Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 12, 1888, p. 3

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i oar i vxtk53 lemls 3iiqer r ana i v coaej uinarv y tetcttr vor tat- gi tsjj iwf jss t 5 iu sat es- v u i -l-t-iij- j u4r i p 5- or 1 w v1 3i 3 recur s 3s 0 elete iatilif r rral jf -a- ivtfc l5voui m srectale tali t prom geo hynds acton we carry the largest stock of spectacles see our prices swjv at- 10c 20c 25e 30rj 40e ate 7fe 100 125 t0l75- 200s25 8250 25 300 erpar have votv broken your spex bring tbcm to geo ilyiids c can fix them up for yojit ns itiwd as the only lltlaco iu aeton wiicsxn yoii dan get ir spectacles repaired our pebble s pox are the truest best ami cheapest we are sole- ngen t8 for the celebrated boss po1blb spectacie a call will convince von that we carry the lafgest stock- i acton llemembcfour stock ot spectacles geo ii vxds i w mm oleanlns which ais momly pf n local ohraotor andauinterbstlna ftisdangemtigplay boys last thttmlnylohiriio mclun bovoh- yeorom son of moruitkluck eniitli when in tlm act of a sloitfh roiuk tlovi mun dier to jewelry fancy goods sjchool b stauonery all kinds of watches clocks and jewelry repaired j 1 the methodist chuijch acton j rev r phillips pasfor rarsmapc kower avenue ic- nioif 10v n aiki gvi ou sndy tiodlis wlii ciafsconlnctojbyjtbo 1isot auvtvliallyiutitvd i at- sttjifpors sna visitors always wclcoiac snlivcustltss tiicuiv s k ktrf5 crx- ilcstrcl ayily lohtmocro xttt sc tri tlivrsray unv ary 1 im yixsy minor locats coated by lie ever thoughuul and alert free jfress reporters i s gcnuxe january weather tuyuc wauls to te a town iojs rvrcucil on monday i ew ccuucii vil be orijauized the c me thi vir in msjuicijal monday the icl stinc of zr 7ilibijcd vt t tarcil will be acton ursdav division nvj5 of the creditors of mr ivv vi u livid this afternoon snd mrs ikson cf guepb will s a icis on salurdav and atchitg on st root rlipped and fell vtiider thctunuer passing ovcivhi kneo no bones weiv broken but tlnirlfc has a badly bruised knee suicide through ate t the oraiikevillvtrcvisvrannouiiccsthe suicideot a young lady named lldlvaid who lived with licrpaixuts uuttwoiullcs from alton village miss hillyard was to have been married on wodtusdnv to a yomik man from mono but the prospective rrooki did not come she took laudanum and died before medical attendance arrived a live nowspstpcr tho kincardine a n has been enlarged treacd to v tcv dress and is now priiited on a new press the hivhw is s li local paper up to the limes in evorytniiu which would interest its reailcrs and enjoys a remarkably healthy navoiinse its pro prietor milosiuig is a pracucalijows paper man of long experience and is buind to make the r- j representative journal and a profitabkninyenem marvellous egciju olitriday vun tilt mr alexi rowman of trafalgar auennpled to drive his sloigh acroisthei v ii track on ilu- rr line al out mile west of milton iut was ism into by airtam bound freight tiaii jbe sleigh was smashed int biiidlinu wood but though mr 3owman was in il whth it was struck ho escaped with a few tritlin bruises he was thrown clear oftho track as were also huhoi sss one of which was badly cut a treaty stovk alt who enjoy a tie- wiubegladtokani th the hoot lilsck crate will deliver twfc lv arei uosday and t january hi fro ia lovii nearly a thousand times will 01 wednesday i en tiiur and misses a 1- y v r will be pkst lite i a ier ail and particularly lev the li exhibition cuoixorlh wsr tkccaliatiu h tion car eouiimi eliii ducts of maniiha lia vu lories an jtir heg t l- a- r ers0al ment ludkmm ii oiidcm in visit ki acton tw glen lrtragranlrs kepehliic ylatlon to aetuu willi wlimii free press aw mmv or iiosil aripanliitci mij vmshy of jirl friends hut week mr ucovvcook ijas removed wilhanis for the winter mr