itr curtaii o thioo 0 lit pets roa vtstp am ta jfe tlcket3t0h btu- 1 tiets llwari a y- ii aim 5gy rr i l-cugca- u a 35h tcrtcaolumta j3 5tes uieh 29l ieokge lostiii r cor tiicdwiaji lie fccf cbaiqbwimtaitf- tt men ho cuhmimr iebcicc fpecujnm3 kltml lice vbkfe dtf i kt oscta nl llv wlotheefi riki mr k avasn xg lotsj p sixe i lots isrir in bfc a ii 5r l- harwell t lxir caliscr ftr i jwfalir ruifticl v rhk livkg pabei lok 1888 sftr i fc tnric is new apli trstei op ji hociert will bei z be hjci rpoa e suite rimtai en wakfm s tar t5nxy ilaittae 1 31 f tosu i oi- acres liemfcticcua liomrab y 30th- ms istissal ara k rioi4tnpe uc airiod to t ff tticn to a i mw thk3flthullktchujcli acton set a rhiturs pabtck j i- tctllcd j ivrt 4lkicl0ic at- cj clvl inl loifpjuotre fr j r lurnsiuy itiv ir isss locals 2lt- u lif trriflatlilful nail atftl qoctu uirtliiav r crttvgcuifii filled ijo trcci onatfaor tcc vili be oitwrj is i xcneril iiiy i tj r wati t sitcrdiy tnirket thcw uaw fibres bcclia popa- iiv- s 010 tii iucrcise oi c5 over lut yctr ir- vnix hrl is kcqt charcii next ir vm ix5cxeb esqccsinj hid ric tcstn cficrse stolen one ciht atntjpcaiilors irriag lo- pet ibrfwhrcaiiiirrctit of faundrj- i tyiiit to nisc 70co to parcbisc a f ri rikc vrt ctmaf in tins list vivvy i crty cf 121 li jivcrtsciccets par better ta rqcruv- xtn tqillcr cses the object u iwetcr rd nfcieinbcrl hicr qg hertia scfll preach in the l-isi-i- imtiuglhocsc on wedflcajay b iry t odotk p ni v d thttccigelph pleaded guilty i izriiy of lo salt act lud w cljtij sni cthtfiiut thcrsdiy jtu iiiiccd yfc- works byiwr ivthj v tst fc rtschcd ts fouots vu2ju ct3e rilit doim to the i r- cic ill jh locecuuics slruw hi j itioi trnchiway lire wind biawp v ta lviiizl rjccits the ddm- tri j v irtcnly ujrce licenses ti-itj- r vr lsir lh fcrnrreginie ti lri c xnjricii of the grttgere to goehih on the lu prodiiies to bo csutcsur l- 1 ccfjtrnt of lh town far r ticci thpt uf last year tn- ii ii ntr sbwly lot enrtly- u mr jon ahcci his tnach improved lui ikirira cf ut residence on ifiin ihi jrrg br i ubenl cse of cicely an anrfcyee c the beu telephone co recectlj kt fcr ccttii elude trees fined 5 and sose of the rs vrere simct cktrorod j trc tiriivetcother opea iir con- re en the street en monday erenicg the dy2l piht n the sweet strains o raibrchl cztihe ctiiens vuluc tifu hcrsiaectnofthegaeph cafirrfcaoe vitbe held in the methodift chs scifcnh cotomeiicuig an tharr- ty jse 7tb st 9 oclocktin the prctpects ate pood far the erection r iirre nniibexof eer booses intovn ids z3er thert ire ilready some evi3 iucinrseof crectian and ilter- grcretea council liz agreed to py ls elltilion btod 100 to piiy on the ris siats daring the ftunraer prtty hbcrcl denaftoa for a tmii tnn tl fr2 prk it kirgrrs etllt vul be fcxy all the drivec ind -illr- zizziy cofsted- md e3 rzc chny which 3lw ilsatke novel 1 ir h s jicdomli cf minsetood l rsvrj to adcs mi ufcenep hik rcsiiic2 ci peel street ir ifcdonild i iiic nctzccefal pcraltry fanae ilins and cochins hivetchen -l- in irtsol the prorinc a lijsri ftu crites t visiimg ilnjliil-i- o hec ju suva i ifi fi thicli may not be garhy ii-c- i is thatilr giiistoae owns a tj cf hud on lis cisadian lids com rrzzdic t splendid view cf the fillx jfe 2j iifced to sell rhen the prospect park irjraveitets were oeicg plinffec bet de- sizso siji ihanks jis okisaljizteistxtnej the fux paiiss is in receipt of t copy of ihekevieed siitaea of the province itfa tit cepceqt c the attorney geneni tic iyo vol isles contain theetitateaof 0itij csasqliiited to the pteent year ti ire ssbrntially boini and present sjri ttnisrnie eppeartoce than those tv3i 2d- the press of the pro- 7 