100 i rtoit fmtm is rvbusbkiv every thukday morning -attuk- power printi jq house ontario free press acton k1 i yh io xo oo iool isw 1 tew l sju t no luio jawi f oo 100 3j0 tooi ajo ioo loo subscription rm8 j awnxn 8ot months socw iriiblt in advance hnotpaw in advance i jssfrsr tohm8l nopftperdijcon still all arroars p advertising ra sctincfi iliadus siucaci 1 inch j- csxul adrectiaeoicnt nu per ha tor the ktinrtioa and 3 cent per line tor each rob- jsoiut interna cash the number of it jsnedbvlpceoccnpiedumured by a jsjeot solid nonpareil irejtijenient withoit specific directions fil be inserted till torbid and charged accord- mir transitory advertisements must bo paid a ajranee f for contract advertisements must bo in thcoffice bv9 am on tuesdays otherwise iter will be leit over until the following week s h p moork editor and proprietor jsusintss dimtiaqt w h lowry m bm c p 8 grains to o trinity cohge member of njim of rhvsjfiaus and surgeons office ana residence at the head of frederick met-acton- johs lawson cirau ontario veterinary coll cos hnarr surgeon acton ont offli ttuea wthmt j r on no ps- cite t unff graduate of toronto you sut surgeon acton cnt office in kenny tojs boot ni shoe store residence in the roar horses exansiccl a to souuiuess and certificates urcaus eight or day promptly attended to tertax a h bennett lds dentist ofcobgkrovrx ontario i c mckinlay lds soroon pest1st georgetown out uses the nsvscni of nitrous oxide gas commonly edlei vitaliioi air for extracting teeth without sin having been demonstrator and practical teacher in koval college of dental surgeons toroto patnjns mav depend upon receiving stsetioi in uv operation performed will visit vctca evexv second and fourth wednesday efoihmoatb- officein agnews hotel h carriqce surgeon den- t1st j1iltox honor graduate of tho konl collew of dental surgeons of ontario sirtl visit vstwi thursjav of cachweek begin- riu the firs ct jalv office in agnevs hotel preservation of the natural teeth a specialty ki5il teeth inserted on gold celluloid or rub- v bases cainsteed perfect vitaiiied air sitrous oxide ind other anaesthetics nsed for isisless extraction of teeth johnston mclean banisters solicitors notaries conveyancers c private fund to loan oisce town hall acton e f b johnston wm a mcleas j a mowat isjcl iolurg lrce 5 cum i trsuidm4uio medic toitmto ont- hoo how r0st ji of orj tsayin ihe jim itspptpct- me k iirjienit l ij iiyikpj and siiice or sexnai ttfric this r4tca trains tl tic t kisaybe i v c itc lv weans of ii tcinllfiwfl yssisljeirittieli iu thciaod plain ey i loer cents or t jrelikrti s y pil wi bxe3ajti2 soucrrok notaht pcduc money to loan orrice dxt5 tuesday and saturday omsmitthote2iocl acton upstairs m e mitchell souciror cosvtfisieic aeton baukini company 8orby ohrtik ft 00 -baukerb- acton ontario a obxkral baiflilxq busnkss thansaotsd j u0nst ldjkltlb on appkotis hoia notea discounted and interest allowed on deposits find the puzzle ahs nnderstgned it prepared to furnish on tho shortest notice in any quantity and st bot tom prices nrttrclass lumber lath staves head ing shingles wash tubs churns butter tubs pork barrels wood flour and feed and anything in the line of farmerstiquaekeeih or or contractors necessities thepouleit to find a better filace than thomas c moores to bny anything in the above lines also to find out if you are indebted to hluftor anything pur- chased from him his books say some are and he would like the money w h rutledce the butcher deals in everything in tho meat line xo cits establishment can be found better stock ed at all seasons no questionable goods of fered to customers at any price lowest prices and square dealing is my motto one trial couviuces on these points cash always paid for cattle the highest price paidfor hides and shcepltius itll rutledge wellington marble works qt752s0 st gtjelph hamilton clark proprietors jy holeajje jjnd retail dealers m marble granite- and everything pertaining to cemetery work direct importers of ail kinds of granite aud marble v a splendid assortment -of- fanoy goods -at- cs days bookstfore i guelph day sells cheap jnstinon tailor and draper is now ehowinr a qiarnificen range of new and ohoice lined fn eall suitings trouserings aiul jdveifjjatiugsii extraordinary value in underwear ties collari cuffs gloves o hens working pants one doll r j n stinson rockvyood nest door to post office ossmtirst ccwr irest of the chaoapioa osre stiicstrset iiilon- money to loan at g percent hiltox alxuvst baird barristers selicitorsc toioxto am geoegetevx oaoeeaiin s block goorgetptrn and 66 kiss street cast toronto x i n j aultosji bikd bl w agerow 4 carsox rvukisteksatlaw ac oiccoatino hall 30 church street toronto- teimerurmrp joaxeansosbcj co cbottjf attobset patest secured fob inventions eessy giust ottivra cxxada trarty years practice no patent no jpsy 1fm hem5treet f llened acctloneen j fur thj coaaties ofwdlinon andhalton orders ljf at the