Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 14, 1889, p. 4

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a cortfsr u wbsat aoom man sat la a ding room awtaqnewroldnianwai lie hi va4 aglelti poiat frw 1 bis elbow joint to lb eay lil kn hb ii or 1 bu race loaf and undui face cou d l uat his yr w bright 1th a dangerous light as be bamuiedtritli gurjulfah tfw only a pcoay a loaf only a penny a los tis only pennj 1 th i hot tbtnuuaaf otdolle mlomer i ww j i x he bought almmjjrw it and the poor mm cirrte i hal utue bo cared bow tfa be vu not in a carinc tot the golden wheal that to bim was s thing for so hi features then wow aj li hummed a incrry only a peony only a penny a lost tu only a penny a loaf to hat til million of dollafa v in nt made to eal i aln ghastly grin itrein 11 jie poor to me lb it tbe poor man tat at liis witb fail wife and hie oh uiey uv not t wco that gazed on their leaf and they nerer thought that wraith of an old i steed afleht and prim in a and whispered this only a penny only a penny a tii only a penny to yon and tii miuioiu of dull a char is yalcu fcuj ceee 10stakes of the town one day amain satin fared i0kelets jamra iv gilmopr l t difoouc dvca vliolcaalc t3roctr brookv rf jwjit iwraawdtamaracxuiirfoi amverecold nedi uly relieved and eougb which it vkyv i j slul4 csrrmuitnwutet7 fchtw orooikvlioopinfi conch and uroucliitia for aale by k atcgarviu unfilft- iumrw xty on aged eleven wu cored ol an eruptive hamor that covered nil bead and ace witfh torn by two bolucs burdock blood bitten aud pilli icsticm mr mary fauordjof port hope out n eagre i tic board aeaxr puaa torn lean with a leer agnaaliinaougul queer crncrdiin droar y dears itoroor ckkap herald paris experts the annals o the hold droaot aboand in etoriea of queer mistakes cnade by to- called experts haw oat mistook the title oi pjctare saivitoi maudi for the name of a venetian pi inter ritii o sal- rater boa how anot if r contributed to yelaagnez who died ia goo a portrait of louis xv who vu boe m 1710 ho aa- other offered a picture o a noa vuhing diihei as a portrait of rabem wife by himself and volanteen d the explanation that u everybody kne w bsbens curried his oook tbe men w io are at the head ol theprofessioq an ucapabla o inch groai ignorance u this aeverthien eres experuofthe highest ade are fallible thai quite recently an eminent parisian dealer offered without hisitttion 30000 francs for an antique pei nan moaqae lamp labricftted a few years aj p at vaagirtrd by the famooi brccart anilctfutrincnrtly the most eminent expert in paris asked in a sale the modest iom at 100 franca for hamhorn pot wbidx taj his utonishment old for 4600 francs and afterward went to england where it was resold to a kev york collector for f 3000pthroksi child in harpers madme foe february its better far de joritj a men ter stay in der place trhar day jblong de dew- beery rine doan grow so long after iu lifted eaove de groun srhuuat traveller if you want to bare a man for a friend twrtr get the ulvul of hit wife pnbiic optrnnu is made up of the average prejodi- ces of womahkind somebody once ased itr cohden how is it you repeat the same things orer so many timest because they are worth sayiflg hr cobden said for coughs colds bronchitis and a iun troubles there is no prqaatiqn of medi cine can compare with bickles auti-cori- sumptite bymp it nerer fails to afford prompt and permanent relief it removes ail soreness end fr ihe diff parts it immediately soothe the moat troable- r some cough and by promoting expector ation removes the mucus- which stops up thefcair tubes abica closes difficulty in breaching thereby gitesj relief to that de- preseifig tightness expietenced tn the cheat public speakers and tinkers will find bict- ha antfconsamptive sirup of inestimable value as it speedhy and effectually allays all irriution and huskiiiess tn the tin and bronchial tubes acq gives power to the rocal cords rendering t le voice