Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 25, 1887, p. 4

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jiskiijfe- gflljjjggjj jmasiisislislmissslabasis hc mbw awmrru- ipfe fi a tfiwrsdasatfovstas tew i fomt0 oop b m a httlodum withaw hair jlmltmdkj m tinei ttvl mr who kneels nhcu twilight darken all anft twin won loving hp there ml the accents at hii aluiplc iraycr hod weod wchi my mother lio leaves a fieutlo mothers side ye kwi enshrined wlthlu 111 brwat hor word of warainji still the ih and whbper wtan temptationtried uod mwuod mcs my mother a whilehaired unm who put back alone lifes xvoary furrowed rack and see ow facean sur now htarsatoblsotlikliuhstltol wight and jwy h rvvwrwiual urow god blessgwlbless my mother gtoryr coor in sroohil afagazme thk okwmk pkki solicty ri- oo0wawilk0t v ii kv 4 iiiw uiis m in itt whs a hi feels prompted to gain a llar witloutworktajforu if mlwuiife ii foo to rood the boginniui of the orange peel society was in onr suudayschobl tho founder of it is john who walked homo one after noon after mr watkins ihosnperujtcndent had told the boys in a very few words that every one of them had his duty to do for the commonwealth and tor the church and that there was not ouo of them hat eonld do some thins that very jay a john walked home jhe was jlaughing with his teacher miss emerson ind as he tnrned to bid her goodby lie alniost slipped down bavins trodden upon a piece of orange peel he kicked tbo offending scrap into the street a said as he walked home that the manwhohrew it there ought to be whipped aud i think john uotwith- standing the effect of the school and of the day would have been klad to have thrash od the mtu himself pia while he was meditating punishment iu uiis way he saw another scrap probably from the same orange on the sidewalk and kicked that iu- to the middle of the street also for he knew that the horses would soon grind it to powder and that there would be ua danger of slipping down having had lnsj atten tion thus called iuthia directiou of useful ness he foond as be walked home1oppor 8iouvcire will immediacy cro ih whooping cough auh brouohltii 8ol byjmoqarrin c oup whoopiur oougy and brouohltii imn edietcly relieved by bliiiouiicur bolt by n moqatvln a lady write i was enabled to remove the ems root and branoh by the use ot hot sways ooru cure others who have trie it have the same experience w by will you oongh when shilohs corn will ivo immediate relief prico 10 oeuu mcja and 1 sold by n moqarvin fr dyspepsia and liver complaint yon havej a wrinted gurarantee puovery bottlo ol blushs vitaiiatf it never fais to cure sold by n moqarvin the extraordinary popularity of ayora che ry pectoral it tliouitural result of its use y intelligent people for over forty years it h is proven itself tho very best speciflo for oolds coughs and pulmonary com- pltiieu a nasal injector free with each bottle of shil ills caurrh remedy price so cents sold by n mcgarvin 4 sbilohs catarrh remfily a posilivo euro for catarrh diphtheria and cankor month sold by n mcgarvin i catarrh cared health and wcet breath ecnpd by sbilohs catarrh keimdy priar50 cents xasal jujectorffree 8old by n mcgarvin ci c jacobs buffalo n y says dr thojmas eclectric oil cufdd bim of a bad casejof piles of 8 years tandiug hiving uied almost every kuown remedy besides two j buffalo physicians without relief bnt be oil cured him he thinks it cannot be recommended too highly r tha hjra dikeltive apparatus it one of thatnoit wtnplloaw attd wonderful thin jt ineiutenft it is easily put out of order greasy food tough food sloppy food bad oookery mental worry lata hours irntttt lar hatlu and many other things wliloh oiujht not to behave madej the amerloan people a notion of dyspeptics but greens august flower has done a wonderful work in reforming this sad bail ness and making the amerloan people