waiur lratt of toronto hi si8tcr mra g lhrown thisjvvcek miss armstrong of toronto h is been a guejl at the residencuof mr jk jltoarviii mrs mcciuley of tottonlulm tho guest of mr thomas speigh tho past week misscb alice henderson uudkdi lb storey ldt oh saturday to resuiuo their 4 auna college st thomas visistcd lias been uulics at miss lena llorland who has bteii visit ing jvicnds in aylmcr during rcuined to her duties in the tho imbljio school on monday miss cassie mclhail of mai miss 1 corrigan of nelson charge of the iecond and third de of the public school on montf-y- mr a k slater who bus xih mr j a mowats law oflico for yerr or soj left this week forlioine mr sailer is a yoiriig man much res pcted by our cilhieus who join in willing eucess mr harry iowa is now visiting friends hrl a ill acton the year jiibt closed a very prosperous one with ha many friends are pleated at h genial presence amongst tlfenvikr mr lolin v kimiawtii wh illar and ttshumod urtments largo of tho past him be he boird of euu- ed iit moudav j iiiip of ilatojj-agrictil- wi he hja on wedaasdav i i irsalay ltiiious which iv i acton jatll jectiuga in the baptist hth wero continued last week and are t ftrectsviile irt- estimatej the- i- dilcaucn of j g owen the abscond- ri5yiij hiivj man at iroiii 55ji tv cv ilie c reiinhition car will be at irci alrai day next wednesday i eiery ore shenrd spe its contents of moni- tcjaaitxcriitivest products i tz- aaiui1 mestinj of the halton re- r aiion wiil bs held in leons hiii- moi en saturday janaiqr 14th it 2 ra ai liberals injfited j i jar tient 3irs dougherty l njittetbrceycsroid scott act 6nb ubder viia ii is srrcstca ind irnpris4etd tr -i- bcui reicassd iathi t i tiviiin ititchic soa 3 jatnearitchie jz j m o utatheria on san- y i jiid this xornicr he was ciaei v t j e yvit c aje sb a a promsibr youtig r ill eg rliik bas betuopeeed and gvceraiiy patronized 3iessrs s tii inanagcn arc eiidcavpr- everything agreeable ifor the next lsn in fivn ant j tracts the out the iktnii scctili ive e v aatoric7 to e of the nvii wv the ai-est-r- tiic otiteers ei w 1 o 1 wer cjones s i c it ii c i v d lecture ciarke ion ihig en yvd- id ith to and cn deiveree u jpulirity store fer c suets iymonilsii of le ismoines imtliouso lias been rry his vins his in for tho past iive years has occupied tin position of assitant in mcgnrvins dr ig btore with great ucecptsnee to employe and cus lonier- has been engaged as book keeper itf theollieeof mksrs yt- store yi son the position occiipied by mr wall s loroy who intit making the numufacturii g depart nent of the bjisiuessa personal sttdy kanuawin has been succeeded by tjf ikri fsimcoe a yonng in l etie lies mr mr proc- 1 of very saui audresstviiiqconsidcrabl o experi- in both the drug and telephone busi iivsovs cjhtnrits ait arerfollbwin vinnii covrtponli mlhodist people il the special scrvji- veelvs aio by holding tu eeh veet cottage pri vcrmeot rre hy eiingsrfw eiis ifidji rally in t ntnvday evenings jflic the ivadeiiiu oi local ui vht rf the minis univrstant eiso ha the iver i the liriek church c the ii- of thvir tjecial i h b p re tr-a- f rlkiht chnpr- s v 7 1 v- s biv j it irvl the work cstmpliiicd by looked uii a ie- ve-ai- jcittigj prayer me avtel at jhe ltap e the snti bebtre so itrge that hvl in thc citurchi etrbvtei ihajtf hingfor tue ne do wodd be to ass i ettn iretn iian htci nay be going tl ivd on dun vacation 12 ssirfl 12 d j a terrific slaughter5ng of dry goods 4 carpets boots fe slioes etc -at- l up loscd a o prayer uhat the lie qliurch iirsl are lent the iterest lb inmimity meetings tings in- ail inect- hcy now another i v touncil a bylaw yg on to ough the at z unjitcrs ia iarmtis iii e he younjitcrs arp io their limbs and ng an exceeding annoyance tliers however if parents nd would would bo knew