Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 14, 1887, p. 1

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vyr s you mk xuwko o tlk- jxttait ttt ttss ituy thursday mohnikg xt t11r free power pr1ntinq hou8e actix ontauio acton banking company storey christie go -bankkks- acton ontario oxi vrvr 80cts subscription rate8 ploo six hoxth8 tuuiv months tacth livsviimv in vlvamiv uqot md in advance 1 r vr will be cmirl so paper dlacon- liuia till all mtmvs are rw except lit tho option ol tlictnblisliev advertising rates 3 lllol in ii- 1 ml 0 mo s no 1 hit 1 jftljoot w00 imow 700 s5iv aom lloc 350 4001 14w 700 350 1 ctv s50 s00 100 i m iilvcriiioiikmrtssknu nor hue for thts i- inr n vkoilri advert num unit i cuts pir lino for each sulv rtioi rsh tic number of lino by iliosiviv occulted mcunni by a liil nonpareil soiocnts without tpoclflo diroctious vtil till lirbtd mil charged accord- atisitory a ivortiseikiitsniust be paid clivios for contract advertisements must bo in u- ivi by 9 nnipii tsdays otherwiso iluy wiii oc loft oyot until uufohowing week it r siook kilitlr and rroiriotor 11 usinrss tlmrtoro v h lowrx m i m c p s i i adiiate of trinity ctifgo member of ii physicians ami sarins 1 residence at the brad of frederic toiin lawsox graduate of tj 0r veterinary collet toronto vct- actou out otloi lu kenny oe store resiilcee in the rear is to soundness mil certificates or day promptly attended to ci7ii irv mir ltro io i horses cxvi tvea- ttti osv l hiixxett -4- lds dst1st liiorcirtosj ovtaiuo m kinlvy l1x5 swieon dintist georgetown ont uses tho niv4im nitrous oxide gas rennnonly callil viiaiti ain for extracting tmli without ruin kv- iv a demonstrator atldvtactical icvt u kvil college of dental skirgvoos ris may depend upon rtecivinc any operation pertftruid will v- -o- ivtv second and fourth wirtuesday of oili office ai lu asntnts hoh jirroaurique surgeon dkn- tit milton honor graduate the yrlll vii a niiris i of dental snrgoous o ktario itiursdav of each ueeiafigin- 7t o luly office iaagnowwotel tie natural tth a spetiilty tii uicrtvl on coiacellnloiurnl iraieci jhrrfect vitalisoc air ui and other anaesthetics nsoi for xtrdelii of teeth foiinstox a mcleax rrrs soitors notaries coavcyanox 1 tvv ivs to loan 0vtovu 1 1 all acton r p toiiytox 5yil a mcleai 3 j mpwat souiitor xutiey triuc honey toloan n days tuesday and saturday ttws illoci acton npstairs j oknk1ul sacking husinkss thaxsacted u0hs7l0a1t3d on approved hot80 lote discounted and interest allowed ou doposits find the puzzle i hhk tuulrrrlriiwlis proiarcil to fnhilsh on tho j shortest notice in any quantity and at lot- tom prices firstclas lumber lath staves head ing shingles wash tubs churns butter tubs pork barrels wood flour and feed and anything inthollmi of fannors housokoop- tnnot contractors neeessities tho puulo is to find a hotter placo than thomas c moores to buy any thing in the aboyo linos also to dud out if yon aro indebted to bitn for nnythltir pur chased from hitu his books say sotno aro and ho would liko tho money central meat market joseph patton i butcher has pleasure in nnuonnciuf- to tho citllclib oj acton that ho bits pur chased the butchering business ot mr william kosaelh and is preitarod to conduct thu samo in a straiehtfonraedbusiudss uianuer hartng had largo exporienco in tlio business i feci tnt i con cuorautco all customon who in- vor mo witli tholr parronafio perfect satisf octiou all kinds of meat fresh and rocki and poultry fish ic in season will bo found in stock i respectfully solicit your esteemed patronage joseph patton actoti koy rth 1815 w h rutledce the butcher dtds in everything in tho meat line xo gits establishment can he found bettor stock ed at oil suofions hall papers new -and- ceiling decoratioins all new for at days bookstore i cuelph day sells chiiap the bazaar has jubt received a larcj raymond sawinr machine the leading machine 887 lpply of now no questionable goods of fered to customers at any price m i mitchell lowest iruvs ami square ilcminc is my mott6 one trial convince on thee ikints cash always paid for cattle the price icid for hides and sheepskins mccv champion xo loan nt g 8 1 hilton allan t baird 0-it- ilarriscrs solicitors ic tco axn gsokgetowx lacs lilox cieoretorm aud rc strctt cattcreuto lv jkhlifis ti ea1kd ba vihiww la carson- b iiiu5tnil3atlvw ic 0u- ibijio hall ui cnurch street toronto- v ihii v rrl johx casoxeci t o crvn attorney patl t secured koi inventions f xiv giist ottawa caxada tjtv iractice no tatcnt no pay w- iii llstkeet l i accnnxeeii kit in- l-r-i-r- i 1- y e xvcilingtou- and hattoa e fisiu prxss office acton or in acton rill be promptly at- us tiaoniblc r to lorii on the most favorable tii- best rates of interest in j1toh5 highest w h rutledge wellington marble works qtjftbsq st gtj3lpe john h hamilton proprietor wholesale and retail dealer in marble grcnitc and everything pertaining 6 cemeterj- work direct importer of alf kinds of gronito and marble call and seo for youfsclf also the lovely bamples of arraaint tinsel and other work done on this