Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 2, 1888, p. 3

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ife the mkfrhomst chlltch acton rev rhiiilps pastor parsonage- evower avenno nuir service 10 0ind s p-w- sunday ol8 lbvns conducted by the nattor ah cordially invited slraucer ai 1 visitors always iconic at- 31 wtotje istc4tar let iw n rl4s mmohh i 3se ssi iwuriiersalthedoor it itinc if dcrcd pplv to r moore rcwswfcrd- tiivksimy ctmuwlvy lliss many ml s0i1 locals fnv lrv licporters alert ituwicrs fife fati vsbcg february iin pleasant winter weather -milder- weathcrjliia wetk the side rvvls wore badly drifted by fridays storm s ltr hoc is about to erect a mow brick week in georgetown itiguelpb the boys aro arrested uow for hinging on sleighs teniicrs are asked for the erection 6f a ecw brick church at osprinjje ll a cred concert will shortly bo given bv the choir of the methodist church the farmers institute- is likely to be cli iu acton about the middle of febru ary jcuiiug is too small to escape the no tice of the editor not even the man who irics to yet his paper for uothiug several persons in brautford have lin end r ami costs ior freivutra a i tied for tommons t rlt duties oi toe tsjaaofx tognnil i 3ejfdersotfi if n etors la ton hole tir during prohibited hours tiucipn capitalists talk of building a fcmow opera house on the kite of the recently destroyed commercial hotel the trial of tbe two persons fouvdguilty cf bribery in the recent halton election trial will be icld at milton tormorrow lect commences on the 19th iust this year easter viu fall on tbe 1st of april circ days earlier than last year a ninthly becks and icounts is being agitated in some cf or towns and cities a good idea a very suwessfu series of uuiou cvau- celisiic services have been in progress in georgetown iluring th past two or three necks tiitsaje o posia fairiew cemetery during irt amouutod to fti the ceineiery is awing to be a pretty good ievestaieut mr 0 ii kyder has removed his tailoring business to the shop recently nrd i mr j fyfe corner jlih and kkin streets it is hkely that the recommendation c iic li riis of some lime ao to raise jienaeicip ascssmont will be carried tiniycr jcu tack this legend on yonr door fr those who are going thrensb it kiase ke tsdckr witii you as far as yea cm do- is there- anymau in this town named afternoon inqaireda ntisbbonng town ship postmaster as he held up a letter ttirwidpm the acton tory has a meeting in geotrtswn ioirortow niht ard the georseovn grit has a meeting in acton she same evening a hallelujah couple belonging tcr acton corps s a both of whom had been iiroch the mil ivsfore were married i gieiph s week tie onnrio agrictthnra and experi- sfaiti union wt1 hold its annual meeting oathe at the agricu- ttendince at j lafler to be n- jjii i columns of tbe vl views on theftiu lignheinteresto j0 of any dv ssberies with- tt and ctputame 1 ten or extrenm t i belietewh d justed benflb- vl and consom- j policy lor ih y de withfareigbvyi i m hnaxbse ol oar t y laieto c taking aj tting down ti be lowest jx efficient wg- iration of belong to f lrder tht ld beelt ifortb frbane i icomfort lin my opiniw p lud tboold im gnffwge ofil to tnke m be indepc0di3 p tnetetopo oji0lli lt tbe kob otes mpp u at tbe j zji 17th iust tsril cvllr guelph lite trains was the order of the day ian friday and satarday from two to to bcttrs was the duration of delay scirie cf the trains were cancelled the house plants snrfered severely last yfriday uiht one lady in town whose siidows have always presented an attrac- tieappiirtncc lost thirtyseven those wo were predicting a mild ojo winter have teen wishing during the pis kk thit they iad tied a stnng to tee prediction it needs to be palled back a copyof the feke pess of jane 30tb solenims wliicuw stomty r h il vlihrirtriun1 allltttrttstltij win afuioclr mp on titday night a tuus mcttitjs iti tho intoroat of mr wm mclxxltho reform candidate will bo held it thcftbwn lmll oi friday evening in ndditou tb mr moepd tho eloctura wihboddrcsfelbv win mulook mf for north york an interesting meeting is anticipated the services in tho bap tist chapel the services in the baptist church last sunday were of a very interesting char acter kev mr mclaurin of india preached in tho afternoon and tho pastor kev j s cunnings in the evoniug- three candidates wore immersed in tho baptistery of tho church after tho evening service real estate change mr wh itutlcdgc butcher who pur chased the matthews farm eomc weeks ago lias owing to litigation in progress between the present