m 1 li f fljeton jfrrc ttss thvhspay soykmbkr 17 ls7 flic fuuttui jfolks oro sleep a wicked cat hy cla11a ihl1ivk in it silver iv vt 11100 lriind doii- clou- if lnupic irmimii jzolil melt im aurt loulonlom star look ilou to mild and elenv swot tt vnisicr 1u deal so the liiyh to sur i its vilvov i it lie smooth nt4vieei how iloi hif robin 10 to sloop in ib leafy era ale soft and tl ei fainter shines the daisied bilk one by oiu the sons iroy st ill on the treetop sate anu hiili leave are lisping kockbye so the robin jtf to sloop in its lealy enidle soft aud loop how avs tlu- iaby o to sop in us downyeradle warm ami deei pearly eyelids fciemlv close as the leaflets of the rose mother fondly uatclics nipl softly siiiiini lullaby so the bahy loes to sloep hi its downy oradle warm and diep wbo is it wat olios while t hoy sleep in their nightly radios ealm and deep o the fathers lovjiit eaiv for his ehildren everywhtvii-j- ha by lily robin vest r saftiy 011 his boundless bvoast si- ho watobes while tiny soop ln their niehily cradles calm and deep oh vussy with the bushy tail arc you a wicked oftt you criiul yiuir clswu upon n nail and wnlk a slow ns any snail you art so very fat you wash ytfur whisker with your feet your umpue is rough and rod and looks as if it tasted moat yet all 1 ever see you oat j is purohite uik and brea 1 1 found upon our rrnss today a birdie tail and ving if yon did kill it pussy urny and eat it up ill only say you are a wioked tlmii suppose a hungry hear this ee along the street should pass and laughing in his hairy sleeve should oat you up ami only leave your toil upon the grass youd think ho was a cruel hoar r i think youre cruel to 1 know id starve before id tear a hridio with my claws arid glare and eat hhn up like you x llv a m1u10na1hv ealinku a s ilhiali iivki i slbiki y- there is nothing strange in the fact that a man worth his millions should earn a silver dollar but yon may be interested jto learn hew he came into possession of tllis particular dollar a gentleman one dav noticed a plainly diessed woman with her children standing upon the city sidewalk looking at a brown stone church almost embowered in the shade of the graceful trees that are the i pride of a new england city famed for its romantic situation this gentleman was a member and officer of the church and inquired of the lady if she would like- to see the interior of the building the invitation was thankfully accepted and in the course of conversation he learned that she was a stranger in the city herhnsband having recently secured employmeutiii a manufactorv near by finding that they had not decided as to the church they should attend the gentleman said he v should be pleased to have them come there and in bidding the mother and children good day suggested that he would wait in the vestibule the following sabbath morn- inland give herself and family aseat the welcome thus extended was accepted and the next sunday the mother and her child ren were placed in one of thebest pews in the church but the thoughtfulness of their still unrecognized friend was nof ex hausted at the close of the service he led the way to the sundayschool room and introduced the mother to the superin tendent who was very glad to receive the childreu and place them 5u care of good teachers this may be as convenient a point as any in my story to say that not long after this the mother found out that the kind gentleman who had taken time to show her the church welcome her family to its services add bring the children into the sundayschool was the great mill owner and millionaire of uiecity not for the sequel some weeks previous to the incideuts we have related the superintendent 6f the sundayschool had offered a prize in the form of a silver dollar to that person who should introduce the largest number of new scholars to the school within a certain time yhen the day came for bestowing the prize it was found that the millionaire member was the successful competitor and the silver dollar- with suitable remarks was placed in his h irsd jingles and jokelet half nn hour with thr wise men the wits 11ml the