s fi 7 bor lriltx til sattaavcva oatle lltli nt the tile olurhmn satr ef adsuelitcr lucein mjicbctl crate- sol iiu the of krtullccof iikltcuft c a daugu- ter kh atf the barm in atwi ot tlmrsja wife of hoary juticr of a tea afakrfled bhirriairr at tvcvru ly the luf waa ler iicqvmi ou saturday th 3rd iut ur wnirhait jiurchiiit ivmiitn ca ot hex cshivio ilanbi ccoud daughter ot ja speight ksriflituurvtotittlje speiclit 02rj coiilvo at li milrace nefcday 0l the toj fci lvihe oa wod- crt aticohisf ia hit rl in slifion cs nor zd edtlrd stanlcr kalfma lljiifik cf hamilton on ot the utc junes kutiivca ct gribj clltilu3ila strccliic ca nor sri carrie i dohtcr of tiijkis h cupvl tenacity ot acton aged u year hogg latitulili on the 1i nyvciabcr john hap wxi ft vtats vv sfttrtait jm uss thursday x0vexibsiu5 1658 tiecotxatiou iba in i vcrv fctr week our citizens will be conlroclei wiili tic riaty cl electing the council fcr thii mccidrnlily for the com- mg year it behooves ahlclcresidl now to give the matter crnsidcratiou fast year when ihc time for ilectios ocsncillors hid eipircd it was fosui tint the csc were not filled tuf the chairs went s begpog for ssvcial wecljr there i- ca rtsjca why hh shodi saiii ociar aetna ho plenty ol worthy ruco capable of transacting the business c bz rscbicipiliiy ia i proper uideiufficiofy niincr tiice should be be brought out to cil the vacancies which ire likely tooccaraascowis the time to do it the colucaui of tho fixe vzxss are open to the jmblic for tic consideration of this subject ini cc isvitc osr citizens o make use ci theai votes and toukenk application will be made at the next icssias of the ccsxty csancil which cca- tenes on the 20th in to incorporate csxl j ton west aha dieport as one village andcr ihd nine olslinlr ajither horribk murder is reported from london the porpctntor bin ipptr- cntly the wtitechipd al- whom sir cbtrles wirren rrith his tray of police ud detectives hi fceca ctterly unifale to trice or identify this is the ninth victim of the rdsruenis erd it fvpriticilyeettlcdthlt hon arthur s htrdy proticcitl secrcury in mr mowxtt goverceacnt is to tihe orer the crown lands depirtnent tnd thit col gibsori ot- hamiltba ttiu escceed sir hirdy ilr pardees recovery is not loot ed for thoatriiis colkiacs insist on his remaining in the ciliait to tlia iit the condition effthe veteran john bright iaio serioss that his deith rray be looked for at alcost any rcor5it ke has not been able to leave his bed for two weeks in is gradually erowii3- vreater his mind remains clear however and he in- tirt on hiring the fail rcpoti of the par- nellcosimisdon broaght to him every day and he reads it xhe presidental ejerucn it over harruoo is elected tndpresideat cisvelana will in marcfc nert rtrc hzck to private life- his defeit his been a earpe to many canadians- hid he instead of listening to to bus political friends an nsortinpto all iindsof ekcticn triks bnl parned the fair and cpriht coarse njaichhad been- chsxcisrsilz of hia darini his fear years term olcsce he mihtb ttbeea acoorded a second term halton rxdeu license variottifoplntmisbyttcpldfauaslo lum- lie leauflie scoltlptlim affected ourcwonty lwestlgjlttoxr bva qlq8s repoutnu dr daniel crk eapcritcndeat of the provincial asylcn ferihe itfine has re eejvedc5cial notisation cf the order-in- council appointing him prcfessor cf psy- ecology and cental cieiss in the meojcal tacnliy of the lcirerii ty cf toronto there is no other cnii errity in can na which fcw 1 chair for this cabject and the genial doc tor has the hoaor therpre of holding the first appoiaiment of the hind made in the dominion the ontario government ere ddverticicg for tenders for the construction of a ncni- ber of cottages to be erected en their land at himieofer the ce of thfe incase this ii no docbt the rst tiep fcr the ultimate xal of thelanaticasylasa from toronto t place ths present bailding ia that city is bexn ecrroanded oa all tides by buildings rendering the location nnsaitable for the parpose of an asylcrn the huid also is becoxing veryrcjaabie and vnli bring a high price for hiding pnrpeser the governxect is therefore wise in uk- iog the initiatory steps for the removal of the iastitntion to a better and qaieter site tf thereis a clas of con who know how far tlie corse ci jiocor coes it is the com- mercid travellers on kaardsy evening but rcctionto prohibit wins altogether st their annual dincer was diecaseed ooe speaker made the eitrcordiasry assertion that it no wine