town hall acton cotniss ofisotoew for 888- vndtt uie mipiom ol kkoxchurch actok vo i 4lc wai qxlirao ii d- moady yib lah suijjmi koothuidhcro maj vokcv j uctno gwdlner uondt hcnj subject tolttmord rvet v 4 coum bo oats lectures twmiieuec t sodock wlil lire mosuj- of wfi oimmtir t id w ft ft jlt i tor 3jf 11 krfa oi tfcr im mx filupe at a- ijal trance con i -oftb55- ufwellijj aaaej mcetiseatjls 3ocfccfcuoi asm tl tb ktj til art tfri acton rev- g a- qiftcrd ma phj pastor larwuagtf ttoww avenue pjwie service lftjo fcni- ud 630 soudn- tchooilaj biweamacottdiictmbytho pallor- all cordially turf ted i tutasun rit4rrlr wtlconic bitiw ob it u door j rfuiac are defcirod- apply to h l worf rigs bde i cocainise fctai cssnoaed aflwi ijc iw bitt imk oflmd tar aw5 its ct flctue tqd escitille u i fwcoaa dr of j tlxstosirmetels ycarfji bank carnival number or 1889 tistin thai lilflb fpjetcre gngitil sob qfsij 3 f ficsna dtjoalli l kxcultt w 5 weesjut jt til mows 2i slijcrtoit fm rtss j kaqv m locals cwli 1 lt ewrhnmfffctftl had aicu i frw lrs eeportcrs the iut 3y of jaaujr tht latreil carninl opeai next hoctood is intioqsjot brus ojitsc- j i lois o worfcnseu is likely lo be of- mxed here j qairtflcly commanitm terrices in iba hrtbodrst chnna neit sondy the mow short brigde vis oat tojt tad eirly mondty moniiog a pood miny of oat locil pohticin s luaided the election iriil an tuesdty kotfaiac- seems to weigh heviei tbm tir mhenjoa hive to bay it it ibent j t loa i tiere it ne ulk ot irnnenienu being mhfi to hive geargetoiro iacorpot- itcd u l tovu iurijiiai piys its inditorv only fioo arfi- time ind mea ire evidently cheap i3ii iheie thfr montreal its been itceiral- it is profusely illas- trited ind reoenjiy-ittrictive- the orgia qaestion is dow i lire one ia nox charck conffregitira it will iq ibt be tinirabty settled however hoiiinixke son ihitoo ere ofierii g 13 cents alt erery dollira worth of clothii g pnthised from 2nd to 12th febmiry oewidv ilcucfgil bnsincss iscondacted wict rzomptness ud dispiteh by the new com l- cl thirttnre mingles wis the recotd far itaadiy cijtfiti sessioo the berlin dculf aom oc fridiy gi a to interesting icconnt of the trunk u d vihse bosiness just stiblixhed in hit ton n br3ieserv jettcgtrnn4ga junes bryin hotel keeper ormgt- rze his leigned ind thomis ittidim cf he siac town hs offered to compm- f ciisa wiu his creditors it 50 cents on tfcc u i mealing of the directors cf acic n rcfir aridnltarji society will be he d a tnesdty next to imnge for i co cert tnd lecture nnder the insraces of the sdoty j the second cxmitil of the season wih ah place b the rink on tnesdiy oext 5th febrotry ikbclistof ittrictire prizks m cered ind the iffiir promises to be its biggest thing on ice ererheh in acton- the heiriest snow storm of tbe seiscn fch sondiy xfternoon ind evening it ace from the east ind there wis ubt each wind with it so that it uy pretty erenly on the ground the tleigfung i tw excellent a nun ccme to tows one night list weekio pet medicine for his sick wife e sot tjie medicine ind bottle erf wfaisliy belies which so paralyzed him that he wu found lying on the streets and had to be siren lodging ra the jailiil night mil- ton jiformrr j the tninistmis of the milloa district of the stetbodist charch will meet in coo- tenlion at freeman on tuesday and wed nesday 5th and ctfa fefaruary- one item of the programme ii that each minister is i to fanuah an oatline of a sermon on mere than 2coworis on phil rr 13 j j ilmatthewb hameaf maker is mtst- ing to the larger premisei across tbe street known as the old glove factory here years ago mr w h btorey proprietor canada glare works did one of the finest harass hnsineaes in the county and hferelfr hatthm hopes to do the same f tbe clinton a act eccordhu jost coai- pleted another year in its history and ffies on its way rejoing over a large and ooq licaally growing circle of patrona and mb- nibere- the kaebecord is alire to the acmtifa cf the times apon a local newsv piper and iis the bill with every issoev our lttttr from oie ctpiul the first ot tho weekly letters from o ir correspondent at otuwa ippoan in tl is inc those letters will continue dori ig the session of the dominioq rarlitme it ad wiu