popular machine it takes tho lead for dun bility cscol lence of finish and variety of work for sale by fraxk ltwjslbkek agent for acton rounding country gcorfiotiwn and bur- yon will also gnd on ham a large stock of d t tl fry- x acton ontario 1hub8d ay july 14 1887 ti p1uce thbebs gents ijdrtrjj why he vwnt jsntbusjb htraugur you rather wonder why i dont onthuro today an holler hall vlotorlor r on tho twontyfourth ol may dyo seo that hand foronst ye v its mthor uyangllod home book clost youll so its minus of aflntjorniklatliiiinb lhn ionji ao tut iioys wo stolo entiff nrokbstolgot a dinner 111 ur iowdor tliojuucnu birthday to wot wo hloport f nrplo ninu tumors bub to do tlio ililiik fip horb wo tossed to see whod touch hor oil horn stranger won tho toss i toucbbdmi when tbo smoke bad cdt jim krouso had ost an oyo an ilttlo tommy pliton was homewhcres lii tho sky i larfod but soon btopitodlarnn an ruther sobered somo when i missed a good foroqnger and a very useful thumb and that is why q stranger on this lior natal day i dont yel hail slctorier on the ith of may and that s why im flyinlow an fool n and glum i mikk tbr t nlco foruflugur an tlintj baudy ilttlo thumb a pleasant windows of tl thoro wan n clrct famtttj ufaitij jvni pofilderb mistake 11y tuhsiab minn kn0m8ii balmy tino hi oczo btirring tljpugli a clout of du t was blown in wih also blown a tired portion clothes of tlio lasseiif irs or bnrrowetf for its own safctj there were 01 day in jnno tho o railway car woro dpen mid it i arod out with tho exception of which itopped to rebt on tho lv 1 tb two ir cars or nostrils yocant seats in the car and at f tnkeha station two persons enrne in to fill them old man on a not over fifty- yvith covered by a b oncbed a new suit f gray have been in ide for him was a young ajhd to bazaar faj5tcy goods in great variety sold cheap for cash call and examino my roods and remember my motto and quick returns at kelly bros old stand frank r webber acton june 23rd 1887 a murray lk- i aflnoskeb rtics of halton and wellington r- hi- rmence main street oppos- ri- acton or addressed to acton rlcve strict attention terms nots discou ated if desired j ohn day architect guelru ost i hotel lllock market square f ancih nun an havinglatcly visited tbo bay of fundygranito quarries ind having purchased tho entire stock of gray an red granite montimcnkhcadstoues crosses nris etc of aloiaudcr taylor at less than cost j will until further notice sell at prices neve before known in ontario for in1 stance graitte monuments it high g0 7 ftj s75 8 ft f 009 ft 610o 19 ft 120 au work and material waratitcd firstclass parties wanting anything in his line v ill do well to call and sec me before pumiosiug dlscwbcro as i guarantee my prices arc from o0 to 30 per cent below all other dealers ihhehjieio i cwkijllt sole agent for acton aid vicinity for the celebrat d bell organ and lansdowne piano small profits one of theso was an second look he was probably l hair partlyi felt bat and cea in staff that seemed to borne one else with very pretty girl whoso dresa w is of oi sinary staff but well flttiiig and w 10 was vcllglovcd and well- shod the ol isorver would set down the two for a well todo f irmer and his daught er who wei travc lling for busines or pleasure tl 6 man looked around the two vacant se tts wer i on opposite sides of the car iii ne of t lem sat a joung well- dressed and opparen ly self satisfied gentle man find the space i y his side was occupied by a hnudba of cr codilo leather anld a bpring ovcrco it in the other wab another young man not r uite 60 extravagantly dressed thoi gh nei tly clad and not as handsome as tho firs s though lie bad an ojien mid int uigent oiintenance the far mer looked around and motioning his daughter to t to vacai it 6oat said the reb a place for y u lucy tlien turning to the young mi n w with the satchel he usl kod scat engogid the youiignian looked up curled his lip superciliously and said man to fill it 11 be here presently i dare say v ah p said the fuiiner coolly temoi iug the ripsack and overcoat and placing tnein on tho young mans lap then ill occupy it until he comes and he seated him self accordingly while the young man glnrep at him the one on the other side looked amiued and then rising said you had better exchange scats with me sir and then the young lady and yourself will be togeth r ayr iccifor to t kchaptnan iiooklilndeb st rcsrrji s7tiee gnelpb ontario vswt lionjis of all kinds made to orfe 1 vrio ii rji af cverv descriiitiou carefully bound lulilg niaily iiul promptly done mue han lax babbeb shop mill stuket actos at jsv f1sv a stylish haircut a good seafoam n txbiliaratins shampoo always given kazpr iionel and put in crsttclass condition and childrens hair tastily cut ladies p wokdes tonsorial artist gnelih bniuess college guelph ontario rniie tllllld scholastic yea1 jl bssciitember 1st iatwnago drawl from ten states and provinces loung me and ijotb thoruagbly preparedfor business pni ijit graduates- eminently successful as ac finitiiuf business managers shorthand writ dr clrk