-ft- beautiful weddma and birth day presents at ceo hynds the rvo iim proclaimed friday 6th may a public holiday aud request that the day bo ktht in planting tret ou the attouu hi uftvii tlio couucil will supply tree tree of charge to vilimub a line sljcfcot watches clock jcwvl- ut spectacles o refill attention in t i lorepnumis lrop i and vw or larvo 9 mord ot mildmay preach k lvooki geo hynds actot ont i methodist church acton r rev r phuoilsb r astor rckidonctltotrarit 1 i o vomprtstug lovelier- stationary cd p j hurch last sunday rev dr i torrance ot ouelpli moderator of tho sossion was present mr motdy will be here oaiii test sabbath theclnltey farm near here wab bold by tho administrator of tho lalo hugh mclvoiiiild estate on monday to messrs james and win murray sons of john mirrw nsgawoya for wwo mr lowo n student of triuity college preached in st albans church last sun- day he iaau earnest young man roy jsua al mr pijiott occupied tho pulpit of the if tiings re llrctl apply to h 1 moore c rch of knglaud at fort erie oil sunday rtsitwaiv cadct tvrguhou d tho salvation army t farewelled hero on sunday ovoning she ijc actott jfrtt rtss luis b l with severe illness for v cr t several weeks and was sent to tho homo rxsllir sen ioc 1030 niiuhikdo pill sjlllulav ix12jrt ltblt cltu cotitctcd bv tho all eanltai uvited junior tut avvv mornixo arrn 18s7 crumbs for brfiakiast 1 he formers are busy seeding oik lih was 00 years old last saturday ftivhj 6th mv ia actous arbor day ture8 a god orcuing m actou foia dentin tho lawns- arc i now assuming bright virnul tiuii m w f i hatlede butcher now bniuu hdt the msons and brukisjer are now rushuis their work mr w it kenre is bnildipgaii addi- lion to his residence are said to bo m blossom in the wood hereabout sope twent v ave now houses are to be erected here this summer burial plots are for salo now i till parts of firvisw cemetery fishing m heuderwms poud pro- hiblcu to all comers uis sean jjmmer rtsorts where conrtin peo- u rt t axu oommciic for a neitly printed no 7 lite t i re unclope call at the fki i pvv tkjdviiou e cicvtuii tspvrc as lor published statement amounted to sl12 of rest toronto on monday to recruit the rwrent serial in tlurirr mwju arc very strong the mrv number r ocitaina the fourth part of mr ilowelu provided by the etr thoughtful free i boston society novel april hopes and prea reporte j the ftuh part o kathleen omearaa j kusaiau novel natka dont forget that ou frtday apiilth the handsome ordei carnage with their colored porter iu lrvery will appeal ml acton see that jou get all vonr wiled aud fajed clothes elected aim ticd hka i new iiyeucj it yoo li uds fancy store 1 a meeiiug will lie held ni tho town hall on tiusdayov cmig tl aird may ut sli pm for tho purpose of orgauusuig a base ball club twt the present seaou a jootl attendance i espcvmly rejacsted ua the 1 sikcom m with by the canvassers indicate that it tlouihliiii tlub can iw founid thoe fhx hae ulreadj subscribed aro j particularl requested to attend a farrier in nuyanew a not r tui from coivthiu aid a reemt arrivil from kniland ent out the olliei day to the bush to tap for niiik- ip he went to wolk nidi trnmnately i siml ttpjxil mote baswood v a it uli neiulibailit us a huio iiki the v itii uia not cxactlj 1nytr in the lp ot sin irf but pnii boem- to k aoout n lap liiuj the bpade tac rake aud the hoc are r iv tle coualart compiiuous of the ama- rrr janlecr mis aiiuiecaldeil of irn village 1 ej tlf ot er daj at a few dajs lets than i x car- of t tho fall wheat in ths etiou is look- lis uuusustlj five nei vcre there irote ercoanvn proatecu mr p ktit i the last eoce car death it a favorite maw it is not often that the death of a horte ibcoimidflrod worthy of nownpaijier uotloe yet oct akionally u favorite in tlun uoted a few laja ago mr joel loalid of erin loat a laavo alter a fow hours ilhinw which was m ich primed on account of being a valued ponsfsbion of his fatlior tho lata mr james leslie it wan of tho lion and hir homy line of horses which that reutumu dealt in fanny with her foal nauco wera conaidemd almost uucqn lied lor drawing powers aud tho teum was well kuowu and admired by all the farmers in tho seotion an ao ridemnolegal damagei wh t mihi haveiroved a serious acci dent h ippoued to a young lady whilst ro- turnin