Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 19, 1888, p. 2

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iipff0 mrisd lkirrox rattriwovvat iketon on it insl by itcv mr fioduoll ivv lv eutorxvorlit roills nuii pauiiwii al iitnraos fbkr at itroiun on txf mhlaby 4 albert s stiiiwu imrirtw to miss mil prwcn dunxilter of alex tvt nj km n 1 nmn john moon- umpliouw wi of ron tua ujf ivkb vbkn at ilx- lllcnoovt lh lrihe ttatber on tho 1mb lmir in ecv d lilair i mr sumi arcr of tucvemuitlito mtr4endic 4tatt daughter of lit davtt wren of x- picya ulo on died otjslbr at sivviiilc the th january jn conlcv postmaster othwyert 4- 1 he jlcton m fass thursday jaxtaky l tj xotksaxufvmmkxlx a proposition has been made to spiid one mtllioh dollars en the canals iu the state oi new york the growjlh of tndo in the direction cf the canadian wfter ways is br ginningto alai m cur amuri n cousins the an ti- scott act party have got don- trot of the orangeulle council and lnve refused the temperance ptoplc- the ust of the town hall for public meeting it will be jast like the fanatics to take to the churches im thcpubhc will bo more than surprised to learn that the excess of issue of bunk bills bv the central bank above the amoiut allowed by law is over a quarter of a mill ion dollars thordcpositors will probably h ive to content themselves with- forty or ffty cents on the dollar although it has been officially aunouued that the dominion parliament will ncet for the despatch oi business on the 23 ri of february it is possible that a further post ponement may be ordered owiugu ih ticipated dirftculty in reaching a settlem nt of the fisheries dispute i j the amount collected in flues- at j police court in teterroro during 1ss7 over 9000 over scik of this sum as forxviolatious of the scott act the fi ies paid in by the hotelkeepera averagug about 500 each one saloonkeeper ccra- plains he has paid over slioo halton dominion mw mr imvlil ncfttlerwm aftrttutlic jiiisrlvktlsv xomluee to contest the cowny ljhec6n8ivativo association of acton met in the town lutll on monday evening and elected officers as follows president dr staocy viccprcrident a kinioklin secretary dr mcgarviit tlio oltcilrs and the following delegates wore elected to attend the convention at milton on tues day geo hynds l o matthews 1 t jermyn john cameron jr win hen street thos cameron john klliottiid james stewart the convention held in milton on tucr- day wasthe largest conservative coiivoii- tioh over hesd in tho county oiiwimh or the current jear wore elected as follows president henry watson vicepresident mr pettit treasurer 8 cartmer audit ors john bastedo and g heaven i tho meeting was enthusiastic mid tho following list of candidates wak noihi- tiatetl d henderson ir webster col murray w c beatty col kerns mh i james bradley and o avandrcvs kieh of tho nominees made a thort speech and all concluded by declining to accept tlio nomination ejtccpt mr henderson wjho was the candidate in the general clectfin mr henderson was then proposed limd seconded by dr freeman and dr webster and hia selection was theft made unanimo the campaign will not open until next week the name of the reform candidate las uot yet been presented to the public it is pretty generally understood hereabouts tliat mr- wahlie declines to enter another con test a wklhinotov county jtlsl ic f uah a iuipootor t tiik man wb wan p l he 1 a few weeks ago the first electrically lit train in canajd left the isouaveuture sta- lion for ottawaars the first train ejuil- by system ped with a continuous ltesting which all the sre in the train iscouccntrnt cd in the foraacc cf the locomotive as sent oyer the same route yesterday i0aiu or kin o rmx tlio busiuos of the hoard of ic7 hn ilit a tlwr the board of trustees of acton public school met hi the council chamber on mon day evening at s oclock members present mrt george hynjs chairman aud smessrs ebbage frtniis and lowry minutes of last meeting were rend and sonfirmed 1 the finance coniimttco presntel tli ninth report recommending piyrieit w accounts as follows t- i hefeiriiig to tho arrni brothers on ft ohargo q tmptjm while en gaged in searching for gallagher the mtltou ikjormtr sayi on tho ovening of the 4th ol january the inspector with two constat m from an other scott act county went ith a bak ed warrautto tho house of hot eagle kraniosii in tho county of wellington to arreflhis bcothor 3 b kagje otherwlio known as gallagher iaf or knocking ut the door tho three wore admitted with out any trouble and wore toll that j b kaglo was not there ihas 1 inglo cot up tiiul cnnio down stairb and mid tho man had been herd but was nol thcro now noihiug could be seen of tlio nan and the iluco left next morning thoe kaglo went to llockwood andyfid information against tho iispcctor for trci paai before henry strange of kockwood i ud a warrant was issued tho inspector vas taken to ltockwood before the j p eagle was notified by tho