Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 8, 1887, p. 2

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bamtuinkrla on the jnd september u bocmfajeiknmllorkdngswr bono to acton on the 3rd septenibor tile irnw mr gwit8oper ota daughter pliwt kttweviou ujftl september the wire of mrtwnitlauk ol a daughter lkit atllnbmueu thliitk1uiubn the w0aofmjrjuna3rj hcrjoumtlu milton on tho tt amwtt tl e wrc of mr j h mcoouoni dnusjurt of sou btmwiiar creimns turner on tho kb 80 matrfctti wife at mr koto billon ottwtai 1 majtfukd wttmfatftrucgroc cliiumn ujtti8cltsiberlvhv k k scojt ker of uw gtcokn mftistari tv bcv k m jhctu brothertnuw ot the brtaa re lhrln tkhta scott of lotrok to ml mjsnlalltvwhllo ojcutiwm docd lartkn on urns 35ui august st campbcllvlllk ttf typhoid fcver tillus youngest daughter m 8jh lister kmj aged is your bkjflrr on tlic stu aucust t culwurt wb- wc brook rcllcil of thr llcv john 1wu agod 0j yvare and 1 months mm rjirtm itnnbrtd and thirty frnmw mrdttath rmbikpamckvslrk sb jxtott m jfrtssj t thursday september s mi m mr v xotks and rommkxts his excellency the governorgeneral fortwjly opened the toronto iudustriid exhibition at two oclock tuesday afte 1 altiftoh llrmld urges increased government grants to the township or trie agricultural fairs the racemeeting circi s audi side show combinations yclept boa tral fairs to be made sclfpustainu the kincardine botelkeepcr closed the r hotels against the travelling public for two days last week in the uope of scoring a poiiit atfaiust the scott act i tho bubblo soon burst however and the hotels are open and doiujj business as usual the report of tho depaty mmisjtur if finance states that silver to the value of 1183000 and copper to the value of si 000 j were imported by the dominion and the profits realised amounted to j 55150 a turf almost equal to the salaries uf the de paitmeut for the year si r charles tupper and sir lionel sack- villa west are likely to be mr cbaihber- hunjs coueaguas on the fisheries comroui- siorjj a specialdespatch from wasiringtop patnjta out that the united states govern ment cannot appoint a regular commission bat will probably employ persons to act in conjunction with minister phelps j foor or five of the then who have bee 1 carrying scott scott act repeal petition a ban been convicted of violating the scott act they want a law so loose that they cwfcot break it nothing less trill satisfy them they dont like law of any kind especially if it is at all prohibitory after this it would be in order for the convicts of all kinds to cam- around petitions to steal shoot and kill in certain hours avarinaf losnox ienti sap th theatre hoyal tool fin thtt tmtng dorlnjt a ps formanos it komany rye the ooou- ptiitt of thi pit after an awful strtuftle es caped but toany of them wen rreatly in jured tbire wi only one exit from the fiauery aw the rash then was a terriflo knh sot ret wan trodden under toot and auffbeated a are escape was brought to a wtirdow at d many inside were rescued the mortal ty iaeatimated t ho t ii obi0im of tim irk i the thi itre boyal was bnllt after the utett dosiin and wm elaborately flttd belnjt oonsiiered one of the prettiest in the kingdom then was a full house tonight and everything waa all right nntil the end of the thirv act at half past ten when a drop scene clljand in a momont the whojle itao was a man of fin a wild panic en sued the ocoupants of the stalls pits and drees c tele escaped after the dreadful oxushinr m uiy heinr badly bruised the actors aud i otretses were in their dresalnr rooms whet the flrefbegiui and alleaoaped tl fire orikinated b the flies and spread rapidly fllllug the hheatrc with a dense smoke tile occupants of tho npper circle and gallery rustled to tfo windows scream ing frantically lany jumped from the windows aid tre iujt red others wen rescued with tlij aid of ladders the bra biased riercdyi uglitiug up the whole oity pcjde werejsioji flooding to the fcoiio in tlioumuds ibqafriug tor frionds i a ruiic the sceiiefpawide the theatre when the tire broke out was ati awful one some men implorch the audienge to be cool but it wan impossible to check the frantic ruali tho theatre hose was brought into use in a few minntcsl but the wuttr had little effect on the llatui p the actors ami actresses were taken f xm the windows with the aid of ladders they lost everything except what they v ore at the time up to the present- 1w bodies have been rocovered they are al nost nureoognhnble thirty iujuredsnrv vors have beeii taken to the hospitals 1 he fire bnrnej through the night and tl e search loir bodies proceeds slowly in many cases every shred of clothing is b rued off aud the bodies look black atxj ra r there are various reports as to the orif in of the fire it is only cer tain that the flames broke out in theaoene shutters dep riment those who escaped say that th i special eiit- was promptly opened iijmb jtarrowfbl