Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 27, 1887, p. 1

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low ii f ije rtmt jfree jress la rcbltuto every tuun oyy mqrnino at tub free pre88 powtr phititlia hou8e acton ontario subscription rates oifatsab s1to 8 moxths soera tttrkk months hufftt invariably in advance if not paid la advance elpervoarwillbechargod ko paper alteon- tinned till all arrears are paid except at the action of publisher advertising rates 1 bpacb sovsckes lotnebt llnch l in0 os wailmo v 0009 1 vur m00 lljtlbo 1 90j0o 1xw 3j0 1 40001 itiw toouo 1 60oi jol i00 100 n 5na casual advertisement 8 cents per line for the 8rst insertion and 3 cent per hoe for each sub sequent insertion cash th number of line reckoik by the space onpidiueaaured by a scale of solid nonpareil uveruinnu without jhoctne dlreetlout till b inserted till torbid out charged accord- agly transitory advertisements mutt be paid b advance j change for contract advertisements mtttt be ia the office by v ava on tvjcaday otherwis thev wilt l 0ter antirthdfollowlns week h p moore editor and proprietor per lai oat uusinrss btrktorp find the tt-ilo- urerr attacfe thews x m 2uxitt wh lowry m b m c p 8 graduate of trinity college member of college of physicians and sdrcdon osx and residence at tbe bead of frederick ft acton john lawson urfaduate of ontario vtcrinarycoucre toronto vet- fjinanr surgeon- acton ont office in konny bros boot and shoe store reaueaee irube rear bonn examined as to soundness and certificates ivtn i all calls night or day pnintly attended to terms easy l lrbenxett ldsl dentist onorgtows ofctaluo iirtatf and so aahtm ikasuiaetrpsjj 3 pento oct valleys tin vom tni lor then i fn bad tktj l wti mitireiy ciucc oat a bottle of ipritgfor uqr iw ba4iy be t suing pri ire he was able i ud what ia o hy prmetoais lcrefkjafl tldjortheibid btimedkiaawtob ltairikem boves ibe i ft thai i rce sharer csn t eeti oat as wz 3 capitu isjw ulvijoyoxt ialilie cni j eorlttf flp a csickixlayldsurge0k dextist goorcetowa ont tuea the ncirsvsteti of nitroas oxide jgaa cotninonly called vitalized air for extracting teeth without pain hating been demonstrator and practical teacher in royal collepe of dental burgeons torontr patron may depeoa upon reccitlng satisfaction in any operation vjerformed will tisit acton ctctt second and jourth wednesday of oh month office in agnjowa hotel jh carrique scpgeos den a tist milton honor graduate of the koyal college o dental surf ons ol ontario till tisit acton tunrsilay ot w ill week begin mag the first ol july office it agnew a hotel preserration of the ijatural te tli a q artificial teeth insertea on gold celluloid or ml ber bases uaranued perfect vitalised air nitrous oxide and other anaesthetics used for naiaicss extraction of teeth t0hnst0n 4 mclean barriiurs solicitors notaries conveyancers 4c private funds to loan osm t own ball icton lfh johnston wki a mclean j a mowat bitsiitee soucrroe noiait prnuc money to loan oitice davstucsday ail saturday office ltatthcws block jtcton upatairs t- eiutcheij f soucrros costehscfat ac oismirst door west of tl e chainpion ofie miin street milton monpy itoloon at c lrcent 3 hilton allan billrdt birristcri solicitors ac toeosto ixd gcoegi tows 02rts crecioians block gro etown and sc kios street cast tcipnto t t 1lix j shiltox ba b aurllwjw carson lumustekaatlalvv 4c ice ontin hall 50 church street toronto taibgebow mpp johkcjjlson dcl co cbown attonxet patents secured fo inventions bsniy geist ottawa canada twtuty years practice no fatent xo pay w ett hemstreb1 licessed accnoxktk fur ihc counties of avcjiintda and hajtoo orocrs let fit tbe free tuefis jfflcc acton or su air residence in acton will ip promptly at- tcudcuo tcrmi reasotuble alio tconer to loan on the kuost favorable tunsaiid at the lowest raters of interest in scius of jound cp wards j k murray liceeu accnoxtec pur the o an ties of halton abd wellington orjenlett at liifi residence mail street oppos ite charch street tctou oraddtcssed to acton p 0 will receive strict aittion terms reasoiuble notes disconrted is desired john day architect jgrelph ost omce queens hotel block plarket square e1iuncis susan sacctseor to t fwctiafcinan bookblndebj ht george stjuarc- i ruclph ontario account looks of all kinds made to order periodicals ii every description oreally bound bnlins ueit v and promptly don mhe hjaslan barbe i shopt sllli sjezet act j5 an easy shae a stylish haircut good seafoam as exlulian ting shampoo alway given bazars hoaelandjbtin flrstclaaa condition ladies anl chimrei sliair tastily cut 4- h woeden tjnsorial artist the undersiguod u pre larcd to furnish on the ahortosl notice in ai y quantity and at bot- yimum rstolaaa lumber lath tavesihead- ing shingles wash tubs churns bu tor tubs porkblarre swood flour an i feoig and anytliing in tbe line c f armor honaelteep- m or contractors nocow ilea the puaale is to find a better place than thomas c aooiups to buy anything iri the ab re lines alto to find out