Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 28, 1887, p. 4

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mm- i w s8 r-y- v filvfcf ite rnrafl jfolhi atft nteumemry mid bright kye on digit as the climbed to aplsee on my knee a re wee story bout fairies in whit and rilbf ut muu u out bo sfcll toll ot a turyjjiooi one night yitiea the leaves fcjid tett the trees ajlttle redflued brlightyed mltei- shell t r 0 aunnle pjette shewu just ufrcnnnlesi cutest spook with big d 1 ahd the funniest rim otialr at hor nock and the imauwi bit of rtjoie sbe crept ttnilgbt into all onr beartc the liuewtacaou i thtak from euu lj some darts libo brought to help herself tto months wont by she trledjo walk s andtoddlo round thtt floor and when she first began to talk we couldnt lovebcr more shes bn with us now quiio i wldv i think tls four jears ion and oh the has tfco brightest smile and just uie sweetest song 1 wonder where is she tonight pright kyes turned en my knee within her eyes a roguish lightj- why auntie her is inc skuik ckkilt as mmrmmmm tttfotmbjhta tooted jinto congratulate rdttanlfwfujwo andlheahm- mhimilf held out whtod to uwyofflag scholar saying laughingly s thou bbntll good yottuai thou wilt motut high hereafter rmrwrtibw me t pray thee when thou art aoariipat them ft many iatruo word spcjbwstn jest answered the student with a stuhen gleam ut hit deep earnest eye on englishman hath become a pope why should not another become a cardinal and any one rvy now road tor himself in history how thwas the butchers ton ruled all england or many a year as cash- mi wolssv s- hoys who hecaljlr famous wnrxrxo rhkbekr the boys mad mad as a march hare t j oh to think that i should ever have such a son y so spoke a portly saffolkbutcher as he came stamping into his house one evening with a very angry lace indeed good lack what aileth thee hus band crieff bis wife anxiously hath our eon thomas done anght to displease thee r he was ever agood and dutiful lad good and dutiful forsooth igrowled the botcher- what think st thou dame this good and dutiful lad of thine hath taken into bis crazy plate nothing loss will serve h vjbq than to be a student of oxford land win his degree there as bachjoeof arts lackaday that wcrea hard matter i cried the good woman opening her eyes in amazement iwheuce hath the boy got such high notions high or low grunted her husband tis all one the thing is impossible andli theres an cad on it just then the figure of a young lad ap vnclc liens pnnln the names of tho young folks who answer tho following problems will be published in the fuse press twoarabiuu sit down to dinner a itrsnger passing asked pernilttioh to rtiuo jritta theui which was granted one of theui owned rive barley loaves and the other three tho tbreo consumed tho eight loaves after dlnnor mraiujer laid down eight pieces of silver t owner of the nvp loaves took five pieces and ttie remaining throo to the other the ownofcqt tho three loaves objected and lusutod unoi having hall tho raonoy tho division was to thcdcclrionofahisgtitratcwhogavo a just aud correct verdict what was it tho u1blk questions where were tho plsciplce first called chris tians how many times is tho word christian incutiou- cd iu tho new testament axbwpbs to zjlbt- probxfcls whenmarried husbands ago 15 years wlfo 13 nlnovah 8 tigris 3 assyria how to be happy keep your temper practice strict temperance never be in an unfitting hurry persevere against discouragement rise early and be all economist of time never acquiesce in immoral or penicious opinions maintain dignity without tho appearance ol pride be guarded in discourse attentive and slow to speak j think nothing in conduct unimportant or indifferent manner is something with everybody and everything with some preserve selfpossession and do not be ttlkedont of conviction be pnuctual and methodical iu business peared in the doorway whose slim well- j never procrastinate shaped form pale delicate features and be not forward to assign reasons to those high white narrow forehead were so utterly j who have no right to ask t unlike the butchers brawny framo and oltimes the blackness which we believo course red face that no one could ever have ji to see in others is only our own shadow guessed them ti be fathef and son live within your income be ever saving sir said he quietly but firmly i is much as possible either borrowing havcblotted the word impossible out of my or lending dictionary to the the tone in which these bold words were spoken and the bright