Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 29, 1887, p. 4

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thursday dkckabsrwuw n ottn0 folks v happ 3kw vrar b bm hvuk wjrvscv m a if i wish you a happy new year hovs often haw we heard it how otleii have we repeated it it has been on the tips of everyone the old year u gone poor old man in the darkness o midnight deo 31tws7 he died kh tco is erowiotc lin mack our mend gone j lose uphu trc ml hu chlijf step rroiu hi couch and let him 4u tht iundclu uicr alone i ml waiteth at the door f the ow year whose heart has not been gladdened b him and who has not en joyed some of his rich gifts sow he is ooue and we have i rushed awa our tears and welcomed the new year we exchange greetings and con- ynituiatioos and wish oar hearts as well as our hps utter i wish jou a hapro new year it is a reasonable wish for happiuess is what we are all seekiug for liiag for workig tor but such a rare recious jewel is notto be obtained b merely wish- tug it and if the year mjto be a liapu one we iuust be happ in its suoeerdve parts happ tromdaj todaj a rarepobsessiou is thre 1 after the death of abdeiwati ciliph of irdora the followiufl paper was found m his handwriting fiftj years have elapsed since shewn caliph i have possessed richer honors pleasure friends iu short anvtliingfthat roan can desire in this world i have reckoned up the days iu which 1 could sa 1 was reallx happy aud the amount to fourteen fourteen bapp das out of nearly twenty thousand with wealth pleasure honor all that men csll the mowoh tvrniui the highest good for the year to be happy it must be a thankful one ingratitude is one of the basest of crimes how many mercies iu tbe past the business cloud lifted the child bom recovery from sickuess life sweetened in a thousand yiy- life has been but a precious chain m which one golden lmk has clasped another every hour beiug a link and eery day lengthening the chain for the year to be happy it must be a watchful one each one has hisbesetment and tbe heart itself is have a beleagured city beset with enemies without and in danger of being betrayed by treacherous foes within oar passions are snares they are lious in ambush they are tigers wiwsiatixes the ndromtaya be tweet iand the illy wdi tie hardy brave ihrysauthemam beptuwtmdeodure hearts cau be youujt in spite ot gray hairs blessed are the ruissfonarietot cheerful nesa i dont huut happine do honest work and happiness wilt hut t you to the heart that uys bold upon the promises the darkest aloud has a silver lining there is never a wakeful hour that one can afford to be off his guard in his think i that sort of selfden at which is the least practiced it the denying ourselves lawfu things for the good of there the truest philotoph y ot prayer u learned in the deepttldiitreu it is then god ie everything to ut the 1 olper ottho holpleu jingles atfl jokelets half an hour with theisc ken the wit and tbcparagrapht of the day worms often destroy children but free mans worm powders destroy worms and expel them from the system be pare i ax ocm c rtmutlan a few year ago ptoot ohureu member in the wmttrnftwi of ne r york arose in an uperienoe meeting ni 1 gave a review of hit lift wjbm to cam i tq tm declare hon i thank qod that i owe no man anything a quiet man it ninoh eoraer jojtnpsd up and taid i v et little m count against you brother that you mutt have forgotten ah brother j said the speaker unctuously that debt u outlawed a good whilo ago keep ta cmmi mwsaer this injunction applied not only to the mental but the phyiioal welfare salt rheum erysipelas and all obstinate humors of the bloodare perfectly curable by bur dock blood bitters i national pills are the favorite purgative and antibilious medicine they ni mild and thorough i to remove dandruff cleanse the scalp with prof lows magic sulphur soap a delightful medicated soap for the toilet 4 vresjaeat aaaayaare who is there that is not frequently annoyed by distressinibeadaches suffer ers from sick or nervous headache will find a perfect cure in burdock blood bitters sold by all dealers in medicine a crying evil children are often fretful and ill when worms are th- cause dr lows worm syrup safely expels all onus of t gumour go brockville says i james h gilmoar wholesale grocers have used tamarac elixir for a severe cold and cough which it immediately relieed and cured t l tsarltraf alratary for more than twentyfive years has hagy aids yellow oil been sold by drug gists and it has never yet failed to give satisfaction as a household remedy for pain lameness and soreness of the flesh