fuee peess office obkkjn x at jnv residedie in acton will be promptly at- leadel to terms reasonable also tiioner to loin on the iuost favorable ten3saod at the loxest ratesof iutetest in saras of zjuo atid upvards j aiurray ll4fesei auctioxeeb for tbe tousties of halton and wellington orleis left it bis residence main street oppos ite caarsiunrect actoa or addressed to acton po will receive stiict attention tetnib rcisosable notes discounted if desired rfi jobs day wi v- architect gcelpb ost 0rruequciils hold block sirket square having lately visited the bay of fnndy granite quarries and having purchased the entire stock of gray and red granite inonnments headstones crosses urns etc of alexander taylor at less than cost we will until further notice sen at prices never before known in ontario for in stance granite monuments it high sco 7 f t s758 ft 30 9 ft 100 10 ft 120 all work and material warranted firstclassjaities wanting anything in this line will do well to call and see ns before purchasing elsewhere as wo guarantee our prices are from 30 to 30 per cent below all other dealers liyert 73 ler c- m oo s than from f 1 arfts jortj urusbeuicsbsh wrascis xcnax successor to t f chapmani bookbixdee georjes square gnelpb ontario aeckiat books of all kinds made to order periodicals of every description earef ally bonnd eulins neilr and promptly done rnhe haslan barber shop mill stbeet actos an easy shave a stylish haircut a good seafoam an eiiiiiisratin shampoo always given barors boned and put in firstclass condition ladier and chimras hair tastily cut j 4h wobden tonsorial artists guelph business college gcelph ontario j h worden having assumed proprietorship of tho livery business lately carried on by air v e smith would solicit the patronage of the pnblie and will do their utmost to please ajl customers weu equipped and stylish rigs can always be secured firbt class outfit for commercial travel lers at special bates i i t a comfortable bus meets all day trains aijd night also if ordered give us 4 call j h worden -the- ten cent store ottelipei is as busy as a beehive opening outnew coods arriving from germalny e igland and new york and marked off kt tre lowest cash jric bs j as f kidner ten cent sto ie w barber bros paper makers georgetown maki a hpeutblt or machine finished bool high ghade weekly eys the paper naed in this jpunial is from the above mills the folrtb scholastic year bagaa september 1st thfe facnlty has beea strengthened the college premises enlarged and new apijlianccs added members of the faculty successful teacher each of the six an experienced and the thorough and practical astore of the work done by the college is proven by hie success of its graduates both in canada sad the united states ladies are admitted to all the advantages offered by the institution for terms etc address ii iuccobmick lmy principal lumber shingles and lath ham ra- esli wwn f pae undersigned desires to inform the public a that be has how on lianfi and will keen in stock a fall hue of pirn and hemlock as well aj wherkinds of luiuuer also first and second lass pine shingles lath coal wood havinjpurchased the coal business of m-c- smith im prepared to supply all kinds ol wove coal ihave also a- good stock of wood huaweod ash cedar and mill wood at reason- 1 prices wood and coatdeliyfired james bbowk pause and consider that it will be to your own interest to patronize homo trade we woumrespectfully inform the inhabitants of acton and surrnni3iiifi country that we are again in fall rnnnint order and in a better position than before tl b fire to fill all orders entrusted to us to parses building lumber will be dressed ic wm barber ont papers te bros kellys music store ghjelph headquarters for the bell organ and lan8downe piano the leading pianos and organs of the present day pump on short notice and from long c iperience in the business wo teel confldent that re can ive y isfaction every time so com i on with yonr orders andhelp to roll the ball along money makes the more go whether sh ha6lcgs or no tuos ebbag1 2 manager made with while you wait and mouldings neatness and despatch jf p we are also prepared tp fill all orders for s co mutual fibe insurance company of the v ootjntr 07 vflllihfltolir j eswulibukd 1810 head office cubllh 1 bnllilass mercnanai lunnfactories mall other desiiptionsof property ob t rrenjuuokote bystcuj ybtoae onas davidaon president b5r4y fahl will be here before yon k low it bnt kenneyi5ros or the dominion boot s 08 store main street a jton have anticipated its early at rival and laid in a splendid stoc of boots g ixqes 4c for fall wear -o- ourteputatioiiibi g and soperior value is well sstoblisbed we can suit you til our custom deja imm is tnjiilijgcnitflwtolamwrkmimafll with booditockftnd it pairing is i haviur been appointed sole agent for these two leading instruments i am pre pared to offer- extra inducements to pur chasers this fall instruments sold on the