fearless look which accompanied them struck even the anjry father with involuntary admiration i like thy spirit son thomas said he in a m toice but thou art over bold nevertheless who ever heard of a butcher lad becoming a scholar and a learn ed clerk of oxford i and mine have been botchers these two hundred years and i i trow that what was good enough f6r thy fathers is good enough for thee the sly twinkle in young toms dark grey eyes showed that he sawthe weakness of his fathers argument and knew how to answer it thou speak si well father said he but tell mei pray thee who is the great est man that lireie in europe this day why who but lis holiness the pope said thomas the elder who like most eng lishmen of that age was a stanch catholic and knowst thon not father retorted thomas the younger that bis holiness was a peasants son and worked iu the fields in his yonth what if he had said then what was good enough for my fathers is good enough for me the great est man in the town of ours is our worship ful lord of the manor his greatgrand ather was bnt a simple yeoman and a yeo man he had remained had he thought as thon wpuldst have me think father but forasmuch as he did good service to our lord king fienry v of england in the french wars the king knighted him with hisjown hand and jo his descendant is become a great lord j son thomas cried the batcher in dd bperation wilt thou talk thine own father out of his senses the more reason for letting him go where his ready speech can be known and prized as it ought put the mother who had been listening with delight to her sons eloquence but the father was too thorough an ji lishman to give in without resi utmost s te lad cried he ill make a fairr gsvtrgain with thee if you canst with in three years win thy degree as an oxford bachelor of arts well and good but if hot give me thy word that thoult come home straightway and be an honest butcher like thy father so it answered the lad grasping his fathers hand i give my word and i mine said the butcher and to show that i am a man of my word the day thou wearest the gown of an oxford bachelor ill givejhee the best bit of beef in my bhop for thy dinner even if king henry himself long life to him had be- spokee it three years had gone by since the father and son made tleir bargain and the but cher remembering how pale and thin his son had looked the last time he saw him was more anxious about the result than he would have cared to own he had just un hooked a magnificent sirloin of beef when bis wife burst headlong into the shop and ealled oat in a tone of very unusual ex citement what art thou doing with that beef husband it hath been bespoken by our worship ful lord of the maier replied the lbutcher i were it for king henry himself cried the housewife seiamf the meat with both hands he should not have it this day 1 bethink thee husband how thou didst promise that when our son should gain his degree of bachelor of arts and hath he gained it broke in the butcher now quite as much excited as his wife whence hast thon the news wife 7 where is the messenger here answered a low clear voice be hind him and there stood young thomas himself in the fartrimmed robe of an ox ford bachelor of arts brave lad shouted the overjoyed father seizing bis son in a hug worthy of a polar bear and plentifully besmbaring his new robe witlthe grease that covered his own tvock v shalt have the beef though one should offer me its weight in m i pray thee good friend he added turning to the lackey who had been sent for the meat let not his lordship be angry ifl my lord lovetu good learning too well to be displeased thereat interrupted tlw servant who new the story of the butcheri iffomise to his son as well as every othej man in the towji sjay god prosper thee master thomas and give thee joy of such a proud man was the batcher that night i w1lt dbixk dip fob him onoiof tho largest and richest railway contraetor8 in tho city was talking to a man of low station and dilapidated appearance about 50 years of age yesterday evening on front street toronto we 1 see that you dont touch it bhuohl odrifwul lmmdlstly ralute oroup woopmg oougu anh bronohltle mtoarrm v a naaal injector free with each bottle of bhllohioatmfch remedy price 60 oents bold by y worms derange the whole tystom mother graves worm- exterminator de rawfoi worms and gives rest to the sufferer it only coats twentyfive oents to try it and be oonvinood i a 1- bhilohs catarrh remedy a peeltive oure for catarrh diphtheria aud canker moijth bold