Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 21, 1887, p. 2

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5pppkr 1 bojut iat aww inni the nf xvluto drufflft o ion mhm1himmwm itaittyay hi disaster ralhrt aorfcmt to y fbmtonliu j thtjbsday joiiyai lf g tok whkaf mtvatiox tharcoeht couapte of the speculative wheal market in mcago has noeessarity disquieted the natnc trading in tlipbtapltr cereal and lias cal a rood deal of discredit opera it the real strength of tlio situation it however becomipk more apparent m tho bcare passes away and is iutensitkd by the groat decrease in the visible bvjpply daring tho past week tho decrease reach ed the criormona figures of very nearly fojur and a quarter million bushels or mora than 10 per cent of the whole a larger figoro than his ever been known the stocks of fionr on this side are wry small aud a good deal of the wheat has cone into millers hands crorr prospects on the wjhole ap pear to be favorable tho probabilities seem to be that while there will be a good demand for will also be i 1 c 8pros8 the traok to lare aud that we shall be blessed wth that l his eneiho and sound on brakes j tkx kupp anty 18 woksilrrt st tbtolvij july 10 ono of j the mbrt apjudling caumtrophet that ever occurred in panada took plaoa hew last evening the facta el the oaae appear to be about aa folowson friday morning about 400 exttirsionfste belonging to tlo talbot btfoet baptist chttroh left iioudon for rctt stanley they were jolirtod at st tljomiu by about m many mowj mid tlio wllolo merry throng enjoyed themmlvea all dar long on fruert height shortly af er 0 oclock tho- flrtt excursion traiu tu rted back the cue were all crowded ni xt tho engine wm a freight oar used for ba wage parpotes and after that came all pa tenser coacbee tho london port st mley railway track crosses tho michigan c ntral at right angles almost in thoccntre of st thomas boforo reaching this cross- in there isa alight curve and as tho train ro indod this thejenginoer observed a miehi fee index of good times clieap bread the hirh position taken by manitoba wheat in tlie markets is a cinse of pride and thank fulness especially as the production of our northwest is increasing so raputly-r-mon- treal sdir s notks an comments the muimum deposit allowed by aiiy one person in the government savingb 1anks ha been reduced from sl0tktos300 antiprohibitionists are cursing atlanta until the sir is blue becauso they cannot get drinksthere and yet they say prohibit ion docs not prohibit new orleans pic- aihue the dominion government is consider ing the advisability of sending a commis sioner to japan alii china to report on the best method ofprbtrotiiig canadian trade in those coat tries an extra edition of the canada gazette containing the official- notice of the dis- allowance w the ked valley railway act and the tublic works act of manitoba was issued ou saturday a royal proclamation has leeu- made ex tending pardon to all soldiers who may have deserted the british land servico of her majesty- it is the clesiro of thd queen to mark by this act of clemency the jubilee year of her reign sir stevenson blackwood permanent sec retary of the london postosccdeparttnent sails oh august 30th for a lour through canada which will extend to the pacific coast the visit though unofficial will have an important bearing on the question of granting a subsidy for the pacific mail service the officers of the immigration depart ment are highly gratified with the move ment of european immigrants to manitoba and the northwest territories the num ber entering is not only tar in excess of last years returns for a similar period but the class of settlers is immeasurably superior as a whole to any influx of years gone by the governmeoi milk inspectors in canada are now engaged in obtaining samples of rnilfc delivered in all cities of the i dominion and forwarding tbem to ottawa for inspection by the anilyists of the de partment of inland revenue the object of this inspection is to fix if possible a standard for the milk deliverediin the var ious districts and cities j 1 t r another serious and fatal railway smash- up was reported on tuesday from myijtle on the line of the grand trunk railway some miks cast of toronto all tlie legis lation introduced bv private members dur ing the last session of parliament with the view of malcing belter provision for the safety of passengers and employees on raiu way trains was crowdedout it is stated in winnipeg with regard to the alleged threat of the lominiongpvern- ment to refuse customs facilities to the bed river valley