coustable and brought his duiighterand two meu to court on arrival at the j ps house ho was se in sitting at tho kitchen tuble eating app 6s drinking cider nnd wishing it was v hiskoy ho hud on an old brown duck snook much the worse of wear and lib vr olo make up was on u pur with this tho justice mill vu8 stinted ut midnight tlio inspector ww going to ask that the vitnessesi bo separated but was told to shit up or ho would commit him for conten pt of court another gentleman who was r resent wgo buil for tho inspector was also told to that up shortly i the witnesses were heard without any chnco being given to cross- examine them when one of ie witnesses was giving his name ono of tho initials was j the j p said d u it ncjver mind tho j what does it stand for thouglttbcw was uot a tittle of ovideuce toi sustain the charge the j p scut the caselip for trial and would not graut an adjournment to get witnesses and produce tho warrant it had previously been updorstoxl that the inspector would be taken to guelph jail that night but the j p changed his mind after the law on the qaestionw as shown to him and took bail and a rummies wcro disappointed in oampargn iii to thi editor of tho pwth ilttmi dun bui as another elooti is upon us tauld it not be wlsijond prudent to ask ourswvos tho question 4 dp we iho oleotors want moral honest gavornment and if so ivhy do tho good aud the trtie of both pohtfoal parties stand sqj far apart why do the cliurohos of our ootintry fall in doing tho good within their power now as there is iio groat politioal questions before the country why shouio those who believe in great moral principles not stand togoaier in the religious world why should one soot say i arn of paul and anothorsay i am of apollou and ail- othor of gophab while hit opponents f morality christianity and tomporatioe are united in solid phalanx aainst every movement to elevate tho race are we all ainooro when wo pray fly kingdom come thy will be done on- cart li as it is in heaven if bo why do wo assist to build up and strengthen those who aro in opposi tion to tho coming of ilia kingdom phcro novor was a timo in human history when tho world required goodtruo patriotic men more than at present tho king of all kings and governor of all govarnmontb demands humanity doniantls chriatianity demands that woilmyo in all piiblio positions men of high and iioble purpose men of strong minds willing haniis i and loving ptriotio unselfish hearta there never was a timo in tlio history i rt gmkt sate 1ni1 staduktkll of direst ghooids liiptirhu8e ge in oidor to reduce our stock mid to moist thjk tight thnea for money woliio dotonniucdto hold ft great btttb lifiib hiiic wliall cotitinuo until 1 1 1 e 31st duy of january 888 nndsvo will tnnko oxfraordu nry effort s to clear tlio stock out unhenrd off- bargains will bo given tlio following will givo you some idea a beautiful colored silk 25c per jird ilksaud satins 37ic per yard dross goods for 5c worth lsdj for 8c worth 15c for 15c worth 25c nnd so on up in itnd mantles wo will give you great drives ladies t rem endous clearing sale ooooi take istocli ut february aiul before t dol lais worth of ti bods must be uh llchi betttemtnisfl hou3e itop ba1e lhat iwjwfrimc dveiliug 1 1 utroetobl mm tlioiimands of ised of aud bii- vertert iutb ready cash prices wm he w object iu huts for 5ci and 10c up ladies ofuiisworwwhentho vatiw nontlcb wonderful roods for 1 george kuril rowirs h i moore printing hellin e thcfreemasots of quebec aire- to con sider at the grand ledge meeting whicb is to be held next thursday a proposal tl at i saloonkeeping jiouorscling andhar-teifd- ing shall be- ilasoriicfiocs ko person i engaged in these btssinesea it is propos4 i shall be admitted to the order or retained njwiii its rolls the trade does cot appsar to be growidg in pepaiariiy tlie report was adopted the property committee reported that they had received four tenders tor the officeof caretaker and after cine coiiider- ation had engaged luther lynn it a salary of one hundred nnd twentyuiu dollars per annum hiswad net the lov- i est tender but having had previous ex per- j ieucc aud given sstismctory service he j was appointed to the position upon motion of messrs francis and li- lowry tlio report of the property f-v-iinit- tee was adopted j the board then adjourned good many there are judge jeffries and star c ham bora in the country yet who can be got to do dirty j work for whiskey but such aliases of tho law as this will only hasten th day when we wi have prohibition over countrv j- 1kiilliliitiontdoesxt rrjihhit the whole because men the people of the united states annuil- ly bpend the following suns m the manner described ijfcir missions s3000000 public education jsacooooo sugar and moiasss 150000000 lootsndhoes l6c00f cotton goods ilfiiciixokrnmber 233- 000000 woollen pxb 237030c0 irju bteel s2kjo0ljoc0 meat 300o000 10 tobacco saoooojcoo 1 read 503c3u0 liquors 5poocfkoo j advent ok