pi v- meser fflaaairv- km mau js-vj- v- w vv fit tttitt jtm firtss thursday september db outtg folhi rax ouhrasbtoxsd a lpt 11887 ob the omfmhtotred httr ot the wc long ago is uwuadtahauahrayii love beet and tins facat it framed with its beau ttul grace of the dea onw i our sfaee gone to wt tbero w trwws wh riugleta and u ug braided locks 7 iimiv cre imwtitul bouulc briytit mrls aud high combs and smc coutbn aud itr shluliut cota that were worn by llu oldfaidiioued kirls llimnmofw dinner a id your nwt wul bt wusm cttnp whooping oouflh and drotwwul tomcdli tely reliewd by shilohs our bokt by mooar nattw tl pill with cure ooaittpatw boli t id regulate ihe llyjr tuivmbpr tlio roach that m giaudtather j wotv brutdicd lck from his broad hones l brow with an elegant easy simplicity wliic j though i look for 1 now r ee now aud my grandmother hair snowy white hid away j ncalh a licaimres of dainty white lace curving down rum her brow iu a smooth silver baud r framed a queenly aud beautiful faci a the proltd noble face of uy grt cncle ueorge look down from the canvas at me with tile omtiiuoy stoel and tbo hue jwalorod wij tk s bsmwuie aud graud as can te put uie dearest and lowliest hair iu tile world is my mother sioft beautiful bruu ith a touch of the gold aud a gliut of the sun and away to her kuecs falfiug dowu aud it tell its own story of womanly g aoe and uie oldtashionod modesty too- of that rwect indescribable beauty of oul aud the mothers love tender and tnio for the angel tliat iwuutcd the raiudiw could find xot a tint so exquisite and rare oh the wealth of luxurious rippling waves of rny mothers brown beautiful hail 1 so 1 honor the hair of the sweet loutjaj o whether silveror dnsdy or fair for it brings hack dear faces and good bouest hearts and 1 love it the oldfshiuued hair why will give an al imate of the population of ciiiua baaed ut mt official data puu it at 864000- 000 aa a ralntt 418000000 in ims j a lad writ i vm enabled to remove tha com root and branch by the oie of hollows corn cure others who have tried it i ae the aatna experienoe j v mwiim ixsm0esi 1 iboyjly pateby who i ouiot ai tamtrf tta win taktn onllntba tat illy wriagt wftfc hit mowr ai uy dr ve p lata tmalt botufee ol throe room mil leterby remarked how pretty it looted i yoi it look wry nto mid tommy h ad il wouldnt bo a bit too big for oar fat lily t it waut for pa and theobudnn ilditoa drawer in harper jtagatim for sept mhtr ill yxm conflh wktu sulloha cam immediate relief price 10 oenta 50 ct a id ii bold by n hogaritiu prof jow sulphur soap it a cheap and handy fa rm of obtaining the healing virtues of a snip mr bath a nasi 1 injector tree with each bottle of 3atarrh remedy price 60 cents mcgarvin 8hilohs sold by it yoir child is stnbbom or hard to admiuuler medicine to dr lows pleas ant wor n syrup will be appreciated worm i cause muoh sickness among children core lor month his wife indus i t i v his own lttair- the story is told in a french m iwspaper of pierre barlat a humble laborer who lived at sevres near paris with jeanne and their three children trious frugal knowing nothing oft the way to the wine shop pierre saved bis spare- money working harder and harder flhd at last bought the tiny cottage in whnh he and his wifo lived it was a tiny cottage indeed built of stones however with tiled roof standing amidst shrubs and covered with clematis it always attracted the eye of the traveller on the left as he cross ed the setres bridge pierre and jeanne scrimped and saved until the little cottage was paid for and made a feast when it was all done to cele brate their ownership a landed proprie tor to be sure does net mind ain occasional expenditure to entertain his friends all this pierre and jeanne had accom plished justbefore the was of 1870 with germany broke out the conscription tell upon pierre who moreover was an old soldier and belonged to the reserves a gunner he had been famous for his skill iu hitting a mark with a shell sevres