clear and aonbroua if parents wish to save the lite of their children aj d theaselves from much anxiety trouble and expense let them proenre a bottle of bicklei antfon- anmptiw syrcp and wh merer a child has tken a cold has a cou ii or hoarseneaa gite the synrn according to directions sleepless nights made terrible cough bhuohs miserable by that cure is the rem edyforyou for sale by k mcfiarviu eefcams beef xraa sail wimc- if youare languid and weak and your appetite poor my beef iron and wine it tbe tonic be sure as an inrigoratnig tonic it is recognized by tbe tfedical profession as the beet strengthehiogmedicine thojs fax produced it is invioable as a i hlocdandmnsch muter especially m those cases where weakness is the result ofjimperiect or in- food of wasting fevers oc excess of any sort it contains the nutriment of beef the stimulant properties of wiae and the tonic powers of iron and is adofirahly cal culated to build up the emaciated system are you made miserable by indigestion amsupetion dizziness loss of appetite yellow skhi sbflobs vitalizer iff positive eure for sale by k mcgarrin- kjaiom4cmfrif ikesmftctimt brownahoosehoid panacea has oo ciuxl for relieving pain both internal and xternat it cares pta io the side- back or bowel sore throat etheumatisin tbotbache lambifio and- any kind of a psiaor ache it will most iqrely quiet n the blood and heal as its noting power it wonderful brownrhottsehoidpan- iresi being acknowledged af the great painfleliever andof doable the itrengtlr ct any other elixir of liniment fn the srorid shoold be in erery fsjuityhandyfor osc when waolcd as it really ft the best roaedy in the world for crainpf tn tbe atonuch aodpiiasaodahesofallkiodf and is for sale by alj druggists at 2 certs ft bottle wormrcanae serious sickness drlowa worm syrup destroys and eipf is all kinds of worms quickly and snraly aiticc xo mothrks are you disturbed sdight and broken of your rest by a sick obudiuffering and crying with pain of cot- tog teeth if so send at once and get a bottle of mrs wisslows soothing syrup for children teething its vaioe it incal culable it will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately depend- upon it mothers there is no mistake about it li cores dyseotrv and diarrhoea regulates the stomach and bowels cures wind colicy softens tbe gums redocesinffammstion and gives tone and energy to the whole sys tem hrs winalows soothing syrup for children teething is pleasadt to the uste and is the prescription of one of tbe oldest sod best feisale pbjfl loans and dirses in the united ptatos and is fcftaale by all druggists throoghout the world price twentyfive cents a bottle be sore and ask for mrs winsfows soothing ryrnp and takeno olber kind iod ami tectory y to quote totoaoh the ago he bad was afraid recommend- t such bappy mt c e btggful beamiville writes a castomtr rbo tried bottle of north tup a iiuiaus vegetabla d it is the beat tiring be over his own wards it jait seemsd spot affected about ayeai an attack of bilious fever be was in for another whea ed this atqfcbls mediclneii results i pile weak women need a t inic strength giring flesh haudiflmsd uil beefjronaad wine a besatifal yoang udy becime to sadly diifigared with pimples and blotches that it was feared the toold die of gnef a friend reoommecdid ayeri sinaatrilla which she loot snd wis corapletclji cared she is now qh of the ftireflt of lc fair jl crrat fff rr that pecwa who i sflicteii ffitb rfjee- matism it a great suffer aci rrcatly to be pitied ifiiheyeasuot pcocum ilagyards yellow oil this remedy a certain care not only forrheamatiici bat for all exter- nal aches and internal piuc hackmetadc a lasting ji fragrant perfeme price 25 and 50 cent for isle byk llcgarvin htraewloat ky piracolqcs cure wu that i had suffered from kidney disease i r shout two years wi otf work all lb 4 tl t friend told me of b b b i tned t s si sin happy to say that i was ccral by two bottles wm tier st ilarys