homo from tho ovomug i otvioos o knox church one sabbath evinnig very rocoutly onantviuk at tho cattleguard woat o acton it appears the lady iu ques tion tlnnkiug she waa better ctjuainted with i to ciobsing than her inebiericnced escort refused hia assistance but alas i she mi ssed her footing aud waji lmroodi ately anded to the bottom hor ascort then hurried to her assistance i and with reat i cxtonty and as much taut as a yomir lawyei employs in pleading hii case suo- cecdotl in extricating hor it was hinted that tho t t hi would bo sijed for dam ages lilt this matter of law has beenabau doned com quest onablo vlallors on saturday moifuiiigttcavntvuof rathor touh looking gphksnrtived in town and hfti pitched their tent the women of thepiirt btartcl oat to cauvoh tho town ostensibly to sell pins needles cheap laces c b it if is belated thoir aim wus also to pick ii p any articles of vnluo i they i inikht liiid h iug uroutitl in the holies they iiitcd as mi fmiliiico of this after thou call at the icsidoncc of mi aiuu smith a purse i couta iiiiifj t small stun wut missing t huf ijawsoii wih notified uiraatcd them anvl i ire 1 1 uinou their effects w9 mstit itcd bat without success there wab c jiiscjucntly nodirectovidcnce against them and till were allowed to depart lit mr hmith ivcit in they took the puim ud buttei tttil trees inn maple i till i slocr i the i v hoiilkrthj7 street ouolph april 27th 1867 i0we ho s the i vui tj sas t te weeks rakings wh ch jre principally local and all interesting rrvnging for the it uj sl in vcton aftai this event was ot j i rtiwiikiblj ilioit tiuittioti m t ho people ooitty uiam it 1 11 inter 3 mj annivinay services tli tenth hiiiuversaiy of tlflj institution of ac on lce no j 4 iooll and the tuty- eight iiuuer8aiy of the catoblhi- incut of the older in aincici vasolieied 1 j tl moil ers of the lodge liere in t ei j l httin manner- on sundnj eicnuy the brcth rn nssemwej in the lodge room about six eebek aid marched tlance to the meth dit luirrh taking a position ill the cuarch udst snnday sermons will be j centd pews which were kindly vacated for 1 preached norning and evening by rev j their use in tle several pewholders kev joseph h hilts author of kxpercuce of phillips tho pastor preached a com a back wot ds treacher of streeuville at i menu rativ sermon his subject being thfc cloc c tl e irommg service the sacra- tln idenl oddfellow and his text imfee meat of tl e lords supper will be admin istered trout flailing too previous it mqh be well for those interested in the observance of our iish aud game laws sacramenalservices quarterly scruetb of the confer- a ill he lield in tle mctliodut vecttru of liis houbes on guelph and j to cast au eve oucc n a while from this c o arch sue tsvtthbnck antl the lud of may at our creeks and ilc qia tlv services of the methodist nrs i sai ue trour w bite before c iareb ioiwooi circuit mil take place i then and thete al0 i r way t kdeir mills iet sundav t0 tempti tiou and thus go angling for j baayan and joiiu cughhn tue 5pe tied beautle oatib jutel keepers vn 11 be up tomorrow t ivr vo iiij the scctt act j and sidewtlk repauerj are street ceaii brigade j1 v vir rett i he v 1 scou begin at their duties oius freelind of milton is opening a liicv coodtsftirc in the shop lately occu- j leu b the late tlorajs dnueai the gucili ang ug club hate flared v rvii j to auv one v ho will gve inor- itici of parte iilegil iisiiu wb cant toe cui yive te laud bov jtttfe diaation strtetsvillc hrrktc bjme onng tvks in acton av to too 3irs ytsttl foaod a rmil anouit of mocev cu the street theothr u the owner can hae it by calling upon her alc t buiidiy night and the people line no street irnps ht 1 he jne3tioa is iitdy atl ed where is the lamplighter brampto wants a boipender factory tl can ji i t for fooou csb a half cere tiiciiinlcu frcin tcxatiod for ti t vz 1 ti oi iolico v 5bcea the other ccii g tli ui imoiiously assisting a ci ci 01 tle sdewalk with au armfnl r f sti baiglary nuilton- on moi day ettcnir of mr i 31 bitiedo mju st milton was pried opeu with a crowbar l some burglars 1 nkuowu who helped lliimsthcj to two suits of coteev boots jiats sjnrts onderclot img necktl3 collafrs tobacco and other mail irttcles from the elaioi pte ojtiit they took no doubt the burglars in tend to iiake 1 