faniprmphs of the liny like- a woman most men vtlicn laws delay the lynchers play a place for scalds the land of burns to make a long story short send it to the editor of a newspaper the duns i left behind me is a rather popular variation of the old song the thing that a woman always knows best is how some other- woman ought to dress freemans worm powders are safe in al cases they destroy and remove worms in children or adults itr on yonr iatird dont allow a cold in the head to slowly andsurely run into catarrh wheiiyou can be cured for inz by using dr chases catarrh ctire a few applications curein- sipient catarrh 1 to 2 boxeseures ordinary catarrh i to boxes is guaranteed to cure chronic catarrh try it only 25c and sure cure item ami fomfort in llic buttering browns household panacea has fao quil for reliovinc pain both internal bid xtinal it cures pain in the side badk o iihwlu sore tliinal khuuninti in toothache lumbago and any kind ol n pain or ache ii will mostsuiolyqniik en llie blood and heal as its acting power is woiuluiful browns household ptn- uoen being acknowledged as iho gnat pain reliever mid of double the strenctli of any oilier klixir or liniment iu the world should be in every family handy lor use when wanted as il really is the b ist remedy in the world for crnmpe in llie stomach and pains aiid aches of all kin is and is fur iale by all druggists at 25 cents a bottle aslonlfthliig sncccsit it is thovduty of every person who 1 used hufcltecs german syrup to let its derful qualities bo known to their friciids in curing consumption severe qougis croup asthma pneumonia and in fact all throat anil lutig diseases no person can use it without immediate relief thee doses will relieve any case and we consider it tht duty of all druggists to rccommepd itjto the poor dying consumptive at least to try one bottle as 80000 dozen bottles were sold last year and no one case where fairlywasreported such a medicine as the german syrup cannot be too widdy known askyourdruggist about it sairnle bottles to try sold at ten- cents itegn ar size 75 cents sold by all druggists and dealers in the united states and canau wheezing gasping sufferers from asthma receive quick and permanent relief by using southern asthma cure sold by all drug- gists or by mail on receipt of price many lcople lir awake nights suffering from acute dyspep sia caused by eating food in which alum and other cheap baking powders are used the most reliable irfmperial cream tartar baking powder what is commonly called individuality is only brain if a man thinks he is sailed odd if he thinks deeply he is a craiik have you tried holloways corn cure it has no equal for removing these trouble some excrescenses as many have testified who have tried it it appears by the tests that the propor tion of colorblind men is as one to a mil lion in comparison with those who are blind to theirown interests anvick to motiifns are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a s ck child suffering and crying with pain of c it ting teeth if so send at once and ge a bottle of mr3vinslowssoothingsyrrjp for children teething ttsvalue is iucal culable it will relieve the poor littlo s if ferer immediately depend upon it mo lit ers thercis no mistake about it it cures dysentery and diarrhoea regulates ihe stomach aiid bowels cures wind cclic softens the gums reduces inflammation and gives tone and energy to the whale system mrs winslows soothing sy rup for children teething is pleasant to the taste and is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female physicians and nurses in the united states and is for sile by all druggists throughout the world price twentyfive cents a bottle be sure and ask for mks winslows soothing syrvt and take no other kind beautiful said the drummer sixty birds in two hours and only missed two shots a quiet gentleman sitting in fhe corner of the- hotel office put dowri his paper rushed across the room and grasped him warmlyiby the hand allow me to congratulate you sir he said i am a pro fessional myself professional sportsman no professional liar national pills are