conuin iu a condensed lorm i ii the pith of uiq parliimcutrj- proceediuis sketches of noted pcraotn recent ippoii l- ih jaenti aud other oocial aod iatcrcsung i a iormatiou rom the capital ffl ffujaffarfaftautf a t otorsv to jrn arrmnccmentt ha beon made for il is ciccllwii jlrdidukc jotepht hongarl a band to rive one of their grand oonoertfl in tbetoun hillocbrretowu on tucsd iy evening ith ftobroary this wellknovn band of hongarikn rnusidani have xm i- wide rtphution for ewelltnce this w ill beifiejut opportmitry tor the people nf this kctioa to hear them as they are lei ioc the ooontry and witlmly y1u goon e town betweeq toronto and stratford h btrard a sect l wil of one of oar citieen lhalf pi st eleven p m thit homd odo smclls like alcohol hubaiulf r iy dar we arc alcohol at the lodge for iui i- ations take some alcohol light it pw talt in tile name and it givee a chastly yil- low light makes folks lookfcfcechosts ypa ters eiten np the intention flf holding an enter- taiment far the pnrpose ot raising fnnds for the parchase ot matting for the town hall stairs the programme is now in pre- paratiori and will be annoonced in a few days a number oi interesting and attrac tive featares are promised ujwing to a viriety of onfbnqnate cir- ecmstances the star hosiery company georgetown will go into liquidation and the the boeiness diecontianed we regret ibis tery cinch as it will be the loss of an im- prtactjahormplojgmdasttytogeorre- tom sod means considerable 1 loss to tbe sharehciiders j j mr- ml ijippel has retired from i the partnenhip of dippel 4 bean publishers of the waterloo csralcfc mr bean will con dact the peper alone in fntnre ho paper iathe province has been improved more daring the past few months we wish mr bean continued prosperitywith the excel lent ioamal t- adrcrtisicg is essential to a saccessfol bosinese the sooner a merchantj who ttvs n dont pay to advertise geu that idea oat of fas bead tbe better for bim if yon wish to do business yoa mast tell the public and when yoa hsveonce begflni yoa nast keep doing this tbe quickest j way of doing this is by advertising in the riews- pperscircalitiag amoogtbe peopla you antto readu we lear there is great excitement in montreal orerthe publication of the carni val cumber of the montreal htar ooafirm alone offering to bay and pay cash or one hundred thousand copies the carnival star this year it aaid to be of anrpssuig deur the public were prepared for omething good but did not dream of such oiuyof desatifulaod lbnlliog tingf the star n amber is retailed at thirtyfive ceota if peoole donj taw bow it can be iuoed for the money they must find ot tbcquetvei we cant sol ve h know batthit odor comes fromy breath ves m dear iu the thirty- settith degree i persooale the chpf demon with fluncs comingfrora his monlhj i take a mouthful of alcohol and a raallew of salt and then set cre to it bet n dear yoa masut tell these tilings secret s ciety wcrets very sacred yoa know on friday evening the choir o kaix church met at the residency of dr lowry for practice and made it the ooauion mirk their secsc of spprecitlioa and kicd- iy regard to their leader mr a t macu in the coare of the proceedings the k v mr rae presented mr mann with a large teachers bible and in fitting terms on 1 half of the choir the sunday school aid- h expressed the high esteem ud gratcf al feelings borne towards the reefpie tt mr mann in accepting the gift erprefted gnaine esrpcise acd in appropriate wods thanked those who had been good enoajh lo evince their tied appreciation of his e5ocl6 which in his own estimation wi cot so valoabte or thoroagh as he wo id wish after remarks from some othinc present a ver pleasant social time as spent in coaversiiion music and in test- icg the cake which the good people of billinifad had soma time ago presented to the choir mr and mrs r d bemin the frcelsiordaet of the royal templars were present and oontribalei greatly to the evenings enjoyment in the reudcricgof some of their sosgs and dests theaccual meeting of kcox chotch was held on moaday a report of the pro- ixedings is held over cntil ceit week a number of samples of the eteelmnt job printing execctedj atthe streetsrille hccloc oece have