lergtiicucd vmt to some other town iii uu m more and more and more to follow the mitchell jniir says loitor h p mo re of the acton fifi pi s is iu receipt of a brciue medal and diploma awarded 11m for specimens of job pnutmg exhibited at the colonial aud indian exhi bition he d at loudon img last year well doui 1 bro moore has every reason to be prot d lie v ill most likely take more spe iniens to some more big faira aud get moie ncdals and likely the more he gets the 1 lore he will want hen one of the gieaust mooreb we know of that lb in the pri iting bu-ine- j costs oft is cemetery suit i the wl ol of tne costs of tho ceiiitcty hit ai- perrvman s aloot to oien j snt 0 1i1ilmc cndnjthemni nd thildiens underwear in the ctore vacated by a ttvk 01 iidivs aud faf cv goj 1- llh jjki rarii ers ot d i iit piia loug the jio t f tleir if in t 2o labor pajf u ore ne proat nor enhance the value of the f n more ri dv hie fj bys that grovnup girls j ujj the sjjivioi army meetings 11 jceo htvr to le ceisurtu for the 1 uurtly toduct the protest against the elcctiou of mr john vdii- tj the hjase of commsna as rtpresebltive fur tus trinity was entered on monday the last day mr boutt gibbons sold uv well- toiovn stallion howes royal george on monday to messra mcmillan son of zimmerman for 400 the acton feee putss hat received a inoce medal for specimens of printing ut the london eng colonial exhibition i fiend moore deserves it dundassfanianf a coivetition of the w c t unions of peel and hal ton counties will be held in brampton on fridaypstuli may mrs st john of kansas is expected to be present spring medicine literature is of the most alarming character it leads one to the thought that he can never know when his liver j5 not undermining his constitu tion tins is how the fort elgin timet notices tie event in port elgin on the 27th instthe wife of a h watson of the tinusoi a daughter a million dollars wouldnt bnv it i the annual receipts from waterworks in brampton is almost 83000 nearly sufficient to pay the principal and interest falling due each year on the6nginal con struction account sir john a macdonald says here v tyat a time wlien it was respectable 0 be a s member of pailiament if sir john expects the people to believe tins ho will need 0 jxplain that it was whence members be fore proceeding to ottawa pot all lliejreloth wg cleaned and dyed uk new at parkers fyewflrks torontcu r hueiug is a lung step towards knowing thats the roaton wo tako 01 oh suaiion so much pains with our milliory display tho milliuory trade is a pjoullar tiado its tho moat difficult thiug 1 1 the world to makeup your mind jiut wliat material what ahado what shape tl e crowning artlclo of drojs is to bo you oant do it until yon see whats to be worn what the arbiters of fashion have prepared then a porfoot revelation dawnsupin you things you have never thought of st 0i1 odd com binations such jim crack si apes here a bunoh of llowera there a dali of ribbon a delicuto bit of laoo a plumo or bunoh- of tips stuok cr th3 queerest and oddest ihape or frame imaginable and yet the whole produoing a perfect harmony a triumph ot thti milllnors art uomethir a strikes your fauoy that you had novor drc ampt of and so tho great qnostion of vliat shall i wear is settled in a nicmont our opening of last week wab tt ithoqt exoei- lion tho most successful wo h wo over hold mora igoods gold more orders taken more congratulations received and ruoro visitors entertained than ever bofore but its only the beginning hb the first few buds are to tho full blossomed treo bo was the display of labtweok to what it shall pe as the sea son advuncea novoltios every day more goods greater variety of lovoliness tho uttrtctioin in dress materials con tinue ohr shelves aro luaded no need for any orie to go abroad fol their dross muti rial or dicshinakiug wo give you the height of pufectioii in this line novelty of material beautiful blending of trim mings aud gtiriiilurtn the very best talent and experience in designing aild making up all continue to assure our pvtrons of the very bct wyndhsm f to make oullspbig puiichabe8 sah ourparakolm ail klnshades are materials of good valuo thiti hcaton al most every elms of material and value to suit any and everybody by the way did jou liavo u look at our 1luh 1linvidh on ireiindiic