tt yon iudfcbted to iiui for anything pur chased from him hlah be would like the money act bimikibg company storm 0h1 iisnj 4 qq -bankers- cton tlfojhaw ojufhal llakfjiq fi5iis irlwojto a w a icoxtta4wji tur xwaovm notes diwiuntei and interest abwid oju deposits a 8plbhmd asortlflbnt 0f4 puzle fancy goods -at- days bookstore gublph day sells cjheap w h rutledce the but3her deals in everything in tl o meat line no cits establishment can be f und butter stock ed at all sci sons no questionabi goods of fered to cu itomers at any pjice lowest nitei auutiujuart one trial convinces on uies ioiuts cash always tiaid for price laid or hides and shctitskius wh ji jt stinson o tailor and i i ed draper healing is my motto ttlo tbe highest rutledge wellington mak ton qtjsbso st works bums luind d j hamilton sl clark proprietors wholesale and retail dealers in marble granite and everything pertaining to cemetery wodk direct importers of ail kinds of grsnitefand marblel having lately visited the bay of fandy granite quarries and having purchi sed tho entire stock of gtay and redgranite mot aments headstoea croasea urns etc of alexa ider taylor at less than tost wo will nntll fa tiler notice sell at prices never beforo known n ontario for in stance granite monuisent it high g0 f ft sts 8 ft 930 9 f l sko 10 ft ilso ml work and material warranted flrstcla s parties wanting anything in this line will do well to call awl see us before purchasing elsewl ere as wo guarantee our prices alio from 30 to a i per cent below all other dealers 7j liyejly j h warden having asimmed propriiiorship of the livery business lately carried on by mr w b smith would solicirtfae jiattonagc of the public and will do their utmost to lease all customer well equipped ancj stylish rigs can alwa3s be secured pjst class crueljib busiiiess fcollege fuelph ontario the furtfl sch0l jbigan september 1st benstrigi henedthecotlegep aul- new js pliancc awed members of the faculty is an sacctssfol t acher the thoroi nature of th s work done by the by the sueec is of its gradoatea and tbe uni ed states ladies all the adiintages offered by fqr terms tcividtem m- maoobmick 10jy 1 principal tic year ejfaculty has itohtte enlarged ill of tbe aix need and nd practical liege is proven h in canada admhted to institution 1 lumber shingles and lath r desires to inform the pnblie wbehanowonliani4i will keef- tock fqu 1 ine of pine and henjloek a well other kinds of lumber also fiat and second class pine 81 angles 4 lath t i 1 coal wood having j snjith i fitoveoosj maid wood fcle prices flk 0 chased the coal ira incsa o jlr cv s lain prepared toanpp y all kinds of wood 4hcodar and mill iroodatreaaon- wood and coal dell jjhkb sbowy tompwiy mutuali insurance oy the couarr or wlltoatnov kstadwshed 181 head office cuelph ires ltj td all oibei 1 llmqsmcrcbaodisj uanufactorles dtiiriiuoua ot property oa tbe wwlbinndte system p w- st lie omvb davidson pr laident job h taw vered seoreurjr lers at special rates a comfortable bus meets fall dav trains and night also if cdered five f s a call j hj hbl paust and c consider that it will bd to your own i iterest to patronize home trade ve would rcsp xtfully inform tbe inhabitants of acton and si rronnding country that we are again in full rum leg order and in a better position than before tbe fire to fill all orders entrusted to us to j lrties building lumber will bp dresser while you wail and moulding 4c made with beatnes and despatch x b we are also prepare to fill all orders for um on abort uotioc and from lot g exiicriencc in tuo basinus wo leej confident tl it we can givo sat isfaction eveiv time so c inre on with your orders and help to roll tbe all alougi money mokes the metre go whether the has legs or no 0sebbjlce manager it now shovfing a raaruificcnt rane of dew and choice lines in fall snitiiigs tionseiiiigs and overcoatings extrnordinaxy value in underwear ties collars cnfis mens working pauu one gloves c dollar j n stinfeon rockwood next door to post office ten the- cent attelrfcs is as busy as a beehive opening out new goods arriving from germany new yorltj and marjiefl oflf alt tlic lowest cash prices j as f kidner ten cent store bros w barber paper makiir8 aeorgetown ont hake a sieclilty store england and tfbirirj c iia long awav ntbludaoovwiijt r the north aair ti tongere the woftrca346f tsrajloudaud are t had matted where tho unohaiuvd iiillllons marched on to tliolr hearts doslro on tho roots and glittering turrdis that night as the sun wont down the mellow glow ot tho twlllglit abono llko a jfiwelodohvu and bathed in tho living glory aa tho people lifted tholr eye they taw tho pridoof the city tho kptro of st miohaelsn high over the loturttoeplm tipped with a gold en ball that bung llko a radiaut planot caught in its earthward fall first glimpse of hoiflb to tho tailor who inado tho harbor rouuil and last low fading vision dear to tho outward bound t the gently gathering shadows shut out tho wan- tag light tlio children prayed at tliolr liediildiw