ttf t ufajuuxd bttn4towtx ttlwrwmea ot um blrtw imhwvofc uhs tel lntt by frth otth rtno h haiwr ot ntw bwmort bluabetb only d3erof mrkftimiro of holt et tiwulitntmit pgbsomxp wmatmob oct so br j jief 8 b pratter at th wrijwc oi the tamo brmhr4n4 kulnston x v mr m b pribt jmetons- v nerlj- j owwriirtnt mte mary wheeler ot frewsborg s 1 v covcottt bttrra at tlw rmnc f f uncvi tithtt midtord music on tho lt novemfefm te bwr rrfl sander mr win ooanollvot soth river to m its marv k 5oaortj dwbtr ot mr wn smyth f or- mrhy ol til vicmitv ibn tkompbon at tlw rcsideuc of the miden father on tlw sud imt bv bev j- kae mr ttaomaa hlndlcj wot ot krili to muttu meirt daughter ot bobrt thomson kso raquesiiig dud a rrplfwitlurmtd tlmoftfwpri br1x0 kv the special oowmtici j kitchix ttorangillcotudaixolt marv oolvin w iff e tho late jcc htchtmi v ije jtrtmt jfwe flwss thursday november 10 18s7 0tes and comments mr saadford elcmius lias been informed that his twenty four hour time system will be official adopted throughout tbe japan ese empire ou the 1st of january mayor howland of toronto annonuced at the city conncl meqtkif last fridaj evening that he would positively not be a candidate for the mayoralty next vear the november report of the ontario bureau onndastriessbos that the cur rent years j lcld of the priucipal cereals w constderablv les thaa the prevou3 near nobbleal ishfpj hmii peniice amoclatloa hkidjin milton lut tlmrtday xtm th ran that lite been held for years aud the lehjgates were roost earnest iu the support f tne soott act and in tr vhtenutaitfon th il f npl itionlf take place every poll ug two iu thotutire coun y and cnoourtrinr reports guninvtioei aud ucccqrfu presented tlie president kef asi ns8maitattl briefly tjiat tbo objeet of the convention v8 toe consider what mtton should bo taken respecting the r spoil pettuou now filed at ottawa aud the lot ies of the boor the iroanimotu deoisioi wi a to present no objections against teclnioil irregularities in connection with the lepekl potitioo but to let the public know that fthe association is prepared for the elect onjat tho earliest date at which it may 1 e appointed with confidence that the act will be sustained by an incrcmcd iwrjoritv jno trifling ob jcctionb were to be offered 4 retard it on mbdivision but nraa represented ot perfect or- canvass were a bjlaw to further reduce taxern licenses iu toronto by 50 and shop licenses by 30 passed its nrst and second reaiiuks in the citj council last triday uyht and was ordered to i submitted to a oe of the people at the next municipal elections the condition of the heilth of tho c own prince of german 13 err alarming aud it is now felt that a ery dangerous opera tion will have to be performed the em peror whose death is drawing near exhibits an incessant cranny for his sous presence the appomtmeat of mr justice armour to uje chier justiceship of the queen s bench court of ontario will gt e general mbsf action judge armour has ahvas shownhimself to be a fearless aud con scientious dispenser of justice and be acll deserved the promoton their part if however there were objec tions of to serious a cba acicr as to invali date the pctitunvit wat considered to be tbo duty of tho association to save the county jrom tho espens of so totally unnec essary and unjust an tleoiion and their agent was so instructed a strong publication c jmmitteo was ap pointed and arrangerosn a made for abun dance of campaign literature also for public meetings to be held throughout tho county and to be addressed by prominent speakers the convention ras most enthu siastic i a largo meeting in the evening was addressed by the presidonl and rev s cleaver followed by an impressive address from mrs l youmans iwh6 was engaged to address public mectinfls in milton bur lington oakviile acton 1 and elsewhere in ilalton this and the following week the comention was a unit that the liquor s stem is unjustifiable and the scott act the best law yet given tofcanada to restrain the lnjuor traffic i we are in receipt of the talented reports of the provincial inspector of diwsion courts and inspector of legal offices there are getting to be so many of this class of officials that we expect before long to receive the report of the inspector of government iusjectors yeir a preston man made the novel proposi tion to the lutheran congregation of that place to complete the fine church iu course of erection for which funds hae run short if 150 of the members will form a total abstinence society and give him their lager beer money each week for a year he estimates the result in cash at o000 a the crops of btario bureau of imlntrite iteporf oil the years yield or grain the following bulletin sjininiariise the not ember report ot the burean of statis tics ou the