i t i owttngeb0ti i l cocbovt patents 20 years pr jajdlcl fortheou orders left bppmttaichu to ai0po deairaio jpor the conn orderatefti or at iny promptly atl alsomoimj ablotenha fcerea in sal ttosn 03e- squiirei saocj i st qeprgl aooount l periodioaui w 1 h-

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