oocupaut anjl sir matthews abandoned tho purchase he has just purchased tho farm of mr thos 1 speight which comprises twcntyfi ve acres in the east cud of the town tho price paid was ft 100 another fraud upon thefublic ah exchange says that condition powders for making hens lay arc being told to the jarmers at twentylive cents per small package a farmer who bought a package oil opening it discovered it to contain nothing but bran and ran after tho agent and made him return the money bran is not iv bad food for hens buft cents for a quarter of a pound is rather high to pay for it ccacert t kcffgro vv school on friday eveniug the 10th febuaryau uiterestmg coucert will be given in title grove school section 7 nassagaweya for the purpose of raising a ftmd for purchas ing additional school apparatus the pro gramme includes a number of talented per formers both fpreigu and local and will in clude the misses kennedy winn and mcfhail prof lee messrs n mcphait and y j- player waterloo dramatic club aud brookville brass band a horse thief ia prison a man named fast who hud stolen a of tho municipal horse harness and cutter from denis head bruce county was arrested by a constable at marsville liarafraxa last week whilo trying to trade off the harness he stated that he had sold the horse in klielburne and traded the cutter with another num the prisoner was brought to ciraud valley and taken before the magistrate when he pleaded guitty and was taken to the prison at orangevije to await his trial the is to joseph barbers will j tlie will of the late joseph barber of georgetown is to be contested mr bar ber died rathervuddenly early in january leaving a will in which he disposed of his fortune which is estimated at 100000 be queathing the great bulk of his real estate and personal effects to his two sous fred erick and walter the former being willed the farm of 300 acres which was cultivated by the deceased the plaintiffs it is un derstood are the daughters of the deceased th e sch col 3oys will ls vgh at it here is a list of twenty words which not one person iu ten says a baltimore paper will spell correctly without prepar- atbp abhorring bayou aisle trisyl lable agreeable amateur beleaguer my- drtrereut illiterate initial crowd sad drowning accident ntburhiigton ou mouday eyeuiur av a uumberof boya wero statins ou tho bay noar kor is dock at burlington the ico ravti way and willie kome lllyoarold son of ltooh kerns auduiohard m6rtitnervore prenipituted into the cold waters of the bay kerns was rosoued by a compiitiion but iho poor lad mofttinier was drowned a rising preaclinr tho- ingcrsoll chrviikh roforrmg to a lecturb delivered in st antlrowi ohuroh thetty4uiv w 8 motavish ud of st george a former nassagawiya boy says mr motavish is a young man of more than ordinary ability and bright pros pectb ho haudlod tlie delicate aubjoot of his ldctirrt in a masterly style chisto and cultured yet sparkling with vit and humor h home no ws first an exchange says if a fai lily can afford only one papor let it bo a homo paper for it concorus u family to know what is liing dono in its own com ty moro than it does to know tho nows bl distant places tho city paper cauuol uiddoes not pretend to givo tho local nows that its country rcadcrs must have but 1 he good country paper docs give a vory fail epitome of tho worlds nows if both cant ot be re tained jf cither tho city jourua or tho country paper must go let it bo the former- for nothing can supply the plac of tho local paper change ia copartnership as will be noticed by advertisement in another column mr jainos moore has re tired from tho firm of moore mgarviu trunk atid satchel manufactures and mr ilobert craino has entered iutopai tnernhip with mr mcgarvin the now fuim nanip is j e mcgarvin co the prospects for thibiiiiiwrtant itidustry aro very en- couragiiig large advuiice orders are now in the house and every department is very busy we trust that the bubineiib has a very prosperous future before it end that the present staff of about 25 to 30 employ ees will bohtoutinually increasing personal mentlbn ivill we it to gi golden jveddi gait n jetorions exemplary caiuplaisaul recommend col lectible chaise solicited actually prepara tion we venture the stitcrrent that many of the pupils of acton public school con spell them all correctly without pre paration sudden death at kilbride a week ago ast monday mrs win calder of kilbride while engaged in baking for a teameeting to 4e held that evening jwas suddenlv stricken withsaralvsis ana idied in a very short time some seveu jears ago morfification