their duty o fkill action r 1 the lie bevliiustili bros- lov with tiieust iiimir i v i j s wv ni- 31 111 vae i t a o i i a song strie yill be held i m tiiia itoit citarch itvst sunday evcairg xl s jcatidlg the oe het rck igj vtii u rem em nerval by those a sertcs of evangelistic meitiqgs were ccr-i- ti ia krox church gn monday 5ifg li etli coitintie for two weeks i- b titrih i of ibckvood is assisting s i- i d- d ef c- etiry i vvi in a guelph to t miserable atteinj v d lsys him at the rtttit of his teiiipcrance iftnner on to take n ice and irb a ierrilte r m iiicllh council fo v i be 1 k ir has just eutercd h tiionltiry third jir of publicatioii c- veli ceduetediocal newspaper jtarrf is accorded liberal e- reijlu of thorcbnrv jp an 3 an tirhrl made last wwnesday gn o sare j v kngie nuui galla- l fr hii viohtioi of ibe- scott act io ihajt aadaliaiesji counties lie evaded lu teilrsiii will likely pay thb iiy y ee csthein fine days j ti mondiy darjghtfcr of liit- a g tavt of trifaijjar wtile tobogganing nil vac of her brothers vaii ujuet and bad jko ierrna ljoken the jsatne arrii i ijiie sjie tin ago and it yvas only inatmibs iiravcn regained its nse i ihuljil nitetiug of the usqucsing agrattiral svuety will be held tbday tit icwkp in in the town hail george- toi for the purpose of electing directors er tje casineg year and such other busi- li may properly come beifore the tin j is lsipycar and ilie detroit aviril w mri to ptibliihiii a list of the eligi ije bachelors of that city with their re- wrd and prospects it h a peculiar stroke awrpriteliiid liome of our- local bache- and married men too can ljok back li interest lo the enterprise diayed in iitre dirtmrni by the snbedir of the s a couple of years ago when itlitor-in- chief wa absent j i hoftcwool xkws i jao ri- a tc- jiif i at thecotioi i calleut repa- -vu- pe minion hotel- s u idan do f i r on fndayniiing mr of the 5th hue died very suddetily ile inornitg ietreity a brtaa- after then conifdaired cf wcrt out i ill family wen a at f tbtrground in a was reniovj into a aid sent fo hi tl lie had bilh h- spoke- a for wore- a thought to l- tt deutii he ha- licyl in having rnejvei the r of which tovnhe v licst settlers lie ti much regretted 7 jlatiug liottse r entertainment a- t- tlffj placing th ijli e inspection an the dr deserves denunciations of to its iu the writip to sngeet tho adopti aeton it would le objection mncie seott act vix that io irolision for ii oi pub bsst family in ewspaper in canada kiuhubol isyoarg a grand sfecial holiday sile a christmas 1887 a perfect panorama of a rvc tionstbii week at no 27 joyfc tjfo thousands who share in the bargains that are going i the great esterraintwi sale ef dress goods continues fresh piles have been added to the sacrifice hundrels of pieces of french all wool dress good rand colored cashmeres ac ranging in price from 45 to 75c per yard are going o it at v m fper yard dont whine i ibont oc dar timeb tne lea suf fers this toi yon getthe benefit c me tweed8lre going at a saciifice so arethe fini r class of suitings be p the goodb leave your measure get then cut for nothing arifl save money in the t rans- actiou everything in the way of liens and boys clothing cheap overcoat s our own make well pnttogether warrant id to vear bargains waiting for you co ne w a philips 001tpawt and i-brtu- br amptom ontario king of weeklies 1 the free press london osi j the handsomest printed paper m canada tho airriculturnl dcoutueut to a noted oatiiro of tho kioo lres8 iwlng always up to tho times niulcouiluctoil by ncrnons prac- tically hkillod in farmlwork illustrations practical and useful g each week allthenewslifm full lty tclekrniih toloplione mall and corres- poilticuee up to tho hour of publication slkjeial market dopartnitut agricultural de partment capital 8tory