haicsinen travellers etc both in cauada and tte united states moderate ratei inorouoi practical wort and conrtoous treal lifjriclmractrizetljo institution iadies ad milled m all ibo advantages of the college splendid ficilitiesbflordctl for the nctjuisitioi oi ircnjh aul german for iufjrination address m maccobmicx v if principa lumber shingles and lath rphc ukiifeigned desires to inform the publi 1 that lie has now on hand and will keep 1 1 stock n fill line of pine and hemltck as well o oihur nls of lumlcr also fhft and secou claia 1iut sbingjcs lath coal wood s i i ifavirgpurcliasedtbe coal business ot mr s hmits i am prepared to supply all jin stove gml i have also agood stock of wood ilirditiod anhjcfidar and mulwood at roaso i- able paces wwl and coa dellvcri lollvcred jamks1buow fire pause abd consider that it will bo to vtir own interest to patronize homo trade wc wjild respectfully inform tb iruiabitants of acton and surrounding country that wc are again in f ttu running order and in better position tbaa before the fire to fill ol orders entrusted to ts to parties building lumber will be dressed while you wait and mopldingsrc made will neatness and despatcfl n we are also pr liarcd to fill all order for r pumps ou eliort ivoticc and frc m long oxperienco u th business wctool confid isfactiou every time orders and help to roll new ut that we can give sal so come on with you r the hall along money makes the more go whether iho has legs or nc tiios ettluce manaeef m brinnan has pleasure in ann mncing that his tail oring shop in c reechs frutt 15tore is no w open an d in full running order and to fill a ii orders good he is twee suits in a position bhowing- suits at 12 in the fkkk pnis notice that mrj c mcleans ad vertisemcut doubts my sole agenoy for the bell organ- i now state that i have a written con tract duly signed by messrs w bell co giving me the sole agency for the sale of the bell organ for tho city of guelph and a radius of twenty miles including acton itockwood eden mills everion new ger many breslau and hesjieler the above mentioned contract can be seen by any lady or gentleman on calling at my music store opposite the post office i beliove tho reliable firm of w bell fc co aro ad hering to the letter of tho contract aud that any person other than my agents who are selling the boll organ in the above territory is obtaining them in some unsatis factory way or is selling a becondhand instrument i notice proprietor rccom mended the bell organ to customer the indisputable reputation of this organ is such that all dealers recommend to custo mers o w kelly opposite postofllcc gjjelph my warcroom is well stocked with musical instruments including pianos organs guitars banjos violins harmonicas and accomians also a full lips of the latest sheet music and am receiving noinstalmcntsdnily cw kelly f nc the you my and red fine day -bight- to the mutual insurahce company 0 tub 0oit1tty 02t7silingt0n 3taebibhki 1840 cuelph- head office iinielluiljiig rhullse uknufactori a aniiii other desert ijns of pronertren t le pronium notouystem fw stone president citas davidson beowtvj john tay loi- ent sold elswilere for 15 scotch tweed suit 17 a lb t 80ldelsewhei b koil23 akd24 i fine worsted suit at 2q bold klseyilkltk at 25 its gentlemen wanting- a firstclass good- fitting coatetc may rely upon beingsnitdd in every respect by leaving their orders with ibrennalt the clothier op all competition s ebec elegant anil substantia goods splendid in quality i complete in assortment ii overflowing in generous bargains 1 the weaving mb t mitchell desires to inform the people of acton and surroundings that be- is prepared to take orders for weaving all kinds of fancy bag carpets flaund sheeting shirting and dress goods stripod orplaicl twill or plain also bed blankets and horse blankets two yards wide and over and i will gnatantee that i willgivegood satisfaction to all farmers and others who vill favor me with tneir patronage t mitchell mensiwomens andcuildrkks boots and shoes i bubbbbsoveeshoes sco at prices that always lead to speedy ualcs oo lowest prices coxbismlit witii good quality i oo ityutom iork- aijd repairing v promptly attended to y wimjams mill street acton thank you was the farmers rep and tho exchange was quietly effected the two young men lvere evidently quaintcd for the courteous ono said to other in a low voice jim poulder made a mistake there i never mako mistakes frank boll lg replied the other i dare soy youll n ake your fortune some of these days by biing polite to the granger population but fortune is already made the first speaker said nothing more but drawing a newspaper from his pocket o ton ed and ran his eye oveirats columns poulder yawned a little and at last said this is too dull for yours faithfully las poulder ill go into the smoking car take a whiff have a snifter heinqui producing a pocketflask no thank you replied bol ing that stuff is rather too fiery for mo hero goes alone then thats aa brandy ab ever crossed the ocean day keep an eyo to my traps will jon and dont give up my