the new auxrsi ilc meinlwrs take the formal iirrlmi office anil select tin -irscnt- at tr ljifit reformer or any other party namo as applied at the present tiinej was more meaninglcbg tho fact ia oh nearly overy ossontial moral principle the best men of both agree then why ahould theyj fight eaoh other whilo theovil ono reaps thp spoils of both ever sinco tho unfortunato miatnke of tho late liberal leader in 1883 on tho riel question and tho worso j mistake in 1887 in his announcement on tjio question of the total prohibition of tho liquor traffic tho liberal party has been only drifting without any bold well defined poioy oh for a largo hcartod strong mihdod moral political leader or tho good truo and patriotiq of both parties who will it be one who would be happy to become a humble follower of such a leader will you mr editor as the exponent for years of these principles call tho atten tion of your readers to this subject yoprs truly inukpekdant g0ttd8 mus 0 niroetotjrjrhi u a y roiihftt jlonsb luuiy occupied tiou anny tviva vany larnjyiy to building- oil rein a h tail jor further jamcvtttlj ifo sal rpmk uiihisitncvir itill o lnjgo aaa x weiillfiit ijuiltliij lotsfnrs ile in htrviy ilio litutjmi m viry ntnctlw3 thilj an no inyre firiirablb irtu n the i term uany vy to i ilargiiinjiunleiif und thosd desiring toinako a llttlo money fully peruso this although it oiilygivo3 you a faint id to b3 sold uni the prices at whicht will bo offer go a long away should- cirre- of the quantity of stuff head consider and make straight for hollinrake sons mllton r -t- it costs ffloaey to assialt scott act ccu- stables in grenyitle fire men connect ad with a recent assault it kcmptviile on t vo officers engaged in nizkhiz arrests ha ve been fined as follows two flj17l eah or two years iu gaol one i067 and the other two sllcust each of cne years im prisonment three of the men pxid their floes and tco went to gaol a few such lessons ought to have a wholesome eheit the toronto llvrj says theactoa fiiei piins aarci the wox that ut john turner trill no ixx tioimmtci iu hklton becaaso ht avon s a uek cf faith in tiic seoaiet well if tit- fnte wiesii prefers a man vbolobs a the seti act in private ani takes hii grog ca be sly hilepti wicly iiiayigy 3pposjte rcc is uce of cur funeral the world evidently intends this iusinla- ationtojtefer either to ilr d henderson or james beaty qc or both for at the time the item was penned theirs were the only names mentioned besides mr turner in rithefcafe the rnsincatiop is antrptdifjbl- sud malicious everytody knows tliat from the first uf henderspc has opeulv supported the scott act and that from principle he is a total abstainer th many friends here of 3rr- james beaty fc are alsoaware that be is jusvasbiuce re and consistent a temperance man the world like otjiea supporters of the whisfciy enrse cotiniie3 to harp on the worno it stnng that every oie who calls himself temperance man drinks behind thedoor no thejjiep pursfi prefers a man of prin ciple prepared to uphold holy principles and not an advocate of a cause which destroying thousands of our race body and son as the people representative supli a man the conservative convention uu animonsly nominated on tuesday hr tlie person of mr-b- henderson of tlli3 placet m their standard bearer in the coming contest the itefornciivcjition will also follow in the same coorsu for in halton st leist none but wellknown prohibitionists need apply for parliamentary iioeoht j geneiial items v at dutton station ier st thcmca on wednesday a hctt act violator was ail restedpleaded guilty before the v m was fined c0 and coa planked dovj the mtaey and departed nil infinc offave minutcsj j a haipy new year to you sayi duluth to montreal- and the words go ringingovera contiuntus line of raifway between thcr two citiey the gnterprisi opened vith the new year mr chsmberkin says toronto is thn brightest cleanest and most pleasint city of its size on the continent j john boflcdse a centra prison guard who was etkbbed by coiivict robert xeij friday mornio died suntly afteruooti about four ocloek list thursdays blizzard 16- the norlhj western states vas about the worst on record judging from the reports so far received very nearly one hundred lives most have been lost in it railway traffic was almost entirely suspended i xitke a revised iit of the fatajitiesby last weeks blizmrdn the north- western states shows atotal of 135 deaths and 55 reported missing dakota is the heaviest sofferer 98 of the total utimsbr of deaths havingocenrred in that territory at 11 oclock on monday forenoon the following members elect met in the council chamber and after subscribing tane declarations of qualification and of ollijc tooktheiheats at the board reeve w h stircy corscillfits w p llrov- wlh smith jehu jvenniy j mr lsmond was unavoidably alint the first business taken up was the- in troduction of a bylaw for the appointment of auditors for the current year