imonthly or quarterly instalment plan or gooddisconntforcasu write for catalogues and prices or call at the wareropm- a cojilletk stock of i sheet musicnew musio and the latest songs arriving daily catalogues furnished free on ay idfcation a yvhh line or aix musical instruments vlolincell is violins guitars banjos flutes iputh organs etc etc i instruction books for every instru ueut call and examino my stock o w kbllf opposite post office gtjelph ood goods always promptly anirni mt i- ftottoit aint nigh pv2xusd you ai k mo whethor im high c urch you ask mo whether rm low i wish youd toll tho difference for im sure that i dont know im ju it a plain old body and my brain works pretty sloi so i d mt know whether im hlg i church audi dont kdow whether im low im tr iug tobo a christian in tl e daln oldntshlouod way laid tl own in mothers illblo and i read it ovory day onr blessed lords life in urn gos vols or a comforting psalm of old or a b t from tho hovelstlons of tl o city whoso strcots aro go d thou pray why im gonorally i raying though i dont always kneel or ipeak out hut t dt tho dear lord and kee asking i fear bo is all tired out- ioc of tho litany sometimes the collect perhaps for tho ds y or a scrap of tho prayer that my mother bo long ago learned nio to say hut now my oor memorys talllijg and dfton and oftou i flud that ti ovor a prayor f rom tlie prakorbook will soom to come into my mlu 1 but 1 1 now what i want and i as t it and i make up the words as i g 00 you think now tbatbows i huroh do vou think it moens i em lxikr my biassed old husband has left l tis years since ood took him a ray 1 know he is safe well and happy and yet when i kuool down to p ny porhaps it is wrong but i novor leave tho old mans uauio ijrayer i but i ask the lord to do ior him what i would do if i was there of coutsc ho can do it much betti i but ho knows and he surely wo jt ml ml the wrry about her old husband i of tlio old woman lefthoro boh ud so i pray and i pray for tho old nan an crt am sure that ishall till i die so may he that proves i aint lot chuich and tuay bo it shows i am high my old father was never a churcl man lluta scotch presbyterian saint still his whito head is shining in leaven 1 dont caro who says that it aint to ond of our blessed lords mansions that old man was certain to go and now do you think i am high church aro you sure that i aint pretty low i tell you its all just a muddlo too much for a body like me ill wait till i join my old husbaud and then we shall see what well sec dont ask me again if you please sir for really it worries me so and i dont caro whether im high church and i dont care whether im low steleri if amilg rafting leuon and sugar and they all drauk some and tho bsbios looked at the light sliluin through my greensides and the gilt label on hie and the old grandfather 8ftid the drink had gone to bis bead and ho should havo to be carried up stairs tliy laughed at that became it was suoh a good joko i liked myself then and what was in me i before i was empty the first timo i feltplousod to bo such a favorite as i was ah dear i was filled np again iind again and again and after while i be gan to see things changing about me tw wifes face was not bo bright i the old- grandfather never laughed the babys toes were out undone day jack staggered hi took me up and drank the last drop from me aud tumbled into n ohair the wife begun to cry i oh juck aays she oh jack how i hate that dreadful bottle 1 we were bo happy loforo it came into the house she balmed me but i knew it was the evil spirits iu me she meant youve lost your place jack baid she everything lias changed you dont love mo any- mord you dont cafe for the children it is all that bottle but jacfijvas too tipsy to care what fche said ho staggered over to the table took mc by tli neck and carried me to a liquor store there they put another devil u pbice three ut of my into me th it one out of the 1 ouse pawned then the were in a cellu left the house itself and r somewhere she took iu washing some of tho money biib earned went for mote j i didnt 1 1c athe mybelf 7 one night i i sat on the tab e and saw the old grand father lying di ad and jack jdruuk on the floor at the j loathe myself i couldnt mana drove the furniture bit by bit it was evil spirits to fill me oot of the bed didnt i j tried to topple off but 1 o it if ever a bottle did desire to smas i itself 1 did but it was of no nbe happy bottles beautiful cat glass cologne bottles innocent water bottles have been broken then tbey most desired to lost no doubt but i who had become a dwelling place for devils i lasted they carri ed the old4jrandfather away and his poor daughter got a black dress somehow oi e night jack weot sneaking out of tho hou ip with a bundle under one i arm aud me u ider the other the buudle was his wife s mourning dress for her father he tc ok it to the i pawnshop and pawned it for mough to fill me twice the poor little tvor ian