i 1 ess vr- ttm rroin tppenortti i will slaosjjtap ipiiev tlegpodsl ajdout hn libber ofi i order to j ig discbnntij means 20j entsbns ronr ie do not oel time tot i rices njga tie eslist of i icbi hold gboi3 in iof febroajj 6 si boots qnlirw ankets large jlar price jsws jidn is foli nly j iermyn fown hjall acton oottbse of lecftoes for 8889 under the upiot of 0ox church actojk vjbcv wm cochrane d dmondsv rwr- select bcuuidhcro mar- saectr j woin gaxdiiw monday vohttt gabjoct two ert in ihtuoxord iftjwtt js cburw 50 cents lectori commence it s oclock fiffi ptrodistchckch acton an 6s30 conducted b trior ultordlily inviwd v scttim wjj ani and 630 saaday sooltm bible cu conducted ut the p irtiwlblli- fnrltai naco and tisften always welcome- at- jlttuhck at the door fittibfk uv desind apply to 1lp uoun fill cfflit jrcercss ihdrsdiyfeeruaktu 1889 mixy m locals lilted tit tk et thonhtful aud alert fr prtst reportcrt the riot rfi b opca this evening band present the sur comedy company- in the tort hill tomorrow night telenhrase is announced u the new name for telephone messages woodstw mul timber andthe bark jphuio to arrive in very urge quantities j mr bobt kennedr of erin reoefred gjgly tick from a colt list week bat is rej nriagnimly j prof wiflgins will conduct special cfjgnp inlhe e a barracks nextsatur- jirini sunday i i hi men ire not homeless bat some ohj in home less ilita others ud a d jal lee thin they should be sotwithsunding thn frequent snow jtsest istelythe sidewalks eenerlly hava ben well cleared at snow this winter special services ire in progress it the brick church abote acton here r witter ind s e coach ire in charge j the printing press is i grater teacher gtio philosophers writers poet schools todmiinrsitiss london oujmtk tiuuz committees o the guelph city bud sad firs bngtde met list week md decided tobotditournimentoathe llithindoth jsoe i those who fered thit thi ice supply ejexi tanuner weald be short ire now bosily fftg in keeping their cars thiwed oai the ice crop is ill right i owing to dr cochnses lecture on htedsy erening next the regular meeting d the boyiltemplirs of temp incce will be held on tuesday erening elder jima khgoar of gaeiph pnsched two tery impressite eennons in the dikapiffs meeting house on sunday wih speak these erery second sunday kt the present hrdiidwheelihanhas bough 100 eta of kassagiweyk bush land from ilr wn caldwefl- of hilton and uie same oaactity from mr etssper martin of hihg- cafc j dr cochranes lectuie on scotlacdts heromartyrs in the town hail next mon- oty etenmg f to be one of the finest texsxes of the knox church coarse it will cerkicly be worth the low price of idmiss- wu jr a itr ktitg race for the championship of gueiph between gibbs and banyan of that place will take place ia acton rink next i-neadayetemng- band is attendance j last saturday evening a child of mr ihcfmpson 3rd line eric got its foot into s pot of boiling oats by which foot and ankle were badly scalded tbe akin fell off the poor little fellows foot when the dr dressed it j messrs edward and a e sicttin leave this tnnmityj for the georgiaa bay peninsula where they will spend some time is taking oat cedar poles and other timber on a 700 sere bnah farm in which they hf an interest dear- wiarkm they will uke a gang of men and teams with the one who has bad an opportunity of kuotting informs us that the remainder of the liquor in the bottle fdund with the late john mrafpnf inu drank by mtxt who while under its infisence turned his wile snd family out of doors and kept them put 11 mjbhtgeorgetown herald j the dominion ihnstrated of this week contains a full page portrait of that wonder ful canadian singr ind charminc little lady agnes thorn wn the likeness is a par- ticulariy good one bat conveys only a small knowledge of her ctoalappearanc as her tweet expression and bright dear cpm- puxwn constitute her principal claim to beauty messrsu martin w 0 shattock- john hiugh and john coghlin ofgnpph pled guilty saturday morning at the police court for riolating the scott act and were fined f j and costs each john logans ease was remanaed till next friday on ac- count of one of the principal witne cot being found a warrant is issued fee his arrest ifcrctry dr mcgarriu is about to remote his drug and