were pcrmiiccd pubia men and railway men would net attend if that were the enly reason for permitting wine ftt their dinncrwe ehonld tiy the dinner would he ite more pleasant for the absence both of the wine and- cf the class of public men who wonldgo thersfor it the did- cnision of such a oaestica by so intelligent body of men however is a sign of thej i times the next step taken by them will we trusti be a more decisive cae ifiifrett the presidential election returns up to date have mostly come tfcrcagh ieepamican oz democratic cbacnek ania ve coneey- edthe impression that the prohibitionist condidates made a woe ran than in 1651 the fact appears to be that pick and brooks the prohioitioh presidential candidates obtained more than twir as many votes iart tuesday as were ess for et john and daniel feer years ago according totge toi the aggregate prohibit iociet vote this year wasabcctsilocq whereis it was fonnerfylittic jsocxi itapprs to i bavelflcreasedm every state ofthe cjoioa except ifassachafctts and vermont this isiurprifiing considenog hat as tit voice j ttys the tari issue hd the cfiectof mak ing both uepnbhcaxj and democratic pro- hibitionijusaytothetntelres tvurtune we zdoat stand fay out pourical party the iocrease in the circumunce ii a jgood aognry jc lie foiure there were jmwfjjh probibitioo voles cast to have given ibf tfactioe ui cleveland by s coruideriblo jbsocitr0stitea from this it i pretty mleuvttithiit tim probibitiouiitc will ha obuiaiog a good deal of useful elegifdaticn even it they do not get praliibtionift peonk into the i jjstfftrtn trf one regular party or the daring lha put week wpnacnutive of the 7o6r took cociidcrable pain la asccr- tain facia inrcfcnncc to the conditiou gl tffain in tliit comity tiuder hwaw as comptrcd with fcrmof days uuder scott act txut for ibis prposc he visited qakville georgetown milloa and barlicg ton and th realt of his iuvestigalions were publisbed in mondays old from his report wt clip the fullowiug l the saying that ttulh lies at the bot tom of a well will be vividly recalled by sjry one who investigates the vcicd qacs- uou of bcqu act v license ia halton tears cf strife have divided the whole popa- latioa into two hostile camps and while protesunt and catholic reformer and conservative hive beca able o live to- gethecia harmony the scott actcr and the aatiscctt aclcc hive become bilter personal enemies i am inclined lo tliink that a feeling of weariness of this strife was a patent factor in the recent defeat of the acl i found proof or this intensity of feeling in thftreiaclacce of many citixens lohavo their views pabiisbed i hive dealings with people on belli tides was a remark frequently heard and i would prefer not la cccnd anybody i dout want to get inlo the newspapers i dont want to engage iu any controversy the scott act cf course cannot bo con- demned bociaie the atemls to pass and enforceit or o repeal it arc productive cf illfeeling one might as well blame ihe presidential election for the murder pf yocngdiy in chicago and yet there can be no doubt that the satis are now pro fiting by this feeling of rtlaotance to re- open a controversy which hd set the com munity by the cars nm sccfr jlcts cnuonvc ixiirrsxii ify personal observationxcf the drinking customs of the county led mc to believe that there is still a feeling that it issomc- what disreputable to be seen drinking at a bar lawful though it now is there was none of that geniality which is sapposed to prevail ander license as contrasted with scott act there teems to lo fair room for argument that this state of things is a survival of tho edccativeincacnce the scott act which has rendered drinking dis reputable on the other hind the pres- ence of the gentlemen with the tremeadocs swallowing patter is painted to by the antis lo fhow that the increased driukicg i dene by seasoned topert who would drici no cutter what law was in force i wis told before entering halton that the granting of licenses had put an cad to the running of unliceasfld shebeens bat i could not fiod any proof of this assertion i a rrr or arm the place which i am aboat to describe scarcely tniwers that desenptiaa i was told that ia georgetown a brewer was re tailing beer freely withoat the restraint of say law whatever and withoat any licene except the license to brew at nightfall i hailed a citizen on the street and askti him wherethe brewery wts that pit of hell replied tic eitiiea speaking deliberately as if he had decided upon