unsurpassed as a safe mild yet thorough purgative acting upon the biliard organs promptly and effectu ally prof snorewas teaching his class at the university of texas now boys said the professor here we have a triangleall three sides of which are equal whatisthe de duction tom anjerr that the fourth side must also be of the same dimensions x slgniririiil fart the worn out waste and poisonous matterin the system should escape thro lgh the secretions of the bowels kidneys and skin or serious disease results b b b opens these natural outlets to remove inimtmil approbation the medical profession the clergy press and the public alike acknowledge virtues of burdock blood bitters as an equalled remedy for chronic diseases of stomnch liver bowels kidneys and blood its popularity increases with its year trial- the tfie un- the of dr lows worm syrup will remove all kinds of worms from children or adults prize was more oi a it is said the surprise to him than any one else and it is reported that some of- his friends and neighbors have seen him try the ring of that silver dollar as if it had a quality of music in it that ordinary dollars do no posses in conclusion you will be prepared to learn that he man who had it in his heart to do this christian service for i humble german woman and her children afterwards gave a round mil lion of dollars lr education and moral uplifting of the freedmeu of the south c7t y fil thkuttie links this morning i read tins beautiful ex- tracrand i want to impress it on your minds it is not what we read but what we remember that dos us good not what we earn but what we save not what we eat but what we digest not what we intend but what we do that makes us useful it is not a few fainwishes but a lifelong ltrupgle that makes us valiant this struck me as all so sensible that i felt it would do great good for allthe children to study and remember izjiui luliricr ami in llir iolnl dvpepsa is dreadful disordered liver- is misery idijelion is a foe to good nature tie human digttivc apparatus is one of the mst complicated and wonderful things iu existtnee it is easilyput out of order greasy vi j tough food sloppy food bad cookery ntta worry hue hours irregu lar lihiit- i many other things which flight no to jehave rrrade ihe american people a noli n of dypeptics but grien s vigust flower has done a wonderful vor ncss anl rik healthy that and behappj kemembor health but health and ha pin ask your druggist f live cons reforming this sad busi- the atiitrican people so ii enjoy their meals j happiness without i augut flower brings ints tjtht dyspeptic bottle seventy- bickios aiti- iiinipive svrup is a loiiibiuatijii of -verrf- medicinal herbs which exert a niji wonderful influence m curing pulmonary consumption and al other disfctsos of thciuugcligtandtliroat it promote a freeand easy expectoration and gives ease cveir to the greatest sutferer coughs colds shortness of breath and affections of the- chest attended with weakness of the digstive organs or with general debility seen to vimsh nnjer its use no other remedy acts so readily in allaying liiihtniination- or breaking up a severe cold even tlienusl obstinate cough is overcome by its jenetiating and healing properties when children are affected with colds coughv inflammation of the lungs croup quns y aiid sore throat this syrup is of vast imparlance the number of deaths among ehildren from these dis eases is truly alarmist it is so palatable that a child will not refuse it and is put at such a price that will not exclude the poor trom its benefits a boy out west has been born with an extra eve in the back o his head if he were born a girl he could see what the other girls ha- on tlioul straining ins carotid artery use the safe pleasant and effectual worm killer mother graves worm exter minator nothing equals it procure a bottle and take it home ido you see said dr arnold to an assist ant teacher those two boys walking to gether i never sawtliem together before you should make a special point of observ ing the company they keep uothing so tells the changes in a boys character gallant passenger to fellow