show wnwy kaeonnttln the bsaaatiix eihiuuon to be held in acton on the th and bthootober promises so be the moat tntensting and soooosstal w held tit u township ftm t on day exhibition open to the townshfti only it has been made a two day show and is open to the townships of erin kramosa anrl nauagawsya u well m ksqamlug tnaprospecto an most euooenging and those in oharne of the bnsiness nport that entries will no doubt be mooh in excess of any former year and that qodar tba daw arrangements the attendance will undoubt edly b larger than before the rery fact of the show being held in aotou will tend to filve the pnblio assur- anoe that it will be a suooesa on every occasion when it has been held hen in the past it has been wonderfully suooesslul and then will be greater reason to expoot a superior exhibition this vear the grounds are equal to those of the cities nfteeu acres in extent with a brat class halfmile ring for the exhibition of stock the new exhibition building will be opened for this show the gronnds are convenient to the town and railway in fact everything is favorable the prise list for this year has been con siderably extended mew dasseejhave been added and others have been increased in value something over s00 is offered iu special prixes the most of which an open to the province the ottlcrrs and directors are working arduously for the success of the show and the eople ot acton are nobly seconding their efforts tub scon act foe tkel mi on engrtjjllsrid y many of our readers it will afford as pleasure at any ll have exrotsbtd ddestro w ire at any timo to bhov thorn to any who may sail hnt for the benottt of thclso who resiilo t n listniico wo havo at considerflble wpen jss2jt medal and diploma whloli we prodttpo bolo- tliosojoutsraroimfar as possible fuo siinllios of tho original but iiro of oouiho rodnccd in sizp and look the beantifal coloring wmm fine stock now open i brated wtclim a t a the chinese government is about to em ploy a dozen bright young men at reporters of civilization they will be chosen by competitive examination and will be sent abroad far two years to study foreign conu- tries each will take a specialty and will send a monthly report to pekin after two yearn the government will use the services of each in the department in which he has done bestr and the more promising young i will be ennobled men wi oke one of the regrets of the israelites when they in their hearts again turned back to egypt was for the onions which they used to eat in the land of their bondage it is to be noted that egypt is again be- oomjing a land of onion culture large quantities are verly shipped to europe bom alexandria aud other ports a few yean ago the trade hardly existed while in two months of last year alone 14000 tons were shipped to liverpool a piece of ground in philadelphia with a frontage of sixteen feet on chestnut ana thirtyfour feet on fourth street was rt- centjly told for 85000 or 515g square it was necessary to complete a og site in the heart of the city and lore commanded this extraordinary this is the highest price ever paid for real estate in america the one next to it perhaps was on wall street new york city where a lorisold for s145 a square foot i the town council of stockton kansas i composed exclusively of women the experiment is being closely watched bj other towns which are ready to do likewise aboold sneeess crown the efforts of the fair conbciljorb the council has some im portant works on hand this year such as constmc a railway erecting a town hallj bmlding an aqueduct and a police station besides the ordinary routine busi ness of opening up new streets and it is aid that the female councillors face alt be difficulties serenely and hopefully tilel h distrllt jikctixu the final oial district meeting of the gnelph dist ict ot the methodist church was held in t le dublin bt church guelpb on monday t lorning itev w s griffin d d chairmsi presiding then wen pre sent kev j w holmes w g smith norfolk st juelpbv rev w s griffiir v v alfrer smith dublin st guelpb j rev isaac rane george wallace ton- sonby rev james broley jas graham hlora bv i s colling francis cassidy iergna kev wm wiltimott marsville bev tboraa grandy simon hendenon belwood r v james walker johu leslie eramoea r v francis swann thomas waters rod wood itev robert phillips w h store acton itev bobt davey james nixo i georgetown rev joseph harkham xnezer beswick erin arrangemt uts were made for holding missionary and educational sermons throughout tie district each minister to provide for h s own deputation the finani ial provision for the college federation s htme was then discussed of the 250000 tairod933000wasapportjon- ed to gnelph conference and gnelph dis trict bad bee i given 13250 to raise which was snbdivii ed as follows gnelph city 1800 foinnby 100 eiora 1200 fergus 9250 marsville 950 belwood 50 eramosa 91 10 rockwood 100 acton 230 george own 8250 