Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 15, 1887, p. 2

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born l kqipglnjrf on the 10th ilwt the t lfo of mr davm cartym a win lxicbkkt la mount korwt on the lt inst we ttfe of mr j a lambert of r ton mjuwjtti1 aftmrd detroit mich ou the gftftgexowx j mmbee this ysa1u t h people oi georgetown twtthg ffrraltt itt heptenibeh liv rev v s stodlcv pto of- central mk church mr andrew marian to miss sftttromi l rice both itte ol bhellmnke htet- albovjr at st johuii church back- wood ou the 8th september liv ven archdw eon dfxou hector of tuclph ir j crtmulo hurt of toronto to atmnm alriou of wr- 3c lje rtoityr jrtss thuksda september t 1887 f votlvs axi commbxts m premier norvtuay has raised a loan of oue milliou dollars to be applied to rail way purposes id the province of manitoba the cauada atlantic railway oohipajiy is having alt its firstclass cars fitted with uiefncaudescoat clectrii light which will oou be ju operation on all its trains it is stated that sir johu macdonald will probably visit england this fall to confer with the imperial authorities on tho iurjc- tions of the proposed fisheries commis sion i it is again curreutly reported that cibi net changes at ottawa are on tuefffjiii the rutuor ofllon mr chapleaus retire ment from the administrationis somewhat authoritatively revived j two tills of complaint to prevent thje 7 construct iou of the manitoba boundar railway across crown lands at st agati were riled in winnipeg ou saturday on half of the dominion government postmastergeneral mclclku states thai uegotiations arc in progress with tho inited states postalauthorities for send ing united states mails for japan and china bv the canadian pacific route ffiv particularly aee n to flrri it impomlms to reconcile the ac ion of kiqotains agrienl uitrhmaxin nkpwcvmou the9tliinu jie 0 it tv wife ot sir win lommwui oi a daughter j rl sooiely iu locating th exhibition in aoton thii yeurtbt matter hu ou several oocaiio is been referred to and the burden of the o y ha been to the effect jhat georgetot u haa a perfoct right to mouopolin the aumial fair last weeks wtrow said tlio cxhibluoi in not only open to the town- hlpol kmnieiiiut out to the tiurromtdiiu town ship of xnwagm eyas krta and kramoxa this being theeaxe wrf may look for tlie urgent u uot the best cxhililtl wwltnwwd at auy exhibition ever held in uio i wnahlis tho only difficulty iwciinitolwthatji might tujuktleo lit done tho poople of thtuiuhkp by holding th fair at tlio north wit irner thuii mating it incon venient for xhlhi tors hi the- southern part to make the duplay ihey otherwise woutd noarly lctt are offered i a prtu and thin with effort that arc iwing pu forth will insure an exccllout exhibition and a ast crowd of iwoplo to witness it we hone tl o people of hwgeutwu and vlctiiiti- will do ui re to wake the exhibition a imrc08thau our ctou uclslioni ever dw when it wiw held here now where tl e slight injustice comes in we arj8 nt i loss to dotorminq tho directors of tli wciety after oarcfnl con sideration iu thiir wisdom decided to open tho exhibition t the four townships above named this b iiug tho territory open to exhibitors no mpro central point for tho acton with the proper could possibly bo found liagrara will illustrate exhibition thai mmodation the following i kraincwa urin nttsniai ft a acton an old wine merchant in new york says that the consumption of brandy steadily declining the increase of popul- lation ousht to keep it where it was if tmj decline was slight but it rows less an less every year the marquis of lome in n article coni- tributed to the liberal1moni advocate the grauting of local home rule to ireland by the organization of provincial chambers in the imperial government after the- model of what canadian statesmen wish canada to become i a japauese newspaper says that if great britain declines to establish a steaml ship line on the pacific to inn betweei j yokohama and vancouver that the japaj- nese government will subsidize or establish i a japapese line and thus secure what i likely to prove a fin carrying trade by all the people the directors haijo ged that to this weather is favor kttuiiiik g s- georjjetown this shows veh conclusively that actou is remarkably cc itral and ready of access ofjtbe territory to which ipened we feel satis act alone providing the bio- the attendance will more than donblb that of any exhibition of i the society wjtiic 1 has ever been held at georgetown with reference to tho insinuation that our people have ailed work unitedly for the success ef th show when at george town we have oi ly to refer to the fact that had it depended upon the efforts