Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 25, 1889, p. 2

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ikplull pllllu0nri if mr wmjmeihi born lea on tit isui inst the wife iliofakki djriiilji ctitli lslfaitjm the wife dk mcniiuil of a k bu ratthentritidtiitou llic tui april the vitc of mr ur klpof a daughter imavrocikjluti rtii uujokich kiicrrrisirwiytlotrtiooiuf april nff cf jl ftmtu editor of thcluiri i1fnffla the h april ic fclcfacu of a daughter irdiowuoa tb 11th fail klin nie tuqol daughter tile otrtlooday april th rtrv by locmvuuj r4denc of ihe bride father mr kobt tfcrvcr to u is i annie clark sister o h- kev ore clark of mlltou ill of wcnl- wvrtk count couatr j j pise- iaut tlr vcit iu tvclato the 21t fast mrs flow ler ul tlaacaa taylor aged m r jtrce wss tilursdaykrbuiaj rrji hreirotectiox the letter from j in old fogy raiepay cr shows diit ui4 old grinllcman ix not to cicchof an void fogy as his name would indicate lie it fljva to actoat inlfcrttls end if i he sure ccaj id be aid of ill oar citizens lire protecjioa would toon be ectib hri i llis sdvi to the council that bomclhjnc dicnli be done it once is cpod bat it is to ki hcei uut no tnld scheme will be adopt ed which plight avcnlaall y prove in estcinal or too astlyiar oar resourcei whil aetou reqdra is system which will pvt adoait protection from fira and it tie sime lime be o each a character li to be reooniied by ujeinsaranoeoocpaciea cf fjffiaeat talae to warrant aconsiderahle percentage of redaction in the insurance rates now being paid by citizen to ac complish this with consistent economy will rcjsire no little cccsideration and investi- galioa and this will do doobt be given the matter the fort puss will not favor an elaborate add expensive waterworks system sach as some mctidnalitie enjoy while at the same lima uicv rroan under an- i i necessarily heavy financial bnrdecifor iti cost j the roatajr mas be thoroughly consider- ed before an y plan adopted and the fane imss invites general discuaaiaa orthc sab- jcct krosgh its colnrrns ulli e texki ox the street- it will co doabt je a disappointment to many citiznss to learn that the cocncil his ufcen aoactioi to secure theplantiufi of didc tnxs en the- lireeta this iprin for many years tr ea have been supplied by the coancil for johhc phujicg and u a rcsdt beactitol mi ilea are to be foand in ncmbers oc nearly every street in town tle trees much enhance aetona appear ac cc and it is to be hoped oar citizens wtllnot ncleci thttjood wort of planting additioo- si trees eveai they obliged to sec the frees theasclvoc though the coaacq has taien no action for monicipal tree planting the board of ed nation if the uhool law is to be in- trereied literally have no dificretion in the matter bet mi it arrange for an arbor day in connection rith the eublic school aauseiofthepi blic schools ixtaaya- tbeflrstrridaria iftrthinbe set spirt by he bord rf trusleo r at every rani scbooliad incorp vhiige tor the pnrpose of plantinc tzsd trees irating ioirer beds sad otheririse g aad bcac ifjiag the tebool cro the school boa d has in its wisdom coth- plied with ihe reflation ever since its enact- meet and the baaatiful trees now to be 3unds bear evidence of performed by teachers ay the 3rd of slay numerous additions to seea in the s thvilaeof thewc and scholars f iysfihonld witne the number i- votes axd cojdoxrs which the scott act his not yet been repealed are oxford kiddlefex elgin lamhton leeds and greniihe now there are i fears of a grasshopper plagne m hinnescfa the coming snamer with its recent fires and this visitation in prospect ilincesota e not to be regarded as araxadise the jesuits eiaiea act is to be broaght before pari iameia again mr j a bar- roc ilp has given notice that he will aafc if ii is the in ten ton of the government to cinse legal proceedings to betaken to test the legalify of the kcu and if cot why the caiacre of iforrison the compfoa county oatlaw huat ieogth been accom plished for months iforrison 6l ihe authorities and eladed the constables sent from tee caltrar the labor ftuiaif uionftfer law of coiyrlriit tuc euylliu msiukurtli west govemwnl vabiujus notm ofixtekest in pnrsuit of him but bo baturday he was captired tfter a strogele in which heased hh revolver freely fiub peotectio x toe actov ty ihc tailor of tie furl fftxss iteil fcoi taking cp the matter ictro- deced by yen in tee fao piaas last week o re protection for acton i would add that i consider this on of the most impor tant questions that caa engage the attention 6t the ratepayers think too this is ad milted on all rides la fact thereare very fgwfcssenttng vpicesj to be heaid