as ipu will pray toidght the notte of tho buyer and biillotltrom the busy- mart was gono and in dreams ol a peaceful morrow thocity nlmnberod on but auotlior light than suuriso aroused the slei- lugbtroot for a cry was hoard at midnight and tho ruxli of trampling foot moll itared in each others faces through mingled tiro and muokc wliilc the frantic bells wont clashing clamorous ttroko on stroke i ly tho glare of her blatliig roof tree the houno- letw mother fled with thebabo she pressed to her bosom shriok- inii tho nainolcks dread while tho firo kings wild battalions scaled walls and catmtoues high and planted their flaring banners against aii inky sky from tbo death that raged bebiud them mid tbe crashjot ruin loud to tho great wiutro of tho city wore driven tho surging crowd where yot firm in all the tumult uuscathoil by j tho fiery flood with itt heavenward pointing finger tho church i of st michaels stood i i but eon as thoy gazed uioii it thcro rose a sud- dcnwall aery ofhprror blending with roaring of tho sale ou whose scorched wings up driven a ttltiglc flaming brand aloft on tile towering steeple clung like bloody baud machine finished book papers and j high urau wkkkhv news outfit for cctnmercial travel- worden fcoi s the ell will be li srji before yo i know it bnt dominion boot main street have anticipated its earl a splendid s ock of lfopts shoes dye fojr fall w ar ouireiii and snper pr value is taill established yfe can suit yfn all ow cuhtoin tvlwi shoe store aoton j arrival and laid fii tatioiifw 7 tqrnttiiiiwntslaasjs7ork as usual repairing is tiyjtome with goo stock and ooil goods artineiit is the paper uied in this journal is from the above mills wh barber bros- cw kelly sole agent for actonand vicinity for the celebrated bell organ i and lansdowne piano in the inek 1iiess 1 notice that mr j c mcleans advertisement cjoabts my sole agency for thebell organ- i now state that i have a written con tract doly signed by messrs wbell d co giving me the sole agency f6r the sale of tbe bell organ for the city o qoelph und a radius of twenty miles ini luding acton rockwood eden mills ever on new ger manybreslau and hespele the above mentioned contract can be seen by any lady or gentleman on calling at my music store opposite the post off ce i believe the reliable firm of w bell i co are ad hering to the letter ol the contract and that any person other thantiiy agents wfl0 are selling tbe bell organ in the above territory isobtaining them in some unsatis factory way or is selling t secondhand instrument i notice proprietor rccom mended tbe bell organ to cistomerj the indisputable reputation of ibis organ is gnch that all dealers recomrqend to costo 0 w kelly opposite post ofli co quelph uy warcroom is well stocked with musical instruments including pianos organs guitars banjos violins harmonicas and accordians also a rail line ot tbe latest shoe music and am receiving new instalments daily cyvkell the picture gallery 6uelph waters bjlos will it ado thowblsiwr trembled from a thousand whitening lips tar out on tho lurid harbor tboywatehedltfrcin tho ships j abalcful gleam- that brighter and over brighter shone like a flickering trembling willotbo wisp to a steady beacon grown uncounted gold shall bo given the man whoso bravo right hand for the love of tho eriled city plucks down you burning brand rlo cried tbo mayor of charleston and all tho pooplo heard lint they lookod each one at bis fellow and no mau sioke a word who is it loans from tho belfry with face up turned to tho sky clings to a column and nieaseres the dizzy spire with bis oye will he dare itl the hero tiudaimtod that terri ble sickcuiug hojght jor will thu hot blood of hjs courage freeze iu his veins at the sight v hut 6oe ho lies stopped on tlieuiliug he climbs witii his feet tlld his hands and firm ou a narrow projection with tho belfry beneath him he stands now oucv and once only they choer him a single tcuilestuou breath and there falls on tho multitude gazing nhtndl like the stillness of death slow steadily mounting unheeding aught save the goal of the fire still higher and higher an atom ho moves on tho face of the spire h stops will ho fall lo for an answer a gleam liko a nrttoorf track and buriod ou the stones of tbe pavement thu red brand lies bimttejcilrinl black once more the shouts of the iieaplu have rent thoiiuivoriugair at the church door mayor nnd coiineil wait with their feet ou tlio wtair and tlio eager throug behind thcin prcs for a touch of his hand tile unknown saviour whose daring could com- pans a deed so grand hut why does a- sudden tremor seize ou them while they gaze aud wliat meallcth that ntiflcd uinrinur of woii- der and amaze llirstood in tlio gate of tho temple ho had peril ed his llfo to savo and tlio fate of o hero was the sable faco of a blavo withf olded arms be was shaking iu tones that were clear not loud and his 03 cs ablaze in their sockets burnt into the eyes of the crowd you may keep your gold j bcoih it but an swer mo c who can