seat to every cou ltry yokel who asks it the elegant young gentleman shook him self and made his way forward to the especially provided for fumigation when he had gone the old man leined over the arm of his seat and addressed boiling excuse me sir but didnt your ftiend who has left say that his name was jimes poulder i that is bis name bir replied young man buf he is hot exactly a friend of mine though we live in the tame place and i know him very well may i inquire where he is from yes sir careyesburg son of peter b poulder the great packer there isnt ho ychibir his father should deal with him would be quite in his line ohr papa said a sweet roproaihful voice as those near who heard the coll quy tittered it is a fact lucy rejoined farmer i the old man who was evidently injtelli jgmt entered into a general conversation with the younger and soon showed thi t he was quite wellinformed boiling wat of a conference bo entertaining especially when as his eyes were bent in that fireo tion he saw the young lady was an i liter ested and hoped a pleased list aner there was something very sweet in th s ex prossiou of hor oouutenanoo an unmistak able impress of modesty and inupceniio on her features they chatted away and the elder so dexterously that the younger never porooived irdrew out of tho ther jiis position prospeots and intoni ions boiling wag frank by nature and the tionsofuis interlooutpr who was ajs in genuous were craftily put the nharp granger soon learned that frank b illini had been engaged for some time in the gtudyof the law hot that his lather having nietwith teverses and havjoii two younger daughter to edtieate thejj onug man determined jo niake his bordjiii less and had set out to eupport himself i a band mtuft- oning his law studies and taking a tion m salesman t oonntry store r k r i t k v ifc 7 lrt iwjjaia griff ton a thriving town about five miles from the main lino i got but a beggarly pay of courso said frank gayly i am only it raw hand but i havo apruiniso that when i am hotter iualilled my wages will be in creased you are ruther a singular person said tho farmer bluffly mo9t young mem would have talked ol their salary 1 irathor prefer tlio old style of eng- libh said boiling iom to be a hire ling and tho compensation of a hireling ibcallod wages but wagos or balary tho terms aro indiftoiont to me my placo is within a niilo of griftton said tho old man i havo a notion that i know your father once waant ho ut harvard in his time yeb sir and so was i w are alumni o tlio samo school i wonder if ho romoinbors his old chum there ono george carter george- st leger carter us tlioy havo it on the rolls yes sir ive heard him speak of him often though the two have drifted apart ainco thon judgo carter yon mean ijlo uvea at griftton do yon know him f urn ye- yes after a fashion papa i whisperod the young girl but boilings quick car caught hor worda i know the judgo better than you do be quiet pubs will you replied her father in tho same tone i ain told resumed the young man that lie lias left the benoli and though quite wealtliy has gono back to the bar i have a letter for him which my father rocalling their youthful friendship in sisted on giving mo but i 6hall not pro- bent it why not he might bo of semco to you scarcely sir you see if i am to be a salesmen in a country store i had better accommodate myself to my position the judge even if bo remembered old college friendships wouldnt be likely to consider mo a welcome addition to liis family circle as visitor he is rich and then he ib said to have a very handsome andiaccomplished daughter who would no doubt lopk down on me 1 have my bread and butter to earn and had better confine myself to it posbibly you are right but hovv ctrnic your father to lose hisunoney i ithought lie inherited a fine fortune yes sir but hewas drawn intpcur- ring responsibility for a relative he is not mined by any means but la merely hampered and thinks he will pull through in time with a little j economy and prud ence and i havemo doubt he will but i am only in his way or i would have re mained t have you e thought of trying farming no sir i have no capital aud know nothiug of it e do you know more of belling groceries and dry goods not a bit more lutyou see i am paid something thcro while i learu your friend or your acquaintance aa you call him goes to griftton too does ho yes sir but jie goes there iu a differ ent capacity i believo be represents his f atber in some trausa tion about property with tho judge and is to remain there some days as a guest uutil the affair is closed- possibly as his father wants him to marry ho may be n a tour of observa tion and take in lie judges daughter tb ugh that is import uent of me for he has sitid nothing on the aabjecti do yon think he it so irresistible as to be able to pick and choose at his pleasure inquired the gill looking quizzically over her fathers shoulder ho can ho very fascinating when he chooses i am iol 1 replied boiling j and i i beg your pardon sh- but i j you want identification hero con ductor toll this young