this n as a result of observation and deep siady is situated cu this ttreet near the railway bridge i walked ia tne direction indicated and came to a brick cottage- facicg on the main street the bis3s of the windows were drawn closely bat the light shown brightly from within after ajitje hesitation pro- deced by the citizens lend description i knocked at the door i judge from the readiness with which it was opened that this ceremony was unnecessary the room ia which t foand myself waspoorly fur nished bat not sqcalid it appeared to be a sort of sittingroom for the hotel and several men who looked like laborerr were seated in it talking and smoking i ated whether i could get a glass ofbctr and re ceived a prompt answer in the amnnative one of the men adding with a grin if yea can pay for it then i was direcied to go down the cellar and made my way through a trapdoor down a ht of breakneck steps jnto the bar it was tncrceeding- cou dill uv hxu iilli the coor was mother cxrtb and the walls were the rough oniewn stone which com posed the foncdation of the house the furnitcre was exceeaiagly simple few kegs of- beer som glasses and pewter measures and a rough table sitting ac commodation wes very limited and the halfdozen customers who were there were standing oa the moist earth i was rather at- a loss to know why with a license law ia force and with plenty of jiguorto be had j at the regular hotels anybody ihould want to drink in this cold and dreary place and the only conclusion i could arrive at was that the cheapness of tho beer was an in ducement to the poorer classes who ap peared to be the brewers principal custom ers it was sold at the rate of five cents a pint so that as one of the gentlemen was at pains to inform me you can get two glasses for five cents ko liquor bat beer was soli oa the whole i cannot say that my personal observation jestified the title pit of heli unless the drinking of beer in a damp cellar be considered sls iefcraal 17 tt bet there can le no qcesiioa about the endersirabihty of the free sale of beer at all times and to all persons without any cf the restrictions with which tic ordinary- tavern is hedged about and if the law can- cot cow reach the ce as the inspector believes no time ought to be lost in making the necessary amendment under the scott act inspector brothers had power to prevent this retailing of beer and if it was done at ali it was done clandestinely i may do my reference to unlicensed sale by saying that since the repeal of the scott act a man and a woman were con victed in 5ixitoa of selling lienor without hcense and havtnot eince been known to break the law in hilton the hotels have beca well kept since tho licenses were granted the opinion was erpresed that the hofelfceepers were on heir good be haviour under the fear of a new agitation foe the scott act bat the fact eecms to be mere naturally accoanted for by the pror- iraity of the inspector who lives in jlilton becaafe this good behavior is not character istic of all ihe hctelkeepers in the county at one of the principal hotels in george town derstn iiatir or finou rcfjpoitifivs occurred one night last vcak and tbe geu- eral air of the pce is not at all that of a wellkept hotel the hotels in oaknlle are csualfy clean aod well condacted but one of them recently becarre notorious for gross immorality it baa recently changed hands and i believe is now a rcspectablc aotflf while in ftont of another drtmkeu men have been soeu staggering about at bc- twoeo one and two oclock iu the mooiiug in georgetown and miltoji i heard coti- flicttag opinions ou tbis point fnclfaiogoie to the view that drinking has somewhat in- creased ondcr the act and in barliugton wber i stopped for a short time white wftittnjrfora train was told by the lev his ministry my inquiries at these placoa however war very limked and i would not at all psetend taut umtmgh of ibctn is coticluuve at oakvfillc however tho viows of a large nombtr of citlzoni wccoobtainc4 nd the pro vail iig opinion among both fricuds and oppoueiits of thoact was hat drink ing and dru since keens ikennos have largely increased cs were granted the people were talking a good deal about a lermcn delivered a oupc- of weoki ago by the rev canon vorxl the rector cf iho english church iu which he confessed to having considerably modified the itrong views which he formerly held agaiuit the scott act i called upon ut worrell who laid im il is true that rcccully preached a sermon the subject oftomperacce