so healthy tlrat they can enjoy their meals nd bo happy bemember no happiness without health but groous aurnst floworbriufts healtlt aud hoppiuoss to the dyspeptic ask your drtikkist tor a bottle seventy- live cents 1 very valuable having used b b b for biliousness and torpid livor with the best reaolu i would recommend it to all thus troubled the medioine is worth its weirlit in gold- tiilie white munitowaninjr out hllhokll kml wilson montrose of vionna ont bavins used dr fowlers extract of wild straw berry in his family for summer complaints says i cannot speak too highly of it for children as well as seed peoplo troubled with diarrhua it iirb no eiual o v m m 1 inr gssraagiasm ytteucsaans a i- and the decided tbftt imi flirivd when ovpiy prtut buyoriliould mfcm lf plajce 111 acton can 4ti aw aofie jto b tamarar ajcold will often cause an irritation dry ness and soreness inside the throat the first dose of tatnarac elixir will afford relief i ritylrlan i are usually averse to proprietory mediciues tnnity to kick into the street eleven pieces nas bajm i8 bpeoino for m ttic head aud catarrh and bavin faith aud evidence that it- will cure those troubles we ask and court a fair trial of the dis- shilohs vluilixor is what you need for constipation loss of appetite diaduess and all symptoms of dyspopsia price 10 and 75 cents per bottle sold by n mcgarvin are yon made miscrablo by indigestion constipation dijiiuess loss of appetite yellow skin shilohs vitsluer is a pos- hive cure bold by n mcgarvin forlame back side or chest nse shilohs porousplaster prico so cents sold by n mcgarvin groceries ohvfiys frosh pure uncolofod jnpan teniwliicjli cpicurjjs mid invalids like butter and egjgs wanted jk tho frtockwell up niicl eustomera will fintlja fiig range to select 40c auerdoe goc althoagibfjiibiit seasoiis blocks uroiibiially broken ivolmve kept dssdiw and shade wo start them at 8ci0c 1-c- 15c 1u 20c 25c 80c 32c 35c aodf5epwtm i i pwnts xpomlete raiigo of fino glove finished prin s be xutiful d- isigne and tvarwittca fust colors atpneca to suit nearly crerybody pilwoifseemdokreotid ginghams will bo slaughtered tbii hot wenllferiaswe have no iise for them in winter and muet go at any nrioe 16 make rdoim for tho immouso stock of fall dud winter golswhich wo oponji september 1st i itaplemdepavtnsiskept well assorted knd the koiet embroidery luces collars cuffs handktfcw hoop skirts and bobtlos in endless variety j i a full ranje of ofoinpton6 and balls corsets ladies ty bv celebrate i owet with coiled wire section without doubt the most comfortable and best corset made j 1 i millinery and parasols will bo sold at fcakol reduction i r filthy lucre iu what we want and we purpose making it an object for the custameis tojpurchasolnrgoly f boots shoes all new no back nnmbelf did e loufclr t0 vote bu new goods inaiiufatftiired within a year from date cheap is the sword lojrwd trunk ulxtmrldi etpret 7w sin j kximn iasn mall 10 j sin f wirol ttirougll kifi m um j had accoui oft ta sm cirtcarolfxpresbilotanoisteplj and brampton rnmorcloiiiiuuaiuk ooliigwciitolsntnandvsnpmij qolud kmt10 40 am soil a spjas mac kl nfl summerto palace st lo row trips isir weifl sffests detfiorr xoe ireu of orange ped he counted them and then having safely arrived at home with out breaking his ueck went about other affairs and forgot the superintendents ad dress and the orange peel till the next sun day but as he went to churclf the next sun day afternoon it happened again that lie noticed arpiece of orange peel on the side walk this recalled the memory of his last weeks experience and also reminded him tha jfcss emereoa bad told them all that she should ask them what service they had rendered to the commonwealth or toj the church made thoughtful by this recol lection john watchedthe sidewalks add as is hpicaed kicked off eleven pieces of orange peel