Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 26, 1888, p. 4

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ffcn pv k- j nr kjil- i thuksdavi awl is ijk ivrurf iloti of ltrex in vk leukljujilri fair itllmsmelhkwlciatvu tltcattuilcrt tintt liirrtetd uijtj vtujr afcrivlhaymiltt rircldnlinjv la in pwrttinu nv i lnau artful till rtnc tlol iy u-c- wei ictlag klitij l irw- fchjultl a i lilcwrril pnt4ri0 to tbi fboxt om wt al turn oa l will bat audi hel nth wl xai ujtc4r 1 in p iautmtrjiric prt xerttuuch li tacujit 1- r but thcj v and ku0- nbfct ucrv uva re food lo jjoa i j jol u- tliam iryefvrilllklt diavrir ira lr ibwjik t 4lki 11 tur- toil fmciitidfirclucri a uit atui 4oxl ijir- efald mn iter on criu ilvru ti i yi 1 1 sisi t cor ta fiu lollj jicri uuil iii h llnr irrvllytlivvuliii jut caas tllvritculil 4iirtiv -uiuluiraiciiiji-jv- iilmtrtltlc iwrctl altsoaflrre l- io i aim ilal t- u i tif jretyc alii ari lit itule boaicnaru froat lac iiir lid rfad ill cf ta an lilllir iz in i t a li i ujfct hare uire urv iru r afarjorcr l jvris av k- rnuu eoi 1iv l rurir ambers tas cily forty fear can tuu- 1 neps booses cf il dcsiptloni linn ihetii biioons fdoot t why a potitickn miy ut t pnjriftlesifctiof god it cslr tihtrtl toa coneciencc est lo ic oit prinncu li cjjyci lhrfdijrihm ol tiierhtjijg i eijoaa zjil rf cl lirir fninislioi an iumtic cf tlepccssy cr putentait fit tircrilyt yearf r oh i pijy crick coir ci iten fiia i jopng nrsiu riciifc3 irtf crjicg hie jliiefits of foj sbtccte- dct to uuntyondrti acte cot tiii yoi cai thn t ins uit jtajxrji tie ro3 nit mnkiiuiibi j j sec the cipiiiisii tijir ii tier joe artisges e yelled i sccla tater f meefiii ia i ch sctcxbucoter ittoinj wticrc i u yoz joar boraei cd cirritces siclxtpert jritin miierimd respociii l ciadhc md rednoscd kfcrccr u society tritn deep dejklios j mdh enter ccdlie snbjecl ajcrxriccs fatarc cf uiccar uijccr ki ia alilau is ibe bdek fist when c nm pf before lie city recorder tcbirjrc of dttntennessfcrtbeeeccci lice acdis convicted lie is uiccijilec icalfs cxree ii fhmielie4 to hi njzer ceiitr bo unaer i pcrajy cf j0 farmer fortidacn lo sell rdm liqacr oadr one j eir tbe phhoscpbycf the scccs eecir to be j let usdnai and be racrry for tc- chuiuh we ht v wbea theiilcou eaeiu l1o the- back soot of politics prpatl kilfcs to lie fioiit my mi piv- tv xx ernupniixiiit ofrn e xrtnt lic csercsc r in trery cdtutyinthexijiied stsu scitfeaja lo j sell a patect artick oi grtrt merit oy iu j molts ab srtee himtg a re t sy- ifigorer 100 per cect progt uvis no c and on which the- aseni isro- taenia the eiciaave cale ty adeej prcn l vtiik alithe2 adrintes toozr tfleti aid the facout it i aai anice thit can be e5id lo ererr hcc i crener it might not b ecccrsan- io- r an ci- taopdinarr csdr o eecne pood sccia it ottjce injt we hare cczclzded to inaie it to fihoir not or caziszcc iz the fscrlu rf 0r inyebticn bet ir t eiktitr b y lanyraithatirillhirdkit tttb eccivy oiirjtgentaikaalwgrfc a irtticff from i 5l5q to 300 a nocth deaj and this fc makes itsaie foe oi to mite ourcltsr to til whojexe out of employaiect auyagcat j thilt whl gire oar business a hirty dijs f trfiiltnd uh lo ieur at least grog in this tamj atxnre til ptpensss can retun aji ods tmaold to ntand wc itul refend the mooey paid for them xo gnch einpliiyer oftenteeverdawd to mie dcli offers- nor woald we if ore did not knov that we hkra igects now making tcare thsa dcable oar large descriptive cfr colate eiplam oar c5et fully ac these we wish io becd