in ac cordance- with the suggestion coutaihed iu a pastoral issued by the buhopa who met at london recently i said that i had always been consistently opposed to the scott act bat iliad lo confess ibat since its abolition there had bcea a great out break of drunkenness in the town i was disgusted when the scott act was in force to see people bringing iu jars of liquor bat i must say that tho icr klvlc im a rite ciucx uuri owing to enr clcse proximity to counties where licenses were issaed and i muitalso say ihat i have bcea very much disap poiatcd by the result of the change the scenes at soercof the picnics last- eummcr were perfectly outrageous at one there were aba at 3000 people and it seemed to me that every fccoud man was drunk and i am fure the liquor was obtained here tho itcv mr kettle well has always been a strong friend cf the scott act bat he ex pressed himself vdtli great moderation and his view was practically the same as that of his brother minister he told me that there was but one impression in oakville and that was that the return to license had keen a mistake i saw only one drunken man ia ten mouths while the scott act was in force be said i have seen thirty in one day siuce tho scott act was repealed prom mr baltncr postmaster of the tovn and from mr j wales mr sidney marlatt who employs about 75 men in his turnery and others i obtained similar testimony as to the increase of drunkenness under the act then i went to mr s ii g anion who i wis toh was so violently opposed to the scott act that there was noosc in talking to him bat mr ganton appeared to me to be a very moderate and reasonable gentleman i am opposed to the scott act on principle he said be cause of its coercive character i should vote againstit if it came up again irres pective of itseficcts but i amqeite ure that siace thcscott act was repealed there has been more drunkenness both apparent and actual than before xo one who has lived in tbe town can form any otberopinioi wicui ckixcc eis vorc pursuing my search for opponents of tho act i epoke to mr simcel mcgimn hard ware merchant knotaid that siuce tbe licenses were issued there had been four handled times as much drunkenness as be fore he did col mean of coarse tbtt tlm wes the exact proportion but he nd this figure lo indicate a very largo increase i asked mr mcgifun if what he had sei would induce him to vote for the act and hcfaid yv i think it would at the sarrft time however cipresxing his strong didifcc for the nuasare which he thought induce men to do their drinking in a ec- cret fcctkg fashion mr w b chiehoitni bsiket manufac- tarer tnlil fsid lha vhtn tbe act was first rt pealed there was a reaction which caused a treat increased drenkencess but this had sabiided and iksgi were coming j back to their old level mr chisholra very frankly stated witboat any question ing oa my part that there was a revulsion of feeling ia favor of the act among the towm- people and that if a vote were taken now it weald be more favorable to the act than it was lat spring from ihcsa interviews and from other uca which i am not it liberty lo publish i am eatirri that the weight of opinion among the citireas of the county is that there has bxn a great increase cf drunken- rieis tincc the scott act was repealed iiciliff 1ieniv out kov 12 lieutcol ross exm p died this moroing at 0 oclock for the last 2- years mr ro has been a pmrniaent figare in the dounty of prince eiwardfiutijciiily tedfreisjly he repre sented this county ia the feieral pariia- ment from isc to h7tf in the general election cf 167 he declined to be a candi date- in 1kj3 he and mr bog now lieut cal bog organized the iclh battalion and- he was at oice appointed colonel and re tained the command np to 1s3 when he resigned during the fenian raid ot isc col ilois tendered his battalion to the government and they were ordered to king- eton he ww mayor of picton from 1600 lo ig1 and gin in 1855 aadlso personal mentioy rametniilnhesicftiiig visitors to pnd from acton with whom froe irtss jtmders arouore or less acquainted mr p c fleory of stouffvillo is tho guest of mr c c speight miss edith storey of alma college st tbomai iihome on a visit miss susio graudou of berlin wis tho guest of miss tona moffat over bandiy mils barab vanalter of georpxtowu uu been the gucit of acton fricuds this week mr john towers aud family pf hamil ton have taken up their reiidetico la aeton mr j coleman of strbauc6pcntiever- al days this week with his son and other