the only point bf difierencejs how that pro tection can be obtained in the most effec tive and economical lay we think the council and some of on leading taxpayers should take the matter in hand and come to feoroc decision witi the least possible delay there is no tire e to be lost it will not do far us to lock ihe stable after ithe horse is stolen the woflagrationa so gen era in small places last year teach as that lesson what has happened there may befall ns any day and what would be the coosequencet why ruin to many of our business men and property holders let us then take time by toe forelock and be ireparui there is no village in ontario jnore favorably sitaatedibrsecuringacheap water supply than acton we have a source from which an unlimited amount coaldlbe puinpod ap by an engine or water- wheel at the foot of mill street and thence distributed xd every pari of the village if this scheme sboaldfc thought tooexpeosive wc can resort to sotoe other other schemes are i believe propoaed some of frvtii ourowucorrrtibajcut ormii april slritho railway aud rosaluuouiaoftt broafthl down are faw and comparatively unimportant tbere an eleven tubaidiei of which oolylhc following four arc qcw cap lidugc and 81 law renee luuwym0q6 firry sound col- oaiaaiioi 40 miler 128000 from traro to newport ne 10 miles hcooo and thecoalralrailwsy nb m280w thfl four that are re votes arc ontario and facific from coruwu to perth 2gi00 ottawa aod gatuaeau valley from soil towards la desert 320000 irondalo and ottawa railway frraihflyictoria branch of the midland to bancroft korlh hast ings and the lachot qae road the other three sre payment of balance re maining unpaid from sabaidiea httherio votoo all new lines arc to be commenced within two years and completed within four the important roioiatiooa are yet to come including the aid to the ssoiita tunnel the nw braniwick short lhle the korth west and others it is thoaght the liae from calgary north will be sabsidid there are at present w rail way companies in canada tuu lukcjltuisstos the labor oommisiion report together with half a dozen volumes of printed evi dence ic oat the reports deal with renta manicipal taxation sanitation hoan of labor tempericcc coopcratiaa caviga- ition od railways etnplojment of women and children cbild beating fines in factor ies inspection cuiu for wages strikes technical edacatiou apprentice system im- migralija extension of trade and the crea tion of cansdian trade commissioners convict labor a labor bjcreaa is recommend- ed the morals of the factory hands is de clared high arbitration in disputes is fav ored- an alien contract law asked for and recommend a tpccincjdaty on stereotype plate imported by newspaper publishers all those interested will of coarse obtain a copy of thfse reports for themselves the demand foe them will be very great iuc liws orlcornutiur in the hoaseon satcrdaythe jlicisierof justice was asked if bis copyright bill did not conflict with an imperial statate when it denied canadian copyright to a british copyrighted work tils was asked in view of the fsct that a similar canadian act of 1st2 was disallowed in england on the groand of want of jurisdiction of this par liament sir john thompsons reply was a good canadian one ee said ic all matters under our control the canadian parliament was sopree and if foreign copyright was not within this class of sebjects the sooner it waa pat there the better he went even further and maintained thafour legislation could repeal an imperial sutnte passed prior to confederaticii in all matter with in oarcontrol this is the most radical declaration of legislative independence ever made by a public man in canada the bill provides that if an anther does not re pahlish his work in ciuida within one month after copyright in the ccsctry cf origin a canadian publisher may obtain a license from the government to publish it ike esgliilt tfirr- the contract with the allans for the car riage of the british mails has been renewed forone year at the end of that lime a contract will be completed with the ander sons of london for a fast weekly service to england calhng at a j french port the contractors who are said to have cpr magnates behind them wiilbnild a fisei with a speed of twenty knots an hoar re ceiving i subway of half a million annual- ly hr fostet an friday in submitting this scheme said that the present service was unsatisfactory snd with improved equipment and high speed the canadian route oaght u compete with the kew torfc steamers as it is now over a million more letters are sent from canada via kew york than via quebec and halifax the aliens tendered witthe andersons