beautiful vfeddino and birth day presents at ceo hynds hoilegleanlngs i wnioh are l fine stock o watches clocks jewel lcy spectacles careful attention givens to repairing drop in mid sec our laire stick comprising jewellery stationary lvjokg aud fancy goods j oeo hynds acton onti methodist chrrnif acton key r phillips pastor j lsiadeno howcr avenue i hlv n vvicvf10vuii d p 1w- shtujay selicw cw hiwc clans comlm tl by tbri letter all cordially itivod itimiwrs nl viitors always welcome to liivc ushers at l lie door fitrrnjai arc dc sited apply to h p mooro pjvc steward c lllvlvsluy serxkmeu s iwj many 3iix0r lwais foliated by the ever houghtful arid alrt- free press reporters i- tounty council met last tuesday icounoil tieeting nest tuesday evcniiig acton division court next thursday mostly of a local oharaoter and all interesting 1 q i prices just luitter is selling at fancy now mui council ha tolbc town bind j iicriiif rejoices iu the clangor of a new jvt it town bcli r i xim nicttiiiji or ihe esijucsiiit towiu- thip coiol enlbc sljtli itkt j i melees lhat fall is rapidly approach vc ii to iv seen on evtrv baud ritrtherst otiactcoartctioni ou comp aiut of iuspcdtor brothers the following p reonn were brought before p m young or violating the boott aot on saturday at gcorgetcwu charles cooper and wmca npbell each lined 50 and costs iutho charj o aganibt w jiokiibli ioclg ment was r served moneytozeteat tie scott act tho hairiatou tribune says that ten tltpnsand d lurg hkvo ulrwdy been sub scribed by tho autiscott ant poopie of this county and bent to guelph whew great fight will oomo off shortly both parties wil couceutrato their forces at guelph as t will be upon tho vote iu uie 0that tin jate of the county willdepend an in terest ing decision judge tons of tiodcrioh lately gave a decision iu t division court case that is of interest o hotel keepers a waterloo brewer had sued mr kelly for the price of some beer w id him but thu judge decided against tho irewer on the grouud that tho scott act be ing in force in that county tho sale was illc al in the first place and it was tucrefo e not a proper dobt real estate change col allaii has disposed of his property on guelph ljueon ami agnes streets eight lots to mr dam lifting ono of tho general agents of tin waterloo mutual firo insur- of onrj citizens mrs jane cameron who miule a grant of si ior m laini has has 4dmmkpmi jui via property is now disposed of lis property iu norfi k county j removing thereto and will sluvtly take up his residence in chaw lionj ot holtou his new lion c in acton we welcome- him i cjooi fortund seems to have favored tho and his famjly to our midst no more de- i lastinjio unse ball club of acton over treeuvirc is to have a new knitting j ruard firin rillea nnd iu l mi fact sv wtli ilnrtv or forty bund j a iijet i chicago papers hasjiindly la l to us by mrs d minn flic ivtijin has usuetla very attraje- iicjvscr for the county exhibition j a laive number of farmers and citizens n attviming the toronto kihibition ci c holiday cext thursday loth ilw tii-ii- and tusintss places clottd tje icario statutes for 1s7 have kii iuocied from the queens printerl r jrohibiticu song is youll ncver niss the i iaor till your throat runs dry the presbyterian and methodist ihiu- istirs in 0ikviue exchanged pulpits last mr joioi lasby has sold his lot on m p du pa a- arf jmr s and little ave to mr av w wr bricklayer tlie man wljo will not listcii to reason j be conies a crauk bet trying to tuifii li is a wiste of time 0 j rflev j m smith of jersewille wjll ovcqiiy the pulpit of the baptist chunjh irgj1 uiiday at 3 oclock lrepare for esjuesinf show at actduj oiithj lh and oth october open to esq qes- uj nassagaweya erin and eramosa o2 the 20h inst the ratepayers of tin village of wiartou wili vote on a by- 1jv jjroriding for ssooo for waterworks to rate oi taiation in streetsville this y vir has been sed at 2z mills whew 1 iwyiiyiie jxr cent higher than actons- a of mr andrew ford near omagh i frcri a wagon the other day and has tinee died ircra the injury oakville star here was ix quorum at thejjoard of ldjtiji rnoeticg last monday evening a ceetiuq vr ui be held next monday even- ir miss annie border and mr donald mre jassagaweya gained secondclass cct as at the late teachers examina- i i i i txho iloliiday av ii koberry aiid j kiljulries guelph were each lined and costs this week for violating the 4 act jthe showers on tuesday morning were very refreshing and will help the k- riiet just sown more rain would w acceptable an agricoltaral editor