Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 7, 1889, p. 3

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w ptoil lour iijte muitev ass lit thegoodli iiy lannel hk si rbider it b6otsnly cuon is for3 only- j jerriijjl liifr town jlall actou course of lectures fob 888 3 under the auapkea ol knox churchlctofc 0 ttv wni cocaru i 1 m6ad jlikil subject bcotiihcro mr vys-b- mtuo iardinok klotvw lies silicctltoitntnllulcionlj tickets for eatu course qo oeats lecture cotuiiimicc at s odlock tiikmetholilstchurcljl acton homegleahings rev g a q1tfcrd ha phd pastor i rasyouajc bovcr avtmuc- poblif service joja ajtl and col sandat kimalal lirtdcclmicooduetedljjuio patar cordially tuvited jsiniitrvrc aud viutmra abray wdt-ouk-at- tcativv asbcri it tiic door j fldlijaccvilwivj apivi to hp jiixxv j stenrd j cako ihynds i try t if l fair watches arij jccium y to ti- li for specuciek i try gtiyuic yediiiac presetta 1 try g hyni lor iwrluday ltuscni try g hyo foe s uoata gthnidi torkovoie t kola lpcr tryfi5 vu twnbs t hair lirnsbev try g u ynd f mbcnii yasrs arc try g ujnds fatyfall lapersj try g uynds fbctvndow shades xryg lipids far spring hollers call in sod we oorcrcit assortment wc ielebeap small profits quick returns girt ni a call j j geo ryxds aictos aftttbitjtrctwss thursday fkbkuarv 71863 1lit moil locals whlfu ait meitljr ct s local character md entertainment which tadbwu talked abodi 111 iiitnubtlni r- i ilt a l alllutrmttdg j thil public kxktaruinmtnt f at last wo are able toaudouooe thttjha lousted by tlic ikycrttnuchtfui and akrt frlyss exporters council meltln next monday even valentines vfil be oc deck neit tbcrt- rressytcriaa teaaeeticjatltneboase i io-night- j tbe mercary resistered 5 belor mto here on tnesday niut v keeping the bideralcs elear of snow i j a sinecure uui nnier axter all cordvood and comnercial iraellcri tzt a drug on the market jost now- an oyster eigper by the ladies ah cl- ilelhodlst chnrchs down for oih march llr james igie o kassagaweya has paithirei the a wgrten oa ktin street- j acton union exhibition will bebeld on tnesday aad wednesday slh sndui tetober tecstraicxihas let the contract tor its waferrorks and elaclric lislil the iirioc vi rqoi j let ns hairc year arrears now -don4- nit to be daxmed icin eeask we dis like donning iuthardknthonyiias sold hk farm of 100 acres lot 10 con- 7 erin to- kobert ackett lor 5300- the board of education met oa mon day ereniac xo basincsa of importance came befora the board the fijuinss of lh spring- assizes till leheid umhton oamonday march jadse kdsc will preside thcf iccmcu balchcra farmers iud in3krnea arcbasy karresting the icc crop ii tcry rood hercibouts drjckrillc boiiu tht tallest mayor oa tue continent ifayor ijcrbyihirc why is ricet 71 inches high iu his seeks the i iassenfier traia last monday cliilfwra the east was deiayed three hours by the engine breaking dotto in the cat at umebvasc- j ux is oareleclrjclifiht system com h ou is a qatstirin reqaeatly aaked oaf bcal legators aiunud haea fewfiaja lot cousideratioa of ttie matter noertr- the exacnttre committee metm upu- dayereninsand arranged lor the onuoi mffting of the bible society to be held on taesday ereuing 19th inst an interesting oeetine is anticipated ear sir wcstmicoit now defotea the whole u his time to sl johns chcrch and congrejatioq at llockwood eer joseph kenoety of georgetown has charge of st ajbani and preaches oahcnday after noon 1 l i thp sacjrameatal 6crvioes jn the hethoclst charch last 6anday were very- intereslmig- eer dr gifford the paator preaehoi able and impressire sermons and was greeted with luge congreauoai both marninf andcreninfj a