bylaw was read the reivnrei iunbr be needless therefore to say jthatji law of time3 aud passed tho pve appoint- ljl be broken is really an argoraint in favor ingthoma3 t moore as one ajditor and of thelaw that stale old lie that more the council a e nicklin asihe other iiquoris soldundej a prohibitory law than upon motion of mccfrg smith and uiideru license law will not gobown wth iio 2 ivr tlie iihe thess ilultttltfuu ilvctntiirotibit ii thjiior anil ijtt tlfunkichert prvhibltioh cxms the west virginia fr email says suppose we use the same argument in oilier matters for iustshce christianity doesnt christianize because thsre are sin ners in the world wisdom dtesnt make men wise because fools are still to beipnnd cultivation doesnt cultiviti beiause weeds still come up in the field education uccsft educate because it does not oxter- iinatcuie iguoranco that persists in such jilly arguments as the above maine adopted this principle oter thirty years io miu has ticeu fighting aw ly on that line ever since aiid the result is that no political jiarty now darqtlo take issue aaiit prohibition to assert that the law is lroken and that xowie get drunk where prohibition exists issimply tochfrrge thai it is like any other law human or iliine for all laws are broken bnt the violation is often the most conclunive evi dence of the nrftity of the law had no one any disposition to do tliat against which a law is directed snch w would p0wdi absolutely pure this powder never rrlos a marvel of purity th strength and wholcsonieness moro econottleal than the ordinary kicd and cannot be sold in comnctitlonwitli tho multitudo of loir test all ort weight t alum or pboapliato powdertj sold only in cant iioial kakino towukn co ioc wall fit n y brown the council adjourned to inee next monday ovening at 7i0 carried 5olfv if clakkes ld tl ii s the common people whoso quid reasoning uisceriis thn fact that while the rumsellers declare their business to be betu r under a prohibitory jaw they at the sair e time try on wednesday and thuivdiy ivciiinjiajto move heaven and earth and next week the acton pub c will have place to siet the restrictions liftejv the other r 4a not a baid ovax rllicit wstilleky owes sorsii jan 1c on saturday afternoon wj granary collector of in land revenue at this port made a raid on an illicit distillery in the township of amabel ran by one thomas martini he arrested martin and seized his still two fermenting ious hoi aquattfityof njolassa jcartin w tried at allenford today and si fined f 100 and one month in walkerton t t msffssi oppbrthriity of hearinffthisijpularlectirer i irohibition in relation to iiqi in the methodist cburch the hamilton new thing for history inform 4s that id tim of dec 2nd says he held thecom- the trustees of the colony if georgia pany for twohdars iu deepest iitert and i enacted that the drink of rum bi georgia many of his sharp hits elegant sentences le a3outely prohsljited and tliatall which and superb descriptions were greeted with hali be brought ftlierc be staved in hearty applause he handles his uij scotland tvcelye hundred years ago there range of material with the skill of an ex- vas a law that any one who would sell in- perienctd workman his fund of stories toxicating drinks should have his house if be re- again he children cry for pitchers castoria when baby wossick wo kavo her tjastoria when abo was a child shectied forcaatbria whon she bocamo mis ehcjcruhg to caktoria when flho had oiildren she gi vc tlicjn castoria worth 5 and soon up knitted woollen gdcds inimcse bargains our celebrated grey ilannel ior 20c worth 30c blankets for 175 woilh s300 greftttbt drjve on earth j a tweed fbr25e woith 50c- bi uo sorgo for 30c worth 50c a largo lot of ladies and childrens jiurs to be cleared out regardtessofco8t ladies cloak ing aiidursteringa 50c per yard vyorth double the money and eo on up we arc going to sell carpels oilcloths rugs aud mats to as tonish the people hemp carpet 8c per yard good union carpet 25c per yard allwool carpet 50c per yard tapestry carpet 23c per yard bruolsi carpet 50c per yard great cleaning out sale in ieadymade clothiyrg boys suit ateiis suits boys overcoats and mejjs overcoats mens coats fonsloo and 200 worth fbiy times the money allworjlinon ttudershirts and drawers 111 in weight for 50c worth 75c fool wear and felt overs special bar gains j we have also struck a baivanza in prints 1000 pieces lo cboose from all fast color worth from 10c to17c they are to be wild for 5c 6jc 7jc 8c and 10 it will pay tc buy them and keep them ibr spring check shirt ings jind cottons great drives the best shirting iu the market for 10c anii 12ic peryard the above is simply giving a faint idea of what we arc doing come and inspect tli- bargains for your selves we arc still carrying on successfully our dressmaking millinery aud tailoring depart ments goods sold for cash or produce moleod anderson fc co lirts and drawers gkindato lirown navy card and