by n mogarvln a lady writes i was ensued to remove the oorns root and brauoh by the use of hollo ways corn cure others who have tried it have the same experience why will you cough when bhilohs cure wil give immediate relief price 10 cents cts and 1 sold by n mogarvln for dyspepsia and liver complaint you have a printed gurarantee on every bottle of bhilohs vitalises it never fails to cure bold by n mogarvin extraordinary popularity of ayers gherry pectoral is the natural result of its use by intelligent people for overforty years it has proven itself the very best bpecino for colds coughs and pulmonary com plaints are you made miserabletby indigestion constipation pizziuesb loss of appetite yellow skin bhilohs vitalizer is a pos itive cure bold by n mogarvin bhilohs vitaliwr is what you need for constipation loss of appetite dirtiness and all symptoms of dyspepsia price 10 and 75 cents per bottle sold by n mogarvin c c jacobs buffalo n y says dr thomas eclectric oil cured him of a bad case of piles of 8 years standing having tried almost every known remedy beside two buffalo physicians without relief but the oil cured him he thinks it cannot be recommended too highly alioadact as a cure for all summer complaints i highly rocommeud dr 1owlers extract of wild strawberry having often used it with the best results 1 havobf ten been thanked for recommending it william haw aucaster out cholera and all summer complaints arc so quick in their action that the cold baud of death is upon the victims before they are aware that danger is near if attacked do not delay in getting the proper medicine try a dose of dr j dkelloggs dysentery cordial and you will get immediate relief it acts with wonder nl rapidity aud novo fails to effect a cure after years of buffering persons who have vainly sought rcmedical help from other sources have obtniued the lorigdesired fii ivmrii n 4j q theqrottteatburgiiiitib on earth in xtifp 8hootiig8 doiurrrs cotton pricos to thoso buying cotton em tmmfri n -fc- isfs-iiifef- i f aii i j 0lloit kelly jioos next pboood 3 summer undercloth balbmggan mori no and fine cash m shirts and dravers t 34j 38 38 40 42 tod 44 ohebt measuri ook throjigh and wo will satisfy you that wo will give yon ibettml babgrains than yu can obtain leqwlifcro j v poor to m sold for cash or j i- giarvins lru0 storei trade jonly nc ert lixtra yaluji in merino unberclotfllotfg at l25 per suit shaw gcrundy merchant tailors frek excursion to 1-r3e- golden lion guelph discovery and uyspcptio cure which puu j a stop to the tnrmenteof dyspepsia renews activity of the bowefs amjl liver relioves maladies incident to the gentler sex and builds up failiug liealtb and strengtli gives parity to the blood snd tone to the whole were th i parting words of the big railway rcfief from northrop lymans vegetable boss ca lling theothcr by name and speak ing in a toneof solicitude well you know i uever drank on the job replied the man of niuchworn gar ments i dont wont yon to drink off it either ten years ago said the contractor to gygtcnj the vric that man was a clerk in the 1 1 house of commons and moved in thehigh- i est circles of ottawa society in his day hclias feted with many of the prominent men of the country and is as good a pen man as you could find in toronto his downward career began through drink three years ago he worked for me on the cpr but i had almost forgotten him on saturday last on bay street 1 was sur prised by an unknown maa taking me familiarily by the shoulder i could not remember having seen him before why he siid dont you mind the fellow that turned the switches at limestone mountain i shutet and i remembered him here he is again wanting a job and is going off to morrow with pick and shovel- he prefers this wild rough life i believe it makes him forget his former associations his wife has abandoned him and is governess in a private family in ottawa hes a good- natured soul hot drink hed drink any kind of intoxicating liquor- toronto yeim i cuelph are van celtic to travel dont forget a supply of-thatdfforge- used botcher grtmau sgrup to lot its won- extataofwmstfawlftnwsuper ior remedy for sea a positive t z and a cure complaints indnced by k waterl change of diet or of climate i whether at horn or abroad it should be kept at hand in case of emergency ibcimhi kepwte james mchurdock writing from kinsale says b b b- as a remedy for diseases of the blood liver and kidneys has an ex cellent reputation in this locality i have used in and speak from experience as well as