1 v vvo vfesvr4f i 5sfciaii5ikss vl ivfsskr v rob t v etateetowtheai tuttui wmo ot ccote aonoa ikmi last the wlfet mr aataoook atataam oars ix b8tw4n wtcme 80 enttehh but vyuuam hjew wovue8thuistswbt wyear boih weekwu a decided loooett the report we pjbhhdwai somewhat borriedly wriiteoawlwe may hire overlooked mmfi that wae wl oeewr ooj mentwo herewith we give the prim list and a tew other dotes of tatereat frwinarsp vfojkttm m thursday txjtobbb 18 1887 sotb asp cm foronto claims a popolauon ot 144000 aod hamilton is pat down by tbe assessors at 4sooo i tbe ppeatuoe of the jmow tampa has caused consternation in the south the appearance ot that dreadful scourge is with jjood reason dreaded by the inhabitants ot hot conntriee bat the danger imotao great as it it had beenim- ported earlier in the season the near approach ot cold weather will prevent its spreading any rreat distance northwards the dilyissnesoi the woodstock r el rrrietpul last week oontained a series ot editorial articles m the question ot me master university and the location ot it arts college the articles were well and kfffoally written and give significant aid ojonvincing reasons tor the establishment ot the above institntion at woodstock with the existing oollege which is iu affilietiorr with ft the president ot the united states is meeting with tbe most enthusiastic re ception in the west tbe citizens of 6s louis and chicago have given him so warm a welcome that be must oonclnde that bis administration of poblio affairs has met with their approval tbe presi dent and his friends most be greatly grate ful and encouraged by the splendid de monstrations made iu his honor by the citiaeos of the cities of the west the toronto lforfd is wellknown as a journal whose platfoira advocates the liberal use ot light wines and beer as a preventative of drunkenness as superior to the scott act or prohibition the other mormng its editorial oolamn contained the following item many japanese have bcoomc so civilised a to drink beer fromthis tothe pinnaclo of old rjeiabntastep the world evidently forgot its text unit day and instead of following op the old lines of policy favoring- tbe whiskey inter ests allows ite better self topenaparagraph tbe distance from the beer drinker to the old rye gassier is certainly bat a step tbxhuces fob wheat tbe beabonbxrop is harvested the grain is thrashed and in the bins the returns in most eases below the average prices cob- tinoe tow and the question rises in the fart mars mind is it better for me to sell or tot wait over ants spring in hope of better prices the wheat crop of america is below the average this season and many look on this account for an advance in prices bat it is very probable that with the extended wheat areas jn the east which poor- their annual products into the european markets the deficiency in tbe west will be more than counterbalanced and the prices kept as low as they are at the present indeed it has been stated on the best authority in grain circles that the whole of the american wheat contribution to the british markets might be withheld for one year without materially raising tile pace so great are tbe available products of opening fields particularly in india on the slopes of the himalaya mountains it will be of advantage to oor farmeri to sell their grain at once and thus avoid all risk of fire c and the natural shrinkage from one cause and another well known death of sexatw sesecal hostkul oct 11 hon l a seoecal president of the richelieu and ontario navigation company died shortly after 4 oclock this afternoon a few weeks ago lie had a stroke of paralysis and has never recovered he wasbornstvarenneaque july 10 1829 and has sat in both quebec aod porninion parliaments being made a senator last spring he was she r resi dent of the montreal street brilway t om- pay he has constructed several rail ways in tbe province sl chakhfii tcpfett lvkeated hiuku oct 10 the decfjpu court met at amherst unlay judge mcdonald presided the petitioner mr pipes and sir charles tapper were