principal cereal crops of ontario for the eurrent ear i the jield of fall when is 14440611 bushels beibg 3030531 bus lels less than last ear and olc2cj3 bus els less than the average of six years the berry is small- but hard and while some corres pondeijts say it is below thest mdard weight others claim that the hardn ss and sound ness of the gram tally com ensato for its lackjof size the average y ld per acre is 16 bushels spring wheat may be s t down as a general filnre for while a few good fields are reported the common result is a small tbt imt of ot perhaps otable man r4p6etful way argumanta for problbltlditi at nleing in a publio wjuare the publlo lallr having been refuted tor the purpose the saloon- ists gathered tad amwomd he ipeakers on thi ipok with rottenjegg 1 ana other missies a young brewer go i kauffman assaulted ono ot the speakers rlth a brutal physical argument ti at takers were not allowed to be heard- tthii it the argu ment of snppreaiion of speech 3 wiohiu is a towp of kau iu which liquor used to flow freely when news reached the aalooniiti of that ilaoethat a prohibitory law had been pass id thoy pub- lishcd tho following oard to vll illohinitionl 9 tho saloon keepers ot wiohtu hav ib0o on deposit iu this office or the benefit ot the widow o the son of a guu who makes he first complaint against tho iqoor dealers ot tbo town this is the argument of inti nidation a man oonflned in the wo tern penn sylvania penitentiary has 001 teased that ho was paid by the liquor mc n pf coch- ranton pa mo apiece for burning barm owned by tomperanoe men if these sty les of argument w ere oonflned to the united states it might 1 ot seem to aflect us so much but we have the sarnia dynamite tho threatening lette rs and all tho rest near borne bead tb 9 following and noto the spelling and the s sirit license inspector clarke a fc w days ago received the following letter a idressed to him atbrsdford yon will no doubt think that this may be done for 4 scare but as no have been around bradford for the last while i want to put yon on your guard i know the feeling of the peoplrf np there and by what i have heard y u are and your wife in a dangerous poei ion ff you tinker any with bradford yoi 1 no doubt are aware ot two men being doi rn here on 23 july 87 and all hotel men ai a on them and we as a party will receive 1 benefit out of this and if jou go any firther with bradfordwe will leave you tha you wont be fit for lurrying now dont slight thib matter as we shall blow you cl san out of gods green earth if anything 00 ire i leave your intelligent and awabiding readers to judge as to what shoi ild be done with a business that defies law and order in this way bat tbey have anrther argu ment which sounds much betb r to some it is this prohibition is an invasion of personal liberty and constitut onal right- but tho interpretation whior tbey give personal liberty is this liberty for the traffic but not for anybody to speak or work against its infamous doings here is a clincher which ought to 1 e read by every anti who parades hi rights and personal liberty during the recent hot spell the john hauck bre ring com pany of cincinnati issued ord ire that no beer should be gnen to empkyees while the hot weather continued ant the order wosobejed and yet thebrewers and their mr frank wnulcn has boon engaged teaoher of bamioofcturn mrs j mooarvin and olnldrcn visited friends it ilupooi uila wooli mitis b smith has sont in hor resig nation as teaoher of loruo public sohool councillor w u smith spent a couple ot days in hamillou welling hit mother this week mr b d warrcu of tho georgetown herald oallod at tho fimi fnkbs oftlco on saturday mr wm t smyth visited midford muskoka last week a guest ut tho mar riage of his sistor mr j a brothers of milton has so- cured a position in the oflloea o iho-fcoulli- ern poiflo railway 6un francisco cal mr john lon miltons affable post master whoi was so seriously uijtirod in u ranaway accident 6omofio weeks ago lfl abe to bo about again mrs b littlo returned home last friday after spending soma fomtemi months in england she visited friends in cam bridge london and other pobiu uiid hud a very pleasant time mr and mrs d 1 clnitii- and littlo daughter jonuu of toiouto ihttod fiicuds here this week mr obristn returned ou monday but mis clinstio and daughter remaiucd for u fowdajs tho illustrations of tho illiibtrutcd lou don nows american edition for novom- ber 5th present us usntil instinction as well as entertainment aud cover tho cus tomary broad range of tins longtstablithed and widely known publication the aio iodioated by numerous ntcicuting illustra tion and reading imtturii abundance is nlso provided nlulo now it is becomiug juilo generally known that ucwbdcalers every where sell the