always humiiug ingenious futile column huni- oruus itciuliiir jost the thino fort kvorv member of tho household eogurly looks for it each week f paper in t made to vlayoralty prominent movement the right btivc part initios of lictmeut fusing to iiiiiting the i of public permitted ise places 1 oversight fcr 4rong it of this il of such remove a by many the scott large 100 paper in clubs of four auil upwards 75c os-eh- 12000 in premium given away free to agents mos liberal inducements over offered in canada itvirytbiur usoful valuallonnilorulilentl 5 agents wantjfd evbryyrhre tho most popular 4ior to work foii moro liioiicv call be miulu worklrec for the yvx press than at any other employment addressfree press london ontario james stibton iids dkntist toucivs block opposite poitofficej guelph vitalized air glasgow house aoton wishes its manyifriends and patrons prosp itt r during i88 e tin i pai n less extraction of teeth artificial tooth guaranteed perfect in appear ance lit and usb fiue gold work a specialty all operations strictly firstclass appointments made by letter inventionterrifs the last half century not least among tho won ders of inveutivoiirobrcisi a method aud sys tem of work that can bo performed all over the country without senaraung tho wprkom from their homesi pay liberal any ono can do the work either sejt young or old no special ability required capital not needed you aro started free cut this out and return to as and we will send von free something of great valuo and im portance to you that 111 urt you in business which will bring you in more money right away than anything else in tbo world qrand outfit free aildrebs tuck co augusta maine co nniodation the croois licenso nassaoawkya xiwt eng 11 restih a u i fi- orc g jhhou etr long ikiiter sdventv- lf correpiijetit 1 oi 6 purbar and neil strochan who have bytti ftonfmed to bed for some time through diness arc abler to be around again i cry iaitwesting evangelistic sorvices in hich ai deabrninationsare welcomed are ihth tinitrance hill- under iiyspis- of the friends of thin neigh- th borhool f af the last regular m death of two old pri this week vo o the ire county have iin tahe home- oiij saturday mr of georgetown died as tin two years- ilu setlee georgetceln iii 1 bcku a resident mr uarbtr has been a rwcllknowii character of the ilece his funeral on mmday waa one of the largest everisccn there ok tuesday the rcinajir- oi r james youfig of cornwall a former reiidoat of the county were interred a geoigetovn mr yoeing was a member of thjr iirjt municipal council of tho townehio ofks- iiuesing ill lril ile wa ijeeie of uio township forsim yrs from lji to 15t5 villi the family in litis over tiiice inclusive an 1 was warden cf i the county home for kingston able ser- iii nieetingof the ypa c he presbyterian church mr b a wunsey of nasiagaweya was elected pre- sident in place 0 w riinclail who re- aigued danic1 strachan who has been holidays from queens college relieved his father by preaching sermons iu the presbyterian church last sunday morning and evening george burtoiiqijmd mttn jk sixty years of age and husken 8am stoiiiihed the tiatives of kden mills on mo iday night b cuttiu with a crosscat saw a cord of ardwood m thirty twojnuintcs george open for engagement by t day or contract as et agreement bwood jw lofi j88u in 1h33 mr yomig ovncdlli it portion of acton at present known a yotngs survey including the lands now ocuiijdcd by the- gtll depbt and switches ioungstreil runungfrom mill to q teen was named after him when residing in georgetown mr young was u firain and general mer chant and was well known- to many- ell residents of this section j a xkw ily ryilk the nations of the earth number one more 1 the seven hundred peoplo of counani have declared themselves an in dependent republic