blk velveteen for 19c a yard wqjth almost double the money 10 i2j and 15c prints and cretonnes for 8c a yard shmsand drawers ifje a biit lierlin wojis 7c an 011190 maccraine cprd jc a ball kjity pricea cauttauchjihcsc cot iw from 3c a yard up mens wool sox 9c apiij jill w01l iiooib 12ja horco lllankets c0o 10 nnd lij jainbriodjmhroiderics foroc stripid kluuiiel 153 a yard iio and 0u monfs wool s bclecit fromall to bo sold at 50cf caoh too big n fitock goods must go a lot of 75 and cos ladies cashmere gloves for 23c a pair 25 bundles batting 5100 tine all- wool cashmere blk grey andbronze effeap atloo to be rinoffvt 1jc it yd good cambricjihii t lining ic heavy waist linjitg 10c s yard fitictjatin mervcilleaux wortkijloo for ific a yard boys underclothliigiv a big lo of 25 ao and 10c drebs goods new colors- to bo offered at 20ca yard itvill pay you to drivii 25mile3 to attend this sale lunch provided lor parties from lie country frije mantle cloth from 25c a yard up linen handkerchiefs fills jjl00 itegatta and kiivy spot shirts for 50c boys siitii from s200 up mens pants from 70c up meiia heavy overcoats worth 700 for 8150 k sale commences wanted t jcai no thaykujvo falea j j to kcji our elioi c viilivtits or nursery iifcer on salary or coiniiilyion j crumnen icruiaaeat rint 111h11 110 i ployinelit iii th oiieii ljrllit mul iioiouiiu louliirikfor allrefi kith recrciicej srs vavjiuiijs 5 s jvofseryriiin k ocbeiter j3 toontrfori h qne i ces raturcfay january 7th 1888 lasts only 2 weeks tlieso prices cant ho gien any longerr 5 nows your ciiaf ce 1 tjiijii hst canadian oil for stic 25 pouuds bice l0t 7 loumds lapin tea 10 5 pounds cfood starch 25c i poxes matchrs 1 poinid- lest new valencia laisius 25c 20 bars electric poaploo nev clioice orange ami lemon peftl lli a pound 5piiirii of tlil- hstooo black japan or hyson tea fomlp we are detnnined to load tho trade in halton co if you iliavo- never dsalt with us begin now wc want to make friends of every person nio patronnes lis and will j iri tr 1 i kdward o irahuin iojt and liiioaii icuiheaiiiriii of kuchlbtfji y a to nuikt urraiigeniliitfi witli one crtwo lirsh rfjuc man ry tpjievjmork ur hh nurfierrsah ho lifaho choice ktoci inchiling t n jliu izulwhiiitvuih to hrgiiincrs ao lulvriiiuficouk hofuitul8iiil he promlttt tuurantfs tofurniili strictly firit cfamfl he tun five active square tijrjght nea j pobitiojis nud dthirtb to c nicate 1 few fiuch uieri with a iisw m ftoicuriog t borvicch writ u to hiii an soon tn yo hatei thin for tcnjirwind full inruuhir keinei only bfiuuro dffilii muiiiiecd ajiiy ad- kiv jiiajiair ursurvtnatj j ochegtcrh r- business pm emise foil ralvliy mix deb rpendejk will lc reeeivcil ly t undcialgstj for tbat nlc to ytopeitf i 1 tiio tbrir up to te lotli in ii nry jfa aiile briek sieioj ainl dr ein t tlkj late sokti sejsou situaa i villne- of acton renders will also be received fo fvufle eoiiijilin of toiienil liry g irocerick vc iie stock ift iu ditiou and well bought a irstas jaiiij cah ut thcjiriktiiuiiiie to any ol duarrjji fecurwjj ijlikilios aul aifls ii tlii ii a rar lor full i artieulaif cs rcemq form of tetlir atluro k nkison iixjutob cjuelph p ot the btoctti irstclasi coaav 4 being d tke dominiol washer si vmrizl 13 n ngeri fis carry ftel gpex tloc pex bring the r y can fix th good as evv acton wliercj spectacles repn for the cdcbrj gnectflcio a v that we tfock act0 stookpfspfccta gjco dealer ia jevelry booto ajatloiiqry r clocim a jewelry thehethq john theposp4 wednesday a 25tb an4 subjects- to i bits a misses tickets for hot thxjkspy j collated by theevel free plef j j j moonligm mgnl division court county council good sleighinji i g folks i no oiitiitiuoit to peiseyou so as to have yon for a rcuur custcincr ireiieh kid lltiftdn boots for 5135 worth 275 ladiei c20j spanish kid boots for 150 ladies lnda kid button hoots 5125 mens plow boot3 l00 we cant enumerate everything but suflice it to isay tliat ii j every department of our iiiainmotji cheap store gooods will be sold at slaughteri igprices sale lasts for iwo weeks only comh tell your neighbors and bring your friends yon wii ha well repaid for yonr journey vj the c tinty town remember wo can only gci irantee above pricea durinj i i the bale v salics ioi ash oxly a full staff of salesmen to at lejid to cfistbnjcrs l hollinrake slons fiiton- v s- luoou pounds of dried apple3 wanted bits at all sorts of peqde ami pictures of pulled down and he be banished all isorts of lives especially those of the j turned aijh began his business street sncitas his own has been seem in- j was tobe hanged r exhaustible he thrilled by hii this nat evil will neverture itself it be convulsed the audience by his humor never did that and never will they who and moved to tears by hiiioetry auti i are not in its fangs ought tomale it hard description and above all he voos and j for others to be destroyed orly a few wins to thoughts of better life by the high i months ago an elderly