and ex hibits of onr ge irgetown friends when it was held in act u in 1883 instead of bein the remarkable 1 nancial and general suc cess it was a d plfrablc failure would iu- evitably have re ultcd ha1t0n coun another reneet ooatenta clomly isnchi ami hoitelesi tamtwuperanw workew heatly and confident of victory onre mere ix i1xk of fk1h a0a1s ilaltou is to be ule aocno of anotlior fight tltqliqttor men have actually dooldod to tryaropoal iittrnpalgn attain ever slnoe its first coming into operation tho soott act has been growiug in publlo favor in the coun ty it wai carried by a majority ol and whon after twoandahalf years operation a vote was taken upon the question of re pealing it it was sustained by a majority of 181 since thou thanks to the immov able fatrmindedntts of police magistrate young and tho courage and energy of in spector brothers tho law has been mado great success thoro is loss liquor sold to day in the county of haltou than there is in any other county in the province of ontario v tho antis feel that their cause is almost hopeless and have perhaps wisely from their standpoint deoided upon making one more desperato effort to regain the ground thoy have lost before tho last vvoak hope fades out of the hearts of tho most sanguine of them petitions have already been circulated in many cases tho persons who oarried them around being men who had been couvicted for violating the law a series of malicious and untruthful charges against polioo magistrate young has boon mado to tho ontario government and a fonndationlesa criminal libel suit has been instituted against inspector brothers by the editor of tho milton cmmitom who was somo timo ago committed to jail for refusing to testify in a scott act case ah over tho sounty determined efforts aro being made to misrepresent the work that has been d ne and tho mon through whos9 efforts it lies been accomplished there wt s a big gathering ofthoclrius from diffen nt parts of tho county at the wallace u use in milton on wednesday oflastwecl the few remaining friends of liquordom were mustered tho conven tion was kept as quiet as possible in an atmosphert thick with tobacco smoke tho whiskey mm h ld their caucus and laid their plaus for the coming campaigu it was shown thai progress had been mude with the petitions although they wore far from compete and it is hoped that enough signatures vill et be obtained tosccuro tho bringing on of a vote the most important topic discussed by tlje meeting was tho method to bo idopted in conducting the contest strotfi bpinious were expressed in favor of secui itjg as organizer borne per son who wi s on side the recognized ring of liquor selles seme one who had as little connection as possible avith the anti-scott- ism of the past some ono with somo re spectability or it least reputation a man the trie fsitiox ff the cask give his whole time to the work ki p iid a liberal balary and who tlie movements of the rank mayor howland of toronto intends to bring the subject of the reclamation o drunkards before the city council he i ol opinion that instead of repeatedly send ing men to jail they may be cared for at very little more eipense and put through a j course of treatment to cure them of theif craving for liquor it is announced that the manitoba gov eminent have secured all the fandsrequirec for the construction oftse red kivej valley railway the contractors were paii sloootx on saturday work on the brid ges and fencing is being vigorously pushed pending tie arrival of the rails and track laying will be commenced directly the rails are received vji 3iany briiish membekicsf parliament aro i visiting canada this year as there is a growing disposition ou the part of their 1 constituents to eliiit advice as to emigra- tion to the colonies leading englishmen find they mut keep posted on coming to canada for the first time- they express sur- prise and gratification sfth the condition i of thin3 which they nsl here there is no mistaking where the chris tian sentiment ought to be on the temper ance question the terrible ruin wroaght by strong drink and the gigantic organized efforts that are being made by the liquor interest to resist all reform and tofix the evil ineradicably in the midst of our chris- uau civilization should compel even the most iudiflerent to earnest thought and decisive opinion and action j recent failures in canada as well as in the united states direct attention to the evil of speculating- outside of legitimate business men supposed to have been doing legitimate business have been shown to have speculated in stocks lost heavily and then failed to the great loss and some times rnin of their creditors had they been content with the