stationery business from ijlora to listowel hehas just purchaacd a bsautifnl stock ot fine new good in thi lat ter town and his prospect for profitable whtipffls are encouraging mr john eaonawin win continue the management ofthe businesfi and with bis eicelieos tact and basifleas ability a paying hat oe cof- tomeri is soon sure to be secured thepresfajtfitiaaxeafbookforjlsejr inadditictd the usefnl reliable informa- matibn concerning the presbyterian cburch in canada contains a nnmber of able pa pers in brief compass by sereral pipmin- ni ministers on mattersof vitaj ueport- meeto all who are interested- in thi wel- fare and progress of the presl church in thedominion the tear ibooa is compact in form and presenta an attrae- tire appearance t we haie receited a copy of the val yuaiberof the montreal star it is tuptrhoamber and ta grand souvenir to end to distant friends and well worth pre- erring private ubrairies as a memento of the moat extraordinary winter the history of canada we caonqt d scribe tt dumber as it uao elaborate a order has been booked from london ei gland for fite tboufiod copies while in loronto tnd k york it hsi created a trera mdoos forore the last edition is cow bei 8 run off pnbhsberssendittoaoy i ddreas utt the sniall stun of thirtyfin cent c ftbe mines we will snow thlssl riwin brusseu tapestry wool and otb car pfau weuas laoe curtain sni urtaio materials wdl ha ahead of anythii 2 ever wlihh art tostly cf ad alltatrrwung idr cochruta lecture j the committee in charge ol knox church iecturc course invite all scotchmen en glishmen irishmen and canadians to go and bear dr djchranes lecture ou scot- lands heromartyrs in the townlhall next mondayeveuing the lecturcris well known w one of the first platform orators of the country and the press speaks unanimously ia praise of this lecture vherejnwdmi bfbie society afeetiax the annual meeting of the actou branch of the u c bible society iriu be held lu the mcihodtii church on tpeediy 20th inst boginiiing t 70 ml rev dr harper of brampton irlll deliver an ad dandicotlecaon villbeuktn up in behalf of iho funds of she society the resident minister and the publio generally arc earnestly requested to itund a union choir lrotn the churches in town will pro- vide the music j the press axsocistiaax wiarswifoa in compliance with the generally express ed desire of members a winter convention of the canadian proas association will be held in the rooms of the toronto press club ontvmiy 22nd february a num ber of papers oflnterest to those engaged ia journalism and printing will be given and opporunity will be afforded for the discussion of tbesa subjects every mem- ber of thd association fs requested to st- teud and participate in the deliberations boston co urca aanjrejsary the anniversary leameeting of boston church esquesing came ot on midsy evenifi the church was crowded to the doors and the proceeds amounted to f0 able addresses were delivered by rev messrs haddow of milton finney of manscwood and mckair of durham and dr ireemau of milton and excellent music was fornished by the georgetown methodist choir iter mr milne pastor of the church was chairman qtampicu an officers- if vlutudiiicus duties a committee of paimcrsoq town coun cil was appointed to define the duties of the town constable the other night and pre pared the following 11 of duties to take care the town hall and council chamber to collect poll and dog taxes at tend to the ringing of the town bell and take care of the fire engine enforce all by laws of the town ball rcpaicsidewalks also any other duties required of him by the mayor including what is specified by stat ute hffll be a busy man a c7 jf n f ff vf ch sleigh oa friday evening just as the six oclock bell was ringing little charlie mlclsm eightyearold son uf sir james m blacksmith while riding on a sleigh down street get his left hand caught somewiy and the thumb was dislocated and one of the bones fractured the injury was a painful one and the dressing a difficnlt operation and the elue fedow had to be put under chlorofcrm while dr lowry dressedjf charlie now thinks it docsnf pay to jumg on eleighs and wont be apt to try it agala this winter at least vusticescrtnepeace j the comity council of haltoa has just forwixded a petition to the