never had a decentdresii again 6hewasiu rags she was hungry iye been jack clutch her hand aud wrench 7 the money sb d earned for her childrens bread from it think of it 1 1 rindhear her i say im gbiigto sell thisbnttlo to bill the jink man so i was saved and ni nob against ray will stood in the jnukshop window- for a week the wtter had washed tho blood off of me i had no smell of liqaor left and along obmesybor wife what aileefjat bottle i says she t just what itwant how much for it and billy charged her four cents and home she brought mo career has begun again said lj kind i expected nothing else but bless tlfb dear soul she pat vinegar in njo uico soar innocent respectuble ivinegdr and ive been a good respectable bottle ever since and now you you youher uns- band are going to put the devilish spirits into me again for heavens sake bjeak me first i i dont want to destroy uriotber hbusehold r you shant said tommy barnaby here you go back on your ehetf i leave you to innocence and vinegar aud i think ill make a cup of strong coffee j bight said tho little bottle i aud bo the bottle stands still beside the cruet on mrs barnabys dreb3er and tom baruaby is still a sober man temperance jttcoru- a isefll nalilpix thaxkgivfvo day j- harvest is oer in many parts of ontario it was oyer a mouth ago why should thanksgiving day bo put off until near the end of sivember last year the 18th of this mojitb was appointed and everybody knows he time is not the most suitable towarithebudoijovember the weather is dull te days short the roads bad and all tho surroundings unfavorable as compared witha month earlier octo ber is usually oijo of the most pleasant tncuths in the yefry is there any roisdn why thanksgiyin day should not come about the roiddlotof that month there will be no use in jay ing- anything on this matter a monthjbence the right time to speak is ucw it is just as easy for the uovfemment to none a day in october as one a mpnth aleti nodoubt the powers that be are willingto select the most suit able time all that need be done is to call their attention to the matter we never heard a reason i why thpjksgiviiig day should come toward the end of movember perhaps all that any could say was that it happened so there are many reasons why it should come a mouth earlier oildftllow who 78 oalla7ber uaise dinterhorsrs the value of a little newspaper urticlo concerning common things is not always appreciated neither is it always confessed when acted upon but there is one instance to tlie contrary as thefollowingcoseshowe several months ago a newspaper indulged in j a short talk about hairpins and the many uses to which they were put by the ladies the writer then went on lo tell how easily hairpins were lost and jf tlie efforts that had been made to get np a uou- losable nonpaliug hairpin closing with the remark that who over invented such a pin would have a fortune in it that hint did the business the attention of one of tuose inventivrffellows was called to it and now he has not only got the pin but a gov- ernmenpatent of it his invention is as simple as any other hairpin and as soon as introduced to the trade will drive all other hairpins that the ladies use to keep their crowns of glory in condition out of the market it has three prongs made of light stiff bnt very elastic wire the two outer prongs are bent sq that hear their points they touch the inner tine but the two outer tines are slightly longer than the inner one and are then bent a little outward thus forming a month which when the pin is pressed into the following story is told of a virginia aud then go off with me i had to aid land abet him bay things jabout me that were very natural seeing she did not know how 1 hated tlie devils that lived in me ard to boar but he fell i th me iu liis pocket and bat that were down stairs w broke his bead and didnt break bitter day ice sleet ever tjhere just fivo d been made a present to jack he stood ragged and dirty at a barroom stcvo with meiu his pocket my neck stick ng oat up prietor now jacjk barker dout you go home he was ai hamed to have him there d creature w aud a black ee and a broken nose ho used to be cal ed handsoms juck barker before ho took to filling me think of thai now ho looked np with a abject whiue oo home christmas eve well no it would havo your bottle for ho filled ii gueipti the picture gallery waters brps who webb bunrt out mohdftl have temporarily renovi d nelle olds where they are preparinfc to sjabnif ice their tpemjencious ni6ht and an 61 glass bsttle i believe ill have agloss of sometbjpgj comfortable said tombarnaby tom baruaby was not a member of any temperance 6oaety whatever and had no dislike to the xaste of liquor not that be was a drinking man oh dear no never was drunk iu his life never even slightly overcomo by liquor but stilfc well still evtry now and then a nipc ijlass of borne hit me against tiling comfortable struck tom in a pleasant mine i muslj have