Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 14, 1887, p. 2

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uim trmtatit ganrtwces wired mr david mel ellackonot territn j wrrxekmb i 8t0tt act ca8ksv nrm- rvkrh at the methodist search tvdlsl d- -fife- fffft v- jsssscumdl tofaenio rowwoat daugu- tfsssteatw byer formerly of burnt- ritcsus and lately o calcutta tor fori sire jutmt jfm f ren -v- jthujssdav july u 187 i xotks np comjiksts surgci v v the irvtrw makes good tion it wants polumu added to tho municipal voters iiste in which the amount of assessment might bo placed opposite ech voters name tho lincoln scott act association re cently passed resolution of strong ap provaj of the coarse of tolico mnriitrote yobnr and inspector brothers jo tho en forcement of the scott act in ilalton a writing telephone appears to bo the latest electrical navety it halls from munich raft its inventors claim that tho words ofjthe speaker arc duly written down by thia apparatus as uicy arc spoken let as make their tariff and well soon make their politics tins is the opinion expressed by the chicago trihtwt tho leading republican paper of tho west in a reference to the question of commercial union with canada v the gtcor understands that it is tho in tention of the government to instruct the boards of license commissioners to in stitute suit against tho county councils which decline to pay their proportion of the expenses estimated for theenforcement of the scott act it it admitted ot all aide that tho scott act hottw vm jitarrmy ottotoi ov possiblo white it i erawni the law of the county aud that i ia being aatiafactorily enforced is also ad rutted by au waaonablo people to kcoom pliili tijii mult oorlatiw ly requires coustai tvigtliuioa on tho part of the officials and v hllo it is always dcair fthjo to secure a au tvcicnt number of roli- able witnesses t establish tho ohargo preferred carejk necessary and should always be observed to avoid tho subpoenaing of persona for witnesses whoso names may lujvo been supplied merely for tho purposo of revenge or without tho knowledge that they were implioatod in thcviolohlon of the act tp people generally there is no more humiliating position than to bo called as a witness in a scott act case wo contend that those who aid or induce anothor to violate tho law are equally guilty with tho person who sells the liquor and deserve to be placed in the humiliating circumstance they shirk from but to call witnesses on any pretext whatever who are innocent of any knowledge in tho cano and who are known to roframfiom indulging invariably weakens tho case fir tho officers of tho law aud causes a loss ot sympathy for tho act on tho part ot tho i rionds of tho aggrioved witness and those who arq nominal sup porters of the act but who do not feci it to- be their duty to tako au active interest therein no moaner or moro rcprclienaiblo way of injuring tbi feelings and reputation ofanyporsoncouljl bo devised than that above referred to several instances havo lately came before us but we sincerely hope thore will bo no recurrence wo refer to this mattcrj in thej interests of the scott act as well as in defence of injured citizons of the comity and as tho platform of the fnerress regarding tho act is so well kuowii we have no fear that our motives will be in any way impugned a proclamation has hoenissuedproviding that the value of goods entered for duty on invoices made oat in iqreigu currency shall be computed according to a schedule an nexed to the proclamation and that all in voices of foreign poods shajl be reduced to canadian currency at tho rates assigned to the foreign currencies in the schedule will farmers continue to make gambling and intemperance respectable by lending their ajd- and patronage to fairs where wheels of fortune race courses and drink ing booths furnish the chief attraction it is not too early to begin to consider this question and it should take only two sec onds to decide it western plmrmitn ayti vaitrmpnt of i otmitablo who under- took to byre a summons t ojlavkvhik mob law lotuwukvtiue july 11 about imhpaid nine oclock tonight william jaiuos hall oopstablo ontorod pauley houso and all ipg tlio proprietor aside handed him a luminous opmmauding him to appear on thursday to aimwor to a ohargoof violating the canada tomporauco act tho service had scarcely boon effected when dennett soiitocl the unfortunate potwublo and plied him vigorously with hig hands and boots hall roared piteously and ran through the hjiteli beiug followod up by bennett who struck him with the bofontiflo precision ot it pmebghter j tho cdnstablo finally made his osoapo aud ran up broadway crying murder and blooding profusely from the head aud face a little later the hotel- keepers turood out hi force andeotrohod ovo ry public jilacb in town for hail they finally found him sitting in tho amcrioau