profits their business yielded they might have remained in a flourishing condition but their ambition to make money more rapidly led jthem into speculation nd speculation led to sorrow and utter rnin how many other men are treading the same path trade rrnnc the legal fight in manitoba over the con- btruction of the ited eiver valley railroad has become both hotter and more interest ing since the federal gavernmenthas en tered itts a combatant the difficulty be- tween the two governments gets more serions and more complicated as time rolls the dundas 5 aiitfartl has imbibe some strange ideas as to journalistic propriety but then such th ngs are peculiar to sonic people and part cularly to those who con- ceive it to be the r especial call to uphold a causeand befrie nd its supporters which owing to its gen ral character has deserv- f i edh lost the sup rt of the great majority i of the press of tl e country the last issue j of the frkk pkei s is thus courteously taken to task- ave thiilktbu a rum ilux pm- i iuriuiu i a lour derorato y to ihu dignity whith llft hitherto character zed it ns a ukuiikt of tile fourth estate jiii eiuiihasiziu the fact that county ckrk il nton is the m-retan- of the antiscon association in halton how would mr ooro think of it if we were to sny llaseball pre ideiu moore is an oflicvr of the methodist cb irch meaning tlnteby tlmt he lecaine the offi er auipng the bo8 for the lurpce of roping hcui iuto the church vel the statement v thout tile hidden uieauiug similar to the im huizing of county cluk iu its article wonk ix strictly correct i in the firsttpli ice we would sav that the t j editor of the fin e puksk was never a base ball president oi d in theysecond place if i he was and used his office as a means hy which the boys might be roped into the churchin th 1 orthodox and only meth- od by which ca ididates arc received his i efforts would be erfectly proper and con- sistent and liavt the sole object of doing the boj5 good so tally and spiritually i on the other h nd we are very sorry to i have to repeat t lat the county clerk re- ferred to in his c ipacity of secretary and convener of the t ntircott act association i of the county is loing his utmost to defeat i and overthrow tli 5 law which the electors of the- county h ve repeatedly and with increased majorit es at the polls said they desired to have as the law of ithis county the law in qnesti mhas for its object the expulsion of the traffic in intoxicating drinks and is wot king just as successfully as any other law ipon the statute books granting that tie assumption of the tuiilartl as to dupl officers was correct another hi ossible in fully made never agair i who would i who would j would direit j and file uo le oi whom could be relied upon ifapirc public confidence as a leader the tcne of the meeting was far from sangqinc jut it was determined and lton repeal campaign ii not im- the 1 ear future j our frier ds a t not idle theibest men n i womet iu t ie county are as true to the scott act as they cvor wete they have np their minds that rum will xulp their county 1 they aro kramosa commenced ready for tiic struggle whenever jit comes a meeting of tic executive committee of the county alii nee will be lieldjin milton tomorrow jigh and it is not likely that the liquor men will fail to lepru from a third defca the utter hopelessness of their caue toronto vuhn fasiiiovai ix vkilmxti at hotkwooil there wasquite nflutter among tho in habitants tfthis village on thursday on bccouut of i he narringe of dr j cromlie burt of torontc to anna m aldous of anc admiring tlie beautiful coral adornments that addejd very pretty chur h at 11 am tho vener able arclidiacor the cbancel vanced up t to st j ohns church wascrowded to its fullest capacity before the service j all had au opportunity of he attractiveness of this dixon took his place in and the bridal procession ad- ie ai ile preceded by two hand somely attired li tie girls strewing flowers in their patl theprpceedingscommenced with the sinking of the hymn tho voice that breatlied otr eden after which tbe cotlxty opllxcll the oounoumet at milton on tuesday sept eih at 1080 am lb aocordknoe with adjournment the wardeh in the chair members prosent messrs graham fyfe husband mocollrm mclood menslet pettit robinson richardson soott wheel- ihau and webster tho minutes of list meeting were read and ooufirmed the clerk road tho cstimato of tho boun ty lloouso commission of tho oxiiensos of tho onforoement of the canada temper ance aot in haltou for 18878 and n statomoutof tbe receipts and expondituroof the previous ytar a copy of a resolution passed by the county of elgin ou fhe ap pointment of ooahty oflioiulg