Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 30, 1887, p. 2

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mttmi rk3rsw i ths altau diunor uinanrr at the reaideitoo ot tho brhtovmother on june 4nd by tint rev mtfctsvmitamdredftvthumn lnprut all ot kmkmyk i thus obave it iujtwrxw in milton on 90th jugc hannahs eldest faogbfcr ot robert bamsblf q lornrly of acton ig v niri and 6 monta s itiiiwsonat hit redden new ifctttorfr on sul june mr richard rmrrivon n ra -v- tttcusmt siorsiso jots 3i887 i notes and comments the first iressioot the sixth puliftinent of the house of oommou wm pijorogued last thursday sif chrlm topper has gttcn oat to in timiw friendi thm he will sit no more in the canadian parliament the qoeenhwmaie public actoow- jodgmenlot the pleasure which tho peoples entiinsiastio reception rvb her out of some hundred and tiurty bills passed daring the session of parliament which has just closed no less than forty- four were to favor of some railway company or other and twentyfour vrero acts con- fcrring privileges ot one kind and another nnrn binnc- i tho michigan senate have passed county local option bill which gives each county of the state the privilege of voting upon the question of prohibition each third year provided onefifth otthe- voters ot the county petition for such a vote the bill hairing already passed the house it now goes to the governor who will un doubtedly sign it it similarity to our own scott act is quite striking v- m if upon the occasion of her jubilee some few blinded by hatred of monarchical in stitutions or by unreasoning zeal for tho cause of homerule have not hesitated to give expression to bitter feelings but the majority have paid high tribute to her majestys virtues both as a woman and as a queen tr james a grant of ottawa has beeii raised to the -dignity- of a knight commanr f the order of st michael and st george and henoeforth must be ad- dressed as sir james grant this is a-dis- tinguished but welldeserved honor and our worthy fellow citizen is entitled to hearty congratulations sir jame is the only canadian upon whom this hotter has been conferred in recognition of services oher than those rendered to the state j mmmmummmtmmmmcmtmmmmmmammtm scott act association the annual convention well attended by representatives from all sections of the county mfjg of praotioal wor j thtf annual convention ot i halton boott acl association xvis hold iu milton ou tuesday the attendance was goodand represented nearly overy section of tho county tho convention was opened by hov m ccameron and alter hearing reports ftom the secretary and froaauror tho election otofftcerb wm procode with and resulted m follows president iteya k ruse m a secretary it hi harrison treasurer samuel dice l executive cotnmittoo jobueon ilarrjs- ou lavid hartiey ltev d 1l mokentio w h lindsay j hohmrake and 8 con- ter for hilton n standiah qebrgetown h p moore acton e h hill burling ton j w cooto pakvillo jas mensios caropbellvillc and a nowoll cummins yillc ltcv m g cameron then vacated the chair he said that during the six years ho had occupied tho position of president he had spent many pleasant hours in the work bat had also been ougaged in many serious conflicts bis successor would fat moro ably fill the position aud ho wished him and the association every success and the blessing of god in tho good work wherever his lot- might bo cast ic th future the temperauco people would at way i find him true to tho principles ho bad con coived it tk be his duty to uphold rev mr buss did tot feel moch concern si about the work of the association ii i eootntio4u it involves serious aud con stant labor and consideration in tho iuter val he appreciated very highly the honor conferred upon him but he wanted all to know that it was not necessary to put him in the harness to keep him at work he had been there for fifty years and would with very feexcuoteereproeenta- work valiantly hefelt very hoh- tive newspapers of the united sw fqture ther i8 united in fehcitatingher majesty the queen ihtng courage ns for sentiment and action are growing stronger day by day a hearty and unanimous resolution ex pressing the cordial thanks of the conven tion to mr cameron for his efficient and valued services as president was then passed tho business of the convention then proceeded i the followinffrcsolution was carried unanimously after aliwty aud practical discussion of the subject referred to whereas efforts inre being