erin 9100 making in all f 3200 on motion the above appor tionments w re unanimously accepted by the remrser tatives in the afternoon a convention f the district was held at which the iubject of federation was thoroughly ai i clearly presented by rev dr potts secretary of education rev dr dewart i ditor chrulian guardian and president m us o a c the meeting throughout v as very uuanimous and en- thnsiaktic aid the quota allotted will j doubtless be i xceeded the tlrit of a series of prohibition meet ing to be held in the county ot peel took place iu lorno park lastthnraday evening mayor iiowland in his address said the movement wan rolling on like the snowball the boys mako the nioro it rolls the bigger it grows there is not a man drinking to day wlio does not know it in not a good thing iind that he would be better without it then was a growing conviction that they had better let it alone if it were not for the local option and other rertriotions the hquor dealen would be the masters hen as in the old lauds lie had taken a great deal of interest in the scott act and had carefully inquired irito its working then wen some men who would get liquor even it they had to make it with a tallow candle and a teapot that might do for the oldfashioned wliiakey soakers but the boys could not be caught in that way he quoted the government figures of the con sumption of liijuor in the various provinces showing that when the scott act was in force then was less drinking when a man said there was more liquor consumed under the scott act he lied then was no other way of puttiug it the ficott act is a success and the men who go around the country telling any other story are lying tho old world would give anything for such a law the power ot the traffic is broken in this country not so iu england aud germany there during the hut two years we have seen bismarck defeated by whiskey atid gladstone by beer in british movement made to my order goltf and sjil gtjelph wecidingrrt5i presentel commemorative fcyfct 4t 9 do not forget when you intend purchasing a first das organ or piano to go to j c mclean of the gnelph temple of music he is no agent but buys bis goods in large juautities at rock bottom figures and only the high est grades axe handled i ockull siakkkts fmll till 1ss7 alu hers pig blslxrxs h the casket containing the jubilee address from allahabad is the latest addition to the jubilee offerings to queen victoria from india it is made of silver- and representa a native palki the sides and ends of which consist of eight panels each con taining a finelychased figure and the whole being a very elegant and artistic piece of workmanship the address which is on parchment is written iu eng lish cnrdi and urdu characters and isj ppanied by three books containing 171851 signatures beautifully bound in coverp of oriental design u- th j ontario board of health at its late bessie n in toronto considered the report of the committee on epidemics it was fonnc that the province was on the whole free from epidemics diptheria being thej most prevalent in the eastern counties there had been more of this disease there j had lien theosnal amount of miasma in the etreme western counties the report was adopted- ot late the farmers and villag jrs of joutsrie are according to dri brya takgig a great interest in matters perta ning to sanitation and they mani- 1 fest a desire to lay before the provincial boanlof health any cases of unhealthy premises canada to the fbont the george wn utraul reports u galla ghers scott act trial as follows j b eagle gal agb6r was charged with illegal liquor lelling joseph mill iard sworji got drink from eagle in ac to 1 about four weeks ago no body paid for it drank two evenings be fore didnt pay for it bought pair of pigs from allagber didnt pay him for them and lever got the pjgs i never saw the pigs but was to give 4 a pair what i got w old have intoxicated me if i took enough c f it i never expect to pay for it it wai whiskey think it was be cause there v as a bargain pending tliat gallagher was so generous pith his whiskey nicholas f irbes sworn saw galla gher about ti o weeks ago he was sell ing what soi je might call whiskey in acton i got a drink and paid for it i wouldnt swea it wasnt whiskey it was intended for w iiiskey it was the color of rye whiskey james cottr ll sworn was in galla ghers place i nd got something to drink paid for a treat ortwo it tasted kind of sweet no pi bnsiness with mo it was the color of water expected to j get whiskey wo it ewer it was not whiskey eagle fined 50 and costs it affords me a good dea of pleasure to make this convicton th 3 magistrate remarked m h00 fellowkhip in charch history dry wa bosij mg some time ago by the american th english dburcl people are erecting thi off ere i baptist congress to be completed for by memiers of the graduating classes 187 of the newton rochester hamilton ni crozu r morgan park and