friends in this vicinity a reception was lendeted he v v bi gordon and family at ihe fcsidcncc of mr jno warrcu last evening mr w rmcrodiih mpp qchas succeeded the late w afcsttr q c solicitor for the central biuh liquidators and will remove to toronto miss alice vanalter who for the past five years has becu a much respected resi dent of actoa bade farewell to her acton friends yesterday she will now residsin erin of which our readers will no doubt hear more particulars bye and bye mrs v mcguirc will leave neit thurs day for sacramento cat to spend the winter with her sister mrs k jcrelyfor the benefit of her health ye editor will remain- at home and take ecrdweod and big potatoes oa subscription as usual tilsoaburg lvjrml sovrvheydoia hnrjacfton a fanny law gait arising oat of a love affair has just been fettled in burlington and has resulted in a triuiaph for tbe re jected suitor- kelson og cud simou gor man two young men in the village lnved the same girl ogg e ho we red prcisnti upon her including parlor furniture bat j while he took oggs furniture- oggs rival took her fancy and she married him tbe dis consolate lover then sued her husband fcr the price of the presents and tbe litter treated the proceedings with silent con tempt silent contempt doc not week well in a lawsuit became the hgtj ma chinery keeps grindiag riht along and gets there eventually ia thin cise it got there primarily by a default judgment ugliest gorman he still refused to pay and was summoned to appear before judge miller ou a judgment samtneas and ca hit jiiarc gardirg that also he wassanamirilyarreit- ei last week and lodged in milton jail thereupon his friends inicrferc3 paid tbe the judgment and coats and secured his release ogggeis his revenge ard hit pay for the furniture quarter j- hfetiz at crcwsczs cczers in the methodist church tbe world over we believe the qssrtcrly meeting is unfailingly observed all other rervices oa the circuit for the time bciug arc generally withdrawn and all atteulion is suppled to be concentred on the quarterly muting with it love feast and sacramental ser vices the regular services iu connection with ilockwooti circuit were hell on sun- day till inet at tjrcwfous corners i the custom is to rotate among thafoar lirgcst churches on tho circuit thus giving greater convenience to all and possibly giviiig an increased interest the hcau ws filled nearly to seating caiacity nirmbrs being present from all the other appointment the il2v mr walker supriuteallot min ister prciched an eanr evua helical ciis- coarsfl from the teit look unto me and be ye saved all the ends cf the earth etc isa 15 22 kearly the entire congregation remained for the after services and aboat 60 partook of the sacrament the next quarterly meeting is appointed for hock- wood coir the original company of tha filk jubilee singers of kiihville taqd will give ooe of thrir inimltablfl conoerti in ihe town hall georgetown od friday sven- iug 90th lost many of our readers know what treat ii lo store or all who hear the programme of melodies rendered by this excellent company tbe wellknown cool bargees and bis wondorfal combination will appear in the town hall next wednesday evening adv r b mm noted millikert 4 drv goods house acton worth wear style strength t choice i cheapness la the combination offer ed n our great stock of new and fashionable goods and includes all things new and desirable for fall and win ter wear dress goods we have bought larger ta thl hue hxn ercr before too beary w thoacbt at first 4ht the very lor price arc lad will continue melting ike tltcks c ihce good dawn vtbea ur losr price uit mai from is ta 60 chaper than ether hontcx in thit ridaiir all the ittetx eotoruacx asd makes vith suitable trim- miccs miy be faoad ou our coualerc aad ve willue pleased lo show you these lovely poods cool burgess is well known as a com- edian thracchout canada he pleased his audience in previous visits lo acton aud will nodoabt do so at the town rilli next wednesday evening ar- v j mr john widow of eiacag ad vertised an auction the goo3s to be told by himself- mr winlow had no acctioicers license and after the sale wallace ijent laid information agaiast him tad ha was fined 20 and costs for not havm license one half of the fine went to the prosecutor a man by the name of haw was ar rested upon his owa coafessio in oak- ville last week for the burning of d d wilsons barn and contents at sesforth last fall he has been committed tostand his irial shortly