winds up an cujtoriaj on the wheat crop with the rp mark we have ou exhibition in aaictum a pair of magnificent ears jvori is being commenced on the new giieith junction kailway it is expected lht seven hundred or a thousand men wi 1 beat work iuiide of a few weeks mr wmherrstreet has he best crops we hive heard of in this section this season his wheat averaged nearly 30 bushels to ere and spring crops were also goojl the markdalc standard a clean tidy u 1 enterprising journal lias jost conp- cej its seventh year it docs its whole uly toward markdale arid is liberal rosized j a eonple hailing from durham weje married in markdale last taenday whtjte coiubiutd age is 118 years she being s8 and le m what young notions some pep- pk do take notvithstaudicg the fact that u large tin inter of new houses have been bnilt thks setiuii the demand for houses continues ami there arc no orders left at this ofli o for to let cards as we go to press a serious fire is r- injij the bush belonging to mr joseph iaby a short distance north of town tb j heavy wind of yesterday afternoon gai c it rapid progress try the acton iuix lures from ths dale to jan 1 188 for only 25c seat pojtiaid to any address in canada tie united states england ireland or scot land bend it to your friends a stratford paper has au advertise ment iirits columns stating tbrt a- larfle lot of ice is now being laiiin for thesupflly of customers iu the spring what is the mi ttcrvitli tie temperature in stratford actons btrets and bitlewalks are ncjw in good condition new sidewalks and ne erodings have been laid and with tjie tptioii of two or three blocks which will le reieved uest season iliejijare invariably lirstcliss i tha imjxrtecl horse lexicon golddukt imorted by messrs gowdy reid frrjm ke itucky dropid dead at the station tis nit ruing immediately after his arrival he va ivvell known as one of the best bred lisises in the state of kentucky guelph j i luie jirdeic says that streetsville hlioald have a constable to stop the indql- geice in profane langaage at difihts brlirpton has twp cotuitables but the bdys prifane the english tongue in ft borjid in nuer very fretjuently in daylightas wpll s nijit time conner color mr aw struthers who gave such a i eautif nl sciopticon exliibition of scenes in he life of our saviour in tlte metlo- k church oil the evening of jubilee dt y i twlded largely to his views and appj r- att s by the purchase of 300 worth of m tv wt tcrki his exliibition i now one of t lie fin ist in the country and we arc osrttin thi t should he see fit to vitit acton- r- j gmcitlwus willyive biu- i liou j tfsisf fiasji to wnioh paragraphs wollkuowuuoheloi fitu vicinity w came a bondlot ooourred in the clmroh of our lady guelph ai tenoolook an tues- day morntng the prinoipalfi wore mr miohael lamb o esqueslnr near acton aud mibs julia ann hearlu of gcorgetowu tho coremony wfts rjcrform od by rev fathor dumortier of st josephs chunk hero mr james lamb of ottatio nophow of tho groom and miss eltia heariu bister of tho bride attonded tho happy couplo at tho coremouy- mr and mrs michael lamb loft by tho after- noon train tor duti oit th6y will visit clovolitud aud other ainoiioan oities the flint pkkss extends eougratulalions returning to thedtord mr jpaul jarvia who for a number of years has beon a rcsidont of acton removed this week to thedford his former place of rcbidcnco mr janis wbb biie of our best citizens he is a ontlcman of retiring dis position and homo wb his delight being a great lovor of flowers roso cot tago his reaidonco near tho 0t r depot has always been an attractive j place flow ers of lcarly all variottcs bloomed in pro fusion in the garden during the gummor months nnd within doors in winter for a year mr jarvis occupied a soat at the counc 1 bdard and guvo publio mattors his best ittentioij for sometime ho was orgnniitinst albims church he and his fni lilyleavo acton with tho best wishes i strablo cilii us could be wished for j smcc i a word to ihe cirkless sportsmen it would ic well now that the fall shoot- j been d iug has begijii for young men and boys to 1 intern one match jfeattd t wai i haunts win re nieu arc working in the count v fields a u irrow escape from death from ville a this source is reported from gait mr jaoton win cowaij was walking iu his orchard i easy v when a rilli was id a and ctori ball went winding past him opponents a few wordi of caution such as these duly beetled may prevent much paiii and sorrow tho tcrouu zoo the zoological gardens is now one of as folic ws w a s hio kellv us white ml