railway that as such ap plication must come from the northern pacific the government would not dareto refuse it for fear of incurring the danger of corresponding privileges to cauadianrail way sbeing withdrawn by the united states the uses of electricity arc coctiunally multiplying and in directions which would hardly be thought of experiments have been made in extracting the saccharine matter from tlie saga cane by electricity and a battery has just been made by order of the tj s government for this purpose theprocess is said to be muchnnire effect ive than the old roller method as it is claimed that b3 per cent of sugar can be obtained by electricity against only 20 per cent by crushing there has been considerable excitement in port hope during the week cm account of the railway authorities demolishing the rouudhouse there port hope claims that she called the midland railway into exist ence and has oarried heavy burdens and is still carrying or account of this railway the demolition of this valnable and beau tiful property is regarded as an act of vandalism without any peenniary advan tage to the railway and still the munici- cipalities throughout the province will con- tinue to bonus railways and itinerant manufacturers wis the work of an instant but thiheavy tn in failed to answer to tho brako wid ro ihed on io its destruction tlio brave en ineer never left his post for an instant an i his braised and burnt body was re- co rered from the wreck some hours later the first car following tho ougino and fil ed with baggage was smashed up and th passenger coach nest that was over- tu ned and damaged fortunately nono of tho others left tho rails and tho people in them clambered out through windows an 1 doors caring little for property and th nking only of safety the overturned ca however pas jammed with people an 1 ogress was exceedingly difficult al m st instantly too the wrecked portion of th train was enveloped in frightful flames ai oil car had been smashed and the oil jru ming ont in all directions caught fire fn m the broken engine in less than two eeotds after the crash the broken cars were burning and those who wre not foi t una to enough to scramble out at first ra t a fiery fate the streets of st thomas wt ro thronged at the time of the accident an 1 hundreds of willing people rushed for- wf rd to help by main human strength th i coaches which had not been derailed wc re pushed away from the fire and saved tl en those present turned their attention to ards extinguishing tlie firei and made coi isiderable headway against it in a very sh rt time 3y this time some twelve or fifteen min- ut s had elapsed and an immense throng ba 1 gathered besides tho excursionists on thi train hundreds of st thomas people ha lcongregated the oil ear next to tho on i that was destroyed stood in close proi- im ty to the fire and those who noticed thi 3 cautiously kept away many how- evi r paid no attention to this and were clc se by when with a roar the tank ex- pic ded and a frightful cloud of fiery spray en eloped the heavens for a hundred yards an and those near by were knocked do rn and badly burued and one man was kil ed scores of pnoplo were burned by thi falling oil tome severely and some only slihtly as the cloud of firo flew hcaven- wa rd tbo immense multitude around made a f irious stampede men and women ran as f for dear life thinking they were going to burned up women and children were knocked down and trampled on and in many cases badly hurt the scene for a f w seconds was a wild ono then the cloid of fine dropped and went down le iplc stopped to look and came hack and tht injured were helped np almost im- me liately however there was another alarm the burning oil fell on the sur- roi nding buildings and in a few seconds fla nes shot up in two or three places at oiiic it was impossible to check them anc bnildiug after building was burned thi st thomas fire brigade and many willing hands did what they could and succeeded in the end in checking the flames bul not until four or five buildings had b a destroyed i t tnosiis july 18 besides the ten pet sons whose lives were lost by the acci- dei t it is now ascertained that from 150 to 200 persons were injured by the explosion 1 th physician and apothecaries offices are crowded with patients and many per- j sod 3 on the streets have their heads necks hands bandaged the extreme hot ther of yesterday tended to increase agony of those suffering from wounds the cool weather of today is a blessed tjqcftoobxkvhr j the novr methodist parsoimgo of tlilb oinatij on harris street now completed is a