Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 30, 1888, p. 4

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thcb8da1 atjqdst 80 1888 sht onitg folks v- dw not pass 8 j jlohii t hear yon didflot r toa wer ibe lowtrai in four ciufc got not prise ot merit rot stfflubltng now ix o stall jou tell me bow yon time la fail with all your wo and sywt t well atr i micd luonf other tiling the lirttrf sen shepherd kins i winder who doea know 11 an error of thrw yoan t mad u dating knglaod firl crusade awl utuuna poet 1 pert bmipidm ail wrong aodeqald not writ a latin loaf and aa forkotnsn hutory with has and vandal goth and gaol jud qlbbou wary kite tad fall twos all hopeless mystery bat father da not fear or tigti tl cram doei pronitir- pan me by aod pedasopios ignore me ita common mqk tt vul and health til tin my way to honest wealth tbe world u ail before inc and though til never be a grecian know bomaix lav or art fhomieiao or aing ol love and beaaty m ptoogh or build or tail or trade and you aced dcrcrtw afraid j but that hi do my duty ifflry a bxrikfi jingles and j0kelte8 ralf an hour willi th wilt hen tt wh andtuc arairraphi of the day frwmana worm warden aw eate lore and apeedr w rmnot wormi iron chlldreo or adult ukc luirtr ll alwaya acted like tiierta i bad acarcely wcod lo rive the aecond doea o dr foatori eilracl ot wild bin- berry lor summer complain ta fctra wal ler qotonlock klliel out a j met ii gilmoor gl t qilmottr a co wboleaale qroeen brockrille eaye i have mad tamarao elixir or a aerere cold andwnshwhlchllr immediately relleted and cured fbohihruox lawful- wheeling raapingaafferertlrotn aathma receivequick and permanent relief by aaing sontnera lathma cdre sold by all drag- 3tu or by mail on receipt of price fatal arcldeau aid unr flrea eo often occor that auoold be avoided by uaing more caalion the aame wilhyoor health t it can be preaefved by oiing im perial cream tartar bating powder sold by all groccrt llanolactored by ew gillett toronto ont la brief la ike alal d spapala la dreadfol t laordartd lira plnji tfullim it io taaokood taatttal u i 1 1 tb unman dlgeatho appakataiu on of be i oit nomplicalod aod w oderlol ibiogl io es attiioe it la cully pn out of ordar qi jaay food longb ood i oppy food bad cook ry mental worry late hoora irregu lar habila and many othor tblnga blch oogla not to bebave maio the amorioari people a uolfon ot dyapeptlci bill oroeui augnal flow ir liaa dona a ivroujcrful work in reformlni ihli lad bdal neaafand making tho american pcoplem beal by that thoy can enjoy their mokli and x happy i 1 vu member no jiappinoaa witbont heal h bot oreoui aognatflowor bring hoal h and happinoai to tho dyapeptlo aak yoor draggiit for a bottle seventy five eeota exhaus dr lo plmqt warm sjriip ii i ufc tnd nliiblc wocm remedy foe ill irocmi tvmictinfi chndrcn or idalu kotu imdon f personal liberty the eflorti ot brcten and liaor dmleri tofindtbelter f or ibetr boiinem bo- bind the federal oonitilotion bite ptovtd neffecttul tbe udtod btlef saprtme coart h rendered dicmoa which ivecpt ureyit oqm lodfof all lime the ophiitriei which have been pat fornnl to chow thai um ram traffic u ntitld to the aam righu privilegei and immtuuliei under our lawi that in granted to the ne- fdud hooonbla brmndrti of trtdeud niwiqfwtere the point on which the supreme court tu called to put eama op in the settlement o the hmooi euusu eaaes which tppesied from the derision of the uaited states circuit coart la km- m where jode brewer held- that the eanau prohibition uqaor law wu ta- ebostitniibnal baaing that opinion on tha foaneenth amendment to the consti- wtton u the united state he held that tht hw wu rinconstitotionii becarjaa it de- ptired the brewer of their property with- oot ooadftiwtion the not important poit of tic dtcuio of ike scpnac cbartorc at foqn the right to sell uqaor ii oot one of the righti growing oat of dtiaenship of the united sutes u the right to tnanafxetare drinfc tor oneiown use u inbject to the twtrictioa that it ahah not endanger or affect the right ofotheza if inch maairfictaredoqpiqqd- tdaq affect the right and interests of the n it