if tbo deed i have douq before you bo not the deed of a w u he stepped but 1 short sjiace backward aud rj from all 1 0 women and men there were only for answer and the mayor called for i vn and tho great seal the city that ho might read who ran and the slave who tv i st michaels went out from itsdoor nan i who webb bunrt out mm have temporarily rem 3ved to nelle8 old itand where they areprepai ing to j sacrifice their trejnendous stock ti jfamilij iuailinfl will flemminfls ial i1v ilfdeii i1auu juan curzo the little imcxicau who made his living ubout the yrniuing village of qnartzborg by cutting firewood and sel ling it to the men in their cabins was as inoffensive as lie was ngly he was con tent if he could earn money enough to support himself in his bnmble way by his daily labor his one friend in the village was bright faced will flemming the mining boss or assistant foreman of tbe esmeralda will thftfirst day he went to the town hod seen a group men amusing themselves by tormenting the little cripple and stepping forward be ordered them to stop one of them a big brute called red mike resented the interference loudly aud drew his revolver whereupon will promptly knocked him dowu anid ihen drawing his own weapon ordered him to leave which mike did from that day ont j nan wus never weary of doing the bumble little services in bis power for his ijxiron matter as he i called liimrwhile will on hh part protect ed joan in every way and did what lie could for him going to work soon after lie reached qoaruburg- will flemming rose rapidly nntil at the time- the events- of which i am about to speak took place hoheldthe second position in the njtno nejiitqbrin tendent mr henry meats- was of odnrse iu 0tbority over him bnt the t4 palled together very will until a girl made ber appearance on the scene thta was mis ligzle watkins the new school teacher niece of james waikins who had the largest otore in tbe pjue it may lie imagined what aiiiittitiut she made to the society lb the little mining towni and what an amount of attefition she received from every one mr mean and bis assist ant superintendent inolnded to ull the tratb slib and will were mutually attract ed to each other and before long it hod become towbtalk that if these two were a engaged 4bey eoou would be all of wliltvh wmgatl aud wcjrnwdod of doable strength ip the spirit of mr james murs the money to pay off the men employed in tbo big esmeralda came la by wells fnrgoti ospress one saturday idorniug the pay day was the following monday und the package with its precious contents was safely locked up in the safe that afternoon mr mears sent for will and told him thut he had to go to jones borough a town about tweuty miles away on business but that he would bo back bright and early monday morning in the meantime willmust take obargeof things i when ho started will was standing with u lot of men before the office and every one saw him turn back and give will his keys buying i hud almost forgotten these and you may want something iu the safe then turning he put spurs to his horse and wassoou ont of eight that night will stayed at home al though he had promised to call on lizzie and hewent to bed early his room wus over the office and he kept tho door of the stairway open but be was not disturbed ou sunday be walked to the village called ou lizzie to explain why he had not called the night before went lome and the second night passed quietly like the first on monday mr meats returned tho safe waa opeu and the mouey gone of course will was tho first person ques tioned about it and he said he knew nothing the safe had not been tampered with and tbere was but one key he himself was the first to say that he had seon tbe money placet in it asd thut he believed it to have been there when the key was given to him when asked if he had any theory about the thing he replied no mr mears was very kind for though he said he most of course report the matter to theboard of directors he did not per sonally believe that will waa guilty of anything more than carelessness when will heard this he sturtcd violently and flushed up to the roots of his huir do yon mean tosay he began in a loud tone do you not suppose that men would accuse yon asked mr hears in amaze ment accuse me what of taking it yes will was almost speechless wjtb auger why lie said hotly alter a pause of a minute or two during uhich he seemed to be trying to swallow something in his throat does any man think i am a thief where is tha money 7 asked mr mears somewhat more coldly i do uot know but 1 do know unit i uover touched it unfortunately for him many men thought thut he might have yielded to the lemptution although the minority were strongly on his side und believed in him tboronghly in the course of a week the president and secretary of the company came down und began an investigation they could not prjoye that will was guilty nor could they get together evidence enough to war rant arresting him bat they soothed their feelings somewhat by