knrrisl the attractii us at the exhibition at toronto i vi the uuuibej of animals sc has been veiv greatly augr icnted during the past mouth or so pare its who desire their children to secure prictical information respecting natural history should give them the lux ury of a vfti td the zoo where no circus with its uud isirbable features is attached mr harry tiper the wellkuown manager deserves ere lit for the- distinction which the zoologic il gaideus have won i sf aloajis riuiwii acfon rev mr griffin from the church of the redeemer llloor street toronto will take mr achesoiis place at st albans church next sundavi he will preach morning and evening aud ulso administer the holy com munion mr acheson will hold a service this evening thursday in the church to which are eanlially invited to attend ser vice will commcuoe at k p in mr acheson is a good worker un earnest preacher and his services ire much appreciated by the members of rockwood and acton churches brampransibeautilui streets ui v w ilif io v v smil acmi caiupbi the s organization last spring in only during tho season have they tho game in which most centred was played on friday iheii the championship of tho played for between campbell- cton tho pimo was won by tho mud says it was nn for acton who outplayed their t all points the score wub act n rev ei ahigl spoil washi aw igtoi ideas businei s ed of the 5oar immed atel to supply might vantag for the view u and et icier cormiqk of was co and ad vish s j corpirayon employees have been i cquipn ent spreading a conipositiqn- taken out of the bed of the cttek on the roads this week we presume this is the gravel councillor walsh grew so eloquent about way back in the spring wjhen tbe street improvements were talked of from a close examination of the stuff e failed to find anything re sembling gralvel there were a few stones some pieces of hoop iron fish cans harness iron bricks and a lot of slimy mud as a j fertilizer the composition may have its i merits but is a piatcrhtl f r0 making it is no good brampton flinr j the buyers wheat and bdrley test r the grain merchants of orangeville have mutually agreed to purchase grain on the market square only and to make the fol lowing scale the standard for reduction of prices where grain is under weight winner tkst ilaillky tkst vcikhfc fllli 1c oti vveiklii tlbs 9c it lie e that rom college this is nature ceived the foudiu no hi thegenuine work biiu college t 1 ajllhjillvllli 1 av kraijer 1 11 l heotl i iifitu r j 1 i curry 1 11 ii curry t it ilmsh s d 1 suiitli o 1 it wiuu 1 1 li knuijr 1 ismniir i i o 1 i j u i i iil 1 u l i i 1 t 12 town in its people etut n match will be played in the drivinjipaik here on saturday 17th inst con pliment falls is u gioming territory u arc throu hly imbued witli progressive the y appreciate fully tho valuo of ication at a recent meeting 1 of trado it wis decided to establish a business college special training to all who to avail themselves of its ad- lrincipal and an assistant coll ge were nppoiutel and with a mal ing the institutu u as practical t as possible principal mac- tho guelph bu iiness collego was coramiuicated with ami sis counsel yjee i olicited as to the organization and inanageanenl of the new may be hero mentioned that icond complimeu of the same principal miiccb inick hasre- across the coutiient touching auuorganiziug o new colleges ijier testimony could le given as to character and cfi ciency of the lone by the guelph business le principal and faculty are leading posi i renderi ig which the are des rous wciklm 7ibs 16 1j it v lj n ii vi the jdrpmaf little bell the vnionj this is placing a pretty fair premium ou i lively but there were no hitcl th the dif- f all and overweight in grain fortunately j fereut i iove i wen the farmere in this section have no cause j to fear the test for almost invariably their grain will ruti over the standard weight billelujih wedding the salvation army has arranged for an attraction in the shape of a hallelujah wedding and jubilee in the town hall next wednesday evening the meeting will be led by staffcaptain bangh the late rev wm baugh of england assisted by adjt steve marshall formerly of acton capt cannon lient stubbs capt blain and cadet keetch fergus bro brown thejuiilee singer his wife and soldiers from guelph strange to suy it is an nounced that the bride and bridegroom will be present and iveryone is heartily invited to go and see who they a are ten cents will reveal the secret an old land murk gone the removal of the barn on john street by mr w e smith removes an