bat only for speed of seventeen knots- at present the allan steamers go about fifteen knots at top speed jfae resolctiocs for the china and for ihe anstralia subsidies were sfso passed but the details are not arranged the rural representatives some too of the government side opposed the creation of a twenty knot fleet which could only carry mails and passengers they contended that only the few who travelled iwosld be benefitted and that it mattered not whether pur mails went by way of new york or halifax mr ellis of st john nb re gretted to say that paikcgers west of- hon treal would never and do not now go via the sfaritime provinces the argument used was that a slower iine carrying mixed freights was better suited to the country this describes tse present allan line which receives 120000 anncally for the mails i koete stit fiyeviext the bill amending the territories act confers on the north west assembly pretty near all the powers possessed by the prov inces it- gives the assembly control of liquor licenses thus- transferring from the federal to the local government the res- pooribility for this vexed qnestion of pro hibition which was discussed the other day on a motion by hr k fisher to censure lient governor hoyal and sir dewdney the former for tnanguraiing and the latter for perraittinga license sysm ill the ter ritories and the national park the min ister of jcftice declared that they could not interfere with if r boyaj who acted under statate and the eoase defeated the motion messrs mitchell and parcel of the oppo sition voting with the government and mr jamieson voting against them now how ever if the people of the korih west vote in favor of license theassemhly will have fall power to issae licenses gtraw bier iks ir j uou rmrixux rnorrtinn or xai ctul histobv ixii okouoot oic- qleltu which may be leasable i do not under take to decide which is the best all i state uh that some system of fire protection is qrgently ueededvand must be had at onoe if we wish to avoid the procrastinating munidpilitier i yonne4 acton afrij 23rd 1 4 jthe combines bill andthe boodiers ex tradition bill have been made government orders the latter u pretty certain to pass all the boodiers in canada will be liable to arrest as it is retroactive civil service promotion examinations hjsyss a petition for scott act repeal will be voted en in leeds ahdgmovilleonthe2oth having liad itrawberrioa planted among some of oyr grtpi vtoei for three yean un til the vines became thorougblyeittbllihed i hare thought ft expedient o give oar ex perience in the form of a bulletin which msy be of service to those who read it few berries are more luscious than the strawberry snd few plants can be mora successfully cultivated tad yet bow many farm homes tbere are in which this fruit is leldomoafou ii fa hoped the time u not far distant when he frail sod vegetable garden will form an important feature in the vicinity of the farm house sud lhat on the farm ers table will be seen the fruits of each samnicr month whea strawberries raip- bcrricsctc will be foand at home and not require tq be sought after in distant berry patches a little taste and comparatively little time and care will supply those attrac tive reau to those who desire them coyiirrioss scunoexurxu the fusts location c latitude north ss8 height above seaievel 1100 foet above lake on fariowsfcet exposure southwest soil clay loam meteorological mean annual tempera ture i22p l8ams4g mean saramer tem perature 1 571 5 winter ili mghost temperature i85ij 93 lowest 18835 c average unmber of days rain fell per year 72 rainfall including wow 2i7 inchea prevailing winds soalhwct 3 pec cent northwcit 31 per cent iux1gluevt theplsnu are placed in rows three feet apart and the plants one foot spirt in the row arranged in this way the caltivalioa can be largely done with the bonehoe they were allowed to occupy the groand for three years when they were removed to another place the groand waa well man ured before planting and another applica tion made the second year in winter ibey were prolecied byscalleringsomepeastraw ever them first year the rucnera were kept well back so as to get strong single plants second year the same coarse was fol lowed as far as possible third year the plants were allowed to grow freely and the runners notoached thorough cultivation and keeping the ground free from weeds were observed vjuurrua wilsons albany 10 rows crescent seedling 20 rows early canada i rows arnold pride 1 row captain jack 10 rows alpha 2 rows nicanor 2 rows maggies 2 rows cumberland triumph i rows monarch of the west i rows kestlts wilsons albany has done excellenliy and may be