very mat and oommodiousbulldtiig ell btout and jariiot harris who llmve been ill for i ome tlmo with typhoid tovor art now boli avod to be improving j the ltookvood base ball club wasdtfoat- od yesterday in forgo by a tpore of eigh teen to uluo by tho forgun team our boya are oouttdent tlioy can win nexttirao ltookwood is not without somo iuteroat- ing episodes about two weeks ago ono of our village maidens loft home aud hid in tho woods for nearly a week and was re claimed only after considerable troublo audjuow nearly a column of sensational reading matter is dovptcd iu mondays avhiiii nan toronto to tho history of a uto citizen a rather interesting coromony tookplaco at eden mills on friday last being tho occasion of tho laying of tho comor btpno of a now presbyterian church by tho pastor tho rev p btraolmu tho prayer of dedication was nindo by tho ilov dr torrauce tiuelph aud short and appro priate addresses wero delivered by tholtev messrs mckinley innerkip beattie quclph farrles ottawa wallaoo george town and others a collection amounting to 9175 was takeu up when tho large gathering adjourucdto mr argoa grove where- ft bountiful repast was spread by tlio ladies and sweet musio discoursed by tlio cl9ir onmm kjiejkislh iuntixg kvklkiltkkns to theeilltor of tho iiikk pimbk sin while it is gratifying to notice that in many parts of ontarionumerous oxtensivo linos of nrnplo trees nro being planted along fences aud roads it is to bo regretted that evergreens are not more ex tensively used instead as those would give shelter from cold wind in winter and early bpnug when maples give vory littlo io ono or two townships however i find at tention has been turned in this direction and many beautiful linos of pine norway spruce and cedar havo been set along tho north aud west of the farms though the first week in jane is thought to be the best time for planting tlicso yet if tliero be some wet days iu the first week in august they might be taken advantages of for this purpose as ovegrcens will transplant then it is well to rcmeniber that their roots must be kept covered while in truwt a days labor will plant a great number of trees yours etc 11 wzpiiiivb toronto july 15th 1887 j rowd ay vrtji not bo allowed to te i liifj ltttdkkx j oluiioitvttu july- 4 this mornijig iv number of the sturdy yoomaury of mono iimaranth and kant i uthor who had bcoi worn4n byl4rgray iiolioo magistrate ni special constables urr vod at mi early lion and procoeded to nrrei t tlio tnvornkabpoi acousod of oasaulfiug coustablo hull oi monday ovoiiing th iy vorb stoutly arm ed and tvalkod around with an air which moant businoss the first arrcht was miulo when benncttj tho firs i nsbailnnt of hnll was walking down to tho pttialoy lunibo ho was requested byo 10 of tho ooiihtivlilcb to oorao up immediate y to tho courtholmo on urgont busincsu 3n his refjisal tiiid resistance special co ititablo ileid ijtiickly doubled him up wl en llonnott hmm you need no handcuffs i will jo another batch headoci by gordon of grand valley treated mr irving iii much kho same manner but du fy tho third party is said to havo crept through the cellar door and could not be found though a thor ough search was mad i iiomiett was cbm- lnittod to tlio yaol here w three months and irving wab toloa led till saturday on bail order is now v stored und tho buck- boae of jesistaiico to ho enforcement of the bcott act is consider d broken oiaxnkvlmk july 15 kffofts oio leing rhode tonlay by tho liquor party he by mayor henry to 1 iavo bennett whe iniprispned yestordnyl for assaulting 1 pfil vijl aud cxcitcmont stable ilalh liberated high tho trial was admittedly fair the punishment lenient by bringing political i tho minister of justic4 white to haj tho ded was jon- nils and tho only hope is iiflucnoo to boar on through honj tlios aw set aside j the that halls jriendb 1 are influential conscrv itives in moi4 lit uii 4i i i 1u ny initltyolllntcritolloa driok at klui iruvd llrfak yards lot 18 hnl line himt liliilukouimyiioar mount pleasant lliiok do- uvcrod on tlio train or in anton haniilu hrluk on exhibition at tlio vmtr pnkss offlbo aetotii john a maktin louh jnunptoiii jluy 15th 1hb7 cash fokhitosj tub undkilhirinhd ih bliyllli hides calf nud slkitiii hldiii attliu best lharkot nrlees for cashat mourua coidovnu talnjory acton robes- itoboa of all klinlx tanucd to onlor in tlio most flatfsfactory inaunor wm 1iam8ay acton july 4th iwf silvkikutkek ktln8 mr h lake in lutrninir limn ut tlio kiln uf tho lato ijr mur- rav nu uiu hiivvutli lino mill in inupariu to hiilijily buiiiloih hi acton mill