grounds just the lovelicst gijotln for light spring r l- hi 1 oliiiuiiiltts von ci aid lmngiuu id t iviiv 111 li puto piite if jo 1 have nil in i 11 oil nvtiiigiu thit line do bo vthiit tin tnietv lnsts it fore the legal the dooriof the btore 2 137 thai beautiful tory of tho j good samaiitau one of the principal stoncis upon whihh oddfellowship rests- was ably exemplified iu lvid word pictures 111 the production of which mr phillip3 is an adept tle vaiioas liases of the sccuea connected with the lesson were portraved as a back ground to the pictures he placed hiatpiy nations social aud religious in the foie ground suffering humanity repre sented by the uau who fell among thieves 011 one sjde conventional religionists such i as the priest and the levite cited and ou i the othci the uood samaritan the leading i pud ltt ear and thetii i bill proentel tl the cjii il ricmg oj tucsltv eveninu amoaiit l a jew tail- over 200 tins is the total sum pud b the council and uotwitlih andirg ioto to the conlraiv not a ceu has been paid iu coimectiou with the case ly au membei of the present or previous councils the amount alieady paid to tl eir laujein by the opponents of the ne v cemetery u ovet 2c0 aud there yet remiius something like 30 due by them 11ns with the fact that they will le reqair d topav their pro iaui share of the abovi2ttki civic taxes will no doubt lice cuiuiiih on tun nets blriped and plain scrims well vir b is giving out come and to them we h ve a special rfot in winch vt ei save you 21 to 0 per cent in puri e rr bollert 1 1 27 lowr wyndham st uteilpiijoxt ii t teiephlone in office right- to gtjexifh a1 things considered we cannot conceive of aiy better placer whest we get to guelp where tyillwe dro to teen to the lion r t 9 ft 7 wynaham 8t oxielpb l 84 oswoia st qlasglw splendid in quality complete in assoi tment overflowing in to the trolt l i of all costpeti riok we place oub elegarrt and suhfanllal goods xo- gencrous bargains 1 is- sandcuiedbens all now y on liaye struck 1 the lion is the right- sb iot j there is the place where the largest 4 of t best goods at the lowest prices in the j country is to be found lawing- cause them to conclude that doesnt p ly a kind a id practical surprise on stturday before tho whistle had sounded or one oclock the w en gaged in be sole leather tannery of messrs beardmoroco filed info the office the men wen all aware of the reason for the fiatheriuj but one mr colin 8ands one of the rolleis who has of late been in ill health and bad just decided to give up work for the summer in order to recruit mr sani s was not long iu learning the object of the meeting for when all bad arrived o le of his fellowworkmen without unnecessary ceremony stepped forward and ou b jialf of thefirm and the employees re8ente him with a pnrso containing 10 stating t tat it was the wibh of all that liis coutempi ated respite from the duties of his posit 6n would have the effect of com pletely r istoriug his health and that the contents of the nirse would tend in some measure to assi it him to accomplish the enddesiied lr bands replied tn feeling terms tl miking his kind hearted employ ers and shoptnates for their practical ex pression of good will he said he intended loaving f r muskok assoon as navigation was fajr y opened and wpuld spend she pouimer with friepds on and about must koka a c fle hpptdjp liable to retnrp p tlie full with improved health ap4 btrepgth and resnnie his labors with messrs character in the story as told by our katiour he showed that the religion of jesus cunit gives oddfellows their hu manity mid that instead of infringing upon the church r its work they were jv hen tayil to liu piiciples of the order au alh to the church the sermon was j vci y ab md interesting oue and the large iiuuiliht paid maiked attention throughout on ttlecdav cveniug a social reunion of oddfellows their ladies and friends was held in the cos and attractive lodteroom and it proved an evening of interest and enjoyment bro h p moore ddgm was called to the chair shortly after eight oclock and the proceedings wero opened bv singing the opening hymn of the lodge and prayer by rev r phillips the ex cellent piogrammo provided by tho com mittee outnteilainmcnt was then proceed ed ith iten bracedshortandappropiiite adjresses by ilcv it phillips aud