attacked one of mrsj caldfers arms ind she suffered ampu tation of the member in order to save her life and it is supposed that thedld trouble had something to do with her sudden de mise the even his cast a gloom over the neighbors death ot a good man the death of mr thomas tushinghain father of mrs allan mahu and mrs arch mcphersou of this place at his residence toronto last thursday was not- uuexixfet- ed our raiders will remember that some two mouths ago he received an attack of paralysis through being struck by a jstreet larhstaphs llispcitiiig visitors to and from aitiui with whom free pnv liruilers are more or lcs acijunliilccl mrthomas craiue ofougladsj is the guest of his sdn mr 11 criiine mr john freeman of st marys visit cd acton friends during the week missstull of hockwood wtis a guest of miss lottie hemstreetthis week mrs christopher masulas is very ill very slight hopes are entertained fur her recovery the finn pukss had a pleasau call on tuesday- evening from mr v stingle teacher nassagaweya i miss edith mckeowu of erin aas been the guest of her sister mrs john stephen son during the past week mr and mrs gtorge ha on monday to attend the c of mr havills parents mr angus kennedy j of this pll has been liviug in winnipeg fqr several years has removed to st paul minn the many friends of itev t a moore and family of princetou will no pleasedto learn that mrs moore bceif very seriously ill for some rapidly improving in health mr al f slater of j a mowats law oflice heire passed successfully societys first inttrmediate examination at osgoodei hull last week the fpkk pkess is pleased to learn of his success james the sm of mr thomas cook who was some time ago admitted to the asylum for the feebleminded nt orillia is reported to bein good health and contented spirits i he is certainly more ccmfortablo there than he could po3sibiy be at any place outside tho institution hiewsoxs cokneliti 1 is missing from our files we will car and h3s since gradually failedr- his send the fezx pies for three months to j death was happy as his christian life had iry address on the continent for a copy of jbtiise milton tovu council has at last wpsmted a scott act chief constable in the person of mr j h peacock they pat np with one of the opposite stripe for a veriolrin a meeting in mr hendersons interest will be held p bloomsbury school knatch- bnil this evening messrs w a webster of leeds and d mcgibbon- milton will address the electors if ail the kind words eent to us by onr friteds ccuid be turned into new subscrib- jolt old friend the feke piies3 would rilke a quick leap toward a higher mark say ixio than we hive vet dared to fix a merchant at st john nb wants tipplyll his customers with his auto- grapn at the bottom of their accounts there are some irierchants and business ca ia acto who would like todo the unethinf an auction sale ofreadymade clothing end general dry goods will be held in the old glove factory ne to kelly bros etore commencing next saturday evening and will oatinua every thursday and sat urday during the mouth vhile visiting at the residence of mr geo l beardmore toronto last week 4 a o bendmoreof acton had two diamond rings stolen signer bamponi italian guest was arrested for the ur- ceijy and committed for trial the up- and downi of life we see por- been mr tashingham was weif known here and was for many years a resident of limehouse he was a friend of all commninion andijovefeast theusual quarterly sacramental services will be held in the methodist church next sunday commencing at 1030 am itev mr phillips expect3 to be issisted by mr cockburn tbe blind preacher a series of- special services will cqni- mecce with a fonr days meeting commenc ing on tuesday afternoon 7th inst at 3 pm twostrvices will be held each- day itev kobt lavey georgetown wm birassagaveya aud f swann ck- wood will assist during the services no surrender r j with remarkable eutciitise thebenfreyy ilnrcufij wdiich was totally destroyed by ijire by whiskey incendiaries last friday issued its usual weekly edition on friday this was accomplished through the court esy of the office of a neighboring town which immediately tendered the mercmy the use of its type auid presses messrs smallfield son have already ordered a complete new outfit and in the courso of a very short timo will have the offico in prime running order again their enter prise is commendable and the ostensible desire of the fiends who destroyed their property to get rid of an- effective advoir cate of law and order has been summarj iiy frustrated the fwst local