heirtiiy appreciate the tho-ght- i4 rios of the attorney general in thus iri lrztyqr shzit tz2zs rlry tlei planting fihade treee es- yjxy cjjng ths adewalk iseera to forget t it i ksssiryio mike proxison far tcirijtzr tndevea present grottth ted tiidcntly cocclnde is done that ifi re- qdra-thixt-khzy-hive- dag the smallest pjitrtlclcie in which to place the roots j r the snme- when the frees are tit- rwts are often grabbed o3 so er can hire no hold on the cfcre tobe enpported byttaiis this iszr wrong yve eiioald trees as uring beings that fiire food iir ridorgins to ajaimuate ii ojl 7ih fepios to develop roots lnai i ijrrnjhas iudthis cannot be dj3 ndjr thj caaatara1 condition in zl ri ray are pucei a large kola hr- iin ia which every rootlet can be sjrad cirefnily and in an uncrarnped tl iitica hh good soil to supply vijj elincatf of grcjtrtk and plenty j-fj- f l- t evening waiter t and itvurt cinjjil win boherr qf the 5th jii kcl arj ee under theinfiaetice of yist ditiurlrcditi peace byfariooa drir- j tiie etres blasphernoar language zl rc riotous conduct chief ittlcj trrciied tlem and they fpeot l the celu the cert morning if cre broagiit before eeeve storey for jil ample evidence was iddaced ju to ihr coudnef tod hey were each fiwd uo si cflts to ih paid forthwith or so dayt i d they vere unable to pay th fine rcre liken ojthe coanty gaol since itertof ile scott actdnmiennesi on fuieie hi been largely on ibe increase asuafc referred to the matter and j 1 v rli d hiie ku determined 0 ptmcrra ie psm- cij maflieipilitjr irrepectie h01ie gleanings which ire uoslty or atneai ci aud allintercstiuir j aiu romary seraim anoivcriiry ktmoai will u pteichod in the melhoduit church nctt sandiy hf llcv if boyle ctlrwidcnt d the itlo lmtniuvc mcthodiit coafcrcnce tu pahlic ue oordiiily iavttod speciil ool- lkliout id tid of the trqit land almost numberless ajiuentifk thcrtockwood advaact uyi- mia riving hi eipencacc in the balrauon axmy the other night nid the lord hid bleu- od him abundantly that he hiihad four wivea and the lord hid uckoduim with twenty childrn oiaflfe iji c7 r r time tiwe lut itpnday a new time tabic came into effect very ewchanges tare bocn made however the tnia going east at 750 a m uow loaves at 810 1053 train cat it 1057 the train from the east in the cveningatssghac been changod to 88 all the other trains remain u before strlj- closij the early dosing bylaw came into effect on ifonday evening it 7 oclock ft hu been cheerf airy obserrcd and thera hat m yet been no evidence of inconvenience to the pchlic the merchants and indeed all ire pleased lo notice this unanimous desire to complete shopping within proper hours and i tins spirit continues the success of the gchcmc isassured wanteix clear coniczenee yx it savsge jewelew of guelph re cently received ihej following note dated from the youngilejs christian associa tion rooms detroit ifiy if ity dear sir enclosed find 5m placed in my hands to forward lo you as conscience money kindly forward receipt ta me l p k ew has nersl secretarv- joiredoa tfcelwciraf airda a man named richard patterson a qgarrjmin was killed friday evening at credit forks by a special freight on the c p r he was lying on the tract ap parently asleep the engineer made every enort to stop the train bat could not 00 account of the heavy grade surgical aid was called but was of no avtil and he died twohoirs afterwards lo blame can be attached to the railway men as the man was coder the influence cf liquor thedirisizc court sessicz a good deal of interest was manifested hi the division conrt session last thursday there svas uot an nnosaal namber of cases but those on the docket were tedious