old laud mark with which is associated considerable local history this building was erected by the late ransom adams esq about thirty years ago and occupied by him until his death within its walu was transacted the bulk of the business by which- the old gentleman accumulated his k000 of cap ital nearly all his business negotiations were transacted there aud the place was at one and the same time utilized as a livery stable a banker and brokers office a store house a wodd office a bone and scrap iron depot a feed store a pound and head gar ters for the horse trading fraternity and all by ransom adams when mr adams died the property went into the possession of mr donald mann who a few years ago disposed of it to mr w e smith mr smith has relnoved it to his park property aud the timbers will be utilized in the erection of tlie new exhibition building moore mcgarvm at toronto exhibition the above firm have one of the finest exhibits of trunks valises and travelling bags ever shown at the exhibition and are justly proud pf it the exhibit occupies a good position in the east wing of the main building across tbe aisle from the piano it consists of trunks in leather plate iron aud paper with eviry possible variety of trimmings and embraces all classes from tbe plain packer to the exquisite saratoga and jubilee the whole of which are sup plied with tho firms patent onepiece un- breakable barreltops- the show of values and travelling bags is fine and covers all lines the alligator and grain leather bogs are- specially worthy it is well known throughout the dominion that this firm exceltoin trvnirj bafis and their reputation is tally establiahed the whole exhibit forriu a pyramid eighteen feet square at tbfl base andjriseawa height of bomeviitpen feet it seomrriadds the at tention of all and is well fflrtbvaifcyo certain y ti be congratulat iou which their work has al ready icbhved for the colhge riving it uot oul a ontinental repute tiou but also a pattern and model from directors of other institutions 1 upon the to copy guelpl i jftii bers of the guilph catholic ho vere engaged in tile production of li tie i ell in the town hall on tues day cvt ning were greeted with a full home the pit ce w is well played for amateurs in fact the gen tal verdict was that for a well balance j auc smooth production it eclipsed many c f the performances of professional compai ies the action of thp piece is very ncnts on the stage tlie exits and eutrancis were well accomplished to about individuu the following it a ikm etrrtmt kllirt bwll cdllllkiil rich uud recklexv n miiing lavjcr efforts is not the bast of i- a cinllalilt 011t duiguan ins sullivan p lureell j p downey 7 7 hnclton thos scolilan ttissm downey mnttiehayden say anvthin lieeessa y characters mnrtiri loorc maj kit patri herbert pool chiton j eroni lhaiwilkliih atocvilliiigcnpliv llichard hell i ljoniinali pete c llack oy marionmoorc thedonghtcrof- mrs moitisj nrtiuhsmermiss jessicmnrris tcrriieriicntmjibsge tyioiiis ever part was naturally a id eflectually sustainiid there was 6uffiient comedy iu the i iecc o keep the uudhncc fi good humor til tie while find tho mthetic pas sages ere ably brought out songs by miss gertie johns miss haylen and mr john dillaher were loudly awlauded a good of hcstra supplied music lof an enjoy able churactir st josephs church pro fited to the xtcnt of about 57 by thp per- formanm acton civic holiday in ccmpliiuce with a petition from a numbet of itizenb reeve ffe has pio- ejaimed tin rsday 15th september as a public ioliduy foi acton and requests that the day be g merally observed by the cp3- bation if labar and the closiycof all busi ness pit ces thursday ib oni of the mobt iuterest ing c ays of toronto e iiibition it is amei ican visitors day al 1 department- mentsvijllc complete and open to tlie public froim 8 am until 11 pmi the programme af attractions outside of the exhibition ksqlf is as follows special paradee of gmeral purpose oadster and carriage hones in the horse ring during the entire day jumping testsof laddie horses competition for prizes by lad drivers all the bpeiial ittractions of the exhibition entertainment in front of grard stand wax works ooloical gardens etc double bal- loonasc snsioa aiidrace by projf oscar hunt and mil i lc ttie hunt with forman se du ring ascensions race oy imiss maslermau and changir ghoi ses at uie end of the ladi ss ri ling thorougbbret horses with ontibadlles theoieaadi rs and special bund concert by tbo torontc citizens band introducing various insti umentu1 solosetb evening illutflinatioi