tocial under the auspices of the ladies aid of knox chnrcli was held at the residence of mr joseph anderson bower avenue last thursday erasing the attendance was large and an da joy able ereninff was spent proceeds 375 the acnoal meeting of the relicioas tract society will be held in knox chard on friday evening at 730 oclock h- lie moltatt agent of the sopiety will address the meeting upon the aims of the idciew and will deliver- a lecture open general gvrdoo j while on his return- from seeing his yoan udy home from charch hut scndfty evidzg a young man ia town came hctosk a yoclh of the town dead drank andlleh- ia scainst the fence fast aalecp he ronsed him jom hisdmnken stapor and assisted his lotne j the orillia iteily jiuk is a new can dida e for public faror it is a sprightly shea able represent the northern districts aud ates the population daily news in a torri nererbefcre attempted in that section the nterprise is a worthy onetiiid ihould met with success viaartcte of rowdies rendered ther uiglil hideqopon tuesday evening with thei coostauf volleys ol oaths and tmpre- caij ins whilo oa their way from theicanu- val o the g t ii dqt to take the tnuu for l rtjorretowu a night in the lockup won d hvc sobered them ieo bfacpherfwu and mr brvese of ilrai uoa the paruea who made away with the i tterv jufjioi by drowuiog it iuj gora- fraxi ajidfwho were found insase by the jury a thd hut aadze hare beeii removed the i trmcij to hamilton aaylom aad the latte totpronlo jfdjtiuu fur a wtc uu tho bo ii act tavfij by the minister i lut- oelpb- the date forth voting will eooa juame jj jdx connor bu been seoert fortheeof god hortop1ivfrtpoibt a woxitrom orer tho ijneit the following from mr john h clattta lecture raatiatcr in califoruia conlaioi rood word for the kult lmss job depa -t- mehf- leaut 000 circulars with euclojed tuauec at your earliest ccuvouicuce past hat them canuot gel such acuta ibvtz hero at sit kol uo nice and coiiipl a job 11 j thisliolm loi augetoi cl a new business term kocloscd e ad pomo for ooo yoari ii b scriplion is the ra remuunoo wdi jd read if jhe new word pomo ehoold generally adopted it is dm ply a o ycutcut eilitrictioir of post office mi order the foor iuitiali making the wijrd and it said to be already in extensive among husincw howsoaal header your subscription has eiiircd send in pomo rratrs be wire i the llcnftvrrif miry wants farmers tfcat ccruia inrtics ate cotug aroaud iteiifoew comily offcrinc u sell oh behall ot he tutxicto grain eod sood conipauk whckfui5 ixx bashef takii notes in payaf rt foe the same and also ottering la take in return part of next years crop a a higucure tuqmtxrry investigated he matter acifocud it ta be a thoroughbred swindle oat faniers will do well to hive their buildup iu a h angry coadtua in in- uciiauou of a visit frtai thw tidytoogted tharks obtzuzry the late sire al a kccocd vvhosu funer al ujok place eu the jtth ull was daabtcr of the ute thocias engece mckamaxa iarer in the ilaysd kavy she was grand- daughter f mr geo j lawe lshcrof ihc black kod iu tho ippcr houfe of the csiia dian tarlumeul from its first session to the timcof hisdeatltin 1 a ig her grandmother mrs eliabeth lawe u hss mcurath was thedacghtecotaue loyalist and came ta tho conutry with first ecliicw sitcr the revolatioa she was cossiu ct the ute cols- jphn and william senos of kiagara and cohilk servers of birton ajquw i acton loie o o ancient ordca of united vorkntu was orcicued in this village on friday evening ieby 1st fay j b kixon deputy gnod mister assisted bv j c walkcrct gceli the foilojicg 4skirs wtrc instilled fcr the carteat terra ititu vtioi v iiiiija hl