meeting the first public politicalrncetiug of the ace wlio doubt be who has weekss trayed about the town the tmahbby works i p coutcst held in acto took p bis sle- up hil and then goes travelling dowu and thats the way with many nenupiiiirthe work all is and once they tarn their face about adown lifes conrsejfhty whiz ivilkerton some time ago bonused a wjk- factory to the extent of 4000 k the feu ry baiirupt and the 0m is aiii it elf how much bettero it i ux having vranted the jxiuue it ft time bat the auurd syt tern- was wohibited by i parliament the total eclipse of the moon last eaturuay evening wan a very interesting light- the bright moonlight rendered the tiew very interesting wheu the eclipse bad partially disappeared it was visible two bijure and a half throughput north ameri- v eist oi the cy mountaids anii south y america tbc mount forest keprtjteutative has celebrated its fourth birthday under jpws ble buperidteimance of mr j tlambert tiiis journal has met with remarkable 7ncces- it is one of the best local papers u h province and ably represenu tbt to wlucb it is pnblisbetlironi 4earualiuc standpoint the town hall last saturday evening in mr hendersons interest considering the in clemency of the weather and that it was the most unfavorable evening of the week for business men to get out the attendanco was very large and indicated thofact that unusual interest is taken in this election iteeve storey occupied the clrcir and after a few rem erki introduced mr henderson the liberalconservative candidate mr henderson in a netit halfjliuurs speech placed himself and his opinions before the electors iif his usually politic mauner he thanked the electors fcr their support in the last contest and trhotjd they wcruld honor actonas well as ou the 7th of february by electing hirn to represent tbem in the house of commons of canada mr a f campbell mayor of brampton and editor of the contfrvaton followed inia lengtbyand interesting bpeecb he cover ed all tbe ground possible to be touched in one address and was listened to with in terest his remarks upon the subject of commercial upton failed bowever to re ceive the approbation of all even some of ins political brethren disagreeiuswjtkbiin xbe meeting cloaedlat half past tan 1 the ontar ikt the second session of tba si 1 1 parli ment of the province of ontarit as operi td last wednesday afternoon consider able interest was taken in the l n oeedirigs the occasion being the- first ap lejarance- of sir alexander campbell in thihoup as lieutenant-governor- the usual formal ities of gunnery f nas and feathe w were dis- pensedj with the speeob from the throne was oil unubual length and of niore than ordinary interest kelly bros have the fiimt putter webtoftoronto for ladafito j x a terrific sl aughterin drjr goods k tk tmmzm ss compakt molest ana reiail 1 guelph and glasgow carpets bobts cfeblioeg etc -at- n aiw i y- jieto bbbevtiswents house fob sale rphaf now frame aelling house on ssln jl htreot lhjlouring to a w green also the roujbcot lioiwlo lately phuiitl by the salva tion army terrnspasv for further psrricu- lara apply to f jamowatacton brampton ontario has announced his girand wiixteif saughter dbs oods the frineout dvii forresvoiideiit a strict party newspaper in late issue speaking of the halton election says that the scott act should hayfc noth hj what eef to do in theic contest that can be at tended to when the repeal vote omes on this is d mistake men who lesire the best interests of their country ihould ex- presv that desire in the nkist emphatic mauner available of courstvm this con test weido not know that it anil make any difference as far as the scott at is con cerned yet if electors know ot any differ ence to the cause of temperance ai d right eousness we believe the right should be supported no matter where that is found bribery in election contests may we helieve be attempted and accomplished by flattery or blarney as effectually as by sunib of six twenty orfifty dollars it is contemptible even to try to influence a mans vote on account of supposed person al regard if the electors principles ore known to lead him the other wiy how ever we suppose there is no lav to apply to these cases other than the grat law of christian principle if a change could be effected i i the too prevalent custom of making holes couut for wood as practised by many woodcut ters and wood3ealers some mens influence would have bettfer results as t is closo cutting in prices on one side works to gether with seared conscience ou the other and employers and buyers ae jefrauded