of the grounds ind buildings till 10- 1 citins mj r craineone of the able j from gdod sljock leave yonr ojder with w represeufatijea of he ffrm is in charge i j stevnnsoi it full racing spa id band of concert by the citizens hand pm pains the siege of grena- id return fare good to time during tlit week an will leave actoi at about a quarter to b ven followed bylthe usual 750 and 11 jum trains from 6 to 8 oclock at 8 grand i rewc rk display and pckin and other special feati ires diers land and citizen bji tickets vill le isbued at single tetuiin any early ti airi foi tirsi class suits at lot priceainjarlfe erin 41 4 trapeze per- three mile miss morse each mile rwpwtlng vliitots t6 nd fro with whom free press r aro acquainted dr n mogarvlbf visited hia mother at ottervule this wnek i miss sarah vanatler of goorgotown visited her sister this eek mrs w t bmyth and ehildrou return ed from muskoka on saturday miss carrie smith returned on satur day from a two week visit in toronto mr asa htdl who has been spending the soahon nt grimsby parkja homo again mibs chnzzie hynds has rohirnod home having spont two weeks with aoton friends messrs edward and albert niokhn took a trip up to georgian bay peninsula last week miss vina suuley spent a couplo of days last week with her brother and family in gait mrs a e wallace and children of st thomas aro tho guests of hor father alex grant esq mr wm sharp- of ohio brother of mr james sharb of this place visited friends here this week mr mclean of toronto was the guest of d cameron aughcnguile farm a few days last week mr john f mcdonald of boverley was the guest of acton friends a couple of duys during tlie week misj jennie hynds returned home last friday having spent a few weeks with friends at aughenguilo farm dr lowry was jt delegate to the ijimual meeting of ihe ouiindian medical aesooiu- tion at hamilton last week miss may hewer of guelph who has for the pitbt two wcckr been visiting licractiii friends returned homo yesterday rev fathers keily i nnd syimot of guelph accompanied tho catholic union dramatic society to actun oh tucsdiiy mrs charles long of st catharines and mrs fred morrison of toronto were the guests of mrs james ryder ovef sunday mr uk holmes agent gtlt has returned from a two wdeksj holiday term he was relieved by mr d mckay strat ford i rev it phillips and mr w ii storey attended the financial district mcotng of tho methodist church at gaclph on monday j dr mcliao of erin is removing to to ronto tho ailocatf says erin loses a good citizen but all express best wishes in his behalf mr morley bryers of leamington visit ed former friends and schoolfellows hoio this week ho loaves thia morning for napanee high school mr v r climie editor bowmanyille 9iii and secretary of the canadian press association has been conuued to his bed for the past week or so we are pleased to learu that he is recovering tho fkke fiiksk extends congratulations to rev ct scott and his happy bride may their new home at petrolea beone of the happiest character and may the rich est blessings follow them through life misses jetiuie a edith storey miss alice henderson and miss gerty cliff who has beeu a guest of tlie misses storey for some weeks leave this morning for alma college to resume their studies a defiant humbug and public nuisance in speaking of the recent firemens cele bration thd georgetown erawsays during the day eagle gallagher the notorious 6lop vendor who was recently driven out of acton for kecpiug a disorder ly house was prowling around bnt was not arrested the plan which succeeded in orangeville so well should be tried iu this case let some sjiocial constables bo sworn in and let them take by force this defiant humbug who is evidently a coward as well as a public nuisance the editorial beatitudes blessed is he that readeth the newspaper for his days shall by long iu the land and the soulful buzzing of tho book agent wilj fall powerless on his car even as the tear drops from heaven glide from a ducks bock but blessed far mor is the man who walketh into the editors sanctum and layeth down his 1 and rayeth untoiho editor gouow thou man of wisdom aud give me the product of thy brain for the lapse of time thib cash will cover and he went forth unto his neighbors say ing go thou and do likewise and the editor will cause it w be doue and there will be great rejoicing throughout the land whiskeys degrading power about halfpast ten monday night p c steward was informed that a drunken man was lying on the grouni near the simcoe btreet crossing he proeeded to tho spot