bad men into the hands of the germans but the frhnch guns were pound ing away a them from the forth on mont takrien pierre brhvt was a gunner at that fort and was standing one wintry day by his gun when general noel the commander came op and levelled bis field glass at the sevres bridge gunner p said he sharply without look ing at pierre general said pierre respectfully givmg the military salute 10 you see the sevres bridge over there i see it very well sir and the little shanty lbere in a thicket of shrubs at the left t i i see it sir said pierre turning pale its a nest of prussians try it with a shell my man pierre turned paler still and in spite of the cold wiod that made the officers shiver in their great costs one might have seen big drops of sweat standing oat rra his fore head but nobody noticed the gunners emotion he sighted his piece deliberately carefully then fired it the officers with their glasses marked the effect of the shot after the smoke had cleared away well hit my mau well hit p exclaim fed the general looking at pierre with a smile the cottage couldnt have d9en very solid it ia completely smashed now he was surprised to see a great tear run ning dbwn each of the gunners cheeks whats the matter man 4he general asked rather roughly pardon me general said pierre re covering himself it was my house everything i had in the world rimlk bexs vltxies secured price 80 that freemans worm powders will sun ly cure for d pspepaia aud liver complaint you have ap ihted gurarantee on every bottle of shiloua vitaliser it never faili to cure sold by mcgarvin shilol a catarrh remedy a positive catarrh diphtheria and canker 8old by n mogarvin aalfesu persoi s who have suffered for years with asthma will find a quick relief and euro in the double treatmeut ot southern asthma cure catarrh cured health and sweet breath by shilohs catarrh reuieiy cents nasal lujcctor tree bold aitaalnklar aaceesa j ik is tjue duty of every persoh who has um 1 bo tehttt otrman sg rup to let it won derfolqialitimbeknowtj to their friends iii curt ig consumption severe coughs crt up titiima puaumduia and in fact all thro t and lonu diseases no person oat use itwitliout immediate relief throe dot t w 11 relieve any case andwe consider it t lie d ity of all drugfiiata to jrecommend ittitlu ixxr dyiugconiumptive at least to ryoie bottle aa 80j00 dosen bottle we e so d last year and no one lease where fai ly w as reported such a itnedlotne aa thi gtr wan syrup cannot be too widely kiiuwu ask yourdrtiggisi about it sample boltlea o try sold at ten ceuli regular i i 75 cents bold by all di uggista and de tiers in the united state aud canada aw 3 by n mcgarvin the extraordinary popularity of ayera cherry pectoral is the natural result of it use by intelligent peopleforover forty year lt has proven itself the very best specific for colds coughs and pulmonary com plaints j i re aaaves the catot many persons suffer from a symptom of catarrh that causes nausea more especial ly after eating in the morning nasal balm will cure by removing the eauae worms derange thii whole system mother graves worm extermiuator de- ranges worms and gives rest to the sufferer it only costs twenty five cents to try it and be convinced shilohs cure will immediately relieve croup whopping cough anh bronchitis sold by n mcgarvin abaalral thaazr i had got bo ba with dyspepsia that i hardly cared whether i lived or not says frank a swain o the toronto coat office three bottles of burdock blood bitters cored him and he says it now seems a pleasure to live shilohs conh and consumption cure ia sold by us on a guarantee it cures con sumption sold by n mcgarvin will vou suffer with dyspepsia and liver complaint shilohs yitaiizer is guaranteed to cure you sold by n mcgarvin relume i have nsed dr fowlers extract of wild strawberry and fouud it a sure cure for summer complaint i was very sick and it cured me entirely alexander w grant moose creek ont iboblems as age is doable of bs