hotel on tho frinco of wales road immediately a rathor trogio scene commenced hall was pounced upon by his pursuers and kioked and beaten until tho occupants of tho hotel came to his reaoufc somo of tho hotolkoopcrs suspected that hall was mak ing for hib farm iu tyono and btartod hotly in that direction t lioy caught up to him near tho outskirts of tho town but no beg ged for mercy so f ra itically that they de cided not to beat 1 im further threats against tho inspector were freely mado to night and it was hard to keep some of tho hotheaded ones among the mob from proceeding to wreck his house there was considerable excitement in town when ttie news ot tho rough handling of hall became generally known and it was a lato hoild when order was restored rv wmsbwtm s oajj oylth ci anuhbviti to stjireti hi ameero i thanks u tlib poopla- who aimjittoij in savinii stookud furniture at tho late tire afo to iiifonii tilt odstflinvrs tint his luwjiiiiit in acton will lx rofutnoil an anon as loaallilo card opi thakkb i juorm no tnaiifiiby dvu lit gooat add nnv elilimry from doatritutloh by lira on tho oooaalou oftuuuurnlngthiikiiltuugiautdry r i- av11ken an ofscfal statement of the financial standing of the dominion at tho close of the financial year on j one 30th shows the gross amount of onr public debt to be 270- 300374 and the net indebtedness after de ducting assets to be 225020762 it is claimed that the net debt has been reduced by 450181 daring the month of jnne the first expulsion that ever took place from the toronto board of trade was completed at a special- meeting at which fortyfive members were present monday afternoon mr d b wilkie second vice- president was in the chair the cipelted member is mr w e kent of the firm of gilchrist eent grain dealers orange- tille l- entsw milk ix vixf gka hv willlsmltrorn 0 kkvofeiuiwef agrlcu ture yintwt1sirylog is not yik aoomnion thing in ontario ovca individually omt ngst farmers on any sort of system and no- whoro that i kiidjw of in tho provlno t by any plan of coppomtlon it require i no fore sight to tell of near dovelopmeiit of the interest througlnut wintersubject of j t u isj 1 i i j iir i i 1 j hla ratof ul lroiis to thme cltlseus wire coursoj to tho day of milk imviiig to tak a soooiul place to some- other specialty in the byclo of events moautimo we thii k it to bd tho duty of this experimental bt tion to help the profession in thoxo that should stand as gnidos or warnings for tho coning with this viow wo havo carried out two oxporimonts during the past winter that luvve wo think provod hovoral th hgs whioh though not unknown in n get oral way have possibly not received tho i amo systematic attention that i shall nowaliow in january last we seioctod four well balanood sevonyear old short hon grade cows from a lot of ten that wo had liok all summor nnd had cost us an avoragoof il tlioy ealvod in maroh nnd wero again in calf tho following july thus boing from six to sovon montlib gone during tho ooirso of tho tosting the winter fooding previous to this special work ooimistod of h iiih bran ib lbs tlmofliy lmyand 10 lbs ofttir rips daily por hoad being equal to a nutritive ratio of 1 fiil tiik lloaiid ok kdroatiox bev joseph cook sajs iproclaim here as i proclaim there that when a reformed drunkard sits down in a pew and finds bis neighbouring church members moderate drinkejapanrl the pastor holding np his bible m one hand and thcglass of moderate drinking in the other the straggling con- verted inebriate has not coroo into a place of bafety the church is not a fold secur ing him from the wolves it is no place where he can repose in the mexican state of chihuahua they have but small respect for the voter who thinks that politics is a bad busiees3 and who is too lazy to cast his ballot and a law has been passed fining every man three dollars who does not come to the polling booth when heis able to doo another j petition to compel councils to curious feature ot the election laws of the state is that while a married man of eigh teen has the franchise an unmarried man amendments jtu mi law following is a summary of tho more im portant changes made in tho municipal law at the last session of thelegislatnrein addition to whatj we have previously given j an elector must ivote for mayor in tho polling division he resides in or if not qualified there then where ho first votcsju the municipality the power councils have hitherto had in regulating size and number of doors o iu churches theatres balls or other places nsed for worship public meetings or places of am nsoment are extended to hospitals schools colleges or buildings of like natnre and the strength of walls beams joints and other support are to bo subject to regulation and power is given to compel production of plonsj of all socb buildings ifor inspection j the council of ah incorporated village is given power to punjhase