papci for ten centt sul scriptious can be seut direct to the no 7 york office nhicli is in uiopotcrbuildin tw ol uiqftk velvets g tiimmius press goods a insure to mill the fliciili- mciku 1iu yield of inferior qualtv he estimated pibitionbts kell us beer i eld is o3117 bushels gainst 518 is r for heajth tbe v 8mcere 0 i 2 n tio gin t v the canadian railway companies have come to an arrangement which will be of much advantage to the public generally and which will be of profit to themselves by it return tickets will be good for one month instead of six davs as heretofore passengers will also be allowed to stopover on single tickets two days for every fifty miles travelled these regulations came into force 1st november good for ontario according to the annnal report of the bureau of industries this province produces more whent to the arrethan xew york pecnslvania ohio michigan indiana hhnois missouri cali fornia or kansas it produces more oats than kenv york pennsylvania ohio michigan indiana illinois wisconsin minnesota iowa missouri kansas or nebraska and it products more barley than xew york wisconsin minnesota iowa nebraska or california 553 last yearnd 9713670 f r the average of six years the barley crop was saved with scarcely any injury from discolorati in but while the grain is bright it is light in weight aud the yield per acre is less lhan for au harvest of tho last six yea s the total product is 1713430 bust els which 2377418 less tban4ast year aud 2031583 less than the average of six 1 ears owing to the hot dry sua mer the oats crop is below the average in ield and it is also light in the measure for a few localities where the land wa low aud new or where local showers po vailed better accounts are given the itimated pro duct is lj48101 bushels rom 1g821g3 acres against 58605008 bush is from 1c21- 901 acres last year the accounts of peas are more varied than those of any other cropf where sown early and favored by local si owers a fair yield is reported but under other condi tions the pods- filled imper ectly and in some localities the crop was icarjy a total j- the canadian pacific ltailway company i fillorc the estimated yield is 12173j32 h3 jnst agreed to the proposal from the xorthwest for the promotion of matrimony among the settlers under the new plan the single man in the west will purchase a matrimonial ticket for ontario paying the usual return fare on presenting the ticket some weeks later with a marriage certificate at an ontario station he will be entitled to a free ticket to his north- west eomefor ins bnde this is a humane arrangement and is calculated to produce much happiness bushels from 7207 fi acres s unrt 10 043 734 bushels from 703930 act 3 last jear the following table gives the average produce aud ield yer acre f the several crops for 1887 1880 and the averages for the six years 1827 the military spiraf is increasing 111 canada iiigljt years ago the prominent military forcesof the dominion comprised two schools of gunner and about 300 mounted police now there are three schools of gunnery three schools ofi infan try one school of cavalry one jpohool of mounted infantry and 1000 mounted police all told there are about 1800 men now doing permanent military duty in the dominion in this of course we include the mounted police who do soldiers duty as well as detective work proportionally j wheat 600000000 of oats and we have now nearly as many regulars- as the united states thk repeal ietitiox i all wheat w37 iwe spnus wheat 17 kt 12 7 i hjlc 1w7 1wi6 ie7 oam tun ik ltmj7 peas 1t7 18h6 1sb7 cres twu 8fi6fc 4mm1j sttiss 636104 7c7w 7t778 tm t hi shtlfc 11 110611 if miui 11 sb 301 5 33117 91713979 17 ulicb 1 ilisth i3 mslol wf63h if 119177 1173132 kbtaim 1jjj1x why did this company refuse i he cooling invigorating liquid to their h irdworketl operatives during such an enervating sea son if ever men were called upon to prove their faith byl their works surely it was in this case but did tbey not prove it- well perhaps they did after all for they know full well their vile product is death- dealing stuff this is necessarily their faith though their profession s otherwise they proved their faith and exposed i their profession see here was not that order denying their emplojees beer a serious invasion of personal liberty one would suppose that ot all things dear to a brewers heart personal liberty is the dearest but lo they adopt prohibition and without a vote of the people by imperial decree after the manner of the czar whenever it is to their interest to do so i iu this connection it is proper to say baloonkeepers are all prohibitionists as to their clerks they will lead bo 8 into dis sipat on but no dissipated or even mod erate drinking boys need apply for employ ment at their hands