in evi dence ud there were two jury cases among them judge millar held a session in the auditorium of the town hall md barrister slowat another st the same tide in the council chamber and still the coart was adjourned for a couple of weeks tocomplcte business armbrgkta wtulepuylrglicrasse lait thursday evenmg while epeiding an hour of recreation with the lacrosse players in the park chief lawwn met with an accident which will render it inan- venient fochimtodo mcchworkof ajiterary character for a time while running after a ball he slipped on the grass fcnd fell with his whole weight the co unconsiderable aggregate of 2j0 pounds averdopois and the resnlt was a fracture of the large bone of the foreamof the right hand at the wriit dr stacey was also a participant in ibi game and promptly reduced the fracture iir lawsoa carries his arm in a sling but ts doing well the scatftfeeu erariar ifttter councillar kenney called the pther day to say that he thought the minutes of the council as published last week should bxve explained the reason for the itrittrnnmr of the ringing of the town bell on sunday he was in favor of having the bell rung in oompeance with the petition of the micis- tersof enorbt albans the baptist and disciple churches but the reason the ring ing was discontinued was because other councillors were not willing to pay for seen service he said he believed in acton being a goahead hown and was doing all he wold to make it such but others opposed iiim in his efforts guelphrdistrzzzkethodist church the annual meetingof the gcetph dis trict was held iu norfolk st ilethoaist church goelph on tuesday rev dr orifnn presedaud rev f swanc rock- wood waselectedsecreiary the reports frcm the various circuits of the district were en- conriging and indicated a general increase in membership ana that the connectional funds have been satisfactorily sustained the lay representatives from thk vicinity elected to attend the annual conference at seafcrth are as follows wj p brown and h p if oore acton isaac soyder and wra wanibrouga eridfiamcel harris rockwcod and john wriggles- worth asb grove jjilzctpieztfire f about eleven oclock on sunday evening the alarm of fire was given and it was f oend that ryders tailor shop formerly j fvfes was on fire the building was full of smoke when the alarm was given bat it was diecojt to ircats the lire after some time it was discovered to be in the cellar and the willing work of citizens soon ex tinguished the flames the damage was nominal an insurance of f 500 was eseet- ed in the royal last week the fire was clearly the work of ah incendiary for there was every evidence of coal oil having been freely distributed and the coal oil can of the shop which had been filled the evening before was found to be almost empty the deed was a dastardly one for if the fire had not been detected it would not only have destroyed the tailor shop but the house ad joining occupied by mr harry blake who is on a viiif to england iir ryder was away on a visit to friends in erin and re turned just as the fire was extinguished credit yklleyloop line b fi- on friday the tstk inst a deputation consisting of ifessrs- wm bochanan and robert noble of norval doogald reidand jno r- barber of georgetown john sykes and samuel beaumont of glenwill visited ottawa in the interest of this newly- projected railway the deputation was in troduced o the firshinisisr by d hen- derson il p for hajton and w a mc- caila k p for beet attention was drawn o the valuable water power on the river credit with which the government was no doubt quite familiar and the great desir ability of affording every facility for utilis ing these vast