to everyone- ogi fof eaifby- ment who- will tead cstlirec ce cent jtrmps for- posuee- send at occe ac3 fsbcttreflie aezcy in ilnafor vde loon nd to work on the term nzced in oar extrj rdiearj ci er a dress it ccce xttiril xfjrilrr co j 51 sniilhscil hr- pjtutcrg pi tv tsrur xaa to lc rcictt j d ifcpepa ii dreidfc ditctccrcd lire iinifiery ftciieiica is c ffe toijoood- ejtfqre- the human difrestive appiratc is cna cf ihe most cocipiicaudand wqcderfofthingi jne4istence it is easily pat out of order j qreasy food tcagh food aloppyfoodbad coory mental worrj latejioari irregu lar tabiti and many other lliiije which pngljt cca to behave made the- american peopie 6 nogcnol dyspeptics i bot green angast flower has done a nonderlcl work in- reforming ihls sad basi pesiani- mifang the amcricaa pcojile 80 xbeafchythat they can noy their meuls ftndjbehappjv j etmember ko hippicesa wiihbai heiib bat grkacalgnwfioirdndgf neikk iu lappnes3to the drcpep afkjyoai droggist fcr lottie fseventy- iie penis l ind comfort ta ilic sarrcricrf rowab iloateboltj taniccfi his no inuajforrclitvitcrpakjlcih iretral ai cuitatl itcurttpahmathiside bach far poire sore lt hhccmateiit ooaclie tooibapo siid zvy kind ofs pjiii ojaciic mi will niottturefycinklj q jie 8 iod mid ileal ct itt acting jooutft i wpntterfrl ttrowut kouijldpai cer befog kcknowftdt sf ificgreat piijtl4li6ver audof docljle tbe streuelli cf iny other uziv or uoimcnt o iba jrotltlitodldhe in crciy aiiy handy fpr lien wuiitt- really is tbc beat ly ia the ffortd foe crampe m iho ihiaoipaws and aches ohllkind fofsalebyjiltomgdstbftt 25 centi tle fer r3 0ldly reid kelly bfo idvai r ioiit i8h9rlideot of cecklies erei i ii kdlr dtci jemen kindly cji and mmin j mattrr of vjtu mlrtattv iho bloviiijt qui your if t ids tou ni tnrn wltbtn yoa onvictlo thce w rdsof i who uavf been kb and i he icllnl opiuotiifrdm iibon men aud wo- io m til respect ought doubting mind tttad an from ihoic it arc uow well- ixons fiicg liciii aro nil anil y lroubrcd as wero tomaclt iroawci otbers do noliciiioiw that ollicrs vricv tuv- know the mca is o cure there u no rciioi who yon h old bo louder ill from ktflucy hcr or y6i canjbc cured as wcl not jonier delay trcstmeut but to-daj- obtain out which wil restore yoo to per- niincnt health autt ttitti th iycuckabsu xorthj ilamillncaii nov jiisfi i had bocn safferinirforovcr teuti- jxara from a paii i inthc hack and qdetidoof the head aid indixestiou i could cat scarcely auubi andevcryojiufl t ate disasrted wiui nx 1 was attended byphyiiciant whocxani ned rocaodiutcd that ihad tnlarcemcnt of the liyer tui that it was imposaiue to cure no they aio yuiod that ewia cuuvii from uait diicaic mtlimirajiisa of if c luddcr kidney difcau trcjicliltf sudcaturrhaud that itvis iuix3ssibj foi mc to live tiiey attended mc forthac ks wihctit niakiraiiyinprocmcit in tjy cojditiou i conc3ceiiikii vtn atd stfc lilu aclinttricily cp lo iircvtio a to ditit ml ujk ihlrtj lxulti ted have baa the best of health curticc ify tegular wclt cscd lo be lw lis- when i cciumenced i warners sift cere i ccly wcjcd 1k1 1u i vow wdghiu ihi j br ciiiiiixli odtiltfu illh 17 about six years o i was a text suftcrsc frcn kidney disease an j was in rruery all thehile- i hardly hsi firrcgdi cccufu loaralt ttraiht and wa4 ashamed ioro on the tinxc the pains acres my back were alnicst unbearable and i wis enable tocnd rtlicf even icmjwnrily i bcin iii ose of warnerv sale cnre and inr siieel pee wki focdj relief inda talia ctj bottles ij wa ccnpctely