land for a cerac- tery within the village on approval of tho jlocal board- of health ratified by the pro- jvincial board i j power is given to charge a license fee on circuses 4c np to 500 instead of 100 as j at present i power is given t license and regulate hops where tobacco and cigars arc sold and to prevent the sale to children under fourteen unless onj the written order of their parents or guardians where an action j is brought to recover lamages from a mnnicipil corporation on i icconnt of an obstruction excavation or pening in a bridge the corporation is to lave a remedy over against the person who masses the obstruction or opening where a council by a- twothirds vote lecidc that tbi construction or erection of i bridge culvert or embankment is for the eneral benefit and that it would be un suitable to aiscs3 the whole cost on thof ocality they may pass a bylaw and bor tho business of tho board at their monthly meeting tlio board of trufrteea of acton iublio schools mot on monday evening 41th inst members present mr geo hynds chair man and messrs lowry ebbago and francis the minutes of last inoetiiig woro rcal and confirmed j tho financo committee presented their fourth rcport recoinnieuding payment of the following accounts -r- h ebbago new roof on teachers residence 51 si john ii lindsay int on loan 1h 00 t j pay windowsluules ac 12 00 geo havill cavctronghs at tcach- crs residence cis b p moore book stationery ac 3 29 the report was adopted moved by isaac francis and seconded by dr lowry that the property committee be and is hereby instructed to repair floor in second department of the school also to make best possiblo arrangement to provide water for the use of the school carried upon motion the council adjourned sllcilik with 1aims ukkkxi tho cows were divided into two groiph by onr best judgmont of form and maiki igs as well as by knowlcdgo of thoir pimv oub rocoids tho groups wore chnngod f om ono class of food to another at equal to 1118 from tho jsth january to tho 7th april tho experiment having thus extended over sixty-font- days six days wore allowed between ternib in order to counteract previous food influence every meal pt food and milk was weighod tempernturp of stablos taken exercise allowed and tho water drank noted i feeding took place at oarni 11 am and t pm milking- alt 7 am nnd o pm during january previous to entry foi experiment group i weighed 2822 1 us and had given an averago daily milkinc of 31 lbs and t roup 11 of ill 11 wit i a woight of 2925 lbs when six chemical pn alysis of the railk guve cash fojl hides rpilk undenhionbd is buying hides calf jl and hboup hklua attliobwt inarkut lirlcoa for caali at moorua cordovuu tunvry acton i ropes holies of nil kinds tatinod tu order in tho most natfufuctory iiinunor wm kamhay acton tuly 4 tli 1w7 j silvekcilebk kilns mr hitake r t is burning lhno at tlio kiln nf tho lato mr mur ray on tlio sovuntli lino aiid la iimparod to aupiily bulldora liiiaoton and tcorgutown and tlio far mers of ilalton and wollliigtoii with llmo at 11 couta por bushel at tlm kllna on a good road onlora proiuptly attended to addruxa himkli ooorgotownl o group i clrotip h water tiulil m0106 pat mil 1730 solldanthur tluin at sliea 9117 t tnl hnlitlr u a in tjiksukrog ate c0uiit of the cou o haltoy in tho mattor of tbo guardianship of tlie infant ohildroa of tjioaaa lamo doseaaod notkjk ih ii kit iu1y given that oftr twunty tlava frmu tliu ullientlon of thla notice application will b nmilu by khra lsinb to tho hurrocato court of tho toimty of haltn to lie uppolnud uiiaruaii of catherine laml ami margaret lninli two of tho infant chlldron nf tho said tlmuiua lamb clocenxed lato of tho towiihhiii of katiuosln farinor johnston mcliban kolleltoni fur aniilluaiit dated at aetqn juno udth 1887 in the surrogate court op the county of halton la tbo kattor of tho uardlansaip of tho infant cmldron of thomas laiao sbsoassa compatlve worth op baking powm wedding pre9 bsfti an old settler of erin township takes this means to end his life here is evidence of a very even conditiion of everything with a small difference ill favor of richness of oiilk from group ji tho daily rations per cow for experi mentation wore a 40 lbs turnips 1 lbs hay from p pas ture and a its braii bi0 lbs turnip is lbs hay of timolliy nnd clover and h lbs bran tlio hay from permanent losturo as made up largely of meadow fescue per m- llial rye and some i ol and alsiko clovrrs and tho other hay of about equal quautif ics of timothy and red clover group i on ration a gave a daily milk- ing of 3fifi 11 and on ration b of lbs with the followingaiinlysis solids oilier totiu watcr fnt umu frt nlirls a ki271 lll- pw m72i ii rj 477 bjtil 11lki the cows of group t therefore slighily increased iu the ijuolity of their milk from ia twenty dayh from tlio putilicatiun of this uoilca shcatiii will tie made by jliehtfol