thethorf little ellio who is too oung to attend school enjoys the saturdays play with the older children but dre ids the saturday nights scrubbing which lie regularly re oeives one day remarked well i would just love saturday it juat hadnt auy nlglitto iti oijfav conpamo in rie r and to i ie relnl dyspepsia is dreadful disordered liver it misery indigestion n a foe to good nature the human digestive apparatus is one of the most complicated and wonderful things in existence it is easily ut out of order greasy food todgh food sloppy food bad cookery meutal worry la to hours lrregu lar habits aud many oil or things whioh ought not to behave mad e the american people a notion ot dyspept ica but greens august fit wer has doue a woudertul work in reform ug this sad busi ness and making tbe an erioan people so healthy that thoy cau ct jjy their meals and be happy bemember p jihsjpiluets witliout health but greeus aug ibt flower brings health and happiness t tbe dyspeptic ask your druggist for a wttle seventy five cents s n d wiszbtlrrx oihbistmlas4 and begs to infer m them that he has heaps o 100 t ttitejtttmsafcsisjy i tjatsafjafati t wfshet his ifrlend and oheaper than any placb in the vicinity bonanza th 25 jb per pound 7 pounjds of good japan tea wor for only 91 00 100 i l a customers a very fancy goods suitable for presents and sweeping reductions now remember the place r b jermyns great millinery a plum l4fpounjd8 of japan tea worth double the money for only 100 t bia that lurk in dark jungles thev burn as i for external and internal use in all painful the fires burn thev sweep as storms and f i they sweep as wintry winds sweep one companion may be as a whole world temping us one im pure imagination may break np the great deeps of our evil hearts one sudden flash of infernal fire may kindle our passions into a very blaze of perdition therefore it is beforehand or never i lpr the year to be happy it must be a year of work happiness is alway b m the ratio ol usefulness not long ago a man j appeared at the counter of a complaints wheezing gasping sufferers from asthma receive quick and permanent relief by using southern asthma cure sold by all drug gists or by mail on receipt of price a the riatfarm public speakers and oiugera re often troubled with sore throat and hoarseness tbe i and are liable to severe bronchial attacks bank asked hicfc might t prevented and cured by for ai received specie for bills on the i the use of hn trds pectoral balsam bank to the amount of one thousand dollars i best throit an t luug remedy in use he had kept those bills unused for twenty years had he deposited them in the bank at interest be would have received more than doable the amount so our talents lie unused wrapped op in a napkin instead of being employed in doing good what thyhandfindethtodo do it with all thy plainta might- i j j mist be a tbe extraordinary popularity of ayera cherry pectoral is the natural result of its use by intelligent people foroverforty years it has pros en itself the very best specific for voids coughst and pulmonary com- for the year to be happy it mi year of growing and abiding trust in god there is a sweet antidote to every care and anxiety and unrest t 1 business men are living under a constant strain of effort insufficient capital keen o i competition and the fear of going to the wall can they not take it a little easier tired mothers have their faces all covered with hues of care wb yj do they fret godjorgne us for our distrust land un belief in carrying burdens too heavy torus instead of casting all our care on him who creth for us lo live a single moment at a time filling it up jnth tbe best fruit of tbe noblest well doing it the secret of a happy year over anxiety will posou and destroy the happiness of the year the fear of future k lis is in itself the greatest of evils and to conjure up anxieties is to inflict unnecessary tortures upon ourselves and hke madmen destroy the real bliss of the present the invisible hand of time has swung open tbe door of a new tear yet can ne hve only a moment at a tit ie the most precious gift that heaven sends us is tune yet it u doled oat by tbe moment but it gives a11 that a man oughl ever to ak an opportunity and there is no achievement iliat ne may not sea re if we kucrw the value of the moment anc put our- ifcelkesmto it give me health today saybikmerbou and i will make tbe pomp tvan iaaia that pure blood is tbe life nourishment of the body and means perfect health no one can deny clear w the blood from all impurities with b i u the best blood purifier known ifttalaalteb if there