a wonderful revelation is promised cursct lftic chictcne fome lome to roost a little aixyearold of point edward millinert headquarters for hardware iradian sal aaiericau iatuiniaiuiiosfn cut alno slcel ad v ruofiht gout kiiiiiiiice sad ticka all ilzci ate ban hflina dcrhbbi fib ca- lrf itircdocr rcljcnlviiiifluubbcr hecip koaji mnc si j al llabut metal c hraptsiscrirhfckiiiub4wwf cutlery pjywns 3ca- juk knivo cyn- kcvolvcrs rod inc if l labut class ld cut to oljcr fro luiyroiou ac paints oils a klaci a tibadci 1 crycj rnijlici aad gctta frrcha psinm skayi on baud fa sll ptfular o waivludrrdfa jjiiojuad v lied yellow ochro aad sa w tj3iidsd liax oil tin vjrulsbesjipansliciiic ac mi8s lm main stn st dhks3 sud lui iltdiike mohc aftw llicaspii- thr boutad thoc jtoref ml iio lwpica dlvts foi culan sjy lo lift jjorh j bvruer machine oils larlisc glyccria amber hiack sud qicr crojceries v fall lirct fine 7ta cczcc sucan tbseofi kalsia currsnls itlce hsricytspfoca fuc kcii aiutnkacrcsa tarurt fickle cboene lard llaeor lilckiaf stove a- jloc surch soap lzc leaet cake haiinff ioirder sod cocoa- chocolate ktnj fapicca orangi aad lnsjn feci oatmeal siyriiroias viacgan lvajt wlno aad ci3tfti to fact crcrjtiiuiuljy tdiind ia a first cjaas proccry ips adegtobscliiaiacyi lanterns ac cheap classware ft sctt5 la plaia colored and ciiai n t cbyait it cl tins vjan bos dj acton oct 31st aii signal ucjgs crockery llyttii o alalfastine uiy prrur kalscmlac lust to las hu all ladv wall paper kc tsi sojy tjattcras from 5c s roll en a large lot cf tk itac ri to tea at ycr owe price to be clcarid cut it vti d aafiur pare cottce fresh sraaui is a laaury cit wic do wlhcjt sole agent for tyea- ltt and canaiarl aioiilaar- cttd frivtac3cs j b pearson ladies jf acton your speciai attention is called to the exceptionally fine range of j mantles and mantle cloths at thie lion house a lot till isujviscj hm jill wd3oha itrtiu tm house i iotpwmt- dtie fuj coattket dies nj able coracr tr bd v icnion ai oar cntrpriiag baill w l readily apijyca ibe rrtliscs to al i fruit tidesfe j and omlmcnai rkvlick acton io trcr fir uihtt4 known ou liocbfftfccr nai rysr jtvwr aad ii tc jtrh to ike tf the frjit uci rtoall 1m la or io ibtwn ia ihe claatnie i nqrcry tljc piplacl oi knnrrlre kiiori to bog ocrrotiiy nkicd iua i ran ytcuh lo 11 o iarefci pncc rrftcalic bet towk hall oeobq fkidav ioth jubilee mm tux for sale- terj pivdtkcaun laallifras- terubbcx auelih alasaow i i ourj mantles you will fifd worth- of your inspection eocie la early oar stock ia reiy pcrtcaal inspection muit coavface yon that this u the lcadiag hcaae in the county fa this uae rfroodx staples flacselt sairuagi sbeetiagt ltacaa cot tons cottoaade deofau wineeyt tickias cretccce frictt xapfcfca towcii towelling ac dlaakcts rem iss per pair up never before- had j we such jackets wraps and paletoj ladies and children alue or variety in dolmans in even stvle of cloth for ourimillinerv this scasoii dress de from fiat tjnfrelstfyj hiimbf hsve beed ensagdd for one their miiiitawe c this 1s thq 0iuginal ctlltj tba derjosiorfr slxuto ot its the uaildapcf fitki vaiv mtrlhal woadertaliy sacccwal t- rsiteosi cf kidgi and qaeoli aad mai ulalnt an that luai by tpeoal iav ration far rfei4wi graathavm oarand aa artanr v i aeter io enjoyed nie ie rt r rlt anhnii tuat a3si touches i okcshold- v caots 1 rrsct orqtiousi tatirsof as opcaihef uaalnotlsv uav 7iolcnizi ticksts 5q xn7 7 voters hist i ilp village ot acftojj cocstt br flajitos vrotlcx lb hereby civcji ihsl l ujui ordirered tc tbepe tlonedin the thijtuid icih icctkna dp af voters us act tle ea rcqslnd kf h msrtioa to be ao tracsniitt ictoetinmihm ut madd parsuaarto ciii art d all anpeanni by ibe lwt r md ajbm of the aaid aiaajcipalityn be entitled taul he said anaicipaiivj- at e jctianitos fc to tho legulatlte aatcnit y and at elections aad that bajdli- ivasftm at m y tsce at acton oa tb 1 23rd day t 19i mid rcmaias there for inspection i eleeton era tailed apoako aiaadu mt t list aad if aayomiiaioaa ctaayotbersnma foan4iherein to uke imm diatapxccaadilgfe have tue taid errors corfec d wxoeidmmwtl th i t- moobb clcaneiailoawpibtj dated this zlzl di cl cfc has proved a remarkable suc cess the beaut of our shdwroom is a currant topic of re- mark and our values arc uncq sljufbyhniutancwifr ijixm kov 8 james scott of uawn was killed by his wife early this morning she shot him through the bead while he was asleep shehas fibovn symptoms of irsanity lately bat was considered