on his way back to the school when therefore the hour for the snnday- bchbol came and miss eraerson asked the boys what they had done for tile church and for the commonwealth it proved that most dfthem had foreottea all about- it bnt john was quite ready with his results and be announced greatly to the amuse ment of thetclass that he had kicked twentytwo pieces of oranse peel into the middle of the street the boys asked at once why he pretended that that was of any service and john explained at con siderable length he said that there were eleven of them and that if they would baid themselves together to render this service the wonld find that in going from home to church each of them had saved trentytwo imen from u the possibility or 1 probability of slipping on these pieces of grange peel and breaking their legs per haps just below the hip he said that in a weeks time if each boy would do the same thing as he went to school and went home there would tbmi jbe a savyig of the typ bones of 242 men for each day that au e boys entered on this bnsiness by this time all vheboys were interested some iu their head and some on pieces of slate or paper they mule the calculation and a full investigation at their cr years of suffering persons who vainly sought remedieal help from sources baveobtaiued the long desired from nprlhrop 4 lymans vegetable very and dyspeptic cure which puts a stdp to the tnrmentsof dyspepsia renews activity of the bowels and liver relievts maladies incident to the gentler bex and builds up failing health and strength girt pnrijy to the blood snd tone to the whole system ataalklag sarrrm it is the duty of every person vho has used botcher german syrup to let its wou- deif 1 1 qualities be known to their friends in unng consumption severe coughs croc p asthma pneumonia and in fact all li iroat and lung diseases no person can ise it without immediate relief three dose will relieve any case aud we consider it th duty of all druggists to recommend it to the poor dying consumptive at least to tr t one bottle as 80000 dozen bottles were sold last year and no one case where fair was reported such a medicine as theorindfi sgmp cannot be too widely knov n ask your druggist about it sample bottl ssto try sold at ten cents llegnlar size 7 5 cents sold by all druggists and ta ladoubied ttnlalaa i was severely troubled with diarrhwa and having used tomo of the wonderfnl vt fowler wild strawberry 1 was in a i short limn completely cured icaureconi- i mcud it o a splendid medicine win a stafford shcdden out fhatliacking cough can be so quickly cured by sljilohs cure wo guarantee it sold byjkjmcgarvin j sleepless nights uiado miserable by that terriblecough shilohs cure is the remedy for youj sold by n mcgarvin b b b- imaoil tbr tral t tried every known remedy i could tliiuk of for rheumatism without giving me any relief nntil i tried burdock blood bitters which remedy i can highly recom mend to all afflicted as 1 was henry smith milverton out the llev geo h thayer of booborn ind ij doth myself and wife owe our lives to shilohs consnmptiorn cure sold byn mcgarvin have laa tried ll if so you can testify to its marvellous powers of healing and rccomraent it to j yonr friends we refer to dr fowlers extract of wild strawberry the grand specific lor nil summer complaints diarrhoea cholera morbus dysentery r irjermyn i the dominion organ and piano ca 3ksnac m eatclatr oakund home majtaa svtrr weale say botwaso detroit and cle flnrif9aada oub lllu8tflfate0 paiir e b wbitcomb gwi ttiij detroit cleveland steam t dexttot mich the wanzer 50 candle po s m vtaazes co litsa hamilton ont rim fas the largest and most complete factory in the dorainlonieoxls egimt ecsm ever atudel to 117 uiiir 14 tie wu medal andwpidim at centennial isis iledal and dlplom atsjuocr amtralla 1877 gold modal at prpvincjal exhlbluon toronto 1s73 