water powers to the greatest advantage the projected line waf intend ed to run along the valley of the credit from the vicinity of cheltenham and again connecting with the c p b system at a point below brampton thus providing rail way accommodation for all the mills aad manufacturersilong the river for a dis tance of about ig miles such a railway would greatly enhance the vtloeof property along the credit and very naturally assist in farther developing th great industries a chetp tuustnttd jeanne lticratare aldona new illaitrilei wwk- ly magazine it certainly ooq ot the bright ml hiudwroea and most readable of u14 literary paperaot coarse it ii the cheap est for aldeti pabliihwt it u00 a year ipecimencopy foe especially 11 teres tug papecaiu the fait uiae are lew vaadcrj poolc ou romance iu fiction fredrick haithia otr johd uaikiat forge aud ed- muud goota oa hctiry ibsen the bcandi- narim poet which la aocompanioccd by a fine portrait it is a good paper foe every homo library john b alden publisher 89j puarl btrect new york 21s clark 6trf chicago ontarios jfluc cows at the recent meeting of the fairs and expositions convention in toronto prof robertson of guelph read a paper on the use of exhibitions to ihe diary indus- try the professor cave some interesting statistics there aw at present in ontario sdooq milch cowi the milk of 250000 of these- is manufactured into cheese u50- 000 conlribate milk for baiter and 150000 give the milk which a consumed in the cities and coantr m foster ifinister of fisheries is to be married in a few dyi to iliss smith daoghtec of the depaty minister of the ktrine department notice of ll tgticiiil ih u l rnt all jlpu- rtcto ci mbj r- wm ml difl j hem the ffeuders may be and hat all 1 nor carried onalong the river it was also pointed out that this was the route origin ally intended forthe credit valley railway sir john advised the procuring of a charter si iiijg cm vitfi y ab lugseotence ai early as possible and promised a govern l- trit iry riwjj ev cut deoi- f mant engineer would be sent op to examine evj prtiidjn- cffiiejof toronto police the proposed route with a view ia dctormia- court 1 iog what could be done ia the matter cizinit jrhjx promptly ponlshed it is rcntrld aijgrt on thursdaymom aliiitfjtj brewy c t becopied it the baking powdee disccssiox offirial tefcu it deicruilae tuc bcstwliy they aw saiicrloc leavenlas aleuts tttc rlo of carbaimtc f animonlit the official analycs by prof w g tncfcer ot new york state have afforded some of the most valuable evidence yerpro- duoed relative to the actual character of the food and drugs in every dsy use some time since professor tucker was dir ected to analyre the viriaaa brand of bik ing powder and report which was the purest and best he procured samples from the grocers in albany and after a series of exhaustive tests reported that the royal was the purest and best of all ex amined the accuracy of the published report being questioned by a local manu facturer a reporter of the albany jvumal obtained an interview witr professor wnich ia reported as folws ia ihtt piper doctor said tho reporter it tpiearri that on of our loca baking powder matia- facturcr attempts to accredit the rctxjrt j l i ills tull como time ago published it the jw with reference to baking rcrders for the analytical eramicrtions were mid yogrself aud trof if nn were ytmr nn- alyi and opinion printed correctly they vrere riplie1 prof tucker literally you say doctor tint the royal lik ing powder is superior to any other biking powder which you hive ciiminei that is my report whereiu doctor ansists this super iority which you find in the royal over other brands v as