passengerl will you please tell that woman that she can have my seat woman indig- nantlyi im not a womaij sir i am a lady gallant passenger iblandlyirnot a woman excuse my mistake james h gilmour of t gilmour it co wholesale grocens brockville says 1 have used tamarac elixir for a severe cold and cough which it immediately relieved and cured prof lows magic sulphur soap heal ing soothing and cleansing for all eruptive diseases oi the skin delightful for toilet use j premonitions of approaching danger in j the shape of digestive weakness lassitude inactivity of the kidneys pains in the region of the liver and shoulder blades mental depressioncoupled with headache i furred tongue vertigo should not be disre garded use northrop it tlymauv veget able discovery and dyspeptic cure aud j avert the peril to health it removes alb j impurities and gives tone to the vfhole i system a clergyman sat in a chair to be shaped the artist began who shaves you have your hair cut try a bottle of our try- cophegts have a shampoo the clergy j man turned to the barber and said let me up if i have got to say my catecliism i prefer to say it sittingtp but i came j here to be shaved e there is not a more dangerous class of disorder liian those which affect the breath- ing organs nullify this danger with dr thomas- fcleetric oil a pulmonic of ackuowh ged efficacy it cures lameness and soreness when applied externally as well as swelled neck and crick in the back rand asan inward specific possesses most substantial claims to public confidence f tcu lrarh of tertjirc mrs thomas acres of huntley out was for ten years a sufferer from liver com- plaint which docors medicine did not rc- lieve after using four bottles of burdock blood bitters she was entirely cured aud states llmtdhe is like a new woman again thde are lots of editors likeminded with that one out west who having heard that persons in a drowning condition in stantaneously recollected all the transac tions of all their lives wished that some of his subscribers would r to battling ifi 1 deep water tht extraordinary popularity oj ayers cherry pectoral is the natural result of its use by intelligent people for over forty years it has proven itself the very best specific for colds coughs and pulmonary com plaints ilutllt to know consumption may be easily vented than cured the irritating harassing cough will be greatly telievec the use omfagyards pectoral balsam cures coughs colds bronchitis arm all monarv troubles kor krost biles there is no better remedy for frost b tes chilblains and similar troubles than yards yellow oil it also cures rheufri tistrijlnmbagoscre throat deafness lameness and pain generally yellow is used internally aud externally ire- aud by lat nl- hag- a- and oil n washington mdlr gps eminent throat and lung surgeon will next visit actort ecmitocn hotel monday 28th novembev one day only cataimh thrqat cured a few of the hundreds who have heen success fully treated by dr washingtons new niettdd mrs juo mckidvy kingston ont catarrh aiidcqnsiuiiption john mckelyy kingston out catarrh mrs a hopping kingston out itroicho consumption mr e scott kingston out catarrh and throat mrstno retram ha rrowbuiith out catarrh throat james mattliuws p master acton out tarrah head and throat k francif berlin ont catarrh head throat miss nellie vhyl rerlin ont enlarged totail f wing 1 m corunna ont catarrh hfad henry scott berlin ont asthma mrs p wagner inenri berlin ont cuts head and throat levi keicher kt jacobs ont catarrh jcad aud throat colin campbjll lt kdwardout asthmc lames stiieey dutton out catarrh win shoemaker rudney out catarrh josiph smiley kurt oratiot l s cata bad forn wh storey ksij of storey it son glove 1 manufacturers acton out dr waphingto 1 is tin only thrnntund lung surgeon in cauada miss mary a ruiubourg centervjle 10nt catarrli hiad and throat mrs godfrey lehncss s jacobs ont cou snmjition titus snider bloomfield out catarrh lead and throat liead ca- md ill i rh wasalbauu fdldintheheas c ata r r h positive cure tor s catarrh gives i immediate relief job i cold in hed hay fevefi basyto for infants and children