made to secure the appointmentof a com mission of tlie ontario government to enquire into tho administration of the scott act by w h young esqi police ifagistrato and whereas these efforts are i being mode exclusively by the opponents of the scott acj persons who have persisteutlyobstructeli its legitimate enforcement and who have shown nubtint- ed prejudice and opposition to the police magistrate j therefore he it resolved that a deputa tion from this association betnppoiutedto wait upon the government fdr the purpose of conveying to them the fact that this convention and the temperance people generally- have entire confidence iu the administration oi all the duties pertaining to his office by mr young that in our opinion his judgements nave in all cases been just and equitable and in perfect accord with the evidence adduced at tic various trials aid that he is one of tie mosvefscient anl conscientious officers iu the employ of ih ontario government in view of all his we have nofear of tlie closest scrutiny ivhichmisht be made by any commission of his official acts but considering the source from which the petition for a commission emanates we cannot but yconcl ode that such a comrois- sion would be oa unnecessary indignity to an efficient ofiictr of the government an insult to the temperance people of the county of halton and- unwarrantable expense both to tlie government and its police magistrate mr young however incse tbe government in its wisdom decides o appoint a commission that the govern neutbe requested to ap point as memtera of said commission persons who properly represent the tem perance sentimc it of the connty a stroii depu atioujromprisin influen tial and representative residents of the county was then appointed asia delegation to wait on the g vernment a series of res lutious presented by the wc t uilbeferring to their sat s faction at the recent votes on scott act amendments in the houee of commons 2 expressing jonfideuce in the utility the scott act to restrain the evils of rum the enforcement of which all good citiz ns should feel a practical interest iu 3 viewing wii h regret the opposition a portion of the press of the county aud many county ofe oers to the enforcement the act a claiming thai iio town or county council can dial fairly and honoramy by the citizens oi any county having ado t ed tlie scott act so long as by any ppoi it ment to office c r otherwise they do i ot ofiiciully sjippote tlie law of the conn y public men are morally bound to be loyal and set a proper sxample before the young jinatqad jf inculc lting in them a bpirit contempt for law i 5 recording tlioirhigh estoem for t police magistrate aud inspector aseflioicdt officers of the lair and holding that they rhjserve the chribtiatir sympathy respect ejcqaragenjent of all lawabiding ie j i were unanimously adopted i j arrangements were completed for the collection of a liberal fund to defray current expenses of the a isociation and for defend ing any suits whii h may be brought against be magistrate ui d inspector in tlie pet- tmrmmmmmwrnmrn dsath of juotick qameron to toy the doulhorchcrjuatlco8irmauhot crooks camoron on 8att rday night itthji g3th year canada hatflo it a distingulihei aud most faithful public man for som tlmoaat he had beeji i offering from all attaok of caibuuuk frbni which ho partial ly recovered when a woo ago ho was pro strated by inflommstkn of the bowels which rendered his condition dangerous he was highly respect kl throughout the dominion and his fam as an advocate was not oouuuod to his own country he was an honor to his oouu try the oakvillaonviction tononto juno 25 in tho oaaoo police magistrate young and iiupcctor drothors who appljod for a wrh of certiorari at hgoodehall mr jusiioe oconnor- re- fasod tho writ bocbuuj the grounds on whteh tho dofeudantii wished to quash the bonviotion were not set forth in tho appli cation tho necessary information will be incorporated in tho application and the oawwillbo proceoded with j a superior fashion journal tho july number of godeya ladys book shows many now aud attractive feat- ttres and a brightness and originality which will rocommeud it to a large class of readers tho fashion dopartmont hat been enlarged and is ilnoly illustrated and chats with correspondents a resume ot current oycuts under the heading of to day and tomorrow a itooord of work of women and house and home department added it should not be forgotten that gopkv was a year in advance ot