Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 22, 1887, p. 3

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jeautiftjl wjedd1nq and birth dat presents at ceo hynds anncstoclttt watehee clocks jewel- cry spectacles careful attention riven o repairing drop in and seo our larso took comprising jewellery stationary 3ook and fan4y goods geo hynds acwwont meth0ii8t church lav r rfttjjp8 pastor xcsidouec botror avcunc tiwic service 1030 nm and k lv- siimuy school iso wblc claw conducted by the pastor all cordially invited straufw and visitors always vrolcotio at- i ontivcusner at the floor if sitting arcdosirod ajjly toll i moors ew steward- mil kmyi bhtif cur to them- a tain via of writing one figure three ttii it in the date of their iettejtfc it will bo onehmidred and oleveu years before it rill occur agalu the morchi ftvotthe village of glam ml havo rceolvi i to oioao their ahopa at 7 p m from th m ot november to tho 1st of may and thus to set an example which deserve t fas followed by the bust neat wen ot over t town and village iu the ewvinee at the aunuil meeting ot tho eratnosa plowing associi jion held at mccauba hotel recently u nuke arrangements for this years matai the followinjt officers were roeifoted jprcsident john dicks- vicepreaideut j ohn mcqueen secretary james obrien the new ad brtisonieui ot messrs mo- lcod a co georgetown an- ht attmt jttt vcss fwwvlatitmisn 1 i- pf 10w kntl l moam d winter ltlirusiuy sertembkr 23 1887 b mriv to lato for insertion th 7 week it wnuii smany iutcrestiugpoiuts look for it next w jok maxymlxoit locals colacd by the ever thoughtful and alert fiee press reporters i krin village wants a board of trade ouclph ceutral fair is booming this weil i advil ttill rctaius the county base ball jiemianu the flcwish new year began last sun day at sundown 1 no farcmiuded man will try to beat his way en a railroad train some fine residences arc being erected ip oakville so the star says ail who can contribute iuany way to the display at our coming fall fair should up so robert bradley ot milton was fined fio and costs last week for infraction ot tljje scott act the towu ot mitchell has sickened on giving bonuses having voted down do less than three uic other day mr edw dynes has removed the houso ou john street recently purchased to his property on church street i lord lyttoa said the oyster knows wjicu to shut up the oyster should be in pilitis or railroad business actons streets and sidewalks arc in good condition municipally acton is a nbiel villase dundas staiulard the montreal house in mrs secorda block is being repainted- and otherwise given a more attractive appearance several business men in erin mourn tliie departure of wm dunn late station aflect for the crk in thafvulage i strickland duffield of the railroad houl uockwood was fined 150 and costs for violating the scott act on monday mr thomas cameron is exhibiting sixteen head of his fine breed of sheep at the provincial exhibition at ottawa this week y to the narrow mind it occurs as a mutter of course that one who does not think as the narrow mind thinks most be dead wrong improvements continue at fairview cemeterj- the place is assuming a very attractive aspect lots are being disposed of in all parts j xiie new exhibition boilding in the pirk was raised last friday it is now enclosed it will make a good building for the purpese intended a afe basket of delicioovpreservibg krai3 his been received from mrs s a sficord she will please accept our best thanks for her kind remembrance the livery stable keepers of gnelph hake decided to have a uniform rate for hire and also to keep a black list to pro tect themselves against dead beats foar crewsons comers correspondent calls attention to the necessity of a railing alou the sidewalk on main street over the creek at stephensons shop it is certainly needed riiev c c mclanrin of st marys will occupy the pulpit of the baptist church next sunday- afternoon at three oclock the subject will be home mission some one threw a head of cabbage at a stamp speaker in ohio the latter passed forun instant then said tsentle- tren 1 only asked for your ears i dont care for your heads onr merchants are now all ready for the fall trade and in order to ensure a successful season they should let the