stated in my report in the grcit purity or its ingredients iu theunqecstion- sd propriety and wholesc mentis of those ingredients in the exact proportions of the same and the chemical accuracy and skill with which they have been combined as i said before it ir i believe a baking pow der cnequaled for purity strength and wholesomeness doctor the jvcnuzr lady rccders would like you to inform them what are the peculiar virtues of a good baking pow der over other and more oldfashioned methods of raising bread biscuit and caker i that would require a long answer something in the nature of a lecture- briefly however the advantage of the royal baking powder over yeast conaisu in the quicker work it accomptishes in the preservation of some cf the best elements of the floor which are destroyed in the production of the carbonic acid gas by the use of yeast and in the absolute certainty of sweet light and digestible food over other methods for quick raising the merits of a pore kh powder are great it is always ready for use the acid and alkali are ambined in exact proportions to pro- dace definite resells or to render the largest amonnt of lea verting gas and icive nothing more than a neutral residuum which is not the result where cream of tar tar and soda are boaght separately and mixed in the kilelieb for it will always occur where this is dche thatone or the other of these substances will predominate making the food yellow heavy hitter cad unwholesome besides the cream of tar tar which can be procured by the house keeper is mostly adulterated adding to the uncertainty of the results or the unwhole- someness of the food- all these dieculties are avoided in the use of a pure pcoperly- raade baking powder will baking powders keep how long will hey hold their strength if properly made nntd cwd a per fect baking powder must combine snperli tire strength with power to retain it inde finitely baking rwders generally are robbed of the necessary preserving ageat in order to give present etrength or eu2 have their efficiency i largely destroyed by the addition of large quantities of flour to prevent premiture decomposition the method by which both these qualities are retained in the highest degree produces the perfect article and this i believe is fully accomplished in the royal baking powder doctor what about ammonia in baking powders carbonate of ammonia is sometimes ased in the higher class of baking pow deti is it injurious or objectionable v nonsense qaite the contrary it has been used for generations in the finest food it is a very volatile agent heat entirely evolres it into gas leaving no residuam were it used in scficient quantity to do the entire work of eratiou r am inclined to believe it would bo the acme of leavening agents soma of the highest authorities ashassall recammeii ed its exclusive use for this purpose in pre ference to yeakt or ether kinds ot leaven it is universally admitted to be a whole- bale and valuable agent and no chemist ot reputation will class it otherwise i have become indignant when i have read the sily charger that have frequently boon made throagh ignorance or otherwise against it then thote rnaaafacturers who adver tise that their powder does not antain it n confess that heir powder lacks a most useful wholesome and excellent ingre dient but they say its origin a filthy it origin and method of preparation are no mow filthy than the origiaand pre paration of bread all this talk abont ammonia in baking powder and its filihy origin it the 1 veriest rubbish a man dis graces himself when ho lends himself to any inch statements it is particularly oaiair or baking powder manafactnrerb to seek to pervert tha