other magazines in furnishing coupon patterns and that ladies will now through gokgy have an opportthiuy of obtaining patterns of jomty junos orightaldesigns address croly publishing comjiy box h ii philadelphia pa paris gpveen paris green fresh aud pure extra flue 300 pounds at mcgoirvins irug store acton f some persons have psriodical attacks of canadian cholera dyseatery or diarrhcea and have to ueo great precautions to avoid the disease change in water cooking and green fruit is sure to bring on the at- tacks to such person i we would recom mend dr j dkellorsp dysentery cordial as beins the best medicine in the marktt for all summer complaints if a few drops are taken in water when the symptoms are noticed no further trout id will beexperrcne ed destructnrh fire mrs s a- secords store and dwelling and andrews cos stock in ashes kahjetoweeoape op othess- acton hasneyerbeen a freqaentsirfferer rhyhretbut at intervals of longer or shorter daration the unwelcome visitor inevitably puts in an appearance to te serious loss and trouble of citizens and j this week we are called upon to note the first visit for the present year on saturday morning about one oclock the fee alarm was rung and it was found a firewasjn progress in the north corner of mrs s aj secords store on the corner of mill and main streets occupied by andrews co a large number of citizens were present and worked with a will suc- ceeding as ail felt confident in extinguish ing the flames mrs andrews and her daughter did not retire preferring to re main up in order to guenchariy spark that might possibly be lurking about the prem ises their watch was unavailing however for about four oclock flames burst through the roof and the alarm was again raised every effort was made ti6 bubdue the fire but in vain the fire had evidently got into the partitions and between the floors and thus upward to the roof naturally making great headway before any outward sign was manifest a portion of the stock and furniture belonging to messrs andrews co was saved bnt the bulk of the con tents of the building bad become the prey of the flames before they could be removed the fire was w buhs bally to jmfcr m it m for some titpjevdeemod impossible to save the stores of messrs b b jermyn eknowlton dr staceyv office and geo hayills tinshop in fact grave fears were entertained that the whole business portion of the town south of mill street would go the storesof mrs adams kenney bros and the masonic hall on the notji side were also for some time in imminent dau- uoiwniiinn hgjlyboweyr the rraqstisea 4nd learlehb exertions of citizens of both sexes was the meanb of averting such a calamity and the flames were con fined to the one store and dwelling mrs secords loss is about 51500 insured for 950 andrews co were insured for of of le mcleoo anderson go have jnitc n lart anxious to get rices tiro an wlijet stock tliey are lid of anl if t wliieli should be vi- liavc cut down a miniber of lines iu summer goods which wc flic bttcriuy nt oxtraxiidiuary low prices summer mantles and jackets in silk ami cloth great drives from 50 cents up summer millinery we are iitting to the bone t hatsrfmm 5 cents up feathers ribbons ornaments and all kinds of millinery extraordinary low cleared out re- a line ot dress parasols being gardtcssof cost goods at 10 ccitp worth 25 cents i 30 cents an ot maiiihccnt o or cheap muslins r presses frorii 6 -i- if j jtoteb v jermyns dry goods- store was badly scorced a window foil of felt hats and another of silk handkerchiefswere burned 1tbrcmgh the glibs a long strip of new sidewalkrwas bumed on mjh and main streets it has already been renewed the telegrqjh and telephone lines suffer ed considerably by the fire of course better fire protection will again be discussed for about a week had the senstises cemetery muddlenot been intro duced excouncilior pearsons fire protec- tioh kcheroe would be a practical reality to- day at less cost than the cemetery law suit and at considerably greater satisfac nven to the oppositionists mr lfc5 piano was badly blistered 8undmfj4i e far side of the parbr and covered we uoderstand a fine nett du comprising several stores wifv pate glass fronts is jikciy to take the phv of the horned building it i a fine vj superior block v iormanceof their duties the eqnventioi i expressed its gratitude ijor the action of robin waldie mp repre- tentative of the county in the house hi iommons for his fidelity to the bcott act and prohibition in the