liorftotown nnij tlio fnr- mora of hnlton and vol1iiiftoii with lhno at 14 con par iuikikii at tlio hllim on a kood road ordors liroiuptly atttuuhvl to address h lakk ooorgotown p o in th e su1uiog ate court op the ooumtv op halton it tho ilattsr of tho guardiasjiiprof tho infant olilldrea of thomas lamb doeoased ajotit jlt two ck ih uk ii buy iivkn tlat after outy dnyb from tlio publication o uiin uotlooniiiilicatlou will bo mailu by eliza lamb to flicburrokftto court of tbo county of hnlton to bo appointed piiirdlsn of cathoritie lamb linil maixarot lamb tup of tlio infant children of tho mid thomas lrmli dovoasod late of tlio townuhip of kmiuoblug lariuor johnston t mclbax hollcltorn for applicant dntcd at acton junoth 1887 declare that if such aul outrno is cominit- wlirre the jliillters are lion premier mowat is on liili seas en route to kugland hon t b pardee i lyior ill athis homo m sarnia as senior member of the cab inet mr pardee if bis health permits should be acting us premier durimj mr mowats absence hon a s hardy provincial secretary left tho city yesterday morning for old orchard beach he will travel from ijcin- ston to montreal by boat he will callon hon premier mcrcier during his stay in montreal hon cf frascr miuistcr of public works is sojourning quietly at his home in breezy brockville hon am lloss provincial treasurer spends his tinio between toronto and godcrich hon g w lloss minister of education is recovering from his rheumatism ond is always on deck declare mat n sucu unioutiiigo is comini tod mr wlnto will bo loiitigncd to politi cal oblivion great credit is given to tho newly appointed police magistrate for iho ability displayed and tlio temperance uttd law abiding citimiis ard jubilant oiivsiikviile july lgi today has boon an exciting ono inpraiilcvillc tho occasibn bciufi the trial xil john irving and james duffy for assiultin constihlo hall while i bcrviiif a process for violation of the scott act they were tried ut tho courthouse before police magistrate wicy a large audienco being prewnfc both f pleaded guilty and they were fined 20 and costs and bound over to kvei tlio peace- for one year bennett renmiiib expiration of hit term count attorney memi prosecution iu jtiil until the if three inunths in conducted tin rantiliin ilnnon lit winilileili n lomtn july ik in the coinpt tition at wimbledon private gillies of he 00th j winnipeg won the prince of wal prhte of 1001 this competition is co ifinetl to those marksmen who have at soin time or other won a national itifle ai sociation medal private gillies is fortuuu e enough to be the owher of three of the badges qaartermasterscrgeant ogg of tie guelph field battery won cjo in tho ccrjioration priijc with an aggregate score of 1102 private gillies una lieut mitchell former winner have i ecn invited to dine with the prince of avi lciu today now uner ant wei the but reli if 8c0o in lilies were iiniosd by tbo petei- boro police mistraterfni friday last liquor finc3 totalling 5c570 have bocn imposed iu tho montreal polico court sipec jan 1 uli to tho present dato on monday a field of uncut hay on the farm of mr george andcruoi near millqn was ignited by a spark froiii tho engine of u c p r train and the wholo crop was de- stroyed cjimhjtion do not forgot when you intend purchain4 a firkt class organ or piano to go to j c mcljap of theguclpli temple of mvitiic he is no agent but buys ins ojdsiu large iiuantities at rocli lottom figbrca and only the high est grades are handlej l inthesulikogatecoullt op the county of halton in the mattsr cf tho auardiaaship of tho infant chiiorca of themas lamb decoasod no t i c e i h h k it k it y oivkn thattlftor twontv days from the iiuhlioatluuot this notico niiillcatiiii will hu made by michael of ijimli tho townsliiu of espieiinb ianuor to tliohturoato court of tlio ciujuty of ilalton to lu apiiolnteil ijunrdini of 3tary lamb ono of tho infant chillria of thu lutu thouiau lamb iluceasvd lato of tlio coavnulilp of kbij nosing ivruior i lohnhton jiciean kolkitors for applicant daloilni acton june t 1087 jambs stirton ld drntibt touchs block opposite pott office quolph vitalized air ayrrfl- caraa li ft liirt iv iiiiiivii nil i medicine klontlflcsllf iirnhhiiiilii f 1 1m acrlulne tiondtmu snf i iiihii v iliivv dock mandrake stll lln i loiliii- of potassium and iron and ni her liiotihynls ot great strougih ami tiwillvirvlrtuo i ayer8 8arsaparilla t ni bimi f mhsl by find lins received lho iitiiiuiillllid commendation of j 4xko0o fiidijiiek iii lho uiiltcdrifnlm mid 7000000 faiiilllnit ihrouglioafytlip world jyer8 8ar8aparilla ik the