hlghut awards at industrial exhibition toronm ictwsl vlb ace xow uascractciuxo square and upright pianos 1 best ik juk mabjtrr rrc8pdadcncc solicited bend tor ninatratcd ca alortic moiled free address dolm0n oroivsam naxo oompato borjiivilnoirr webster in various styles of bindmg with and without patent index t i in conuncmnitijiiof her miijcstys jubiicu vc imvc dccideil l coin j which for clivup goods will soxiise isttmhiiljlsrg- cramps colic sickness of the stomach and complaints of infanta or adults let its merits be known to all whohavc not used it i j heretofore attempted in acton ami fijrrthcr frotti thcfactthiit deal re in the united states and canada that thus 1u3j ireii ind women were pos sibly saved from the hajtital by- every weeks consecration of that class to its duties to the church and to the common wealth in thu direction a fuuer calcula tion showed that in a years time this class alone saved to toe city the active work of fiftytwo times 1604 or 68088 hiss emerson never knew and 1 never knew whether these calculations actually showed the number of men who were saved from injury by this means but we all did know that these eleven boys in that year learned something of the public duties of a private citizen they were re- minded every time they kicked a piece of orange peel into the street each one of them that he did not live for himself but that be lived for others and that each one of us has a part in the common work this lesson is the lesson of the orange peel club and although it is not any where stated in their constitution or bylaws there is no doubt that it is a lessoa learned by each of the members lend a hand ml aadceasrarl u ike sarrrrlac i rowns household panacea has no qual for relieving pain both inleioal and xterml it cures pain in the side back or lowels sore thrnul rheumatism toot laehc lumbago and any kind of a pahv r ache it will most surely quick en th i blond and heal as its ncting power co is wo nlerful browns household pan- i acc3f being acknowledged as llic great clir tarai u rkairr iiiunco a gi eat dimmer salc we take cholera and an summer complaints are j w tx t our inimeiiso stock must bo greatly reduced before that so quick in their aetion tliat the cold handj k of death is npou tho victims before they are aware that danger is near if attacked do not delay in getting the proper medicine try a dose of dr j dkeljoggs dysentery j cordial and yon will get immediate relief it acts with wonderful rapidity and never fails to effect a cure oo0r- injr reduction in prices bargains arc the order of the day remember this is a stictxitft calss sjlej nhdlifsts for one month on stock in vuiiiaf i he public time und to ofloct this sweep- m so cliiniilpy ko glotc ho gjiotcjl positively kotiexiilcpire x vcr giijt cd burns guy grade of coal r evcrjlami guarantee without io with the light call put ott nniicry etij heat water boil eggs inaic ira- ami cct stcwietoj lqkjklatthews boij aglfctioii icto axttilcij driioiir1i burdock compound liv icoais jbilicn iaid dysf eota 6k3 xisej worms derange the whole system ladies it will piy you to sjivc us vour cash wo are otte mother gravest worm txtermnator de- 2 tliaiitbev cuil p08siljybe bought for later o ranges worms and gives restto the sufferer i k i j it only costs twentylive cents to try it and in bres goods ixcle bexs pkobud1s axd olestklvs sold by n x deu ewiok i send you another batch of problems and questions for the young folks i would like to sec them send their answers to the firk pcei for i desire to become ociaainted with my young friends i there arc three uuwbers iiucli tliat the first with i tlic aecobd u eiual to it the nocoad witij i snmpti n i lrt of the third is equal to ib and the third rith part of the first is equal to s itcjuired j iyii the numtxh 2 there b a fraction which if i be addud to the numerator and the numerator