ranked first it yields well and is a very suitable variety for shipping crescent seedling ripened sooner than wilson and has been quite productive but there is a tendency among these berries to be itcperfect owing to incomplete fertiliza tion of the flowers but this is overcome fay having a variety rich in pollen planted near or among the rows we overcame the difficulty by planting the wilsoa side by side crescent seedling seems to bear more pistillate flowers than stamina te theohage of the crescent being some what spartr does not assist in keeping the berry so clean as the varietiea that grow more leaves early canada ripens soon bat is liable to be caarkt by frost and on the whole has done poorly with us arnolds pride is a clean goodsized nice berry but has not been very prolific monarch of the west proved to be a large berry but only gave a fair yield captain jack was somewhat late bat very prolific and a good berry alpha has beea a slim bearer but it has a delightful flavor nicanor gave only a fair crop and ordin ary berry maggies wa rather small in berry and as comparatively poor a bearer cumberland triumph is a large and irregularly shaped berry with only a fair yield it is a variety more for the amatear thin one desiring to raise berries for mar ket tosclcsrovs l strawberries will do well in a locality such as curs if the soil is neb friable and well drained 2 groandfor strawberries should have a good supply of plant food be easily work ed and should certainly be well drained kept clean of weeds and well cultivated 3 we are inclined to favor growing in rows where large quantities are to be grown and to renew the plants every two years i in well drained sheltered and good soil- planting out in september is advisable so as to enable the plant to get thoroughly established a fair crop next season may be expected hat if such conditions are ab sent then plant in spring and only a medium crop may be looked for h strawberries may be grown in almost any climate if care be taken where the climste is severe protect the plants by scat tering over them peastraw or some other light covering avoid heavy substances such as manure some place boughs with good results g the following is a list which embraces varieties that are likely to sacceed well wilson crescent seedling daniel boone manchester sharpless alpha prince of berries bidwell and jewell crescent seedling and manchester being poor in j pollen require such as wilson among them sharpless is large delicious but somewhat late bidwell is a good family berry sweeter and larger than the popular varieties wilson and crescent the new foitkhthv itepgrt-rukta- t1ux8 bscomlie to the editor of tho fkei pmtss suu the forestry report for 1he jear has been printed and will be sent to toy of your readers who will forward me tbetrad dress it will be fouud to contain many articles of futercst to thoao who are in tor- esled in tree preservation there ii no charge for the bonk and none for tho post age it li a pamphlet leiif free by the ontario government fu ibo interests of forestry it is time that- we in on tar in thought more of this matter la every cirilizod co an try attention is now being paid to forw preservation iu europe wpocisjy care being taksu prussia is giving yearly large numbe of trees to all who will plant and care for them aud the ex ample to a certain extent ii being followed at washington i in france sftiuerland norway and sweden forestry affairs are receiving much attention and fn russia large districts formerly barren havo been restored to cultivation by the judicioas ar range men t of plantations there isno doubt that in america where the extremes of heat aad cold arc far more frying than in most parts of europe if we do not take care to preserve a due amount of forest the evils which nave overtaken other lands will more rapidly befall as here ii it remarked that ontario possesses still a large amount of forest this it cor rect hat it is with reference to most of oar cultivated land at a considerable distance to the north and where it can have do bene ficial effect on iheclfmau of settled ontario what it needed here in order to maintain fertility and a proper distribution of mois ture is care to retain what portions of forest yet intersperse our farms and attention to planting licea of trees and where possible plantations of some breadth comprising many acre it is strange this it not more universally done in kansas where timber can be bought aboat as cheaply as here i found planta tions set oat and the ten years old pf some seven or eight hundred acres each in hanoi there arc fine walcut plantations of many acres forty years old the