public ksow what they have got through the columns of the fkee peeks iit is nst by looking in a lookingglass that a man sees himself as others see him when tbey criticise his habits it is by lookics into a drinkidgglasj thatbe gets theidta of himself that others have tjie base ball match last saturday afierabon resulted in anotltir easy victory for acton score acton iicampbellville 15 i j moat of milton occupied the posi tion of umpire to the satisfaction of all f isaiah the fourteenyearold bob of mr john huffman of sqoeaing while gathering hickory nuts jm monday fell from a tree fractured both arms and was badly hurt otherwise his coodition is serious iicbird fosberry bartender at johii hogaiishotel who was recently fined r violating the canada temperance act refused to pay his fine and was taken to jail on saturday afternoon gueljih iltrrvrg the policy of the careful business man is to keep himself persistently before the etttjic an honorable vocation industri- oiibh and intelligently pursued judiciously aadjthoroughly advertised brings sure and ample results 7thc regular half yearly meeting of haliou teachers asbociatlpn will be held in jjilton on thursday and friday 6th aud7th october the programme presages acobveiition of an unusaally interestibg audjprolitable character 1 the smoke from the bosh fires daring the past two or three days has been most disagreeable it was never more dense in this ivicinjty and ashes have been falling in quantities it is said the fires are located in the northern forests at a meeting of tlie ministerial asso ciation cf the county of wellington at fergus on monday the bev jamea brc4ey was uuaiiimously chosen president to ffll the vacancy caused by tbe death of rev huj hose ma elora expnt an interesting announcement frclb mr r b jermyu of the noted dry ds and j millinery house appears elsewhere bc millinery ahow room if b0 compwe toriwpection itpptidedwr bjr gloi tr a lady of lengthened j i 3apt albertsob fotnietfjr of ho has been living for am korhwestnowreaidefchi tfaiaemberoiaielixmi twl georgetown very 1m owl od of tt 20tii horve ldm witrthis u8utl mr fred scoqrd whoso ho no is in acton but whose business relation i are principally iu the united states hi sinwested 44so0 in real estate in kansas 3ity ouo of the thriving ceutreg of popula ion in the west we wish him every succc sud profit with his vestment the atteutioi of our readers isdirected to the new adver isement of messrs hoi linrake son m ilton they are enter prising basiness i leu aud if thoir kiht in vitatiou to our readers is acceptedfaud acted opon they i fill find s store wellfilled with choice goo is and bo attended by courteous salesmi n messrs hen ersou mcrae co of the glasgow hoise announce thoir fall millinery opening for saturday next 24th inst nothing bt t the latest stylos will be shswu miss sni ith whoso excellent taste is appreciated by all customers will super intend orders ast sual mrs calvert beloved wife of ltev g wcalvert aid at norwich yesterdiy mr calvert comi lenced his pastorate at norwich only twe mouths ago and we all deeplv regret the iorrowthat has bo soou fallen upon his h me in the loss of his dear wife who pr raised such usefulness in the church and yi t at such au early age was taken away- tiltonburij liberal save my nustache said a natty- looking young ma a with a blonde silken wavy appendage m his upper lip as he climbed into a di sir of one ot our well- known toosoriai artists the other day correct air jeplied the barber who mistookthejfirst word of the young mans caution anij before he could say razor half of the beautiful mustacho a growth of six yean was lopped off thqi barber understood his customer to say shave my mnstache coming again apd dont you forget it the fine order canjiage of that old reliable firm ofcr parkac ft co dyers and cleaners of toronto berare of others running on our advertising before yon give your goods out see that the above name is on the carriage and on jour receipt owing to the increase in wopk they have been com pelled to enlarge their premises again this speaks volumes ladies look up all yonr dresses cloaks feather setb get them beau tifully finished like new gents wear fin ished up in the latest colors they will be here on tuesday nest geo hynds agent 4 after uie