but 13 years ago as was 5 times bs rojuired their ages if j of g be three what will j of 20 be diuls qrebtioxs whq built thetemple of jerusalem why was not david permitted to build the temple on what mountain was the temple built what wondrous act was performed there mo years before the answers of the young folks are kindj ly solicited uxcle bex hk had mue ikovisiox a country cousin wao had come to the city had ostetayed his welcome at the house of a friend and as he showed no symptoms of departing htbost a morning or two ago said to him well i dont wish to hurry yon old fellow but dont yon think it is time you saw your wife and children again eh why they will be groiying inconsolable for the loss of you that- is strange now replied the countryman i was thinking just the same thing myself yesterday and i wrote off only hist night to tell the missus and the youog ones to come up to me here at once take cake of yolk ihakatteb tak care of your cluuocter do not be too much coiicerned for yotirreputation keep the cliarafcter right and the reputation will give you no trouble character l everything something that cannot be hid from god or man that cannot be changed as we change a garment but we carry it with ni wherever we go and by it we are known every day of our life a pure earnest- broad consistent symmetrical character what divine glory it reflects what blessings it confers outhe world scotland afialnst uckshk itoe question are you in faver of the people around you having the power to i suppress the liquor traffic by their vote j shield they wish to do so 1 was put fnthe form of a plebosite to 46 places ail iu seotlaad and in esery instance a large ww phpf ryt ytf i w j- v- 1 i ik ia avv h f f ais i v ir 111887 1orla ne back bide or ohest ptus plaster n mog arvin use shilohs price 85 cents sold by i vael warth stssemfc rla mr jjas binuie of tclrouto states that hit littl i baby when three month old was so aad rith summer oomplaintj that under do torf treatment her life wajs despaired of fur doses of d- fowlcrs wild sti awb irry cured her she is now fat and hei irty 8 8 4 0 7 8 0 10 lawns ro- on made miurtble by lou coistipation dinines ye low skin shuohi vitelixer is a pes iti fe cue sold by n 5 icgar in hat locking cough cut be cui ed b j shilohs cure so d by n mcgarvin indigestion of appetite wo guarantee it 4atte rarrect i hive used dr feelers extract of wild s trawberry and 1 ound it the best ret tedy lever used forilysentiry and all unmei oumplainti amo i children and i thi akn household shoud be without it mrja a baker ingoldsb ont tleep terrible for yon ess nights made miserable by that ugh shilohs 3 ure is the remedy sold by n mc 3arviq ev goo h tbavet of bouborn says both mysfelf and wife owe live to shilohs consumption cure llby n mogarvin hel so quickly best aa4 cvatrsrl la i he 8atrrlag frowns household panacea has no qua for relieving pain both internal and xternal it cures pain in the side back of bowels sore throat rheumatism toothache lumbago and any kind of a paio or ache it will mostsurely quick en the blood and ileal as its aeting power is wonderful browns household pan acea being acknowledged as the great pain reliever and of double the strength of any other elixir or liniment in the w sbonld lie in every family handy for use when wanted as it really js the best remedy in the world for cramps in the stomach and pains and aches of all k indf and is for sale by all druggists at 25 cents a bottle u brier aad is ike fatal dyspepsia is dreadful disordered liver is misery indigestion is a foe to good nature t the human digestive apparatus is one of the most complicated and wonderful things in existence it is easily put out of order greasy food tough food sloppy food bad cookery mental worry late hours irregu lar habits and many other things which onght not to behave made the american people a notion of dyspeptics but greens august flower has done a wonderful work in reforming this sad busi ness and making