discharging him on thefspot aud will with pale face and eyes which- showed the horrible state of feeling iu his mjucv vuked out of tbe office und down tonsras tho village ill newb travels fast as bo came up to watkins store ho was hailed by the pro- prietor so theyve bounced you will yes sjr waal i reckon youll see reason why yon shouldnt come round liz ho more do you menu i mean that no man us has been brand ed a thiefs good enough for my brothers child said mr watkius coldly 1 and turning on hia heels weut in the door it was the first result of the action of the company and it came upon will like a blow he gasped and then walked slowly np thcstreet looked nt with curious eyes reckon ho takes it hard said sum beaver waal tis tough fo a fact he walked on aud ou scarcely knowlug where he went suddenly he felt a hand taking his and turning saw lizzie wat- kins pcor will she said with an infinite amount of pity in her voice and something like tears in nor gray eyes j ton must not talk to me lizzie he mexfean for ctit wood bit iebyoi hear a man chop chop wlih pick a idl look see i see him bury boraethliig i ore an then cpvti up an go away bime ye ftdayriii i dag np an see money 8c i put buck wheri i hear payiwi have pli tijty tronblp with a loving glance nt will vl come tell bltti 1 whq was the map uskict mr wood qnickly j j slihl hide quick i whispered thoj mmioaii4i be drew behind i treo tlio others followed for they couli 1 hoara mans steps coining up the gulch 1b walked io the place bent over the hole saw it wai apon and thebouey gone nui i with a deep ouree raised liirnself to his fi 11 height as upon the price thltejce3sitsi he did so the moonlight fell lull ifucoof mr james mears at the triul wbien took pla o trhoro tho newsuperintendent of the esrtierolda mr will flemming was a witness and his pretty wife a spectator tb unfortunate prisoner confessed that for reasons here he glanced for a second at iliteie ho hud wanted to disgrace his imiuiug boss ho had made a duplicate key oj tho safe and after leaving the mine had returned that night opened the office door with his pass key and taken tbo money which he in tended afterwill left to liii and return and that was all he had to e ay it is scarcely necessary to add that to tbe day of his death juan c areo was kept in comfort by mr flemiuiu aud be hud the happiness to be tho cbie nurse for the little ones to wliomhe used to tell in his queer language the story of tlio stolen money n y letlyer faithful to his 1 lltoyehbs fhom cbxteal ahica sojiie of our missionaries havo collected a ntjmber- pf central afrfckh proverbs mnnl of theni appear as old friends in a newirets but most have a freshness of the tjpil iabont them othert again- are as prosy bb well as proverbs ought nottobe a few of thorn are as follows he thai injures aiwther injures himself he who forgives is victor in tho dispute wo sliould not treaj olhcrs with cor- temp i an inmate that cannot be tamed said of the svford does not know the head of the blacksmith who made it j i a mischief maker will- not do to tell secrets to if tbo whole assembly of thej town con vene they find no sacrifice 10 make against sorrow t though many guests bo ubeent it is the cheerful man we miss he who harasses one teaches hinr strength the pig has wallowed in tbe mire he is seeking a clean person to rub against said of disgraced persons who vish to keep good enmpuny a blrong man without economy is the father of laziness help tp the cud is the help we niust give tbs sbzp 0jf temperance your rudder in soil on sail ou i w01ii im not fit company saldtmeu think mo said drawing hack for you as your nuclei a a thief and do you suppose will that i be lieve that she added warmly coming up to him and ciuging closely to him no i would not if twenty thousand men said jo its like you lizzie to talk so said willi his lips quivering as he spoke bnt others wont think as you do dear whatdolcarefor that you asked me to marry you will only on sunday week and t said yes do you think im- going to leave yon because you are- in trouble but yon must lizzie yon shall not marry a man with a stain on his name well live it down together dear bhe said and as those two walked up and down they talked long and earnestly it was finally agreed that will should look for work and as soon as he got it snbuld send for her it had got almost dusk- for they had forgotten tbe time when a little sham bling figure came towards them patron patron called out the meii- can cripple i have news for thee i do not bother me now juan i am busy v but i know where the nioney isl wbatr exclaimed will and tlnvs in one breath yes patron oaijbtthqu get the com pany gentlemen to go with theo and me i suppose so j iwll speak to them will went with juariwtlie hotel wiam he found mr wood the secretary and telling him what juau had said the three started ont they- walked np the divide about half a mile then turned into a email gulch up which they went about a hun dred yards the money is here said juan point ing to the