oat- wili yoa saffcr with dyspep ua and liver complaint snilous vitalis t it guaran teed to cdre yoa for kale by k sfcgar- ria a boon sad a fclfing to prince and peasant jtho millionalro and day laborer by their common use of thls remedy attest the worldwide rep- utatiouttvvs p11u leading phy sicians recommend these pills for stomach and liver troubles costive ucas lhllonsnc ami sick headache also for khrumaiumn jeuitdloe and 4uraigia tiiey art ojajhatcd con- lafn iio cuuimvliaru lroinptbiii mild in operation utid tlicrcfore the very bwrt mcdlciuo for fnuilly use as mil as for travtrtrs and tuurfsts i have derived prvat rvllcf from ayeri 1ius five years ago i- was taken so iii with rheumatism uiat i was unable to do airy work i took three boxes ul ayers pills and was entirely cured since thai time i am never without a lox of these puls peter chris jcuwjii sherwood wis acers pills have been in use in ray family upwards of twenty years and liavq completely vc rilled all uiat is claiiuwl fee lheui in attacks of plies raittvhicuiuffired mauy car they affurvl grvater relief than any other mtdloluo 1 ever tried t f adatns uolly sprinjm texas i lave used aycrs pills for a num- ut of vcarx nuu lave never found any- lliiitg itjnat to litem for giving me an dluktiik ttud luiuruug epcrcj and kirvnjilt ti the syiient i alwavs keep tiiu in ihe house r d jackson wilitiington im two baxci of aycrs pills cured ms of severs headache from khicli i wa ionir a sufferer emma kcye ituhbaribiion mass whenever i am troubled with con fli ration or mffer from ios of appcttce aycrs pills tct wo riht aaiu aj klser jr ktiek kouse a aycrs pills are in general demand among our curuniurs our sales of ihem exceed thok- of iu other pilhicom- biccd wc have never known them fail to give entire satisfaction frrjflht a ucnnclly san diego texas ayer pills rerraarn ar or j c ayer k co lowell mass sold by am dealer in medicuii mankind is hsgyards yelbw oil tfce grtat pain de stroyer and healing remiy fbf external and internal use yellow uiic irsasliachet and pains rheumttion lami bid sore throat croup deafness crampi cords and lameness droggist- caa traded rroccri it of your the bv geo e thayer f bosrbon ind eay boui myself and srife owe oar lie to sbilabs coosamptca tale by k jfcgarvm a frceulc ffplnlnk eev fgtmnerlldotiatoeloq4 say regarding b b bjli vi mjedvwr exoeilnt burdock composnd in practice and in my faoiiiy since i85i and hold it ka l on my list of tacatiie remedies yonr three busy bs never rtii g waafcen or worry small lugarcoated eaxdock pills do not gripe or sicken they are mild and effect ual shdohs catarrh remedy a positive cere for csrrb diphtheria and catiterhoath for sale cy garvin aad sm cme quttn- aud says that it is time there baking powder and that fcia imperial creamtartar baking powder is far super lor to all others was a good one trial of mother graves worm ex term inalar will cunrinfle you t tat it has no equal as a worm medicine bsy a bottle and sec h it does not please yo and gray fresbness unrivaled i nioahle t all who that it for tbe restoration of hair to il criminal color ayers kif vigor ranxinj this is tiit mast popular toilet preparation ia ti pi use it are perfectly sail the best fadd acn ded that backing coch can be so qaicldy cured by shilohs cure we guaraat for sale by x hcgarvin k out for f- if you are troubled with a cold or cough however jigtl the attack look pat for it do not allow it ia settle on the isqrs break up jhe cough by looseaicg 5 jongh phlegm with hagyards pectoral bcaap the third page of the toroato vails if ail u noted for want advertisement if you wanttoouy orsellanjthing uyou want a sitnxtica a mechanic- a business machmery lodgings if yoti ijave lost or found aii thing or if youwantjto find out where anyone is advertise in- the toronto deity stall and read the advertisements ou the third page of that paper ilhe charge s two cents a card each insertion ad dress the icail tocosco canada