was onlr one bottle of hag- would writes yards yellow oil tb manitoba i give one hundred dollars for it philip h rant ofjhonteitb manitoba after having used it for a sevare wound and for frozen fingers with as he says as tonishing good results j be tr hurtf dont allow a coldliu tbe head to slowly and surely run into catarrh when you can be cured for ic ty using dr chaseb catarrh cure a fei applications cure in- bttaa4larartu the hafterlac browns household panacea has no qua for relieving pain both internal and xternul it cures pain in the side back or bowels sore throat rheuniavsm toothache lumbago and any kiud of a pain or ache it will mostsurely quick en the blond aud ileal as its acting power is wonderful browua household pan acea being acknowledged as the great pain reliever aud of double the strength of auy other elixir or liniment in the world should be in ccr family handy for use when wanted as it really is the best rernly in tbe world m cramps in the stomach aud pains and jches of all kinds and is fur sale by all nruf gists at 25 cents a bottle tualfclbk iter it ib the duty of every person who has used botcluta german syrup to let its won- detful qualities be known to their friends in cunng consumption severe coughs croup asthma pneumonia and in fact all throat and luug diseases no person can use it withpnt immediate relief three dosed will relieve any case and we consider it the duty of all druggists to recommend ittothe poor dying cous iinptive at least to try one bottle as 000 dozeu bottles were sold last year and i o one case where fairly was reported suth a medicine as the gtrman syrup cannot be too widely known askyourdruggistlabout it sample bottles to try sold at ten cctits ltegolar fixe 5 cents sold by ill druggists and dealers in the united stitea aud canada anvictto motiieus i rt you disturbed at night and broken tof c or rest by a sick child suffering and crym with pain of cut ting teeth if so snd it once and get a bottle of mrs window s soothing syrup for children teething ts value is incal culable it will relieve t ie poor little snf- erer immediately depi nd upon it moth ers j there is no mistake ibout it it cures dysentery and diarrhea regulates the stomach and bowels cures wind colic softens the gums reduces inflammation and gives tone and ennrgy to tbe whole system mrs winslows soothing sy rup for children teething is pleasant to the taste and is the prescription of one of tbe oldest and best female physicians and nurses in the united stakes and is for sale by all druggist throughout tbo world price twentyfive cents a bottle be sure and ask fdr mbs wvslowb sootuino siacr and take no other kind boom in and dry goods house acton clothing jiwu prices 200 overcoats at 300 suits to be given away at your t f prices that yill astoikish you we are going to make altera tions in our store and the stock must be cleared out having engaged a first- class cutter we are in a positiop to turn out ordered clothing equal to any in the dopaipion bjring on youp cloth and have it cut or railway timfi t grand trunk ooixo girt hlxwl 7 kxprciu am ibxpifssi pa majl 50 ui j thro ex aq fxpresvi ii thro pt through exp0 00 d m mall jl3 accoui 9 51pm mixed chicago express dociuotttopbetwe ndilrauiptoii time ovclosixo jtlllg odlng west0 lis am and s 20 tun t polng east 10 10 am and520uiib p0wdi pure8t strohce8t contains no aluw ammonia lime ph6sp of any injurious rajteriilt e w giluett t0 gisf of ttecsukhtessctaltu w the wa lam 50 candle powb m wanzer co uaai hamiltan ont made up prices low kelly brotbik1w r the bazab ihristmas 1hksknts uiv aruu lutli usft mul oiuoiuum 1 toi umiiuroiib to uiintioiisuitalik for iiiqk urimuu at priri that difv jwiuihititiup ud ht lould lx iiuir for linstim prent fur vour nifi thaua iomu i 11111 ulnilm nsw raymond setfxatcf machine 1 l t tbt laar is nliruftuii will hlid ihun 8p jcial nluctiuus iu prlti fur lli cjbribtlui tradt ijt ourordurt arl v r webbee giuetts 99 perc acto 5 4 kelly brothers glasgow ilouse f vactodsn sipient catarrh 1 to cats rrb 2 to 0 botai is guaranteed to cure chronic catarrh try it ouly 25c and sun cure i boxescures ordinary reader has it blasted hat ill must be gilbert laird sjt1 margarets hope oikiej scotland writes 1 am request ed ty seeral friends to order another parcel of i r thomas eclectnc oil the last lot i go from yoii having been tested in several coses of rheumatism has given relief when doctors medicines bate failed to hae auy effect tbe eicelleut qualities of this medicine should be made kuown that the millions of sufferers throughout the world ma benefit by its providential