lamb of tlio totvnahiii ot ksqiienhfi vannur to tho hiirroiiato court of tho comity of ilalton to lie sikilutnl gunnlian of marj bninli ono of the infant children of tlm late thomas lamb luccaxnd lato of tlio towilhllip of ksijlleiillg fanuor johnston ct jhlkan sohcltorn for amlicnut dated at acton june sstel lt7 james stibt0n lds dentist touclle block opposite pott office oueph vitalized air painless extraction cf teeth trtincial tcetl kuarauled jierfect in appear- nee fit and ino line uid work njtceialty am fiiwriiiions strictly limtdam aijointunlitk ian1tly itttcr- village property most be twentyfive before he can vote at a recent meeting of the kentucky distillers association at loqisriue it was resolved that all the distilleries in the state on friday morning last mr neil mc- bhail aged between 00 aiid 70 years a well known settler of erin townshipfbr over 10 years and who resides about a milo from evertou died from the effects of a self- imposed dose of paris green the old man was in his dotage and whether ho took the j ing of 355 lbs and on ration a of sr7 isotlie kpjyjiae poison accidentally or intentionally is not with the following analysis positively known ho left the bay field kollds other totel about lcven oclock- on thursday and jj walked jlowards tlic swamp he was miss- a hijiji cd at dipner time and a search was made group it therefore more distinctly in forhini he was found between ono nnd creased in the quality of their milk whm two oclock in the afternoon hnd walked changed from 11 to a ration as much tib afterwards became sick and a acton and 3pey5ide for sale a to is ration but yet nothing so marl ed j as to override the usual coming and going i ry undhhsknki iff for enlc liotno of auv cow under uuifoniicoiiditious j l luln strict actjmoii wlildi iacroctod a coninindliuis dwelling drivlii innse nul stable group h oil ration ujjavo a daily milk- j smill onlnnl cistorn 6c very arairablo ios cfce proirty audllftv aeiv bdjoiiini 12 acres of urelinnl on vliicli are erected a filstclar lwdlini and stvnioweufcc a kowi ojienin for a iirniittle tocerv i nil urticuliirfl upon npiilitatioii 1orsifislou pvoii is of october or miveuilier as ilesired torhiseesy aiiil ut fkki ritkmfooiue acton fat ilrj 1171 linii fnt 9h2 ioliilrt wjto 1j78 ajjlll i is i home die afterwards became sick and a twelve por cent or say onefourth of phvsiciitn was scut for who used every effort i lound of butter to the hundred of milk ow money to pay onehalf by- the munici- j to t tuj cfftcts of tlle poinbut i have not yet obuibedthq exact feeding without avail since lost fall mcphail has i vrlue of cither of those rations because two irandred iectoiin towns or a hull- cxed m villages o townships are given labmit bylaws for the construction i raterworks of the qiakklts axdtkohibrnov tho following extract is from the pro ceedings of the yearly meeting of the society of friends held at pickering ont june 21th or to tf j0yai alolutlr pur obarrfllalumpownr btjmfonils wifiih llujtokds wheufreid belhbws cllaflji alum powder amazon aliirapoirdcr cibvklasdsishottwijos pioneer san franc lco cz aft 4 db ibicsvi show plaiewroirs lewis pearl andreirsoi co ilwkeuaiit ajews4tf moiriikfijitaialgtjmbia bulk ronifr told lonu 53 i bliaiolt rsp0rt3 07 government chemists astopuivtyaud wholcsoaiencss of tho koyal baking- powder i have toted a pnckifjn of rciyal jlnkluar powder which i purchasedta the open market nnd fliil h eniipocdof ptirortidtfboi5onuinncdlento itfsacream of inrinr powder of a high iifrce of morit and iocs not contain cltler alnm or phosplmles or olher iuiiirlointubslancei e q love phj it u a oclcnliflc fact that ho koyal bakins powder is nbwlutely pure u a mott phd rhfivo examined n pnetnro of fiovl making powder pnrelinsid by myself la the murket i infill euily fs from alum terra nlba or nny other injurious snb- rlanco ubniv loiiruv ijd lfcsldont of bteycrw inslituto of technology i have ni ilyzed a packng j of ttoyal baking powder ths material orwhleh it is composed uro piuc nhd wholesome b bixa hateo stato assaycr mass tho royal haklutr powder received tub lilsbcst award over all eompcfltors ct the vienna worlds kxpoiillnu 18t3 nt the cnlennlal philadelphia lsifl at ho amiriconinstltiite kijv york and at state fairs throughout he conuttv no other nrl iclo nf lmnirn food haj ever received such hgh emphatic and unl- twaal endorseiiieut from eminent chemists physician sckntlstf nnd boards or health all over the torld note the above diagram lllristratesfhe cbnrparr1470 worth of various baking powders as shown by chemical analysis andcxpcrimcns madp by prof beliedjcr a pound can of each pomlcr was taken tho totol icrvcnfas power or volume in each can calculated tfco result being as indicated this practical test for worth by prol 8chedler only proves whet every observant consumer of the iloyal caklog poirder knovrs by practical cxncrlcneo