trees be ing eighty feet in height and some of them two feet through the trunk while in many states notice plantations of thoasands of the white ash and other valuable free it is mare than time that wc planted largely here for the supply of good hardwood as well as of some varieties for manufacturing parposcs it running short in ontario yoars etc r w ihiitn it3 richmond st toronto april it mj sweet hoke there u no place like- home runs the old song and we know how true it is the impressions made in the house are tasting a mothers words never pass from the mind a fathers counsel remains fresh so long as life lasts the las bene diction of parental love and solicilade with what tenacity it clings to the memory when almost ail else has gone how important therefore that the home be maintained intact as long as potable a htven of loving counsel cf peace and joy ii the growing children how sad when death invades when the fire goes oat on tne hearthstone and the family is scattered what the chijdren lose by the death of a parent only those realize who have grown ap without that love and advice which a parent alone can bestow there are tens of thoasands of parents today in agony of mind through fear of death from kidney disease who do not know they are doctoring only symptoms such as wakefulness nervousness a splen did feeling one day and an allgone oae an other dropsy weak heart action pneumon ia neuralgia fickle appetite etc while the real trouble is poisoned blood caused by diseased kidneys unless purified with warners safe core they will just as surely die as though poisoned with arsenic doctors publicly admit that they cannot cure advanced kidney disease they are too bigoted to ate warners safe cure because it is an advertised remedy consequently unless you use yccnr own judgment secure and use warners safe care a specific which has proved itself in tecs of thousands of cases to be all it- is represented yoar home through yaar death will be broken np and your love ones deprived of that which money cannot purchase or friends supply special akxolwceltext we have made arrangements with dr b j kendall co pcblishers of a treat ise an the horse and his diseases which will enable all oar subscribers to obtain copy of that valaable work free by sending their address enclosing a twocent stamp for mailing same to dr b j kendall co enosbargh falls vt this book is now reoognued as standard authority upon all diseases of the horse as its phenomenal sale attests over four million copies having been sold in in the past leti years a sale never before reached by any publication in the same period of time we feel confi dent that oar patrons will appreciate ihe work and be glad to avail themselves of this opportanity of obtaining a valaable book it u necessary that you mention this paper in sending for the treatise this offer will remain open for only a short time castor i a for infanta and children ft to wtf idntod to ekfldrm thm i noomnw ii u abater la ur pniehpllob ob haaamkd 111 to ottmi k broutv 9 t iowttrl earn oob omituo son mow diiisim iuoda kllk woraa a iims u4 pronow tu caruoii ooxpikt twamj fltnet k t r unlock blood will cure or relieve bluoysnl- dyspepsia jaundice uysipeus alt rheum heartburn headache jih8 the heart acidity of i the stomach dryness of the skin cd otvrf tpeet or din awffs rm aisotdrnd tlvxr k1dhxt8 stom4cb bowxls ob blood iiiibiibh 4 co tt9br4j0tt tosoara welcome spring henderson mprh 5t co hcton thank their many friends for past favors and cordially solicit a continuance of their liberal patronage a ckraintx millineby opening will be held on- saturday 30th march from it am to n pm when there will be on free exhibition a most gorgeous display of millinery and fancy goods come and see general stock of dry goods complete in all lines selected on most favorable terms dress goods and trimmings special attention has been given to this branch with a view to pleasing all in style quality and price beautiful prints ginghams and chambrays splendiq cottons whita and grey from 5c up kew lace curtains in setts and b- the ard very pretty i rare value in carpets in wool tapestry and hemp boots and shoes to fit and suit everybody see our 100 ladies shoe a bargain teas sugars and groceries 1 0000 doz fresh eggs wanted at once a good line of pedlars tea by the half chest at iojc remember our famous 50c tea henderson mcrae co projreis in the xortuwest aad fate of other sir coaghlin mp fof korth if fddlesez is down- with diptaeruu hr doaglas assistant secretary of the interior depart ment died on saturday 06 thesame diseaie ifr chisboinv sf- for vancoaver has been very ill and also beastor kowlan the