dis cover of emperors ndiculouf tnhat ukstbe pait year been to ou been one of wasted opportunities hopes or ruined prospects w 18te be tooou here ever man his own biographer shall ou b better wiser and so liappier look forward fonder is a grave are v ou hastening to j j and j uave ried many remedies bnt never found an article that has done what torontos wellknown good bamar- tan sajs- i have been troubled with dyspepsia and liver complaint for over it yet niav the present afford time for repentance nevv resolves and a long btep j forward in tie div me life i wish vouahappv new ear whdlst0x 411 christians nbo have passed through deep waters testify to the sustaining power of verses of feenpture and hymns at such times this is no superstition we know that our ever present god does speak to us by the mouth of his evangels inspired or uninspired and if we are wise store oar minds with these comforting strengthening sustaining words in a cor ner of an old newspaper i once found two verses of whitters- i know not where his lslandii lilt their fronded paloib in air 1 only know i cannot drift beyond his love and care and so beside tbe silent sea i vv ait the mnffled oar r no harm from him can come o me oo ocean or on snore f half unconsciously committed them to memory j and tbe day came wb m their repitition a hundred times over kept me quiet and at rest in the ajjulst ol danger that bad otherwise unnerved me it dismays me to think hoiv many hours of my life have gone into tat ping on the window pane to amuse baby said the mother of a nurseryf ul bomelhii g might be sard- in defence of iunusing bal y as no honorable employment pr many a verse and hymn might bl brought to enrich that mother memory while the tapping weut ou j select a h tafcesuke wimire thonsaods of voluntary complidents reootnmtoadaes are pouring in from all favrta wclfkutit imperial crean tartor balungiow4siiuuhbeuthaa ly other allgrooewdlft bs- me as much good as northrop d lymans egetable diecovery and dspeptic cure cunie portkn the japause who when asked what he was born for replied to eat rice aud grumble gave an answer which with slight variation might be adopted by many who are not japanese the t romc fault btider may be a good we will sort but through life may be trace i by a block line of discourses- ment of others and failure in his own work haril and soft corns cannot withstand hoi onuys corn cure it is effectual every tim get a bottle at once and be happy nwashinetohmdlrcps kmiuent throat and lung surgeon will next visit acton dominion hotel thursday 29th december one day only cvtuthh thkoat clkkd a fen of the hundreds vil o hare been succib- fullv treated by dr waanii gtons new method lire jno sickchj hini ton ont catarrh and consumption john mckelhingbtou out i catarrh king iton ont broncho ont catarrh head lira a hopping consumption mr e scott kingiton and throat mrs juo betramharron iinlth out catarrh throat james ustthefft p mastir acton tarrab bead and throat froncio berlin ont throat miss nellie ebybertiu c ut enlarged touair- f wing 1 ji corunna ont catarrh head henry fieott berlin out catarrh ont ca- r1 head and asthma baace if vie were allowi and tee tbe fatal con neglwted cold how com se be could we spet jily we would many it is only whe has fastened its fan we awaken to oar fi neglected cold is i throat and lungs bi sumption and many nature it is worse i velar to look into the future uence that follow a liffdtrently would our llze oar danger how ik a cure jj hut with tbe monster disease upon oar lungs that y what follows a not diseases of the ichitis asthma con- her diseases of like than madness to ne glect a cold and it lis folly not to have rat how some good remedy available for this fre- ve been quent complaint one of the most efficac ious madicinea for all diseases of the throat and lungs is bickus antufonsnroptive syrup this medicine ia composed of several medicinal herba which exert a most wonderful influence in caring con sumption and other diseases of the longs aod cheat uwwiftfn6tn6uftxf pectomtkm tooth irritttfpp ajud drives hit djieaw ttom tfteayttep iry mrs v wagner near berlin ont catarrh head and throat levi kercher st jacob a ont catarrh head and throat colin campbell ft edward ont asthma james btacey dutton ont catarrh wm shoemaker rodney ont catarrh joseph smiley fort gratiot v s catarrh bad form w h store esq of storey 4c bob glove manufacturers acton ont tbe only throat and buns eu miss mary a bombouig catarrh head and throat mrs godfrey lebneu sumption titus solder bloomfield and throat dr washington is i lurgeon in canada ceutervue