imly blood pnrlflerthat has gained inijj rntiiliiod tlio conllclcnco of tlio people of jroplnij coimlrlis where nuchraedl- elnih nro in ifwat deiiiaud i ayer8 8ar8aparilla u llio iihmt iiopulnr hlood purifier amon fiiilar nnil is in nlnotcutlu of the modi- eliiwlihs of llio ikwt claw of amcrleau knlwl hermanarid danish vessels ayer8 8ar3aparilla coutaiiis na arsenic anil no aloes as do mmiy ifiilsily culled alteratives foisted upon tho credulity of the public ayer8 8ar8aparilla iiih bijim for iniiiiv venrs recognized as llio best alterative iiud tonic medlcluo in all ilvll2cd couiitrict ayinis 8ar8apabilua promptly relieves from general debility nfiroui prostnitlon mid derangement of tlio vltiil organs ayer8 8ar8apariula kfliih ruilfcal eure of all miiladlcs oris- from the taint of scrofulous orcon- lajrimts dlspasw or the corruption of jlemiry in tho system ayer8 sar8aparilla in riiilorxrd by the medical profession and regularly prescribed by many leading pmcf ii loners irw p jffbrr oxkayor of loietll and cxtato senator sirs that the only tirepariitlon of hawaptfrffln that emir to do seal lasting frooddn cleansing tbo blowfnnd expclung poisonous matter fronmho gjotcin in ayirs 8ar8aparilla mllioif fox tlio jargeit janovowjicr and urvntx olmuuuextojju credits hu cure of scrofulous humor and inipopsia to tbo thorough purifi cation mnto blood by ayer8 8ar8aparilla wartnen leiiand the famous aew york landlord testifies from his- own knowledgo that for tho euro of xlver disorder gout salt bheumi and various results of high living there is no medicine equal to ayer8 8ar8aparilla hiiiam pifittlpfl gloter vt ntterts the euro of hereditary berofala in three generations of his family by ayer8 8ar8aparill a tnoslf cook wot somertttlejfas was cured of severe eczema and rescued from a rapid decline by ayer8 8ar8apabilla tite sistzbs of h abity dorchefte r mast vouch far the alterative and curative virtues of ayer8 8ar8aparilla john j iiyan philadelphia pa professional baseball player was cured ot bheumatlsm by zp ayer8 8ar8aparilla d b icehr mg 8prlng ohio tctl acs that hu son fifteenyears old wns cured of catarrh in its worst xonn bv ayer8 8ar8aparilla amhekst wirrrmone brunswick me retired seacaptafnj was cured ot a cancer by i ayer8 sarsaparilla wedding presei the attestations of a myriad of unimpeachable witnesses might be i cited were itjieeenary to provo tho almost miraculoui cures effected by this only really effective blood purifying medicines oyers sarsaparilla reepaitedbt m j 0 ayer 8cc0l analytical chemists lowell mass j sold by all druggist trice fl six bottles for 5 pai n less extraction cf teeth artificial tcotli tftnnuiuxd jiurfeet in apiicar- niico lis and use kino jolil work a tijtocialty all ojierntioiiii strictly nrtftclosii apihiintuiuntfi uiade by letter alive illlkt i the miwhipal coixcil ji i 5vhcn there is- a sheriff to appoint we are enabled to learn a few things for one thing- we learn that those men who go around the country stumping for party candidates at election time aud wtio claim they are talking for the interests of the country are not really telling the truth jror when a sheriff drops off they loom up and say they have all along been working lor the party and not the country as they have previously claimed this is one little matter for the electors to reflect upon when they are listening to btumpspeakers ex th business which came before them on tuesday evening c ouncil met on tuesday evening 2 embers present iteevfyfe and coun cil irs cameron lowry and smith il he minutes of previous meeting read ant confirmed c onstable huston tendered his resigns- tioq as a constable r ha ryder complained that the entile had damaged his garden and not- wit islanding that he had put the cattle in tlff possession of the constable no costs bad bee i it is uow stated that a new conservative organ to be called flu- empire is to be es tablished in toronto to take the place vacated by the mttu a moetiiig of pro minent conservatives was hold iji that city lately at which arrangements were com pleted for bringing out tlie first ijue of the new organ about sept 1st i creighton j mp p will bo managing director john livingstone of montreal chief editor and robert birmingham secretary of the ontario conservative association the business munagcr the sfiitf art ill smith ontario wnrrire july 14 the following scott act fines for south ontario wero enforced her j yesterday and today before police ma jistrate homo j ferguson jpsjievtor jdl n mcqnaypprt perry 830 watson collected to pay llira for the damages i hojlgbon east whitby 850 robert