they aru prohibi tionists as to their clerks they say in answer to this charge that a cler cs liberty is not invaded by their rules he is not obliged to stay with them tb it is just i what prohibition counties say tc them if yioltl i i dodt l tl0 nuke per j hey can move teu ebvncb fjlstiimantlk clothsdoiuga big trudo in theso goods never showed an thing like such an asportmcut we sell a double width onrl at 05 cents equal to anything no ever said at 135 and vvro lnuvo them high nought too as high as lf0perardfor a black curl which eiirbcdy lays is prettier than tho real fu r very foi pretty s jersoy flannels you oan get a good sini fa8hiorffor r- a itoo of premqow v yiu over etpeot to cell sj these plies ttl waa question irequontly 4iaktflji v a people as g od kept coming v this spasonjl do not nee w tioy coutc notbehivothuiianohe bou lit guelplv wold dispose of such a quantity dress material but ee bow tho pi lei uro moltlig dovtut sow the attractive novehtiert re being picked np nice choice goods at a air price nlwaysscll its trah that gcueri lly stioksapiwe dont deal in that hatje you visited the depurtniout this season 9 yes well then you will bear testimony to the excellence of the lines we arc selling at 10 12j and 15 cents per yard and the roally splendid allwool freuoh goods at 20 22i and 25 cents the beauty and value of tho fine german plaid flannel at 35 and 4 cents the rah textures and new shadings of our fine drojs goods ranging frorn 40 ceuts to 225 per yard and tho almost unlimited supply of plushes mpi pas ftmontrrer feather otc to match the shades of y readymacje clothing whe mads to order n the late iij t wahted i v i ablrl obont flf taebloao lieht woili w pctmonthforpnrtnftilrjgg 1000 at j eyjfbs -o- qvercoatids jn 11 the est shades r pecaian lamb astrachan and wool caps of all descriptions also a quantity of underclothtng at greatly educed prices j fyfe acton steer otbayed iroon the week in kepieuiher wo yoarllna a white the other rid lease horn lease prove property i tenerfe punbpne jorepaatnc- stock comw books and t astui fc tlflw and white py exjiensos dlkcam 0r w0i i john m bond fc co direct hardware importers gijblph tho pubhshei a of thc cinkiiiii itmit wetlli offers a ptias of s10 foi tho beit poem on the subject bov s dont leav tho farm s10 foi tho hestooiii on girls be kind to mother aud a third prize of 85 for the bestpoemonanyaubject all tho poenib submitted will become tho property of tho futulf ihtllj and should not exceed utilities m kugtli tho com petition will close on the first dav of de cember and the prize poem vv ill appear in the next issue of tho 1uku irtifoliqv ing that date no poems vv ill be accepted exoept from eaiy subscribes of the paper tho poems will be submitted to a committee of the toronto press tlub who will decide on the merits of e ich composi tion all commuiiicitijih tliould be nd dressed to tm tin u winn no 9 adelaide street west toroita underwear for half price at kelly bros scotch lnglisu iid canadian suiting ngreat vanetv at 4 ivfeo veto- there are three now judic al acaniies in i the superior coirts of out mo one in manitoba and two oi three in quebec call and see killv bif bankrupt stock of overcoats suits and underwear do not forget when 0u intend pjrjiivsing u hrt clas organ or piano to go to j mclean of the guelph temple of mtiic ho is no agent but bnjs lnsoods in lurg qu mtilies at rock bottom figures and only the high est grades are handled childs cloaks and vpiy cheap jndkilclothingjjw weve got on don sb times arc hard and on imvegotto economi0 on this hue we ecouomie or on tho prices down we save ou iboney in jlens and bos t nderclothing of every sue in otton merino coarfo wool fine lambs wooi and scotch underclothing we mako it ens for ou to bu come and try ladies undelwliak our patent seamless goods m merino lambs wool and natural cashmere wools aro finding more favor than ever tho laments aro a kieli display in lamps and lamp goods fancy bisss lamps d y l lamps from j c o 2000 the finest and most com plete assortment ever in cuelph and prices lower than ever best brands of csnudiun an9 american coal oil 1 klectro plated ware a profusion of choice goods headquarters for farm stales cheap at o building hardware lance saws axes barbed wire buckthorn wire annealed wire cow chains halters flower stands and all seasonable goods rpkndkkb will bezefcalved bythouiniemft a uptothosoib at povember toitiumtz cords of good sound dry beecb and msasml two or four feet loin t bo delivered at mutpss he bchool shed for jjarticulars a imlvlt- salesidffljt wintligg we are in want of a few more firrtelto i to canvass for rto sale of cboicevirtj we have many now and choice speeiahia o thoxrnit and ornamental lines wmeirij do not handle apply at oncovitiii