woodcanuot be made solid bit it can be piled close and prices could te charged accordingly however tbo great golden rule is the only safeguard as it is the practice of some people in this respect is simply dibgnsting a good many hints might pr fitably be takeu by church members from politicians thesodays what thoroughne is of list sifting what wise planning and hand-to- hand work docs in politics if d rectcd to wards soul salvation might wor c wonders hew many a mans heart is wai mjed these days simply by being called 1 u uutthe greatest teacher the frirld over knew said that the children of this world are wiser in this generation thai tbe child ren of light and current events seem to amply confirm tbe statement the methodists held their regular quar terly meeting last sunday in rpckwood flowing reports are fven bsj to its excel lence their ministers have be nl actively engnged assisting the society ffriends in evangelistic work iirtho hall upckwood and now the meetings dre bel held in the methodist church i vangelistio services arc held at the cornersjot sunday night down all of ry jd vyiuliamson- 4co quelph has been closed for one day for the goods in th house s15k 11axj hill roil bargaiijis to right bargairs to left jiargairis befo e bargain behind the a15xival xow j dv william election wm iv toll i- eouu tlieli r 350 you wonder htfhyft hfor wecan give so much fof tho uioiioy tliuusjindsjiuy this in their let srit- itis bocauso after plates arc mado it costs for less roixjrtlonately to print 550000 coiilei tbat 100000 during its noarly fifty years existence tbe jmerican jgricisilturist has absorbed twentyfour other ncrivultiiral eerioditals andcoiitiuvcs to be the recoanizod autuority on acricliltural iiiaucrs the world over vith tlio old staff of nifors ho have made it ft powor iii both heuilbphorch reinforced with lluw writers it will bo m ro valuable during j888 than over ksch tntuibor now contains uourly one hundred original i lustrations and orii articles cju tbefomi garden hearth and house a yoar siuglo no 15c one hundred original i lustrations and original household from over fifty din rout writers price150 t on calvay first and only seproducti inland before pilate these maguineeut works of art arc neither old time chromos nor ordinary engravings but i itited for tm by photoetchinc and mezzogravenro pro os on heavy plate pap aixs8 inches jrlce iioo each itotl pictures diiislicd dec 20 18o7 fori tded in tubes postpaid ullto jilcturos oxeputed for tm by photoetching otli pictures d our great offer auierlcan agriculturist eng or tierlnaii with choiceof pictures ai d our new irolqme inrt published ontltlod our homes how to beautify them beautifully ill istrated bbttna in cloth and gold price islooall liostpaid for i100 200 or the same with both i jeud postal i0v bpecimon number kuglishor gorniari full desci ptiou of new books scuted to old aild new stihscnborf and full description of tlioticturos a id portrait el mtiukness the painter of thoso great work now attracting worldwide attention anttassers wanted everywhe e most liberal inducements address i david w judd pnbusher 751 broajlway 1jy palace of the purpose of marking umcrlaiis ix fu ll fling son co invention tessss leitst half century not loastamougthe won- i hj tures all postpaid for i 5p0 to sj500 saved full barueas only 700 kiue catalogue worth 25 cents free book hopagcs has a million facts worth ijiooo sent with every order for harnessor by mail 48c cauadian i harness co 170 king st toronto whol mtg lots a building for sale iign excellent building lots for sale in his new rphe unflcrsignod has titill a largo number of a excellent building lots for sale i survey the location is very attractive and there are no more desirable lots ou the market terms easy apply to w k smith acton i rr wanted t ocal jysd teavellikg salesmen ii to sell our choice varieties of nurbery stock oltheron salary or commission permantiit em- ant to the upriglil looklngfor address with references ploynient ones fie right men no room for lazy jht and honest are tho ones we arc may brotheiih nursorymcrii rochester x y pautjjershi notice voticb is hereby given tlilt tlio partutrcliiii heretofore subsisting between the umler- signod as trunk and traveling bag manufac turers in the village of acton under the stvio or firm of moons mclarvii is this day dis solved y mutual consent witxbss v james mooise s w a ktokev h j k mcciakviv ditted this illsfday df january 1w- iiircfercuce lo the above the bushiesii will illflltiirobocariucdonby the linn name of j e megarviii a- coti who will receive