roan sail that he moral tone prevading the whole speskiiig i had that morning walked ten- miles to get of another lecture it says xhpse who j whiskey with which to celebrate his fifty- have heard this evenings lecture declare j iifth birthday which was the net day by one descriptive scene it contains alone j getting on- p big drunk bit to hia worth double the price of admission i sorrow it oufjht to have been to 1 lis joy he r j failed to procure the celebrati lg fluid kockwood vewr- i rjo iimch for the duty of putting tha evil out of the way in accordance with glad stones statement made not long ago viz proin our own correiioiileut f miss a patterson of guelph who vai viitiuglin hockwood last sunday aided the alreadylescellent choir of the presbyterian church by taking a toprano tolo m thi eveiiing anthem miss helen torrance who has lived here for some time was marritdat her fathers mr george torrances reside it is- the function of the govei nmenttto niiike it hmj for the people fo do ithi and ilijjindi for them to lv wrong ilowisjjiis greatjend to be ga nedl ed mund jsiirkc once aid when bad men wiiire good mcii must combino let 11 good men and women too combine in our stock is very full of choice goods in j brass nick nacks carvers and scissors in sets plush goods skates ebony ivory and bone cutlery of rogerte butlers aud other celebrateii makes agatewardl common and plated blue and white enamel ware lamps and lamp goods the largest assortment in this section of couatryi goncasieigli bells trays bras toddy kettles brass easel brass liro tfoiis par- douiahs fire kindlers ash sifters bread knives bread pjattetsmeat choppers parcre mincihc knives ond a rich profusion of goods call and see whatiwe have john m bond co direct hardifyare itaporter headauartcrs for axes crosscut il11 gjxjerifii saws scales cow chains halters and all haidware t this work and jnay god help those who lramosa last wednesday aft moon to i i if 1 t t- r t- c- tl i 110w p and working to hr cuiiniiichaniaf dakota ls lhiaji j land of orators and heroes from i i ural lias blighted its men of genius mur dered its young manhood and broken its t oiir save this the cars womens hearts r tkuv vacant dojiixiox seat event created a flight flutter anii young ladies our halter mr john wright and mrnj wright celebrated very iiaietly the twenty- fifth anniversary of their wyddiug on tlio 15th inst both mr and jmrs weight are- very highly respected here and we heirtily wish them many returns and tll the couilj the ueati in the house ofporar ions now pliments of the joyous occasion j vacant gave majorities as follov s at the the annual meeting of the jiramoa j general election j agricultural society receiving tin annual j victoria b c conservative najority report financial statemeut and uppointiiigi kill directors etc was held in tho townrhall i tarleton conservative majority 1085 ltockwood on thursday 12lh mst h john sockeu was elected 1resideul iilr jcs croft vicepresident and win hunter j secty tho society although not an estfe mely wealthy corporation has a litlu cash i on the right side of the hooks jas b white whb has had mr alex mcqueeris farm near here rented for the past fouror five years like the arabs fold ed hie tents the other night and silently stole away he took with him or dispceed of before hand all his stock implements with a firm grip upon wfiat u and family hehas left mr mcqueen iliteratureiand art the february kent liberal ittajbrity 112 prince edward liberal majority 1 liussell liberal majority 156 halton liberal majority 9 glengarry libers majority 2k now elections have been ordered for carlctoii on feb 1 and fir victoria on feb 1 the dates for polling n i he other counties have not been announced haupeits magazixe lamenting to the tune of about three hun dred dollars us well as taxes and cone other debts contracted iu the village here xv kockwood jan- 17th ibfjs the greatest railway builder in the country is jim hill nd hes a caiia- dian chicago canadian american j tbecare afins worbted bait well made very cheap at j fyfeg go to j fyfp for a perfect filling frvcr coati f get your clothing made at kelly broa where you can get the lutest cut best in number of harper magpiinc mnti in ncellent form from the great presses in franklin square its pages contain the mo t recent clloits of such writers as henry james william black william dean lowells charles dudley warner the hon qeorge fkdmunds deorge wirram cur ii bis- hop hnrst j h bosny f lhigadorn the late gen randolph b msroy o h rurnlium nmtrverwi by mita flui ohloson amelie kives and 0 p cranch tnd thii latest artistic work of frederiok 1 irnard kruelip heard iteinhsrt o 1 arsons stewart wellington howard pyle e i dlanbuefd du manrier and t iwre of other artists and eorravew imsilsifissgs sosliies -0- 4 20 pieces dress goods at 71c- worth tiic 1 r n b stocktaking saio now going on i 200 pairs corsets sizes 24 to bo a 40c- per pair worth 1 00 n b clearing sale