gentleman who 1 am health kotks as be is handsome an father worth millions elderly ladieb call a g cd catch he puts np his fas his courtesy i suppose and leaves both at homo when he travels lucy luctcr only son and his he is at least what judge carter responded tho func tionary a little curious to know what it wuh all about thauk you philps thatll do now sir boiling not a little astonished took the lettor from his pocket book if youll pormitme said the judge as ho openod the letter and glanced over tho contents ho givos you a good obar- actcr and wants mo to look after you a littlo ah how tirao flies lucy this young fellows father and i had such good james in tho old days how jong did you read law boiling a littlo over two years sir like it very much indeed sir 1 whom did you road with sponce and sullivan 1 good men sullivan put you through ho ofiico business tfanoy thats his way sow ive been puttjug you through an exhaustive examination which is my way ind i think youll do let old bragg find another salesman hes not dying for you and i cuii get shim a substitute i have two students in my oflice what they are there for is then own business but tbeyll never make a great- success at tho bar un less they change their ways i want a clerk to manage my office and to boss around while ipm oil on circuit ill givo you a living salaryinot too much and you ban read law mianwhile you ought to be ablo to pass hi ijt year if ybu turn out as i hope you will why when you get your sheepskin weil see what can bo done jwliat do yon say to it j say to it sar what can i say but yes and thank you for the offer very well thats settled here we are theres our carriage give your checks to john ithere and hell bring your luggago to the house along with ours show your gallantry and hand lucy into the carriage jump in ill drive the next day jameb poulder esq made bis appearance at tho carters iu a state of elegance only matched by that of captain cuttles famous watch never equalled and rarely excelled he was ushorcd into the drawingroom und received by a young lady whose style suited even hib fastidious taste and whose features had a dim familiarity when the judge came in tho young mans recognition of the far- mer in the oars was complete he stam mered out an apology but the old man re lieved him it could hardly have been expected that you should have known u3 said the judge let all that pass you are quite welcdme as we have two hours before dinner well go the office and look over the papers together miss carter will excuse you meanwhile in the office poulder found boiling who was busy at work ou a declaration why frank i thought you were going into the grocery husiuess ive changed my mind replied frank resuming his work james poulder stayed his week out and then took tho cars to careysburg frank boiling did not make the same trip untif two years after thou he went j to visit his father who had got over his jpecuniary troubles and to see his sisters hehadbeen admitted to j tho bar mean- while and judgo carter whoso favorable impressions time had confirmed had token him into partnership he hadgonb iulo another partnership just befoio ho lett he was in high spirits on that trip he was not nlono miss lacy carter that had leen mrs francis boiling then was his travelling companion the feet should of all parte of the body be kept scrupulously clean especially the boles aa the pores there aro so largo as to bo in fact sluices for foul matters from the body- which if not washed off will be re absorbed the only petfeet disinfectant is cleanli ness the oldtime method of destroying thojoul odor of a sick room by burning coffee or sprinkling sugar on hot coals or by burning tar did not belp matters it only added another odor tothomaulrcay existing in tlio room the essence of tomato mado into a pill acts ujion tho liver und to that extent counteracts biliousness und fovor the sccaxofgtho tomato act mecbumcally npoir tlio bowels hence the fruit which is deli cious to the palate has a healthpromoting effect on the liver and the wholo digestive system wo oho should sleep in a room where people have been sitting and lights bnruiug without first giving it a thorough ventila tion this can be done as nearly as pos sible in ordinary rooms by opening doors and windows in a line with each other in opposing directions getting up a good cur rent of air by this means tho air of tho roomtets a supply of oxygen of which it was deprived by the inhalations of the people and by the consumption of the name of the lamp or lamps sleep will be much moral refreshing and less troubled by dreui3 if takeh in a room thus supplied from the outer world a quannl theres a knovin little jrroverb from the sumii landof spain ns in southland joar and plain hut in northlnml is its meaning t iidck it up within your licar 1 neither loso nor lend it- two it takes to make a cjharrcl olio can always endit try it well in every way still youll find t true in n fight without n foe pray what could volt do if tlioivratlhs yoiir alone boon you will expend it two itl taltes to mlikca