troih or prejudice tbe ignorant or unwary by statenwnu that it is either harmful or dirty ammans exist io the very air we breathe and ia largely present in nitare as a wholesome substance- l constipation dcmaniuliroinr trcaiineriv the re sults of neglect may be serious avoid oil harfhiand draic pugadves the tendency vt vlikli i lo- weaken ilia bowels tuo best remedy is ayers im1u uiig purely vieiatlc lher j octton is prompt and their ijtcci always jbcncticlal tuy arc jag admirable liver and- afitrhlidikripiflatid every 1 where ctidiwd by ilie pvoftssion aycra tills aro hlhlvjaud uuivcr- sally ikikcn vl y the lyoplc about here i taakc driryiiio o them inmy practice dr t 11 fowler bridge port conn i lean rtroinmcril avcrs pillt above all oflcrs haviagi lojig proved tbeir vahte as a ailisiic lor mvyelf and fjmlyjt ilefi lelthsnllc pa for ftveral years ave- r pills have been ucd in my faotilv we fiud thtut an effective remedy for constipation au iiiigfstjoi and arc never without ihem in the house ilosos grenicr luivdl mass e have used avcrs pills for lirer troubles inid indigestion during many years anil have always found them erompt aw1 efikient in their action n smith ltican v i ecfiercdfroni constipation which asuml such an obstinate term that i ftartd it would tiuts a ttonjue of the bowels two itoxcvof avcrs pills ef fected a complete cure i burke eaco mc- i livetiii aycrs pills fgr the pjjt thirty years and consider ihtm an iu- valuabll- fnmily nnilicin i know cf no kttcri reuieily for liver troubles and have thvays found them a prompt cure fur dyspepsia james quicn y3 middle st llaiiford conn having lon troubled with cstire- nes whiidi secins inevitable with per- eons of eleiitary habits i bare tried aycrs pills hoping for relief i am lad to say tha ihw have fervedmo stter than any- other medicine i arrive at this conclusion only after a faithful trial of- ilnir merits samuel t jones oak st lijitoii hass ayers pills iiletaed dr or j c ayer sc co lowell mass sold bj- all dealers la medicine dissolution sale eouiion of partnership rvi 4 hbusekeepersj atteiitiioil 1 waul paper8 i iva tho urrtt wcj 11 a 1 i ce1lisu kitcubn jtjjlou msisi ail3cflni iiri tiinus kamjtsicoiiii 11 1 ililart l i t mhir ctjt il i i alabastine peuchen8 prepared pa1mte cutta percha the iva ucl 10 ir jiilh iu yi 1 uolryiv bru8he8 jtfllll lillj uizlli tliias up kow ii liic limn tv it 0i f3 rl i 10 fi c- r 1 iv f 1 t iiiitr vahioiniiaivrvakniriraiiscij sro k lour noiv 1 cloth 1 r ls0tn3idiniatc t agent for b laarances perfettca spciaclc j i 11 a stone georgetown ixtzrior ezcorjltor isu pj-oitsr- and oniaseatiu paiatits in tta latest styles lessox5 ix oil palstlsg orjek left lit fcocpreis osce acni cr 5- jreal ta bet 1 cir5toic2 u1 rcevo h a stoks ay it tiint llie pirt- ritfnr rnl fitic between im ntrul mrcliinls u i irtu ti i 1 c 1- the mij aiilt5iv i- co y lud con- ti iil j-irtner- i v lolkt tue ni ililtcn silj t j- l irievip ktc j- i v ui fltiisld ll k-t- irvl wii viimx willi l-cf-fuilc- lllc abovc i be tojintimriit- lhti i intend continuin llclforcaid busi ness under the stvk and firm name ifjwm mcleod qo and would resjiectfull- ask all parties owint small balances accounts and overdue notes to call and settle its money is required tc pay off the retiring partner i also b lett to announce a dissolution sale the stock is large and iir- tclass and there are several lines of goods to be sold out to reduce the stock great bargains will be given as we must have money to square up the retiring partner our spring goods are com ing in in large variety new prints new dress goods new silks new millinery new para sols new tweeds new gents furnishings new