to tbo dc- notniuator its vb1utji ie- but if the denor ininator be iuerenwj in tniity and the numer ator by uiedenoiuiuator its valne will le 8 7 findit vibzk ycetrrioxh 1 what king lilcjit oil an iron ixxlatcad over 13 feet in length v whose sou jew cou ineu with an oxgoad 3 where did aaron die who wan appointed as in miccehivor 1 a what did moses put up to save tho israclitos i from dying t of what was the ktirent a tyiw the names of all who answer these prob lems will be published in the fbke pisess uxtik bes pain ielievcr and of double the strength of aiy other elixir or liniment in the world should be in every family handy for use w jen wanted as it really is the beat remedy in the world for crampf in the stom cb aoid pains and aches of all kinds and is for sale by all druggists at 25 cents abotlle an vice io motbeiw arc you disturbed at nig it and broken of your rest by a sick child iuffering and crying with pain of cut ting 1 eeth if so send at once and get a bottle of mrs winslows soothing syrup for ci ildren teething its valne is incal- cnlabl it wtli relieve the poor little suf ferer i t mediately depend upon it moth ers t lere is no mistake about it it cures dysentery and diarrhoea regulates the stomach and bowels cures wind colic soften i the gams reduces inflammation and g vesi tone and energy to the whole irysten mrs winslows soothing sy rup i or children teething is pleasant to the tai te and is the prescription of one of the oh est and best female physicians and nurses in the united states and is for sale by all druggists throughout the world price twentyfive cents a bottle be sure and wk for mas wrrauwg sooniixo and take no other kind srncr f shih hs cough aud consumption cure is as tn a guarantee it cores con- sold by n mcgarvin von suffer with dyspepsia and liver implaint shilohs vitafizer- is gaaran cud to euro yon sold by n mcgar tp has not r that is to say yonr lungs mo all your breathing machinery very wonderful machinery it is not only the larger air- psseages but the thonsands of little tnlies and cavities leadiug from them when these are clogged and chocked with matter which ought not to be there your lungs cannov half do their work and what they do they cannot do well call it cold cough croup pneumonia catarrh consumption or any of the family throat and nose and head and luugobsrrnct- ions all are bad all ought to begot ridof i there is just one sure way to get rid of them that ia to take boschees german j syrup which any druggist will sell you at 75 cents a bottle even if everything else i has failed you you may depend upon this j for certain j pakasols i jlaues of ah kim kvmiuiikfli5ivl5iuilxs i il millikkijy hg dreis jootls suitn v lor ivill use at w offerla kk1ucti0s of i j per oext4o 20 xuhcr linos piopoitionatcly cheap j a hi kjri straw hats and iikady mkuk8 per centokf foll cash see our job lines in bbots shdes bto thd latest edition has 118000 wordiwand 3000 engravings 00uo more words iir- ly 2000 more engravliigs than foundininnv oilier american dictionary italfo contaiiu a 7io- granwcal blctlmiary riving liriercici on- ceraing nearly 10000hoted persons to these features we hate just added 1885 a new pronotjnoiirf gazetteer o woid cortaininp over 25000 title ljtifey dejcribing iliocoijnities citipk tout and atural fcatnres of every part of tbcc5 websfek is the stabbae3 authority iritli the u s supreme court n- in the govt printing office aud ia vmfmnivuiici by the state supts of schools in 36 slalcr and by tho leading college presidents of the united 1 8fcitesind cnnacar the london fimes says it thebert die- tlonary of the langpoge the quarterly beyiew loncl y it sssslvsbweevjbxtszfldaask r a j is the best practical diction- exnrt fhe calcutta enmisbjnan sayev it n e qiost perfect work of the kind the toronto stohj ca says its iiaco is tn tlio very hfcheet rank the sew