fiitlvv tni kfuilj- oviiinojahzjktiy tlxucuu william a stcrty iiclliijoi kciltiy jr lvmir watv e m v willing j luu orro vvatceicaii joins 1 wordcj tmratls jcscjii hcjcs th-5- fell this order has been in existence in lario fcr aboct tea years sjxi is mecber ship in the ircrince at present ir al cut iroo 3a- for the lt thrtc mrt to tqre fundi to piuxhksi matting for the town ml iulr u to be preieuted to the public the delay has no doubi been wl for the programme is certainly a drawing one auj promises good rouud money worth lo all who al- tcud it will lucladc folos ijeoiutiooi stump speeches eomio songs s faroe the tailor of tamwortl and ftuaughable ketch how itodes got his low sail some flue tiew scenery painted by a couplo of local amateurs will lend attraction to the affair the committee propise that a thoroughly cm joyable entertainment will be preteoted tfeesjcstfajrcamvsi i the second carnival laaotobj rink took puoa on tdetday evening aud wu very largely sttended yhdton wore present from oil the surroaiiding towns tp villages tin cspacity of tho rtukwai uxed but tho costames were not very uumeroas cou sidorablcialcresfwasceutred in iho kat- iug races lriscs were awarded a follows five mill ukiu w bpciglit berlin g stilhira actou g little miilou ttvsiiiv uci xo jlllr- c wauou georgetown t wheeler georgotowu c trotter artou tlj kiuy raic 17 a- hmuji h elbagej keliy i bos iu cadcr 10 fred smith c bbakc fmi mjitlu who m ll iojk v cctf- t keuny fiitir iu- frili miss micuit suthim fimv fkitw glmluusjil fields gnclph fixcvikmitvljivmiss clara lum- shiw alstuflui iliw ml matthews burt bciil uvit guoot harry j jeans aad miss hamshaw j bit iusaiun harry jeans bist ktcui george adams kvatcrbixl xewsi siiapllfe royx tcsxplirs c tezzpcrzzcc on wednesday evening last coaacilko 000 of the above order was- institute in actou by mr 1l d bemc i c hsiail toj with foriyscven charter mecibere after ile institctioa of the council the fol lowing oslcers were elected an i instilled- sixixf covsilllcuw k lostj- vice cutrzc le lovdz e sicsll vilt co ttc axon k i hcrt cetatujvlicv i it coat kioarnsti sixxlrieti john ii want ayimtiixsirriut ilusiltrj- uuuurl fikxmtii w ttirlqbu caucr3i txiulivluz it- marj- lrtjc asrriiuujldliri jfilu ciiijrii gfaki arthur lait ustzxh dcucau llcijoau tefatixv adai itl- w i iiruiijj ui uiiaij5tcuoilj this new tcnjitnu5e briuiiitioa xici ojcaccs ojicrations clder verj- farofable auspices ite membership already embraces many of ujc xnjzi earnest iziijpcsice workers in lowu- whose aimiu uniting with the orgaulzatigu is solely lt cacourage united effort in the temperance cause the laoyal templars of tcmneriacc is a chris tian 1 em pcroiicc aud prohibition society with its dcori cjca wide to every man and wtffiiui desiring to unite iu the effott lo combat the crrat evil of icleuiperanccj its ohjects are to teach that mtehipcraijcs and all thalr producui or iustaiud it bhoaltl be regarded as s crime aad to stsuk to over throw j the traidc in strong drihkj to edacatc the young iu temperance principles and to reform and strengthen the fallen and to improve the moral inteliectnali and social condition of its members scleral candidates were iqitiatedhcstmondaytvea- ing and qaite a kumber of propositions from others unxioas to join were also pre sented- the meetings are held oa the rst and third monday of each month ip the oddfellows hall knox church- jumuzl iccetin tee annnal meeting of knox church acton vras held en monday the 2ih janu ary the pasjr eev j w rae omsed the meeting by the reading of scriptaoeand prayer the report of hut year shewed a markeducaseic every line of thecharchs work the treasurers