ottawa govern ment miring for cqusideraticn for the just ices of the peace these magnates an compelled to dispense justice irithout re- numeration and in addition to supply themselves with equipmentin the shape of law books at their own expense the council represents that the ndn payment of fees in criminal cases causes justices to decline to act in matters often of great im portance and asks that something may be done to remedy the injustice complained ol jl o u w atsocjcsrood mr buton of eoyal lodge guelph d d g m for wellington and waterloo dis trict installed the officers of eockwood lodge ko 265 for lsq9 last week txst lurrxe wocsacix joan famb masto wosaixx joaajv bares fohxjtis john fames- 6x2mera t londy recoioee- joita strachac frxixcinb jotu icncs rrceivrajofan ilcqceca gnni jtcia stepbensoa ixwitfa winofilcrc oct watch w juciacdcr iizfzugsuxd lvbcti liro farrisl brofarrish was presented with a past masters jewel as a mark of sppreciation and in recognition of his efiident services as master workman during the past yetr bockwood lodge i increasing it has now- reached 77 members forjtwo and a hilf yeart and ran ks third in thit district in in crease of members lvraffrapu hespitllnj yultoit io and fntt lacton with wljdm frwfprem keailcri j are more o ltm acq j mr robt kickhn liu relumed to poti- ago la prairie manitoba air yahderburgof welland spent sever al days this week in acton i mr matthew xee of guelph is visiting friends in acton and vicinity imrsid kelly of the oxbridge timu wf is vieiung friends ln3tewd jmm jamee moore visited friends at ash ffove and hornby daring the week staff berlin was home on a visit last week j mr john busting of the parkdale tina spent sunday in acton with his mother 1 mrs beala of oakville it the guest of iter sister mrs stafford bower avenue j mr wm chalk who recently removed to berlin has just recovered from a severe illness j mr james mclam went to markham yesierdiylo visit the family oi mr m- speight j mr james wheelihanof aberdeen da kota was it campbell ville visiting his bro ther mr david wheelihan last week j mr arch t mann was waiting upon his brother mr j w mann it guelph who is very ill several diys during the week j we regret to icaru that mr michael speight markhm is seriously ill and but slight hopes are entertained for his re covery charlie went down on monday sight mra e kicklin visited be georgian bay peninsula last week on i business trip when he returned home he found thit a bouncing baby boy and heir hid arrived in his absence al is now open tor hearty congratulations we are borry to say that rev james liverys trip to bermada for the benefit of his health did him do good he returned last week with his sister who accompanied him and is now at hamilton it is feared he will never gain sufficient strength to come home ui milton ckampion kxatcubctx kews raia osr uuru carrespondcut at enitcbball on cth february the wife of mr hagh eraser of a daughter i at eden muls on bth of february the wife mr thomas j mason merchant of a daughter i mr george gordon kusagaweya who has been laid up fbrsome days with iufiam- mation of the iuns is progressing favors ably and will soon be able to be around again i one night last week some sneak thief or thieves broke info the granary of mj jno bennett crewsans corners and stole four bags of peas andoata kext morning on mr bennett going to the barn and discover ing his loss he tracked the culprits along the road as far as the railway but was un able to trace them further i last wednesday and thursday were the two coldest days this winter tbe thermometer registering as low as 14 de grees below zero and v johnny frost got a nice little smack at quite a number of persons the snow lies about a foot and a half in depth on the level and those weather profits who predicted a mild and pen winter with utile mow no doubt will be thinking of crawling into a knot hole and pulling the hole in after them bloouskccv february 11th isj iffiew sanejpstillnf wliea you nnuttij t beet bloudpuritler vltb lu hirtyycari ouqexiuuiltnl gut cess tu the fctiro ui ulopd biaciu you can iqako io mii tsjtjb in prtiiirilng sarsaparilfa to any other tlio forerunner of mod eniultxmliiiodjcinck ayvrrt fiuniuiarilla inbthl the most pop ulur tmhig in great- er demand