brilliant dliraw economical i idiamonddyesexcela others irf strength purity and fastness none oilier arc just as go yd be- warc of imitations becacse they are made of cheap and inferior materials and give poo veak crock colors tv be jre of success uic only the e miiokd dves for coloring dresses stock ings yirns carpets featlicrs ribbonsj c sec varrant them to jcolor jnore good pack- g for package jlan an mother- dyes ever made and to gii c more brilliant and durable color ask for the diamond and take n other dress dyed 1 rod garments renewed j c a child can use thm at dresciit isd mtrtimu pyt b ok tn wll8 mchardsoh co montreal p q to assist nature most effectually in her efforts to throw off o resist senoui disease it is efse atial that an impulse should be given to the- functions which growing ill healthaaspecds or weakens nimely the acticuiol the bowels biliooj secreuon and digestion oftcotimes though this i im- prscljble by the ase cf ordinary remedies it proves an eay tit theq horthrop ly mans table discovery and dyspeptic cure ic resorted to n hfi the new show roomi of the ilcctasiand stainedgbs worts toroctohive attract ed considerable notice since they opened to the public there arc cramples of ceiling and wall dccoriticni m variacs materials representing a wide ranse of prices while tlicir exci mens of chsrcri and hoaae glass are rcry sepcrior and iulerestiug the firm scad sanmlcs cf ivii paper and glass to any addrtt cane lad effect- ifiny periods wonder at the tired worn and weiry fecihcthiicgpressesthcns with out any apptrcnt caufe tt may be poverty of the blood or a disordered stomach in either case the stomach blood and liver are not performing their regular functions anil with many person they will follow a doll heavy headache nausea and many other eymptoms that precede a well developed cate of pyggepsia parify the blood cleanse the sjeien of the clogged secretion or csing itetcctruc ifandrake kixtcre prepared by j b ifeacham 133 yongestreet achecit of nineteen years experience gilbert lsird st jiargarcta hopeorfc- ney soouafid writes i am reqnested by several friends to order toother parcel ofdrthorcis edsclric oil the hut i got from yoa htriaj been tested in several cases of rheamxtism hss given relief when doctors medicines bafc failed ts have any esect the excellent qualities of this medi cine eliocld be mxde known that the mill ions of enfferers throsghoct the world may besestby its prbvidentjtl discovery if yoa wtnt to bay or sell a farm ad ertiseiuthetorcuio kvetfy mail that paper reaches 100000 farmek homes every week and your advertisement should meet the eye of someone who wants to par- chase advert iseciesu of this class are in serted in ihe toronto tfirflty stall icr five cents sword each insertion or twenty geau avord for fig tnserticm address the kail toronto cinidx all beds fci qzzd to the rheamatic then hearken ye peevish spferers i apply dr thomas eelcciric oil to your aching joiuts and mcscjes eely oc it that you will experience epeedy relisl each at leait ir the testimony of those who have cied it the remedy is likewise eaccess- f nlly risorted to fcr throat and iang dis- eases sprains bruise etc cflthtnnotlon carccf ai old payaciaq retired from practice hiring had pi seed io hts hands by an east india missionary the forrqclaof a simple vegetable remedy fcr the ipeedy and per manent aure of consamption bronchitis catarrh astbmt and all throat and lung affection also a positive and radical cure for keryors debility and all xervocs cora- plainu aftrr having tested its wonderful curative powers in thousands of cases has felt it his duty to make it known to his suffering fellows actcftes by this motive gfld a dre to relieve human buffering i sill send free of charge to all who desire ft this recipe jn german french or eug- ishwitb fell directions for preparing and using sent by mail by addressing with stamp nam icg ibis paper w a korw 119 powers blocic rochester k y