report shewed the financial matters ot the church tobe in a satisfactory condition and notwith standing that certain special expenses had been incurred dnricg the year the resenae exceeded the expeaditare by 135 the plate collections amounted to hjlog the missionary society reported that b the j 2ij bad been raised far the schemes of the church the thahksivmg collection 3079 was also devoted to the came purpose the sabbath school re ported that from an average of 39 in 1 1s47 it had increased to 100 in 165 and that during the yeartbe collections all of which go to missions amocnted to slwxij the womens foreign missionary society re ported slooico for the 15 months it bad been in existence the sabbath school at dabhnheld for the enmmer montbsjin the southern part of the coucregation averaged 33 in attendance aad contribatd 5 03 to the schemes of the church tfaeseamouuts plos 81500 rivea by the faster to ih go- iqrth fund make the total amount colla ted by the various agencies cf the church for the general schemes 51738 tho ladies aid lately orkauizcd reported upwards of fsmfl in tbc treasury the report of the session shewed that new member- had been added during the year 33 by ptofes- siou arid 1 by ecttincatc had wen re moved by certificate and by deathi leav ing the memberahip at the close of the year 219 as compared with 17 at its beginning special reference was made to tho death ot mr john iuunaird a member of tie sos- sioti god unripe chxhrtiaij wlw had itietj atj the age of ninety- 6 vc tlio kausa com mittee reported thoalo of- tho minae to mr aaaiiblussell and a committee was oppomtcuto select a site iu the vilhtgu for tbbotjctiuaof aludetobebegud issuati aa practicable the advisability of iu lroduc- tjg the orsau aud bymnal into the regular service ifbvebarch was olscusted and s test vote ukeo which resulted in gnat majority voting in favor 6l their ic trodoo- tiau the meetiog wa tloscd w ii be bviiodiuuuii icuuj our uxti corrcipoudfiut 1 mrs uavid cox koatchbuuis sujftiriug from ersipelas in the face que day recently while mr george straager kassagaweya was attending to the duties cf his farm ije hid the misfor- tuae to fall aud fracture oce of his ribs bat is now gettiug around all right again while mr siephen barbarce of kasiaa- gaieyi was loading saw logs one day last week he had the misfortune w hive one of his feet badly crushed by a logrolling ouit this will necessitite his iayihg oa work for same days mr colin hitching is visiting friends in kincardine and vicinity at present the committee appointed to get up the programme for the bloomsbcry entertain- mect to come os oa the evening of the 15th icc are cparin no meaus 6 make- it a grand success aad it promises to eclipse any previous entertainment held it blooms- bury- there is a family residing not far outside the borders of xasssgaweya whose head is 10 ichejnan that his young son aged 12 or ig years dire cot trust his life under the same roof with hk father but has slept in the swamp all summer aud when the weather got too severe he crept to the bain at night but had to return lo the swimp early in the morning land watching hit chance when his father was out to steal up to the house to get aj bite of food to keep him alive he was seen by a neigh bor last saturday with barely enough rags oa him ia cqrer his nakedness let alone keep him warm the poor boy is more to be pitied oa account of his not having hi natural eccscs such brutal inhumanity should be looked after hy thcauthoritics btxxscrcv kuatdibull fchy 1th i tiie monthly lxauiyattuss the scaudkr of the iuiiiu f artyu tulilir stikkiuu jauuarj the monthly examinations of tbe pupils- in