both present in conrt mr congdon for the petitioners stated that be bad received a notice admit ting bribery by agents of the respondent mr townshend for respondent then made the same admission in open court judge mcdonald at once gave judgment that the ejection of sir charles topper was nail and void and that the costs in the ease be defrayed by the respondent tbe prohibi tion party in cumberland have called a convention at amherst for the 18th- to nominate a dfridukt in the coming elec tion the jicxicipai cotxciiv the batiimk jnmtexti by onr fathers at their lt verting village u- the council met on tuesday evening- the lteevc in tbe chair members all present minutes of last meeting read and con firmed tbe clerk was innicted to notify bat chers ol tbe provisions of the meat- bylaw recently passed the finance committee presented their eighth report recommending payment of accounts as follows lather lymiiu llghtfrg buajis j c hffl peita 4c ft chss t huj naus ice henderson iicute conceal oil h p moore iniuting and advertitiue j f taylor reuipi vault lock ibeport adopted the cemetery committee wan instructed to hare that portion of ttbe cemetery fence requiring repairs propefly renewed the committee ou strtote and sidewalks was instructed to secure a supply of stone far dratrpalr hones j a wuoojno wrighk j8proi twoyear old entire qolt r bmmoi twoyearold gelding or silly t boles a creo one yearold gelding or pulyp kenutdy bi bttasell bpring colt t boles j baou den brood mare a stark t bobs it bosaeu gtkrral v- pair horses jlamb a herran j brownridge brood mare j clark 9 doff w fisher evbocsv two- yearold qehlng or filly nmcarlhar j wright oneyearold oeldmg or filly m it m p fames t wilson bpring colt j jltrk job ria cvjmnjf- pair carriage harass h huffman j brownridge 1 r appelbej 8ingle carriaga horse in harness m howson colp k mokenaie 8 mason sons brood man j wriggleswortli j clark mvanatterdi sons twoyearold entire colt r russell oneyearold entire colt t fisher 3 matthews two- yearold gelding or filly f robinson j price oneyearold gelding or filly j grindell d mearthur spring colt a 8tark j brownriage w fisher sons ffoorfjter- pair roadsters in harness j 4 j harrison j clark j leslie 4 sons single roadster in harness b creelman j mattbewi d talbot brood mare t ryder jacob- halner h l boss twoyearold gelding or filly m vanatter ft sons 8 johnson one-year- old gelding or filry j price w husband spring colt jaoob haioer h swackham- mer saddle horse w fisher bona p bayers m mcmillan cittix tluroiigkbrtd jnrkah cow calved orincalf j4g hardy d talbot t talbot twoyearold heifer t talbot a waldie oneyearoid heifer h don- bar heifer calf d mccaig h dunbar h black bou aged a waldie c swackhamer oneyearold bull j a g hardy h campbell wm waldie ball calf t talbot j ft q hardy bou any i age j ft g hardy outer thorowtjkhml cattle co oalvei or in calf h l ross twoyearold heifer h lross oneyearold heifer h l boss spring calf h l boss bull any age h l ross yemryt heifer jas clark a jrairr bull b harrop cow cal ved or in calf b harrop heifer jas clark grade cow calved or in calf kin- nard bros jno atchesont talbot twoyearold heifer wm sharp sons jno atcheaon oneyearold heifer jno atcheson d talbot heifer calf wm sharp ft sous h black yoke of working oxen john given angus johnson- fft beast steer or heifer w sharp ft sons r russell smep lemtter ram wm wood jas miller shearling ram m sutton a waldie ram lambl a waldie h campbell one ewe m sutton win wood onei shear ling ewe w waldie robt irviug one ewe lamb m sutton wm wood sotlhtoteh ram d mccaig a stark shearling ram d mccaig ram lamb n lindsay ft sons d mccaig one ewe d mccaig k lindsay ft sons one shearling ewr d mccaig a stark one ewo lamb d mccaig n liu sons cotjthldf bam lamb a stark one ewe a 8taxk one 8bearling ewe a stark one ewe lamb a 8tar fat sheep any breed robt irvingj wm waldie pen sheep any breed ram two aged eires two shearling and two ewes m sutton w wood wos tkannghbretl berhthirtt boar f hurran j ft t mceeuaie boar 1887 a cree t wilson sow 