catarrh cured health and sweet breath secured by shuohs catarrh llemedy price 50 cent tsasal injector free for aalebyx jfegarvin shilohs vitailzer is what you need for constipation loss of appetite dizziness and all symptoms of dyspepsia price 10 aiid75ceaupcr fcotfle for exle by jj mcgarvin castor for infants and children ndiikdtachfltothtl i cwtwto mm oolto o bpnuo b b a aran 1l d i uo ul so ohvd st braokbra k t 1 wlltnu tejnioni athctucb tai currini cohtiinr rr jiuittr sttert n y for new gold watches new silver watches new gold scarf pins new gem rings new band rings cruets piclde stands fish slices and napkin rings b say age guelph choice goods suitable for xllts presents gentlemens dressing gowns silk mufflersjjsilk handkerchiefs storeys gloves and mitts shaw crundy merchant tailor8 cuelph percheron horses isuid do he stock fiar cro ue ttiras c90tj kleuiu abcratrtmbrfjfaicioiiliai piioflra3aoablelcrmmr boms rssiuued tirtcticn luje czaiont via blilorr of ii brtd frtt br r iddalvack iaxsvh rjuouucfc french coach horses bemlifalrr fbnned nifhctpiinir sal lioni and hun rrt cooa br4 tndw ux r of litfrndi got- trottxat for cu- ostvt iad hinfy p u14 bred tiinm sitipsfwa betaltiick the principle of treatment great bargains for the holidavs at mammoth house georgetown washington mo cb lps eminent throat ud lcn scrgcon will next visit acton dokihiok hotel fridar march one dat only cataekk theoat cuueu i feroalyct uel2sudr3s cfoailertiil cure by dr watniciwiis xew ifethod ol ia halation chronic bronchitis cured an englith church ctcrgyawi ipeais iiccxoar coaxwm osr dawiahevgtoi pfiit bin i am glad to be able to infera von ihtt my izazhicr ft qciw veil iac ae ihis if toe mkoad lime the has bees cured of en re brooebiil roablas nndcr joor trcatinent then tbe usual remedies tailed i kuh to express kjj- rrailtade piea accejrt my cinccru thacts yocn trolr c b petttt urtjno ifceelvy kingston oat cajrrb and comamptiaa john kckelvr kicgitec out ciarfh mra a- hopping kicgncs oct broscfco coaiamruoc hr e scott etagiton oct ciurrb hetd and uiroat ursjnobetrun tiroat junesifatfaciffplaiier acton ozt c- urrabeatl and throat dr brua oct catarrh hai4 ad uroat mtiakeuiebreriiaocletrcdtoeil f wise p itcorcnna oat calirrb httd hcurr bcott berlin ont aslhint hrs- l wagner noar berlin oat catarrh bead and throt- levlkcrcherfitjtcobi out citarrh bcid and throat colin campbell pi edwin oat aslhiui- jamea bucev datas ocl citarrb l h q stone georgetown iktesiok j3scorat01 painter hotim sign asdotnamentlfttinilng tatho lsteit styles rabosh is oil paixtixo cu4m1 wrfuayeveainiftiiurbja7aiid hatonuy af tunooo ords iflfg t fro pros office acton or ad luwl to box is georgtoin uj reoolro irotnmktlbn 3a8t01o wm mcleod co give all this month and for a month after the holi days all through january wondertul bargains in all the departments especially yo thej in rich silks velvets plushes fine cqrnbinatian french dress goods and beau tiful all wool henrietta dress goods in all colors 40 inches in width worth 60c per yard for 30c per beautiful meltons from 5c per yard up laces ribbons millinery woollen goods shawls silk handkerchiefs hem stitched handkerchiefs fancy goods for the christmas trade mantle goods ulster cloths of ever description and a fine stock of sealettes also clearing sut regardless of cost in many cases less than 50c on the dollar short jackets j jackets long ulsters dolmans fur jackets a fine lot of astrachan jackets worth 30 some of them for 15 furs a beautiful stq9kin eluding jlymf bqas gear baas lynx muffs bear muffs ladies before purchasing come and view this magnifi cent stock and astonishing bargains ladies dont forget our dress and mantle making department nor our millinery department gents dont forget our or dered clothing department a magnificent stock to choose from and prices right a big- big drive in suitings a suit regular price 16 for 12 20 for 16 22 for 18 ready made clothing and overcoats at clearing prices a