indicated and found a well dmsed man lying near the site of the old northern station on the broad of hisback completely oblivious to surroundings i three loafers who wero hovering near him took to flight on the advent of tlie eonbtable after con siderable trouble it was elicited that he had a ticket for burrie and ipstead of running him in the policeman put him en board the eleven oclock train for thaj town tho conductor on the car recog nized him as a prominent and wealthy citizens of barrie toronto avic georgetown high school is booming this term there is an attendance of about 100 pupils with prospects of still larger numbers wje are much pleased at the success with yhich this institution is be ing attended arrangements havo been effected with the gtr authorities for cheap railway faiei to acton exhibition tickets may be purchased between brampton aud guelph at one faro and a third good to come on the 4th and 5th and return on the cth octobek l a train running into hamilton from the beach on friday ran through a flock of sheep without apparently injuring auy of them on reaching the city tho engin eer found a lambstanding upon the pilot viewing tho scenery ut was sent back to where the flock had been met rev r h abraham of burlington who not longago declined a call to niagara falls has decided to decline also the offer of a profebsorbhip in geneva college beaver falls pa mr abraham will re main with bis congregation at burlington much to tho satisfaction of his people mr george black son of mr john black of eramosa preached two excellent dispourses yesterday in zion disciples chapel mr black has a very pleasant and fluent manner of uddress he is pre paring himself foi- themiaistry and leaves in a few days to prosecute his studies why whats tho matter with you said a friend us we came up street this mprmug you havent changed your au- vertiseiuent iir wool s well up doubt readers of tho fiux pimss as they liajve looked for our usual budget of dry goods news have asked the same qiicstion its bo unusual so remarkable surely theres 8jtne special reason there is or rather nt bvii iu tho first place our chief scribe who is accorded t monopoly advertisement writing has been away sailing on the seas secondly business has bccn so lively that everybody in the house has been iilmout constantly employed waiting on customers aild thirdly during the past two weeks especi ally whatever time could bo spared during and after business hours was employed hi opening up the stacks of newgoods which have come to hand so thats the reason why and if you have thought there was to bo any let up to this or any other department of our growing business drop in on us and youll change your mind judging from the temperature the summer has ended to ns it has been a most satisfactory season wo have sold more and a nicer class of goods than during any previous eeason our stock has beed most thoronghly cleared out and scarcely a riicco of summer goods is left on our shelves we have also reason to know that the close prices at which we were able to sell goods gave great satisfaction and were of substantial benefit to our cus tomers as well as tb ourselves now for the task ahead judging from tho pile- of new goods which cram our four floors from cellar to garret you would expect us to look for a large kcasons business wc do our busi ness is a growing one each seasons sales are larger and wo aro determined to keep on increasing our purchases covering transactions with manufacturers and deal- era in great britain germany united states and canada are to handlargelyaud new arrivals coming each day so that in whatever department of a choice licaithy dry goods stock your wants may lie they urc sure to be met at no 11 we feel sat- isfied no other stock in guelph will offer so many attractions we invite your in spection noted fpr choice goods fall hats fall hats fall hats the largest and best assortment in town at the- east end clothing come and see them store seed what for sale alaktift iraantkjrof clean anil good seed wheat of the seiioca variety wto hkmsxlteet acto acton august jlst 1167 apprentice wanted v a wood htouf hoy about nixteu years of ago to learn thawagoii making aua under taking ijubincss apply at once to 1 ja speight notioii ftailllpon of din wellington mil 7 h alarhj nersliln mr ttlolpfi while mine o and they will cam- on tlicibiihhiekh under the name aud style of ham utoa clark i v l ii hamilton av ii claitk ilarhjo works lias thin day taken into nart- lilnmr v it clorl lafc manager of tho llifl cash v0r grain r