york trflmne cay itfe teeocnimd ai the most iifcifiil psirting wordbiok of the english atciiagc all over tht woril it is an invaluable couspanion in every school rndftteveryfiresim specimen pages and testimonials eentoropail on applieuiion g c meftkiatfi co pubushers springfield mass tjs a- te stomach jtiver boweift cureseedchecoeefa female complemtr fid buiiisi the fyetsm- iieed tlie followinff i bar yeah jest i have feutfered f icut s sia and i was tea mmen trr dr j comiound i cid so tftd found it- ftj cure e 4 f aktls torcntog sold evtrrwhere trite 73 dr hoiideifs ovh iiji p xcvcrfafle giiral i inildujf thg union etioine propiler t toronto out t vi the key to health pride 01 the vam a choice line ot gxlo3ttjclte always with sugaw atcost wo lfavo just opened a new line of the famous 504 ton call and inspect it al80ou new oc kibboiis all p s ladies will find it to their ndvintngc to do their shopping in miw cahicr pari ot the day i thereby avoiding the rush before closing at 8 p 111 henderson mcrlfie a valuable blwoverj tanner of neebing out says be only found b b b a sure cure for dye epsia but be has also fonnd it to be the i est medicine for regulating and in- vigbrati g the system that he has ever taken b b b is the great system fowto lkahv dkawivo why 1hv w tvtfk iltv h washington mdlrcps eminent throat and lang sargeon will nxt visit r acton i at downioh hotel- tuesday 20th september one day only co the 4indebgabtj3n and pbi- mar f drawing c0ub8eparts i and ii authorized for use in the public schools each part 10c for sale by all hoiksellers toronto seldv co pnblh hers tho 11 iportauce of drawing is recognised by all a id whatever aids in its being put within t ie reach of every one is a public benefit we have therefore much pleasure in callin the attention of parents teachers catarrh throat cubed ob dear me ma i do hope it will run soon im glad to hear jou talk that way daughter jt shows that yon have a good crop are being ruined by the drouth tbe rf fm m yes and my new gossamer justjl la l j iji iu think ive had it now for oier a month and not yet one chance to near it itn notelf it should ram on this piece be- lbrjh111 wiu bow 4 fore tt geu npe it won t be our fanjt- tmfbt j l wffy j fa j wbetber thtflewber baa toy pmkmi jdge cery man by what he cannot do j ji thehfer ind jou will hud no man of ability j bdnj bm to comaeaded tor judge etery nun by uhat he baa accoin- piajm u fished in the fields with which- he is i j mmlur and you get at his real frue yet in tbe pt bs schools viz the kindergarteni and priii ary drawing course it is intend ed for th youngest pupils attending school ihe bands of teachers add psjpij tdiuitlnn htdkt we lle a few of the hundreds who have boen success- fully treated by dr washingtons new method hwjrio jlckelvy kiugitou ont catarrh aud consumption i josiiirekoivykiubtou ouk catarrh i mfs a hopping kingston ont hroucbo consumption mr e scott kingston out catarrh head i and throat hrsjuo botraiu hanroirsniithont catarrh throat james mattbewa p mastor acton out ca- tarrab bead and throat t franela berlin ont catarrh head and throat miss keilie bhy berlin out bulargod tonsil f wing v l forunna out catarrh bead henry seott berlin ont astbiha mrs p wagner near berlin opt caurrh bead and tbtoat tori keraherfit jacobs out catarrh head andthroat i colin campbell pt edward ont tsthms james staoejr putton ont caurrh wm sboamakerbodney outjcaurrh josetutbmlley fort gratiot it catawh i bad form w b8fer kq of 6ubm bun gloro ilmufaetraetonoiih dr wiblnffton i awoijlitbtoatudmur8uriemincaiiada hhw mary a bopiboura ceuterrlle iqnl catarrh bead and throat mrs ooarreyrnebuoss 8 jaeobi out coo sauiftuoil i titu8aiderblo0uifleidoul uurijb head and throat a unlocks all the clogged avenues of the bowels kidneys and livor carry ingoff graduallyvritlout weakening tbr system all tho iirpuriiie3 ciid