limn alt 2p others com blued aycrs bnrrajwrilla u ndlhip faster tltbii ever lnjori i never liciiiat to ntonuicll1 oeorgv w vhuhiuii dnigclst auiaiiy ind i am unft lu faying thai iny mim of ayerv sarnniiariua fur cxtvl tloc of aiivmiieroml ll given uioruugtijim-tfac- unii l ii bush des mylnw town avcrv 8nraiwrllla and aycrv pills ore ilicust mlliug raw i id new in my stiirc i can retoiumeud tlieui roriacti-u- tiouslv 1 bickhaus llmnnscist uoseloml iii wc liavt wild ayerv sarsaiiariha here for ovtr thirty jcars ami ajwjiy rccouniioiul it when aihtd li natiictlte ixvt blooupuritur v t mcleau druggin augusta ohio i have sold your medicine for oic int tvntttu j cars and always icerp them iu ctk ipt ilny are biils there is nothing o gum l furilic- lontli- fill bkod a aycrv rirfitarijla il l parker rx laku wis aycrs snrsajiarinu giv the hc eatiifactiou of any iiedirtnc 1 have iu lock i nctttumtud it or i iliu dwltrrs- say i prtwrilw it mtr tin- counter ll never failx u ntttt iwf rases for which i recommend it i where the doctor prvscrijitions unu- lpcu of no avail c i calbauti mouuiutitb kansas ayers sarsaparilla rrefiaed lv dr i c ayer it co lowell mali price tu tlibctciij worth 8j a tctile ts oh eny 1 join yoa ought to just see the lovely styles of fashlonabhiuredding invitations cards envelopes etc that are printed al the eiici paiwa office and they arc cheap too just as soon ai augus tus proposes i am going to fix the day and leave my order for some of those beaatiful embossed and gilt folders for invitations mrs mcxalty aged sixty and annie mcguire aged eleven were frozen to death about two hundred yards from their home live miles from ottawa during the blizzard on wednesday while oatheirway toobtaia aid from ft neighbors boose for a sick lady eockwood sews agncuztnmlsqczetrsenleruuwlent posters arc ant for the entertainment to be given under the auspices of acton union- agricultural society to be hem in the town ballon the 22nd inst the programme will include an address by prol shaw of the ontario agricultural college on agricul tural edacatioh an exhibition of the various styles of dancing by mr g a hatheson of hamilton the world renown ed scottish dancer- who lias wonahtmdred first prizes aal medals pipemajor geo smith of the 20th lorne rifles will dis course hie soulstirring airs mr john stewart of the scotch block whose abihry 4ts a vocalist is well known will be present kad will render a number of bis scottish songs and anecdotes the inimitahle john stracnan elocutionist of eockwood will entertain the audience tvjih choice read ings and mr plewes of salmonrille a new face to an acton gathering who has quite a reputation as a reader and reciter will be present the committee who have the matter in hand are jlive men and ire exerting themselves to provide an enjoy able entertainment at t very low admis sion fee county slthath school ccnreiitigx the very neatly printed programme of the annaaljpnrentionpf halton sibbitn school as3ciation to jbe held in milton next thursday and friday issued by the georgetown faeld shows that a very in teresting and instructive time is in store for those who attend the following sub jects will be presented and discussed the chief end of sabbath school work and how to secure it by eev dr bur nett milton the service of 6oog in the sunday school by revw c- weir b a guelph the duty of parents and pastors in regard to the religious train ing of our youth by rev a h drumm georgetown scholars but of school or lords day by rev d b gordon georgetown discipline in sabbatl schools by j s deandn esq milton method of preparing the lesson from th bible ber h m- parsons d d to ronto j how to edacate scholars to ab stain fromtne use of intoxicants am tobacco hev dr gifiord acton th true power for teaching the lesson rev h m farsonippii the impoftance o i missionary instruction a the fiunda school bev w cjweir b a idterest ing eutistics of our county sabbat schools will be prostate by rev j w bee acton a number of delegates hav i been appoioted from acton sbbath f chooli all interejied iu the work are cordially h vitedtu attend v froniouroxiicortesponiscat dr stacey of acton visited uockwood friends on sunday captain beach has taken command of the bcckwcod division of the salvation army mr xhomas