fine stock of gents fur caps gents furnishings ladies and gents footwear ovefr shoes and rubbers now is the peoples chance to save money by purchasing but of our mag nificent stock wmmcleodco mammoth house georgetown american agriculturist liii coliiiauiaiid 10 hugmrlttga in aiotj iuo 46th year 8l50 a tear scad tlireu si coot stamps for sample copv enclish or german and prwninib of iha oldest and past agricultural poriodicals ia tho world address fublisheiu aheq1cax agkicultlfibt 751 broadway new text theilidn of ckueljp grand concerts concert tickets going at the rate of 20 per day at the lion of guelph the only reason the dont go faster is that we are sel ling our goods so cheap andyou can buy so much for 1503 that very few require- to spend so much at once but to every one who buys less than 1500 worth of goods we give a small ticket for every dollar spent and these tickets will b afterwards exchanged for a concert ticket when 15 have been accumulated we expect very shortly now to announce the talent and all may rest assured thatitheir brightest expectations will be realized when 1 we do so new goods arriving daily old goods must be cleared out to make room read our hand bill for prices colored dress satin 15c up to all who want to secure a mantle at little more than half price we say now is the time and the lion is the place see our black sfjdan cord at 25c worth 50c 1 j d williamson co are you married or about to be r ja speight 4 son acton j x speight manager caatpplyyoj utji ali the ilirsinre recircd to fnrakh your neir and otw- little home or to replelii yocr home ii a settled occ ia any djfa at the very loteat prices there is noixticlc erf furniture we caaot apply aad further we dellterour farnitareand ou have no amaging f rdcht chargesujd mo ncrrisk of breaaagc we cniuit all undertaking 0rthinyfic years ciirieace in thii bosincw bat revolted ia cooviucingtixf public of thk eotirc eaiaiacaity tht we rjppfr ftntdais work in ajl ordenaiid ia tries rkich coajparu with lho of the cily at one lialf city pnc qur hearse ij su cteelient oae ad osr toaia alwaji present 1 becoming apjicaranee- we hare plaa- crc in inritig the pabtie la call on n for anything reqoired ia oar liner crand trunk rauww micj l ipj- rmutilowjs irhmp tbiocuh p f cn3 ij2 kui t 10 m pn 1 miies acqoai tad unrnrton corclouid ooin wt0 is tm ooidj etlo u j jg will ttt ttsidy rofcftltif cohsdhption cobgdscl speigm son 4rheadquartars j for hardware ibarc iairiiistoctnuiscifladianknd aineriean prtem ul ozea iu cut also steel and chimsl pointed wrought clout finishing and tacks ail tixa hintks strap- t tnd screw hook botts 5crew cutlery spoons aim bars hammers rencheaplaiie- jack knives guns rifles kevolvers powder 6hot shells caps baron bam dcr rollers racking ilinljber hemp soap stone aud ubestos babbit victalic clgss au tiiics and cst to order free putty iiuu ic paints oils xttocsrcf pecchcujrcparcdandgatia pexcba paints always ou hand hi all popular snides uo lwl in oil lied lead v ked yellow ochre and au- dry colon- boiled and haw oils turpentine varnishes japan shellac ic machine oils lanliuc glycerine aiabcr black and cantor groceries 1 fnllllce of fine tcai co5tc sugars tcbaccot uaiains cttrranta kice barley tairioca flax seed altini kesla cream tartar pickle cheese lartljiacou blaciiai stove s booti starch soap blue yeast cake baking powder soda cooa- e2t chocolaie ertracts spices orange and lemon peel qatiriea sjmpliolaases vinegars white wine and cider i is 4 ecryihingihaalltloaiidln a flxt clas grocery lamps a full hue ajl slapcs sires aiid designs shades gloheichiiancys lanterus ic clitup crockery glassware including tea dinner aid toilet setts ia plain colored and china alabastine ancjjcrlut ef this jsatly popular kalsomiac just to haud in all jhadt-a- wall paper nd koliby patttms from 5c a roi roll io tea at your owu price to t donf forget our wc teas uat them all and our ru coffee fftli ground u a luxun- voa 1 cant well