ba received by be fern pcxsi friend fawcett has managed by his skill and enterprise to take a step in ad ranee of cocntry printing osces and takes a pride its sapplyihg his costom rx with wort ejail to west they woald ge in the cities the following is a rpecioen cf the fet ters beiig coritincaily received by as af ler filling orders for pb work miiamay o it dear sir received the areolars and am well pleased with them and the doo ale here give me credit for having someth ng better than is csaally hcca aroand hare fnciose p 0 0 for amaant of account- at i fear years ago hut weekmr james a lambert who was then foreman in the fas pceis assc left acton and establish ed the ecfrcnaiifx at mount forest his saccess as wc intirinaled it would be has been marked and the iiirrttjtaitc is one of the best local papers in the cocntry ind commands an enviable prestige in its terri tory mr lambert is a first class printer and a competent newspaper mac gtnera iy the doiuixics lllcjtnifc1 is a very ex cellent canadian pubiicatioa its app ar- ance every week is always looked for w ilh interest the last nambsr gitef amogst many other things elegant photographic illastraiioas of bishop baldwin of hason canon taces cf london the late arch bishop lynch anders of qaeec ic send for it to george e desbarai s son montreal a small boy named circlay while ii- iag down main etreet hiil at the river on sararday was severely cat and braise by colliding with a team of herses coming op the hiu how lad escaped from ai der the frightened horses hoofs jritboat king killed is remarkable his head and ace were cat considerably acd bled freely but fortunately bo bones vrere broken meant forest ecprtnaiuuiot a fewevenings ago a unmber cf oar villagers were discussing the difficallies at tending the formttionof a band in bock- wood one person expressing the belief that it would be next to impossible to find a suflicient number of players willing to take an instrument a yoang lady preseat dis sented from this view of the caie and re marked that she could easily find at least the young people of town have pot- fifty men in rockwood who woald gladly take a horn whenever they were asked to do so rockwood adearm the conduct of some of the young fel lows at the dance in the town hall last fri day evening was jisgracefol in theeitreme drankenness prevailed to a large extent and rowdyism was rampant tobacco chewing spittiag and smoking were indal- ged in even while dancing was in progress we ire eatised that if the memhersof the town half committee would spend half an hoar there sometime daring the progress of oneof these dances the hail woald never again be granted for the pnrpose the amount received for hall rent does not cover one- half ihediaikges the baudicg sustains we have jest received the most band- some canadian seed catalogue we jhave yet seen it is issued by the steele bros- co ltd toronto and contains descrip tion and prices of everythmg in seeds roses climbing vines flowering haibsand stapes a book of vl pages profusely ibostrated has alo a chro molithograph plate show ing focr varieties of their xew art col lection of flower seeds kew and rare noveltiea in flower vegetable and field seeds occupy a large portioa of the work- j this firm occapyihe mammoth seed souse corner front and jarvis streets toronto nsiton to which are always madd wel come and have an iraraeusc establishment employing one hundred bauds and doing basiness from atlantic to pacific j fiend your idjue for a catalogno they are mailed free i h u krod iu aooordt in with 0o coivtutiandtuhluhoanths mrier uj ihnnlmfou of uia luuwri im the british iioportertr while igted o most pointu tijowed some different of opitiiooootheaubject of batter pckigts as many of my readers koow our ciport puckiceli rnaluly wwhu beet cliod the welsh tab it fi wider at tht top ihan at tbe bottom with i somewhat looacfitting cover utaally futeued down by ttriptoc un the likeinnjn from a 25 to 7d poankt cpoity it f t stave liib ttitameraliy maanfaoturpd oow by miohiuerylnd may bqprocoreaata low priwat almut any oonutry itort witbia a year onio there ku been placed ou tbe market and osed in mtjor trade a lab of theaoovede4ripiiau provldod with iu ioslde