aud pay all the debts of the v copartucrship wi j e mctsvwvlx sui kobeut cbaijfk dated this 1st day wlebruavy wsh i l j i auctio sale op valuable farm property in the township op erin under and by virtue of the power of sale con tained in a mortgage which viill lisigoduccd at the time of sale there will be off cred for sale subject to a reserve bid by public auction dt agnews hotel in the village of acton in the county of halton by william hemstreet auctioneer llth february 1888 y at 1 oclock p m the easterly half of lot 3 in the 4th con- cession oftbe township of erin 100 lacrea more or less tjiero are 80 acres cleared balance uncleared- with maple grove valuable orchard iexeellent house and other convenient farm buildings school house upon lot situate about s mites from acton title good terms of sale onetenth of the purchase money to lie liaid in cash on day of sale part of the purchase i litioiis above money can remainqn niortgagc and conditions will bo made known attimo of sale the above property will be offered en bloc or iu parcels further particulars can be obtained from undersigned wm hembtkeet jamowat auctioneer venflors solicitor juelpuptactoh dated this 16thday of january 18ss j tremendous clearhb le l jv 14 m of take stock 1st jfebruafuid before tleitlipnsaiilsof of aud con- io object dollars worth of goodtfuiw dedisposec verted intoreadycasiivrkis will be uoodmust go bagrain hunters and thoo desiring to make a little money go a ug away should care fully peruso this although it only gjje3 you a faiiit idea of t e qiiantttysjf btuff to be sold and theprices at which it will be offered and mako straight for i hollinrake sons milt n lersjif iuvcutivo progress is s method and sys- van bo porf ormod all over the ry without separating tho workorb from homes lay liberal any ono can do the work eithcr sex voting or old no special ability required capltalpiot uoedod you aro started cut this out ami return to lis andme will iifirnni free amass meet bmc of theei ictorsoi wvcton and vicinity will be held iu tho town hall acton friday evening fj llltlaky ijd lit 7i0 the kefo iulock mr nokti1 vokk ixu mfiliecqd m candidate will address tho meeting mf heud arson is invited golj savii tuk quelk i bewface o in uiov fyfc bis i 3d his hi has for diistoinorh first- fit every leave vpu children an oil place 1 i it srchant tailor wishes to ii form thoj public hiat he has re- siucss to tho shop where mr j liany yeah so jiatisfactorily aaived hiiro i will opou out fehugor ami more varied stock of good than over class foods and good tie- v ordfer j bih rder 1 m- port vbic than free send you free sonilthing of great valuefand im- ice to you that will start you in business i willjiring you in more money rlghtiway anvthing elsi in tho world grand outfit address tuue co augusta maine itxful v rewarded bto those who vtvjljli jl read this and thou act tnoy wiftjlnd honoitbl employment that will not ufii tjiem from th sir homes and families the profllifare large hi dsuro for ovcry indnstrioub porspii many have made and aro now making several hundred d illars a mouth it is easy for auoiib to makoisj and upwards per day who iswilling to work eitdr sox youug or old ciipitai no noisdol w6 art you everything npv nospocialaibilityr quired jou reader c8i do it as well ai any oi c write to us at once for full particular whicl womailfroo address sanson co portland ainc james 3tirton lds dentist touclls block o oposiie post office guelph villalized air pain less extraction cf teeth brown navy cotd and blk velveteen for i9c a yard worth a prices cant touclijtbese c rio bmbreideries for5o tud drawers g kinds to 10 12 and 15c prints apd cretonnes for 8ca yard shirts anpj drawers 49c a suit berlin voos 7ac au ounce sfaccrame cord 9c a ball city cottons from 3o a yard np mens wool sox oc a pair girls wool hoods i2jc horse blankets 10c 10 and 12 cam striped flannel 15c ajyard 75c and 5100 hens wool jhirts beiec frdm all to besold at 50c each too big a stock gdjpdsrhistgov 4f a lot of 75 and sooljadies cashmere cloves for 25c a pair bundles batting 100 fine allwool cashmere blk grey andbronne cheap at 50cjjto be run off at 39c aydi good cambrio shiijt lining gc heavy waist lining 10c a yarrf fine satin merveilleaux worth s100 for ofic a yard boys underclothing 15c a big lot of 25 sjmnd locvdress goods new colors to ba offeredkt 20c a jrard it will pay you to drive 25 miles to attend this sale lunch prdvided forpsirtiei from sad consider the dominion washer wringer patented 1883 the most perfect and complete washer aud wringer iu the dominion it