that whflo ft costs a low cents per pound moro than ordinary kinds it h fur moro economical nnd betide aftartt tho advant age of better work a single tlil of tho iloyal baking powder will convince any xalr minded person f these facts whlto i he diagram fhoirs some ot fho alnm powders to bn of a higher ripso of strenirth than iilhor posders rmiknd below them it is not h bn ticii as lndlcat- log that they liiive any value all alum powders no matter how high their strength sre to be avoided as dangerous extra fine english paris green t- garvifs drug stationery store aotoh hi hlb w a clail the jeweller cue has just received abothcr large ax of silverware suitable for wedding pri to any person fiom acton or inter ate stations buying- 9500 worth ob ovefi at my store i wil pay their fare toj from guelph r giving personal and proijintattentioc watch repairing am bound to give faction or mbncj refunded y remember th place w a clark jewel 26 lower vyndham st qtuaph m pablib sch straf tcntivj if sil pew bj to couati the wfanzlb lamp 50 oijdle iowbb xv 2 wanzcr ft co liaauf a jamicsconily pm sikytiitlu p o- judicial notice to creditors 1lilsiant to r jiiilgmciit of the chniicery llivuion of th- ililh curt of justice mode been ill but it was never thought his mal- authorities givelay as mle up of certain ft nctjin f y y adv would effect his mental faculties tlio grasses but taking both as ctjual to tie crwlitomilncliidiiigtliaao having any spoellic or t i i t ii i general hon or incumbrance liiiin tlio estate or funeral took place on monday and was i mean of meadow nnd timothy and clovejr iimliviiiiiisimrotliercorioftiinuiahuibbeua largely attcmled ascirnilkbkikiikil their average nutritive ratio is about 15 s vomayconsciucntly anticipate that a will be somewhat higher but not niucli i toiidnto jnly 0 within the central prison was enacted one of the scenes that should carry with it its own lesson grc- lisli the mau convicted at the recent assizes for attempting to assault little school girls aud sentenced to two months and fifty should stop work on the first day of july 3me mu ma remain closed for one year tbe i 1 j the rtsults ariidr6hi the traffic in and iimj reason given for this action was that it intoxication liquors lvo received tlio iitycr- wont pay to manufacture whiskey bow j jj consideratiofl of this meeting because the supply is so much greater j i as than the demand that prices are almost h nominal the annual productof whiskev f he provcrty crime and premature death k teat attend it and we are united in recording in kentockv is frdm 18000000 to 20000- j rjadgment that tlie ixist interest of canada occasionally howling or appealing to the 000 gallons a year demand ihwrnnpresion doctor at the cud of tho twentvfive his the union of tbe dominion and indus- jnzott ss imck varie iu0 battne skin of friends in tbe dominion of canada that the wag nqt broken and l0 was led mon to his cell a fortnight before tbo expiration lashes by judge ltose received tbe first in stalmcnt of the cat in the presence of tho condition of tho milk ns influenced lovers of the cause of god aud humanity j officials a section of tho prisoners and the isrenlly by these foods deeijy dciore the manifest evils of this j reporters irelish howled at the flrsuash solids other r m atit rat tliiili ist and winced at everv subsennent 6troko ntion ajujhs avi joi i llatloii hh6l 44hi vill late id the ioriifihii of esuctdiiii iu the couuty ot hrunil kiimier vno aiod in or about tlio mouth el 5uv 1 ani or before the twoutk cth dav ol jiilv 17 to semi by ioht ikiald to messrs iillirie v wit ifolieitors ciueljih oieir we have therefore been handling foods n- wiau and surnaines address mid descrli- f lion hie fullpai tlrulaik of their claims a htate- kind and proportions of- more than ornih- mint of their aeeouuuamt the uaturo of tlieir j i sfcurtci lif aim held bv them or in dufault ary imiortniice na usually estimated in tl v vi jkriiliiptorily rxolndud from practice as evidenced both bv their chenji- fbu bmniii of tiie aii jndguwut kvury cmiiior holilillgiiiiyuiilliltvlstoliroluco tliusame be- cal standing and evidently also from win it j fore no ut my chambers in tho litv of iuelph ihn mwa havo innt ieimiiied to hh vjr i ho twililvthird day of july 1w at ten u1c cows liac lltjei01icl to us tner- f boiii the time appointed fo all the cliimgcswc now obtain tho followii g i adjudienuin on iho clamtn h dated uictsiddnv of juno w7 and the uillk rklnee stands thus for total solids wcvj li71 hholo poiirie siguedl amjmckixxoxi local master at uuolph ailh 7 j village of acton i trial exhibitions ihis year at toronto will j dominion governinenti may at an early date have the result of producing probably the pfaee on statute a lair iirohibiting tho tnaoufac- finest exhibition that hasyet taken place i tart hnnortatiou ani kale of spirituous and of bis term he will