light hud ho ciicrally look it when it did lasted so tonight it was cold arid chilly and one day ps was such u gloomy and the wind rattled the shutters aud enow aud and crooned dowu the chimney and mode years from th christmas 1 banshee of itself alopgthc street and tom who was not very fond of reading could not lose himself in book or magazine and there was no one to talk to aud the resolution above recorded seemed to be the most natural thing iu the world a glass of something comfortable said tom and a biscuit and then illcyou see raggi turn in j theu tom wout to a closet o look for a vessel in which to bring tiie necessary liquor for the comfortublo something from the corner store and spied ou the upper shelf a green bottle with a fat body and a longneck which hod nothing iu it i and smelt of nothing and set it upon the j table while he stirred the fire and put the kettle ontbat everything mighi be ready on bis return mrs tom was absent from home and tom was keeping house for himself he was on his knees beforo the stove raking it when he heard a groau it was a faint faraway sounding groan bat it had such a ghostly sound that he started whats that he cried aud something answered only me and jumping to bis feet tom barnaby stood staring about for their was nothing in the room that ought to have had a voice but himself not even a kitten or a canary bird who is me- cried torn tom ought to know said the voice and by this time tom saw it came from the greeu bottle hanged if itiant the bottle i said tom is it spirits or what 7 and the bottle answered yes woree luck it is spirits bad spirits too gin rum aud brandy wins key and alcohol 1 0 that kind said tom yes said the bottle five devils ive been possessed of them all years and years they led me such a life that i wished i was smashed years and years until your wife got me and pat blessed vinegar in me nice sharp respectable vinegar that never didj worse than give some poor cabbage- eater the colic aud i thought i should end my days as a decent vinegar bottle and here i am goingto have one of the devils back i know oh what did tlie dear woman go away for why did she go 1 tom who had grown used to the pheno menon of a talking bottle and did not mind it at all by this rime nodded his head sagely h bight there he said its exceeding ly uncomfortable to have wife away but you are very foolish to talk as you do what harm is there in a moderate drink all youd hold wouldut harm a fly youve been listening toteetotalers i i havent been- listening to anybody said the bottle ive formed my otjrn conclusions there was a time when ii thought as you did it was when i was a brand new bottle with a gilt label best holland gin on me and my owner tte liquor dealer took me out of my oaso atjd handed me over to jack barker who hjid just finished fainting the store here jajok says lie this will help you to keep christmas v tlank ye said jack and off i went under his arm and there in a bright little room with a pretty wife and a nice old grandfathir and two cunning little babies looking on he opened pie what a pice tmelll said shertfae pretty wife audi lulled his and then he made some stiff with que t on her he things to their iujury uot a guardian devil i fashion has brought about many changes in horse breeding among american far mers and no- race has seen the new style more forcibly or larger purpose than the american trotting boisc the american trotter ij a bqrse capable of every service there is iiffelmost literal truth no limit to the speed in which he can trot one mile- and his capacity of ehduranee whereof such contests are most exacting proof is accepted as a fact in the miuds of alt obser vant men while his patient temper and good size combined with the extraordinary musculaiity with which true systems of breeding hare endowed him render him an exceedingly valuable- animal for ny work of labor and routine the farmer who is looking forward to improvement in hiebtock must be careful in making selection of his breeding animals and- herein itis o the utmost importance that the sire chosen be an available valu able and in every tespect- a choice animal possessing individually and ancestrally the best qualities which the offspring is desired to jjjasbwbiia mericmi agriculhtriet for october use takes in a little lock of the hair aud holds it above the point where the tines touch each other the resnlt is that the pin cau not drop out when in use and yet is easily withdrawn by the wearer without huit the laboit question yaas m dishers wha mishta light- whak yougwixe be dex i gentleman rather advanced in life who was about to be united in marriage to a lady very much his junior going tojjjake her a visit just before their wedcuxg her old colored nurse came courtesyinginto the 1ii 3iu his pocket came the pro- le baid why with an empty bbtjtleon says ho jyou djdut use here with to say go home when i cime full pockets at jones- i didnt saiii the man and been