ground wll sewed the shovel tbp mexican bad and in a ramute or two had it uncovered that night i out here ahsgan the george glake the beueiolent merchant of new york came to the great city from connecticut and obtained employment as an errandboy in a store ii st catherine street he was an errand boy of the old- faslioued kindoue whoiec ivedtwodollars a week wages slept on or n ider the counter of tbe store and lived cbie fly on crackers and cheese but he was aj ood boy attend ed to business and made friends in a year or two he obtained a better place in a better store in a belter street where he advanced rapidly from one post to another- until at nineteen be was p seed in charge of the silk department the highest positon in the store salaries at that period w ro so small that this smart yoong man tionght himself lucky in getting 9100 a yeir and ho en gaged to remain four years in the semceof the firm at that rate of woj es as tho head of the silk c ountera he had frequently to visit a great i nporting house to replenish tbe stock of h is own firm and there he attracted notice t y his excellent taste iu selecting silks and lis soand judge ment as to what patterns could be likely to please people lneduybe was asked u step into the counting room of the in porting hoiiec where one of the partners invited liim to entertheir service at s100c thefiiatycar 820u0 the second and j3 coo afterward the young man replied tint he hud just made a contract with his employer for four years at eight dollars per week thut contract was only verbal i blip pose said that merchant i never break contracts replied the clerk whether verbal or not so he went hack to his silks in the old store and to his eight tlollai e a week he served out his four years faithfully at the end of thut period he had made himself tbe indispensable man to his employers who offered liim 810000 a year or a part nership he took the sal try and after some years entered tire firm of which tu due time by the retirement ofhispartneifi he became the head he made a large fortune iu tbe business from whichhe retired at au early age and spent the remainder of bis days in happy and honorable retirement i good patriot good chris tain and a whely benevolent man youilcs companion a sixfixgelted family to a lazy mauj a bribe puts the judges eyes out for a bribenever speaks the truth the thread follows the path of the needle a btubooru man gets into trouble a pliable man is imposed on the vaulted tomb frightens old men a scorpion stings with his tail a sauoy servant- with his eye helled from lhe sword and hid 7 in tbe scabbard x dont hang your troubles on my neck ho who claps fur a fool to dance is no better than a fool it may be long but a lie willbe detected ashes fly in the face of the thrower ear hear the other side if the elepbint may get angry bo may the ant ghutchman work on sail on the port roil ye aud all the bells c f ood shall ring tlio ship of teni erancoiu he wasnt did you hire thafj t23s m p v i ii ksi sp h i v f-s- p l m take courage tc niierance workers youflhall not s iffor wreck while bp to ood the lieoples jirayers are rising from your deck wait chocrily te npersnea workers for daylight as d for land the breath of oo lis lit your sails pis hands klccp froighted with blessings md with hopes tho good of old ith shadowy hands aro pulling at y our rojies behind you holy i nartyrs uplift the palm aud crown ueforo you aubur 1 augch send their bencdicfipus down courage your v ork is holy gods errands n ivcr fall sweep ou through storm arid darkness thethuuder aufl the bail l i- the morning comes shall win qualified youug man who sip- plied for your school t was asked of a oalvota school district officer i -i- her say wedidnt ut come np to the ono of the most remarkable cases iu medical annals as srimmari ted in a french journal has reference to a tdxiingered family covering five generations and in eluding twentyseven iudi nduals the first instance- in this liue wa i one of a man born in 1752 who had six u es on one foot r in tbo second generation a son with bix toes on one foot and a daughter normal third generation this dan hter had live children among whom wen a sou and- a daughter each having six fi lgers on each hand of the fourth generation the daugh ter lost mentioned had eigv t children in- cladiug one son and two caughters each having six lingers ou each hand and six toes on each foot of the filth generation a daughter had three cliildrtn including a sou doubly deformed like h s mother and a sou with six fingers on each hand the feet being normal moreoer one of the two daughters of tho fourt l generation with only the hands affeced bad eight children beveral of whom ivere normally developed but the rest wei a deformed as follows one daughter had a i osscoub thick ening of tbe digital extremit y aud tbe outer border of the fifth metaci rpal one son had six fingers oneach ban 1 and six toes ou each foot and anothejr son had fingers on each hand saucehixe ones a- young giri asksme if it