may bkotheb i cbspijtues ltochbstqtg salesmmjait edward o grahani tho popular wsl known norser man oflkocliesur h yij to make arrangements with one or two lit ergotlc men to tako orders for bin svattt he has s choice stok including sn bis inducements to bekuintrg are vasc advantageous he fulfill all bo promii guarantees to furnish ftrietl first elssrti he can give act v gqiaro qpnght isai ilnji this for terms and full particulars only square dealing men need apply enw t5bfijia4jhnrserciaii bochi valuable village prope fob sale w e smith village lots adjoiiinyrirc sxhibiaosbs feraal hereby informs tho public thsvhi village lots adjoining the txhibitioi now completed and the jots are open formie i9 ret- k n pftteon astor strang and v tcn if sittings sre je btcwd t i thjjbsdat collated b j freei tbanaii rowiipa theprf oi tendency set presd the fine wea much apyre butter and attractive price the farmerel last days of plo teamsters ar and wood ase re ko businel council meeting father cl on monday- xn clonings the oakviile j presses and ligbtil well shaped no scrimp liicely tinished and cheap the y aro a comfort to tho wearer the aro lo v m price no wonderthey bell so well glovlsl and mlts gents de partmeut full stock of storey svopa tail bucks chariots lined kldf cloth lined gloves and lints tlieyiare warrsiitcd to and give satisfaction r i we dont forgot saturda kelly 13rob great sale on children cry for pitchers castoria acre 161 i l j0j ue 16 5 135 iu 36 j6 1 hi b2 maiou bowlaxd declines teem a thikd when the business of the city council was finished last friday mgl t mayor how land addressing the members said oevtikmfs iishtoniakothoannpuncemcut iii 7267 c2j07 1jjj1x in the manitoba estimates oflt october give 12 3j1 721 bushels of heat 720 2 oats and 1925 21 barlryj while esti t iat i shall not bo a candidate for tl o office of dc jlajornt jear m father s delicate state of il i 1 ealti has induced him to ask mo lor all tho cr a siistaneo i can render him in tho coductofhis nismebs aud it is a dut i owe hiln mates of the same date give ft r the united states a iefci of 13000000 1 nshels of 35000oooof barley plbut hh00l3iatt the the follow ing item appeared in maic ottawa dispatches on monday j so objections were filed on saturday the last day to the halton county scott act repeal petition senator mckindsey who left for home monday says he does not now see ab obstacle in the way of the petition passing the privy council and the date being hxed for the vote on the repeal question he is sanguine r antis will obtain i majorit on polling day while the friends of the aet aic a confident the other w a lpon two previous occasions senator mckindsey expressed himself jntt as confi dently that the whiskey faction would win on both occasions his opinion was found tojie gravely m erroi the temperance a liange of tearkcrx in tin jiartment iff- till id lir- n monday iluicrelj niaketbis announcement t couipl asl the board of trustees met 7th mst at 7 oclock members present the chsjirman and messrs j e m garvin dr l wry and i francis minnlr i of last mettiu rei d and con firmed alettf from mr j fe dei con p s inspector for the county respec ing the ex tension of miss muhaffys 1 certificate gtatedl it owing to the fact tiat a large number of legally qualified teachers have been in ble to secure positions he could not cons stently recommend tha extension mou 1 by j e mcgarvm seconded by i francis that the application of miss p cornglu of the normal scbi toronto people iiave jways had a gd cause to be accepted and that the seeretkry engage support and have worked arduously fcr the i her foacher of the tbird depajrtment at riglit and on each occasion have come out a salary of two hundred arid fifty dollars i victorious as no doubt thev will at the j i annum carried j coming election the finance committee preented their tlilnl it right it should bo made knowp as early at iwsrlble it is ith mo deep regret indeed t iat i have decided uiwu this couje as t feel tl o dceiicst interest in all that concerns tho cit anl her welfare i had bowover no healtatio i in taking this step asl feel it to be m duty the it aye- r was asked if there waff no possibility of having his decision recon sidered he answered that tberojwasnone whatever the mayors decision is regret- td universally 1 when mayor howlaud accented the effi e nearly two years ago the affarj of the city stood greatly in need of bejng puri fied the laxity of the police systiem was abominable the liquor men had control of the city counoil aud the officers connect ed w fi it the municipal revenue was preyed upon by disreputable riugsl and a thbusuiid other things needed to bejreform- cdl he has not wiped out all thee i is that hcl had to contend with but he h is been remarkably