Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 14, 1889, p. 2

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iv marjuxd sinsmcalumnon feb mhh mothodut raraouagc krin by the iter j marknammr d sara- mr utallitnr both ot bauinafad j dene erf u bifotbff imiimtul ur wick of georgetown to ul k oc ot r4u- iiufad uibeflgoiuonat the tupurt nartoniw oeorwtownm4khcaibr the lather ot tfac bride fted w harter to tciia ywramt diogbtcrptlhcuev dburdorl t i dixrnkilfuavp afoovrdje fan c- inr oiflbe ttii fob- uv hex d u uonlru voaniibil of whitby to mart p- rot wuliibd klot hiuburg nticsinr oi ttrlcw jtuculer o dikd fevyvill iinmou 011 ttli but- cliarilx fcyiuoaaped is yutrr months u da i tuinp ttiorv la- uliu on the morning t march florence kadtlecn infant daugh ter ef jotu m and florence p bond agod 10 days 1 fjj rtort jfrct fkess thursday maltch u 1889 y il xotes ixd colutexts prize fighting ii rjenenfly condemned uuflaj civilized people at diagnsting and brnlal relic c i barbarism and yet the dally newspapers almost vtthooa exception give ibe initiate details of ihiese odioqi and de- endinpcriormiace and find a rea2yii slrajage isnt ft oubdatetal letter i nnimary of the budreipartlmeu ar- jot- tfnti1v state bttuy i rrom clr john riffiss gallery uosar i fmffi our own oorrcaponrleov 0 mtu march lz the yoanfc rooater crowed wtti a vigor worthy the o d game cock wai lalbnio wrights com nan t ou yoang tuppert flnt peeck at a dumber of the gowrnmcnt and ft redo td too ceuoral opinion sir charles tapp r hstau cdwithlnecloaeat attention to b t clever ton the debate vu on sir kichi rdtjart- wrigbvi reciprocity amendment ip the motion to go into tupply titer th budget peech srvimtr ov ike irtct ur foibkri badge l ipecch luted foar hoars bat the main bottom facl i of the national ledger can be given in fourteen liiiea oat receipt last year were 35000 000 and the eipenditare w671scx thow ing a deficit of s10000- for th present fiaoal year the estimated revenue is 38- 600000 aad the eipenditare m 6600000 which it realized gives asarplascf 1900 ko tariff changes so the fiat hat cone forth from the finance minister the fn tircatiou will be a big surprise to the country as in some quartern important changes hire been anticipated bat lateen on the whole the ainoab cement will not be anwelcome i from the report of the scoister of eda- cation or 188 it apperi that the average cost per papil in the pablic schools of the province vu utoinhalton iu87 jin acton 761 oar local school board can therefore consisledtly claim thai they have exercised unusual economy in the conduct of public school business i the cabinect of president cleveland has scattered and no longer exists and the cabinet of president harrison has taken its place under the american s ystem tie members of tlje cabinet do not require to be elected to their places holding no seats in congress they are antler no direct res- ponsfbility only to the president it is proposed to issue paper money in enclaudof a denomination as small as half a sovereign the annual loss to trad ers by the depreciation at gold coin of thal- denominaiion is something hie 550000 and it is claimed th it much of this coold be sa red were piper used the half sot- ercign is tn inconvenient and easily lost coin thich is another argument in favor ofpaper 1 a decimal association baa been formed in london en it is proposed to confine the action cftheisscoiationsorecotnmend- ing the adoption of a decimal system of currenct weights and measures fearing it to her jiajestys government to select and decide upon the particular system to be in troduced the council of the louden chamber cf commerce favor the formation ibis association and have consented to itaieii conducted at their ftffir x hgu veorge e foster minister of fi in his budget speech delivered on v- the 5th estimated the rerenue and expendi ture of the dominion at 38500000 and 3gg00000 respectively leaving a surplus ofi900000 theburdonofhiscommenta outside of thiarray of figures being that canada spiteoccpwards of two hundred millions of debt for 000000 people is the mostlightly taxed and p countrr ui the world i oyer- itiw-kin- siootins- trapedj- ta wif on sandajyifftt wititieiyonl itaron 2l a farfil tragedy occurred last- evecing on the second line of warwick kortii icss earah sfar- shall had lost come ant of the methodist rchurth after the services when albert wilson cameup and asked her if she would come vith him she answered not to night he immediately drew a revolver and fired at her the bullet striking