jqtty ljlaaeoa friday evening mr jamea hough fc m the ar prinuuk houie qoelph wm made the reoiplent ot a handsome gold watoh chain and loikevby be members ot the band as an appreciation of servioes render ed as secretary ot theexeoutlvo com mutwduritir the lato baud tournament mffarmmigr demonstration un p te mad a few remarks ahilhr s vf hastings mode the presentation mr hough taken by surprise thanked the members in a neat little speech j on one side of the locket is engraved presented by the guelph city band inrememberanoe ot the tournameutot 1987 and on the other side raised monogram of j h the goods were purchased from vf s smith goldsmith hall aud are of uniijue pattern itn b4 ojtf settler last monday evening mr wmv steel one of the oldest residents ot aeton breath- od his last after an illnoss of several weoks ho had attained tho extreme old ae ot eightyour years aud until within a few weeks he was able to walk about str steel with his partner in lifo camo from yorkshire eng in 1833 and settled in toronto in 1853 they eauie to acton and for several years mr steel followed his business ot house oarpeuter after whiph hjengaged in farming part of his pro- perty was that now consisting of fairview cemetery mr steel was of a quiet and retiring disposition aud took comparatively little iuterest in public affairs iu religion he was known as a second advent and was very aealous in tho faith he espoused mrs steel departed this life some twenty years ago they are servived by jeunie al devoted adopted daughter to whose untir ing exertions the many comforts enjoyed by the old gentleman in his declining years are due the funral yesterday afternoon was largely attended a respected residents dpmise for some months mr john nelson 8r has been confined to his residence with an asthmatio trouble and has rarely been cable to leavo his room gradually but certainly ho has failed and for some weeks his end was hourly expected on monday evening his bpirit departed from tho body syd fled to its eternal trest mr nelson was a true hearted englishman and loyal to all of great britaius claims he was born in lancashire in 1832 and when twentyfive years of ago he came to cauada and made rookwood his home for a quarter of ji century he did a profitable business there iu merchant tailoring aud a little over two years ago he removed to acton and continued his business here in addition to that ot general merchant mr nelson was a warm friend a kind neighbor a devoted husband and indulgent father and a successful business man his circle of friends is- very large- but of relatives he has none outside his own family his third wife aud an estmiable family of two sons richard merchant tailor gnelph formerly of nelson morae fc co aoton and john mauager of tlie genoral business here and five daughters survive him mr nelson was a member ot the disciples church and died soundin the faith and with a bright hope of a blessed immortal- ity his remains will be interred in fair- view cemetery mis afternoon at 2 oclock home qieanings which are mostly of a local character and all interesting a wanl to exhibitors intending exhibitors at the acton fall show should send their entries as- early as possible to mr l grant the secretary georgetown and prevent a rush at the last moment the indications are that the fair will be due of the best yet held and the directors ajbd citizens are doing all in their power to this end tha comet tray 9t brightening pp one of tbe greatest mistakes a merchant can make is to postpone his advertising until as we commonly hear it said thing brighten ap judicious advertising acts as a reinvigorator to a slnggisb business and shoulbe kepi np more liberally in dull times than when persons are crowding yonr store a business to be a success must be kept before the people tlie wis dom and value of this is attested by all success al merchants tho wino grape the only good grape for canning preserving jelly or wine only four cents per lb s a secprd an appreciated fraternal sermon on sunday afternoon the rev mr broley of tbe methodist church elora preached a masonia sermon to the brethren in that village a procession was formed at the lodge and tl ifi brethren numbering about one hundred inarched in regalia to the church where tie bev mr broley gave an able