successful in overcon ing the wc rst of them the police force h is been uude more efficient the number o liquor lie snses has been greatly redac d the btrns coal frauds have been broigbt to 1 fi it the water works frauds ha e been die closed and many other minor ev been remedied since he took office the county assizes bo assizes were held at the co jrt house t the following accounts t k mcoarvin slating 4c wlvaiflb sov 8 the red bivcr val- j d kennedy repairs ihfc bolnuaui kaiujai seventh report recommending payment oij mi ton on mondaychief justice g is have ovliicom ings ave must not forget the gr ii id in c of mi iton and braver over- coatpgi jnsl to hand the arc choico goods and wc i nikf ou up a nice titling overcoat at i vcr moderate price come noted for jhoiee good no credit e il bckllert 27 lower wynphm6t lelphiont tllepkohc is ohicl john m bond cos- jjujelpb t- guelprf clgth hall o new arrivals in fall goods we are daily opening up large qiiajititie of fine imported woollens for this keasous tade f i iv e shaiar grundy i merchant tailors cuelph some of the inont desirable boildijqg lote msf offered in acton are included in this sorter ajs more attractive location is not to be 4feutli the corporation tennk easy and msdstknasli upon application vbters listi mvtsicipalllty of the village of actcpf t t covfjy of hjto notice is herebj glvcj that i liavet trans- li mitted or dehvered to the iierwicsinebboifc j ed in the third and fourth sections of 2hls5 voters list act the copies rcqmrdby aiaitit tion to be so transmitted ordeuvered of tie fi4i made pursuant to said act ing by the las rovised ass of all persons ai ssessment boll ptfm said njuniciuity to bo fcutitlod to vote in the- said municdfalit at elections for luemboisrfjif uic legislative assembly and at mnniaital clels tiodb and that said list was first pested nparnrrr- j office at acfon on tho 20th da of oetobef lfstav and remains there for msjiccticn electors aro called uplon to eainnc tbosi liat and if any omissions or any other emirs aratis found therein to take injmediate proceedings lnf hav o the said errors conjee ted according to law s esrcgabvef 4 dstcd this 29th da of oct 1687 cleik of the said muniupaliijj 1 y o nmc i piensuro in niuioun- wien bab wis mk ie tut 1 1 ciistona when she was tlnl 1 shf cried or itstom when she becnine 3ieh sheilunt lot stem wtien8hc bad hildrc i six iilicin cnstoila j illlllieilllc jlllivtlls ot i1cjv jllltl fisliioiabi mcleod anderson go of thj mammoth house geokjetowk iiav dug to tht ii pnirons ami inciuls the koted cheap dry goods house taxes f if village of actoni 1887 fus seal fuus fuks fl- fuiis rabbit goods ii goods wc u fall and winter fancy aiid staple dry arc ilio leaders in lie goods and our latest st its and the guiding stai for fall bargains visitors sur prised biycis delighted fine ov prices do tho work dross goods and dress maleriais costume clotli dress silks dress trimmings mantle gods mantle making and dres- mukrng are marvels oi popujitrif j in seasonable slltb and fair powder absolutely pure this powder nov er vanes a mirv e of purity strength and vtholcsouieness more ocifiiomirnl than the ordinary kiuds and cannot bo sold in competition with tho multitude of low test short weight alum or phosphate powders bold only in can boval baktsu pownfn co iog wall 8tn y island home 8t00k farm perfhoroa bones french coach horsm savage ii fanium impor- ten sad breedera of rer cheron tnd fiench cfiach kofie lilandllomestode ftrarouo utewniia county midi we offers very large tlud of bones to select from we snirutee our stock moke prices re loublo and sell on easy terras vultonalvayswef- come large catalogot tfcq address 6atarefnibm sktboihtlcu ley railroad negotiotions are still proceeding and a basis ot ogreemeut scf ms likely to be arrived at tbe only difhcnlty in the way of bavins tbernatttr settled before this is the distrust which some subscribers to the fond entertain of the nortjuay government they profess to fear the money may be used against tliem for genera election pur poses all that is asked in the contract is that be road shall be completed not later than the 1st of june next mr holt has kouestonew york to con sult his backers and save he is ready to procftd lth the tvork ten days aite the asnoancenrent i nude that the money has beast secured a stephenson repairs a 75 1 03 f 12ftl lieport adopted upon motion the board adjourned a new sexatob st ortaha nov 8 mr john macdonald of toronto having accepted the offer of tbo vacant ontario uenatorsbip was at today s meeting of the privy council formally ap pointed to the vacancy created by the death of hon william jfcmaster the appoint ment marks au era in canadian politics 1 mr macdonald being the first gentleman to have a public position