receive the other twenty- y nialtlinuors exceirt for incdiclnal aud uiechan- fivn in canada an unusually large number of njl jfation a ilntloll i 1041 ii orsl lhtlbs jkrcron i iiv or r zcj lls iktron j ioal purposes entries is already assured and although j fbo clerk i directed to resiwctfnliy inform over 830000 has been expended in buildings them of our mind on this snbjcct by forwarding j every inch of space will be occupied with ajconyof this minute to the goveruorfieneral exhibits the attendance promises to bo immense bail way rates have been secured j thk mauaiia falls iaiik group i entered with an nvcragc co weight nf 117 mid closed at 1222 lbs group n began with 1150 mid closed wit ii 11 m- lbs niuimi falls ont july lltliere is a good deal of grumbling anent thoroothodb of jiroccdure in completing the new inter- aiid houses of iarliauunt of the dominion of canaija thus one by ono all the religions denom- at a lower figure than heretofore a i national park and it looks us if the work illations of tbe dominion are nobly making single fare for the double journey at any t i i ii l i i their uncompromising deliverances iu favor time during the exhibition will be obtain- i i of the tofcl suppression of the liquor able the special attractions are adver- j tiaed as ahead of anything heretofore thus per cow 512 llw bniu i 612 klbb hv 10 2if lbs tnfnlpn taxes for 1387 eatefayee3 thp cost of production mat bo placed a hereby uotillud that the first iiisbijinvut ml nf taxes for ihctuiivct year v111 fall duo nq iir row i wot lhp 85 one of the minor incidents of qaeen victorias jubilee celebration in great lbritain is a new coinage as england irelapd and scotland are all represented by their arms on several british coins the people of wales were in hopes that they might find their existence remanbered i tiip itirp jnf apiilpk will hardly be completed before next sum mer tolls are hill collected on the river bank road and streets islands are still j writing to one of our local apple buyers a prominent- english commission firm says we are now in possession of the reports of the apple crop iu various countries and closed the idea of removing the museum to the american side meets with strong disapproval as it lias always been one of tho main attractions on the canadian side killii ox tiik i t it- but there is nothing on the new coins fe it appears that heavyjerops are anticipated indicate that wales is a part of the nation everywhere on the continent and in eng for the past half century thceffigy of qaeen victoria on the coin of tho realm has represented a maiden of abouteighteefi bonrmers her majesty however has had a new die prepared for all her coins and in the effigy the qneen appears- crowned land wc expect that in consequence of tljcso large crops prices will rule from 35 making the 1135 pounds of milk per cow equal to 1 cent per lb or nearly 2 cents per quart wc arc now iu a icsitni to sum up anil ask vhftt may be earned fiomihose facts tho prominent feature of tins paperimcn is the uniformity in every respect of tbi milk from four oows during mid- wintcrl upon food differing only to uome extent in tho quality of the hay allowed hence we may ask if dry fotliur hw much to do with any changes iu cow economy whoii giving njilk while sho also gels abu-go- proportioij while charles boehrocr was jumping off no 1 fast express at petersburg on sunday morning he was thrown under tho wheels and had both legs taken off he had been j of such bticciilpnf and nutritious things ai up west somewhere and as that station is j roots and bran i i a flacfornoli it not being timed to stop another indication of some inipoitanpeii topper cent lower than last year and t m fc f t u a would lnerefore m onr opinion be- a i i j a i mi 1m jai1 uu itiiitti lint ntiri tvlionr limn if v u hazardoca speculation to boy apples at last 1 was iu motion and met bis death ciope tiiinlpa hay and wheat liraii mixture of 10 15 and klbof thcscrrcspect a young man naincdir h lefler from ivcly per head per day cows wero not only got i enabled to keep up tho full ftow and ijueilit years pixes we think it is a wrong time and veiled wearing the ribbon and star of fo buying american or canadian apples dml a brakesman on the gtit the garter and of the victoria and albert j wb thre a ieav cro n enland and ons of his ct caufiht j a tro guelph of their milk hut to uphold condition until otdr fre tfeel under the circumstances disin- i m i i i i atttet j on tuesday night ana was run over and j about ono month of next calving the prohibitionists of manitoba have retalt z sero ub y crushed so badly that ho died abou an wwjo w did not necessarily work for a determined upon a vigorous fight for local i 1 j i h0ur a tle pfotectcd rail- illcl or oven the malptenaneo of dairy w option in every county in the province tbe campaignsrill be conducted under the provincial license act