barm- less there are eevtn children the eldest being li yeirs end the youngest ens year old dr lonshcad corocerfrom pctrolin held an inquest and the verdict returned was that scott was murdered by his wife during a fit of insanity mrs scott was committed to saraia jail io await trial at the rios assizes a kiuzum llrjcurcife kixcstox icov 13 the maftistratc iqi- posed a fins ct r3 on an hotelkeeper for sellio hqcor to a man after his wife had notified him uot to do so this is the first time such a case has come before the magistrate here and its success ii the boat bcom temperance has cot for quite a time poi save was told by his school tach larniijand tu er that there was smallpox iu sirniiiand that he would have to be vaccinated ffe ran heme to his mother and eiclaimsdjl- hamma theyve get the little hoc in samia and if you dont be baptised ypail catch it and die every eorseavi interested i great bargains in harness whips curry combs blankets etc at ilatthcws no- harness shop tlif gloies ciiristjtas xljjtgefi- 5fr- wakefield uut he bad not seen so taking time by the forelock tbe gtffc already aanouaces in our tdvcrtisiag col- cmns the early appearance of a specittl christmas edition which the management hopes will make tbe year a memorable oae iu literary and artistic circles money lime and work have been lavishedupoa this production and when it appears it nill be found tocomhicc iu iu vavioai features ho best that canadian writers artists aiid printers can produce the leading lights ha canadian literature arc araoaff the contri butors and msny of the stories sketched etc which they have faruished are illus trated with wood cuts from dceiims by lead- in native artiste the artistic feature will bo strengthened by three handsome colored utiles the primrcpttl one a reproduction of a maflificcut jictcre by mr l iuobried president ollhs lie j ai cauiduu academy of arts representing a scene in vancouitr ark british columbiit first come first served will lx the rule in distributing the paper and a the early comers are pretty sure ui ulc up tho whole edition it will not bo safo tudthy ordering orders may bojiven tirotih any newadeilefiir may bo maoh drunkeumw in all tw 37 years ot sent io the ouhe direct constipation dctaacds prompt treatment tho fe suits of neglect may be serious avoid all harsh and drastic purgatives tha tendency of which is to weaken he bowels the best remedy is ayecs pills being purely vegetable their action is prompt and their effect always beneficial they are ah admirable liver and afterdinner pill and every where endorsed by the profession i ayer fills are highly and univer sally ipoken of by he jieople about here jl make daily ue of them in my practice dr i e fowler uridje jjort conn i lean recommend ayers pills abow all others bavin- iocv proved their value las a rathartic tor ravself and family j t hess lefihsi ille fat for several yearn ayers pills hava lcn used la my family we find theia au effective remedy l for constipation and fndigcstou and krc never without them iu ue hojie moses greuler lowell jrass l have used ayers pills for liver troubles aud indigestion during many years and have always found them prompt and efflcieat in their action r- t xsmith utlca k y i suffered from coostipatfonwhlch assumed such au cbstinafcfann that feared it would cause a stoppage of the bowels two boxes of ayers fills ef fected a completecure v buxkfi sacomc i have used ayers pills for the past thirty years and consider them an ia- valuable family medicine i know if no better remedy for liver troubles and have always found theui a prom nt cure for dyspepsia james quins w middle st hartford coau haytnsbeen troubled with coativt nesft which seems inevitable with pet- sons of sedentary habits i have tried aycrv pills hoping for relief i am ciad to nay that they have served mn better than any other medicine i arrive at this conclusion only aftom faithful trial of their merits samuel t jones oak st uoston mos ayers pills rbjetabxditr zt j o aytr 4 co uwl mui sold tr u duri la mtdjdm ualled in the trade artmext la this department we ixcel ae claim to have m miss todd one of die most fashionable and perfect fitting dressmakers in the country habbedashert 133 dcua ladiea haadterehlcff fancy edc at 5c worth ioc vi down ladies collars st 5c each 130 dcieu ladies wool koac from ifc to 75c jcrpahr sad childrens from lie np ladies cashmere cloves from 15c up ladieskldoijves buttons 35e aud np ait to iec the ajpiae the iateat root hat