recent votes in tlie house 1 j the whole day vas taken up with prac- tical work and the convention was ii every rpsiiect a success f one 1 lonth only v3f i p -r- a at 15 cents wortl immense stufk dress goods v aiid laces f cenra per yard up checked dressj silks 25 cents checked all pine silk dress silka3o cents svorth 00 cents v i a line ot black and colored satin merveilleuux g r cents and 75 cents worth 100 aiidlo black groa grain to cents worth 125 j prints for 5 cents i and 7j ceuts worth to cits and 121 cents wc aie going to cut goods to the bone to reduce our tock kespeei fully in vitciu remotiiber ur mihinorj dress making and tailoring depart ments greatdriveindinjjrhiinis seer- slickers and crnklcj j i georgetown juno 22nd 1887 in coinmomorajciou of hor majestys jubilee the glasgnw houso has decided to b old a great sumni er sale for one month to e slipse all former sales herd in the dry g oods department a reduction of 15 per 4nt ii offered for cush rtnd other goods ill be proportioniily cheap henderson co never fail to fulfil their ulises r r jwmp a- f l 4 i i jf- cilttw lf timxiih rdtwlrn to jrthi i mv niisl iiiem tile ihmjjjld of modiiuiioe t my r lateflro ill- ntort n hi nticcomliml it it b accept shall not fotgof ovnry iwroi r latoflru i 4lii ttint otily llm inwl imtiia of my nolgliliript nrnil vf in olhur iroicrtv antvji ib service rendoncl mo hv hlmlli jmrl mavii hi mtl at occasion silvercrcek lime kilns 1 buruli ltnitf at ray on the movent bhildor in uton it ml ocorgntown and tha far- mere of hi hon nd wellington with mine at h ceuui iwr bi slidl 1 1 the kilns- on a kooti roal orders iqii ptly i ttenfloo to afwrens r 7 hlakk ieortrotmtiit o caiid of thakks v- -o- a l jermyn feels deeply grateful to tlwrtltizeiis of acton uud detii res that they his hearty thanks for their nobljmiiid success ol efforts in saving his property from fijreon saturday morning last aotcn june 28 xr87 inthehl o tfi j5 cciunty op halton xa tho ifotta thelnfaa noticlt it twenty day liotlcu nil cfttloi to tho hnrtbunui to im ajv liitwl and maruai et lai of the naii1 ihoini towunhlp qf kviji sajr h lake tho kiln of thu into mr mur- ilind billnreiiaru1tohiimy fo r 11 jermyn n insist kuuin for tho uv vftjuil nannvl on tlm otonjifvi of m 4 ttat n jw 1 it i i h a hfcom- isjalt i ac lety wjepi stack f bookal inthmtetfurt of th9 cttardiarfhi3 of 1 ohllfttan of tiwzaes scul pel leabdflcasied ukukjliy ives that sftor from the itilllcatitn ot thin will lc nmlhy klja 1biiili our of the county of haltou inrlinii of catluqjno jaml il two of tli iiifaut cbildreu s lamb dcccasel lato of the eainy fanner jolfkston mclean holjeltow for aujilicaiit june mlivffi oatcfl at ctoii 1nthe sditrogatfi court r qt te cqtjnty op halton x znthvittroftocfsrdiaislup of the xpfaixt cmldren oi 1ixomea limbi deioascd motit 4x tweu notice aii jauib of decoamd fanner dated at pbfjl k is hkk buy liivval that after ty dajh from tho iuriilicfltion of this cation will bo made in- jlictiaci t le f owuhhiif of- esqncslng fanner to the surrog ite court of the county of halton to be apiwiut si guardian of hary lamb one of the infant chi drcn of the late thomas lamb ate of the fowuahlp of ewjutting i and andi f- aboutl temr john8tox mcij3an solicttors i or appijcaot actonjunc 2dtb 1887 judicial notice to creditors 1ui1suxt to a juunneat of tho tiiaiicevv divinioiiof thtj hih court of justice lnadtr in d ctytnitl hctiort of iibbeli v iiljimiis tlie rcditors jnclndiiif thos having aiiv kpecilic or btueral licji or iuctiuihrari um tlie estate or any undivided share thereol of thomas giblhiig late of tbeltowiikliiji of ivwiucsin in the cduntv- pf halton i farmer who died in or alwmt the mouth of stay uci ore on or before the 3tvftnti ttblday of jluly 1w7 to bond in jiost iircpaid to mcsnri gitlirie watt solicitors guelpli lieir christian ami sunlames aildressts aiildefitri- tion the foil particulars of theh-claiiuva-sute- ment ot their accounts and the nature of their kecnritieslif any lipid iy tiieni or in default thereof they will hejiereuiirtoiilv excluded from the baiieflf of tlie said judanieut kviry creditor holding any kecnrity in lo iircluee the rim be- tore meat my c1iiiiiilvs 111 ha if- of tijii on the lveitytllird day of july tw7at tn oclock forenoon ijeli the timciajfkjiuto for ailjiiilicatiiuu on the claims dated the ijatl dny of june i57 lsiacl a m jlckrxxox 1 ijcal rsster at gtruii judicial sale ok v- valuible farm into harpll ntipl times 4 wc wish toeall the