lluliut ofln the wliote called a t tinutied tab xh4 danish package tt a cask or barrel with bcjth ends beaded in the usual manner iti it also made by machiuery iiligbuudcujan-rook- ing and will hold about 100 pounds several of tho imjwrters in bristol con sidered i ovu kcrrca faltiitl iicltv mr clark tta tbepceseut tobs are smply redkaloas thejoiau opeb staves get loose the tins break off and tbe cover is poor these packages are faelty general ly the batter oores oat and around the edge or where it touches the woodi it gets sidey or strong uutih mr iles also sxid thst butter suffered from conjactwith the wood mr clark spoke of tie boxes which came into the market and said they were a favorite package hat the objection to them wa their expense and the fact that the butter could not easily be taken out to tare it he would prefer thctiniioed tubs these allow the butter to come oat easily to be tared of stripped bat he thought their cost wisia objection mr lies had less preference for lnliried tubs their extra cost also being his maia objection u they were to be ased at all howerer he would like to have tham used altogether he thought it a mistake to have various tarts ot packages in the market coutainiag one brand of butter when he offered butter in bath packages the argument which justified the aic ot the tiuuning necessarily condemned thai use of the wooden tub withoat the lining as a dealer he had actually experienced j this difficulty of satisfying buyers thateither or both packages were good here certainly is another argument for uniformity all through in dairy matters i say here that what little experience i have had with the tin lined package goes in its favor while cheapness will be an asseutial in the pick- of the future i would advise the dairyman not to allow a little extra cost to stand in the way of uis buying the best package in the market- mr clarke advocated ilhe adoption of the dtmih package the cask or barrel hut of a somewhat smaller aiee say holding 70 to po lbs instead ol 100 lbs i am glad however to quote mr price who had j a con woia ivii cixniix iris he was much pleased with them they could not be rolled like the the danish ciski and so had to be lifted j this fact esved the outside in some measure from contact with dirt his experience led him to believe that these packages had been re- ceivedby importers in england fairly cleah on the outside he believed that the dirty appearance of canadian tabs as largely due to the effect ot longstorage he claimed that danish casks had never been tested by storage and believed if they were they would show a much dirtier appearance than ther canadian tubs fio tnere is much force in this statement and its teaching should not be lost eight of in rcaking a comparison between the two packages we must remember the different conditicas acier wuich they have been tested the danish hatter transport ticu is of comparatively short distance and of coatinnous movement shipments being made almost daily the handlers engaged in this trade ire completely familiariied with its needs again it raayle hat bone is used in one csfc and not in the other the brine though it may rerve to protect the butler soaks into the wood package arid tbroagh to the oatside giving the lat ter after some weeks of storage a dirty appearance all this goes lo prove ore ilcaxt oxe cirti or nicix our competitors have adopted a- package which though it may not beiatr nsically a better one tuan oar own is belter suited to the conditions of their trade than is ours to the conditions of oar trade some suggestions were offered by these experienced dealers mr ties suggested the use of cloth to surround the hatter in the package cbth would he a great profecioa and it was not expensive much les than tia cloth always had a certain j valqi to the buyer either grocer or consumer i may add that i found the ase of cloth for protecting batter in connectionj with the different styles of packing growing in favor everywhere and it may be strongly re commended mr lies thought too that there would be an advantage n keeping a little pickle around the batter it woald help to destroy the rancid fiavor of bttter kept so long in transit mr priee asks that batter