crcd mir m ilourjwllh w win ilk tbo jwju andurrtirtiiliiioniirilftv iovdcrt dealroyjaud ut injury to adult m fr cmaitsavorm re aid o bortnii vh infat l fo pooii s vliolicad 1 iuir fir amcrrcm tvrmi is dalsioa three years tgc 17 it my diaer was ukca ill villi cnghts dir- ease of the kidneys- th- bcsuncdjcii tkiil in lie cily was uiked t the ctaosl let lo no pirpoie she wai racked with con- cs ttr farty cht hnrs or docier rpresi cj street sept list an est da lis best and wet awav cain the cae was hcpeleis af fc she came cnt i of ihc ccnnlsictsde wii very 7eak ziitll her hiir fell ont the dxtor had left ns aboita month when i eotielnied to try warners cafe circ and tiler hiving jaken sirbottjcsa v ith cevent bottks d warners safe villi i sac i decide chme fcr the belter ik her conilioo after udtiz twcty-tlt- tcties there was aeo3pictccrc hy dabbler lias now a splendid jheid cf hair uid wetlia nore thin sie ever did before i csitiil 0t itarcfa g uis in 16 i was ecmpieuly randown i soffered mot serettinsin myjaclrandkidneys ki mtera that at times i would almost be prostrated a ios of ambition a ieat dfsiretonrihate irithoat ihsltbility ctb dcin cctminj from m as irwere in drrs the cnne was cf a pecksiar color anl con- idned coilsiderable forihrn matter i te- came satisied that my kidneys were in a ccngested state and that irwo ranninj down rapidly hcally i ccnclceol to tr vrarnerd safe cere and in fartycict hairs after i had taken the remedy i void- ed crine that was as hack as ink coniain- hqcantitiea of mneas ps and cravel i continned and it waa ijot many hoars be- fcre my crire was cf a nitirill siraw color ajthoagt it contained consicerabre sedi- menl the pains in my kidneys isnbsided ts i ceciinned the use of tie remedy and it wis bat a short time before i was complady reeved 5fy urinwtormii and i can tmtfciouy sav that hwas crecl gilt put jan 27 17 for aljoii tq yeare preions to two years ao hwt october i was tronlled with kidney and lirertjoablc and cn ally i was confined fo my b6i and smtertd the most cicrnciatin pin and fcrfwo wctits time i did ho kxaw whether i was dcid cr alive7 h physiiaoseiid r enlarjrement cf ihe liver thcojrh they pave mc- only temporary relic ffearmjjcf the wonderfd cares of 14 warnetbsife cere- i bean its nse and siier i had tihen two bottles t noticed a change for thetetfer the pains disap peared ahd mr whole system seemed to feel the becct ofthe remedy vluve con- tmced taking warners safe cnre and no other- medicine since t consider the temedy a preat booc and if i ever feel osi efforts j warners safe cere resmc all nnt liweih twcutv poaudshetvier noyr rhan ever before j s inventor qf the ilape leaf lancetcoth crossccf saw dr lows pleasant worm syrcp an agreeable safe and effectual remedy to re move ail kind cf worms aiittccto honnnis are yoa disnrbcs at night and brokenof yocr rest by a sici child snfiiering and crying with pain of cut ting teetfa 1 if so snd at once and get a bottle of r mrs winslowg soothing syrap forcnildfenteetiiinfi ifsvalne is incal culable lt will relieve the poor utile suf- ererimnjfaiiately depend cpon it moth crs iherefis no mistake aboat it tt cures dysentery and diarrhoea regulates the stomach and bowels cures wind colic softens the gums redaces ihjlwnmalabn and gives ione and energy to tio whola btem mrswinslows efoofhing sy rup for children teething it pleaflant to tlio tasternd is the prescription of oho of bkin soap uoi pills w reeci sout ksis oili soro cd lleij hi i i ton tli condi i diicasoa