parker has given up the eockwood mill owned by john moore guelph and has been succeeded by a mr ritzer of conestogi j we are going to hive a brass band to enliven the village andj already nearly enough funds is subscribed for the parchase of theinstruments mr b sims who until recently carried oa an extensive general grocers trade here has made an assignment for the benefit of his creditors prof panton guelph will deliver his lecture on the mammoth cave of ken tucky in the fown hall here under the auspices of the y p a on tuesday even- tng nth lost x y z rocfcwood feb i2th 1889 aimcc to mqtheks arc you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with pain of cut ting teeth if so send at and get a bottle of mrs winslows soothing 6yrup for children teething its value is incal culable it will relieve the poor little sufferec immediately depend upon it mothtrs there is no mistake about it it cures dysentrr and dianheca regulates the stomach and bowels cures wind colic softens the cumt radocea inflammation and gives tone and energy to the wbcle sys tem mrs winslow a soothing syrup for children teething is pleasant to the taste and is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female physicians and narses in the united states and is for sale by all druggists throughout the world price twentyfive cents a bottle bi sure and ask for mrs winslows soothicg syrup and take no other kind gaherflsira st margarets hopeork- ney scotland writes i am requested by several friends to order another parcel of dr thomas edectric oil the hut i got from yoa having been tested in several cases of rheumatism has given relief when doctors medicines have failed to have any effect the excellent qualities of this medi cine should be made known that the mill ions of sufferers throughout the world may benefit by its providential discovery h yoa want to bay or seii a farm ad- ertise ia the toronto ir juatf that paper reaches 100000 farmers homes every week and yoar advertisement shoold meet the eye of someone who wants to pur chase advertisements of this class arc in serted in the toronto itiy ifall foe five cents a word each insertion or twenty cents a word for five insertions address the mail toronto canada olexplflokketb 7rea t b riril ingu elpb mr schiverea the evangelist closed a verysuccessfal senes of religious services at guelph lant friday between five and six handred persons have declared them- belvej benefitted and all the churche ap pear to have felt the effect of the preachers pointed discourses the services havebeen held alternately in the korfolk and dublin street methodist churches but those who nare been moved to confess conviction in clude many adherents of other decomina- tions hour itollorj floor8tonel white cliwson scot wheat deraocnt wheat spring wheal jtodger wheat- biau barley oau bye hay zzzzzz71sz 6traw wood percent eggs per dozen batter dairy packed batterrous cheese potatoes per bos apples- pork lambskiui pelt hides wool feb 15th 15 2 75 to 3 03 2 oo oirj i os to i oo 1 02 to 1 03 1 01 w 1 03 km w 103 x ioa to i oa h 00 to l5 00 0 it o 0 57 0 52 to oxj 0 w to 0 60 0 sj to 0 j 00 la 15 00 3 00 to j 00 co to 50 0 w to 0 9j e it w 0 w 0 is to 0 el 0 h to 0 is 0 40 to 0 15 0 w to 0 w t50 tg g k 0 75 lo i 10 0 1 to 0 0 i 00 to 00 o so to o aa 1 the address of rev dr moffat at the tract society meeting last friday evening was most interesting his eulogy of the late chinese gordon was a very worthy effort oar reporter is informed that mr a martin will wind np business at the eoyal hotel about the first of march and fat mr g c clark of peterborough formerly of acton will then take possession an informal meeting was held in the council chamber last monday evening to hear and consider a proposal from mr w fricktoopen a valise factory in acton nothing definite was arrived at buta meet ing of those interested in the project will be held on wednesday evening next at eight oclock to furthaf look into the mat ter to the editor deiu sxa last winter their was a good deal of talk about a big bad of lamber drawn by one team from this vicinity and now i wish to give yonx readers the fact concerning a big load of wood drewn by one team last saturday i hauled a load of wood to mil too which measured two cords and weighed 11080 pounds