her the head killing herinstantlyi wilson fled and ha not yet been captured jealousy appeare to hare been at the bot- ttom of the afiair wqsa has for some time been desirous of bei ig a suitor of ftffyff ifarshall but his euit w is not favarahly receaveii either ly the yt ung lady or toe inembcce of her fam3v esfranrkxtal work toe fah3ceks the members of the ex erimeotai union are endcstoridg to intnx ace a system of practi experiments in which they solicit the cooperation cf the fai midgcommanity the object is to insagaiate such experi mental work as will be i aioaale to tvery farmer in the province these experiments ar intended to be such as can be carried ou hy almost every farmer with bat little tr able or expense the tbnoing are the ei leruneiits chosen foe this year and the sy items for carry ing them ou l a continuation of the experiments of i38 on the bme plote without further application of fertilizers i 21 i test of snperphosp late oried blood farmyard manure and io manure with cats 1 i sacornparisju altbe different systems of raising fodder corn the first is only to be undertaken by those who experimented with fertilizers in l33 the second is to ascertain the value of some of our quickacting and best known fertilizerfi this experiment will prove es pecially valuable to small farms grain and truck fannr- j j the third the shortage of pastare and increased us of supplemental crops irnt presses upon tu the ceed of the best methods of raising fodder for samjner and winter use with this object in tiew the experi- tnent with corn was planued other experiments are being arranged in stock feeding dairying 1 orticulture and beckeppii by different co nmittees r we solicit the help of armera in this trcrrk and would ask them to apply to mr c a- zintz secretary of ixperimeots o agj guelph farfenher nformalion- our means being iimii ad those who apply grit will be eapplii d with experi- mental material the res jt of the work ahoald well repay each one who takes part in it eftixiimtil cojih rrte w gftuxa ix it funtrn the initial number of albert cufajc tqate aueaily printed tern monthly pub- lisbed in the interests c the student of that excellent institutio is to hand ii cooteins many item i of interest boll to students and e itudeots and will we predict be bailed w h satisfaction by both theae classes in p rasing its col- uffls many reoouections of t w days spent in old alfaerti hails by the rriter an viv- idly recalled the psa pi esg wishes the 77jiiftnd4ti pabusbera eri j 000 kcx year the receipts are to he 39 175000 and the disbc 3gs0000p so that the anticipated surplas it 2675000 for the year tudiug jane 80 1890 of the thirty nine million t of rev enae tbf castoms it credited wil x almost twentyfour millions the publi debt is 23c000w but mr foster said it would not be increased dariuj- the nut three yean if they couticacd to be fairly pre peroas ko tariff ahsnges we announ ced sir richard cartwright mo vodin amend ment to hr foster s motion that the present condition of affairs ar d in view of the recent action c- the houie of he- presentatifes of the united statei it it ex pedient that eteps should be takin to as- cextaiu on what terms and cond ttons ar rancemeuts can be effected witli he us for the purpose of securing full t nd unre stricted reciprocity therewith scmiitt or rjlexujoit sir johu thompsons ntll to pc liah those who offer and those who take pribea- manicipal councillors was passed the bill taking power to boom pe lower ottawa has been withdrawn a government bill has been t itroduoed to wind up incorporated compaiies even when they are not insolvent the amendments to the cos omt act for the addition of transportation charges to the duty on goods coming froo any for eign country formerly an exce ption was made in favor of great britain collector ross the dismissec halifax official is shown by the correi pondenoo to gross reness expected rwmcnls brought down to have confessed error and begged humbly for forg a number of deputations for n ilway aid have been promised coasideratio i belle ville wants a line joining the c pr at tweed so that ottawa will be wl nin easy reach the brockviiie and west port want laa on with their line to berks falls husknka connecting with the pa ty sound road the kingston and steins falls hue it getting canymunidpal bo loses and want a dominion grant the iandreuil and ottawa railway is in a lika position and co road it more needed hta one through prescott and russell cot cties a bonus was also asked for a projo ted road from woodstock