uic ob iliucjou of lli lt arc prompt i 6tomcu liver and y rcmovcdby malloual hul 1rtlte mi johu neehads wriliug froai thfl mctl odist rursousf adelaide onliayi i 1 avo u luf ards pectoral balsam tor axs in out far lily for heavy c3olds sore tlifoaii and distressing coujjlu do othc tnodjcioo sd si ou rcliove- icoung rupin ouiek and p miancnt relief by using icxn asthma or by mail ou eceipt of price lllho ttnllonbf tl ltc ii no dcub tliroat com ul achai vi uyfbckqi iu tin tile eitraordiuar clierrj pectoral is nc by iclejlientp it hisprowu ifself fcr rdds pi a lit ccnls the four cardinal slcruuch th liver locjanvrxitrco i d dcraunii nicoa ihuers lo- iicva nvoc- sisshal his friend cured of indigestion pd liver by i3 13 b andehejxtlyrcccm wcrdt cf his iclier t jxiiis ii gilmo wh aerale g roccri havejased tamara andtjoagh which it mdsrtd and cercy to danftroaf diime yellotr oil should is a f rornptaiid tz remedy d jokeh iisof iho kiii 8ratn- iroples kfuptlotjaud irof lois sulphur uftcrcrifrom asthma arc 8old by all drag- that halyards yillow the best re in c ly foe hprsiu bruises nheuinatiim crou lanicnci and bare- it i iii cjlcnially and tliould tl- hotitc popularity of aytr he natural result of iu oplefocovecfony years the very best specific rl pulmonary com- the uoar irdtaal pofnu- points of health are the the kidneys and the their action briugrdis- it to the whole systepi rvgolate thdir co ditiou with burdock ccurc perfect health can ttllfy t of pctcrbora out can testify to his being constipation and tor- two and a half bottles it e retuj lo act like magic eud it arc the closing ir of t gilmour k co b rockviilc 6ays i lllixtr for a severe cold immediately relieved ulcatbffiautemslit crup is a dibvj5i which strikes quickly prepared for this bottle of hagyirds le kept in the boaie it tiic palm of the drtkcnjislclkt fnl cuntrol overpaii hand moistened with c oileacrls a wonder speedily and entirely sbdaiog it the i electric healing inflti- ence bf tkic highly uuictioned medik is manltested by the i lpid disappearance cf sores and abrasions pf the ikin whea used hmjttqu live i oend prxper vop will live loiter if yoar cooknscs only mpcrial creai l tartar baking pqw der always reliabl s purest and best i with bead ered head and a ldesbochcrs wrilcp thirteen a severe attack from- wliicui etc when i avc only nrcd i arthabaskarillepq years ago i waa seized of rheumatism ia the icarly constantly iis- cntil after ha ing used dr thomas ecle trie oil for 4ne days bathing the tras ccaiplciely cured half a bottle itetnore hie cae to remiysn evi the cause must be ie- raovii it is by opening the dogged avenaes of the tyst m and thus removing the impurcpotsono s and worn oat matter which is the cause of disease that b b b ii zo uniformly successful inoercomiu all djseases of the stomach jeiver eidcey andeio-jd- rax to core headache some people suffer cntch misery day after day villi he ache there s rest niilher day or gh until- the ceies areml unstrncg the a use is enen liy a disordered stom- aei and a enre a2 be effected by using parnjeiics vegetalje pills containing sin rake and dtcdelion sir hinlay war parnji bill lysanjer p q writes i find eicea pilii a j firstclass artfele us headache i qeoa laarcnard dc a allow cold in the head to tlowly and i srely ran into pstarrh when yoa can be c ired fot c by us ing dr chases cata rh cure a fw applicatmns curein sijjitv t catarrji 1 ia 2 fcoxes cares ordinary catai rh 2 to 5 boras is guaranteed to cure climi ic catarrh try it only 