this beats the lumber load con siderably yoars etcthoias coxe kassagaweyi the entertainment to be given in tbe town hall tomorrow evening for the object of raising fundi for the parchase of mal ting for the town hall stairs will be d0thng if not faooy the prngrarame tadicatee merriment from first to last and tbe com mittee greets tbe pnblio with thuooupie tat the head we their postere with merry mirth and laughter let old wrinkles come the object of tbaientertainiiiehtuwd one and a jjerowd ie lookedfbr mr- ryan writes us from england that hshas puiofl ud a magnificent stock ol irjm the rnanulaoturers wevipeaiel prices g brvn co kever le1ve acton wticnvoa can get it good v- article atd as cleapst j h matthews harness shop call and ice tf he u not givlcfi the lest fcar- galcs in light and heavy harness 1 blankets bells curry combs brushes whips to i have come to aclou to uy and wfll endeavor to give the best satisfaction to those who iavor me with thdr patronage i havo nnll expenses and can afford to icll cheap collars warranted not to hurt j h mattliews actou edmoved to hop ucxt kelly bros b urdock blood will cure or reueve wt tiiea jaunoi eryslpt salt mail heartburn and onry- 5p thu ivssfnfi bsfsiiiia b tm llt u at- ht house hamtlt bemnuu at prints dress hoods white cartons cwton flunels denims grey cottons cotton edes pojow cottons sbees- ingi bbirtiort tlokins moaminr ooodl etc mtrksd lows in msny au to hsit prtae buukets down from iijso to f j frommwtom fromif575toijfoni4j6tom hutle cloths from tf m to h from mto 1160 from 17t to 75o ladies tuntles tram 18 to iu tram 11880 to 19 bltokoaihmere oiores from cot to mo ram 90c to 16c gotnm irom too to 25c children plash csps from llis to 75c from wo to mo front boo to mo alfnnee from 85c to so feeihers ind flowers down tery lojr millinery down to boot nslfpriesi knitted 8hwu jrom tmt to il60 from tuo to 110 from ts75 to 1160 fueinitors from i187 to 76c from lis to tie from ii fa 60c from 87k to c astricu gloree brest rednosd drees oooiwaoiiilrhiii 10c to s0c from 46c to 90c from 18c to 16c from 110 to 10c best buok bflkt from 1387 to 1996 niee colored bilks from iu7j to l from 1116 to mo from ii to 75c colored bttlu from 1196 toll wstered buks from 13 to 1m silplnihes trom llm to ii velveteens fran ii to 76e from tie 10 ms felt hit tt helf price in rw style lots of other foods ire orjerln eqnslly ohew thessle oonunnes trerr diy nsw goods this week direst from the mskeie genu bilk tjmbreluu ls dies nttarsi wool vest hidru mnshss blsok ud qrqr com cutis cnsh towellins whit tolls ttpes fins dress linings white liwns ud uasllns brsjds press battens grejr oottoos whits cottons cottonides denims awnins stripes tickings whits ud wesvins ysrni ud wreps shlrtirwi csston flinbds sheetings pillow cottons ginghiau chimbrsye seemokers tshls ud shelf ofloloths dress trlmmios kibboot ooresh dress steele mens uoderweir cishmexe hoes osumere dress goods mind the ctrpat depertmenl aloott mrj utidt for f ernishini booses is kept there enter he door east of the cirpet window miny msis mistakes and do oot get into the eight hoose hamilton jin 10th 1889 tecomas o watkxisrs getting ready for stock- tamng jobs drives and bargains all along the line bed rock price from now till febiotii ready cash commands the lowest prices bring in your cash and secure bargains while they are going 0vercoats readymade suits tweeds furs mantle goods boots and shoes i awaiting slaughter full stock of gbocebibs henderson mcrae co remember our famous 50o tea kip b money fpo- loaiv on 1 irm propert vt nub- am of 410do ixc 1 applrto tewimown i lrnner arid si ingles rpbennderilaied nsre ofa hind at thrir mills x- lambouo sbontra w eetof pise lumber aaaare prarmmd ton ppltraxmers and ber and are otbarrathentduj otnerboilajnrsatti pine and emar h0cse mt jbjoesale tjouc and lai aoft water good per cent on purcbase d henderson ctonvr geo gakliktt loreifrijies y kaqumttngp0 t ppxyuxmen and lu uber fot bans otv ile irlms ajrtodtof ifcalao rjonan nr b bbothehs chmth strtmt bdltloi trlth hard and will ratit- to pay ten noney for farticulari lot and dwelling for sale house and lot on ijowcr 4wras besrjglii ta j e ucgrfia llauo oomlorublc hard sad toft water conrccledt splendid cat den appirrarue41antot 1 dhlbdkbsox arpirii