aud eoment discourse in fact thohretbreji fromi gnelph say that they never listened to a better one on tbe same subject th church was crowded to the doors iri ttnj whqttteysaywtpknowtt good job we have received the prise list of tbe esquesing agricult iral societys show to be held in acton on the 4th and 5th oct it is safe to say th at the farmers there abouts will open tit it eyes when they get a icopy for is one o the neateapanfl best designeovwe have se u for a long time it is like all work ema wtiug from that office a credit to the 1ntr pnebbirojoundaj litandard the 8e iretary of the society writes thanks or the good job you did for ds with the priz list the zarly tu otls87 the early fall of tree leaves and tbe ar rival of an autumns i cool wave has sug jgested to the minds al many a prospective early winter ifas iositiiecesaajary fk llow the leaves pfteinteteriir ejeir ahead of their usual time because of v the extreme drooght w bich prevailed daring the summer months and the marked reac tion from the ra ently prevalent hot jwcathcr is likely to but temporary but even now a reaction has keneehjatho jnartbwest and th late crops liave not suffered by untimel september frosts it ju enlikely that the okt spell wfil last for ktyfajgth of tfm tfts pjkrt of tw 1iufltry rcxpettd gooa eenikl fall weather curing the fair season andifor nome time a terwurds personal paragraphs respecting visitors to and fro with whom free press readers are acquainted mrs midgley of toronto visited friends here last week mr james campbell isserioosly ill his recovery is doubtful miss ella brown of toronto spent several days with friends iu acton this week mr h t lepage of charloltetown pei was a guest at tbe editors residence this week mrs peaodek of arthur paid al flying visit to friends at the methodist parsonage last saturday f mrs w w gordon oud roy were guests of friends in acton and vicinity during the week miss maggie mckerrocher of milton spent a few days this week with her sister mrs james cobban 1 creighton esq mpp and mr itbirmingham were in town on monday in the interest of the proposed conservative journal in toronto miss jennie farmer of florence has been a guest at the residonce of mr thos cmoore during tbe week rev r phillips and mr james moore were delegates to the scott act convention at milton on tuesday mrs moses bricker of listowel return ed liome on friday she spent a month very pleasantly with friends here mr bobert slbbad of brockway centre mich left fbr home on friday having spent a week or so with friends in acton and vicinit mrs joseph latterel of montreal visit edjrihoods home last week mrs luttcrel has innumerable friends and former companions in acton ri rev g r tork of the methodist church goderich and formerly of luck- how has resigned his position and accept ed a 82500 call to the atlanta congrega- of abbey exquisite illnstratious to an old ballad by george wither called a ove song the quaint poem is not found in the ordinary collections it begins ilovdalasso afalroouo asfalraseorwmseeuo sho was iudeod a raro one anothfr 8uobaiuuo ijuvfoe aa tuanlwai v j i thought 8lid1wanvotoqr but uowalasso slias lott me jfattro itipiioo to the thirteen stanzas there are nine- charming illustrations one which will appear as the frontispiece tlie comical trial of pleasurohunting are capitally told by kate field in an autobiographical story called our summers outing the ex asperating adventures of the vacation party tn an obscure new york village form a diverting history for the aftersummer period aud frosts characteristic illustra tions render its humorous scenes all the more vivid only folt nevvslaielt mex tho first decision under the now lilel aot of 1887 was given ast vyeek by mr justice armour iii- tho cusa of egun v miller the notion was brought by a olergymau agaiiibt tho defendant for dam ages for libel contained in a lutter over the defendants signature which waspiibliiihed in tlie graveuhurst banner under ecctiog 4 of tho aot a motion was made in cham bers before vacation on behalf of tho de fendant for security for coats from plain tiff aud the order was granted mr ay les- worth last wook appealed from that order rrn the ground that the act was passed for the protection ot tho newspaper proprie tors and its benefits coxld not