which provides that on petition of twentyfive per cent of the householders in jiny municipality a vote shall be taken as to whether or not licenses shah coutinue to be issued in tho case of a vote in the affirmative the penalty for selling without a license w lor the first offence 250 or five times as great as for the offence under tjie kcott act and for the secodd offence 500 again five times as greatas the penalty under the scott act some years ago a general scott act cam paign in manitoba vias resolved- npop but action wais blocked by the discovery of the fact that he counties marked out by the provincial government would not bo rev cognised by the federal authorities av the pi3licschooi systkm there is mnch to be said in favor of the following statement the proper business of a school system for whose support the whole community is taxed is to give simple and rndimrjutury instruction only such instruction as is re quired by the great majority of boys and gir of the town whatever goes beyond thiiis not for the general benefit bat for t lie benefit of the proportionately small number who can continue their training during the years required for tho superior stnoies it is well that it should be given but- it is not a logical necessity pf a school system for which everybody is axed i found dead at orangeville eonnties in the mining of the gwdj- fj jnly 9b thompson lato temperance act the new plan bfcamf upaign will be pushed forward with the greatest vigor it is believed that prohibii tion sentiment in manitoba is exceptionally strong and and that the result of thegeteri al vote will be- to leave very few whiskey counties in tbe province way frog continues to get in its deadly i products with cows so long nfter calving it work i is clearly a point of veiy considerable im j prtanoe to note how easy comparilivcly amoiigalllho rich and costly presents j without ginin proper it 1ms been to get which queen victoria has rcceivedin honor m n w we cannot overrate the of her completed halfcenturyrit may be j bignlficanco of this fact asngniiibttliomaiiy doubted hothcjrany has toncbed her 0xftm of special cow rccorda with so moro deeply than tho ajrrrple gift of two muo and so many kinds of grain in tluad oil the 15th day of auclist next and if tlie iiid kiist iirtahiient bo nit paid oil or before tliu said ith tlay auiist ten n r cent will be added thereon in aclnrdanco with a dvt law passed by the city council do not put oit payment to he lajst day attcutiou is called to the following wjjcll iiinklnr payment present ti hill tihuinica must lv marsca fioml all taxes ullstfu0 paid at tlie clerks olhco slain slrtet liv order j k motiajtvlx clerk o treasurer judicial sale oi a- valuable fa em in tub- township of esquesing summer underclothing balbnggan merino and fine cashmere shirts and drawers jo qiinincjjko globe xo siaobc s6c positively sonexplosive never gels bei y ed burns aiijgrado of coal oil kvcrylaini guaranteed viihontuiltrfts wilhthe light can put on knrscry ettftctni heal crater boh cgs make tea aud coffecq aleiv etc l gmatthews knii cunt rca actov avn ntlkitt vi the key to health unlocks all tho elegsed avenues of bowels kidneys aiicl xivrer cat ingoff gradaaliy yrithout weaiening system all the impuritiea and l humors of the sdcretions nt the baicte timo correctirig ael3ity oftts stomach curing 3iliousrie38 x popsla heaci3ehes dizzinl heartbnm cohrtination diync of tie skii tvosy dimiesa vision jatradico salt ehenrij ysipsla soijdmln fluttetixtga the heart jtctrousness and geni eral debilif 34 3g 38 40 42 and 44 chest measure- j kxtka value in merino ubfderclothiirgv l at 125 per suit shaw grundy- merchant tailors guelph wooii 1stggl r -o- eggs from a poor irish womaii sent by tho hand of a bishop trav jler for mckesson abobbins chemists nes york was found dead here last wed nesi ay from some cause unknowp the bod posi dayi live ion he must have died at least four before being found his relatives all b ireland it allot an uncommon occurence for a minister to be presented with a iqrseon leaving a circuit for a new field flf labor but last week rev ek young oimcaford had bis coat which hung in the- ball rifled of a purse of 21 the ontario governinerit have appointed th6 eidest m of ijip lftfe bheriff iaxtou as sheriff of ontario county thp young man is well spoken of compfltjtiye times if it shall bo baid that two gallons of millt per day wl lft ntjr when it cdkts about 0 ceiits and retails at 84 we have yet to learn whoro tho pivh goes fte no creditable argument to y that tliisquanrity of milk is equal to summer average ot ti ontario but it djioa indicate how muoh cbnldbd dono in winter even with the prosout class ofcattlo tint are timed forsnmrner use our farmerp thon need hot think of winter dairying as a system demanding of ppcojisjty much grain and upon this really valbitte qaegtifli i- gba iiayg pleasure in