ipmwl lot s sjippon thnt both mu wroth and the strife iwguu if one voieo sball cry for jicee soon it will bo tione if but ono tlujl span tlio hnuvli howijliiikklymind it vo it takes to ninke j iiirr1 one can alwaysjend it a fllavi iolntjiv i words of wisdom life is a short day but it is a working day i a miin that breaks his word bids others to be i also to him hyprocrisy may remain practically unde tected it never passes altogether with sus picion ilary liiwkill a ioodconscience is a continualleast and r mind at peace through christ is in the antepast of heaven ho is happy whose circumstances suit his temper but he is more excellent who can suit liia temper to any circumstances those who think they have only a very small talent are often mobt tempted not to trad with it for their lord f r linver- jal the difference between some men and a dog is that they will go into a saloon to gether and the dog will come out perfectly sober afflicted one you cannot believe it now but you will come out from that furnace seven times purified in tho refining fires of god- n macduf d d the passions act as winds to propel oar vessel oar reasonis tho pilot aud steers her without tho winds she would not move without the phot she would be lost if there is any one fact or doctrine or command or promise in the bible which tiab produced no practical effect on your temper or heart or condnct be assured you do not truly believe it polished steel will not shine in the dark no more can reason however refined and cultivated shine efficaciously but as it re flects the light of divine truth shed from heaven no amount of woalth sets one free from the obligations to work iu a world the god of which is ever working he who works not has not yet discovered what q od made him for and is a false note in tke orchestra of the universe principal grant of queens university is a very patriotic canadian and has groat confidence in tlio future of the dominion lira recent article in the toronto iyoch he said duty demands that we shall be true to our history duty also demands that we bhall be true to our home all of us must be canada j first men 0 for something of the spirit that has animated the sons ot scotland tor centuries and that breathes in the fervent prayer god save ireland uttered by jthe poorest peasant and tho servant girl far away from green erin think what- a home vve have every province is fair to see its sons and daugh ters are proud of the dear natal soil why theu should not all taken together inspire loyalty even in soiils least capable of patriotic emotion i have sat on blocks of coal in the pictou mines viandcred through the glensof capo brecon and- round capo north and driven for a hundred frtjles under apple blossoms in the cornvrallis and annapolis valleys i have seen the glory of orir western mountains and toiled through passes where tho great cedars and douglas pines of the pacific felbpe hid sun and sky at noonday j and i say that in tho four thousand miles that extend be tween therets everything tboj man- can desire and the promise or arriighty future if we cannot make ahonntry nut of such materials it is becanie we are not true to ourselves and if we jire not be sure our sins will find tis but 3iakiur tlie 3fiist oiit the ircat eastern ination along with said the girl ed her father why n boy quit pork it the thoughts had betterbo left unspoken the conversation turned into other channels but tlio old farmer still pursued his queries in the most artful way there is a strong thirst for information in the rural mind but in this instanco it seemed to bo personal at last tho elegant jim pouldor camo back from tho smokingdar with a strong nicotian aroma shedding itself from his person he brought something more with him his voice had that thickness which told of the draining of his pocketflask he was jolly and confidential sorry old fellow ho said to have left yon so long been bored to death for want of company havent you oh no 1 i have enjoyed a very pleasant conversation with our genial neighbor over the way genial well of all the queer chaps for picking up all low acquaintance- you beat eta and givo em six in the game sahl theyll hear you let em who careb going to stop at the junction no there is a connecting train i learn and i shall push on to griffton at once ishant ill lie over li day im sort of worn out and ill come over tomoirow ub fresh as a daisy hope youll have a good time among the cheese and candies i intend to look in on you before i leave and seo how doth the little busy bee im prove each shining hour thank you youre very kind the brakeman craned bis neck in the door and uttered borne sounds apparently grittiujuxshn whioh the experienced ear understood to be griffton junction and the travelers for that point left the cars poulder made his way with his luggage tb the little hotel there while the farmer anddanghtor followed by boiling made theirs to the single car with a little super annuated engine attached which btood waiting there were no other passi ngers and the three bad the car to tbemsc ves como over