better if i had ill fill you jack barker goodnesa knows what with aud the poor wretch staggered home oh the wretched cellar the miserable straw bed in the corner the wifelymg sick upon it i remember them so well she was very eick and there was a little baby beside her jast thiuk of another baby there happy christmas 1 said he as he stag gered iu happy christmas old girl happy 1 said she oh this dreadful day i that bottle came to us first on christ mas j i it takes so little to jat a drunken man in a rage he answered her with an oath anybodynwould think i was drunk to bear you talk said he and the poor woman answered oh mercyl are you ever sober oh juckl jack j and then he flew at her he took me by the ueck aud beat her over the head with me thecork pulled out ajid the liquor ponred over ber breast and over the face of the little babe lying upon ft it mingled with her blood at first she screamed still her face grew white a murderer ob leme break 1 i cried be broken ihto frogments 1 bnt ber fair face was mashed to pulp her delicate bdnes broken and i was as sound as ever when jack led by heaven knovs what rr ad fancy lefuhis victim and stag ijered into the street agiun the snow was falling thejiir was white with it he i taggerod i long mattering to himself at hst he came to a wharf and btumbled acrcss it i believe a boat lay there on whicli he had ieen jonce before and where they had givei him drink t seabird ahoy 1 he cried hullo 1 hullb i sea bi d ahoyl nobody auswered him jlro comiig aboard h muttered im coming aboan i shant s lay at home to be preached t im my ov m master then he twk one btep more spjasli orasli i he was through tl e thin ice under the water tbank li laven 1 said 1 my miserable career is eude v then i turned cold as ii injfself and there was an ariug in my leokv next tbiu i i knew it waa broad day i and i w is floating oil the water theres i bottle crie isome one it abarelejgod boy ie stooped over foot libs yaasm dishers do house sho nough whitewashiu er yaas dats whar de ign outside reads hmmm dats whirt sez but isb done quit hanlin de j bresh er late ise made up my min dat do labrih man aint proplly depreciated nohow an taint wuthwile to wtik twel suihpins done to alterate de sistin ordeh ob things i done tole my wife daphne i sez i aint gwn struck a lick twel things gits lotted out shar an shar erlike f yo feels like yo wans to tak in washin o cose iain gwine purwent yo ise alius been a mighty good husban daphne an im gwine let yo hah yo own way in disher dats iwhar i tolehehan she lowed shed wash out thee dayso deweek auhuscleau miserable i- by re5t de t me smart o good money an she don peah to relize de digrydation g day miss sorry i cayrn- bleege yo bnt de masteh minds oh de kentry had to i rhek a stan er po folksll hab to wuk fo a ibin for ebberlastin g day an say misbis any timo yov wan fine lace curtings done up er flos scrubbed dat white yoend eat offm why i kin raykimmend daphne wi playbuve i kin dat tulbus the slightest injury to the hoin or other parlor eager to make the acqnaihtance of the future lord and master of her young lady well aunt chloe said the gentleman in question after the prelimin ary greeting had been gotten through with what do 3xu thiuk of mi6s lucys choice uow youve seen hiin i likes you mighty well mars john fur as ive seen yon replied aunt chide after a momenlb deliberation but yoas too old for miss lucy too old auut chloe exclaimed the geuttcmun somewhat discomfited by aunt cubes unexpected candor you dont know what youre talkiug about straight ening himself up why im juswa my prime yes sir i sees you is replied the still uncouviuced anitt chloe bat when miss lucy gits in hir prime icir you gwm be dent gbace wiixocohbv in harper magazine for october its sounding upon every side tho dumb might even h its echoing tumult loud aj id wide from far away and near from young and old from rich and poor from all from high and low goes up a cill on gallaght r a call to jlct er go v what mystery that on evei y hand should sucli domand aru e that there should eomo fnnn ail the land tho same criei togalfighor its marvel lous and what wo want to kne w is who is mr gallagher wij dont ho let er gtf vhats tho horror of hiil ioil whit is tho appalling fac how is it that ho doesnt hi crt tho clamor oer his act what manner of excuse haj he to make for doing so whos sho and who is galligher why wont he let er go is bloody murder being doi c or is it liot as bad v as that 1 j is it some piece if f uu v that gahigherhas had and likesjso well he will no cease nor ec abate although ustimf 0 whoisoallajher vwby- cant- he let ergo or is it an abduction case v ib sbnie fair crpature dra gcd a wa at an alnnnlngjiacc has retribution lagged has he a hansom or a hack are his pusuers slow and wont ho bring the maiden back xbr even let er goi and wasthc outrage coldij- plannod and is the maideu fair and has he got her bythc t and orgot her by the bair is bo a