readymade clothing new carpets new cottons new towellings new table linens new footwear prints f6r5cavttrth double the money j new cottons for 5c great bargfiir t remember ilie ordered clothing department dress and- mantle making depart ment and millinery are in firstclass working order and stockedwith the latest novel ties this sale is a genuine sale to realize money to pay off a partnership that has been dissolved so r can come with confidence to purchase and vou will be amply repaid although the stock is mark- ed vervlow already and sever- al lines below cost we offer as a further inducement to buyers a discount of 5 for spot cash on all sales of s200 and up- wards for two months ending 1st may isss wm mcleod wm mcleod co jiajbrotir house geoebetown worcesters unabridged qvarto dictionary willi or tillicct ix- tone pttcal iiic r edition of 1888 enlarged bv tl 4iiuoa of nncvljao bibg aphical dictionary of uforly lio0 pertosact tusl s neur tra gazetteer of the world nolia and locatir over 3dw3 iiltocs i coziidg tho over 12500 new words l recently added together kji a table of 5000 wordsin gener- al ijee witli their sy nonytiies illvftmtil lira wood cvru lxv ruliiiaii 1 fultes j tb national standard of anirrivanlitrntcre evecrcdiuoaocloeuow hsliaef bntat irvicjwcittier aad othr eminent americui tntiarsfojovi worcester it precepts tuc tuaol til prcat elciiili triterc it is tiit aauidrity cf ite leading niiririccs and nt taprtk or the coastry aad of tbe ktticail dc- iiruiaail lt wiahingtca lok jllebtixibookinrri j r lmprixcott coktant rcbliiltcr tij isd 717 lfxrfcet street itiiladelphii p0wdi purest 8tbonce8tfle8t i cokthins no wuh xmmoni- lime phosphates i orutiapnikif nltertllt e w giluett cnicigo ui uttf t tsi tzlulite etilhik uhs tke formal opening shcw rooms al golden ilioki of uelph ebjermns xotld drv goods millinery house actox i- 1 anpvcrnowinj slock kbw spring go6d- i kczmt deaunj trluuiiliprcseauciou iilcstja ladies liy igliuy tarasto tiionliisct i wwiitji csanc pa wiii- tlufit 1 vicir uclirc 3iltrd to- iier t icr- cf dbriis iovuyii tie- very lciai eclirepitil tlccidilhidjlu liii do l iiil lo izj vc cur bifi disjiiay c dre gj yea csz five cency by k has taken place and praises of our milliserv and dress materials are heard on gveiy hand i the most com- plete toe fnboth branches ever seen in the lion is now on exhibition 1 v- mua tujj i cr uututition drv d the other i rilcl vin orut ktre vr bavii rl- t i 1j c vir o rlrade froz2 ore ei ouic dkjniucn ai nrje crwn ladies wiio ire desirous jon j tfciiiic erveilleu duchess argon well as dress goods- of our ran- of lks satin m o nts and all other sill material i woollen textue iii the new stripes plaids arid plain goods s most complete i we show a bautiul range of the new drap de largent in all shades ti ijc- it a beautiful range of trimmings in jetted goods lace ouncings uraid and moire satins j- p willi puriture undertaking furniture department undertaking department cosiiletb wliil i beactttl dr chase liaulinn fi a ylivticiaa tnl a uniudioii liver ciafl it tl fliil curias sjl tho tfii- iftlcliiluyiiii liver author his mai t triu cuts the larcest scale works i in canaba ovdr 00 styles of hay scales grain scales farm scales tea scales improved show cases mqkeyi ptirlor bedroom suites spring bedsjeiattrsises tables chairs etc stc etc mea uo sarctras soppues c wilson son 60 esplanade stheet east toronto ont ifeikiai itij pafer exery liais jck kiiu brexdmaker yeast co jjtlio hdusefgirnishlnqst we shotv a large and attrac live stock of curtains in almost every shade and make i ak to cc ot crtns tl ijj jlr pi worth it iist 2j cce rjop oilciitiis cretonnes carpets rugs- tcojiic