8 j lyons a cree sow 1887 s j lyons w yood thonubrtd stfolt boar 1887 t bell ft son sow t bell ft son her ran sow 1887 t bell ft bon otker tkorotitklirfdbotit j 4 t mckemae boar 1887 w wood j ft t mckensie sow w wood j ft t mc- eenzie 8ow 1887 5v wood j ft t mc- kenzie i i totxtbt i poifof dorkings n lindsay ft sous d little pair chickens n lindsay ft sons t bell ft son pair brabamas b m ft j p mcdonald h 8 mcdonald pair chickens h 8 mcdonald j ft t mc kenzie pair fiamburgs c c speight john given 1pair chickens cc speight pair leghorn a waldie j ft t mo- kenrie pair chickens t bell ft son a waldie pair ckickins h s mcdonald pair chickens h 8 mcdonald pair spanish jas sharp c p preston pair chickens c p preston jan sharp pair plymoath bocis d little wm wood pair geese d b mcnair jno given pair turkeys r graham john vvright pair ayjesbnry docks t talbot db mc nair pair pekin docks a johnson d b mcnair obais i seneca wheat t bpshesitnos storey it mcdoagall d cross bonell whekt1 2 bushels robt iriine p4o1 kennedy hi j lyons other variety of winter wheat jacob hiiiner c davidson boot irving spring wheat b talbot n mearthur t talbot two bnsliels large peas henry a rcerl wm moore small peas f koddell v hurrao white oats paul kennedy jas niukcll ft son black oats h a hied b jackson barley c rowed h bla k jas nickell ft son indian corn r johnston beans jas ramsey boots veoetabies asp mfit john harvey baltj wsi btsd hornet inerjel4obnooi fmrmemiiruin poqihoaey in cot b 0 p preston bafjbops 8 boshel i d croat two sooaahost henderst a r a campbel d homirnade cheeoi a belt five poondstmh butter t bell jo ander- sonvra bell b bosiell tlrkln home- made batter vita kltingthendorson j b chisholm jas n okell a son p0mk8tic illm triciobjts set carriage harne is e w gollop 8et single harness w gollop pair mens sewed boouwr wiulanja pieoe white flannel jas ra neey pali home made blankoia g w hack jas ramsey rag carpet samuel rohnston miss b gollop top boggy tjbell 4 son culp ft mokeuaie lumber wagon speight 4 molam t dell 4 boij mukst wagon speight ft mclam t bell ft son plow wroogbtiron heeds jvooden handles wmhematreet other plow wm hem- street harrow cultivator j 4 t mo- kensie t bell ft bon land bolter paul kennedy turnip 8cuber j 4 t mc- keatte shod horse ctlp 4 uokensie j at mckensie uuss w rk tjufted quit h bws jas ramsey knitted quilt miss jen lie mason a bell patchwork quilt miss jennie mason a bell fancy wool work on canvas d b i fxss up tu so a 25 v- ing tramps employed daring their visit to tlw municipality moved by w h lowryi s by robert wallace that tbe sum of forty dol- lara be gnuttedto tbe looal oommittee of thetowtbststwwtoemabtetbjam to meet tbe w in connection with the pi- hibtom jiirifdugsna that the bewe iasoe tiicherimtotbebinm cawied cosjacil then adjoarced yft bushel potatoes early rose joseph allan wm waldie bushel r ele phant a hnrran f hurran bushel potatoes other variety wm wood d cross collection potatoes win wood wm wajdie one dozen carrots long- redj oi fuller b johnston one doz sliort horn b a campbell b talbot one dozen field csrrote f rnddell b talbot sis swede turnips wm wood t henderson other turnips t hender son t talbot beets t henderson jos anderson su parsnips t henderson b talbot mangold wurtie r talbot d cameron jjeds cabbage r a camp bell j o falter heads bed cabbage b a campbell heads celery r a camp aadi stone hammers to be utilized in keep- o0 j 0 fauer cauliflowers b a cafepbell j 0 fuller two pompkini wm wood mrs a staoffer deaen onions white b w goilopb a camp bell dozen onions bed b a campbell e w gollop dozen tomatoes b a campbell 7 o fauer collection of apples hblacki wesley betsey dozen fall apples weeley bejiey 8 j lyooi dozen winter apples wesley bessey tbos e bder black grapes t moore monair w h shorthi 1 v embroidery pn muslin d b mcnaii embroidery on cotton beuj aodersoi d b mcnair embroidery on bilk nr 8a tin mrs a rord mrs geo havil i crotchet work beu d b mcnair fanoy knitung a bel miss jennie jhason braiding miss jennie mason j p worden appli que