ont to the xiaj ara river 200muec the cpr announce that thty do not intend to build a fleet for iheatlanuc and tender for the mih contract the combines bill still stands fbr its sec ond reading at the request of the govern ment on friday all day up to nudaigbt was spent on discussing reciprocitr those who have spoken so far are ifeasrs fos ter cartwright tcpper charlton peter white dr macdonxld armstro g porter and ifcifcllen and dr ferguses who re sumed the debate today tuescxy an effort to reach a diruion tonigh will be made ilr colter of haldimand was served with a protest against his electio while the house saturday moming- xfre bell of ottawa is scsing sir charles tupperat the assizes no r opening here for services as private detect ve on the intercolonial railway performed chile sir charles was minister of railwayr tkeetitr 1itt theres been a great how dye do oyer the governor generals first slite ball lansdowue used to give two eaci session inviting up to i to the first and the rest of the alphabet to the secocd lord stanley however lumped the wl ole thing into one grand affair at which st me 1500 were present the rambling old buildings which form rideau hall were of c jarse un comfortably crpxhed by the grea crowds by some astonishing error over fc ty mem bers of parliament were omitted rem the list of invitations it is possible that some of the snobs of the ottawa gut advised the aides decamp in making up he lists as mayor erratt was not invited xeither were hon peter mitchell an e cabnet minister and a privy councillor mr mulocfc mr bardett dr ferj uson of leeds mr somervilie mr trow r aloozo wright to add to the biundenn itsecms a large number sent requests fo invita tions to the ball of course the b spitelity of their eicellencies was unexce stionahle and their part was a great to a roid the usaal crush in the diningroom when it was fell two orderlies wereetatiao dto pre vent any others entering the guests being thus admitted iu relays of two ir three hundred and passed out at anotbet door tirrr rtojt ths peanxe ipu friday evening peter mifchell be came hoarse denouncing sir john and the kp sir john cpeoing his desk look out a box of troches and tent them over by a page to mr mitchell who took a co iple and grew benevolent towards the premier- af most immediately at a later siit ig mr mitchell loudly called for time to insider the motions he had ready and sir john mollified him by promising to give bis per- sooal attention to mr mitchells gr evancca and added i will bring you son e more candies qisuxx ooftou hon edward blake is the most die man in the house ha wanders roitud the session heerily chamber when the house is not in with his hands in his pockets chatting with his colleagues and pi sses his time when the speaker is in fhecbi irread- ingct loafing he looks in the health and many actually long to ear his great eloquence again the somion so far has been rather dull andsprpsy the important andheavjvbalfis now being entered on the premier con tin ae in spleudit health and jolly good numor austin flint m d late professor of the principles of practice of medicine md of clinical medicine in the bellevae hospital medical college says of bright s disease pain in the loins is rarely a proaioeut symptom and is often wanting this itatemeut also applies to teuderrx ss ou pressure over kidneys it is no safe therefore to argue that you hi ve tut kid ney disease because you have ct local syroptomi of it your only sure pis i i to ose warners sato care as soon as ti 3 most remote symptoms appear dairying in normandy frcurh and ciuftihan fctttter kailnf compawd konifahdy syttem not admired toxiwx butter ik8alted hfffiistarodtn aoooraanos with the copjrif bt act and pnbiuhed by iisnnlttloo of tbo author prnnosxij sotkiu aplsntuon of the inter ralletvmu uic publloatloa ot tbo letter raj rosaen will tsudou a personal allusion uaaldas tbo cleric wort coauentcd with lurulshlng the letters to the brut tn locroasod corrwpondanoa ibe voralngup ot tbo iiropotod conrtnuoa it bocatuo aocaeary or jprivitc reatoui to visit thii vwtoni oout ihadboittdbyworkinkooa uuuoanly wuuo travel line to ue stile to continue thw letters utntcrnintcdjv but uufortuustalr oauiyarrvlbcrctiouuduiioif from inauffi dut sloei snd pcrhaa a little overwork obliged to init utriulf tu half harness which meant tlio dlicouunuauce ot louia of my duties or time doing now juito roatod and about to return lotuc 1 bop to be able to carry on ibe orfoi to couiiilctiou with iktlo or no further ui- tcmiiuou 1 am glad