loliaws that society has the power to protect itself by legislation against the mjarioos conseqaeaces of that bui- there is here no jastificaiitm for hold- ing that the state under the goise merely of police regnlations u aiming to deprire thejatixens of their constitutional rights for we cannot shot oot of riew the tact withmth knowledge of all that the pabhc heith the pahhc mortis and the public vfety may be endangered by the general use of intoiiating drinb nor can we ignore the fact established bj statistics ae- cetaftu to cterjone that the disorder pagperism and crime prctalegt in the coon- try are to large a measure directly trace- afale to this eril soch a- right the right- to mtnafacfnrc intotjcatidg drinks does not inhere hi cit izenship nor can it be said that gorern- ment interierts with or impsiff any ones constitutional rights of liberty or of property when it determines that the man- nfactnre and sale of intoxicating drinks t for general or indiridaal use as a beverage i are ot may become hurtful to society i and to srery member ofit and j tlierefore a busiaess in which do one may j lawfully engage all property in this country is held un- derihe imphed ohugaiioo that the owneri oae of it shall not be injurious to the equal j enjoyident of their property nor injurious 1 to the rights of the community i there is no misusing the reasoning and j significance of these sentences aword about the ethics of writing for the press there is eertiinly some eoo- si dne compositors i they are not ottrpsid and every piece of poor man- uacript makes a difference an article written k villainously as tp take twice as long to set up as it ought to take just douhlft the work or uivides the hj if his is not stark robbery it s a form of imposilion which touches it very closely wrifc plainly and use paper freely korfkvtmer ckrugax adtocalr it is worse than madness to neglect a coueh or cold whicn is easily subdued if taken in lime hecomesjwhen left to itself the foremnner of consumption and prema ture death inflammation when it attacks the delicate tissue of the lungs and bron chial tubes travels with perilous rapidity then do not delay get a bottle of biodei anticonsumptire syrup the medicine that grasps this formidable foe of the hitman body and drives it from tiie system this mediciae promotes a free and easy expectoration subdaes the courh heals the diseased parts and exerts a most wonder ful influence in curing consumptioo and other diseases of the throat and lungs if parents wiab to save the lives of their cfifldreo and themselves from much anxiety troable and expehsevlet them pro give hollowiys corn care a trial it removed ten corns from one pair ot feet without my pain what it has done once it will do again vatkui il tae truth sin i have found dr fowlers ex tract of wild strawberry to be the best remedy i have ever used for dysentery and all summer com plaints among children arid i think it if recommended none too highly abbie a eesghr victoria vale annapolis co k s the coughing and wheeling of persons troubled with bronchitis or theaithma is excessively hf to themselves and annoying to others dr thomas eclec tic pi obviates all this entirely safely and speedily and is a benign remedy for lame ness soreness injuries piles kidney and spinal troubles r a csalrmeei crasabfer is generally so because ot confirmed dys pepsia or indigestion caused by eating loo rapidly bolting food without chewing it sumoently overloading the atomach etc burdock blood bitters dares dyspepsia and all kindred diseases lie third page ot the toronto dsls mai it noted for want advertiacmanu if yi a wiqllobpy or idl anything- kjou wan a situation a mechanic a business jnaoaiflcry lodgings it you have lost or loan d anything or if you want to find out whs aoyoue is advertise ip the toronto datij afajabdtmd the adicrtimmeuts on the chird page of that paper the charge is two cents a word each insertion ad dress tha ifail toronto canada a rilnfm mb w i wu suffering for three months with pain in my back and wi advised o use b p b i bad not aiedi two bottles bv farejl bee mo a well i evtr i advise all who suffer from