hero mr boiling sc id the old man after the car had been in motion a whiln i want to talk with you turn down that seat that will do said you had a letter fur judge carter aud didnt intoud to doliver it j yossir i did it never occur to you young man that it was your duty to obey a fathers orders i trust bit that im usually obedient it was not a positive order i bhail write tohim fndexpwnj i- i tell you that yob should deliter that letter to its proper owner- yon are only ia trustee in the case i am judge carter and this is my daughter luoy hand over the paper to the court a bit yon what a hideous greeu you are putting in that tidy said belle to her very best friend as they sat talking over their faucy work r i know it answered kate good-hu- moredly yoq bee i bought it one night and began jto work on it by lamplight and thought it lpeked pretty well but some colors are so changeable it looks frightful by daylight i only know one thing i can do with it ill give it to ben why will ho hko it oh i dont know i guess itll help mako him out for christinas and do well enough for his room wo stuff everything in there and kate gave a littlo short laugh then flushed buddonly as she caught belloh blue oyo fixed wonderingly upon her 1 yhy said the girl and hor fingers stopped in their busy motion id- just as soon think of putting anything ugly into the parloras into brother franks room he is so olioice of it oh well hpys are different stam mered kate iu- confusion and belle feel ing that she was treading on forbidden ground adroitly turned the cou versa tion yes she knew that ben was different from her brother and oh how thankful she felt for that difference thankful that frank was strong and manly kept abovp tempta tionsorry for the great contrast in her friend you must all do something to try to keep ben at home these evenings said his father one day i dont like tho way he is spending his time and kate ab she heard the words won dered what she could do that afternoon there waba great over hauling of the f uruituro upstairs aud by suppertime quite a transformtidu had taken place in bens room there were pretty bright chromos and pne or two obpice engravings on the wallb hitherto bare dainty white mats on the bureau fresh muslin curtains draped back from the window and everything as inviting as thoughtful hands could make it now said she i wonder if hell notice it have you a headache ben she asked as bhe passed his open door that evening and saw him sitting with bis head bowed upon hishauds oh no bo answered ouly thinking of going down town but it looku so ploas- ant aud homcliko up hero so i guess ill stay and ho did stay it wasnt the last timo either byoandbyo ho began to invite some of the fellowb to come and see him at the house and with great satisfac- tion would ask them to step np to his room was it strange that from these lit tie gatherings niuu than one went away feeling that it was a grand good thing to haye a homo and bo worthy of it do you know said kate to her friend one day v your plan lias worked like a oharm try it kirla i thevhago steamship which mightliave tieen christened bruneis folly is aftlast goiiij to be put to the work for which ehe was originally intended namely the aus- tralian trade but not before she has under gone an important metamorphosis she is to havo hef paddles removed and to- trust to her screw propeller alone she is more over to have ber engine power enormously increased so as to be able to do 20 knots an hour there is no reason why she should not dp this in spite of her enormous bulk she is a vessel of beautiful knes and to the day of his death was the pride of her de signer mr scott russell only a short time before his death i heard mr scott russell express bis confidence in the future of tho great ship which had been conceived by brunei and executed by himself not- wilhjbtanding that sbo had theu for nearly 20 years been a colossal failure tke great eastern willjprobably occupy a permanent place in thq worlds history as the biggest ship ever built but some of tho larger atlantic liners do not fall so very far short of her iii size jondon life japan presents a wonderful example as to how the soil can be utilized with an area of 12000000 acres about equal to that of california the natives have reduced agriculture to such scientific principles as to feed and clothe 3000000 people be sides yielding- io00oc0 ion3s of tea 25000 bales of silk and large quantities of rice tobacco and bernp for export of the whole population 20000000 belong to the agricultural class the soil is a black- vegetable mould wonderfully fertile there are few domestic animals but the japanese supply the place oe barnyard manure with bran seaweed nonedible fish ahd lime bice is the great summer crop and wheat is grown on the same lad in winter the latter is boiled like rice or made into cakes bat bread jy unknown grains are ground with small handmills precisely like those used by tho ancient egyptians every sort olvegctablo is grown and at least 100 food plants un known to us except astveeds havo been