25cj and ehrepnre uaneeroosjcoanler fells cyiinlerfeits are aiwavs dangerous more so that tlieyi always closely imitate the crigftal in appearance and name the remarkable success achieved by kosalbalm as a positive enre for citarrh anil cold the bead has induced unprincipled parties to imitate it the subtle are cautioned no to be deceived by nostrums imitaiing sasal bale in name and appearance bearing such names as kasaj cream nasal balsam etc ksk for nasal balm afid do not take imitoxions dealers may urgfluponyoafor sale sy all drnggistsorseni postpaid on receittof price 50c ttnd iby addressing fniridicojbrocjtvilleout qecbnq brri iron aptt nine htquare languid and weak knd your appetite poor my bf iron and wine is the tinic be tare askn mrigorating tonic it is recognized ty the medical pirofesaiou as the- j best strengthening medicine thos far produced it is invaluable afl a bloodaudmbsch majcer cspcuiahy u those cisea where weak icss is the resujt of imperfect or in food af wasfiqg fevers oreiceas of any sort it jcohtains toe nntriment of beef the r imoianl properties 6 wine and the tonic powers cf iron and is admirably cal- culat d to build up liis emaciated system it worse than madness to neglect t coucl or cold whicl is easily subdued if tafcei ntimo becomes when left to itself tho ft rcrunncr of consumption aud-iirema- tqro catli innamialion wheoit attacks tho d ilicatoljetaoof the langs and brou- the oldest and best female physicians and cb tab f ith penloa rapidity nureesin tbo urutod fixates and ii for sale by all rdruggists- throjichout tho world p tj cents a bottlp bo surb and ask for mai ixhtows bootinxo btccp and lake no otnpr kind among the warmest advocstes of the use of nortbyop a lymaua vegrtaile djb covcry and dyspeptic cure are ladies for iheatt health whose vjgor and ikrity bavo beet- restore jby ir utyof long trtanding jbronio weakness of jlho back aid merly in bpaayw cases of biliodsm kidneys typos of rrofia iiidijgestiooi aroorctcpmi inine- ailments and obsuaate syrn andwheiie r i childaiai j ken fhcn lo not delay eel a bottle of bicjtlos anti- consumptive syrup tho medicine that grasps ibis formidable oooflthe hami u bodyaud drives ilfromtliosyawm this nedicinp promotes a free and easy ezpec orationi subdue the courb diaea edpartf and c teru a mopti wottder- fo ii qaenoe a cur ugconsuatptiod nd other 3iacasc4 of the throat and lungs if pirei a wiihto sn e the hvek of laeir child mi ana the lselves frenp n ach nnxre y trouble and wpefii e let ifcem to- cure 4 botilebicajov anti jquiumj uva cgld as imuh ct jjoaraeiwj jivs mmmtm i j1llv normbus im jqiti0h3lr jrnettibaw ivory k lo blni pf ifuti 1 kw d fawoiiiue df opt m ltacry mniiue na ufmon or jtoui ac f j und honte puml hi o00i vn4r ooruln in lci chiillo ofllp red art 8m cofc unhjx mdr or jli rta uwt ytipiiicurm 111 urcs vtrlv md btuplo ooodi of ill kinds aro arriving irabu every day boacht at bo very uwrrt price lomible j for life ci uor aud are still n off w jjr wt l olded dally hde ujjr cannot sice new hjouo ojg-p- sfc uinllum april u liss aihtco loi of oiru auperrur iolorfd tittliincto hosu al llainwce i4i i j iii weak ii cariwu tud houo purin ulefiala lb lock of them urn eliormon id i incu variety pd tbo i ut atjle lip llla of reovtnialogaoy walnut di4rryantnealfc and ebony the fjenell bllilllrlijoiblo width biuncl11 uutmlve tho jwi cmnbrnallon 11 v 1 fclt jjepart- eolbroldored mulin hailing are mitflcirtt thovew style of blka aoi 8 sn aroobarm ins and m iaharjo vvbo i reman