pain in lh back to use b b jb mrs paal brondbarlenoxville eehasasberirsiaid nine ed vitality of lub ire krrra of tbe great mli 1 work of fho ago on maiihoc 1 ncrrop aud lbyifctl doljillty tuaturp 4cllir youth ami the uhtom orion cou ci a cat ttrrwrn 300 pafiffipvo iis irjfcrlijuoji iralldifowoi oui full silt only c1xo tjr mall lotlrtl illmktrtivr wmiilc roc to all rouiigaud iiimjliificd men bend llo tuo oold ftjii jpiulcl jiojai tanrjoj to licaujiur bf t nalioual ibdicti anoclitfu wjmt v 0 hoi if3j hosfon mi dr v k 1a kcbtrrsdualeof harrsrd ufdical collet yearn itmcttcc in fotoc hi may lie cciuhod coufldoctlall- jikicjahy ujuvoiti of man office no haladcli fit lows eulphnr soap should be found with every toiiot it is cleansicg and heal- iag- alwawi- required a good cathartic med icine national pilk will not disappoint yoc ealarc hakes i sustafcra natures own remedy for bowel com plaints cholera morbus colic cramps vomiting seaqckness cholera infantum diarriicea dysentery and all diseases of a like nature belonging to the summer season is dr fowlers extract of wod straw- berry which can be obtained from au deal ers in medicine price so cents u you are languid and weak and your app rttte poor my beef iron and mine is thewmc be iuk j as an invigorating ionic it- is recognized by the medical profession as the best itnogthening medicine thn far predated it ls invaluable as a blbodandmasele mt aer espeeislly ra those cases woere weakness is tbe resalt of imperfect or in- fooiof wasting fevers or j excess ot any sort it contains tbenptriment of beef the stimulant properties oc wine and the ton e powers of iron and is admirably cal culated to build up the i emaciated syciem jlnl aad caff t he sarrertafj browus hoaiehold psaacea hat no i for relieting paia both infernal jind rternil it cares psia in f he side back or bowels sore tiiroal rheamaiiiiri toothache lambsgo and any kind of a pa jo or ache it willmostsurelyquick euthe blood aud ileal as its acting power ii troaderfal browa hoaiehold pan- acet being acknowlfldgtd as the great pain reliever- and of double the atrength of any other elixir- or liniment in the world akoald be ia every family handjf for use when winted afitdeally i thebeat reaedy in the world for cnmpe iff the ttamxch and pstasandachoiofallkindi and sforsale by alldmggiatsat 25 cccts a little i i f dr chase eaia world wdotfiatatc2 is a iljyicla and aathorflii manilrake dacielloa liver cure ik airiamptiof loodlcal akill curias c dii- caact ottbekidnajyanilitcr 1 btmptoms of kidney complaint duirci5 whet sod palna la lhrjacit a dji jiaiaor wcshl in tho bladder aad baac oilbc tbdotnen vcajiin brtnooftonobatroctd froqaent dcairo to arin- at4 oipedall y ttjnlfibt among ici inrtoa hot drj ikln palaj complexion red aai white do poaludropdiciilieai iout omij ccacipt- ubu piles lltcnfcl iweuinca c gyuftolxs of liter complaint pain endtr ahouhev blade jaandlccailloifoot2pciioi i vciri- urod fmliqc no le or eacrcy ticadifhc djl- popala tndiffttioti inota iiiujcs lc bowcltnd uandraie aod daalckoa arc ctcre iiver lflmsaodwuan oombiced irith kiiacy rtac- diea aa in dr gbaaet uvcr care irill mot poaitivcly arc ill kidney liver trouble it acta uiea cbanaxtiaiiilaiastlc cm ijrcx itrenpheniae ihfl tidecyt tcj tartrhini tie whole body 6oillnaldct tt tl vh w- ccipl eoottii ijoae laworth l ae ioaey ktj3njet dr cbaicc tiui arc tbe only kia- liver uovtuvcr iuu cizae they h pills- gty vt csstily lfty ftc tike a dcniuresipioyteut tbcy esrc kviaey- lircr troablcf cciictc liiisatacss oystinr nescde onclilladow soil by til jcilecs trice 25 cent j t edmandsok i co i deabfokloat kan worcesters y uabrldcedqrtoi dictionary it is a great public benefit these significeut words were used in relation to dr thans edectric oil by a gentle men who thoroughly tested its merits in his own case hating been cured by it of lameness ot the knee ot three or four years standing it never fails to move soreness or lameness no article takes hold of blood diseases like northrop and lymans vegetable discovery it works like magic mart toronto writes l i- have to thank you for what northrop and lymans vegetable