o ur that the irocct of a domfu- lou couvcuubn is exceodingty food that the local auoclaliona havo gcaorilly ruaionded to ihc tucsoliou and all baw appoiiiioddelepatoa tbc date which irill bostihoct with the couton- ience of those with whom i aw in mrreipou- dcacc apiaci ui be tho mcoud wook iu april after complete arrarqjouieau shall have been made a circular will bo luaed from otuwaand due notice u cicu through the rrow faithfully i w h lvkctt uaumrtad tcxrilorv- i cbmary is33 letter x if my farmer friends will take a lamp of butter fresh from the churn work it over well a uleie too thoroughly and without adding any lalt serve it at table when from two days to a weekold they will have a very fair impression of what sort ot but ter is eaten on most of thq loudon tables the average canadian or american visitor to london will find the butter io fiat and tasteless that he willmake a prac tice for a time at least of sprinkling upon it a little salt when ho returns here he will tell whatfcxcellcnl butter he ate in london in france where altrge nropor lion ot butcer eaten by londoners is made thy would find that the intrinsic quality of this better ic not better on the average apparently than he but ter ordinarily made on canidian farms yet when the butter mtdc on this side of ilhc water which fresh from the churn would te pronouueed excel lent in london when it has been worked salted all it will bear has stood the test of pickage transportation andmarketingaod has at last touud its way to england it would be utterly denied a place on a lon don table there is a teaching on the very sarfaoa of all this for one market at leajtaud that one the market of the british rjictro- palis better is the better liked the nearer it is to the churn and the freer it is from salt it may be an open question whethercan ada will find it possible if profitable uuder the severe i conditions ot competition to cater to the london test yet a study of the bullet question woald have been in complete without an enquiry into the methods iof cxiriinc supply kormandy was the district which naturally would be chosen for such enquiry the system- in kormandy is peculiar in the market towns there is one market day in each week the market days of adjoin ing towns are two days apart market towns are near enough together to allow moat of the farmers to reach wo or three markets each week churning days and market days are the lame everything ic planned to do jhe churning in the early morning and the butter is theu broaght to market not only fresh from the churn but absotntely unsalted and only somewhat imperfectly worked it goes without say ing that every means are taken to keep the butter cool there are a considerable nambcr of bat ter merchants who attend each ot the dif ferent markets thus it happens that the same set cf producers meets the same set of buyers two or three limes a week though only once a week at any one town the system results in an extensive trade lively markets and stiff competition it u a novel experience a visit to one of these kormandy market towns on market day the early morning trains bring n the many buyers and the one hone carts bring in the country people with their new ly churned batter in baskets tubs or pails usuxlly well wrapped up in damp cloths traders by the score opea up stalls in the open squares or the wide streets f sup- plyiag his own special line the peasant leaves with these traders a fairshare of the gold which the buyer pays him for his but ter each butter merchant is provided with namber of large baskets and wrapping cloths a weighing scale also a table or desk a cash box add a book ot tables fur rapid calculation it is astonishing to note the rapidity with which the buyer receives weighs prices and pays for the butter and throws it into the huge baskets ranged aide by side to be filled with the different grades of qualify the mystery ot the apparent inatantan- eous estimate of value of butter or pricing of it is explained when one learns that each merchant has ooe or more bay era moving about the market among the peas ants examining and bargaining for the but ter and scratching on the butter itself the price per pound agreed upon the batter is therefore practically sold before it is brought to the merchant or his receiving clerk who has only to weigh it and pay the price agreed upon some of the larger merchants are assisted by one or more clerks to record the sales and pay for the batter and all are kept busy for two or three hoars until the butter is all sold and bought