be claimed by the defendant a private individual iu full possession of tho facts who- was not en the staff of the nowspaper mr kean sup ported tho order the learnedjudge re- vorsod the order on the grounds takon de ciding that tho act was passed for the benefit of nowspapor men only tub fam kxhibitiox8 the following is a list of tho exhibitions and the dates upon which thoy will be held which most interest our readers ektjuesiufj acton oct 45 central luelpli sept 11023 wostoru lomlou hunt 1944 oraiikovlllu kent 2vj3 central hamilton soiu seo northern colliugwootl bcjit 870 kottth oroy durham 8ept provincial ottawa sept 19h lkllvilico 8crt 202 liudnay beiit st thoiuak 8elt s730 chatham sept s6- xassagawoya mrockvlllc hciu i x llrauintou soit 27- trafalgar oakvillu n m bt catlurhica cct vs ilarrio oct i7 poterboro oct 7 fergus oct 46 hal ton mil ton oct 67 braiitford oct 11ia slmcoe oct 1s19 northern vvslkerton oct tl north perth ktrattdnl oct 67 erin oct 1819 the hut crop this season in western outarip promises to be the heaviest- known for years walnuts and butternuts are of a prodigions size hickory nuts alsc pro mise to be plentiful while the chestnut crop will be fully an average go to j pyf es acton for your cloth ing ho can suit yon fore price quality and style every time taavane the canadian needlo i o mgolltsco 40 and 48 front street east luronto rut up the neatest most complete ami uest bolliug xocdlo package in america scud u cents for samples of now no 4 finished in fiuo plush particulars sent when stainps are enclosed forreply dont worry you aro out ot tnnploymont y41 wvlllngton street east send stamus for repl you are write to mr cowdy 41 wvhini toronto wedding presents t iked by a cow aiyoung woman lamed nancy miller whotives with bet t ther in naasagaweyay had jterrible experi see with an enraged jjovtie other day t srrowly escaping with her life andwith ey iry shred of clothing torn from her body it occurred ii thi y miw miller venlpout for the cows bring them horn i to milk and found lenjina thicket sod sent a dog in to em oat rhe dog enraged one im to itwh m ktent that she became itieabd rashed nt of the bush just re mms miller a standing and in- ateaddtpurwingai sog roabeaon her hooking d bntla ag h a ternble inanner had it no been tor the young romani preaenc ojl mini in bouio on to ivj j jpoods fashionable grodds cheap goojj bought onriy in the season and as lowas money niid a long experience if buying caw do we hare decided tbut tis better to do a 3 iillislmrd times p 1 busing solnseqnently have mg sppeciat valxjes in d all tlup new slrades and makes iii stock ivitli trimmings to match intending buyers will find a large varied ad attractive stock to select from winceys ancl veltovtv very cheap big drives in cottons 3hlr camohmamwt allwool and union fjannel carpets shawls corsets bustles cloves hosiery collars cuffs flann iri cannot be here mentl ess goods this depnrtfiient lias liud special attention this season and millineryit is a knohi fact that intliis department wo lead i find that people require change and licw ideas afcd wie have been fortunate ii tolho millinery trade and who has had charge of some of the best cstnblishi ngs tlcklpg sheeting ducks 4enrms fabling jurtalrisyhugs counterpanes yarns j embroidery and dozens of other lines which ned avvuiwv- jvery house in the county of haltoniio exception we securing the services o miss glover a lady well known i ii i t teiit8 in the country wbieh positioiis she couldnt possiblv in tri ffikstc a t p al will be jpleased to meet the lvrivof acton and gnrroondinr country uow t loiget that tho leading features lnlhis department are stylo md reasonable prices mantles from 90 cents un ve show big ranges of mantlo cloths and ulsterings of benutitul designs i i mon njid boys overcoats childrens toboggan coats womens misses i i groceries fresh and cheap pure uncolored japan tea a- specialty amd eggs wanted i ichilds mens and youths boots shoes and rubbers vrb jermyn kixil a- oeisriasrcsh we ish to- intimate to sbhe ladies of icton and vicinity tiat our fall display of millineiy mi be open mr their inspection and after m on c tional church f the many friends of bev g wcalvert in thu eiih were very greatly pained to learn of the death of mrfi acajvert last week the