bio a aijuby p good samaritan encampment berlin instrumental quaitetts by miss maun aud messrs lawson mann lavv- i duett bv misses ilemstrcet uud mjtuieivs am i ilees bjthechoirarraug- cd fcr the iveiiug mstiunfiitul duet by ixh di howl mid mr hill und a vdcul spio hy jiro v lliams pg till of which vvii miieh enjujcd five minutes speeches were also made by bros j e mcuarviu glr it craine pg i jfrancisipg di lotry pg during tiiq intermission refieshinenls vtre pai taken of iu the office of mr j a movnt imster ndjoining and never tvas a lavvjers den utilized for more congenial purposes the proceedings passed pleasantly all present evidently having enjoyed themselves james stibton lds dentist touelle block opposite post office guelph vitalized air the lion sells tub uehular 1 0q merveilleux saljln at75cknts i j the lion has just had their gjlandmllliery open ing and is showing one of the finest assortments of ha1s and bonnets in ontario the lion does the finest dressmaking trade in guelph and kekpi the largest and most stylish as sortment of dress goods the lion s importations far exoeed all other houses west of toronto and fs the only house having- a resident buyer in the old country j d williamson co guelph co to- painlessextractionofteeih artificial teeth guaranteed perfect lit appear ance fit and use kinti gold work a specialt all operations strictly first class appolntjjtiita made by it tter wanted salesmen permanent positions guaranteed with salary and expenses paid any tv termined man can succeed with us pecul iar advantages to beginners ktock com pletoiucludingmanyftst-8cllingspecialtieb- outfit free address at once nauio iiiik paper hkow n brotheks nuiihhtvjn- noiiirsteitxt purely personal of parkdale paragraphs respecting people with whom our readerb are individually or collectively acquainted mrs geo c smith is spending a week with toronto fi lends mrs t duncan left last week to take up her residence in allenwood mr edward townsend visited friends here last week i mr and mrs d henderson spentacouple of days this week with friends in toronto mr joseph barber of georgetown is rapidly recovering from liis recent serious lllnebs itov david uogjrs of aiisa graig wab a gueht at the methodist parsonage a couple of days labt week mr fred wease who occupied a position in matthews bakery for some months left on monday for port credit mr john mcpherson of sanilao county f miou came to acton last week to attend his fathers funeral he returned o n tues- day i m john c modoogttll jjeturned home last monday evening jronj washington territory and qregou where he has been for the past two years he waa thirteen days on thq journey inolnding stoppages to mcgarins drug stor aqtox ontario for ail your garden seeds every ounce and package fresh and reliable a lauo new assortment of paints oils varnishes paint brushes gal oil canadian add american mens women boots and shoes rtjbbers oeeshoss stc j f at prices that always lead to speedy buus oo fowest price coisisest with i good quality oo 1 outitom work and repairipk promptly attended to w williams street acton watches watches w a clark the jeweller cuelph has on hnd the finest 3tock of gold and silver watches in the city 1 to any person f fern acton or intermedi ate stutione buying 500 worth or ovr at my store i will pay their fare to and fromguelpbj my repairing trade is increasing daily for i give personal and prompt attention to repairing satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded w a clark the wanzer lap 50 candle power ft u wanzsr k co manufacturers hamilton oat mcqarvins drug and stationery store acton czjeeljsijt alteration sale commenced 4- nwashington mo lrcpo eminett throat and lung surgeon will next visit acto at dominion hotel monday 16th may 1887 c ta1uih thltoat cubei1 listen to v h storey esq of the firm of v h stotey son actou glove manufacturers db wasninoton 215 youge st toronto i deaii but i assure you i feel grateful for tho radical cure yon have affected in my throat trouble and though i dislike having my name 1 aptiear in connection with the testimonial busi ness yet having regard for such a are similarly affected aswell asbavlngadobire to recognize the results of your treatment i make a depar ture in tblscaso prior to my acquaintance with jyou i had suffered for two years from