the four departments held last friday resulted as follows near iikaufmlnt siilmiu fni cu auuie sicxjheaiou 2jj samuel laird 23 lubert laing wwm fortune i-v- sarah laird tn ilfmi rw cuint- mamie masalcs 4 iua sfctimwson kfi eobcrt mcuonald klmkj smj lliv- miumc mortou 1gg lewis orr jw milton henderson 205 clara moore iic5 lixrie mclam lil jnaou otu cia4 james moore i76 wfllikmgiffotdaw fredlkydcr at marks possible in each class 300 t t moore teacher j secoxii varimulst siimoj cusi charlie moore 271 eoiiie smith 213 mabel boss 203 ixteiuiuitm ctiis john mcgill 7k laobert garner 15 tom sutton 230 willie lcwry 330 jcmou coss minnie edwards 300 eddie kicklin 290 george mann til xarks possible in each class 300 c biz- ihail teacher j ttinxu ijeiijttiacr jmo cifc eossell cameron 200 ella anderson 177 lenajholmes 177 isxuimeijun cltis charleydescol allen campbell 170 arthnr moore 170 ettie laird wj bexiok cfias jennie creech 203 ada francis wo ellen stewart 10g marks possible iu each class 21jm melvijkv teacher rocffru majuniuat sexioccllsfi mabel qrancwi jessie brown 217 george lovis 135 lvteiiutriute cuas john moore i7hj lizzie creech lfio mabel craioe 1m jckiai cliss ahce allen 185 bollie kicklin ico harry lovis 150 marks possible in each class poo m a mc- uougal teacher pelj80a mention lruranhi ttcipfcone visitor to aud lrum acton vltii ffnoblfree prw hendcri areihrebrleslawinaibtcd mri a q beardrabre has gouo to the city to remain until ipring vtd m johnston of hamilton was in town tali yreek fprja few days miss euia bell of berllu speut day or bo with acton friends this week messrs l mcbrine and wmh speight of berlin visited their friends here this week miss lizxta doonan of fort gartiot mich is visiting- friends in actou and vicinity hpu joseph martin of l loui jin was born at milton ont and formerly lived st ottawa mr g wi l mckanuraof bouui bay citv mich was tlic guest of councillor securd last week dr and mrs dfydcti of uockwoodhao rturucdfroiaihcirbridauour tliey wcro iu town yesterday tho election ol mr j s larae of oaliawa as warden of onlaria county is a victory for the temperance party mrs f wright t of saginaw mich who has been visiting friends iu acton aud elsewhere in the county during the past month left cif tuesday for home j mrll s holmes agent g t it is away oil iits hoiidas he ia visiting friends iu stratford laudouandgodgrich mr stittia relieving ageul it filling tbo vacancy mr alex waldic his been in toronto a covple of days this week attending the annual meeting of the central farmers latlituteas s delegate from the county agricultural society mr w k cfimie of tho uownauvtuc san secretary of the canadian frcsaassociatiou celebrated his hftietli birthday last week he was the recipient of an address aud teitimcbual from his fellow church workers miss mary griffin one of the oldest resi dents of the western pen ins ala died at the residence of her brother mr cyrus griffiu at brsntford the other morning she wu born in grimsby in isci and was a sister ofdrigriffio of bradford and ker dr griffin of stratford at the yaarerly ofilcial meeting of the methodist charch urt monday afternoou a hearty and ucanimoas iavitalioc was ex- teaded to rev dr gifford to coutinne his relatioa as pastor for the coming conference year the iavitation was gracefully ac cepted by the dr who enjoys the conn- deuce and esteem of all his people mr a a farmer agent of the mis souri 1aiific ii h at seneca kaosas well- known inacton the past week aud for some days was not expected to recover a card jost received from mrs firmer says however that he is now on the meed rev j e farmer bjj of milwaukee his brother was