conferred upon him by political opooueut k lt pre siding there were no civil caeei the ouk- criminal caae wa the queen de- gii r the prisoner was indicted far rape th i crime was alleged to have ibeetj com mit ted on the rod near sodom the pri oner who is a contractor do the gael ph jniction railway pi eodedlnotgoilty tbo evidence showed bat after the illeged crime was committed tbe girl accom lanied the prisoner some eighteen miles toc nelpb nc afterwards pretended to be hit wife i judge after hearing tbe depot itions ructed the jury that i o m n lic ild be pla ed on trial on such evidence t s was oft red tbe crown counsel witbdr swtbe chi rge and tbe prwonerjvas at oni e dis- c it rgtd mr john dewar of mtltc i ap et ted for tbe crown audi mr g wjfield tk i sueiph defendejj degier weaving mb t mitchell desires to inform tho people of acton and surroundings that he is prepared to take orders for weaving all kiudh of fancy bag carpets flannel sheeting shirting und dress goods stripeitor plaid twillor plain also bed blankets aud horse blankets two yards wide and over and i will guarantee that i willgiyegrod satisfaction to all farmers- and others v ho 1 favor me with their patronage i tjhitche1ll m catarr amrf gold in h bad jfayfeier bast to use rotosmiufjiwilorornitatlagljiiald prlco so ru ami 1m if not obtolnablo at tout drsq guu scat prepiii on receipt of price a icress fuufobo a co brockvlllo qnt i figlic8 r persian lamb otter mink astrachan and coney i v 1 by lar ilie ijiet xewett and cheapest t3tplc okewrs in tins viciiit evnt ing in line has beci majrked down 10 the lovut notch and finnivtaiil to please alj who are looking for a good article at a reasoiahleiiiec i ratepayers akil herebj- noufled tljat tho eocouii nient of taxes fr tlic current j ear vtfll due on the 15th dai of mov net and u the said seconl msi almeut be not k o5 or before tbe bjiu loth dajy xov ember terj percm cent will bo added thereon in aicoidnncewita 5 a bylaw pnssod by the vfilago council f 5i do not put off payment to tie last daj attention is called to i bo following hipa making payment present tax bill clieque must bo marked good all taxes xunst be pald- at tho clerk s office mainfetroet bv order j e mcqaltt in s clerk treasurer r flannels canton flannels all wool flannels tjnion flannels shaker a udicia t sale valuable farm rs tiu- township op esquesing cottiti oi halton ja heavy allwol flannel for 19 cents per yard guaranteed pure wool urmillinei isn icili ulnuce exttliisive vaiitd anj huh can be suitpj the stock s wonderful in finality quantity and stk in clot coatings geutjs purnisliing- our staple goods is lie nd com parison the largest and cheap est ever offered t coifons at w-u- derful low prices a juiagmficeut canton iflannel for 8c per ard supirutirey flantiel 26 inches wid allwool 20c per yard gentlemens wear our is suiting materials over undeiclotliing and f all kind- and not foigettingoiir cutting and piako up in our tailoring department for stlc and finish hasi unsurpassed tne best of every thing but uohjgh price profits lajlies and gents footwear immense stock great variety constantly offering bargains m this department v wd have a large stock largo premises every faeility to dy busi ness comfortfibly wej have un- eqnnl facilities to buy the gboda cheapl send a delegate from overyiliomo niu let us prove that wo tiro reaching out for ruore trade with irresistab e induce ments beyond the whisper of compttilion or comparison our new features exclusive styles uuequaled bargains will demon strate beyotid the shadow of a doubt that it will piy to trade with dress goods dress goods lu thi dopiitn cut we are doin just double the business ot fomer 8pasnw and wo feel this is a fair proof that we show the collect gimin and rbit our puces are the lowest we are daily adding novolm- this department and if you haveut already in- specie 1 nnr uuuui ti st ick take a look through and be convinced that wc lead w- j r termns- u millinery millinery a the noon of ullage of acton wcjiavc been teuibly busy in this department but have mail orders 1 13 aged to fill al mclejod anderso obloraetowl co r working overtime ladicb vill find the latest new yotkigtyles in- stock and are sure to be pleased with our display no trouble to show goods manths ulsters toboggan coats and walking jackets mantles from 75 cents w overcoats smens youths and boys good honest value everytime 1 d02s fail to see oue stock of underclothing and bmfbejr we keep dry goodsmilinery clothing- boots shoes j rubbers overshoes and grocsnes j cheap the iotto butter eccs and poultry wanted j pcbsut to the judgment of the cuancerr division of tho high court of justice ttasc m tho matttr of lie lauioi lamb vsilamb dated the tvvelitb day of september 16s7 and with the approbation