the american people so healthy that they can enjoy their meau nd be happy remember no happiness without health bat greens august flower brings health and happiness to the dyspeptic ask your drnist for a bottle seventy- five cents give them a etaaare that is to sayi yonr lungs also all your breathing machinery very wonderful machinery it is xot pnly the larger air passages but tin thousands of little tubes and cavities leailina from them when tliese are clogged and chocked with matter viiicli ought not to be there your lungs co mio half do tbeij work and what they do hey cannot do weh call it cold cough croup pneumonia catarrh consumption or any of the family throat und nose and head and lungobstruct- ions all are bad ah ought to begot rid of thete i fist one stfre way to get rid of tllem that is to take boschees german syrup which any druggist will sell you at 75 cent a bottle even if everything else has failed you you may depend upon this for certaini advice to mot henare you disturbed at night and broken of yonr rest by a sick child suffering and crying with pain of cat ting teeth if so send at once and get a bottlrof mrs winslows soothing syrup for children teething its value fs incal culable it will relieve the poor little suf ferer immediately depend upon it moth ers there is no mistake about it it cures dysentery and diarrhoea regulates the stomach abd bowels cures wind colic softens thegnms reduces inflammation and give tone and energy to the whole cystemj mrs winslows soothing sy rup for children teething is pleasant to hie taste and itihe prescription of one of the oldest ajid het female bhysicins and nurses in tlje umted state and is for sale by all dvutgists throughout the world pnco twehtyfive cents a bottle be sure baajority answered yes for aflj the wll wnswws soonmro totaled mm vitesio 4m ny j gj e m cq wod bole a and alt summir complaints lire so quick in their aetiontliat the cold hand of death is upon the vie lims 1 efore they arei awa e that danger is lear do hot 6 elay in getting tli spropt r raedieine i try a di se of dr j d k dlogg i dysentery cordial and you will get immediate relief it acts rith wonderful rapidity and never fails to effect a cure ourilrstf wilts rial ti wamntbl hum vbssmastimit rw6bs1aejaiaati attnssiati hodsailjm u tasv vfei anbmdf radaem ltedtly atb following prkallitln prints lawkbakoltdfllins i lvt zephyr chambray reduced from uetolse lot pltfih 8trldd pijie chambrays reduced froinoaio colored sbsd sahssllawns reduoed from 87tofe a6 white brlllimu redm from loo to- buok and white prinked dooed from loo to lzjo colored oatriieal clotlisi rcdooed froni 80o to loo i colored brocaded lawas reduced from 85c to 10c j cream arid goldljanvaa cloths re duced from 80o to lot fine amerioan seersuckers roduoed from 18c to 1sc madras net reduoed from fipo to 8so and from 0c to 27c ii ginghams reduced from 16c to 10c 13 amerioan print robed reduced from 1 75 to 1 45 i 18 great sacrince in white all over embroideries reduced from coo to 40c from 75c to coo from 81 00 to 07jo from f 1 60 to fj5c from 2 00 toia5 is colored all over embroideries at exactly halt price reduoed from ti 00 to 60o from 1800 15 grand range of wide qrleuul floun cing at 60c per yarch- 10 linen prints reduoed from lajo to 10c i 17 grand special liuo of prints of regn lar 12c goods at 7jc per yard 18 printed muslins at 6c 0 plain striped and river check white lawn at 6c so swiss spots and checks at 8o10c and 15c worth 18 j 15c and 20c 21 white embroidered lawn dressds reduoed from 54 00 to 13 00 and from 15 00 to 14 00 gbnts department line halifax tweeds worth 75c at 50o line navy serges at 40c 50c and c0c cheap all wool cauadiau for boys wear cheap and garments cut free of charge j line summer underclothing at half price line summer knitted overshirts at olo worth 11 line mens stiff felt bats reduced to 25c mens white vesu 25o mens brown duck overalls 85c mens bummer scarfs 3 for 25o mens double and twist cotton