called to his bedside wheu he was at ihc worst stage of his illness a short time ago mr charles matthews sou of oar esteemed postmaster who has for several years has occupied a poilioii in the photo studios of messrs jg and cw hill of detroit and monroe mich took charge of a photo business at hillsdale mich the standard of that own says chaa matthews of monroe the new superintendent of mclutyres gallery has already bexme an enthusiastic hillsdale- iie mrs j e mcgarviu and liluc daughter edaa left last friday for stratford where she will reside with her sister mrs j h wilcox until a desirable house can be ob tained in berlin mr mcgryui is travel ling 11 the iuleasts oluie firm aud cou- scqueuiy away from home most of the time our citizens generally regret the removal of mr mcgacviu aud family they have been residents for ten years and have alwayv been kind friends and agreeable neighbors ko doubt when their fttuno is made ia berlin they will return to actou mr salhiu tu janleaiug an imotuieul mf marriibd i giehtbtoiseroiiit moiie t absolutely pure ktrnufitti aud wltoletcui diets uore ooouomlral 1 than the ordinary afudi and cannot bo sold tii ooinpotltioa wlui the maluludo o low tcit short vdcutaleia or pbospbsto powdon sold only nciqi itgtu uaiiko rownsa co 1 wall st n y 1 okabout to be speight son acton a spiiht manager can iuiiii yuu with all the i unit lure rmiuinij to funuali yuur uw and coy liulu huniv- or to runleniili your liuiuo it a xtuca one iu any style at tho very lownt irlctt there u no article of fumuure vc cannot taitply aud further wo tlauvei our funxitarc and you havo 00 arrsuriiig frekbt ooarjea sod rgn no risk of breaaige we can salt all undertaking our tbirlyflvorwi jxiriuueoui tliiibadiueambairniultetriii uiavlucuit the jmlilk ol this entire commuuitj- that wo nuitl oritclau work iu all orders and iu styles which compare wltl uiow of the city at ouo tialf city prices ouk lliiaksli- u tu txcelluut oiicutl oar loam always ureaeut a bvcotniut aviwaraucc wo lrvw nrc in lutiting uie public to ball on uu for anything required in our lines speight son remnants and winter qbods at if you own a few fool lot itsuot 10 much to boast of in the way of width ou the sur- phae but it goo down j0q0 miles deep till you meet the man half way that owns the ground lot on the other side lust think of it take my advice an buy a few foot all round you an 000 miles uadtryuti sud set it oat in yick e plants an seeds an itll be better than patlin your money oat at a hundred per cent to say uothin of the health ta the pleasure youll get yes gardenia pays ask james yick seeds man of rochester x y for his circular and sec aiaicl 10 motion are yoa dinturbcd at night and broken ot your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with pain of cut ting teeth if so send at once agd get a bottle of mrs winalows sootbiug syrup for childrea teething iu vslne is incsi- culsie it will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately depend upon tt mothers there is no mistake about it it cures dysentrv and diarrhaa regulates the stomach and bowels cures wind colic softens- the gums reduces inilammstigo and gives tone and energy to the whole sys tem mrs winslows soothing syrup for children teething is pleasant to the taste and is the prescription of one ot the oldest and best female physicians and nurses in the united states and is for sale by all druggists throughout the world price twentyfive ceois a bottle be sore and ask for mrs winslows soothing syrnp and take no other kind extillvck utmtllle the following are the literature selec tions for tho next higb school entranco examinatioas to be helq on jflly