will he had sustained he reqnested the cot qcil to remit him 100 for thedamages rep ared to t jc finance committee presented 4heir sixt i report recommending payment of the folfi wing accounts which were fonbd corrpct coc tson east wiitby v0 b g bennett eai t vhitby 850 mrs e chinn brook- un 850 james gordon pickering village ioi john bessie whitcvale 5- e deiasha claremont u0 c lorsyth fjla cmont iiio two cases wero odjjrorn- cd qnd one dismissed quaiaa vildi jjauiplighter h 1 moore printing and advertising s c surilcy kvergrecn trees jam c slianwrk pn streets jam sbari do johjul thoa jlattlievin teaming cook cutting burrs- tliktlcs ac i 7 vjjfe ex iacva totiueiph ac jan flattlws fencing w el swrkbamer work ou ktrecu tho eaktjii work on street 30 00 18 93 15 go 10 62 7 a 700 gso 5 75 sg6 t c2 55 day hotel at kiitliwrov ill ki hotel and stable owned by goo kenton at lnrlington was destroyed by firo onfri- morning the fire started about nine i oar readeas have doabtless heard of the new steamers that have already reduced tbedcdgth of the transit from calais to dover to sixty insitsajideycn less the t frence kortbern itailway- cotipany are jj about making arrangementswhich wilt re duce the time from dover to paris to five hours and twenty jniuiitesor seven hoars and twenty minutes from london it is anticipated that the journey may be event ually done in seven liouru ana that travel lers leaving loudon at four pm may reach paris at eleven tho same evening thus avoiding tlie discomforts of a night en route it is estimated that 220000 travellers pass through calais annually more than visit all the other channel and belgian ports combined ooij iv jtfchhux koci that assays 35000 per ton being taken out il isnwansc mich july 14 assays of the goartz found on the gold prospect of the jtjske superior iron co west of the iiy gave 13 in gold from twelve pijnces of wck or 135000 to the ton stiners havo traced the vein two hundred feet on tho sorlace a bhorehouse is now being built hold the roci more rock as rich aa the first was taken out yesterday iia m j stab mbved by councillor lowry seconded by j savejl join cameron that the report jast read be or 84 1 carried j thou mdveti by councillor cameron seconded dreu by cpuiicillor smith that the council re- constable boston to continue in i officclutil the end of the year and that bis lj resigsaipn bo not accepted carried j icelot coanliil then adjourned oclc ck in the stable and soon spread to the bote 1 the buildings wero both frame and it w is only a short time before they were demolished a horse was bnrned in the the fnrnitnre of the hotel was mr rcntous loss will reach 1500 000 not covered by insurance it is ht that the lire was started by chll- who were playing in the stable seasonable notes sbilotis cure will immediately relievo croup whooping courii anh bronchitis sold by nmouarvin i a nasal injector free with citli bottle bf siiiluhs catarrh remedy price so ctntk sold by n mcgarviu j- worms derange the whole iiystciii mother graven worm extcrniiuaor de ranges fforths and gives rostto the sufftret it only coots tweutytiyo cculsto try itanp bo convinced shiiohs cuturrh remedy- a wsitiv cure for catarrh diphtheria aiid caukdr month sold by n mcgarvin a ladwrites i wascunllcd to rcmoalo the corns root and brunch by the utc of holloways corn cure others vho have tried it have the tame experience why will you coligh when oiiilohs cure will give immediate relief price 10 cents 50 etti und si sold by n mcgarvin for dyspepsia and liver complaint you have a printed gurarantec ou every bottlo of shiiohs vitulizer it never fails to cure cojd by n mcgarvin the extraordinary popularity of ayes cherry pectoral is the natural result of ts use by intelligent people for over forty yen ra it has proven itself thu very bent apeei ic for cjlds cuugiia and pulmonary coin- i plaiuu i i are you in ade miserable liy indigestion i constipation dizziness loss of appetite eilow skin shimis vitnlitr is a pos itive cure sold by k jkcinlviji j shilovu yiializyr is vhat you need for i constipation lojs of appetite dizziness and all symptoms of dyspepsia price 10 and 73 cents per bjilie snld by n mcgarvin c c jacobs buftiilrj v says dr t liomus eclcctric oil cured him nf a bad case of piles of 8 year standing having tried almost every kliovn remedy besides two buffalo riiysiciuiis without relief but the oil ciiredhim hu thinks it cannot be recommended too highly aiiioiiai- i as a cure fsr all summer complniuts highly recommcnddr fowlers kxtnict 0 wild strawberry having often used it wit tho beat remits i hayvofteu been