the breajlafcioi mtnt make tlee ue go in th very lleat style and perfect pit alo arrivulpour ce of ry hndne para ol ad lb u 1u t mantle ulolli colored cahmrnji a ea hf illoicled cotton a lot o dlisulfl bibbonaln ombre hmde boor tika ofi5ul nd ai akin crman tveed cotuum cloth a cao 0 tabic oilcloth clildrn gauzet ilj jlerino vmumdn stripe 1 cv d bwinow 0 tail m j ubn oin ham printed urc mulitjdo silk pluah workblind and table cover 3 v ali 1 mtu alliwr lmbrodcm und rcl hjii u g cloth striped htoiati doo and hloett kupnorler learner voilmc hlkj il coloml pjngw bural sloriu kralreanfc faatl t t bi arnlfelt crumb cloth a nc of kjk olorel iilalio corot tico metal uelu llraid ornatirenh and tonranj irf m headed rcnd mtuv i teon i hlta hale cat lace cnrulr ibrenin3 plontuing and prilline ku in i tneo peter top n satin kid ghu ir lj line ijdw liuttap i int dock fihoolin lonadale oamlrto wrap ciirlauilli drcssl cl etc hcmcmbertloolores arc only one ooor ct of nhioi on kg flrcteut mlud tho nane on the wiodcvfl nra the llicbl lfoac and l fancy prctf good chanbnfloine- oeo 1 u 1 chvo eeiaiajcel ctudda ttoiii ilanel bi uttns friih ttfl tj on klje ftrtct ea thqalls c wtkixits- 1- 1 these amjhabd tbiei i fbut- t for infants and children caatoria u ia rcfl aaapted to cacdreo liat t rceoaayxill a cperlor la ac j pracripuca kaowatome 1la aaaaatd 111 bo oifonl st brootljts k y wuieul tajarioa cmiauaa tun clxtca ccjcar tt hurray fiircet k caitorta cares pcfllc ooaatlratioo boer btomaca ularrncea eructatum rill tormi cir4 deep lad proaotcs a- i ecuioo -ladies- gg ujipcr wyndhnnvstrcci guclph dry ioods iitruriivi t li tj ci h t 1 gliktlbmbx suiting worsied tpd iantin iii thccily 0h t tvtinlr v cti 0rill vclc f i k i- kklsox a grand opportunity for canadia1 printers ma8n street aoton pepirul w f lyply is rzutiteuij cer it jg tic ia lii izire in re and irfth groceries lhatiinc for tlu liufcs cheap i a special stock of crockery and djshesqrehown irfsfefs at from s250 lo s2006 toi3 sets s5 worth 6 class sets 50c worth g5c- tamrs si50 worth 5200 i vegetable dishes fruit bishes cakestantfs c ah 0r good rrcfjiutely ciiesp i j iiverv customer lw t i uewoiei irjj ic cicitc rrcu ire jrr cocc carlv lv always stifictory and secure cooda cheap t it hjuadig astew goods for go days isvil luriisr printers with fine new grouty printing presses all duty paid and si bi the freight comeand see yoa tte c vct1 kew improved ptoul at wovk in our 01 ir we ii ci im bv low njci ria kirn1- h p moore ageut far cauatla rvj forclalotrjcrrieiv acton ontari 3 furniture undertakiing on furniture department i undertaking department j- i ciuilkti with i biiatrrtl parlor bedroom suites spring f beshattrc3ses tables chain etc etc etc this spring new voklv styles- brooches earpings scarf pins rings etc i ixiso new stoqk of i- j american watch es made to ecj especial order 1 nuf jr- iaiiyi acccjn tllcap ail bra crndtrwk a irst i u 1 ari 11 11 am sp- l im j lot pm jrtdcj ftoli t idiif v ioilam ooilc ifijtra summer palaso stcnrriens i rar frjr pr ifttii dtrroltkackv cti cialt ctxiazt hpti fr vcr x detrdit and cll our iltvstpatl kaw4ral2ccrt ifcyjeuriiu4 dofrqit clereunrhs 1 dttllot autliteljl iii- f 17 church stjfli bar6flsoj0 nrv oujs prlility s tcjv uccay jrpinfijtftod sperlos rotit rticrijrewicilts inj fujiy lucralixi reeirl fjjrvt bchontld roc to ion ire xiiu t kb to tut sit i how losjt how r j ate jwjuuhi j new ctcu wells celebrated escsrv of sptrsnjortfctea or iiodij exce cr early in ipcr tjon tto criiranl janilior