llh andgtfc lstfj j i clouds riiii and rii- ipiul ij i the death of the lowt 67 b 3 trou the dwirlcd vlilagu to t the battle of itiiuiociliini 81 5 hotr gtiiuy swccl aiuju j c jicrisiiatioli i 105iwi 7 liobtl kiudly lislit j t dara utiis 3 scene from lvauhocf lei 10b 10 kuo was a lliaalom of vcligit 1 tho ucrilase i a itiouil a way uriiiaki tlji helu th tiuaudou i tujmarr in uesten 5uifgpvmtic9eur 0iaflycrvv4i 7 led kindly ufiht fl before 8e4an it the three fiabats 1 efltuirtcfrthar- 44 jedinburgb after flodles li tuetdrukcd utrma 1 2lt2ia j a ssjsjo 12 soug of the luvcr i u lwujimiof uiclilkriu 11 kdiubur after hodde 13 xalfuiisl klonlity t jouowingare tl e belocttoas oepw- ally prescribed ior m imorizatiou at- this cxaraiuation 1 tbo abort eatfaouj- llsioufiaumm pfi vol a cjclaae if i were tjaeen of france or whats better fope of home i would buy imperial cream tartar baking powder for my cook and take it home look tfal far tl if jou arc troubled with arcold or cough however light the attack look out for it do not allow it to settle on the iimga break up the cough by loosimng tho tough phlegm with hgyards pectoral balsam never leave aci0x wheu you can fcot as good an articlo and o cheap si hakness siior call and co ifiiu is not piug uic best bar- kaini in light and heavy harness blankets bolls gurry combs bruahbs whirs 1 i liavtj cynjb to actou to stay sn sul unduatur loclvo tbfrbsst tsualactton totbuse wbo law 10s with their patreni t t have eand llebesp wscjjf coiib warranted jv to hurt ktuioiftd ia hiop ncil ttfr 1 rot the right house hamilton keujuanu of 1riata vrvm goodstwbtu oottoda canton flanuels demnjl gray cottoua cottuuadea iufbblrtiugi tlddoei moarnincgoodi at marked down in many caae to ball price btaqketi dovn from 1250 lo 92 rom h jk to jl from 37sto50 from ms5 to k mantle plotb from j550 to 4 from 3 to j150 from jsm lo 75c ladfca- mntloa from 116 to 110 from 1350 to 99 black cwumern glov from 50c to 25c from80c to 15c goneta from 75c to 25c children flndiicapa ram 9125 to 5c from 90c to 511c from 50c to 35c aigrette fror485c to 30 featben and floer down tery low milliderv down to about balf price knitted sbawlafrom uj to915qfrom 9150 to 9150 from 9375 tn 91j0 fiklnatori from 91s7j to 75c from 91wj to 03c from 91 to 50c from 871c to 15c attracao glove itreatly redoced dreoood down from 40c to 20c from 25c to 20c from 18e to 15c from 12jc to 10c bt black sitkl from 93871 lo 235 nioi cblorodfiilki from 9187 to ii from sl15 to 90c from 91 to 7ic colored satin from 9135 to 91 watered silk from 92 to 150 silk plnabe from 9150 to 91 veiroeen from 91 to 75c from 75co coc felt halt at naif price in rew style lota ol other good are oberineqaally pheap the aale eontinne eterj- day kew good thia week direct from the njakeiitjeuu bilk umbrella lidiee natural wool vt madra mnalina bfack and grey coat canvai graah toweilinc white tolle taoe woebre lioinea wbite lawna and muslin braid drew jbotton grey cottoov white- cotton cottoiiades uenim awnine stripe tiokine white and weavioc yarn and wrap shfrtinn canton flannel kbeetinci pillow- cotton ginjhama chambra- seeraocken table and hell oilclotlu lre trimming kiljbona cormu dree steel men underwear cailimore how caahmere urea good mind the carpet veparlmejt almom every article for fornibinc hoases i kepi tberc enter the door eaal of the carpet window many make mutake and do not get into the eight home hamilton jan 12th 18s0 thomas g watkxisrs getting ready lor stock- taking alfwtiioiiuwi si liimbei r uhdajfsaupll have j at untcbouij abotii lumber and aroin wnxt utliernviui any qaoitlity odicr bulldiitp at ii rtr and im t xoaji j hilar n l4rw avl