it is a scene of business activity that inspires a feeling of admiration of the business qalilies of those engaged the receiver deftly turns the butterout ou the scale tosses the empty bosket and cloth back to its peasant owner weighs the lamp calls out the number of pounds vjhl eiza riglu quartc tutu 2i lbs at 12 pence and calls for the next the clerk must needs be lively iu his move- meats to glance at his reckoning ubles make an entry of the purchase coant out the amount in gold silver and coppers and be ready for the next weighing cut- quaace a vigfu irou fotu 1 could not- quite understand by what rule the butter was assorted in the different batkrts generally it seemed to be done according to price but watching closely i noted some exceptions not easily accounted for it may either have been a mistake on he part of the receiver or it may have been a diffcrouce in judgment between the buyer who fixed the price and the re ceiver who weighed as assorted the butter again neither the prices paid nor the as sorting of the lots as received accorded with my ideas of quality in my humble judg ment the batter was graded on a different standard from oar ideas of batter quality and oa a lower level than that apon which oar finest qualitfc are judged i observed a buyer tossoue lot ot butter which was possessed of a fine tin git of color into a basket containing baiter of a dull dead color tn cxpladufiou he told me that colordid not count they judged only by the odeur odor the fact that the batter was to be artifi cially colored was doubtless one reason why so little was made ot color yet the natural color or appearance of butter ought to be taken into account as beingto itself one indication of quality- the use of the ternr- gdt edrfe by americans applied to tfaetery fluescqualhy of batter is a just appreciation of the importance of color or tn itidi cation of intriniio it that ooasutedoy or tinge or blush as an qoallty i noticed however tnaf ooustswdoy or solidity was taken into account practically to the estimate of value for one buyer with hii hand squeezed out neivy pro portion of water and fired a low prtoe gw ing the valid reason that be was buying butter oot water ttic occasional tailing of batter by buyers proved that flavor alio appeared in some degree to be considered as of course it should be the quality of the bolter as a whole in my mind did uot average very high while few of the samples were exceptionally fine tome ot them were exceedingly poor some- times flat and flavorlesi other times with a positively objectionable flavor some of the butter appeared already to be overwork- ed and dull colored and i taw samples of this description throwd to with be tier sam ples having a rich color tbo baskets iu which the butter was thrown were about two feet high about 16 inches across the top and ic inches across the bottom i give these approximate di mensions from memory two large and heavy canvas sheets were provided for each basket they were first wrung out in cold water laid in the baskets in a way to line the inside of the basket and to surround the butter and cover its top surface ihus affording a complete wrap for the batter on h summers day the batter when re ceived by the buyers is on the warm side bat hard or soft it is uncermonloosly plumped one piece oa soother into the baskets the bukefs ao packed fall to heaping to ten inches or more above the top and the ends of the cloths are then broaght over to cover the batter completely straw is laid over the top on thecloth and the wbole tied downj the baskets axe marked to indicate the quality or grade then addressed loaded immediately oa carta taken to a railway stalioo and hipped to the headquarters of the butter merchant or in other words to the pack ing or blending house which is reached within three or four hours bj rail la warm weather every precaution is tak en to keep the batter cool as possible even after the baskets are loaded into the wag gons pailfuls of water are thrown over the- top to be soaked up by ike heavy cloths in ona place which i visited the waggoca sent to the itation to receive the butter were provided with high canvas covers what on the western prairies would be called schooners when the batter reaches the town to which u is sent there arc wagons ia wait ing and it is at once hauled to the blending house what is there done with it is more or less a secret kept from the general public weall know however that thereitia color ed worked over packed graded and in a few hours made ready for shipment and