couiiani is between brazil and british uiana it is a mighty territory for the tiy population being 21- 000 miles in extent with a coast line of 187 mihu while the potential resoeco8pf ithis infarit cominuntty are maguificenl i wil and ilio mineral as well asyegiijble riches of the country chritliaii cvmmynchafth k y do not forgot when you intend purchasing r- first clas organ or pianq to go to 7 c mclean of ibp guelph ttinple of altisiu he n no agent but buyjhis goods vn large junntilics at rock bottom figure and onj tho high est grades aro handled i r iwi evmuialeut v- ijarber who is attending the hoitlrrcrt paid hi i friends a visit this week and retur led to his on wednesday ltli iust munictpal election here bst monday 1 in n return oi the coun ail of 18s0 jtjivo jas menzies pi clamatiou my lbeve i wiitejibau ae clamation lejiiors d aiarshau 3i non ish and d eheoti the iiltiiville skating rin has been ioitne end is well patroijztd it will he kepi ei during the senttc i from the taur of seven to ten every tuchday thurs day and saturday evenings tho order a id harmony which prevail aie no doubt dee to the- gentlemanly and obliging de- meaimof the iianagers vlesr3 camp bell bros the sntial held in the gomyirph mctho- diit cluiridi last monday cvcusng was a derided success- ilcv it w williams kctme on tim bottle of all lorts was iiiterluided with numerous wit y anecdotec ami contained many maxims v orth of con bidoration with the cxcepuon of mr williams who is from waterlo j and miss glrgt of aberfoyle the progra n was rend ered by local talent the rev w s motuvish cf st georgo with his wile lias been spli ding a fow days amongst their nassagaw iya friends- ho is a young rnun of great i bihties and jnumises to become one of the most useful andinllucitiii iniliisttrs of the day as wo predicted last wcckpir das mc- tavish knatchbull was oil wednesday 1th insl married to miss nctlio mclaren daughter oi llx mclhren jlbrk of tho toviishiiof jho ce emouy was performed by the rev mr mclhtyre of huiiimlisvillo the pr seuts wore otty costly and useful but us we read hills were too numercus to men- linn after the customary ci jrattilatious and epicurean meal were ilisjieneed with the newlywedded pairloft on the ovening train for a trip to marlette m chigau there was a successful entertainment held in tho methodist ennroh corwhin on friday evening 0th iiist mr dbarbaree occupied tiio chair short ad losses wero given by tho chairman rev jlessrs birks and shaw and others a con ie of excel lent recitations were render in b more excellent manner by two nnat exceuenfc reciters the musical part ol the program was supplied by tho wright ind fletcher families and the misses easte rbrook the proceedings of tho evening yft re varied by beautiful and interesting scioptio views ex hibit d by mr d v milne no odmission fee was charged but ft sil er collsctioii amoniitiiig to 5k was taken i ip instead nit gfst natbagawoyft jan 7tl ldj8 pre on i btritt v rewarded aro those who jut jl kj jll ju x read this and then act they leill find honorablo employment that will hot tkd them from their homes and families tbo profits arc largo aud suro for ever industrious person uinpy havo made aud aro now makjuig several huudred dollars a month it is easy for any ono to make 5 and upwards per day who ia willing to work either ex yqmig or old capitai not uoeded we start you everything newt no special ability required you reader can do it as well as any one write to usatouco for full particulars which wo mall free addross stinson co portland maine and at the same time announces a jreat clearina sale o 4 v t 4 n dress goods mantle goods ihsterings carpets v hosiery tweeds flannels readymads overcoats underclothing blankets hats caps furs and millinery oto- our stock must- be reduced by at