cmteru is go well adapted to children that caatorl coresolje oonsjlpation crecommcnilitaabuperiorto i anrprescripuon i boat stomach dlarrhosa eructation 111 bo oxford btbrooujiiny witout the cent iub coarany tt murray street n y injurious medication the noted cheap dry goods house t ss furs fujs rubsruns fuks seal per9ian lamb otter mink astrachan rabbit and coney by far hie largest newest nnd cheapest stock of furs in this vicinity everything in thisline lias been marked down to the lowest notch and cannot fail to please all who are locking for a good article at a reasonable price crand trunk rarlvvav going hast mixed tijiim kxprt exircfib mil uni j iik pass miiili in nnj h k turougli kxpr ci im accom j il lilu jlixdi chicago kxprcssdouf not strmi anddrninptuii timi nyrlijiyr manjt goiiig-wcst- i5iini iiiii v2fiui going east 10 lun in iiil 5i0iii 0 wket m- plll twet call at- flannels canton flannels allwool flannels union flannels shaker mcgaryins dyug store and see ouk new lot oe oxford and bagster bibles at all lujces a fine line of stationery has just arrived our stock 6 drugs patent medicines toilet goods and perfumery is chamois vests al articles fancy- well assorted sizes a heavy allwpl flannel for 19 cents per yard puaranteed pure wool dress goods dress goods in this department we arc doing just double the busiuess ot former seasons and we feci this is a fair proof that we show the correct goods and that our prices are tile lowest we are daily adding novelties to this department audwyou havent already iu- spected our mammoth stock take a look through and be convinced tiiat wclead k mgarvins drug stafrionery store ix the i ontario mutual life assurance company head office waterloo ont note its progress nuw assurumii llsstvi 1 ij1iivi iliijki 27vi ashurrtiiiis in fonv lsuj iiirimi ill17l 7ktilll 0774511 rrtlniuin iuiciiik vi mi siiic liiii7ii ii77l tilllo interest income 11114 11k74 uni uiiasn 4l4j4 death elailns lmid ijki liir ii7iil 41s8j vlivl protlts paid jkw iiio ljuu nnsiw llloul assets 1 wfltl jtli lithvl liliwlli w40b surplus oil hand ilvj 1775 jjllti i7ii 01 kl wm hendry w h riddell i manager secretarj millinery millinery i pic have heen terribly busy in this depalrtmeut but have man- i aged to fill all orders by workinc overtime ladies will tiud the latest new york styles in stock and are sure to be pleased with our display no trouble to show goods manties ulsters toboggan coats and walking jackets mantles from 75 qent up overcoats imens youths and boys good honest value everytime h p moore agent for acto v milli3nkery doxt fail to see our stock of- underclothing am kemembelf we keep dry goods millinery clothing- boqts shoes rubbers overshoes and groceries cheap the blotto buttfr eccs and poultry wanted i thje lionofguelph aqtop purest strokge3tbe8 contjaims noi i alum ammonia lime phosphatb or any injurious malerals ewgillett g- hmtrofttccelebhaij7u2itu5 the wanzer lamp j 50 candle poer bm wanzer a comanafactwrt hamilton ontj k o chimney o gioijl- ocu hu positively sonexprosives neve ed burns ally grade oi cc ilie xooiior- r gets beat- al oil everyiaini tjuanirtted wlhoi liitcifemig with the liht ean imcoii nursery mtaetiineut heat water hoil eggs uiala- tea iiiijeofleeovetet stew etc l g- matthews isiux alilint li acton anli 1imiv guelph oloth hall o new arftlyals in fall goods we are daily opening- up large qiiailtities of tine import etl woollens for this seasons trade iijf iilp 5 and 7 wyndhamst cuelph 84 oswoldirst clasgow we are now displaying one of the iut attrautivc stocks of mil- i n cry ever seen in guelph tlie slianes are large and very stylish and the trinimings are the richest and most varied that we have ever seen in any former millinery season mantles mantles qur stock otmantlo is simply a iiuifvolol elegance wcslio evc viirictv and efivct flu cloth anil design dolmans will clos sleeves having all the cleirancc ot the dolmans with the warmth an wc show se d convenience of tlie jackcls short jackets shaw gcrundy merchant tailors cuelph john m bond co direct hardisrare importers aniilph pride of the va be tzii medicine jwii