submitting at an early day plitsuant to tlio judgment pf tbo chancery division or tlio hih court of juatico inado j in tho action of qihbcus vb tlihbeun aud hear- inc dato tho killtoouth day of my 1ss7 tliero will bo aold with tlio niirouation ol a m mc- kinnon ksquire local master of the supreme court of judloaturoat tielph l- wlluain hom- streot auctioneer at aguows hotel iu tho villafo of acton at tho hour of twelve oclock noon ou kriday tlio flftocuth day of july lbo7 tho fpllowiiijlrndhainliueiiiihoghionoiiarctfl tho aouth vost quarter ol lot uuuiber hi iu tho soconu concession of ihu toimlilp of isbniies lug in the county of hallqiicptjtaiiii ifty auros more or lens of which 17 acres aro cleared and in a good statu of cultivation and weli fenciw tho remainder belli wooded tho nob is a olay loam there ia uu orchard of about two aercb ou tho promifiem iwul ktooikeil with fruit trees there aro on tho promises a lo house roo i bail bflni about 5u x 18 will stables undorueal i and other out bnildhigh and iiijiooil well th farm is situated about iwo inluis from aetou tho property will bo offered for sale subject to a reserved bbl which hoa 110011 tied hv tuu ftkuim okbaije the putehasur shall pay nt bo timo m anlo to the vendors solicitors ton pccout of his pur chase mono aud thojbalancotbercof into court tptho credit of this notion within ono month thereafter thevoudorbhnllonlybii houiirt to prodlcp a jibkstiaii abstiict ai audi f itlodcoda na nil niayliiwiuhlspomomlon i jjrturtlidr pffrrlcularajiihily to ilosbrs otithrlo watt venaorstjolloitrs giieliih john liosldn qct toronto or alossri coffoo plold wi88lers61ioltoriiruolph dateilrthtojiltositt day of une i8w s0d a mejinnon local nastub i i itqmjuii it is said by the now york tribune that fuin an advand zmoydjoz relative however distanv of the poefi miiient ooiadetea aitlwelhi asfl mr ut bsff living j foregoing bcotciiknglisn and oanoitp foitipq ii snhscribefor the ttikt tiiebs only i inreat variety at j fyfeu actoni a year j fc ajietnadlaiinctjio oaiiloiuids front street riiat ioioiloj lictuii the moateatmo8r coiiiplatcand jloat helling omliotacuacein aiuorloa henusj couta forsauipleaofuexo i lnlsheil jn kino llumi particulars sent whin umpsareeuooedforjoply we the imklorsincd hereby aimoiincc tfiat wc riill again buy all tlic wool nucivil nt our mills for whiclrtlie highpst price iu cash or in exchange for coods i we have u large aud well pssorted strjpk of blankets tweeds flannels stodkiag 7aras kaitted goiois etc etc in great vnrety scleoud expressly to supply tlie requireraonts ot the farmers r inil thess and manjr other nimirr cobplaints yield to tiej happy in of bdedooei buiodbtirma t teasrss crc tcrsat ii the picture burnt out galfery gusty waters bros whpweue monday w havf leinik3iarilv removed to nelles old stand where they ro preparing to fc i sacrifice thir- tremendoas siiock m webster in various styles or induig with ana without patent in dei 2ii has 118000 wojaiid i e more word aijd ner- iy20oo more engratines than found m any other american diationiuy 30oo erigtarlbbb- 3000 more word i s than found ton it also contains a juo- giving brief soted persons fto thbs graphical dictionary girinybrief facto don- cemjng nearly 10000 aoti roll jcjardiiig spinning weaving at i fact all kinds of custom work dono in our usual prompt aud satisfactory manner mmehouse furniture furniture -foi- cottage -or- gastle price which aston ish you runerals fully supplied wih everything necessary iu this department features we have jtjst addia is8s a ottw fttosfo gazetteer woe containing over 35000 titlei briefly describing tho conhtrio cities tonnit orid nalnral feat of every ptrt of the globo 1 tfebsteh is the 8taqabd authority wkh the vi supreme coiirt and tu tho govt printing office ami ii reoomweaded by the slate supts of schools in 36 smtesiand by the loading college presidents of tho uajted st nnd canad i the london rmes eays jtisthebestllhe eonary of tho language f the quarterly berlewr londo itj fatliebspractioaipictiottiryexouit l jha calcutta tlrrjhghniap says it iaija most perfect worlf of the kind 1 i jpfi tm twat canada aaysi its piadpf 7 la in therery highest rank t the seryo whwiesaysiitlsroeocntied 1hl as tho most useful existing trottlbook of tho ensush language all over ihpwcrfcl 3 it is an uivaluawo companion in etery school and at overy fireside speciinen pages and testimonials sent prepaid oh appccatsia g 0 uebbia3i co pnbuhers sprinsfleld arabsxjsi- bjuousness dizziness dyspepsia indigestion jaundice hea headathe dropsy tluttering h 4 of the heart acidity of j thesmik4 dryness oftheskhv donol front i mises this i like forjg ually -thip- the 1 as th ripej hiyel of tltl kick i eanj hbrul ianr evyry species of disease aasfne- 5ldtmenjf livett sujwby stomc8sbowjsls ohbloqd tmmtm kroprieta boh40i 4v km

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