work miss jennie meson darned net miss jennie mason d b mcnair toilet cuahion mrs john stalker miss jennie mason toilet mat miss jennie mason combined wool and beads t bell 4 sons miss jennie mason crazy patchwork mist aggie freeman mn d llann tatting miss ib abern point lace mrs a secord ilace work mrs a secord honiton liaoe miss jennie mason handmade gentlemans shirt mrs a bell miss gallop wax work fruit miss jennie mason 1 wreath autumn leaves mrs wl e smith miss c preston table mat miss jennie mason miss gollop pilir woollen stock ings d b mcnair wm kitching pair woollen 8ocks mrs a j jell miss qollop sample machine knit goods mis a stauffer pair woollen 1 titte w kitching miss gollop sofa cuahi in mrs g havill mrs john stalker ctroarascene wnrk miss lottie hemstreet worked slippers mrs d b mcnair macrame work mrs d b mc nair pair cotton stockings mrs d b mcnair wool brackets mrs d b mc nair pillow lace mrs d b mcnair table drapery mrs db mcnair wool cushion mrs w h sbortill painting ou velvet miss lottie hemstreet paint- iug on satin miss lottie hemstreet rtxe ab painting water colors miss ahern miss a masou pencil drawing j p worden c e bessey crsyou drawing mrs g havill a l bestoy r painting on cuiua miss ahern lmdscapo in oil a secord h g 8tone wf painting any other subject h g slpne miss aggie freeman scroll sawing in wood c c speight penmanship ty public school children 12 years of age and under wm waldie annie lasby pitsts and nc itebh greenhoise plants w smith begonia in pot mrs d minn al secord double geranium in pot mrsgihavill oleander geranium in pot mrsa secord a cct rxowei s coufedtion dahlias jailtarosev table bouquet jasbamsey hi ndbooojaet jas ramsey best bam first priss 20tb batt band second prize acton cornet band bietlal rbizes best pair carriage hortes 120 by john waldie esq mp h hhffman fastest trotter in harness twice jiroaud tbe ring fo by w e smith 2nd n by w b smith zimmerman broel r creelman bpring colts got by lorh haddo f3 by adam cook m sutton gr three colts from stallion general crojaer 5 by john hainer w h bbortiil spring colt from stallion swallow is by j williams h swackhamer fastest brood mare that has a sucking colt 13 byd b laidlaw h l roks saddle hack 1150 by worden bros w fisber ft sons single driver htle and speed f 2 by w h lowry m howsou herd ot grade cattle of 4 females any age 910 by b wrdrpore ft co j a watson twoyearcld heifer any grade 13 by w h butled e w sharp ft sons best pair of spaniel fowl j50by henderronmcrae ft co james sharp pair brahma fowl bird cage 360 by geo havill h s mcdonald twenty pounds batter donor to re qivebntter 910 by major kearns mpp ra kitching tweiitwff ve pounds bntuj doffbr to re ceive butter sett pink chi fe 70 by t h hardin tbell ft son crock butter ten pounds donor to receive butter cruet 94 by geo hynds jas rtmscy firkin batter over 50 pounds di mor to receive batter one dinner sett 00 pieces 914 by l g matthewt jno b chisholm eighteen pounds batter d mor to receive butter 90 by john nelson 7 henderson twentyfour pounds battel donor to re- ceiye butter 910 by w h storey ft son john arthurs five pom ds batter in poand rolls92 by g w bla ek jas bam sey loaf of homemade b ead hopyeaat i by g wvblack mrs t bell collec tion of apple four of each 1 ind 93 by a waldie h black bag pott toes donor to receive potatoes lamp 92 bj j bpearepn wm wood bushels ontais can of oil 910 by john c hill e w gollop crazy ppatohwork ladys hit 95 by b b jenny n miss nelson pair homemade socks by lady under 21 year i fbee pbjess 1 year 91 by h p moore hiss kitchiog handmade gentlemans wh to shirt 92 by robert warren r hin i bell bett essay on the scott act 25 wedding cards 9260 by r o wan en liade c campbell sps 4men crayo i drawing by lady under 21 yrs heral i i year by b d warren a l besiby bpearoen hand punting valise 94 by moore ft megarvin miss aggie fresmaa speci men of writing by powio t ehoob of es qoesiug ana erin first stai oa of greys hegyi isi 1 2nd k by k t flmytb it graham james momill in specimen writing by publio