he packed and invoiced ina way that each package will more evenly hold out its weight in his experience some tabs are over weight and some under weight even though a ship meat may contain in the aggregate a fall weight of the invoice the importer may suffer loss when he disposes of the buttnr in divided lots he cannot charge the average weight to his customers for those whq get the excess weight say nothing while hose who are short wehjit insist ou the loss be ing made up he also advised for butter packages standard net weights it would be much easier to invoice themi the de sirable sizes suggested were for creamery 70 lbs for dairy 70oandj5 lbs lies also suggested tabs of uniform and standard net weights creamery would make go or 70 lbs and dairy a range of 30 to go lbs the standard weights pro posed by mr price appear to me to be bet ter adapted to the usages of the country the soar or package sbeueh for our butter trade is a moat impc riant consideration the choice probably lies be- twwn our present package and the djtniah cask if it were settled that our preseat package cannot or will not be improved in its construction one would bealmost tempt ed to decide offhand upon the adoption of the dinish package bat were one own package to be improved m every respect wherein it is now defective there is no doubt that it should be retained the first argument in favor of retaining oui own package is a tbe fact that it is tbe package already iu use it is easier kmpnw what vre have than to revolutionise and intro- 1 dace a substitute completely new oar irguratmt b is the advantage it ever we do happily make v reputation abroad for oaf bultet of haying a paokago diitlnotive- lourown bach a rckane mar ultimate- ly be itatcdy but that would not be 111 forturie for one muit mod be ahead to bo followed- toi lhskxtuu oriiinrien ricaiok of irit importance it the material used in miiafankrc spruco iho wood now usedffiolt mtentlvely tod it iifcood baj aim might be even pre tor able but it it oot always avaiulio thore u oo objection to soft wood it is easily manufactured and it makes a light and cheap tub bat it is ecetiary and ol lint importance that tlis wood he tree from asp if it be used without trtificitl treatment or waling i lisve-uu- understood that the vermont traunfac- turen are very oareful to tsleot the lumber used and o exclude any staves containing wp i lea that toirz at least of our manufacturers have- not been wise enough to follow thijf txample the brney batter refcred to by the unstol dealer was very likely due to tap iu the woo j oarperlecledpackaethouldbc made lo hold brine perfectly the redoutees of tcietice and iuveiition have made it possible for our manufacturers to give as packages answering the eswntial condition but the enterprise of tliosc intenutcd of both deal ers andmtuufacturers seems noi to hive been equal to the need and a package per fected iu thee points has yet to be placed on the market or at least to be introduced into trade in freely riving above suggestions of others as well as my own i do uat expect lo have covered the whole ground or to have settled the qiestion rather i have only opened up the question for discussion as the reader will see before i am done l antici pate the necessity of mare than suggestions or opinions of one or of many to deter mine what is best actual experiment in practical lines will be necessary here as in other directions to the attainment of a ac cess of experimental work i shall have something to say in a future letter touch iug continental methods w il lysch the royal bevival giic temperance ifeetlns uadcr the dir ection of the exptislar luett a series ot gospel temperance meetings under the superintendence ot mr and mrs rd beman the excelsior duett ot the royal templars ot temperance was open ed in the town hall oa saturday evening ind well attended meetings have been held every evening 6ince an entertaining pro gramme is provided each evening mr and mrs bexnaa arc excellent singers and though both have been suffering with severe colds their duetts and solos have been much enjoyed and appreciated miss swan presided at the organ stirring ad dresses have been given upon the tecaper- ance question and