ready in a most enticing form for market we know too that little or no salt is added but that artificial refrigeration is provided and possibly artificial preservatives may be added to the butter in fact it is doc tored the last market i vifited was at carenton near iaiguy merchants having headquarters at valogues early in the after noon were at home with their mornings buying the following day the butter would be all prepared for the london mar ket and shipped by railway to the port ot cherbourg leaving cherbourg in the evening i found myself the following mcrningat southampton england while we have much to learn from the enterprise of the french butter merchants i was not much impressed with the kor mandy system as a whole nor indeed with the butter with which it deals a year or two ago the french dairyman were reputed to be in advance ot all competitors ia the english market kow the danes are plac ing themtlelves ahead and in denmark this blending system is going out ot favor to thc consumer the quality of korman dy butter appears to be very uniform a dealer asserted that there was little cr no difference between the receipts of august 3 1st and those ot december 21st bat while oae great merit of kormandy butter is its uniformity yet as it is bought in the mar ket freak from the churn it is of all grades ot qaality of all ihades of color all flavors all degrees of solidity what might be its lack of uniformity if the butter makers had the whole care of it ail through working coloring packing if there were co system of putting it en the market what saves the kormandy butter is the tact that it is taken from the peasant di rectly from the churn as it were and falls into the hands ot shrewd skilful business men by them it is assorted according to quality handled with all necessary precau- lions against changes in temperature it is well worked over neatly packed and sent quickly to market to go into immediate con sumption in a word it is most skilfally fixed up and marketed in a business like manner i feel confident that i speak correct in saying that much of that which we now call axle grease when it is first taken from theehunris equal to the butter i saw- in kormandy fresh from he chara and that if our batter could be handled like the kormandy butter and as quickly marketed and consumed it would deserve and obtain as good a reputation it this be true ought we to adopt the kormandy aystera the conditions of a successful working of that system are very difficult to meet in canada the kormandy system involves 1 that the make of butter iu a given district be of sufficient quantity to warrant the holding of at least two accessible mar kets each week and to encourage the necessary competition among buyers 2 that a system be adopted by butter dealers and that the butter producers adapt their methods of work to that sys tem the buyers must possess enough eaterprize to find a market and supply it the butter makers must do the churning immediately previous to to en sure that the butter be delivered in a fresh condition the kormandy system would appear to be adapted to the handling of fresh unsalt ed or lightsalted batter intended for im mediate consumption rather than for bat ter to be packed for long keepiag the first condition is a difficult cue from the fact that where such a system ia most needed the bad coudition of the butter in dustry has sometimes caused a largely di minished prod action a good authority in my own township in the eastern town ships somewhat butterfamoui tells mc that fifteen years ago there were three cows to one today the inauguration however of a successful system would doubtless lead to an increase o cows and of production again we are at a disadvantage iu the fact that our competitors working this system are bat one nights seadistance from a foreign market while we are ten days 1 have given the details of the normaiidy system not because i think it practicable to adopt it but that it may possibly suggest some modification of the system suited to our peculiar conditions wh- lynch february 1ssu the late dr dio lewis said the truth is the medical profession stands dazed and helpless in the presence of more thou one kidney malady hesjsosaiavif i found myself the victim of a serious kidney trouble i would use warners bafe cure r great cut in carpets we are offering extra values in carpets for this month only you will do well to take advantage of this opportunity mr ryan advises us of the purchase among other goods of a large variety of carpets curtains oil