school p upil under 12 yearsi 91 by b d warren rnnlc lasby moil orderly one mjlolinb4uu8ul jplay ot the genoino sloger sewing ma- l1tmiiv- mm fvjife o hoajortineritmoo itttlie line of steady prpgrcislon bot as regardi ipantity and quality t borne meant most he devised whereby in lkiro the horte ring will be occupied by udget and eihiwton sxclnijvaly there was neither sign uor scent of iquor either in the town or on the exbbi- ion grouuds during the two dyi of the mr the exoellent wool from which the first i irise machine knit goods were made by law a btauffer was msnafsoturod by letsrs harris 4 co rockwood r a campbell marketgardener george- iwn swept the board with his fine roots is big squaih wliioh would hardly go rough an ordinary doorway was a great ihlbltlon if there aro any farmers wives in the inntry wlio take more prises than mrs b mcnair esquoeing and mrs a 1 nasssgatfeya we would like to hear m them at the annual fair held at dundas list thorsday there were just 70s entries op of which were horses in aotou there was double the total nmrjbor ot entries and 884 of horses i the show of implements was not what it riiigbt havo been messrs a f smith and w hemstreet monopolised the field a larger display with the maoliinory in molton ia talked ot for next show in the exhibit of cattle none were more admired than tho herd ofi grades exhibited i messrs w sharp ft sons of eramoss y were choice animals and won the tickets tbe heifer calf was a beauty mr l grant the secretary was at the town hall yesterday paying prize money to the successful exhibitors those who failed to call upon him will receive the amounts doe them by sending their addresses to him at georgetown there was a noticeable atteenjee of thimble- riggers wheel ot fortune men and all those who nowadays come under the designation ot fakirs they were boycotted from the first and the officials had the thauks of all visitors for each aotiou mr w williams of the peekaboo boot ft shoe store mado a cue display at the et trance of the hull tho exhibit was made op of fine ladies and gents band made sewed and pegged boots shoes and ppers a large number of elegant trouks valises the whole forming a handsome 1 much aomired pyramid of koods he unseemly ravings and incorrect assumptions contained in last issue of the georgetown herald respecting tbe exhibi tion and the local committee will be thoroughly understood aud folly excused when the first item iii our column of domestic occurrences is perused the young man was naturally somewhat ex cited the general verdict is that wliilo the music cf acton cornet band lacked the volume of the heavy battalion bmirt their mesic wa just as swttl and harmonious the battalion baud txcelled in expression and was well up in instrumentation but it is admitted on al aides iliut for time tone and bnrnony actou cornel band is tbe superior of all the sweet tasks we know off it is that of being secretary of an agricultural fair we spent considerable time in the secretarys office and it did not take long to convince us that such an officer needed tho patience of job and a head without any sore spot on it also to manage affairs and keep eveiyone satisfied secre tary grant is of a very good nature do pot forget when you intend purchasing a first clas organ or piano to go to j c mclean of thegaelph temple of mafic he is no agent but buys bis goods in large quantities at rock bottom figures and only the high est grades are handled 0lfxph mahkets floerftloller floor stone white wheat bed wheat bprlug olugoir barley oats gh peas hiyi 8triw woqd per cord efigs per dosen- barter dairy packed hotter rolls i- cheese potatoes per bag v apples port laisbskins i pelts hides- wool timothy seed per bush clover seed alsiko oct lltb 1667 3 10 to 2 40 1 00to i k 0 t7 to 0 77 0 77 to 0 77 0 77 to 0 77 0 50 too go o as to 0 si 0 50 to 0 53 0 55 to 0 50 800 to 10 00 300 to 4 00 4 00 to 4 50 0 17 to 0 18 017 to 0 18 oatoozs 0 13 to 0 15 0 80 to 1 00 0 59 to 0 75 5 75to c 10 0 05 to 0 70 0 35 to 0 33 0 00 to 0 50 0 33 to0s3 2 00to300 