the necessity for temper ance organization by revs j w r4e dr gifford r b cook and other temperance workers on monday evening mr w w buchanan grand coancillor of the order of hamilton was preseat and gave a spirit ed address upon the subject before the meeting he also explained the work cow being accomplwhed for temperance and prohibition through the royal templars of temperance gave pirtioikrs respecting the orgaakaiioa itself its growth and membership which now numbers over 12- coq in canada alone as we co to press the closing mdeticg is in progress and pro mises to be as interesting as its predecessors mr a c steeje past grand councillor of toronto is expected to address the mealing and it is intended to organize a council of the royal templars parliulars will be given next week frozen to ulutir kesideut ct tiii township stapcfrd by whlikcr dies la the fcuow the georgetown herald says john mcalpine about go years of ace who re- tides with his sister and two brothers on the seventh line lias been missing since saturday evening he came to georgetown saturday morning purchased a pair of iboots and went home he found that the boots were too small and returned to town to exchange them he was seen in the evening passing along charch street intoxi cated he evidently was on his way home via mr culpa and mr crts on san- day search was made for him in vain and oa monday and taesday the neighbors turned oat in numbers to try and find the body of the missing man tne boots he had purchased were found by the fence nearilr calps bat up to the time we go to press all efforts to bud trace of the lost man have proved abortive he has evi dently wandered ioto some place in the swamp or field where he has been frozen to death and his body covered with the drifting tnow the conjectures of the ittrald have proved correct the unfortunate mau was found next day frozen to death in the swamp west of georgetown he had climbed over a fence fell by the side of a log ind there he was found a whiskey bottle accompanied him a sister of this anforlunale man was killed on the railway below acton ten years ago last july while intoxicated mr sizes he tl n rnannficsurert are in the field equipped for las b 3l d hnii p q wnu prekot fltkid zutl pr tbornas eclectric oil commands a a urge and increasing tale which it richly merit i have always found it exceeding ly helpful i use it in ail cases of rheuma tism as well as fractorea and dislocations i made nae it myself to calm tbe pains of a a broken leg with dislocation of the foot and in two days 1 1 was cuiheiyrtlievod of pain pity apd not in the interest pf dairjrrcen tojurmeoeasaruy depreciate thefajntiariie manufacturer who supplies him wipb re quisites and who is therefore his friend itwere well and reasonable howeyit to askfbe manolacturer to take beed to tbe needs of ills patrons and lo perfest nil ggw to tbe highest degroe the socoud children cry for pitchers castork hu iby tci we pave ter cxsicrfa wlica the vrzs a child the cried cor outers when the becaee kiss she clone to castcru wlicr sbchd chllirea she rive them cast on powder absolutely pure thlipowr never ttriw anurrelofpnrltt mtntmbclmymaita kara economru thjilhe ordlairr kinds nd fnn mid in oonnmtitton vltb tn innltitode of lenr feitibort wrtjst liun or pooipmte powder bu onljr inaw iloiu buwo pows co 106 w lu st hv vf vi iemijlimtialiai0 -at- b ryan ancos we have now commenced our great semiannual sale to last for 30 dayi smicc nill not permit it ofaur wjaiucrmuutftlit mtntjeauuiobirpiini wo iril offtr duriiw tiiishaln knn cwrtmeiit in um slion hu been etrof auy gom rtirougli and prleoa niarkeddowu to ftffurm tbat will uloulau our cmiomont n l tbofollowtagarcafcwoftbomanvbarsiiniirhicbvilluiakotblsssloaiiotabloouelii our comuicrclal hliuiry dress goods luthu deiartmut v bold the btt cood andursmtitoektntbcttst mr hyen hivlor pareoud alorffp amount o ormooods tt leuthaji aimanuaetuteri oet eslsroduotlou in cheelu and stripe are ablo to ftoll them si acorrcipotidlaeit 3ov figure sotethh nilcea 1q0 jdi dross goods st 10c north ic i50 yds btrllo i7c fie aoo yds check he 900 yds check fc 10c iqco yds plain uoxitt 45c worth 30c aud y4 finer kocdi in proparllott remnants qua