lont 1 jacobs opt con ont catarrh head h ac yards yellow oil cdrej r h r m r i s fvi ibjceblut8 wohmoders ars pleasant totaia contain thdrowa fursatita it pefo t ro and etteetmj lamr uimrecor adote mmimmmkmkwnul 11 la head kelly bros advertisement some thing to interest everyone scotcltkdglisn tod canadian saitiog j greu variety ft 3 v fes ackro purest stw0nqe8t j bes4yrvrwmlkiiaatil snaklar soap softening wat betiaaaad aknndred her uses eaaeqaalssopouihlasalsoda j bold hf all drawn and vrugsuu wtxixtt toronto 25 85 25 35 s5 christmas cares christmas carde christmas cards prefceuts presents wishes it 5 many friends a sd patbons a a happy new year presents j waters broth tprs i 1hk llctlhkoalllljli 26 wyndham street guelh i -aho- v ami at flit mm tw mwm reat cleariujr ale of dress goods llantle goods ulstenngs arriets hosiery tweeds flan els readymardes i overcoats unperclothing blankets hatk caps purs and millinery james stirton lds djntiet toyells block opposite post office flierjft vitalized air ffai n less extraction cf teeth artificial teeth guaranteed perfect in aniici r ance fit aud use pjpp gold work a apeciali all operations atrictl y nrjlclaw appointments made hj letter turners in the va ol prnth cases below cost i will cure or relieve biliousness dyspepsia indigestion jaundice erysipelas salt rheuin heartburn headache dizziness oropsy fluttering the stomach dryness of the skin and every species ot di a irom disordered liver kidneys stomacb bowels or blood proprietors toronto tffilbttitnco o o- ss r o clnmnev ko jlobc xo smoke positively non liplotivc ever geb cd burns any grade of coal ou everylainp guaranteed vithonti with the light can put on nnrtery i heat water boil eggs make tea and c stew etc l g matthews sole aoevtjol vcton innvicc kot a smrxc powder or irritatkgliqaldj 60 cu and 100 it notpbtiinabltatjaa j gists scut prepaid on receipt of price idi fulpor0 gq ihwwhw maishoo hpw lost how r jnst jiubhihtt u rrew edition of 1 wells celebrated essay ou the 1 of spcrnatorrhua or incapacity i excess or eurh in discretion the celebrated author in tins essay clearly demonstrates from tt successful practice that the oirpdfifici qneilces of earlyirror maj toe radically r pointing out a mode of cure at opt certain aud effectual b mcana of vh eh sufferer no matter nhat bis condition ma cure himself cheapu privately and cally rv this kcturc shoulu hem thehani ipfi youth aud every man ju the land- sent nnder seal in a plain euvelep it address on receipt of four cents or tip stamps address the oulvezwell ii ann 61 sek 10kk v 1 el may islam d our stoclt must be reduced by at least 500000 during the next four ueeks ami to do tins we wi ofter every ipfucgmpuf p bus eeritliui lias been ninrked dou ery low iu some 0- new arrivals yre are blqvrnit touie nice uootli foi ile nms trate lntjuding novelties ot all kinds and a me assortment of wool tiuod and purs of all ii4a yeiy cieftb f a choice stpck of resli groceries always on huud remember our s japan tea at 7 pounds fo il 00 also our hay uty soup two bars for 5c or 10 for one dollar remember our we agmn mk1i jou many h tippy rttur is of tjie sunson i tbd great sale of blankets mantis ulsters at the right house amous 50c tea henderson melae co aton pei at line of for 25c vv home stock peru freacj sn ten a drhodders- burdock compound iit dysfi eidaey rheu skin i i jidalli hfthel i vhatev female weakness and generalfl purely vegetable highly oonob pleasant effectual safe askfptf dr hodders comi tain no other jold cvirj r here cents jer bottk dr hoddurl cough and lung gt sold e crn here price 13 ceits an per bottle proprietors and uiaau the unioh medici proprietors toronto i dance in ta w supe mease colors other lot of nice htripcd uress goodt down from 10 to 7jo cheap jastseeit and you will feel it your interest to buy from the little boy to the largest man consisting of collars ties haudkerouiafi8omfsqwi etpi jl trf eaio value table and piano cover in charming sjtylea and all useful giaes baldwma and other iqarns at liedqood prices q 3 sw siwl maatlo cloths etc launels velveu nice extra im- pwn lrpm83 to 15c an- 600000 solo- db chasb is too well and favor by bis receipt books torequiro any i da chasts liver cure ins a j wsapped arotfnd cery botuowhiebj weight in gold db chabks liver cure is guaranfc all diseabes arising jerom a torpid f liver buch as jhlrrr jouipln nlb iddlgeadon blliodne johiw che lavir spau hallow 1 oam db chasss tivervirre fsnoeji simply a kidne liverltcrutator 1 dicine aud llecelpt book 1- boldl cists sola agents w

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