ncci uyiepsia ught n sain ia pttekiic ior lip- ihcu keiges fur si lnd before 1 lrid taker teuts of kur imckatls i vaa lutirelv f ni l yes titiov tf t the medicine il ibo pack cod therme of first five taken the have netcr felt the yioptoms kilcg- that was lour years io i also bought iifbpttlc of fride of the valley linimeut lat sprinjfor my hired man who sprained his ankle so biuly ho cocld not bear his weight on it after ukiufj pride of the valley liniment for 21 hours lie was able to goto work ns well as ever and what is thfi name of that other medicine whj pride of the valley catarrh iind itheiumuk cure that is the greatest known remedy in the world lof tliecure of catarrh not an inhaler butthepledicineisto be taken internally once a day it strikes atthe root of the disease and removes the xaaseat once as thousands will testify that have usta the catarrli remedy the three above remedies go hand in hand andvhtru can i set tlicm atlg matthkws actfonk also at all firstclass medicine deieis iir ciinnda mane- facturcd by rpor a m biiiurvr loydpx0st 5 a jiich display in lamps and lamp goods funcy brass lamps fine ii nil lumps decorated library lamps brass library lumps ebony gobi library lamps dark verd library lamps colored glass library lamps jumbo iand library lamps small night library lamps lamps from 15c to 2000 the finest arid most com plete assortment ever in cuelph and prices lower than ever best brands of canadian and american coal oil electro plated ware a profusion of clioice goods headquarters for farm scales cheap at buildiufi hardware lajice saws axes barbed wire buckthorn wire annealed wire cow chains halters flower stands and all seasonable goods jojen m bond cos guelph we show mi iimiiliisi ioiuc utii iissoi tinoiit dl childrens w5k ri rrcvulllng mrkncm the most prevailins complaints at this season are rheumatism neuralgia tore throat inflammations and congestions for all these and other painful troubles llujivards yellow qil tlie best iuerual and external reined 2ot a sniiff powder or irritating liquid so cu and 100 if not obtainable at your gists sent prepaid on receipt of pries add fulford co brockvlllo ins oht ynilcan live at nouic tull ut wul for us tl tllis world caiii and make moro m iaii at auytbibg els ouey lital not needed you strt d fruo llotb sexes all agefc anyone do tie work largo earnings 6ut0 from start costlv outfit and terms free jiettcr delay costs you uotliiugto eeud ueyouradt andhnd out if you are wife you wil do onto u hjiltl i 4 co portland llaiue s x aro cau irst uot ties at jackets is very emiilqto ami prices are vjery mnileiae dress maresg miss todd is very busy in this department ami is turning out oomfc very liiidsniiki ami new siyles this department oiviug to miss todds wellcarnoi nptta ion is assmniiig vnst proportions o to the i en tlemeis i i we would say that our sto korolotlis both for stiits and over coats isalltjic lutjcst styles wide wale stripe and worsted coatings are much worn and the very latest things our stock ot readymades is very coijnplete and we can o-uaran- j tee you u mucli better lit fronv rniong them than the average cutter can make our stock of luirnisliings is very comjiilete j p williamson co guelph east end clothing store sreebea3p arepleicanttdtlio coitnintsoircva pursativo la a eafo sr all cticcteil destroyer of wcrai in cliuicn or adalti r manhood how lost how restored just publishtd a riiev tiiku i weirscelebratedessnyil tl dr culver- j liauicalcnrc of sperinatoirliaa or siuiiual wiiiduicss iovol- uutary seminal jose- hniiiciuy mtntaland physical incapiicitv iuiiiejiiiu nit to marriesf etc also consumption fiic- and fits in- tlie fikual cstrats- duced by selfiniltii gance tc the celebrated mith essay clearly diiiisr successful pnietiee tin quelilcs osifaluu v u- 1 pointing oiit a mot- cfi un certain and eflletual liy inrans stitferer no uiat v init his tri may cure hiinsolf cljeaply ja-i- eallv hithis icttuic slkulmiini the ylouth and lvlviv ukui iu tin- hill isent under seil in a plain tv address on rcclipt of lour ccuis or two pests stamps addixss tho culvciwell scfical co 41 ann st