tliauke for reoommending it william ha anca3ter opt guelph busiiiojs college gueliii ontario rrihe third scholastic ykait i itfinn suptemlior 1st rntrouafic rlravu from ivn ktutvrf unit irdyiiicis voting nicii and iiivb ttittroughly propbrotl for buninekb pur- buits 4raliinub cuiiitoiitly sncccsful urn ac- countrtijtrt jtusitiers slnnur shoruinutl wtu- ers ciefics baicsmou traveller etc both in ctvtmta mtl tlio iuitwl ktntcr5- motluroxc ratcb thoronkt jiratical worl ami courteous treat- meut eliaraclorizu thu iimiitutiou jlfvs nt- 1nitt11l to all thbhilrautasof the college kpleiijij facllitfos nlfonlckl fur uih jvtjnlhltioii of kruiitili mnl cietman kr infornmtion atltucs m maccoioiick tytf 9 principal village property actoh and speygmi for sale 1 x 1 main ktrct acton oil vrliiuh i erected a conimmirttis dwelling lriviiif huttsj ami ntnlilc 1 small orchard cisteiii ic a very uwroblo lunlmrly auo tin- kjkyhiilu jiost iflieo itroikirty and fifty acres ailjniiiiiik vi acres uf urclmrif oirvlikii are a ftood oixiniiik for a iirontabla kixicery extra fine english paris green j- mgakvins dkug stationery store are wcllac icull particuiurs ujiju aikicatioi iusscssion pljin lt ot ortolicr or siveuibir fls desired lenu vaby apply at btirr 1iiksscltice aeton ja1ikh toskijv lji i i1v ill io- village of acton taxes for 1887 ratepavees alii nrcly notillcil tlint the hist iiihlahniiit of taxes or the current year will fall duo ou tlio i 15th day of august next nnlif the ha fim iiimaluint he not paid ou or heforr llic taid mliday aukustten wr ctnt will be added ihuroni fit nicnrdaiioo witl a h inw parted tv the city ctiicil do not put oil payment to the lsst iay attention is iujlfd to the f ul 1 rjwiau wj irii making payment present tax hill litmjqcs must lo niflrktd pnal all thxch inuit hopaid ot tuuclcrkfiofiiccmain 8trct hy order l viv i reustircn je moauvin 1 ckrhat hhcxlo ii summer underclothing i balbnggan merino arid fine cashmere- shirts and rawers 34 36 38 40 42 and 44 chest measure extpa value in merino uhdmeclothikg at 25 per suit shaw fe gctondy merchant tailors cuelph wool woolr we all tho tlio iindeinj woirl lliorl scott act is 8imc0k utbrik jnly 18 the following scott act tines were imposed by the police mag- istrato daring the past week midland davihewis ox and costs w koer8 j thtt isosay ypnr lous also oil your case idismiued jarretts corners jobu i breatfiidg machinery very seixillc of nil 111111 still itowkl out iolym- a cavou col- of inland ficvctiue of stratford oeize i an illicit utilland urroutod two of i tho p roprietors last night in the township of kl ma one of tho proprietors wornned and i ot t to jail for a month j civ tlirm n rhnncc berd 9g0 and costs wyebridge mrs mary anno mclennan thog mcwsters and gilbert bemple each 60 and costs wavtjrly wm edwards case dismissed willilro mcdougold jfoand costs mount st liaib james conlson case adjourned till tlio 23rd instant 1 littor fines totllifig 6570 have been impoaed in the montreal police court since january 1st np to the present date bpmo mysterious trouble is making havoc amine the thoroughbred durham cattle in some jparts of parjingtou township county of ontario mo itewer jan en bulls bare died whbintbtf last wwfci l wonderful macfinery it is not only tho larger air- passa eshnt the thousands of little tnlres and c ivlties leading fim them wj en these aro closed and chocked with tratt r which ought not to bo there your jungs cannot lajf do their work and what they io they cannot do we j call it cold coah cronp peuipon citw h consumption or any of thp family hiroa and nmo aud head and lijnuobfltrnot ioui 4 w w- 4l ty jwtio rjdof then is jatt ou iurpj iliy to gei jid of them that is to take bosobees ofirwi syrnj whioh any druggist will boli yon at 7fi cei ts a bottle evai if everytliitig else has fi iletl you you may depend noon this iprceftftin mi pause and consider tliut it will bo to your pii interest to pntrounso homo tnule we woulrl rusiketftilly inform the inlmliituutu of acton uinl furioiiiulinii country tlmt weave arniu in lull rummi order nnd iu u better iositian than tiufaro tlie lire to 111 all orlarfiontnmteillo u to imrtkubullilluh lumber will be dpssseh while you wait and moulding ao made wjlji liontneiik and dceiintcli nhw1 are also prepared to 111 nil ordern for i pumps oil blinrt notice uud from oiks exnorienco in tlio bushivhfl ato tccl oonlloelit lunt wocmi rivo rat- j infliction every time lo couif on willi yoxir j onltit nnd liplp ip roll tlie nill ulou money j makes the more so whtitlifr slip has ips pr no i iittsifvi mancr it r- ni absolutely pure