aujnranlii an uuhla ystewaruown eiuesing i l shingles hand at tii air iu h i ttiiiiytanners asu f luiitbtt forbahmfr lafclc iiiicc a rtock it or baxmf ik lien trn hmudr ajcxonitothebi mi sale 0hkliolndudiof jtnuiaihcltfolwf a rfituful audotilauiciitjtj hub uruo iwf tablw cupboard kuerotiry tail tey lad cooktovcuiirttnltaaiijliijpltinonlit lickaiid uilicraitl th har tirind sto ha wliecl uartovmniwwouand moi tiood titovo llpo lttihtic funiiroic ltavln dcadcd inaiiitjh w s sktokl 1lllju hecoliu trdtiaiicliupeinonni crw liar tirind stoi tuiiiwtkfou sloi uuu qujvu jiu iuiitic fufiiftoic ii itavloft dettded tustvo iq liotintkupius jjl lu 1- nrivi tc li- lur ifsji t iuulutiht ik-ltautlu- r lcki i 4 mlihkaii ofeek an rhuliu tutolvo istu auunalcalcw bcnrilully d if oral wl with iiisuijjidw vatcrcolorcdiic i ea6ur winter hlbo afldre oh renrovntiue the tqk inu buuiuior and vab rvou wbo tend i york hi t irco tfaiiy ltriwo ft a haiuplufcoi cf jthu h onnkiahsavspiiblhhd i 1ul9ji stirrt cwyorkci tliu uulttidili uttu voiusjixuu fpfile steam plaining mill carpenter shop sfit pwclling dvimuiii li- ieltr mt oatund furwk- iu ofhalton the 3 llumucait portiout leadiui uimiupj 1 ncry aad toou hi f ttlulihti uj ii ointorti 1 tbai fiuu uc- r west bower atcm vdtcheti attached cut tu itcry ftiitt a sud to itnrtv hard attdsof ai 1 of tbv toififtir 1 fc irlhw above propertyj viihfcc of acioi pui- mitfarc witualed iu t thit lan and have done f the uhi 1 1 uan mai stcli4urdijr apply on 5j 1 iltvakk avion n welliugs frame drolling fu water com j u av tor lis per iituct ou lliiu street na tcniis anl iart4ilr8 mdo luown npoa ap- pllcatiau at jltue pkess ofitce aytos fircdushrauffe c6miauy couhti of wellington thk neuttral usual jtcmsg of the aboto odnpat v b i d in the company offlei fn theciw tuoi h cm towdar 14uj ol februan- neat atpiodo utnbcntlitihr8e- tors kcport for tiw year 1 ill bo inbouttd witl the tinaucial slt tirichtl alb lbo kloctjoq or direcurfsauu anv pjiailj uctsalsvanltothe meeting utvrdw t 1 cllxfa davidson sccy tbyfollotitii pipe j 1 ic twri iwouklj in- ertions ecnbius aiarktil k account to tin- otlcci j l kn tlcsrai ftl iinci rtocord uoint for est esauilirarlri 3orsn aud jaetoa vne uttcrish 7jun w ravkiltb and lprciics rlicruin- aaruicntlouodu 1 lifclu byjtbu under i astnmtmy uori at kox cbu u nnaecessary to in has been deemed soda ia herafc 1 gi ea chap 37 sec 13 tha lingular that ccn 4fe premisea situate ot acton in the 1 county ot haiton twenty four and morq or less bcin erty quarter of twcuijcycn in laid tcrwtreblp erf aero at tbe aate i- ouojucpouald tl auction by wihir- the door ol ujc tm a jiall friday fbc tvj ati tin projutty w a roacryod uid tkkvatia uie balance wlui jitio voadott ll inebdooda orcri ic retaihf l for saeh lose aod it idvanu ooatoheti saifllanda p laot- 1 1bbd j all and nf binfl ia the tllalfl tit of eaqtkcine tna li ixbjfmeaiwamirt cmi tm if acrcaitjtbii amine icoiipo iod of tbrfsdath bast- 1 bo hai t ball of lot wtabw bo mcood coiictttlou ptthe efpjw drt cxccptltir ope half w txrint t thereof fcuircred to lluibf rcdtoralobyl in luu street auctioneer at jitiijy lf of irtouhh tily sfi ml ir vet iroryww ii oc uaknk- jobs drives atfd bargains all aluiiir the lint bed rock price from now till l feb 10th ready cash commands the lowest prices bring in your cash and secure bargains 1 while they are going overcoats readymade suits tweeds furs mantle goods boots and shoes awaiting slaughter lor an n and uare become ll m of til tlttj conetbga- ta pull stock of r geocbetj3s henderson mcrae co afford remember our fambub bcxc tea i subscribe for wree timm

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