louisville theol igical semlnancs and toronto bap tist c illege has just been awarded to mr wm f sickay ba of toronto baptist colleje the fellowship provides for a year o f special study in church history bra if county council refosed to pay p m gr sees salary and he entered suit for the sa ne a writ was accordingly issued and s irved on the warden since then toe co mcil has evidently tbobglit better of the m titer and a few days ago they paid into u a court the tiretjuarters salary to getbet with the coau of the writ- s columbia when then is no scott act the amount of liquor consumed per head was eight gallons in 1686 in ontario tho sarpe year when only one county was underf the scot act the percentage was sj gallons qoebec 3j new brunswick with hotf its counties nnder the act 1j gallons kova scotia lfc prince edward islandh888 or less than one gallon these were gov em inent figures another thing that shewed the act was not a failure waa the fact that it was just about impossible to get a re peal even in towns and counties where it iinot enforced j mr f s spence said that the scott act was a failure only where the temperance people were not men enough to demand that it be enforced then wen spine license inspectors who were tools cof the whiskey party they were scoundrels and traitors to the government who employed them becanse they did not do their duty he would not be surprised if these men who receive pay from the government for mom holler flour 8touei white wheat bed wheat spring ulastfow barley j oats bye peas hay straw wood per cord kegs per dozen butter dairy packed batter rolls cheese potatoes per bee apples pork lambskins pelts bides woo thnqlhy seed per bush raomsseed amis 2 io to j 1 10 iii 2 l u 75 to 0 7i i to 0 7 0 7j to u 7 u so to 0 ft 0 to o k 0 jo td 0 jl 0 so to o 8 wi to 10 1 a onto 4 10 1 tt to i jo 0 11 to 0 u 0 1c to 0 17 o is to 0 20 0 li to 0 15 0 73 to 1 w 0 50 to u li j 5 75 to 0 10 o a to 0 70 ostoou o oq to 0 50 0 1 to 0 23 2 co to a oo 5 m to 5 75 6 50 to 7 00 u i o- 4 k 1 -1887- the he doiug nothing also receive ipay from liquor party for letting them alone then demonstrated the properties of ala hoi by a nnmber of interesting experiments and showed that true temperance consist iu leaving the drug alone aid boustead was sun the county would soon be captured for prohibit on the people were going to be stirred up carry the scott act thk fall exiiimtioxs tnd the following is a list of the exhibitions and the dates upon which they will beheld which most interest our readers kminefiiug acton industrial toronto central gucliih western loudon oraugcviue central hamilton northern colling wood south ircj- rafrhain berlin provincial ottawa bellvjllec lindsay 8tthoina chatham xasesgaireya ilroekville braniptou trafalgar oakville- ht caoieriuch llarrie y pcterboro kergiw haltoti milton ilrautford simcoc northern walkcrton north perth htrntford erin oct 8ct 1917 sejit im 8elt pjh keptdl21 helt d630 8eptao 8tpt7- 8cptr ftfl sept 19w sept 30s3 selrt 302j so 2730 sept 9840 sept 30 sept h71s oct 11111 cct oct oct oct oct ioct oct oct oct oct 47 37 40 67 mm 1819 47 67 1819 a kkp0hted f0k0euy kwooh xkwh from our own c irrespondeut a faxbionabe wedding in the english church is on t le cards for thursday 8th inst j mrs j it st rickland wileaif the gtr agent who h is been seriously ill with typhoid fever i j convalescing d l sennit announces a grand clearing sale as lio is at out retiring from general commodious sh ids in the vicinity pi the church j gallagher appears to be making bockwood his i eadcjnarten a present as he is here almo t daily mac 3 and b c farrish and jnq bailey of this village an registered as students at the quelpb business college an extensive ire originating in squire granges swim i on saturday burnt several hundred railsb sides other damage part of the village w w in danger for some time bocdwood sep 0th 1687 m xyz u the pope has received 114000 to b de- voted to paying the expenses of the jubilee many of the purchasers of dry goods in guelpb have been served by a young ger man of the name of herres in the store of messrs j d williamson it co or that of mr e itbollert he was a good salesman expert in both languages and bad a fair prospect before him in life unfortunately for himself and others his cleverness was not pnt to the best nse and after leaving guelpb for gait he so far insinuated him self into the confidence of several monied institutions as to obtain loans aggregating several thousand dollars on paper which is now stated to be largely forged in whole or in part arrested some short time since on a charge of forgery he secured bail and then skipped to the other side but it is hoped be will be brought back under the extradition treaty three banks and two private persons in gnelph are reported to be amongst his victims but we have no particulars that can be relied on nor per haps is it fair to parade names raid pros