discovery tax done for me i had a sore knee as large as the palm of my hand aod could get nothing to do any good until i used the discovery foar botties com pletely cured me r r it is well to be posted in the practical de tails of ones business the more especially so when the basoessis exceptionally in tricate 4100015 wts recently aateovby the mccaaslxndi of toronto when an ameri can apecialist in the stained glass business found to his surprise that his firm had been working for years the very item that he had to dispose ot and which was supnosed to be of recent discovery orcr joo- i take much pleasure in stating that since nring burdock blood bitters i have entirely recovered 1 sufferd trom impure blood and hsa over 500 boils i can con fidently recommend b b b to any suffer er from the same complaint david f mbttv spring valley out some years ago ayers cherry pector al cured me ot asthma after the best medical skill had failed to give relief a tew weeks since being again troubled with the disease x wax promptly relieved by the same remedy f s haaaler editor argus tablc kock nebr uyoa want to buy or sell a farm ad vertise in the toronto kvel uoil that pjper reaches 100000 farmers homes every week irfd your advertisement should meet the eye of someone who wants to par- chase advertisements of this class ire in- secied in the toronto n tfail for five cents a word each insertion or twenty cents word for eve insertion address the kail toronto canada catue lad effccf itxny persons wonder at the tired worn and weary feelingthitoppressesthem wilh- core botdeof btckles anticonsumptive j out any apparent cause itmsybepaverty syrup and whenever a child jbsa taken oold has a cough oc hoarseness give the syrup according to directions itasserna caaifrfe1u connterleits are always dangerous more so thaf they always closely imitate the original in appearance aod name the remsxkabifl suuess achieved by kassl balm a a positive csrc for cauxrh and cold in the head has inddced unprinciplet parties to imitate it thepublicarccautionednot to be deceived by nostrums imitating nasal balm in name and appearance bearing such name as nasal cream nasal balsam etc ask for nasal balm and do not take imitations dealers may urge aponyoa for sale by au druggists or sent postpaid on receipt of price 60c and tl by addressing fuuord co brockriile oot out of son symptom headache iocs ofwpjwtite farred toaue and general iodufxwilion thtse symptoms if nerfec ted- evednpe into acute disease it is a trite tsyfng ibataii ounce of preveutioti u worth sv pound of cure auda little attention at thin point may save rnobtba of sickness and urge doctors tills fdr this corn plaint uke from two to three of parmeiees vegelabte pills on cptng to bed and ce or two for tlirco nights hi sneces- son od a cure will bo eff i of the blood or a disordered stomach ia either case the stomach blood and liver are not performing then regular functio ns and with many person they will follow a daii heavy headache nausea and many other symptoms that precede a well developed case ot dyspepsia purify the blood cleanse the system of tbe clogged secretions by asiog meachanis sfsndrake hiiiare prepared by j b ifeacham 133 yoage street a cheniiitot nineteen years experience ftsk for ayers rjarnaparuh ami w sure yon get it wheu you want the lcsiuliiurijki will it forty yiiifs of micxatipfal hxc txss ju tic iirc ot i1iku diaea you din kiiake fia liu- lakel in prtfcrriug ay errs sarsapariita to tay otber tlc furt ttiiiucr vt tjl- ctwyti uictlitliici eft sarnafiaiilli is hi i tliciiictftt h- ulir uin j in gru-tit- er tfiiiiaiul than alt otlicis combtiittl ayerv sarvisirirhi t niiiit facr than ever itn- i mjrr iiriarr to rrcoraiueml it otirji w whiiuiiit unisrfur allcur iiki i sin safe in myfug 1 fat ny tl cif ayers sarairiiv far excl iikim- vt say oilier rtiu ttgtvpntli jruiijrh mufac- tiru l if ijatnii uwlituiikt lcjro avernsarnaiarllla awl aytrn llils arf the tiest kelliug tuevhcfucs in my storp t can rvvtnnufutlhptn coitt-n- tlonily t ijickhauj f howiaua lit ivte have fold ayctv karfnnrifa lierc foe over thirty ye irx andalwayk twornmeotl it hrti aknt ti