uudereignedlmseouiuicucoti uicrmrcliaso x ot irani at liisl witrclionso at the g t it station acton ami will pay the highest market price for all kinds of grain f bkickuk- rce ice for sale ice i have still about forty tons of pure spring water ice on hand and am prepared to bupply all who desire it in any quantity at reasonable priceb lcavoyoarordeikiet oiiteat the ccn- iral meat market i w h hutledge brick for sale an fnautlty of fiwttlakk k1 llrick at elm rovcunik vshs lot la ircl hue west tlllliguatoilkv licnr mount llecsaur hrick de livered on tlie rain or in acton sample bricks on exhibition at thu fhkk ijiksb ollice acton jounamaltlv i uox m lirampton july ljth 1ss7 i cash for hides i r qphk undkllbkixkil is buying hide calf x ami hhocii skins at llielicft market prices for cash at moores cordovan tannery acton robes holies of all kinds tanned to order in the most satisfactory nianncr wm kamsay actollhly itll 1ss7 salk831en wanted wlv arc in vaiit of a few more firstalass meu to canvass for the sale of cboicevarieties of aurscry stock to men who can make a success of tbo business wenejuv good salaries or coimulsiiion and give lierinbuchtcinuloyinonti vouavemaiiy new and choice specialties both ii tho fruit and ornainontal linos which other do not handle apply at once with reforencess may dltofhebb xnisebvvek itochesteb ny salesmen wanted have a large line of cheap hats from t5c to 100 which must be sold at once j fyfe act onv wool 75tool we the uiidoioigncil liereby luiiiouiiem that we will again buy all the wool offered at our mills for which the highest price in 0ashe or in exchange for goods e r bolleih 27 lower wyndham st j uuelriint tklkiiionk ln olflek wcrhavc a large and well assorted stock of blanketstveeds flannels stocking yarns knitted goods etc etc in great variety selcctid expressly to supply the requirements ot the tanners lmwanl i iraiiaui the popular ud well known kiimryiiiaii of ilocliester sy desires to make orraniiementi with one or tiro live en ergetic men to take orders for ins xurserv stock he lias a choice stock including fine specialties his inducements to luginuers are particularly advantageous he fuiulls all he promises and giarahteestafiirnish first class stock he can glvo active wjuare upright men good positions aud desires to coiiiuiunicate with a few such men with a flew of seenring their services write to him ns soon as yon have read this for terms and full particulars remember only squire dealing men heed apply address enw 0 gltahak nurseryman kochitstcr ny guelph business college guelph ontajuo the fourth scholastic year began septoinbor 1st the facnlty has been strength eued the college promises enlarged and newappliauces added each of the six members of too faculty js an enierieuced and successful teacher tho thorough and practical nature of tho work aoue by the college rs proven by the success of its graduates both in canada and the united states ixdiesuirc admitted to all the davantages offered uy -the- institution forterinb etc address 10ly m ifatcpbmick principal james stirtonld6 denrxsj tovells blockopposite pobtoffice guelph vitalized ad roll carding spinning weaving dchasb mandrake dandelion flvjli cure look 600000 sold d chase is too well and favorably known by his receipt books to require anyreoornmouda- 18 orubes ijlver cure has a receipt book wrapped around every bottlo which la worth weight in gold dn chases liver cure la guqranicod to oure all diseases arising- from a torpid or inactive liver each aa ittr caroplnlut irpjn lkidlgctlnblllonbejnundlcriirid cbe db chases liver cure is no core ell it ii flmplya kidneyliver beaulator try it me dicine and kocoipt book 91 bold by au drug- fiiats sole agents bradford onb i guelph mercunj tho oakville star says on sabbath morning he v mr kettlewell pastor of the methodist church here requested the members of the congregation to brinfi bibles oh sabbath next in order that the scripture lessons may be read responsively the preacher to iead one verse and the people to readeach alternate verso aanpbby a lot of gentb furnishings as will bt fpund inany village cauba had at the merchant tailoring ntablfiihment of w j stevenaon krin will cure or relieve biliousness dizziness dyspepsia dropsy indigestion fluttering jaundice of- the heart j erysipelas acidity of j salt rheum the stomach heartburn dryness headache j of the skin and every species ot disease arising itrozn disordered liver kidneys stomach powels or blood proprietors toronto t milbii11n go jl and hi fact all kinds of custom workione in oar usual prompt aud