attention of tlie pn li to rliedailvi-qnisitim- u took i- rcccivvh lmli iro rapidly hringinj it to the hijrhost stato of pimhttioni wc have justope tied three eases of uliitiiuiiii a full range ofihe very lalesl styles and noveltks in the uioht tan parasols ill h- largo raiigeofqua netv seersuckci s new scrims ami new laces embroideries jyciiii 1heey township of esquesfnc punijcjvst to the judgment ol the cuanccry division of the high court of jputiee made iu the action of giblcusvvs giblieus anil hear ing date the eighteenth day of may 18s7 thnrd will be sold with tbo approbation of a u ste- kiuuoivesiuiire ixical- master of the supreme court of judieatbre at unclpn by williaai hem- street abctioneer at agucwv hotel iu tho village of acton at the jiour of trrelve ociocki noon on friday the if tecuthduy of jul- i887t tuo to lowius lauds and premises iu one nircel the boljlh went quarter of lot uimbtm luthej sooouil concession of the township of esques- in in the connty of halton coutaiuius fifty aines inoje or less of which ftucrts are cieare 1 and in l good state oe rid vcl feuce1 tile remilinilii- leiji wooded the so 4iackiy lb m iere r orhird of nlmuj h two acre ou the luv iis wc 1 tolkcj with fruit trees there ait on the jiiuises a log hoiisc ood bank barb about v x is with stables underneath aud other ollt buildings and 1 good well the farm is situate 1 ubou two mi led from actou the property will be offerod for sale subject toarcscivtdbidwhich has bcon fixed by tho 8iid mauler teems of sale tlio jmi chaser shall pay nt the time of sale to the vendars solioitors ten per cent or his pnr- clinge moey aud the balauce thereof into court to the rrodit of this action within one month thereof tc- n the vendors shall only be bound to lmnhlco a ivegistnir 6 abstract aud such title deeds us ho may havi in his iossessioi for further particulars apply to messrs utimo i- watt endors solicitors cjnelplv iv i toronto or messrs coffee lield vissler solicitors uuolnh dauxl lliis flftecuth day of juue 18s7 tsgd a m mcktsxok locat mastk atgcetrn t i ata ospr dotj bos cntl pie josl da1 eiar dress xoods lioiiiililcfiliudcs inn the prvitrcst raiigo ol triiitmiiiffg ever shou in acton parasols par ities and marked at ricei which will positively insure thei til in pretty designs and colors onrtains ot all kinds buttons ginghams uiid xlusliiis qreut value tu punts cottonades and shirtingp ou- cretonnes aicarpef8 are the correct thing ut tho correct prices in the vcrj latest f lauudricd shift will biliousness dyspepsia indigestion jaundice erysipelas saltrheuw heartburn headache mmnco or relieve dizziness dropsy fluttering acidity of smm stomach dryness of the skin aad every spseies of disease arising st0mad3bowszs rok blood m un rnmkr p inn pprltorf t0b0nt0 icmtvdhat cheap see our go jent wte f d3vcli3es aie we hiivc added to our already large stocka choice selection of mi i n t jm nut be sold re nj we ave iszw2 the city n hoys sujts ever display latiresand geiitlcilieii givfj us a call we are satisfied that with goods and ri is give you satisfiiction ui ami i rices nglt we can henpesonmcrae co- k m- m h wash hcton m d l r g ps emiient throat and lung surgeon wil next visit acton k at ioionion hoteli thursday 4th august 1887 j qnedatonlt j patakfth the0at cukeix if the li jted bj ih jao mokelvy kingston onti cqtarrh a few of the innuihertb who have bee 1 success tally treated by or washingtons ues method- t andcouaumntion john mckelv kiugstou out catarrh mrs a hoi plug kingston out uroncho consumption mr e scott kingston oht ciitarrh head and throat mrsituo botmin harrowbmithoiit catarrh throat i i james alitthqwii v master acton out ca- tarrah bsead and thrort p frojndir berlin out catarrh head and throat i miss nellie roy berlin out tonsil f wiuig p ill cofimna out cataiih head henry cpttlerliii out asthhifc mrs lv wagner near berlin ontj catarrh head and throatl levi kcrher bt jacobs out catarrh head and throat j colin caiiipbell ft erjward out atthma jameslst iceylduttonout catnrrhv wm khofjineljer kodney out cuturrh joseph smiley fort oiiitiot u s- catarrh bad form w hjstroy efcj of storey ou glve mannfaijlurers aeton out dr washington is tho oulv throat if ml luug knrgcon in canada miss itary aronibonrr centcrviletont caitanh head miil throat mrs godfrey jjchneiib s tncohs tfiit con- aumtfou j titus snider woomneld out catcrrh head i and throat i i fron en rea mmmimmsm gjld

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