itama the iktc htoodirurificr ii t mclan itmpgikf atipikta olito j i lve told your mlidnostar the last mvtntwii ycaiv ssd alwajn ktrp ijirtn in 6fk as ifaa- art- mau- theve is dotiiiricwiejkmi ftir tlio vnnilr- fol umxv a ayerk shmaiarlll- it l parker for lakejwls ayers fcdntaparinajchf the vst satifaclicin tif jtuy iiinbdtu liaiv i ftock i rwoinlueiid jit or ba tw- ductors say i pre5ril it over ilc cpanler it ihvt faits ti imt tlti caoes for wliich rvcniiitueicd ft ji where the doctr pretcriiitiam liau- lieeu of no avail q h cslliocn koumoatit kansas ayers sarskparilla rerritien or 4 c ayer u co frll atittrtlic i 1 ru uowefff milt vtrtfe fi a lotik manhood how tost how restored 1 nitpnblitbedanawoditfon of ir cnlter- wells celenrwted ssssay tn tbe badlaal cars of spermatorrhoea or acafpacity jndaced by exeeti or early indiscretion f tbe ceiebrated anthor in his admirable essay clearly demonstrates trom a thirty years successful practice tbat tbe oianataff coae- qaenccsof earlyerror msy be rudicajly bored 1 pointing oat mods of colra at onco simple oertain and effectual by moans of which every sufferer no matter vbatbla condition may be may core himself cheaply frfysdy and rsdf- i rtthisiedar8fcbontdbefn the hands of erory yoatbaadererymaflhi the and gent ander seal ia a piala enxftlope o asy address on receipt of foar cmlm or two pos tags stamps addreu i i the cultottcli uidieial co inmrnvtifflijrr pobfr450 xsunubfax acee it is the doty of every person who has died botcketx german sjrap to lot its won derfnl qaalities be known to their friends in curing consamption severe coughs crnapllitlimjl pueamouia aod in fact all throat and iuhg diseaaes no person can use it withoat immediate relief three dota wall rtditae any cam ami we wuaider it tiic jut j- o all druggists u recomuitud if to theiwor dying cousomptive at feast uj icy one boule as bukx dozeu buttles were oidiutyesr and no ooe case where fairly was reported soch a medicine as the german sptp caniiot be loo widely knowiu ajakyonrdrugiat about it sample botiu- to try sold at ten tsenta ltegolitf sue 70 ceuu sold by all drugguta asul dealers in tho uuited suttos aud cmuubs cures urar complaint dyapepla bluooarjai side headache kldnar irpublai bhatunaflam sain dlaaaaei jandalllinriirltlec ofthebloolfrom iwhatsre j cauae aiiauig the creat spring medicine dr hoddeks little liver pills rcryimallandeaayto takel j no gelpina no nausea sold everywhere tlcos5cts j the union bjdioinbco propuetors tor mto ont kll tomhtoirmm uilndby i lmyr qwqtesas t parjnatraii aa t ft p flhabpe prpprl ficticiortaptiut hosai haodj i uvmol willi cr iutoul uii sos iilc1 iicc edition of 888 enlarged by hie oddnioa of a xcr frcacaarir biographical dicionary of cctly lijxa itcrtoaaaj aad a cck it- coench gazeteer of the world i acting sad locaia tncrario ir potiiiaiaff tho over 150q new words roccctly addm lorother ridi a tabls of eooowordsic gener al use wlih theipssnanymes lacmuted xrtrn wood cvti tro ixiirikr j rafcs the sational stindard of xmtrlcanlllraiare every odilioir if jjccfclior houjck brjat irvinf wbitticr acd other etaiaca- american anthers folic worcester it ltv- the aaasaiocall erost english vratcnj it is 4iic aathorilycf tho leadiac uiiaij tad ucvrs rwicrsctuie coteatry snlkit the kcjolai u-c- partuicalc at wishiatca t roatixircy jtlliijorlllav j if lirmdotf ctjmtaw ihihlliv r 715 aci 71 7 mars ci i street iliijisi 1 auth jr manaficlurcrs of cox trusses artificial limbs aiii applliaccs for nil de funaiticcof tc llcaaalloly stiraj dlfoiso hij joint dikak viicztc of the kicc ad aafclc i lacck kac ikrv lcgiclobffte also cuctchesi 117 churghst toronto dr fowlers ext of vvild itrawberry j cures holerj lolera morbus loltlc-a- iramps iarrhcea ysemtery andallummer compla1kts and fluxes of thel bowels it is safe and reliable eor children or adults m mackinac summer palace steamer fours low kat3 detroit macknic island 6ulnmeqitw7r- hirrnj i cweotu hjd ht f- utron 1 bu giir ckad luiii sac city swry week cay cvrixz oetroit and cleveland flpalal buniit tndicc zlj cai ia jwt our illjstrat0pamphlets ratm and rseorlb tiiej irt b f3ij by your ijfcol ierat