of i jl mckwuon esq local master of the snpreulo court of judwatbin at iuelph there nll be o8eredfor sale bv vii hemstkekt lvuctloneeb bt public avction t thk nnn r age s hotel in the on saturday the 26th day 9f noveinber a d 18 t thehoar of twelve o clock noon tho follow- fw ing lands and premises l paeceli the west half of lot musto t twentj seven m the bixtii concession of the 4i t townsmpof isquesingco4taiuinbonc hunflred fe acres more or less j x parcel ii the west half of lot utiinber riu tnentj eight in the bitb couccesion of the 5c 1 township of esquesmg cobtaining iuiroty vx and throe quarter acres more or less s on tabcel l is erected a flrstcjass flnelt honso noarly new two storeys high telv8 rooms with wood shed summer kitchen e good cellar gartion c there is also erccttlrl vs kfl on this parcel 5 barn 51x72 uearlv new ana sx4 with all modern improvements stone stahlft underneath theromactrmhgshedroothonm and all necessaroathuildicgs there is also a well in tbe barnmrd thero is also an orchard of about threeacres in full bearing qx pabcel il is a barn ju54 also a shod j there is also an orchard oa the lirennses this valuable property was owned by the hate 1bowas la14b 4stl and ib one of the finest farms urtlio coi ntvoff el halton evorythiugis in llrst-closs- condiftoa vrjf and the farm is in a high ttato of cultvaoon yfm a spring creek runs through a portion oftiie sjai farm and there is a conataiit supplv of wotet- i there are 15 acres of woodb ion parcel i and w f ou parcel ii this faiimis situated 2 iaue rf from acton and 5 from george tcviui at both i of which places are good liarkcts for the sala gl 0 farm proiuce i rfj tebjibofijle in tb titu purchase moncj and shall within u monui- thereafter pay into couit ti tho crtilit ofithisf s matter arttrther sum butocitnt to make up vtusjej aaid ten pa cent onohalfoflispirrcbaskuiauey jii tho bslande thereof to bt sdturcdbj i0rtgagrjf pavablo in six ears witlp interest at sn percent jjf yearly or at tho option of the pm chaser ui jfiartjs pay the whole of his purchase inone mw the court within said month the eudor shall s only bo required to furnish a keistrrrs ab ja stract and such title deeds at she niav hrtvo intc hor lktcseksioii iu other repecu the tcmiamn tonditions will bo the btatidiug louditioup wi this court the titles perfpet lho 1 jopcrnoo v will be sold subject to a reserved bid to bi fixed b the said maswt for further partislklars aji il to ilessra gritl rio 4 watt g nelpb john hi skin c cm oroaviljgl and johnson mclean 1 ondora boliciwri 5 guelph sgd am meljlnxos loci 1 jlcsti r at jutlph dated the srd day of nov a d ltw tho purchaser shall upoii tbo da of 10 pri to the vendors solicitors titu per nut of hi- ss i lfeh3 jotgjit james stirtcn l da- dnisr f ktouells block opposite pni office guelph vitalized air ity gfiortly the roa3s in better thin they 2 several weeks us chester 111 will please ac us papers messrs hod make a regular hcj adv this week -mrs- bw an addition to and main streets orthodox jjd certointeen enjy seajoa atny rate the f oundfttio nev resideaoe strests iscornpletl a newflrrp of neat shop on ilaia bros boot ft shoe i jthe vrateridi hrcroght into reqn is tobe kept and jlrs tonn perancet in the to wn hall i thankjsgijsngl the methodist chif thanksgiving ttayl the sausages corn soon will pop enliven lie wind advertise all come on j our prerj isdie best adjerlq 1 tholadtesj dist church will the church on the day f the eccond if taxes is due next which date ten charged the grand vd yejiprinted paper ncular attention nevft t thefcurcille hipa and the old ca3ar what has j ith the money- 1 a quantity oil the townjiall siiu to employ tramps i aid from the wm sw the old shop whic residencei it wifel pgo for a carpenfed the london messrs iloore i now employing 3 rapidly growing i two markh suffocated at the tuesday night by 1 hours hard work 1 milton has noj abakers three flour j doctors ajid three i yers happy mill wheat has no ihiafall especia x particularly jn tbej the weather has 1 a new briok 1 hy the trustees of j dilion makes the plete and they pp appearance the item lefei wg at mr joel lei liaebeen credited swannsjckwo rtently omitted j tmp bruasela 1 larged it is now l paper and nndajr t w h kerr has- 1 weeklies in thi pr messrs moore cened ihe silye awarded for ttjeij trunks and trave and indnstrialjes cunadiau jgui edorderstoifij tariff actthewid to ensure the absd portavion te the tjl tenders will i moore secretary ol of acton publio gef for twenty tjortteol and maple- wood t u i the surrey of i n village lotb in tho 1 pie painless extpactfon of teetfe artiucij tooth guaranteed anco fit and uso finn gold all operations strictly finttlbm appoiatnienti wade by letl or perfect in appaalgg woix a speciajtjjg l