takes the lead wherever introduced it washes easily it washes quickly it washes clean with- it a- dozen articles of average size can bauawhedandwruw nut tviilim livs mimii this iuachiue isa worl stt perfee and so fnickly that wberevcrintrouidit is out within lire minutes easily operated aud does its worl si 5 soon recognized as an article of necessity v washesupon tho same principle es handrub bing yet so gently that it does not injure even f the flnest fabrics it is selfadjusting and 4 washes even the finest lmenor the largest blanket with equal ease it does not partially wash tholclothesleaviug them to be finished by hand bnt does its work perfectly and domplete- 1 doing airay with tve wasliboard nand rubbing altogether it washes a ddzeir o moro articles at once thereby accoinplishmg in ail hour or so as much work as wculd otherwise occupy the wholffiday a l burkeof hamiltou ont the patentcotof this machine offers j500 of a challenge competi tion by any other washing machine ever inveufc ed that will accomplish its work equally as well as quickly as easily and with as little injury to the clothes every machine guaranteed to giye- satisfaction v sold separato or combinea price of machine completo with jwingcr 13 without wringer 8 orders attended to es soon as iwssible correspondence solicited david schultisv hockwood po general agent for the townships of esijucsiug nassagaweva eramosa giielph and city of guclpfvsiid all towns aud villages therein 1 isalvh w ltoyce evebtoni 0 general agent for the townships of erin calcdon andgarafraxa titi seawonders exist in thous- xj jcjxux ands of forms but are surpassed by the marvels of invention those who are in need of profitable work thatcan bo done while living at homo should at once send theiriiddrfss to hailctt co tortland maine and tecbivo freo full iuf brmation how either sex of all ages can earn from 5jo 825 per day and upwards wherever theylivc you aro started free cap ital not required somo have inodoover 50 m a single day at this work all succeed most double the ntqjuey i the conhtfy free mantle cloth from 25o efyard uj linen handkerchiefs 7c mens j100 regatta and navy spot shirts for 50c boys suits from 200 up mens tarits from70c up mens heavy overcoats worth 700 for 8450- r sale commelrces saturday january 7ffy 1888 lasts only 2 weeks tliese prices cautbelgivea i uy lonijer ttbelgive artiftelal teeth anco fit and uso all oporatlons str fir oryfoi pitphersotortit i h wli in baby was sjek wo gave hot casttrift wh m she y as a chil hshe cried forjcoatoria wh sn he b cauie mb s shb clung tocnsoriar when sjie h 40hlmw9 sbeatetfifa i t absolutely pure this powder never varies i a marvel of purity strength and wholosotnencs more economical than the ordiiary kinds and cannot bo sold in competition with the multitude of low tost short weigntalum or phoslhate powders sold only incans royal bakino pownrn co- 106 walt btn y powders will 0j8e or relieve bili0usnes81 dizzmss saltrheumi t3m wwi heaiftburh pbs lieadache v0r the skin amoyery- krom steanf ircdjmlq stomm xoweus o nows your change 4 gallons best qdnadian oil for 59c 25 founds bice 100 i 7 fouuds japantletf 100 5 founds good starch 2jc 4 boies matches 25o 4 founds best new valencia raisins 25s 23 bars 1 ilctrie soab 100 new choice orange and lemon peel 19c a pound f 5 pounds of the best 00c black japan or hyson tea for175 we aie determined to lead the tradeuihaltou co if you have never dealt with- us begin now we want to make friends of every person who patronises us and will do our utmost to please you so as to have you for a regular customer ladies french bud button boots for 1 95 worth 1275 ladies 200 spanish eld boots for 150 1 ladies india kid button boots l25- motra flov boots 1 fep we cant enumerate everything but suffice it to saj that in a ery department of our mammoth obesp store goooda will be sold at a aughterin prioes salolastafoir two weeks only purest stromcest best beady for tue in any auantity for making soap softening water disin- leotingand a hundred other uses a can equals 80 poundssal soda sold by all grooexs and tiraggists torootg cqxb tell yourneigbbors and bring your friends journey to tbe musty town remember we cai i only f tbozafa salrobcasjff ontya fujl btatf of salesrlien to i fstejmqjirbjjjsjlp wntoj tfr yon will well repaid for your ntee abow prices during dfioauitomen milton 5 v vj 1 wmm cures rheumatism worm powders axohewsnttotalfo contain ufclr own pargntivoi la aaaio uro ud effectnai tlnsjwiuli of wncwstofflifldrcnor adults s

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