pective losses that are matters of private business and at best of uncertainty owlph slereitry i it is generally believed amongst those in position to know whetnuf they speak that mr thos cowan will be offered and that he will accept the postmaateretiip of gait htfrrmtr john boyd of harriston has fallen heir to 119000 and 200 acres of land iu call- fornix mcleod anderson co lave quite a large stock tliey arc anxious to get lid oi and if prices ore an object which should be we iiavo cut down a number of liues in 8amnior goods which we are offering at extraordinary low prices summer man ties and jackets in silk and cloth great drives from 5q cents up suniiner millinery we arc cutting to tlic bone i hats from 5 cents up feutlicis bibbons ornaments and all kinds of millinery extraordinary low parasols bcingclenrcd out re gardless of cost a line of dress goods nt 10 cents worth 25 ecu t at 15 cents worth 30 cents an immense stock of magnificent dress goods very cheap muslins atid laces for dresses j mm 6 cents per yard up checked dress silks 2o cents checked all pure silk drees bilkb 85 cents worth co cents a line of black and colored satin merveilleaux 60 cents and 75 cents worth 100 and 125 having completed our purchases for the pall trade and haying most of our goods forward we arfe now in a position to show our many friends anjd patrons the result of our fall purchases which halve been prosecuted with more than ordinary care -o- black qros worth 125 grain 75 cents prints for 5 cents and 7a cuiitsj worth 10 ceiits and 12j cunitj we ure going to cut goods the bone to reduce oil r stock inspection invited remember our millinery dress making and tailoring depart ments i great drive in gingliaiiibsv r- suckersand crinkles v june 23nd 1887 atjowowbalebbqi3ter kllujai hoiit 18- halo of farm nlouu hid iro- perty of wm anderson knatohbull bale nt 1 oelock ww heniitmot aitotioiieor fiinstbept so bala of stock ami lmnlementii tha ivoperty of jsiucw iraut lot u7 rou 3 grin jbals at u oclock wm heunvtreot auctioneer in bbess goods especiaily we havogonc to great pains in selecting the newest and bestgoods procuiablc i customers- will find a good selection of thp very latest shades in j goblein heliotropes etc alo a splendid assortment of the more staple shades espcctally navy which is coming into great prominence again i o v ottb tfejivrtyllzlsrgrl arc simply immense and along with drc68 stuffs will be one or the priticipallctvitines of our stock this fall v hies more extensively thah wa the jewel et ti has just received another large i of silverware suitable for wedd to any personi from acton or 3 ale stations buying 500 wrth or 01 at my store i will pay their from gnelph t giving personal and frompt watch repairing lam bound toh faction or money refunded rediember theipiaee w a clark jewel aajiower wyncuiam st ga an we have gone into ilic above ever before we invite the attention of those wautjng a fikstcl ass akticle ifidcnt that we can satisfy everybody leeling coil ix earlv jfaiui ax1 wixteh staples ou stock is complete inbw arrivals in our stock ot gents ties is slilliliciul tf everything in town o z s a ml z rl nwashinetmmol 9 i i a emiuent throat and luag sji will next visit- i aljolitnion h0 tuesday 2th septe osebitonlyvl w catauitu ithboat cultejjj a few of the uuuareils who liave t fully treated by fir washingtons tiesr mrsjno mckelvj kingston ontiji and consninpticn i john mckejvy kingston out cator mrsa hoppingrkiugstoji out consumption j mr e scott kingston- out gab andthroat -l- mjrvjnobctramharroemnliontc throat j james matthews i master acton 0 tarrab head anltbrat f francis bcrliit oiit catarrh i throat ss mi nellie eby barun outeuurged f wing p m cocjaliua out cstarbvj henry scott berlin ont asthma mrs p wagner near berlin 0nt i head and throat visa levi kercher st jacobs out ci and throat i- colin oamtaielt h edward jjnti bad form w h storov esq hanntactorers aeto the only throat and misslfiry a catarrh bead and tl mrs godfrey l6f storey 1 ont drw iiuifi surrean int kiarg cenif 8 jiifotis t sumption tifas snider blooiiaeta out- cal andthroat u s we are showing a fine dongola kidshoe at 275 sold lsewhece at 325 see it jjpok out for our millinery announcement soon groceries choice and cheap remember the famous 50c tea hendejrson mcrae go actdlii a pronipt aiijif reliable f fcroliolora morbus olwleri infaatum j0oileliasrli dyeeiiterr a6viatl summer plaints of oyiiroa or adul t- the fc4 pliss e3 ssl sf jr miim jnjfll t milburn pttopkh mli t jmltchel desires w inform 4e people of actoas surroundings that ho is prepared wm orders for weaving jill kinds of lauoy3 carpets flannel gboetiu sliirtingi dress goods stripodoilplaid u r f also 9ed blankeu ijndilorsekiifcvt j yards wide una pvesvit aiid i villfittvaqisp uku i villui satisfaction to allflsniersaud otlier will favor me with fheir patnnuge tmitgi

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