sew yoj1k n v 1 1 0 efs w is admirable i tbirtv ycirs rinini coca- liiiiv enrol irc siiapift t wiiicii ever itia may eiy and radi- hands of etcrf tope to snf t volume- xi is tcbhsfi at the- frte press power pfj acton subscription ove yeah s r- thiiee1ioxths uvartalily- in advance ifi s u pur vcar will be charged tiiiudd till ail arrears are optiii of tbejimblisher advertisinq 1 jo inclie 10 inclrts o iucbes lnuli 1 ik sw00 i 3s00 i i 001 1 you do not need to buy ready-made- clothingmien you can get a good suit made to order- in the latest fashion for 1000 at j fyfes overcoatings in all the newest shades persian lamb astrachan and wool caps of all descriptions also a quantity of underfclothing at greatly reduced prices j fyfe acton will cure drreueve biliousness pi2zj dyspepsia indigestion jaundice erysipelas saltriih heartburn headache- dropsy fluttering of the heart acidity of the stomach dryness or tz y cwfi and every- svcrs of cj iom discolored iivzla jtdh stomach bov t milburn co ftionio i h casual advertisements 8 ce iirstiuscrtionand j rents pcl scqiienx insertion cash tjj reckoned iv tile space occupi scale of sblfd nonpareil j advertisements nithout xill be inserted till iorbid a niy transitory advertise a advance changes for contract advel iu uie ollice byj am on tl they vrill be left over until thf n p moo edil business biij w h lowey1i graduate of trinity i college of physicians and sua ollice and residence at ml treet acton john lawsox til ontario veterinary coli eriuary surgeon acton out bros boot and shoe store n horses examined as to soundn iveli ah calls night or day jirou terpibcasy l- l bennett ldi geolf k c ilckixiay lll r5l dentist georgeut new system of nitrous oxidl calledvitalized airjor extrai pain having been demonstif teacher in koyal college toronto patrons may depe satisfaction iu any operation visit actou every second aou of each mouth iqfsce iu jh caekique si i tist milton honc ciioyal college of dental will visit acton thursday of niiig the first of july oflicel prcscrvatiou of the natural r artilicial teethinserted ou rsi ber bases giuirantecd perfeef xitroas oxideand other ana nainless extraction of teeth- johnston ilcleal 1 i i baltstei5soicitors otail c liivatefundslo loan olll eittfivu liai e f ii jobxalox x a mowat bakhistiis soucitou mon to lod orrick days tuesday oitia matthcwstjlock m e mitchell s olicjtpr conveya ohicc iirst door rest of oilic main street milloji per cent iiiltynjallano- barrisj tohontouji geoj ofiies calmasisjbloek tl king street cast iv t alivn j siiiltox b ajeltow cakrkl hakkistnithatj odice ontario hall o cu u w daurrov nir jol eo ckovn attorliy p atents secure iiinly grist otfj twenty years 1rasicc 7 m iiemstrketj liiinssiil acet lor the tmuties- of wulliij orders let at the liim 1nrj at my iesidenc iii alv1uiiw luircle 1 10 ternis reasollabil isoimhiey to loan on tf tenos oi at the lowlt r suois of r uclinvui juilx day arciiiii oillei ieeus hoti1 hi jmuxciri susan t u ijiucetsortjt f booklundl j a georges siiuare veiiunt tkoks of all- kill lerio uials ol every dcsiriptl liiliir ueatlv aut promptly f t he ii an lan bar j milii sriieiit i an eisy have a stylish hairl an exvliaratiig sltaiopoo al ilono i and put in lutclass j an 1 childieiis hair tastily ca ie- h w0itde w h- arc in waufcof djfejj f to funvasf for the sal ol suitty slock to ilui succl ol ilic biincr s wc i oilijiuiiiirkjii aljivcinrif n the fruit iiiul uriiamtntl do not huuulc ajiplvat ol may guklph mrn- lrorittiisci jl b-vii- sjntouibyr 1 an i jiiivupitiuincta adde lnjinlny ofviie faculty is i kiiokul tuaclit t9 l nature uf ihcwork lone by by lhtmiclss of fts graitil it u i the united states ill 1 the uavaulagus oltvhjc kuj- tuiins etc udjre 1u1v lumber and l t ilm uuslirlvijltu thit he ia in- ires on luj stok a full liiil gf line nvf other kinu of lunilnrj class pine shincs a lathi qoai having purchased the cil s rimith i am preplred tij stove dial i have au hardwood ashceuir an i able prices wood and v4 mutl fire count z ofwj ktuilisiiki headoffice and ail otlnv ilis rii 1rcmiuui xotesystr fwstune cr tresideuti john tax hi afeisi