5 30 to 5 75 6 so to 7 00 aucnon sale register fuuuv oct kthauctlon bale of stock and implements the property of chss cameron lot i con 1 esyueslug sale to commence at noclock wui hiuutroct auctionoer tttekoar oct 18 auction salo of stock and implements the property of ilr wm liooro lot si cuu 3 ksqueaintf nolo to coiinaoncc at 13 cr clock wm heniftrect atitloiiott fbxdat 21st octobbb uurcucrvtxj nlo oi farm took and implinucuti tbo imiiivrty of ilr jauics mooro lot 4 coll 7 krumina bole to cpmmonco at ton oclock luuuli at twelvu uml henutrout auctlpuour toeshav 25tb orrobkbanctiou kalo of farm stock and implements tho property of jouies dunn lot 2 con 7 nsalya kale at 13 oclock wm houurroet auctionoer call and see kelly bros bankrupt stock of overcoats suits and underwear scotcilenglisn and canadian suiting in great variety at j fyfes acton m alex gostalron is ro ihing for par ueraent ia onf of thejioroog is of englod on uko probitttkm tieke 1 be prohlmtton movement has donbtiess stjrdck enpmd to stay the prize list of tlie esq uestng fall fajr was printed at the acton fukk piikss office which accounts for its attractive appearance champion as nobby a lot of gents furnishings as will be found in any village can be had at the merchant tailoring establishment of w jj stevenson erin yniljcanllve at some and nuke inoro inouey fll at work torus than at auytliinu else iu jtbunrorld capital not needed you ore started free both sexes all ages any one can do tits work ltripreannqss sore from first start i cosuvoatfl tend ternr free better not delay oostsyoit nothing to send us your addi ess and and out if you are wise yon will do so at once hhaiwett ft co portland llaiuo fj wfeiitsvi- alarm sssbrrespjiv bvndebjuos fflt w 11 person arsf rtiiaiimi r j thgrdtroa orl jihe kbdu il if ion park tpi a ssirtkef dd ilsfimbat if tley r wi i take its coarse an pi- 4a fjputifrtnw neflei jtl for a note made wtbel mm m ii tthichrgatoe such satisfaction last umm tmv- tdtevey one warranted yci a 14 l 5aijl- wtofava by nessll bo kwood ortobeqitl ffifcjj bjbttjbjf an5 8avb ii oie party who to k rotn fli perhaps iu mlstak ptiiiiti pal of mitts on the doming sffsrl wil raturn them to tb tisll hi wim rafl sctivn stprasestri lungapbaj if t ley are notroturne lforthwatl wil be obliged w kn w trom hliaa wh ibm o piu huotjbedacpejob lew helo west ilifott ii concession ol rqaeck fity serei herd itwfilboiod in one cictkv ar parcelst bor crtl a itntealwi ioffl wbareiswantofatewmbref to eanvass for tt 9 sajeiof 1 of horsery btock t men wb su ess of the business re ens pare or mmisnion and give lerataneatei w tava many new anc choice sp nth i fruit odorname itsl- lines do npt handle apply it one otisri3sr we wish to intimate to the ladies f a0m aiic ifpaty fliatr our pll display of mulineji be qf en for their inspecticm pciw and after 4 v salesmen wm iiljiap- edward o flraham knoi rn ynrsemits ot to m ike arrangements ergs ie men to take ordi he h is a choice stock bislidoeements to adva itageous1 heii ir inteeatofnmiah si cd give active sqi poalt ionsaad desires few inch men with a view of u serviies write to hun assooa as w this 1 or terms and full p irticularii only square dealing met need in bdwjo qbahjuc narsa rhun jijiicim m toomebi hhos drceaied p vi isuant lo iodgi liiii hviiion ot tbe hiih kmrt of 1 inc irtaia matter of be aml ia l the creditots ineladiii f those ispedie or general linear mcumhrxaeji estatt or any tmdivjdsr are there iaunl late of tbetawnsh pateiqil coani r of walton fanner who died the 16 a day of april 1887 are on ox 1 sbthdy of october 18b7 to sei4 bjrj paidt rttessrs johnson a mel oneli j p 0 their chrii tfan namei i addresses and desc dp ticnla s of their claims i i accoa its and tbe nature o tfaei held h f them or in default thereof i premt torfly excluded fro a the b said idgment every i reditbr sechrf yli to product th f samei or81 m dooglia streetnt the cfty ifgoelphyo day of october 1887 at the lour of elm foren on being the time i ppoimed cation on tbe claims date 1 this 1st day of oct er