thin powder never varioi amarvolof purity attiubmpuidsb0s more economical than tbo ordluarylniiac ana oaijiiot b gold in cpnipetittou with tlio imiltlwoo of low tuit alor welkiitalum or phosphate powder bold only in eons boyu biwo puwojsb co 100 wall fcly jh avorden hav1no pb8umiidpropriiitireiiii of ibnllvorv lhwinekh lately iauieil kij uy mr w h fiihltli would nollolt tlio putrohiifin of thupttlillij and wl do tbolr utmoat to ptynso u uuatoioorji well equipped and stylish rigs cfwi always be eotired ffilht clttbb ouliltfccommorolal tiwel- lers at special ratea j ietl litrchy announce tlint wtrwill again i at our mills for which tlichighcstpncein qasje3 or in exchange for goods- n nf buy largo aud well assorted stock c is wc liave a blankets twctd yiaanelsjstboking yarns knitted goods eto etc in froat viirxly htltdhl cxjiresflly to supply the requiremeuts ot v the farmers 1 1 o- 0 rojjl carding spiniimg weaving jj and iu net all kinds of cubtom work dno in our usual prompt and satiafaotory manner newton ife sonsi itlmehouse w a clr3 the jeweller cued baa just received another large an of silverware suitable or wedding to any gerson from acton or uit ate btatiojib buying f 500 worth or ovb8 at my btore i will pay their fare faijj from guelpb 6iingper6onai and prompt attenk watch repairing lam honnd to give j faction or money refunded remember the place w a clark jeweler 26 lower wyridhanist guelph s strl ieotil i ii iew i a i coud the wanzer lamj 50 candle power r mlwaazsr 8 co kamiiactti hamilton out ttr nitu fine 1 and 1 odd i dow phot avcil by j talk a no that terpi ko cliimnev so globe jo emdve koo jositivcljrkoneiploshc never gets it ed burns anygratlc of coal oil svorylampkuirantceu without inti ui tlio hclit can pot ou nursery attriu beat water boil eggs mako tea andcoffom btow etc l g matthewjs sole agent f ob acton axj ncixitt the ke to health tnen stre 1 dehc wiu j afie tooh for i tieivl it id worl tjnlocks all tho clogged qvcnesl bowels eidijeys biid liyor caa ingoff gradnajly totlioutvreeksningl system ell tho lmpuriiici and humors of theesretioe3 ot thei timq cfcxrestisg acidity if s stoinach curing silioiieobss gipsia headachc3 ihasr eartbiim obstipation br of tie skin r-opy- dimsm vision jauudi biit bfc erysipolas 3ercro piutterii the heart jtr raenssn ahct i era ie3ili i1 these and vw other bunlli- complainta yield t happy iiitiusaro iof btjspogr kioodbitteba t jniirs co priift 3ronte the picture rgariery 8w watebs bros- who veke burnt out monday have temporarily rcmoted to k i belles old stans where theyare preparing to jfei v ihcj of timj ferj servl sacrifice their tpernendsi i stock in various styles of binding with aaflv2 wit patent in m in jtselej furniture furniture -pok- ov castle i -at- price which ill astonishou a couifortnblo bus moot oil dftv trains and i cuijv- nlftlifnlsp if owttrefl mqotn oivot i j in 17orden smmm filltpialk fttllj siiiiilul wini everytliituj uucessury in this department gallon theulbieikloij has 118000 wordfcl 3000 engravings 3o09more atords andir 12000 more engravings than found in anyol american dictionary it also coutaisajk grablcal metlanary giving brief tacts cenung nearly 10000 hoted persons tqtl features we have i just added 1s8s a new prqiyo gazetteer 4 worli containintr over 2ww0 titles briefly deseriblne the countries cities and attral pcafnresof every part of tbegu wkbsteit is the stahdahd authority with the us supreme court si u10 govt printing office and is- recororoe bythe state supts of schools in 36 stafesi by the loading college presidents of tlio un st and canad the london tiatea iti3thcboji tionaryof the language the quarterly bevtey taritea wl isthebestpracucsl dictionary eibatv bia oalcntta ennllaliman eaysj itisr- most perfect work of the kind thetorobtoibobb canada says- iie is in the very highest rank the hew tort mhime itisr as the most useful existing of the english language all over the 1 it is an f invaluable companion in every sc and at every fireside specimen pages aal testimonials 6ent prepaid on sppueationss g c wrurtttam co publishers springfield glass tj 8 3 b-isi-o- 1tters tick cuuj inrtl itibtf act wei the i yd frii i gnt mai the 4 vbu stad fosl and he bav eiv gn ont nil isle julj abil b tioil rej flul yss ca an an spi in- on i will wr6 or retleve biliousness dizziness dysppsia inoigestioni mundice sal rheum heartburn dropsy flunering of thelheartl acidity of f m stomal dryness ofthesh 4dd species of disease nun uhsordered liver xjdlr stottacbbowelsojibioojk llfillbubn co i- crj ela 4 wi islsi

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