was road bibo tho following communications from tho president of the ontario agricultural col- lego requesting the county to uominuto a student for the county of haltou from d w campbell treasurer stating that ho would require 2600 to meet the expenses of the county for balonco of tho ourrcut year and that 700 had beon prtid into his hands for scott aot fines from wm van- allan jailor oskiugthat a bupply of fuol should bo provided for county buildings mr mclcod moved seconded by mr wheelihan that tho council adjourn for ono hour carried w council adjourned theoounoil rosnmedjat i pm tho war den in the chair mr wheelihan moved seconded by mr graham that the warden and treasurer aro hereby instructed to borrow from the credit valley sinking fnnd tho bum of tweutyflve huirtrod dollars now deposited in the bank of hamilton and uso tho same for the purpose of paying the obligations of the county on account of tho general fnnd until bucii time as the taxes aro received thon tho said amount to bo paid back with interest at four per ceut per anuutn carried mr menzies moved seconded by mr robinson that this council do memorialize the dominion government requesting that tho appropriation for the clothing and equipment of tho volunteer forco ho made sufficient to maintain tho force in a proper state of comfort and efficiency and relieve the officers and the municipalities tram tho necessity of supplementing tho supplies now furnished by the government and that the clerk be instructed to forward a copy of this resolution to county clerk of thcconn- ty of ontario carried mr mcleod presented and read tho fourth report of the standing committee on finance t mr mclcod moved seconded by dr richardson that tlie fourth report of standing committee ou financo be received and adopted carried mr mcleod moved 6ecouded by mr graham that the estimates and communi cations from the hoard of license commis sioners for the county of haltou dated may 21st 18s7 aiid august 27th 1897 be received and that heir request for 53t33 as this license districts share for the en forcement of the canada temperance act of 1h713 be granted by this comicifj and that tho said amount be placed to the credit of the board of license commission ers in tho bank of hamilton by the treas urer of this county when requested in writ ing by tho aforesaid commissioners and lhat no part of tlie aforesaid sum be paid uutil the commissioners rejort to the treasurer that the ontario government have paid np the tirrenrs of lssc7 carried mr iclan moved seconded by dr web ster that the clerk be instructed to ask tlie pohco ittbgistnuc and inspector for a state- i meut giving the names of the parties fined j under the scott act since may 1st 1885 the nmonnt of the fine end costs imposed on such party uml when and to whom or wbttlier sticli line lias been paid or not al so giving tho names of parties discharged and costs ificnrred in each cnoe lost mr mccollom presented and read the third report on the standing committee of county bnildings mr mccollom moved seconded by mr robinson that the third report of the standing committee ou county buildings be received and adopted carried mr robinson moved seconded by mr felan that this council adjourn until the first tuesday iii december nextcairied the council adjourned champum is a souboe i mid tho time lum arrived whim ovary prudent buyer should fethdy how to make a dollar go as far as possible the ktio decided that nj no other place in acton can this be dliie 10 such good advantage as at t r b r 9ut jermyns large 40c range 47i f0 8clccf 50c goc a 1 at any although btstwecijlscasons stocks are usually broken we have kept tliestock well up and customers will find a from iu every department dress goodsin every mnkcijhd shade wc start them at 8c i0al2je 14c 15c 17c 20c 25c 30c 32c 35c and 75cv per yartl these goods arc really worth 20 per ceut more prints a complete rahjjeof fiijc glove fiiiislied prints beautiful designs aiid warranted fast colors at prices to suit nearly fverybodv 4 piles of seersuckers and qinghnrhs will bo slmvghtcred this hot weather as wc llftvc 110 u8c for them ill winter and must oaunr- prico to make room for the inihienso stock ttl fall and winter goods which we open ou september 1st ro w7 stupio department is kept well assorted nnd hosiery embroidery ilaces collars cuffs hand kerchiefs hoop skirts aim bustles in endless variety v- a full rniyrc of cromptons and most comfortable and best corset made- millinery and parasols will be gold fit fearful reductions un object for the customers to purchase largely- nsstu r inu n i no llck 1i ei to vofc bot new good manufactured within lhear is hie word groceries always fresh pure uucolored