of corsets this week j boo pairs ladies wool hose at 1 5c worth 30 n b great sale of gloves ond hosiery 215 ladies ulsters at i50worthj04lffl n b this month mantjes at your own prices p 20 pieces tapestry carpet at 43jc worth 60c nb every carpet redujce4 l dressmaking at moderate prices rpiie mest iierleet and cpnipktt wasberi jl wrikcriutli ikiniaiuu 1 tl takes the ii vfciereuer imroduectl itvshefi casilj- it 1 quickly itveslit eleau vtitii ita articles of averayesiij can bewashedauji out vituiii live nidutts this i lacinei i easily ajierated aid docs its woii so perfet- anj so ijuieiy tliat siiurever introduced ft j soon reeoiiied s au titielc of ueeesfiitr washes unoii tie ssnie piunejele as hainli ldji yet so tcutly tbat i dcei uo injure entin the hncst labri it if ixlflfijusring bda xtiilics tviu ttit iuct liifeu or the lazgetf ijlairiict witli eyunl esse it does not jarnaljjr vnt tht cuithes kavlig tblu lo he fimsked by iilui rut joes its work perfectly t lid comnlftfr ly dvilili rv ay with tke rashbeard and naal ruljiiiiikcitefitber it tasliesali7eaer maw aiiielts at once tliertb rccomiitshijig in tt j hour or en as irch crl rs veilld othenrta- ifel oeeujiy the uhfle dny x a i faile of hamilton out th e pateate dl liiis machine ufers yj of artilialh ugocoxp8tfetz tion ly any ctiier washing maeliim ever utent ed tiilt vri aecciyllish its vorii crnially g wdl as quickly as easily nnd with as lif le mjory to the elothes 13 very machine girarauteed to gffs saiicfaction soldseiiaratc or coniuine1 lrie j of machine jsg complete with ringer llj witiiont tmattr y ts orders attended lo as soon as possihle contrpohilence solicited david stmitis kockivood po s ieacrilaient for tlie townships of esqaesio naszavcyai krriosa guelpli and cty 3 goieipii aailalbiokas and villages thercm isalui v ioyce evjutton p o general agent for the townships of erin ia cileoa aud garairasa 42 tears jireatfastiy frijrtytwo years the vifl klt ric witsnss hastieldto principles wliicliiiavcstoo4g the tests of tfaictidieale and of opposition fgtf i r speaks to j lit browjhe its areola- cii ease t ti fair nnd the wltvess to da siaiv veie iu iriijit soie to one has tcla belli rapid rnd steily it csiions oltil further mcieaiiun unn leive this year con to larsc sojuie arenrotikliou o tla litfst ias rpwee of dayhlso- k nowles i who lvas tefeet 3d b queen victoria t paint the scc at irincci s beatncg mlills mif 5ue2faei2tijcfcfjcnrocoineknftif8 itdepiets vw iiciiiiivhlu scene with startling reiiisrn reiuodajin iu oils all therfchncm jof orintal inlorlkg tho picture sucuted by the ia cateel art firm m knland would brin- if oldbutisreserved witness oadplttare kvciiiiveiy iii riincrs to ik 1 the price of the vijkly vitvkss o is lso the papeivjorie hpi in 1 co tlio dauy witness was rau icliod iud liltcthe wekbi- to advocate tie rnaje jai elples rciardlessji cost the pictarp saffet little 01ilden to ionicvnto me njmluielxulr wllniss ti a year the paper alone 300 the xotttiiiiiis jrrspkiisii still conthibes to lie the favorite in h hjijec ciislc audbabbth- school anj cdiiinnein with jarifcry 1st ith new typo fiiiir japr rri oilier ssproveaiedti ivutfce more attirutive than ever prims ot books are givca tofricijs who jaavja for it annual subscription jc waja redactions to clubs i i simple copci oi the liiffereut phblfcatiaus muiil on iiieloii ajviils vautled in every own cud villayei t i i jon iurl sck rublierjicntreal auction sale or i r valuable farm prpertt inthe township of ertk 4 to farmers and tjair0ihars use on- your machinery only the vfi iid j and tvmilw of he p tr of fale cob- limd in a umiteii which il le i iodticed at th tiiiieof jpale tht wi be ofterjd fcr- sjo tstihjh-i- to aivdtiv hid ly public mietiod at asncwsutcl in iho viliifgrf actcn k- ntu rot- tv or nitcis by wlusa ntmsiroet auctioneer ox 11th fetruaiyia88p at i oclock im tae easterly hclf of lot 3 ihthei 4th cob- cessibnoituotovnship o erljn 100 acres rcpi6 oi les2- tlieivari silacrts elared iiaftiieeuuclce4i with-11upl- kiove valuable oreliatil etrctjion liolise- iiid otlic- nveiiient farnilbuildliia ichiiol iioiie upon lot situate abobt adlllw yoan the ice meni gettingin their st quality and thicknel tho special serl are being continue4 the attendance is j capt mahonal of the 3 a corpstl to farewell last evj messrs thoaj j nickliu have be auditors forthe ca the first carnl be held in the rij skaters will glide cornet baud mr james r side died athis re his remains were his former home mrw e sml buildjfig lots in htsj houses tire already i there next season prniwa specialist has so recent illness a td professional duties j saturday 28th int mr william the misfortune tai lust week by wlj fractured heisj messrs manufacturers of trade duriuk the p 000 greater than ghiczocahhdiairi a mr stewarj jloical studentj oc methodist church preached an ekcej iu gospel truths atj tation a youilg lady a jiashfat yotitb j well hope long th his love hell neve that- once