table will bo devoted to heinusau of kuck aud colored dress goodaat iirlces which must uuarc s tpoody cleirauee hoube furnishings we have a fw of uioaotlioaii iilaiieu left tt i imandfl9o a few soiled uuukcu to u cltarod oul si cokt comforters very cheat unbleached linens iledocedtromaiceuu tois conu icr yard 40 so l ai it kjioclal value lii hletclod damasks a fnr fousd bleached table clotlh but i quality at eost irice i ue have thre or fonr imall colorwl tiblo j aotha rnralar iirloj lja which wo will clear ut at l good value in table napklni aftw8qoarevringed doylfes regular iirice j mas to bo told at tjo m dozen 8taples aiiteelal line of grey flannels at lijcper yd crotouue regular price 15 ceuu will go sold at 1 per yard grand valoc reuioaiiti of prints tickings cottoui flan- nel4c at coat price grey aud while cotluui cheaper thaii ever special value la yullu see our lluo at i3c worth ui wonderful liardaios in towslllncs bhbrtlaffl tickings flaunetf ac ladles furs- and mantles irriucuju jacaet two at j rtkldeod to ftjljm two st isijiw reduced to xuk one at 43j reduced to t33jo hails lmaud collarettca in seal persian lamb astraebao and other varieties of kan to be cleared out at cost jiricc short jacket colored and black from u0 up to lioo fc are tclliagat half price a few children jacket it a great reduction f lone mautlea j educed to nboui cost short uoluiaus at cost for further pulicalarc mo 1molhlt oargoodi will be pieced m uble tt aearly at xxhilile in uic ccnlrii of tl wore and pricei juarkcd i liaiu figure tberoou do uot tnii these bargaiiii remember the place ryaia co gueiph the leading dry goods honse q upper wyndham st successors to jno hogg son a big offers stock l rv m 1 a qkiiat- takin j aciitdn i ate n we bommeneb stocktaking on foby 12thj acd previous to that welwih alasgbter wifeer gools look to your iiiteiests w want r iraut fouejy and you the goods for teit days onlv commencing satur- day february snd hollinrake v son milton will give a discount oc 25 per cent off mens and boys ready made clothing tht is a chance to buy firstclass reliable clothing away down in price hollinrake son r haiea reputation for selling cheap their goods are marked in plain figures at the lowest selling prices and jxrst thiinsrjs twentyfive cents off everj- dollars worth of clothing jou buy that means 1 00 off ever- 400 worth of clothing 200 off every 800 and 500 off even- 2000 remember this- offer just holds good un til 12th february and is for spot cash only readers of the free press take advantage of it hollinrake son the leading merchant milton the larcest scale works in canada over oo styles of hay scales grain scales farm scales tea scales improved show cazs uokey drawers ueatcsoppers ak9 bincheis s0ppue6 anattss ix rctx wriw lor urnl- c wilson 80n 60 esplanade street east toronto ont ifcntica this ppcr crttt uoc rc rilc h g stofte georgetown- nrrzsjoie decora tor pa1ntzs bemeaber a certain d worth in tririi 7y dont have tobuj lmber of dollars order to get a gdisconnl oarreductio 1 rnealis sopei cent aud jour fiv e ceuta bnji at the sameririce is yoolr neighbors five dbllars do not delay as nowls the time to pro- cure a 1 uppw at your oti ri pnbes below we gi e a list of reduced goods whi h hod good till the 12h of february h ovorcots ulster j iackeitsr blankets furs i yncerwear- j flanrjels shirtibgs i- shoetjngs tiki3gs to7ellirig tabling ciirtains carpets dress goods dres pilks- pitisnis velvets ribbons laces k corsets 3ustle gloe4 hosiery bmproldery v a 11 houh sign uut omnvmul ftinting tolieutmt st7lm lebsoks ik ou paiktzkg isff otdmf lift u free pmjottci nwalt6 box u qoarfitm- dmniufcttenuon s ren0lson m erchant tailor gueiph cxodi to hil quqt patroni in acton tad ticinity the compliments of the season my stock of silk handkerchiefs ties scarfi collars cuffs c foe the tea1e u molt gomtiletc y the cheapest lincof perfeian lamb caps in i the city i5i l mens fel boots only si 80 i all wool elankbts large alio t j 250 rej5ularjprce328 this reduptioni is- for cash only- i i butter and eggs wanted ggt rbjermyn tftil 1 i i i i- h 1 rj urdock 1 pills jajoi feubworanixs inbitttt6rj o htoaemciio 1 thntbtilmthr- 5nwi ebwipatbtt d uranc situ and oreu- v s r jy