japan tea which epicures and invalids like butter and fcggs wanted i f rails corsets ladies tiy balls celebrated corset with coiled wire section i filthy lucre is what we want and wc pnosc makin ft a year fr6m date without doubt the b 13 jeimyhjfik dress goods dress goods dress goods ssss just arrived a ver handsome hue of dress goods jn all the latest shades at remarkably low- prices f ivvvtu j ladies and gentlemen 1 rt special value ix pi c ti ole 1 1 us lipi ihat wcnow show ihc chciipest lines odvy goods in the count our goods an all ie aiid choice- no shelfworn i6ds to offer you v i 3y geey m white cottons sheetings pillow cotton shililrings itowbtlngs iwbls cottosades anp prints v r t- highest prices paid for butter and eccs elgin watches nextbopit togarvins drcg storl pine stock now open of these cele brated watches marriage service- was proceeded with by the arcudetcon mies dart and many l anstee offic atcd bb the bridesmaids and urs clelanc anc webster as groomsmen both being ike t ie groom from toronto the bride w is dr sssed in white and cream and the brie esm ids miss burt ta pink and miss an steje n pale bine among the quests were mr james clarke and mrs clarke sister of tbe bride mrs collins mr and mrs bui t and tho misses burt the deductions are in no wise parallel and from erin a ad n any othere thk happy it is to be deeply deplored that the couple startel oi their wedding tour to clerk of that honorable body the county montreal after i splendid hjdtiwr at council of halton shonld be allowed to thchoukcofarsildousthebrideshiother work in open and direct opposition to the j one of the feature of this pleasant gather- countys interests from a moral stand- j inj was the preset tation on bihulf of the point because th return to license law congregation of t large and handsomely wm amicable settlement tlie people of mani toba appear as dctsrmined as ever and go on with the road iu the face of thedisauow- ance of their railroad acts j and the federal government on its part seems resolved not to permit its authority to be set at tnadght montreal slur the new york prohibitionists have gone so far as to place in their platform the fol lowing plank that justice and equity alike demand that tbe ballot shonld be givn to woman and that we demand the submission by congress to the several states of a national constitutional amend ment guaranteeing her right thereto j commenting on this the new york siiji j says how email any mere question of somptnary legislation seems when compar- j ed with this movement to extend thesof- i fgage and the riglit to hold office to a body ofcitizens nearly if not quite equal iu j number to the present voting population of the united states i wonld undonbtedly lower the moraf status i bonud bible of our population and from a finailciai as pect becanse just as surely as an election upon the question i of repeal is held the county will be put to large unnecessary first mania mtkkaky item to tlie bride this be dkath of willi hook helc the globe laarns expense j we contend thatlour course in this mat- i at kdinbnrh of mr ter has in no sense iompromised the dignity i senior member o of the journalist whoseproviuce is always j house there there is at present no prospect of an to uphold the best and truest interests of loss will be keenly jhis constitnents consideration irrespective of personal the scott t will not go at tin financial district meeting of the method t church milton district held in jimilton on friday sept jth the following i i jresolntioii was passed unanimously by a i j standing vote it vrks also moved that the isecreti y of the ijiijtrict forward copies of the btfii o to all the county papers and also to the toronto and hamilton daily and i j j weekly papers with the request that they lisbing house whi h has its branches in london and new york and has long been valued xor the attn ctive form in which it furnished pore literature to a wide class of readers as well as or its ablyedited ednca tionol series oi pub ications as a citizen he took a special ir terest in the historical and romantic associations of the old bcotch capital and haves behind him eu luring memorials of hi publicspirited zeal chief among these s the restoration of the publish tbe same moved by a willrnott seconded byjas i old miueri11 ff of bt bernard the restora- laing that this district meeting having tion of l1 m0lt hii loric p old earned that an effort is about to be made j castle ol tfijibnr li inclndipg the great repeal the operation of tre second part hal of tle ca8tie f tlie canada tejnperance act in the unty of halton be it therefore resolved bat we hereby commit ourselves tostrenu- lusly oppose such effort at