is vulgar to drinkjtea from a saocer ant eat peas with a knife i consider and say ato to drink tea from a saucer or fo cat with a knife was a thing of the rast vhen we were babies maiiy of i he midi lieaged people of today who consider themselves elegant have done these thinge in tl eir youth we all know old people who per itt in doing it and nice old people to it v ould be wrong to think them vttlgat thej are only old- fashioned in their ways the old sets of english china are all pro vided with fenp plates the tea jyas poured from the cup and i be cup set on the plate or mat until banded up to be filled again or quite done with people taught their children to eal with a- knife turning the back of tire implement toward the month vegetables cou d not bej eaten with the two fork then in usef but the people were as wel breclthen as they aretoday and were nven more forv raaliy polite in america customs rbmaiued very simple years after they had altered in the same circles of society in kurope very hkely your grandmother and grandfather saocered their tea and ate v ith a knife or abpoon in thcr youth am it they do it now they are not vulgar but dimply do not move with the times i thiuk our way much better and onr forks i inch nicer than eir knives but it ia onl a matter of austomafteral f u x n sm t msrm doxt for a sick boom dvrit weary j patient with ejacula tions indicativn of a momentary physical condition iffyou touch i sometliidg hot dont snap yonrfiugerg if you are cold dortt shiver if ou are sleepy dont yawn audibly if yon are tired dont sigh and throw yourself heavily into a chair dont show iii your face that a perfume or odor isatinpleasaut to you in short donh pro trude yourself w your own personality and tbe eusiesl way to abstain from this is to forget youet if dont leave bureau drawers open not even a crack i id dont tack something be hind sometlrinj place an hour i your invalid w tea else to be put iu its proper enpe tbe restless eyes of 1 find it if she is patient aud suffering if will cause her another ef fort of forbeurioafifehe is uot the result need not be dwelt tibou dont let fall drop furniture handles nnd trunk hasps but guide therui noialeselyto their places dout shnt ajdoor with a slam or a push but keep the hiiudle in the hand until it is latched if thd hinges squeak promptly oil tliem 1 dont rattle uafcr in tbo room and if you we rcadijlgbe careful to torn the leaves of the bpk these are all trifles tint ii trifles make perfection and perfectioij is hot a trifle as well as in rnljulding clay no two thiijjfs can occupy the space at the saie time if peace and jjuiet reign iu your patient jjrritution and cannot the urmer will aid tie latter impede it s wj well i should ralh why not his edicatioh diin scrsrtcli what in v 1 sramer how did you find it out f wfiy he got in my wagon to ride from the field to the house an bald i did ye ever dnvo much of late jears says he 1 havedriven very little drove very little je means says i i beg yer pardon says he rat i mean driven drove is right says i no sir bays he driven is the most g ammaticalest ob well mebby ye know sayb i sorter sarcas tic i reckon i do aayb he im jes comin oxt here to liarn you folks- some thing do ye see tl at road v says i i does says he wel says i it goes to town an you want o git right out an bumpen yerself dovn it mighty fasten cuabe im goin to be in kickeu ye in about a minnte by the clocl i he saw i knowed more bdutgramertl an he did an he got but o that wagon and scooted down the road you bet were join tohave a teach er that understands g amr or nope at all dakota bell aldevs amf0io c yclopefila in nursiuj the mind of annoyance the recovery volume l of tiiii work now on our table abnndantly fu fills the pnuinises of the publishers prospctus it is a really handsome volume of i0 pages half mor occo binding large- type profusely illus trated and yet sold fc r tbe price of j65 cento cloth binding only i 0 cents postage 11 cents extra 1 large liscounts even from these prices are allowi d to early subscribers it is to be issned in al ont thirty volumes the mamkolu cvcixueduio hx many ways unlike any osher cyclopedia it undertakes to present survey of the entire circle of knowledge w lettero w0sis or of things thus con bintogttecharaeter istica of a cyclopedia ind a dictionary in- ciudingin its vocabuh ry erery wotdtrhich has any claim io a pace in the english hnguoge its form f publication is aa unique as its plan tlie ideal edition its publisher calls it i nd the popular er dirt bcems to sustain 1 is claim it certain ly is delightfully con enient it will not be strange if this pro es to be the great popular oyclopedia 1 1 wrtainly isworthy of examination by all eorchers after know ledge the publishi r sends specimen pages free to any applii ant johxbalden publisher 333 pearl lgt new york or lakeside building chfcago thajislxo foit a kick caller in unwspaper oflvbe twenty years ago i wkup a poem i editoryea j j- i brought setp this office and you re- fused to