satisfactory manner v newton fe limehouse sons guelph cloth hall o new abr1valb in fall goods- we are daily opening up large quantities- of line imported woollens for this seasons trade -to- shaw gcrundjr merchant tailors cuelph painless extpactidncftfietlv artificial teeth guarautjeed perfect in appear- auce fit and use fine gold work a specialty all operatiouiftrictly flrstolas appointments made by letter guelph central exhibition will be held bu the exhibition grounds in tho city of 0elph -on- tuesdaywgdnesdaythursday september 20 21 22 prises will be given for stock produce ladies work fine alts collio dogs etc cte speeding iu tlie tlorsc ling capt clarkes cadets bell organ co buiis and other attrac tions will be provideli i for further particulars soo prieelists which may bo had on application to the secretary raklltby ii mackenzie president secretary civic holiday requisition til j fyfe esq lieete of uie vutiujef acton wc the undersigned residents 0the village of acton hereby respectful request that thursday 15th september be sot apart and pro- claimed a civic holiday for this village worded brosj w williams- w p inown to farmers and threshers use on your machinery only the wellltnown peerless oil q ciold m ttld a t iff have beeuatyarded it during the last three years c y iuajjjm try ulg0 0 pgpijgg sroasefor your waggons and horse powers these oils are used and highly recommended at themodel farni guelph farmers ask for tliem use no other manufactured at queen olty oil ttorka by samuel rogers co toronto geo haviil b hjeniivn hpnderholimellae co i b pearsuu 1 halstort kelly uros maclc seeord v aliek seeord j c hill h 1 moore f it webber m brennan john lawsou v- s t h harding h jrattliews 1 v kauuawiu win heuistrect w h storcv fcon clias t ml lolm xelou l o matthews geo hvuds dr c e staeey kenuey bros moor mcgarvui z r t v iltoclaslation iu compliance with the dbove jtetitiou signed by geo haviil and 27 others i hereby pppopit thursday september 15tlv 1887 civic holiday for the village of aoton for the yearlhtit and request that itbo generally obsenedby eessatioiroflaborandtho closing of all business places j- fyfe reeve- to agents the canadian needle co 10 and 18 front street east loronto get tip the neatest most complete and ilcst hetliitg needle packago iu america beud 25 cents for samples of new no i finished in fine plush particulars scut when stamps aro enclosed for reply dont worry if yon are ont of employment write to sir cowdy 11 welllugtou street east toronto seild stamps for reply one way of saving money come to the clearin saleat the right house i i i l a eiire and certain vviiy of swing money is by coming direct to the itigltt hottseiandparchasing yonr wants at the immense clearing sale at oreatly iw beins carried ob thiso0lde5 ojppqbtlflty sale will be contljfuep th hough out the month of august bargains are i reduced pricee to be had in all erwraps the beautiful extra value in india edutcd to 45e formerly tbe gents furnish- socks at loo worth 18c a lot of boyg socks at 5c per pair worth 20fl mens un- sold at si 12 or 8 foi s3 men and jbovb jjoalirs watkins manufactures the shirts- soldi at the right chjldrehs underolothing to liouiekeei4s and otheif a lot of best juality of fine frame brtssels scl in off at 81 piinerly 75 a a large assortment of best makes of tapestry brissfels- velvet and wiltdii oariiets cornice poles at exlra low prices walnut cornices reduced to rieoriv half former- prices a beautiful lot of painted window blindi yerycheap also stair rods stair buttons hartsborus celebrated whidow rollers curtain chainsjaini many klicr fiirnisl- inss lace curtains sulltuk off very obeap ajotof single pnirs of net curtains ntncaily half former prieesi madras curtains jeduced to low prieee crete ciiriaius formerly 9875 perpairireiluced tor hew roods reoeivmdfrojn europe week a large nssortnient bf epglibb blicbed sheeting pillow cottons nightfrnwn and other cottons a large assortment of white victoria lawjlbjndu lsnona oheckswiaa muslins black 811k iince klouncinjt silk tkirtniii borflerinss infanfs quilted bibs ladies fancy handkerchiefs also algplenflul stock of whtto honeycomb and mareeillefa quilts fho bight souse is on kini street east one door west of street 1 l 1 this ehabluhmentcjobei at goukick saturday erpajuga ing department a large lot of fancy styles in cotton socks at 25c worth 37-jc- c hon- r the carpet department is fullof bargaiiibi brussels borderinss formerly 1 80 reduced toooe per yard nor yard tapestry carpets haintlton xrlsust fth 18s7 tgsq wtk i v a nsrs 1 imiji