repeal wefeel that the scott act is the most efficient in strument at onr disposal for the repression scott att casks at woodstock woolsiock 1- nineteen 6nits for damages aggregating 127500 liayc leeu entered at peoria against tbe railway compauy in connection with tbe clmuworth horror in st johns ch urch m xelsox the ribhshek snkat by cable of the death william nelson the the great publishing in tl e old scotch capital his felt as the removal of one of its most highly and esteemed citi zens his uime is widely knovrn by j reason of the entei prise of the gree t pub- g jthe if the liquor traffic iind whatever difficulty i a ms p 8 liberality ere may be in its jtrict enforcement we i 1d tls p bim on a par with the sept ithere ivercseven dan never willingly io back to the licensing lat william c nam lers the published who scott act cases tried before county police of an iniquity and vie hereby call upon tbe j maiuy at ui8 ovlu e restored st magistrate kilboru today bagely of metbodisu and all good citizens of the 0lle8 cathedraf an other of the ai kmbro iieid of hurrington and smith j county of halton tcj give such an answer of mount elgin were each fined 50 and ait the polls to tbe petition as shall finally cosie w oliver thamesford and iiobert define tbe attitude of this county on the bennett of beachvillc both pleaded guilty policy of retaining otir local option law un- to second offences and were fined s10o and j til such time as we obtain a prohibitory law costs the cases against duncan mckip- jftr tbe dominion a e rum m a pen of erobro and j oneil of burgess- j c liairman s cleaver b a secretary ville were adjourned 6 grimsby park w on uiually successful financially i the gate receipts alone reacbti tbe handsome sum of 1528005 being 81 hut year 31315 iu advance of f ij c p loxikjn en mint has asserted subsidy of ii5 pacific itailway and from the eit the argyll tower in which tho ear of i rgyll who was behead ed duringthacbveu inters persecutijn wbb confined before be ms beheaded also st margarets crmpel the most ancient arch itectural relic of j edinburgh thele im provements were at done at his ou ex and his cient and historic bu ildin s in edinburgh mr nelson was in his 7 nd year at the time of his death hu waj a brother to mrs george brown of toronto widow cf tbe late hon george ilrows who witlji her family are at picsen i in europe hmailh ii sipt 0 the govern to the granting of a k j early to the canidlan for larrying the mails to north iliiuutelpliia mniical jvuriuil for september i without exception the best number that lids ever been issued during the career of this most excellent of musical journals among its contents is a fine portrait and biographical sketch of herr maurits leefsoo a musician who recently located in this conntry and is probably the greatest pianist in america the kacontenr relates an interesting though concise history of americas national and popular songs louis c klson the boston critic gives his experience on a fishing expedition ho certainly writes an amus ing and entertaining letter and through the musical season furnishes most excel lent articles on subjects most interesting to members of the musical profession there are other interesting letters from the lead ing musical centres editorial briefs educa tional articles book reviews a musical story by george d cux entitled the trombone players ittise nusical news foreign and domestic and many other in structive and entertaining articles it also contains four choice coinnoiitfons viz dancing fairies scholtische buds of promise march sons le balcon and a vocal selection entitled fair mollie making sixteen pages of the latest new music these pieces if purchased at any music store would cost 115 the prico of the journal is only 5100 a year single copy 10 cents published by f a north co 1808 chestnut street philadelphia who announce that every subscriber to their publication receives j200 worth of music selected from llieiri ex ten- sir list as u premium in addition o six teen pagesof music which appear in every issue tho journal bhould be in every home where music is admirod dkath ofuhau1tovs ldstmastklti 1 mr m m elliott postmaster of bramp ton died suddenly at the forksof the credit on saturday he left home in the morn ing in apparent health to transact some business at his quarry and immediately after dinner he was suddenly struck with paralysis which terminated fatally at 030 pm mr elliott was bom in brampton nnd was highly respected by all who knewlim he was tbe originator of the bram u water works system and carried it to a uic cessful completion through almost o whelming opposition he was a menbel of st pauls methodist church and to him is largely