i- mcleod andertson co have quite n lurgo stock thoy anxious to got lid of alid prices arc nn object which shuuld be wo liavo cut down a num jcr of linos in snmuior goods winch wo are 6fforiiignt extraordinary low prices summer mfiiitlcsmid jackets in silk and cloth great drives front 50 cents up sumijiicr millinery wo arc cutting to bone hats from 5 ceuts up featl ribbons ornuniotits and kinds of millinery oxtraordiii low purnsois being cleared out re gardless of cost a line of dress goods at 10 cents worth 25 cents at 15 cents worth 80 cents an immense stock of magnificent dress goods very cheap mus l j m g mlsed7iamtrni raw express 7a atn1 i mu pass ball 10 so sui i thi a e through cxp6 09 pjn j ma 1 aocom 9 wpiri j mixed chlcbokxpressdoetuotbtopi nd brampton timboiclosiva ititr gojlig wost9 16 ium and 90 p jn m going east 10 0 am and saopajrjs ins 6 and lnces for dresses frorr centb per yard up checked dress silks 25 ce its checked all pure bilk dress silks 85 cents worth 60 cents a lino oi black and colored si tin merveilleaux go a and 75 cents worth 8100 and 125 we invite the ludios and gentlenienot acton and rockwood to pay us n visit nnd wefake tljo responsibilify uponour selves of assuring yon that you will bo well re- j paid our stock is very attractive this season both iii ladies aud gentle- p mens goods bailwaytimb grand trunk jftafl ooiwo et mack i summer palooe st l jwortrijsper wootl detroit mackinaoisl 2 j g c ffaeobs buffalo tit ykays ir thomas eclectrio oil cared him ot a bad casi of piles of 8 years standi ng having triad air mat every known remedy besides twe jbniralo physicians witt out relief bnt the il cured him be think tit cannot be recommended too highly after j years of suffering persons who have vainly sought remtdical help from other sources have obtained the ongdeaired refief from northrop 4 lvmao i vegetable discovery and dyspeptic jcure vhich pute a stop to the tormentsof dyspepsia renews activity of the bowels and livi ir relieves maladies incident to the gentle sex and builds up failing health a id str ngtli gives purity to the blood snd tone to the whole system a mrauss a ntf i feel itmydnty to siy writes john bprtonof desert p q tht burdock i tne most varied and carefully selected stock ever 6ccn in acton bio id bitters cured my wifo of liver com- j plaint fiom which she ha 3 been a chronic j h suff rer her distressinj paiifol symp i tomb eocii cine way and i can highly re- j iii buying great clirfi lills eonjnenjltl medicine uf all sjiffering as j ffl8h arligtic dc81 8he aid 13 bocks 10c per pair or three for 25 men and boys tweed suits at re duoed prices linen alpaca aud seersucker coats cheap special bale of 300 plain and braided jerseys at 33 13 per peiit under regular prices come to the ureat jnbilt e gale black gros worth 9125 grain 75 cents prints iot 5 cents and 7i ceii worth 10 cents and 12j cents we arc going to cut goods the boiic to reduce our stock tv to e r bollert 27 lower wykdham st guelphont ixtkpuoxe in ornce east end in calling attention to inspection invited iiemcmbcr our millinery drcjss- making and tailoring depart- menta great drive in gingliains beer suckers and crinkles orgetowfr june 22iil ip87 fare o diiriug the two months ot june and july we shall return the to anyone from aton or rockwood who buys s500 worth to gooxlsoii satuidays or 1000 worth any other day of the week af the we arc oilcring splendid value 8ilk and satin dress gobds millinery c fro n jr our stock ovttrpets is very large and well assorted ourstockof lioys clothing is complete in every line and sizes 150 up d williamson co cuelp b mng stony cnaoirs stock i do so with ccji ifulni ol i ike yrrdlet of hjurralloa for t bree months i could no t bat a full mea i or o a days work i booj ht a bottle of llardiick blood bitterl befltn nsinr it and in tl ree days my appetite it torned in a week felt like a new man it was won lerfi 1 what that one bottled d for roe writssaithur allchinof honuvile