do wuuou1 alargcsjcfcon land cf kichand kolby patterns from 5c a roll ujl a large lot of rcuj- naaj frsin one roll io tea at your own price to be cleared out sole agent for byaiai colou silsc sail ualacce gravity sash lock and curtain bolien also lilaar- caeci perfected spoctades j b pearson to farmers and threshers usfionvour machinery only the wellknown epeehless oil 9 gold medatjk liliwriditdnriiilheltlhweyeti w vyu auujuu try lso oar eejpllhaxlt ommior roar wagod indhorce powers the oiii art aud ai hifhly recommonded u thomodcj farm gaelpb ftnuen ask for them use no other mmmfmtoredtuoeaflityou vfllklty samuel rocer8 4 co toronto asthma dfioup mi cijtuis of the th3cat ujfte pumotatr osoins tr in rutjirtt viz 0bnsrnrptipnha3bieb wba otif lleainltn ra ifctt1i m fidti cretiquc bcrrtblcttlw t ltiaiollttlti i ittroodtruj jlttrjaiitlr as ah cxpcctoraht vt ma m d it iarit is tu v iktettttpi it contains booplum h isj pufce zcmz ivd eiw rt bonis eavis l lawe327 c2 0 qji kis gtncrat jjntu muxtheal prptitu i trxou thiifatorioi inedia v iipct va fa oral ioius hddif ihrte ntaj each irita navu ihirz ju tf oolt and tfe na mi afta ixnitor rcmf hu in red mt ccrpa oicfaet cdi label ivjfwrr cf ini2 rrfk aft wfejt u4iend yen irulnct be ftsapppiixtfi- cnties l fj 1 f ariiing from a u2rmi ce of fhe lrrs sttirnacii ud uoutisutlas v gyrptpala or iadigeatisn asfej aflbctiona hgadaebe hjrtbrn additt of the etomach ehentnam loaa of appetite oratel gertbtt pebility s auaea err tcpiitins fc prico 23 carta per bottle- j bato 4 lawssjtescodcjaiiv errors of youth nerrocs debility seminal loesesand prtaia turo decay promptly and penoanelitlf czt spekat0201ste j does not interfere with diolcrm occupation and fully restores lost tigr and insure fcnect manhood sani u any address postrajd ta recefptof nnce one dollar per box solcartaey schof1eld dkug stoee eimitroet -co- tvato n t ski scwliflurhi fc 1 oac csubtlf kli ta f3wti bjlr wtwfflttaarrt- wtartakti h koaalmmdcreeamitib tcu of oqr wvij ud tus1 m kusawaktmij luiiaauitmrs r rhiiitii fciwn tiiilihii iwrbttaie jwns aocr tfci slitnrnvtm sh roa feati pttna enfateu for 93 tk o wtann s4 now ks ik ao batnefalbeaw ntrhhtc a tfr wntd llli- x k nqvferd 1v 1 circa tbom nia vn io i il tminih tv fte tkt ben hbaacfaui la tbt wzu sc hauste0 vitality rphe sc1excb of life ac etcii medical work of tho agd on maahoodxerroni v and rnysical debility pri- matimj decline errors of youth and the untold aus- cries conseqnent thereoot xo pages to 125 rresiriptional for all diseases cloth full- gilt oily 1 mail soaled iiliutrativ aamplfxrw t all young ind middleaged incii send how ftbe gold and jewelled liedal awarded to the author by national modical aaiociation aiw p o box lsj bosion mfls or dr v il k keh gradaaa of harvard medifal ctiij years jtractice ia hostonwni3 my loji40 confidentially specialty di-c-i- cj llan office xo buidnclist how lost how jletoreclj jan jiablisbcd a nctodilka of fircn1r veils celebrajtcdeaaay oti he kaloalm of spinatorrlicca or inapaciij lahcfdjbj axceai or early indiscretion tho celebrated anthori iril this admin we essay clearly demonstrates from a thirty yffers acceasful practice that the aiarairjj xcii qnenccaof early error may be radiciiiy cuji pointing out a mode of eure at orue etj certain and c3cctnaj by means of wbiel rx infferer no matter whathis condition iiyfc mar cute himself cheaply privately ud ridi- rsthis lecture should be ia thchandscfent youth sndcrcrjtnanja tblad 1 6ent underwal ia plain envdoj to fjj address on jecciiiioffoor cents or two jtfb tamps aidross t the oaltsrwell 2elicii co 4 ayx st sett tore po put 1 i i authors co manufactarersor y- y trusses artificial i limb3 jj i j sluj diklsc nn gw oiiaasrt djsesrtonl rad ankk kcoci kuec i lcsdob feet qic tso crctthes t 117 ghurbh st tob0st0 jdest roys and removed of au kinos in children or aduits sweet as syrup ano cahftjot karmtw fg- dioater tsa

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