due the credit of its erection he was councillor for several years reeve n mayor tor three years and was appoint postmaster fifteen years ago upon thoreaig nation of mv k chisbolm i movement made to my especial order gold and silver b savage guelph ffi fowler 5 api ompt and reliable cure 25centtrialtrir give those who are not subscribers to the acton free press a chance to thoroughly test its merits as a family and local newspaper trial trip subscriptions will be received from date until further notice to january 1st 1888 tag iliomands who read the free press each wsekand enm us newsy and intfresiihi contents should inform every nh- dor they have of this offer induce them to take aclvcwtdce ol it and do their famitepaper a good turn address subscriptions to h p moore free press office acton pdrohojora morbus ohetera infantum colic diarratea dysentery asd all sucunor com- plilnts of cmldron or adults t yltlki icn ss t rkopkiltok j tttoto nt gjq wedding presents is mr32ig3jii fon sale a quantity of wiue grape the only good grapo for canning preserving jelly or wiue only four cents per it mrs b a record j- vv a clark the jeweler cuelph mhas just received another largo lassortment sof silvert itre suitable for wedding presents to any person from acfoiijor intermedi ate stations buying 5 co woeth or over ut my sttro i will pay their ftro to aud 3romgujph jiving personal aud prompt attention to watch re miring i am bound to give satis faction or money refunded bcmeii ber the placo w a viz iaiavlihi clark jeweller 26 jwer wyn4ham si qijielfh n washington mo lrgps eiriiuert throat ami lung surgeon wiill next visit acton j at dmini6n hotel tuesday 20th september one day only catakllh thkoat cubed a few of tho hiimheils who hrvc been success fully ticattil by jr wnshiligtoiis new method mrsjuo mckelvy kintttoi catarrh ami consumption joliii mckelvy kingston out catarrh mrs a hopping kingston out llroucho cousuinption mr tl scott kingston out catarrh head and throat mrs juo botvain hairow6uiitliout catarrh throat- jauies matthews p master acton out ca- tarrah heart and throat f francip berlin out catarrh head and throatj misslnellio eby berlin out enlargedtonsil pwfug 1 imoruuua out catarrh head henry scott ltcrlju out aatlnna p wagner nearj jlcrlin out catarrh head ahd throat a levi korcher st jacobs out catarrh head and throat colli campbell lt edward out asthma jotn stacey dutton out catarrh wm shoeinakerrodney out catirrh joseph suiiloy fort gratiot u s catarrh badfoim w h storoy esq of storey ajson giovo manufucturers acton out dr wasliiuston is tho only throat and luur kurjxon n cnnada miss mary a llombourg ceutqrvile lont catanl i head and throat i mrs godfrey lelmoea s jitcolbrout con- on f to sumption titna snider lilooiufleld out and throat catarrh head agents the canadian xoodlo co 10 and 48 front street slast roronto got up tho kcatent most couiplttoaud heat belling koodlo package in americ i send 35 ccfitb for samples of new no vflbuh wi in fine piush particulars sent when stamps ire enolosed fo rep ly dont worry ff yon jvrooot of employment write 1 1 mr cowqy ill wr hluktou street east torouti i seudstauipi for rply john m bond direct hardisrae importers 3oel and inite 4 attention snu we carry tbe largest stock of hardware in central ontario comparison of prices try us for annealed and oiled fence wire barbed fence wire buckthorn fence wire hydraulierams iron pipe aiid fittings scoop shovels manure drags half bushel meires threshing maol beltin- threshingmac o oil meat choppers stuffers aud butchers machinery apple parers iteady mixed paints air shades true tolsi color card i sfi buildipg hardware locks hinges wl v nfigers m carpet sweepers i 5e lamps and everything usually kept in jv toge establishments buying for cash in tm the best markeu in the world we can a best foryou fipfi letters of enquiry promptly answered an ihustrared cataloue seut on application john m bond co mgakvins drug stationery stores tlie schools will iteopeu paints tex a few weeks purchase your new school books here all authorized editions on hand slates copy books ink pens pencils c in large variety oiisvaiiiislies c v are now being used in acton in large quantities arid mcgarviiiff drug store will supply you with everything in this line i ready mixed in all quantities arid colors m mgraryrn3 drug ind stationery stokeacto furniture m -for- furniture cottage or castle -at- prices- which will astonish iou ispesigrht son actpk- j a speight manager le bkat a 6 no j lery sp tbrepairil fjock w books an obo 1jrfjic scrll bchoorji i f ktraugejij tcntiva ob ill i6tin pew jtbti uhf ithtjhs men at tni he willl

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