mus- koki wh suffered from dyspens a fidence being iu a position to place before my numerous customers ifceit 111 taken to procure ihe nidtt ooatiostgs the patterns this season being such ns cannot fail to gratify the wearer u h j the latest styles in hats and gents furnishings satisfaction gruipantfeed 1 fype acton mtraitvins drug stationery store the stlioolk wilj leopen jpaiiits oils varuishes c in a few weeks pujrcnaee your new schoal books here all authorized editions on hand slates c bcobn into pent fencilsjjcj in large variety mprarvins drug 4d stationery stoke actox i are now being used in acton in large quantities and mcgarvins drugistbre will supply you with everything in this line paints ready mixed in all quantities and colors j as olslt oskund hanm jtxtw srswsksrberms- oetfloit and cieve spsculgniiaa our illustrated pamphi jutajblifcoarstoltlakttswinbsfsbe brroar tlckt asvx vtkumskm g whrrcomb gsnl fm detroit cleveland steam i oetbot wchj the wwzero 60 candle powi smvanzpr co haat saniiltoa oat h-t- itocliimncy mo globe kosciolicis pstiely koneiploeive kercrgi ej burns any grade of coh evtry lamp gaarartcoil vitl09t j with tbe libt can put ali xbitcrv n heat wntfk- boil cgge tnkc tea and coffs stew etc m sole aoest 10e ajj05t iltj tjc drhooders burdock a fi o compound lew cob bilipt dyss cos furniture furniture -fqr- undertak1ng uucruls fulk suppliel with everything iieoesswy in this department nwhshingtonmdlrcpii e mine ct throat and long surgeon will next visit acton a p dominion hotel tuefsdy 20th september one day only takkh throat cukbd a fe r ot t be unudrods who uve been aucoess- folljr t route 1 by dr washingtons bew method mrs jno mckelvy klngstc n ont catarrh and c mini iption job i mel slvy kingston on catarrh mrs a hopping kingston ont broncho consu nipti n mr e 8 ott kingston ont catarrh head and tl roat mrs jno letrani harrowsm tbont catarrh jam js mi uliowa p maitcr actouont ca- tarrat boo i and throat i f 1ranc berlin out citarrfa bead and throat j mlu nell bebyborhuontenlarieatonill f v lug mo corunna oul catarrh bead henysc tt berlin ont 1 mrs v w ignernesr belli l ontl catarrh head nd tl roat levi kere icr srjacovs on catarrh head andttroai1 i coll i cad pbell pt edward ont asthma jam is sti cey dnttott ont catarrh wm shot uakerbodney on catarrh jose ih 8c iloy fort gratiot u 8 catsrrb bid fo to w1 1 8t rey esq hannl ictni rtsraetob ont d washington is theon j mist catarrp be d and throat god rey lebness 8 j icobi ont con lmpt on tifai bold r bloonlfleld ont and tb oat you started do tbo start delay of 8tor y son glove r ont d washington j r tb roat and fcang bnri eon inicansds marr a rombourg entertile lont catarrh bead u ii re at noino and ma ce more money it o rk for us than i nytblng else i blst orld capital not iseded yon are ree both sexes all ai es anyosecan wor i large earnings sore from first 3osti outfit and terms ree better not ost ron notblngto sow rayoqraddreai aud flu i ont f if yon are wise yo a will do so at one ihi vtxvt k oo port md mains 1 summer undercoth inc balbniggan merino ind fine cashmere shirts anli drawer i 34 36 38 40 42 and 44 chest measure extba value in merino undekclothing at 126 per suit 1 i shalar fc qraxidy merchant tailors cuelprl john ms bond co direct hardware importer we carry tbe larffest stock 6f hardware in get tral outorio and iuvite attention anld oomrrson n prices try tta for annealed and oiled fence wire barb wire buckthorri ffence wire seady mlsod paints all shades true to color card hydraulic rams iron pipe and flttings booop bbovela manure drags half bnsbel measares threshing maohina belting i thrwbidgmaohine oil ueai choppcts stoffers aud butchers maehlnery j apple parers letters of enquiry promptly answered an ill istrated oatiilorfue sent on application john m bond co v vv i j fenco nildlng hardware locks hinges v carpet sweepers i ampb and every thins usually kept ill h rae establishments buying for oasli ii tl e best markets in