bejtrtlelt sympatb fjji i extended to the reverend gentleman in his heavy bereavementl iltrf anai4frl thomas hnueay of parry sbund nave been guests of acton friends during the past week iheir visite are always appreciated and tom and bis good wife neyer fail to enjoy themselves when they como to acton mlsslbroloy efflest daughter of itsv jasvt3r methodist mintsler in elora has received a medal and diploma from tlje colonial exbibitioutohdon england fcwspedmeklof drawing feat bhoejeouted wtnjeltenlfhg almaiadies couege st thomas ills broley is at preseritilhe guest of mr and mrs w h white- palmeriton telegraph- vyith regard to womans position in pub- iio affairs tbe following extract from a recent sermon by an amerioan pkcacher maybemterestmg- iny friends the right of suffrage as we men eieroise it seems to be a feeble thing you a christian man oome up to the ballot bojc arid yon drop your vote right after yon comee a libertinoor o sot the offsoouruag of the street and he drops his voto and his vote oounteraote yours but if in the quiet of home life a daughter by her christian de meanor wife by her industry a mother by her faithfulness casts a vote in the right direction then nothing can well resist it and the influence of the vol wulthrob throt 8cotchbbglut aodcanadiansnitini the jewel er cuelph has just received another largo assortment of silverware suitable for weddiugpresent to any person from acton or intermedi ate stations bnying 8500 worth or over at my store i will pay their fare to and from gnelph giying personal and prompt attention to watch repairing lam bound to give satis faction or money refunded remember the place w avclark jeweller 26 lower wyndham st quelph miss are so wj appreeial 24th i8j57 mcleod anderson go mve quite a large stock they are anxious to get lid of and if pricesttre an object which should be we have cut down a number of tines in sumtnerqbods wniqh we are offering at extraordinary low prices summer blanflea and jackets in silk and cloth great drives from 50 cents up sumttfer millinery we arc cutting to 1he bone i i pat4 frem a cents up fektbers bibboii8 ornameirts and all kinds of millinery estrabeaipary low parasols being cleared c ut re gardless of cost a lin qffdreibb goodsiat 10 cntsw6rtti25 cents at 15 cjents wbrth 30 cents an immense stock of lungnitlccat dress bods very cheap muslihs and eace8 for dresses frbia- cents pjef yard np r checked dress silks 25 cents checked ill pur silfc dim silks 85 cents wbrfh 0 ente alineei black and qolbretl saltan merveilleaux 60 cents and 75 cents worth 1100 and 1125 whose abili andio hig itilarisre t ii es y as this season stock has bfen bought 10 j 10 oniin 1jt1fiotoiii but the latest bles k- i v will be seek t henderson kkrae r v t sjk blacfc gros vforth125 grain 75 cents prints for 5 cents and t cents worth 10 cents and 12f cents j we are going to cut goods to the bone io reduce onr stock inspestiou invited kemombei- our milliheijyjdress making mid tailoring dfepart- ments- cr great drive in ginghams seer suckers and crinkles v june 22no 1887 1 sum m bfcennan has pleasure in announcing that his tail f oring shop in creechs fruit store is nowopen and in fall running order and in a position jto fill all orders he is showing ood tweed luits aii4l2 i sold ktsewhre for 15 scotch tweed 8ui17tt8 sold klsewhesk f0b23 and 24 fine worsted sxtit at 2f sold et8ewttkkeat 25 geiitlemen wauting a firstclass good- fitting-coat- etc mayrcly npon wtngsttited in every respect by leading their orders with 51 m jf and where to buy your supply vfilfall 5wwn8 weg aoparel millinery an1 manties demsnded bv vi- i ifcr5sb an immense supply of mew gojds have been opened up at m u x iip felifej ahiiymeji8oatoctofnewjtoijuelolmanb afaasvin ar great variety of styles aud at prices to autt alt purses a itfaleuiatofroinlm ewtke 1jmv l itkyidbwifns littlintin thew prtoi eaouedoqrwsaiois j tjlh styles sua at prices to ant air purses ntsjue orowded with netsiieetin pjllow-cot- ooyeraanotcuietkiiia for portieres llacepftttiinsvlam- inbhaels tapestry and kidderanuster elegant stjknhwifm the furniture protector acknowledged as odsi baytnit drom the manufacturers direct thus secius i requiring d goods houalfm 1 i 1 kf itf aivv fesft i

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