moneymaking rogue ordissapointed beau oh who on earth is gallaglieiv why wont he let er go i i will nothing make the wicked scamp hjs persecution cease j be ho a gentleman or tramji and where are the police- is this a mediieal ago atienauy daring foo j may steal a maid shant jallagher be forced toilet ergo orisit some stern parents whim bis daughter to confine j where walls sire thick aiidlight is dim and does tlie beauty pine for one who swore eternal id but hasnt any show i svhat ails old father gallagher why cant he let ergo i has he a bulldog in the yard sharp at the set of sun ad arc his daughters windows barred and has he got a gnu t would argument avail withluini or would he answer xp what sort of man is gallagher iwhy dont he let ergo and still it sounds on everylsidel the dumb might even hear i tho echoing tmrult loud arid wiefe and far away and near still cdmes the cry to gallagher and still we want to knon what is it who is gallagher why ciouthe let er go i cfyicago pdjkr qekts i i e the opich habit e- sleep off a headache couhteols cax itks then she lay rkhew 1 was let me mr j amory knox of the texas sift- ings who in company with adirondack murray was cruisiug in the lakes of canada writes thus bout canadian courtesy i think the canadians are more polite and obliging than our people i bought some stamps in the st johns post office and tendered a bill the postmaster expressed regret that he did but have ohange he said that if iwould notpardonhim and kindly wait he would go and get the bill changed he had no clerk to send and he- aotaaily looked np the post offioe and went around the block and procured the change at the express office the agent was starting to thetailrood to meet the only train that day for new york he expressed deep re gret that he could not wait for the parcel i wished to send he said however that after i got it sealed and addressed his son would run with it to the station and if in time he would forward it young man waited until i had sealed the package he then locked the express office anji the last i saw of him he was moving his legs iu a very impetuous manner in the direction of the railroad station i fear that two such acts of courtesy would hardly be met within one day by a stranger in a united states town is it because we are suohi busy people that we think we have not time to be courteous and obliging how poole chalked ose k scientific writer says sleep if taken at the right moment will prevent ah attack of nervous headache if the subjects of sach will watch the symptoms of its coming they can notice that it begins with a feeling of weariness and heaviness this is the time that a sleep of an hoar or even two as nature guides will effectually prevent the headache if not taken just then it will be too late for after the attack is fairly under way it is impossible to get j bleep until far in the night perhaps it is so common in these days for doctors to forbid having their patients waked to take medicine if theyare asleep when the hour cdmes round and the people have learned the wesson pretty well and they generally know that bleep is better for the sick than medicine but itis not well known that sleep is a wonderful preventive of disease- better than tonic regulators or stimulants odps and ends there is d citizeiyof detroit who possess es a very handsomy intelligent greyhound thib dog will never make any friendly ad- vancesto anyone ujitil he has been rrgulajv ly introduced a few days ago pis master met a hufy whom he knew oa jwoodward avenue and stopped for a elicit ne dog observed tbe a connoisseur how do thats a very lady who is rathe you do bir but the dog si space and made ni major said h lady is a friend of that was enougl the lady poked bii rubbed bis head and showed at on the friend of his mi light the tide of a loat and caught me ired indiffiereutly into sign that he heardlier owner gravely this line major frisked up to long nose intohcrhand ktiouately on her dress that he accepted heras iter why he thaxkephis5tabs there was u man droivned fiere last nigl tsaidhf toanotherhabyhuiide did you bee him sa d this one yes sah the first he wi is drank wife theyve got an lown in the cellar oyer there is i some fewyears before his death poole the tailor was taking a walk on the west pier brighton looking as be always did a beaming specimen of health content and access a young man whpdidnpt know perhaps that be was a snob wiw also on jtho pier with a couple of ladies to whom he said as be saw boole coming now you wouldnt take that goodlooking man for a tailor bat he is hes ah impostor just listen while t take him down a notch- ii two ilj tell himmxeoat which i have jubt had from him dosent fit as he spoke poole approached and politely acknowledged the salutation of hib custo mer who walking np tohiin said here ooleinow do take a look at me does his coat fit poole took in thesituation or he was a good physiognomist and the untenances of the