for v stop the glad and i am going to i the fool who people for a joke 1 amusement in succeeded iu fiivid the brain from i 4 still live8 he il cussedj the streetsj upon its second j 7trieicis esseiit know of so jourc esorts to jreprese ilcciew is a snccesl to steuville the firms glove 7aanufaoth vin trunk anj having complete menced the yearj thusiasrh botlif favored with la ii u v iknown uf r mckat bbotlf ers 46 and 48 king street east hamilton t 9 gold medals b awai j y try also our jacrloifl aslo rcf0 for your wiiguns and horse pnwera these oils aro used uid irglily ut themotlcl kami guelph farmers ask for them use no other mainifacluetl atquecn oity oil vorkshy samuel rogers co toronto great clearing sal of whiter poods at tije ri use the winter goods must heewld j and to effect large sales they aro offering at cost prices and piles of themat fair loss than co3t just seo feho buautifiil mantles these j hosiery i for ladies aud girls of all sizesl thesemantles aro madij and trimmed inltho very latest fasuionn ami look charming magnificent mmitlo cjkhs in tho veivy new est styles going at cost prices hosiery aud gloves at anfnonnous itiduction sec the laco cuilahtia they are the latest styles iu beantiful gools selling at cost new stylesgoingi and very handsome linen laces ill varioiib wthsgoiug at from h to ia per yard tltoy liaveaii buormotis sale tho emhroiilcries havo a big so also they are such good valued a beautiful now stock of ladies and misses pmbroidered underwear uni nightwenr received lately which is offering exceedingly choaf a shipment of the celebrated jouvin french kidigiovesdiroctfrom grouoblajust to hand comprising tho very host quality of four buttoned iiealkid gloves cnjaiid imtde iu the most artistio maririer horrocksee hrfame4wbij sheetings in plain and twilled in 72 8 and 00 inches exceedingly chpap white cottons grelr cottons twills and drills selling off at cost new tickings linings irish linens towels aiid tobogganing blankets just in rived remnants of dress goods and prills selling off at half price dress goods going at an knormbus reduction blifnktta of all kinds selling oil at ah immense reduction milliuery feathers hats ribbc is etc pohig at a great sacrifice wincies down from 5 to 8o from 8 to oo knitted woolen scorf and shawld bellingoff at cost kco them by all means heavy wiut r shawls and wraps selling off far under priio a lotlof very stylish bonnet ribbons markon down from 40 to 35c ono other lot down from 20 to 12ji see tho alliv i casjimero ilosicry at half price- tho uuderolotnillg of all sizes is going very cheap flannels of al kimls aro soiling off very cheap 1800 wiuda5rollcr8 imported tj isweekv tho sale of carpets oil cloths mats- rugs mattings linoleums wirwdw shades window poles carpet sweepers window curtains curtain materials el in the latest styles carpets sold verylargely this season the inoreako of one of my three caifpetcalesniiiris sales this year was sloouo and to run off tho balance of 10 stock yvatkins has snt down tkrprice to cost and very rriany below cort set the very best five 1yunje briiskels carpet si marked down from s185 to 81 crbssloys ost tapestry carpets own from 90 to too vory snpe rior auiwabl carpets dowi from 110 to 7sc heo tliochiirmingtatloaud pianaclothsxhe bighthonse is on iing street ejust- ono door west of hughson street hind the narnegon the wh flows are tho right house and hamilton january 19 1888 i- wcrt wolsj ckf3 idtsrs i from aetou iltle eood teltms op sjiik oucteutli of the ptnehaie lnoiu ineisrnu dav f sale part of tlidimrcliih uioikv ran remain on nmriuee nndlcnuutn will bo made lniown at tiibeof-rah- the alxjv g- piop rtv will be ohrred eh ihoyor n jisrcjtfc kprtln r iiaruculitrs ciui le olitoincili trem toe uudcvsiued i f wm hemstreet j a mowat z auclioneer vendors solioiior t j rr citieljuoracton bftteilthishitliiuyoijcuiiary lbsrii 0 f picture frames -at- waters brothers y -at- watersbrothljrs cornico pole banner rods mcnldings cor is nails glass bevelled m rrprs airrlstf3iateials wiasorit newtons j -at- waters brothers 25 wydham street guelph jig i s aroplecrantiotaltd contain tho fcorsytivo is sato btrro uud ctl oal ieetrorfr otworma in children or dauj w 3 rotras thecpsslfd the canadian j car which was 1 the ccntredf aril car wasjtull of morningtilinig atically arrange mens of the northlwestuc was to be seen grasses ic all seciions b nothing of an in ed there waij pounds to the cjits4g pound thfe acre holle on mnonbffll straw abeati grassss was there in profnl endless vaiiiety 1 and the irta was on deck asl cxcells in onion shown would i spanish ohiou bbish as regard jol ores doal frl of rtlfe uativl an attractivo j is secii ofl feet in diameitct years of age cyt from the fruits froui br the exhibition gives the igublil he accomplish provmoes undfl the car w ju who good nattj b foolj respecting th other things cuktcd lo ictjl fflliell ft h

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