domesticated in japan stale and female labourers can be hired by jthe year for io or s20 but thepurchasing power of money is fur greater than hero aud tho habits of the people are simple hints tb business meil tin- baby it is very essential for every prudont merchant to carry an insurance on bis stock of a least onehalf of its value in a good reliable company it is a duty which he owes to himself to his family and tb his creditors if a business doe3 not pay insqrance it is not worth having whenou have alucrative paying busi ness do not sell out for in all probability you will not hotter yourself do not branch out too much one good business well attended to is enough jjo not show yourself slack and tardy in the collection of outstanding accounts if you are- slow you cannot expect jrour debtor to be prormjt 7 do notuerate your neighbor jbecauso he is a competitor for such a course will only injure your owe business and reputation when you havea mechanic or laborer perform any servioe for you pay him promptly for his work dont undertake to make him trade it out of yohr store you wili be more apt to make a customer of himif yon pay him his earned money when you refuse a man credit stick to it do pot bo coaxed into trusting after you have refused for in most buch cases the debt is lost attend to your own business and dont depend toorauch upon your belp there is no one who con attend to your own affairs- so well as you can yourself no matter how good help you may have prompt measures at battle christian at never despair of tho recovery of a little olie white life lasts but do not trifle with tin beginnings of disease tl the babys secpud summer every mother knows whatthat raeata the poor little pilgrim has already fouijcf tlio earth a place of tears and paip those tooth coming so fast and as they come occasion ing so much disturbance in that fragile frame what a source ofi peril imd irritation they are to the babe anj of anxiety to his parents 1 keep the bab in comfort dress him loosely and simply with soft thin woollen garments next the skin give him a sponge bath wlieh he cries nneasily and fretfully seo that there is no chafing of the soft flesh audjthat no pins are prick iilg him in unsuspected places let bis food bo properly cooked and given at regu- lar intervals and attend to it either your- self orlet it bo prepared bj k trustworthy person lpt the little one be lout doors much of the time and if lie is ill and a physician is to be had send for oho promptly frail as tho life of an infant ib and quickly aatbo silver thread may be snapped yet a youn icjiild rallies in a way impossible to an aaft jt a child very sick indeed today miy be frisking about merrily to-morrow- first are oftenhalf the worj illtlseomlosltlov ox liys boys is in en tlmtlmive not got as big as their papas and girls is wonion that will be young ladies by and by man waa mudr beforo woman when god lookod at adam ho said toiliruseli woll i guess lean do bettor than that ifi try again so then he made eve god liked eve so much better than he did adam that there have been more women in the worldever bujoe boys are a trouble they are very wearing onpyerythingbntmp if i could havo my way half the bpys in tbo world would bo iittlegirls and the other half would ho dolls my papa is so nice that i guess ho must have been a girl wbeuire was tvlittlo boy j 1- h resolve ti he xomebndy i havmg a purpose jin life isrfho diiterenco between succcos ajid- failure- aud the success depcncls largely upon the time of life when the purpose took pos session of the souli do not think you must wait until yoularc of age before you decide to be somebody how easy to de tect strong purposes by the qarnest faces of their possessors this is the force yvhich overcomes you caimot so surrouad tlie life with disadvantages as to stifle it iu a little westirn farmhouso a few years ago lived two isters who felt keenly the poverty of their linmdrumfhardvvork- iug lives what could they do so far ro- movedffom all that can help them they resolved to use every opportunity that came in their way jto spend every spare moment in reading ind writing a prac tical stepmother caiiie into the home and she refused thorn candles for their evenings undaunted they nsbd saucers of lard with rags for wicks and thus for teir years t wrote and studied yitliont encouragement- still tho purposqj to bo felt aud heard faltered liut and one day alice ami pbinbo cary awoke to iinjl themselves famouj givirg to tho worlilj mmli kieiuu as an order for a piciuiixi aipl one swutiy solemn thought paper dobrs uo coming into use and as compared with thosjo ui wouil jkirisuss tho advantage of ucilijer shrinking swelling crocking nor warping- it ri formed of twfc thick paper jb uk wii h ont ed i s iiirds nvanipeij ud uldcd into jtauuiji ami ltzed together gluo and ptjlasb lind then rolled thtjough lieayy- rollers after belnscovcrcd- wiih it yvaterproof jcoaiiiigaijd ticiiwiih that is lite ptojf it is ptintej vatiiibh- ind hung in thelutjiiai wav lmmess- izm

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