observation it is the only medicine i wont and i adviso others afflicted to try it ttual balsa deafness caused by catarrh 1b quickly relieved by nasi balm headache caused by catarrh is quickly cured by nasal balm j j great gala i used a great deal of doctors medicine for kidney complaint during five years was getting worse all the time until i tried b bb i took three bottles gained in weight frnil36tol59ttis lean highly recommend burdock blood bitters to be a good medi cine thus testifies john walton of springfield n p after lougteatt i was tronbled with liver complaint for a number of years finding no cure i tried b b b i took four bottles and am per fectly cured strong and hearty mrs maria a kett alma ont the devil gave a hermit the choice of three greatvices one of which was drunk enness the hermit chose this as being tb least sinful he became drunk and com mitted the other two give then a cbauce that is to say your lungs also all your breathing machinery very wonderful machinery it is not only the larger air passages but the thousands of little tubes and cavities leading from them when these are clogged and chocked with matter which ought not to be there your lungs cannot half do their work and what they do they cannot do well call it cold cough croup pneumonia catarrh consumption or any of the family throat and nose and head and lung obitruot- tons all are bad all ought to begot ridol there is just one bure way to get rid of them that is to take bosebeey german syrup which any druggist will sell you at 75 cents ajbottle even if everything else has failedyou you may depend upon this for certain no one can describe the sufferings paused by asthma except those troubled with the ootoplafnt que package of southern asthma jure tfillrelieveanyrabe double treatjmeut in each package la brlrr tad lelhrlolal dspcpsia is dreadful dtfordered liver is misery indigestion is a foe to good nature the human digestive apparatus is one of the most complicated and wonderf nl things in existence it is easily put out of order greasy food tough food sloppy food bad cookery mental worry late hours irregu lar habits and many other things which ought tiot to bebavc made the american people a notion of dyspeptics but greens august flower has done a wonderful work in reforming this bad busi ness and making the american people so healthy that they can enjoy their ineals and be happy remember no happiness without health bnt greens angust flower brings health and happiness to the dyspeptic ask your druggist for a bottle seventy- five cents wc invite tho ladies and gentlemen ot acton rind pny us a visit and we take the responsibility selves of assuring yon tjmt you will be well paid our stock is very attractive this season both in ladies and gentle i mens tjoods ifoojkwood to i our- rcl ul ol istaalshlag arrrs it is theijatverjfjjsrojj wiiq jia derful qualities be known to their friends in curing consumption severe coughs croup asthma pneumonia nnd in fact all throat and lung diseases no person can nse it without immediate relief three doses will relieve any case and we consider it the duty of all druggists to recommend it to the poor dying consumptive at least to try one bottle as 80000 dozen bottles were sold last year and no one case where fairly was reported such a medicine as the grrmaii sgrup cannot bo too widely known ask yourdruggist about it sample bottles to try sold at ten cents regular size 75 cents sold by all druggists and dealers in the united states aud canada best and tomrorl lo the sufterlag browns household panacea hns no quil for relieving pain both internal aud xternuu it cures pnin id the side back or bowels sore throat rheumatism toothache lumbago and any kind of a polo or ache it will most surely quick- en the blond and heal as its acting power is wonderful browns household pan acea being acknowledged as the great pain reliever and of double the strength of any other elixir or liniment in the wflrld should be in every family handy for use when wanted as it really is the best remedy in the world for cramps in the stomach and pains and aches of all kinds and is for ale by nil druggists at 25 cento a bottle advice to moranns are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with pain of cut ting teeth if so send at once and get a bottle of mrs winslowe soothing syrup for children teething its value is incal culable it will relieve the poor little suf ferer immediately depend upon it moth ers there is no mistake about it it cures dysentery and diarrhoea