i afajn a liberal- jffee r i n an artistic twdvi pago anneal calaudar jx bcolifully decoiwtod with blchlyflttjabm mored ptctares rerinitlni the foer winter spring bucunar and fah- will u nt tttt to any ncnon who tchda six oent for a auuglo ceiy of tb sew york iaei ueb addreat- f hbeutbosfcerslbxg ptthlblifrk 115 wtiiait srnaw j kowtortcthr tbucalendarulullrwortbxcuiu u- steam plaining mil carpenter shop and dwefling y- owlsutotht- death o lbu yroitiotox the late lletdrmocannl the fbovo propear is offered lor nla ia the village b aetou county ol halton the promise aio altoatcd lutfao- lnuuw porfioboi tlifl town pndbaro done the laadina buuneu for tbe paq ai years uachi- nery and toou in flnvjetasj onlez applr oath ft mksktaactoiioit r i v i i- t cbniiortablo rod rtellhiffs l that flnu peir dbublo frame dwelling on west bower avenuei two rtoreyi ssxlfi with kitchen attached harfl utd qt water convenl- rnt in every respect snd rants for f 13 pr mootfi i the hrickclad i icsldeudft on iliin street 90x30 two stow- witi isrctlkitchenattchtd hsardaiidionwjiteclftbflase i terms ajedperucnlwii known nponap- luicatlonat i kbfe pi48s off1g- j i acroxr fire lusiuaucejonipauy count bjf wellington nphe gtjueral amiol mejunfj of the above x company willfee wjtocmafa office inthecitj of ouefoubl tnesdarsth ol pebroary pextjfit 1 oclock-liibwhenineprrto- towheportforlfteyixbe submitted with thftnandal filmtenjeni aftothe election of directors sodany otlter bmaieeixeurrairtto the mui byoriir t 6dsfse6 the following papfla will iive cw oauy in sertions sending insiked cojh- of the iaper with- ceonnt to this otc4satwcooroaic sr- ln tripttph frrynmsbcordmqtlnt foz- et yiaminex prestonpror- nm i guelph january i l i acton free the witness for 18j9 more interesting than ever gwtudutrtentilorchivworaers andeoo- f 1 a copy of tbe l fore pilstc for the gomi flvtrroldorbew i dajlr witness weekly i he northern v annum prtltthrftosiirfef the beat tlfnsf nljnriji sewappfopruu rwtone lverl popilartattie 6wugdioolv sominlai snd ibttedi states sunday aepod paptir 1m distrilmuos reditineration and old otho r himwi send for sample and rats iwents vanteda utlertj 6amsueopiafiplied l 6m jsjodoi tenders for si bridge at the grand narrbwsjcb rekdeusadi rand to tho uoler- and rosrsed 01 jhi ontswe tor wfflbo reoclv 4 autil noon onvodt oealkd jemhsa- f o itened snd insed 01 tbi outside tor badae ih bo ntxlv a nettehbwavci k i aa 11 speeilloauen can bo soon al uie j obceu the rlelndni rol uovernmont eail- 2i onmdahw vto aday uu iwiraaty j adermpit be aei otn paniodbjrdcpoetamt eaoal to a ifcr ocnttun of t is amonotof the 460 itr 3ildoiiortineycosiilofaie i0f of an j sand jaraw- s- todoisorllaltetentcrli into a contract no an tobaanimlo she oil sarlitartorflr aoeord uitolhrjsijnttoaionoicorjact tjoi tinder ishot accc te4 the deposit wll be r i i tendminbst u mado u4bp prpitel iorras snartninkltflln tbobonali to tbe lowest or iuw tender t r l i alf1ikutv 1 i socreurjv beiiartiucnt of itlntsti uid otals oobnthebruaryrmo i m iil m erchant tailor cuelph extends to bis toany patrons la acton and tidhlty purist strtosqistsbtst ooktaim no r ewoillett oseoasi toriritii client itat nut unt i4 tobomtosteaii ulkon im totk bsu losoirtfc shirra ecus con 0 lea aspedaitr ont oj town won r- aa ew4wtojnraien ybatflqvtsm the compliments ik the season my stock of sill i handkerchiefs j i 1 ies scarfs- collars guffs cc foe ti e holiday trade jsmostconipiete thdcheapest i ne 6f persian lamb caps in the city mjction sajle wtwssajsrtfte safe ataedaetrnsteeslciruli me ol th oonfropa- son ol knot church aon and bm beconi i wchnanit baa been doemed advant notic ls hereby gitt- cbapmseol9that ustobulssidlands inanttob s p ortractonand and- pv35maltoatilryto6awbdmhjjraa it arlon in thetowilmpm pan cosylbialtonconsibytoeamrraeot in hm moreotleubciw erly qiirter bsll olm njnhj ius rli be oaered lor le bsssihe atctfonbytoiam hdmstreet anetionper as tnedodcolthef i h tjtmhalulthjttliseotaetoiio jridajj the hbivf arfad ol lehmrj 4889 ttotilfcmclxoejr i tnejpertyp for sa sobi rebls teftier cent on iiiejjsy of tale en mcewttt endon fill only be required prodoje ia ototidenaj ioteui e arafc jhfe on and 11 notjinrriih any abattactt tnjsmntyeobnd day ol january a4 ktwaik6n prec tm um wfc miibsi