good hjijcsl tiiuc l millrnery wc iiz lzi iiacc in ilock today loutlicr tau efu- uicsi eiaic ia tiiis dljroiieit we kaiaci m are determined to increase e cd jftiiiioible gcds mdjot l j prices trt lzy iahzcjeixtnt i ii ycii ire ui ilrtadr 020 ot osr custanicrs give us t trial acd joc aresnre win efeclkl dries es giotei eosien- corsets busiles locea rifatorii collars and co fa parasols of even- description kew ttobbt k cheap a lai5 witerrrccf cirjulais idolman sacii uu prices svsrsicfcsrs pniibrjet3 chsmbfays zrhtrs and ituauns ker rairss ej fxs clcrs ii y- rirc aayjunjia cotqn steetlnga tickings bhirttngs coiionaies derjis tabling- linens to don li sliest comptrlig our iiricis wiih ojicr estbliiainca the uiflt wcl be citaal t 0 v heaese a full liikef gool- from tue coifidscasfcfcuanabufial kobes best maker uuy on httutl 0 all e m stock in irmimli 1 oedees eitjliprlv irtred j speights son j speights son j a speight iirgjm e drjld irii cf oil v took i j iirt 1rlijs zx orlio tsllfaviii 17 cktr iceo lilies have vmita to ir tlalit ttiiici sy 1z i l itrratt us lirvtet vlx cnccctt ixtid nills li bjckrlxtt p-tcdji- latirrt la iwrly crvxry laivu n ttce five cents farmers and threshers vjsfioavocrsiaerunertoniy the vrelljaiown mbsless gents furnishings shirts tjesl collars cnfis t sosisenden kobbj- hiu ia felt tad straw rubber coats rorc325 to s1500 j 9 9 gold medals t y try im per jcsiiojs alio grtasc for yor wagiijs lu itorc rct- ttb oil- rc iicil ai hiuy reccrcruenicd allhciiodd irnigijjij 1 rr iii fjr tm uc- liocther hiinuicru at q3akt70il vuris by i i samuelrocers co toronto sprinc syhitous of j ssliiiab it tlu luti o u im or cusu id uia clsldcr lisi lisii- tliu ulrfoutu toiitce lriie otwy obs-rct-j- rrtiutjt ccsire to una- ttteftpcciillv us- imoj eei iicncni hat flry tkin rio tlcjjosrijdaarvbimd- josiieilzomzzl2 eocr tmid cosstift uocrcfivcrticilexlliciia i 6v1cptous o i liver coirpltlktljo cnicr iboidr imclliiik tjtlosr corjiiiciiss tr tired teth- 13 life cr ctrr beadlcllc drs- pcuateiicaioaeioj tuples ac j kov cukhd uaririiajl dmlriiunaru uitrre- ltr umatdh coubitiul iji kidaet rece- iia u i dr clil a uvcr csk fill molt raitire- tuto cil hacvtiver enables- it 11u like 1 tbina 3ialajn lh clcsot liior nrcb5ai be klueya tfi mnjcraltn tbo boiclotr srlvi witb b- ceipthocb wbicbiicnciiccrtbtba roonajr- ktohet drcbirffliarotbe oolf kid- ltver ccijirtr iiilfi iim tltay a5 eiijls i fritlr y- 5aair way bo ttktailrijcoilcjuirt ticj- cr nroj- urcr trfjblc- ieibe lkasacm costivj- atftr ooaliilijai- fcoubt all deatcrt pricu ii edits teomahdsou co to the badiesof acton i will you lf e t and surrounding country 3pr1ng boots shoes iizc lico i sices voatlf woincua uuses iaiclirons wsiueui lmockboais fr eo cczis iwyair- 1 f groceries t vckycifeat aiiotlcr 1 j llciu cf tlial 7 jioaodd or ilia doihr ltciembor thiji good hviili3glytaioitljadc if you da not and it jest tsvc 6iy v c- a i vij lc5c tautcsia aud iiatrouub i ui vou lo e kiida to py lictio to the toiiovriz rcroirta elao j rcaia rith recrto to caret ric arrii c cotton roods which ii t fcc of icterc io you trail as to ourselves within the last few davs we have received bales of white and gray cottons bought right frorji the mill at the lowest possible figure we have alsofecched piles of prints sheetings xfckings to- a lot of bed spreads every lady j will rind to tjreir interesato look through our stock ofcotton goods rbjemyiis noted chexp store r t giluem powdered 8eadf0sd onu- maata kelly bros butter and eggs wanted kelly bros e s- wliild aad gny cottons bold vcrj- clirap bylhc ycb 99 percent plirefft strohoest mssi bopsonnin wtor teafclbl poolalgo jtjaijst kkiscsami- i- r vi-o-