repeated i attacks of catarrhal sore tbroat each succeed ing attack being more prolonged and violent tlinn tho former at these times i had vlolont fits of coughing and would dischargo large quantities ofmuchus feeling alarmed i bpught tho bebt medical skill available including a much noted speclallit and took almost everything known to modleluo without experiencing a particle of relief last spiing l went to europe the chanto did mo rood but on my return the old troublo was renewed beeingyou advortlsed to visit this place i thought i would consult you although i confess with not much hope of ro o our busiest having increased to such an extent we have found it necessary to eu- larsje our premnes to double their pieent size by taking in the store adjoining no 46 king street east we do uot secure possession for a few weeks but as wo intend making extensive alterations in tho two stores we must reduoe our stock fully one half every department has been gone over and goodsedaced in price prints formerly 10 and 120 now cjo dress goods formerly 25 and30o now 15c colored silks formerly 85o add 1 now 75c velveteens formerly coc now 87ac corseta formerly 60 and 60o now 40c seamless cotton hose formerly 40 now 25o frillingdwmerly 10c now oc fringes formerly 18c now 10c tapestry carpets formerly 95e now 7o brussels carpets formerly 125 now 105 wool carpets formerly 85c now c5c hemp carpets formerly lac now 12j no chimney no globe no smoke no odor positively nonexpldsive never gets heat- ed burns any grade of coal oil every lamp guaranteed without interfering with the4ight can put on xurserv nttadbiuont heat water boil eggs make tea and eollco oyster stew etc t l a matthews sole voeotroit vcton and vicimty special facilities for making and laying carpets on short notice mcksrr brothers 48 kinc street east hamilton 1887 spring hardware 1887 -o- john mi bond co direqt hardware importers visit sights at winnipeg stjpaui aurora and detroit he expresses himself as 5siket y bo hm wo ver u wilh the for th i t six or evi year in thfl webfc grandeur of the scenery in tlia west i your treatraei to inform you is a complete cure aud one so marked in u character as to surprise both my self aud my friends from tho first yoar modi- olne seeinod adapted to my oake and gave relief in two moutlib 1 was eutiroly well and have so continued daring the most unfavorable beaaou of the year you are at liberty to make what use yon pleaso of tills letter and i shall be pleased to answer any enquiries relative to my oaie yours very truly wh storey mew suits iv1 brewnan hab pleasule in announcing that his tail bring shop in creechs fruit store jsnow open and in full running i order and m a position zv to fill all weftrs rtt i he is showi ag good tweed suits at 12 sold elsewhebe for 15 scotch tweed suit 17 18 sold elsewhere for 23 and 24 fine worsted suit at 20 sold elsewhere at 25 st gentlemen wanting a firstclass good- fitting coat etc may rely upon being suited in every rpspect by leaving their orders with keep the bst qualities styles and assortment in spades shovels rakes garden tools agricultural tools horticultural tools cutlery plated ware agateware beady mixed paint antique colors linoleums oilcloths mats bird cages curtain poles refrigerators butter scales farmer scales tjools nails ldcks hinges wire fencing maohina oils water lime plaster a paris iron pipe and fittings hose fishing jackie sporting goods andammiuition plow hues and ropo for rack lifters and a full range in house furnishing wire netting for door or ocllar windows building and seasonable hardware of every description ajk prices whioh will miko us the friends of every economic buyer special prices and attention given to those build ing and anilltttrate4 catalogue sent ou application j m bondpo 60 tons binding twine best makes at lowest prices the clo thier go to j fyfes acton for yonr cloth ing hecau suit yon for price qualify and style every time y eaullve at noma aud make more money lllllatworkforustbatt at anything else in 1 this world capitol uot heeded you are startedfree both sexes all ages anyone can do the work large earuings suro from first start costlv outfit and terms free better not 1 delav costs jou nothiugto send usyouraihlress aud find out if you aro wiso you will uo so at once hhallitt co pot tlaud maine