la 4 oisay clrarh- deicfjcilratei h d9li jucccju3 -tactic- tbat tit hr ibiucci of early rrror way l rai jjomiftic oui ft jaode crfflttr wi ccrtaiiabaltikijal lymai o fufftrr fad ciattcr vbathiac itk ma- cjixt hfacul cht i f ciiir j llujktiir j yoath en3 ftvcry tuan xntwu 6oat jqaiiir j in a fljij jilarfis onwcdpt of fria nknip fltkwi tho oultcrvcil if i axm rr- kevtoux r jirely vegtiable pie acxctialt take no bthir sod cejusjierbottltl fr bqty ecp and fviliti4 ilrerrietcr thi3 loniqn rdprlstcra- njo ontilta ml tfil a if i mmmmm xmv atull line of gooda frprn tlie colifnscniktlsandburiul lidw i of all sizes in slock i 0udeis illosiiily filleb j speight sdn beat makers always 6n hund plllcns masoxibll ii j speight son jjaspeight laltiagiea i jlmljobteu dii1ect tgoil geltrakyto jjhjirleb 1st kelly mtlflio store opposite pobt office guelph- mio llteest and most campieto consisnuunt of mnsioll ifercjiaridito tliat has oep roceived in gaelph fllio stook couijts of doable liiasei violincellos viola fall three qnarto hllflize violins gaitara banjo claea accordeons iiecolob flutes claric etc harpwnicm banjo strinia tambonrine cymbal uones uaadrinii bnared silver and bras trimming v iiiose gooda are ubnjjhffor caah and importe1 diwt o the muaic lovine i ulo of a tih and vicinity may lock for barjjaln this fall andwintcr my tore ia at eked witl a fall line of the bejll organs lansdowie pianos 1 or whirl iirfi sola asent for luolpi and vinnily doureto call aud rc pricciof now organ before yoa bay second hand ones i lie lansdowne piano taking tins load lwaiug rnnaloians are jailling uiol old piani b bod biiyii2 this pianty i j j ih lallaiid examine rtjroit ttobpfe to abomgoids speciai atventfon ii s to tlipjefrmnjaoifaila1 r m f nt hi wj and the just opened- at v light spring overcoatings u iv worsteds ad- meltons beaiuiiiil uoigns ami- vaviet v ofiihadty madtiij iu the latest styles i shaw grundy mercbanttaliors cuelph b laeranceq wliiesale optjidians ko 246 st james street montreal i t- r s- v fi whose celbraleij imdjlo and otuejr bpeclach uil evogleiei to tofwl in every tovro in flodonlinior theyafe rccotaieao by iad have been id frcffllfcereaidcnwjficopreajdebt ealjrtiaeijt indttwoepnaldent fol murtlfdtcal asuwiation of ganada uie preaidekoffiivdbwrbbioisuvd hnicons gf quctwjlha ueartot the medicfl faqibrqr fiipiliyfj wlsjiitafciiil llmiiett throaajlodfa wij j tudaywh ai one t6 qnltj sirn mlioit oik afcwcf ubuitlreiitiboan lullyticjtullj dr wasti j i airi jiu luckvirr shd auj cffofljiiipuoii i j 16hnsfckeky kiuiptonvilud mib x hop cocntnjlioa itf n swtt kiugstou 0 inl throat- mrtjujrdetranillarroirte janicj haltt ralaitrjaij larrnh littod and throat j f fraacim qctiip out cata tbrat i minsrlnoeby berlin oot- f wmd t m rorunp 0 luitry srtjtl utrfiai oat uu jslrni wasatf mar bcdiifi fciaaand lirokt u irtrikerclwr btjacobxuiil and uiroal- i colin oiiupbflkpt bjw james atcccy ljiiitaou wnisuiinaprholotjd jolhph firoiloj fort flmp h 6lorr ewior sk jfuutctenjr actontofttj ue onl7 taroat and lomr i hhs ilaty a roaimw ctnhlhca athl fhrot iodt jnji uullhroat ctjrhlhca at f ilm ictckltrct xcfaseft 1 sutnptica i mi f- larnrtt reamtor ion gmorcpf u tl lilteleftc ft kw bi ifli v v i 11 r ijiblslfsl f r s w- tr j i r- pa aeivaah ti lt traelii ixsirrjaysj iot nabossi olfa dgcao si d etda i aiicis tsw ii6 its jrseie i viv i rwliace nmt t ihe tfj tiy aae3 rrihata k nex luiaraawal botmi odp4tlb linjledaya wtjiis ife kbtfiji iife

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