the woid we can di bat foryou cottage or castl4 at prices which will astonish you oal1lon r speight- -sqm- actojvt j a speicht manacer insure tour in th1j- ontario mutual life assurance company head office waterloo ont j note its progress v 1871 1880 noiv atihiintuccs i 1188750 assurance in foru 1s83u12 au04sm lrcuiiuiuiueonjc 53164 ffij36 interest iuobino 6jh 6w4 death claims paid 500 p profits paid 2638 12565- asseth 142619 tsllizi surplus on band 39150 s97p wm hendry j manager 1883 l950o30 5504479 16370 1455 7431 12004 437430 32416 1s1 342300 719u1 770 26989 38854 19939 653663 4723 1686 3565750 97743i 27sj8 43494 54330 34010 909490 613 w h riddell seoretary hvp moore agent for acton hosiery sale lapies seamless hose 12jc worth 20c ladies full fisll lonei hose 20c worth 35c ladiesbalbriggan hose 25c worth 400 childrens h ose splendid value at 10 anfi 1 ojc y i tapestry uarpets 370 worth 50c tapestry carpets 450 worth 60c union carpets 3740 worth45cm allwool carpets 600 worth 850 i -i- r oxjrtainsalb lace curtains formerly 126 now 94c lace curtains fobherlv 8175 now 1 31 iacejcuraainspormerly 250 jjow 81 88 lace curtains fohmerly 8350 now 263 bolo ageats for vertotloii and 8uporior carpet swqoners wooloieatoociooksat rday ovenfagi 7 48 king 8treet east between hughson and john streets the creat r ecu lai of tie stomacli liver bowels blccfl cures eeedaclie cojti8 female cdjnplsjaift sad bciidsjj the gystesn j 5 iteatl the following fryrarsimet ibave suffered trava sia aiid i was reccnjiuoulcj o try dr ha icoainouaa i- cij so end found it ir cure i e j cctitis torootoa sold everywhere price 75c db hoddeils ccugii sojjjcxg xeverfails griarautcoi irip23caua the union ixspieijfli- srepjieeib toronto osfc a i pride of trjlk val yes pride of the vcik rthat i ibe i the medicine it enreff n o of dyepop6llw i bought a sample packoee for ii5c packages for l and btforollmd coutents of fonr iactcgei i was entirely have never felt tne snep ems eiece tjsf four years ago 1 slso bot sht a bottle ati of tbo valley liniioeuma it spring for injj man whowrafuefiiis ail ileto badly h not irearhis weight on it after using f the valley liniment for 2 l hours nc was go to work as well as eur and vhati name of that other medici e wbv pride- valley catarrh ondlicj atic cure thfc greatest known remedy ic to world for tbe of catarrh not an inhaler hut the mcnicinei be taken internally once i y jt etrisesw root of tho disease and thioves the cansr once as thousands will t iy that havei the catarrh remedy ihs jthrcb above rei go hand in hand andwl ire can- 1 get 1 at l g matthews a ton oct alsoj firstclass medicino eaic s ih caaads- facturcd by pfiop a if si hoeves fcondoh u elixir natures eiv5ed- for c0ughscold5 hoarse v throat a lung comclai isianrnlllei- positive southern asthiv asthma and e ronch1th by mail on receipt of pce samples 25c regv tar size 1 oom fulford a co brockvulc- yelloioil cures rheumatism freeh fs are ploaeant to tato icontaln their o imsativo la a safo bt ro and etiac destroyer at worms in hildrcncr ad a great causeof i oman miser on tbe 10 s cv v manhood a iicflnre ontbcali re treatment badlril cure of seminal vedkners or sp atorrhoca induced by bel abuse iuvolunti emissions imporoncv kevon3 dcmiiy impedinieutb to marriage entrally uou epilepsy atfotitr men nlau1 1bysilttl in patitydc bykobeutjc ulveitwelui tho world renowned autl or iu thisadintra jlocturo clearly provts fror uiis own ejeporie that tho awful consequence i of keif abase ms be effectually removed without dauferoire sun oal operations bougie iiibtiiunents ringli cordisls minting ont a inpioof euro at on certain aiurtftfctnal by which every snifel no matter what his conditit a niuy be nifty r himself cbeapls privately i nd radio- ly issthis lscturo will prove a boon t iniia wd thousands sent under seal in a plai a euvepe o address on receipt of four c stanips addrrts uts or two potti kw oalysrwcll ciieal co uiss 8t new vobk s y km 3jv v i v lsnssiiiii u lrboi