regulates the stomach and bowels cures wind colio softeus the gums reduces inqammation and gives tone and energy to the whole system mrs winslows soothing sy rup for children teething is pleasant to the taste and is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female physioians and nurses in the united states and is for sale by an druggists throughout the world price twentyfive cents a bottle be sure and ask for mus wwsxows soothtko stbbp and take no othar kind a iawreeeij danger the frequent source of danger attending bowel complaints during the summer and fall i the liability to check the diarrhoea too saddeulyi dr fowlers kxtrsot of wild strawberry will not do this in- fiammatlojn of the bowels does not follow if use as is too often the caw with power ful opiates and astringents it ourcn promptly and iu a natural manner during t lie two iiumitiisjlikniic iml july w fare to anyone from aciptkm- rcckwuotl who imv goods on satoidiijror 1000 wmlli uy illicr ly ol the y golden r- in cu fideneo i tho most i in liu fiisliioiia tlii the wenrei the tjjisi r wjji- 1 f j v k-ii- usts j 1 easi end glotliing store ca ling attention to this seasons stock i dp so with con- ming in a jposition toplnco before my iiuraerotis eustorherh aried and carefully selected stock ever seen in acton lie ing giditt care has been taken to procure the root ifud artistic designs in s aoatiisras utlcrns this season being such as cannot fail to gratify lanest styles in hats andents furnishings satibpaotion auarantefid j- fyfecton il reliirnthe j0 worth ot the week lit we are ojffeting splendid value in silks and satins dress goods millinery c ouistock of carpets is vevy large and well asso ourstockol jjoy jl ithingis complete in every from 150 up tedj f i inel and hjzch j dwilliamson co cuelph 1 to farmers and threshers uae oh your macmnerv only the wellknown peehless oil fi 9c i ti rvtltln a t ft have besn awarded it during waggons and horse powers these oils mo used and highly feconin farm qaelah tarmersaslttfbr tlium use uootlier manufactured at queen oity oil worllb bj i samuel rogers c thiir gai is red l cod fron petl iij during tbe lost week ihoiuandsof citomors have purchased houspfuruishings being held at til 1 rlffht house bn more than satisfied with them a lo i silk pattern mau ilea swiss dress muslins reduced from 40 to 20 to 150 single pslrs of laue curtains nearly ha f prioif tilti of dress qi alpwool serges at 16c worth 22e a lot of preucimajie doub messe assortment of black colored d funoytrinmed ladies silk and thread gloves selling off attuluoed prices rjiooblr- ladies balhrigcsn hose from 6c per pair a 1 t ot very fine canadian tweed for boys and mons wear at sieoially lowp rices 185 per yard immense bargains bio offtreri in the bilk depi a most suitable opporlunlty to scoure a silk dreis for little money tain trimming and faooy work formerly 50 and too per yardf re half jegnlar prices in tbe cftrpetartmont trade s lively i bargains surround you itus mu cnrnioes tupeti7 wool ai lina if large asiprtmentof childreusunditrvrsar lit various mak can ladles the jnight house is mi king street erist one door v yyx xr- ij 1 hamilton jbly 7th 1887 iblaekrt nd lad ta artmen we it fflsiiiids sjssii jsjaisaeatmn i e last thrco years i ctroase for yorir ended at the mode toronto the finest washes jewelry repairing always satisfactory f j ifyounavbbbbspibarroiktjililn kpegts cxes try the alaska they arc the best we over sold v b sayagre sole agent for cuelph i l i extra fine enbufh jaris green j r at mdal vins drug stationery btore i agtot i mxmw grand trunk jral ooixokast pass jfall llo 60 ain ttev jbxl ttnough exp009 iih j mao s aocoin 9 61 pm j mlxoafte chicago exprcssdocs not ttopt and brampton t ptir or omnia iutui oofng wst9 15 am and fi 20 pjn going east 1040ttm midj2pm i 1viackin summer toui palace st lo soottlipct weket detroit mackinac i etiomir oaklaad hon ksi bnty wsek dsy setwssa detroit and clevel bp0u18mtty wpsdarbggndi i oobluostbatto paj btf and aeoonion ttakstswffl tt fl e b vyhitcombenl put i detroit cleveland 8teara i detroit uxht the wanzer la 50 canjdle powei r 14 v7aaser co liaaftjft bamilton oatc 4 et zm ff jgg bpshss no chifcinev ko globe ko smote 1ositif ely konexplosite never geus cd bomsanygradeofcoall 1 levcrylamp guarttntced without lns with the lfght can put on nunscry r ueatifater boil eggs make tea and c srew etc lgmattfibws soix auest yoll actos axl vic iii3fsa pride of the vali ycsl pride of the vahev that istko i the medicine it cured mcot