fcrladiet fues- furs- furs we are mllfas pertisa lamh caps wli less tasalu icason kovs the time boots and shoes ladies dont fail lo see oar elegant kid roots st 8100 elio sllaa of fine goods idth oc- ear which is tha rxge la new york and toronto icit boot vt low ihia year adiiiiiiistratofs xotice l -jx- creditors of ellfik lidw pvpscast to l 17 chaiu-slli- th decftasj ied stitafea of t ct1w of the towcllilp ot erhljij- b mfiwrliii bfl uanair la couutr of wellington ie- 5 the name rlace fanner decwedtb00j5 abcutthe kib day of ftui t hereby antitrtl and nsinirt before monday the seveat ber 1 by jci prepaid lary ai 1 cd ssod i ath da of -g- otherwise deureai 1 u send la our tange of dress gooc plete g show a magniheer and plain goods with braid 1 and- trimmings is most comv t assortment of combinations ad trimmings j d williamson fc co grooerlai ilireyi cheap rbjermyn j butter and egga wanted solicitor for john miuer aaminittiltwjg plaud bribe burrocite c or of uw c007 c wcilusoa vheir chris iaa- d inraaais adirtsscs aad gescriptioai cf their accoanth or tllimi 1 the teearitriif anriatm bh aad fartber tale acticotlu trator will irwreed alter tl e day ot docrniber is to d s of the wki deceamd aaioag j thereto uaviaa reaanl 10 tlecl he tfcea ihtu have had act e aad hs ml i be resixsaaibic or tho raid assets oraa j thereof so distributed to an iwrscaa cf ae daiaia he uiav no iavereci at uie time of the distiitmti ia of fuel assstt dlxcas mcgu bo soiicinr for tb adflitnistratt- ellfqmcaira daud a ltilta this tth find tba jiatsif v f bant tra itthfaldsoai e laid si i ii w trfttthgj cfiteso i or7rdbrlk -ladies- cc oirct to 1 i 39 l ppcr ndham treet guelph roil ora i drv goods eatircly xfr cuoita aad cheap j iii iviaj ia tio sty elesaut ptucras i gentlfemn j i ii liw wise the laftraaf cf iajorted suitings worsteds ancjpantiffgs in the city j or yk ai- ccrrcct out vricef are the cheaivat orfitiaivviriaiaalhirarotjasurrasscd ictuciur the iisic p crtxr wj r e nelson blaurancefccq wholesale opticians kqv246 8t james street montreal iviaiy ziat amc hiiji jcufita si nicholas 1 an all-arottnd-ihi- tuls toridroaostifl mi people and their ciders programme for hc upr rclcicc bvsf satccijer lw tbe cdiisr llrv x zs dthfrwoilij flutivnamc5 dr ftsfiw is- rfcui itm- i wlioio ccwbraltj 1itblo anil ether bpcaclei aad zfbqllmtl are tp hi oqod in overy town in itho dominion ihey ra rtcdjnntended by aod testiniodia navffbmd received iroat he psideut vioxresidcnu epreaideut aud ex yicepreaidepif of lite mdio4l apcoeiatiraof canada lite preaideut ol ke oollef of plitaiouna anjd snrcoona of qjteboo tho dean off the medicaj faculty of laval unlremtyli the proi- dent and hijuesidenuof tbe llddical couooil ot novasootlt dtc a complett uaort- men of hfte excellent gijoda vrijl be found al the store of 1 j bpearson agent acton otccijer lw tbe cdijrj dodge cajih it a u of course the jiulk of tbo coj till relate io americaa eu amenca ia alv tho world outsit tive pcrs axu l cj ihi order and thev vill 1 wo bavo ipce here for aooounec meats amekic litlle psia elisabeth author of little lord taaa tiao of the liumic how 1 carried ou collece au ihotosnuibtvdoybaad ti tbe qlrls crusade lad w stirw storie etc the hcjlsof i about canada soa am rz k ltailrcad in the clouda i duns of urt iob by mn eraai b- 5tai oaete ktjrop1l ufeiavanravlryh fi 3jesd and uiediich by mrs ujf may theqaeeirh saw by lie x tbe wiaehmtcr bchoo way traia jtdiiini man italiajiiariaudituuia asia van tjioa lcc tti- pf china aad tivre l ailcsrnjj john cbluauaui lavottt hmitdcseriushduitu ou siam japan and other cq africa fie wliite ltsha ty tkeich cf htnrj- mstahjcyi family lhcjiu ljpti w a itorv of tbo aicgeof altia australia a erieif futercjatiaarticlk uovol aaiviiqejfcint infortna hjitorjllm aaiajai tci vondarnil land arctic reqioks al r uiadtlie fartlie a w srooly of the reel daab with dagi for lift schwatka r a mwlru mijd llambjc ctc utc tivwwir i subscriptiou price w auiubcr 5abcriptii sellers and uawvleajtr v ubliahen iieaiit bvp o ui check draft or reihtercd i voluaio lcgiaiwith ovmiil iho jreit curistiaaa kqaiber tnz csvivuvcl33 tffu print of jinviife children of tkt aafliiou 4aa ladder glautd st nicholas and th9 tpxpmjvki for 360 i- 3- j jut llsbs d- i d haj yteeriw foe ty rorurji mint iijggl is to bate aiw 9iia iccta bflt yoaef t s to iciratlul owl i jc id iiftrioaoiaj enuyj iffif- pataw e- ld 0u jiiteut-tjw- utriai- smiths s orltoi rla i lilt wc f uii ij merjb wlk if lfc too 4i 4 13 m if jp