ladies betrayed the lot to him it certainly does not fit i aid he and pnlling out a bit of french balk he liberally tomark and a oross the coat of his wouldbe queller all ver and then obseryed with the utmost yiqtrotil audi urbanity- now h you will inly send that coat to my shopthealter tions wiu bfl a1lbded we have many things to bo thankful f er misther eoolahan we hev indeed yis mibthor dimpsey we hev 01 af ten say to mebilf patrick says oi yer naturally an nnlncky divil as ye desairve to be hut yer mighty loocky in wad thing anwhats that misther hoolahah that oi was bbrn auoifishmaii instid av a rubbian or an eyetaliau thats a ver proper sihtiment and yer a man fer ould oirlarid to be proud a v oi thiuk oi am misther dimpsey oi think oi am buuthe principal consider ation oi had ill niud was that if i had been born a kassiln or au eyetalmn dago icould niver talk ft all at ail forthey ve the mischiefs ou languages to learn whilst the brogue jiqmes to your tongue us aisy as goodliqupri tlie most abject of slaveriesis there auy emancipator the new york papers lately published a very pathetic story about a very popular emotional act resi it was bo the effect that she had become a confirmed victim of the- opium habit involving an almost total loss of physical and mental powers and actual destitution l y i the stery was at once benied by her friends who say slie has suffered simply a from neavons prostration is in no need of pecuniary aid and is on the way to speedy recovery opium victims are usually hopeless helpless slaves mind weakened lacking energy for any tfort towarj recovery rapidly drifting into imbecility and untime- ly graves i tj a peculiar feature is that vicljims craft- ily conceal it from their nearest friends a young lady at school near philadelphia was recently found to be secretly addicted to it keeping her medicine in alschpol- room inkstand arid injectin the fluid into her arm with a- stylographit pen in the chicago farm fitldamlsloclinaii september 24 18s7- is this letter signed s t ovfrom barstow y i missed the paper that had raymettetin bo idjd hot know thatyou made the request to know what it was f used to break up the mor phine habit until 1 got aletter from ageutle- man askmg information i should have answered sooner it was iwarnef stsafe cure i should have givenit when i wrote the letter but it looked- too much like- an advertisement this voluntary statement goes to confirm the claim made by the proprietors of war- ners safe cure that it is the only remedy iu the world which has anyldecided power over diseases of the kidneys and liver and that this terrible habit caunoo be cored until these organs have first beeu restored to full health because they are the ones chiefly affected by this draft j editor wm a bodeof altoniihvas completely cured of the opjum habit ac quired by long use in a painful malady with warners safe cure it cannot be cured at all if the kidneys and liver are diseased it is not cbmned that there is anything in warners safe cure alone which will do away with the habit except that it puts the kidneys and liver in a healthy condi- tion giving the whole system that btremgth and tone- without which sjny attempt to throw off the habit would be vain it is because physiciaus have discovered that no other remedy is so beneficial in restoring health to the liver kidneys and general system as the one j stated that it has come into general use iu connection with tho special remedies for the cure of the dreadful opium habit j one of the worst features of the opium 4 habit is the deadening of uibnialjind moral sensibilities in proportion as ibweakens the physical system and the wih a gentleman lttibting for land lii dakota came across a baafded up claim with half a dozen boards aoijobs the door upon whiqh were the followingjtonohiug inscriptions four miles froraja juaybur sixty miles from a postofls bwentyfive miles froiri a raileroad tjt huifbred and atoy fromitim ber 25metfroli water god bless our home we havo jgone east to spend the y winter with rhy vffeg folks teue xeatxejss one who knows a wioman of course says that iu the matter of dress ladies will do well to pay quite us much attention to to what it is supposed will remain nuseen by th general run of her friends ami ac quaintances as they do to the outward and visible parts of their toilette a iiaiidsqme dress aud stylish hat are all very well as far as they go bnt they may go a very little way if the skirts underneath are of doubtful whiteuess or if the wearer feels afraid to lift them when crossing a muddy stiettfor fear of betraying the condition of hvr stockings besides an accident may happen and then picture 4 rl i j v j- y m i i the confusion of m woman who recovers if rem afaintiiig tit to hlid herself with her diiss 0eu and fialf a dozen strangers eoufcnj pluting corset- the- whalebonek ctf which project from their teaiu or iticiinika oleiniio that nabcen worna week av soiled ffrihs si