dykpcpsns 1 bought a banj xmckrc for 25c packages for 1 and v t iu conteuti or foitr pncnyts i- was enrt have never felt fle niuntonis since four years ago j elsbboaghti bottle of of the valley linirucntlast spnogforii man who sprained bis ankle sf badly 1 liot bear his wfedght on it- aft4r csibg i the valley liufment for 21 hours he tras t go to work s well as erer jind wbati ttw of th oilier medicine fsvhfidil valley catarrh uufi hhehuiatltfcure 3ltf greatest known remedy iu tha firold for of catarrh uot ianiulialer irat the me be taken internally once a daj it sa root of the tlieease aiid removes the once as tboafandfi trill testify tbat haverl the catarrhreiiiedy the three above ra go hand in band xrd where icair i gctj at l g jiiatthewsvactoniont aha firstlass hedicino dealers in canadtf factored jbypabp a mskises t londont toii wool wc th uiiiltirsilriicd hereby announce that we will agaiu buy 1 the wjio offer at our mills for which the highest price in or in exchange for goods i o o -t- woliavi a large aud well assorted stock of i 91ankets tcds flpjiels stookiag yarns i knitted goods etc etc iju great varety siiuroiid expressly to supply the reqairerrients ot the tarmers carding spinning weaving d in fact all kiiius of custom work done in our usual prompt and satisfactory manner mil sons li ouse isw fnssjera mum fcure- rhumat worm wdees are pleasant to tats ccatcin thioiri pursotivo is a eafp sure and destrocr of iqirmajs children or ad a great gauseol human mi os the loss of manhood a lccinre on the xatnre treaje kaillcal euro of seminal weakness or i atorrhoca induced by selfabuse invol emissions lmpotency kervous debili irapodinaentsto mamage generally cor tion epilelsy and fits mental and physia pacityatbybobekt 3 cuiivebwei tho world renowned author in this ad lecture clearly proves from hisown ext that the awful consequences of selfabusall be effectuolly rernoved without danerou cal operations bqngies instruments ri cordials jiointing out a mode of cure aisj certain and effectual by which every suf no matter whit his condition may be may himself cheaply privately and radically fcsstbis lecture will prove a boon- tothoii and thousands sent under seal in a plain envelope to1 address on recoipt of four cents or two pc stamps address tbe culverwcu hedlcil oo 41 ajis st sevf tobs s y 0x a imnewse clearing sale goods selling cffat greatly reduced prices i y re duced i need bils wants atthe great clearing ije to be found in every depar mi ied to about half former pricos 8pb 10pi lace curtains at ri b rtduioea frotn id to 19o oth fold fancy dreis goods rcdn caiuhuire jerseys alto black s olored srlk glovjes art only lose reduced to about one- all6t6f beatt trimmings at o cploredisilks 1 ormerlyl large lot of oriental laces id to 28c alotpf vvoratvni rf carlj 1010 yertls offtaptrj a ratals larpets si jlirig offat ew belft fanimttslitts ughson ktreet the namejs reluoi i ioo half sale- ge millinery mantles dry goods carpets and ent eoods have been marked down to such low prices that you will be 37 mantles reduced to s25 34 to 23 821 to 10i a large lot of need prices hnndsoine madras curtainstmarly half prices a lot of rs from 15 jto ho a special lot of dress goods at soc formerly 80c to nearly lialf former prioebj be sureand jisk to see 1iem an im- jerseys in all desirable shades all at very- low prices a large lot of per pair a large assortment of hosiery at greatly reduoed prioes former prices tboy are desperfttely bhaap a large assortment of jy5cperyjtrlnorth2o black silk ohenile frlngejat 25c formerly 25 reducedio 05a 8ilks at h reduoed to 75c 75o silks reduoed to fifte reduced to nenrly half foriuer irjoea a lot of linen laca used for cjur- mens luidnohildreiis liuen hjindkerchiefs slightly damaged at neaily brussemi nd other carpets wiere told list week in this departmfcnt greatly redt ced prices a larie lot of hew whit viitoria lawamns ask for the laugtry bustle the most popular bustle among the ameri- on the wlndovf s are the right house aud thomasc watkins kot a snufftowaer or irrltat nguqaiti m cts and 100 if not obtain bleat j gists kilt prepaid on receipt o price fulford a co brctokvlllo ot i and sati 3is2s p- wtkxisrs the picture imfa m 1 whq ittekbj t r bupjoutmiiinyi lilvo temporarily rcmoml lo t welles old stan i 1 i vwhere they are prcpmngo sacpiliice their- tremencit essrtl oi ii ij timl olitf wilf ngi n j c is tbcl 1 ijv- stogr i b ac offil w yoij onil ct uuj a i st j and hori and b1

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