or aiirrw 0 vfhrycoha ai fui i detroit 4 0eveland steam nav co detroit wch sr oaatortau i recotobkd ft awntena 1u aqxttetoaartawrfplte i 0dtrtlibrakl7ixt wi5i3almi aadlcat far infants and children nnadamtoeu14raba4 1 outmb enraa oodo ooortpation rr i durrtoa xrueaauob tad pnoaaaao tn oamra orarjurr rr marraf stnot h t the glasgow acton house parnishings ladies this is the time of year you want a new carpet set oflace curtains or cretonne curtains vjith nice i fringes to match before buying it would be to your advantage tj inspect our large stock of house furnishings h carpets in tapestty wool and hemp in good variety and designs at exceptionally close figures also a splendid range of floor and tablejopcloths lace curtains by the yard and sett and a very cretonnes and fringes to match our dress goods department is very complete not only as regards closeness pf pri in general style and quality the- comprise allf wool albatross cloths self checks combination stripes and tweed effects v -di- a special of this department is our arraj- ofjjbiack goods comprising jersejs soleils fine allvvool cashmeres i j yards wide and a lovely silk warp hen- rietta cloth at 8125 see these goods and you will be delighted our assortment of coatings is very complete a special being a range of english broadcloths in light shades heaps of prints shirtings ginghams jcottonades hosiery gloves etc millinery j this department is just in receipt of the latest novelties to be had for the season fresh goods being opened today for- style and cheapness we are away ahead i a splendid assortment of boys and youths readymade suits just to hand i- j our boot shoe stock is the largest and most complete in town 1 i groceries fresi and cheap hemember our famous 50c tea henderson mcrae co pather has come but clothing clothing is slill necessary his j oat put tome fifty ally favorable giving hij for uia next foi forcoali43to clscvhoro beautifxil lack 17 to m 3rennan merchant tailor in a apodal line of cloths for aits which be bought at uauau- 1 rices aod with tbe rrarpoe of the benefit be will sao ufice them wee at anheardof low lirice i leu than can be purchased worsted suite at which cost else where 22 to 23 il8 brennaa alw lomera and toira no ui stock for it always givfi than ys kooi prioct right for bis tus im toana the cheaporttnuo in m bbenan olivet collegeii qlivet mioh or boti soxea bxpetltm low sflrtn de- do warqikctos dexh bin i am febf tbat my dsashter u du rurjenl able instractora larcu library rloe uoseam fall term onena beptuta whiuw term jan 3rd send for catalogue vijust opened out i l light spring oyercoatings in worsteds and meltons beautiful designs aud variety of shades made up ia the latest styles v shaw crundy merchant tailors cuelph to farmers and threshers ltbflon vour machinery only ithe wellknown peepwless oil 9 gold medals ztv try alao out wacgoni and hone powera thbaeoilalujanaadanihlshlyracpanmended farm goalpb farmer aak for tbero ni i nooiher muttlactnrcjt quaosoltyou vt kltr 8ami iel r0cers co toronto totivtfgjx toboalili toialbipij la tbe acouatimo ihe bponchial troubles tbe uaal remedies xiut d pratitnd plcaxe iaeci voars tmly c 11 lira jno mckelry and consumption john if cktlry kfatgs mib a hopplac conaamption mr ilscoti k3j and throat lira jup be tram throat james uatthewa p icrl a tarrab bead th ftrancif bcrl tkroat muatfellloebji p wine p hc henry seoil beil his p wagner idev ba4 and throat- leyi keroher st and throat colin campbell bt- jamea stocev dn 10001 u well atta ia u a been anred otfw tour taatmsatn kji wisblo exprf w rt my untere tlaall angsxoo ont ostairl s on oau catarrh lincstoajonulhobat hi rowcnuhoat j aster oflftatansi bead itcuns aden obu0 jnu catarrh besdsj oatei larsfdlft oat catarrh sss iaithtna a v berlin oal catat aci ia ont caasrib ssj oat istafbtt qql catarrfa presents j rssi urrttof raas mi ust usiatunamm itmlctwliojy j it rf 5 u 10 rhiusro the urc in ovr iod hay scajl farm sta tea scaler yohey drawers meat ciders us bj a0dxz3s in r hablidq laulufer mrcc c wilqn 0ii 50 esptanso ssmits sfrjtt et rr- ojjujtw

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