fou htimoreof tho kcdretions at tlie ssn- timo corroetiiig aoiiitjr iof tlr- stomocll curhis biliousness eye gnpsia hetdachce hizzinsse eartburn cswistdpafior brynask of tiie skin dropsy dimnesa of vision jaondife salt bhema yaipelas sorofnhv pltttterinj r- the heart itervousness and ge eral debility nil these arid rac other similar com puints vield to t- happy iiiftooneo cf etthdoov blood bit97ej5a rxbrjkscaprrm yes ipride of the valley that istlettfc the niodicine it cured uie of dysvciiav i bought a sauipie pacvace for 5t tiiesi jiackages for sflj and before llutdctkj contcntkjf four packages i was eiitwhj have never fu tho symptoms since 0a four years ago 1 also boushtn bottle of j of thvalley liniment last spring jcr inyt manwho siiraintiil he ankle so undlyrhop not bear his vfeighton it afer nsinstpx the valley liniment totii heurs he vtkf go to work as well as evjpr and what name of that other m ed itujc 2 whv prido valley catarrticidefccrmatic cure tht3 greatest known remetly in the world fort of catarrh nptau iulialcr hut uiciledir be taken- internally rape a day it rtril root of the diseaec and rctnoyes the i once ne thousands will tcstifv thatlnvi tho catarrh remedy tlie three abovpl go hand in hand and wheteean i get at lg matthews actpn ont ah firstclass medicine dealers in canada factured by pno a m snamves loidos9 a positive cube catirh gives wit cold in head catiarrh haif fever easy to use kot a snail powder irrltatiag i4quid ivim so eta and 1w if not obtslnablo at your drag fists sent prepaid on receipt of price address fmufobd fc co brookvlllc ont tamara elixir mmmjht 5 k t iv1 tuy 0r zgughscoldahoarst ruroar a llg complajt iiai rlliefhosnivl jim 1 1 oqusv tbt1 southern asthma guffi itatajrr acuir for asthma and bronchi by biaii on re6glr off rtv- 3ampu8 2s eizeet aooataa fulford 4 co brockviuc oh aamaaaj- dress gtodds drss 0ood8 drss qbods dat iimtoil n very liandsomc line of dross gooda jij h the latest shades at retuarkahly jowt prices i vvvw vw ladies and gentlemen plea note hia fact lint we now show tlie cheapest lines of idry gods in the county our goods are all new niid choice jno shell worn gboda to offer you sp15cial value lv trrby anj white cob t0wel1ngs towtils i the w ons shbetings pillow cotto shirmgs p cotton adkj an prints i w i i nramioo 3iixj2r beos thicmilfrmi5b1 paid for butter aud ecff 3 ftfes i to mgabvdfs drum store cures vrymtormsm arottcaranttofcio gacicin thcircriii purutivo ijta 0 nroaa ucptx octrtrojvr ft tsiiwia is chgicu or aottittf i a great gauscof human miser i on tne louo 01 manhood t led u re ou the nature trrnfmcn4asi bndlrni ciuo of stum rl v inline r spe atonhu induced by tlf aunjc inol uti jimssiom lmiotcuc ncnous jxluuy i inpedimcntstomaitiare neutrally consul i tion epilejisy and fits meatrlau llhycio llu 1 pftcity4cllb0bein j ollvfnvellff the world renownod author iu htaciltuifab lecture clearly irove frciiv uc ovinespolea it tho tn f jl cotciaciicce of itlf abuse aq effectually removed without daurcroussim 1 operations tougn ustauents nngs cordials poiutiiigiut r mojp of ciuo at q8 certain end effectual bj vlich omy pttfeipi no mnttvr 1 t his coumtjeu niat j uiaj en himself chfuply vrlratwl and indirpl jtuialoctqxe willprovaboou j cw and thousands hftit under seal in a plaii ent address onrcotpof fourieits oi 4v iigia staipps address u the oalvimrell jf edical co overj js j 4i ass bt bw toss 3 y 1 oljom s5i42l vfe a in 10inh 5 inch lincfcj casu i ffrittn scquen reckon ssale advo i willbij ngly- n advl i in tbe j- theyi j m collegl offci street bros- horsef given i te news i cauedl pain teaenf toroal aatisf visit j i if t si 3 imsmiis aftu bar nlfi eej 0rin officej perctj owe office o i twed fo oxdel atmj tpud tor i ordel itef p 01 l os ifl acl pari j bolil ant anc hoad aod aa 1 f snitsl m r v

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