cloths c which will be shipped at once from liverpool soto reduce our present stock we offer special inducements to our customers in brussels tapestry wool and hemp carpets and in lace and tapestry cuttairts we have tlte largest carpet room iu the city remember the place gcbr jail cfe co gcuelph the leading dry cfbod house 93 upper wyndham st successors to jno hogg son fto t0hn davis exursex all orden for perwnal attention ornci- in writing km getting ready for stock- takings jobs drives atf d bargains all along the line bed rock price ttiu a ry from now till j j t3 jj xv x h ready cash commands the- lowest prices bring in your cash and secure bargains while they are going overcoats readymade suits tweeds purs mantle goods j boots and shoes i mone 7ew thousand i am i of 000 hovsi the dwelling n oa uu1 ftrtct inii office or ia to faslikmaljle krmlaud catting done by tb toiljljit nil tmrnl al3jj it to lie fke tlri ai ix s kltsxetbti a rphl mitsci cur i ct kin j to do i rtion moody rjcm cnmstzimffiaujv dre shaking mififi wren de prepared to thtjstesl ijim at of hendwaon uej bj u1m vanattcr ikif lo ictimalc tbst lhtv orden for drasanultjj- j in roouu ia uw premtet co- foriiier1y occj lumber the nndenlgnet at limehotue lumber snd are prepared to up others vitb any qr- other budding a pine and cedar ahii and shingles uve on nshd at ifcdi airw about rwierfjs 7pl7fsrmenia- ibersormrskj j of igmbersot leajonable prieeaj affect 3- ii ijle if aio oa batul t taylolt bwtbj5bs wanted g oqd reliable ticu can find pcndaest t plojmeut toi uaple grove jnneja f waterloo n- v g rl stlary and mpewajiisv wkly liberal ladncemeoa to rears all guodt jbstcaua write at once fort nna addfca j w mfaw geo manager st botuas ont imortiss faperi h0cse 4 lot f ob sale house and houaela i oft inter good per cent on pur apply to d hi geog on chord street adot condition vitfrlatdus en will rent to pay t c uionej- for particojja tueusonl fctoicjc utflkttv qiorcmihi s t lot and 1 ivellui fto sali house and lot to j e mo bard and soft irate den apply- for on iknrcf atchq btjopdat inis hofuo dcmlorumet connnidi t splendid bu- icalar r jkdebsok iatetc- jionivfpup- 1 can bare t jewellery and fan acton fcby bit fl steam plaining 1 ill car dwellini o u mis comfortable 11 w l that fine utnc double wt bower aven scrino kitchen attached t ird ted eat in every reep ct and month j x the brickctad 90x30 two itorct hard and aot wste terms and particulars plication at f1ee ilar to a mini of ymowrl onet amobycijllngatgtoarah i y goods ttotu tek enter shop aaj ath of ujc ijtjprietorlihi inn i the vujag iheknri the past stclass order apply a imlltavnictoeoat nine dwelling on itoreyta water cdstcbb fox 11 pe sift i rents business change hiring purchased t on by mcnab i tnnity of inviting age and feel confl- will be utixflei wlilcii i co i abaro jjt thai with rill fill new spring goods i have jnf pat iu rcgliib irish i the litest ittems a very ano adrtniit of and bcotch saitiags in i spring over 3tmg3 in vanety ourganncutsan personal iu pervision wm awaiting slaughter full stock op grooee1bs henderson mcrae co iumenxber our famous 50o tea remnant sale hollinrhke si son milton are now rushing off a lot of remnants at about half price remnants uf dress goods prints cashmers seersuckers plushes- satins and velvets each remnant has a ticket on it with the number of ards and price for the piece jt wilf be to j the interests of careful buyers to see these remnants hollinrake son are selling 25 yards yard wfdo cotton for st 00 j 20 yards white cotton for 100 l 5 yards check shirting for sioo jf5c wool tweeds for 50c l l 75c wool tweeds for 60c 2jlbs of the best 50c green black or japan tea for 100 5 lbs sulphur for 25c 5 lbs salts for 25c low quotations for sugar bj- the barrel new spring coods are being received new dress goods embroideries cottons prints shirtings cottonades c millinery orders attended to promptly 1 hjollinrake i son milton resides th large in the b above property of acton coasty wlvg to the 6 late peter me offered for tale in t of ballon the p omiscs 1 re situted is business portiono leading btninen f 0 nerr and tools in premise to v 1 im ujdbredontb 11 jetti vm- fellings c on main ttiwt tluhca attaciai use known npoaap- pkessofnce fornitrlyei lake this r pablit 1 crcrjcnstonfet ordex i opr- 6 pas si- ail wdl inijc tindtf wl a call ibvted t libr lee actpn hc stone getox u m r j hut ruuon irr im purest strlm6e c9iitnsio i lime phflqmttf ujsossie i ewoillerr tcaori

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