publics it very likely i remember t mentally put you down then as confounded idiot who didnt kuow euqtigh tdche when hurt natnrally i looked fli at poem over again the other day and fiaic come to see yon about it i aha i j i have com to say ihat if i looked as green twenty yjare ago as that poem proves mo to have beeitf wahtto tliank you be- causoron didn iout me np and feed me to the cows goc i day the editor di sw a iongchalkmark under the table it v as the first case in all his experience in v lich twenty years had be gotten senbe en ugh to understand that it is sometimes u jesaary to be cruel to be kind ftinqhari ion eepublicai is excuse the church i home and altad says a little colored jxjy in ope of our schools in the south some eyht years old failed to get to school oufe friday on account of a storm on tbeolloning monday be walk ed into the bcioolroom and without a word laid tha following written excuse on the teachers sk and quietly took his seat he had first learnedto write and we e ewsrp islaku 8 iokatelt leacaxn i isorry to school on fjriday but 1 t rain and that tbe way id if the lord shut the n open the doorif thb odr np man can shot the sayit rain ino man can t the lord do all things ighteu to growl abogt it ily scholar jcnb milleii give it as he w c duabia i couldnt com couldnt cansi it go in this wj door no roan lord open thej door if the stop it rain- well aud you your affection ax eli some twelvei haxrs memoky the tradesman meal of polatool same eloplihii 4 oclock oil a i ears- ago an jelephant be- longing to a tfittus found itself at hythe in kent whw- passing a siop in town good naturedly gave it a some months since the turned to by tbe about e summer morning it es caped from itsuurters in tlie ahdw and visited the old jiop finding it closed the the door from its hinges y helped itself bountifully nnd other good things ifdted its appetite or clear- t bent its steps homeward t by its keeper who had of it on the- following f wise beast lift and then leisu to apples pota having either ed out of stock when it was started in sea morning at thjsame- hoar it tried to re peat tho visit batlts intentions were balk ed by the keepws vigilance frcemaps to take nnd ex children or ndq eullkiudsfl rm powders jiro agreeable worms from a blltfabiax tbiiljegs00m on the morning cf t te wedding day the villagers comprising a troop of young men and women and cbiidien eiter the house pf the bridegroom wb is placed on a chair in the middle of the a artraent andwhilst he is undergoing the piocess of shaving tbe young women join hat ds and dance round in a circle siugiug thi i while he after- wards hits his hair cut when the young women carefully collect from- the ground ull the frdlen locks an 1 subsequently place them in a box containing the bridal outfit as soon as tbebarber has completed hir task he receives a snail sum bf money from each of those present the bride groom then washes hie face and kisses the hands of all the yopn women and pro ceeds to don his wedc ing garments after they have been care nlly weighed three times by a young lad j speed thifclliauxfj juest an amusing scene ocurred the other evening at a cottage at vfhich i am stop- ping at atlantic city remarked apromin- ent broker this rhornin alady sojourn er named cumming w is about taking her leave for home as a gr ueman with a grip- suck arrived a friend of the latter after shaking hands and baying how are you jack im glad to see you turned to the assembled cottagers an 1 baid ladies and gentleman mr going all heads bowed and the man sudden smiled and said by the way perosit a etp specially intro dnce you to miss oqn miug mr going as the two goodhumoi edly shook hands a wag present remarked we will reverse the usual order of thiol si by welcoming the going and speeding the cumming guest all ax ixdiaxs coxfeksiox of faith in the new york h dtpendent the rev dr g f wright gives a literal translation of on alaska indians onfession of faith it is as follows 1 god is the boss op us fellers and of every maatall god loves ofna fillers and every inan a i feel in my hear that i love gd jove my brotherj i iy sister every ruin 4 i wish every f ell r loved jesus then i thevgopd no bad ight there is in this creet none of the thee logical subtlety that cl aracterizes the great creeds cf christendom but it is capable of bringing forth very s ibstantial fruits of goodness and certain y no more than this i should be cxpectetof sjn alaska indian that ervrlfc wfmi p i a father had been 16 storing hie eon upon the ex lis of staying on late at night and getting up i a to m tie morning you never will amount to am thing he con tinued uiiicbb jpu it ru over a new leaf fiememliei that the en ij bird catchea the worm how al out the worm father luquircdthe young ina i borrowing tbe old 8arca8m wasnt lie ather foolih to get up jo early my n n plied the old man solerrnw that woim liadn t bee to bed at all he was ou bis way lioaie rout m a11a w tiuon u

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