least f f during tho next four weeks and to do this- we will qffer every inducement to cm ibmers in the way of prices everything has been marked down very low iu som cases below cost -o- new arrivals burdock klood will cure or relieve biliousness dizziness dyspepsia dropsy indigestion fluhering jaundice of the heart erysiplasj acidity of salt rheua the stomach heartburn dryness headache of the skin and overy species of di a siom disordarod zjv kwneys stomacs bowels or blood t hilbuiin co we ore showing some nice goods for the xmas trade including novelties of all kinc i and a fine assortment of wool goods and furs of all kinds very cheap a choice stock of fresh groceries always on hand remember our special line t japan tea at 5 pounds for 8100ybiso our bay city soap two bars for 5c 10 for 25c or 40 for one dollar remember our famous 50c tea we again wish yon many happy returns of the season i- hendefcson mcrae co actow i i ztopriotorst tokohw bb begs to inform his friends and customers that he has heaps of goodi 1 00 7 pounds e b jormyas x v bit cheaper than any place in the vicinity bonanza r of good japan tea worth 25c per pound lor only ioo a plum tt i l4 pounds of japan tea worth doufefe me rij pnpvr 4 for onlyl00j x n a crash in our lice curtain d part- nient a notion perhaps a little 1 asty but a notion carried into effect a little pile of about go pairs nottingham lace cur- taias ione of which were less tlian s700 per pair and some 1650 you ciin f ve if jou come quickat 8250 perpair cbine real irish table linens nap kins to match charming goods grei tbig towels for a very small price sideward covers fringed tinsel chair scarfs iasno covers raw silk table covers and scores f other pretty thing in this department worthy of your sispectioncomei a carnival in handkerch lees nice little pictures for the children 0 fcr 6c nice fancy hemmed borders 2 f r5e real nic fancy cambric and hems titcb 5 8 lq 15 18 20 and 25c hei es a all liuen handkerchief hemmed with nice woven border 4 for 25c 3 for 2ic 2 for 25cund areal fine white irish jawn at 10c each beautiful lawn hem ititch with border inch and i inch widei t 18 20 25 30 35 and 40c each a wont ibout our silk handkerchiefs plain jsp inese fancy brocades lyons silks hundreds of them from 25c to 500 each we think the cheapestgoods you have ever seen i jome fmssgkf l r v 3 we thoioght we had too imanj fancy knitted woolens such as e oney comb slmntls fancy squares fascii ators liow pretty the girls look in them no der they are calloday that name i oods g out willfa bound and no wonder didanyone lovely price ever dream such charming tints and txtureg could be produced at the lov- e offer them come our space has given out and we h ive so much more to tell you about but- we sell too cheap to buy more space only i word more still about 50 of thoso bplend id st ting german mantles and dolmans astrachau jackets come and see tie rest noted for choice goodsl no crec it e r bpllert 27i lower wyndhamisij j giteifpont iteiphose in ofhc fanct a- i stationery to -at- also a t n mccarvins 000 newdst styles very qtjead consisting ip- 1 ii toilet cases dressing cses jewel and odor qass in plush writing desks work boxes scrap and auto al bums in piu sft andlesither photo albums latest designs hand mirrors whisks and whisk holders toilet bottles fov covurjng shaving cases and w jjgs magic lanterns dolls in china kid and rubber ans trumpeta mouth or -opo- biblesbotli oxford biigster hair brushes and perfui nes boys and girls own annqal band of ftpe british workman pic tare books c p- everything worth haying will be 2 a found at remember the place crjeait uulineijr and dry 6oods souk actoa v ltfijeif mcgarvlns drrig arid stationery store agtbkni i- lies vretfcsfsba iuv j3

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