m875 1 sgd am kcktjt locte sep ember 2ajh 1887 miss smith whose abilities are so well known and so highly appreciated will be in charge tiiiib season j as thisseason stoqk has been bought itifi more than ordin ary care nothing but the latest wuibjwnv i i i henjderson mcrae go acton jcjdigia1 sj or a valuabltfal totfhshlpop qitpe cdusty cut of the c 1 court df lamb tsrl tamoe 4f ckimi de court i n- putii voir to the j dirfcdojiofthel in the natter of bo dated tl e twelfth day j with th i appromiion oi local i aster of the sn rare at hielph sealed tend rs xol bovl- address d to a m uceinnc a slaeter inff eery grclph p o nhdithi fifte nth day of oclc tier ad1 at the 1 onr of twelvo noo i for uic i lands ai d premises laec3eithwekthaf of lot i twenty even in the ljxth coaoi townsh pof esqnesiicaa aining one 1 acres jn ro or lcff pabc 5l n tlio west 1 sb ofliotj twenty- ijjlit in tho siith confi toinah p of eqnoaing cot taisieg and thn o qnaner acres men 3 or less on pa eel 1 u erected a finfrdaast nearly 1 ew two storeys gbtm with w od shed snmmer lotcneii ftei cellar g rdeu c f t there is alio erected on tbjs pareetti sixtsnci rly new and with a ii modern jie ments stone atableunde neath driving 4 bed root jiobso am all no building 1 theife iaalso a we 1 in ihe there is also an orchard of 1 bout t full bear ing on pa reel ii is a bam 10x51 there is also an orchard on hen valuable property was owne fby tamo ind ia one of the men county f hslton evcryth ng is conditio 1 and the farm is l 1 ovation a spring creek rtu a of the fa m and there is a d water here are fifteen act 91 of 1 i and te 1 on parcel h thisfarmis situated two miles and five from georgetown at both 1 places ai 9 firstclass maikofc forties produce tender s can he made eithi r for bothi or foroai h pareel separatelv the hi liest or any tender not no ccpted tebubofle the pushaser shall npon the accep his tende pay to the vendor solicitors l cent of h is purchase monuy and ahall one monl b uiereafter payint looartfothee of this m itter a further sum sufficient to 1 up with s dd ten per cent on a half of idsa chase nio ley the balance thi roof tobe i by mortg igo payable in she 3 ears wiik i at six pei cent yearly or at the owion df- purchase be may pay toe wl ole of his money to io court within said month tje vt idpt- shall only be r kjnired to i a registrars abstract and sue 1 tjtlodeessi may hav in her possession irrrother the term and conditions wqii be the 1 condition 1 of this conrt forfar her particulars apply to if ewtej ston 41 fcdean solicitors guthrie watt toronto sgd ammcttnkok lkuv is the best eiriaobiln the county to buy 3ac330a33 mimq y fr m 8 this paiil j anip wlne ihey wmm mnmmmi allwool gum y fl akbeijl mens heavy shikts and i heavy canton flannel dundas cotton grain ars i eks hollinrake soils s vmiffl ji r have you seen our new brass goods if not do so you as nice goods and sellji asi try us for youidwn satisfaction our store is filled with choice new ojsppsediofc so iejyofi etlclieap a kvv- v at your earliest convenience we will shji stinis opened out which 101 b s9moh irfffi- two mrt uineryajpp mwm mnd roll butter and egg mmtss w wim0 8cpe1j yj 225 iee d wh asmfejopaiopage- iff h chea store k il s-ra- i- 1 1 wa public mb ii strang 1 cnttv if aiwinj pewfci m tex m hi collated 1 thai f erin 6ftyistie sockw 3iiej roads lv thj1l will befod lv theii pn the fir thle- nextmoqcj sh day was frqete thei pkratoryi wixiter j lau them andflere eri on afternoon i morning edition ibo to3 tug hfet andstyle4 mrjw neatly ifoiii tim enfficienlfd our next ip woods fat rmr house ai dil and maini oidi and mtejg stove tkrfl thenewlhoj wood ttf youth mr jbll modelling mrl daviij north it pearanc v rxheji railleonlaiej debentujce mills zji comfni avenuwi up wfltv remedytoo aoton i ize andgiv winjv apprecjaliq terially imp gational sin j nefibnj afiogja be n onjycori towrrwjthd arareo ohsiiiii tipnit ii j baiierm consists in 1 editicjipnri fotiej goelt are ladieswi mly areoono li gei ate epring 4ioy iuied2q0 bbbvj vhefore jftpe last thu