wimbledon team s now complete ontario and kova scotia aloue of all he provinces are represented or il cat in t a by a cirralar kaiv jvctcwtle april ib -j-a- yoanir roau named james vanatto mot with a horrible acdident at kendall yesterday he was looking at jacksons saw mill and fell 00 a circular saw makfo shuy revolatioos a minalerwlilcfaxflthim throaxh the heart in in instant one arm being iawu ofi and thrpwn out of the mill altogether lie wsi abdnt 10 years old steady and inndstrioas as oijifbcr iutejmtze j his parents and friend have the sympathy j of tfit neighborhood in the iist or passengers which arrived at wiccipeg a week ago as published in the winnipeg fnc irtu were the following john p wnrden and two children acton ont warner kicklin and family acton oat onr citizens have heard of former residents miking fortunes in a very short timeinthe korthwest bat the above beats everything on record in the matter of rais ing families there wc vent are to say we can show yoa twice the stock of carpets to be foand in any other hocsc in gaelph g b hvutco james k keevo iu harpers ifagauitt for slay will draw attention to thfl stead ily accanialatiaff conditions which will in the near fature make tmperalivti the adop tion in tiiis country of closer and moru eu- lightened methods cf agricaliare tbau now generally obtain among oar farmers he calls the america us j a nation of poor far mers- that popdlitr monthly the philadel phia m16ji juttrtia- wdicb achieved so enviable a reputniiou under the mdoigo- taeut of mr i a north has jast chaujfttd hands it will be published in future by messrs goald wool ley both of whom re capable gentlemen the sauie general plan and distinctive features which have made the onrfasoattraotive and valued by the musical public will be maintained it is asserted that apon the return of henry st stanley to england he will be naturalized as a british subject forsaking his american adoption and that the gov ernment will confer upon him a higher honor than has ever been before conferred upon a journalist or an explorer which two professions stanley combines it also stated that the belgian government will join in decoratiog and otherwise honoring stanley v r sugar adyaneing sll the world over and the prospects arc that it will he a very high price tills summer hollinrake cfe son milton have purchased a quantity of light sugar wjiich they iutend ofleriug to the puhlic at 6j per lb bi tho barrel or 7 per cwt price guaranteed only till present lot is diaposeu of hollinrake fc son have received aconsignment of 50c teas which they are goiug o sell in 5 und 10 lb lota at 40c per lb you can have your choice of jiipau hyson indian or congou teas a lmiiklj lumber and sliihdesv phe nmimlcntil bin on hto uv f4 ik lumber lud ir preftredtonij ltt nrqimltrtfltnzii2 w othenwflh i otbu bolldinti it rawublapielrisr ploe lod cedu iblrjfln ii tihtxuu vlohbl v lot and dwelling fyr gjjv holbk iod u on boit kint v1- j to i mtoinln hooi7lssca den aivlf lor iirjeulm lo ww il dhesdersox it building lotsfor side anunbttofvtrrilmlribie balldi e eta 1iri ind like atkiuv snilthl miter anuinberofeieibwbjiis- iltei ire oflered ind u boudine u jaejtljs livftl bere tbi aniinor tbe loti u tous ripidljinereiia vilae tenniubml v wsjntb forsale- at s bargain one c the btt iu acton llio 1ioperty known east boniolj glove sfcof the lotbai fn ue coaulfli lrsarotjcfacjnif si feet wide with cxxl well and ttajs raises terms cajt itrr psrtlnilati rft win heinrtrwt acton oni or jlr c ii giirmijj dbftvp fuh sale stnmplnuacnlne and yoke ofossi asol stumpidcmschineitinarth- i j good wcrfcict order alto a fi oxen for tal cboap u ihe trwoebirg tber use lor them terms upon rpfltocslt do f g ald 00 wajt j jj i botlbljm- otcotipllftl for8ale suam planing mill carpenter 8hopi dwelling thk sbovewemiscfi ia actop arc obtni 1st ale tsfl mscblnr ctutnbes ftaina and monldioc machine cut gmrlitik qc gait circular cr6scnt and jlfi h ma qj woodlomlbg lathe with mwl tiltaslatrra plndicc iiodcleic uoatjaainitrjr ttn tools will t iold f ftlfir irtnirtirm mill tools feparatej- aiply wlkjl hbitjtccjuqt comfortable dwtuiijgs i for sale- 1 that ijia sew double frauie dffi- west bower arenac two itorers fitjs rtt kitcben attached hard uad soft water miiuj ent in cverj- respect and reals for fli pg month x the brickclad ycjidlaet os usis stnti 90x30 iwo storev wlta larce kitchen attsehel hard and soft wster in the hoiw terms and particular juadii known irpoao- pllcauonst v feee tkess office fiirit trees small jfofe- and ornunenul shmbboi ntl rev kbcook artonbas been amiolafit sole acem for this section lor taml known old rochester xuncry b uooboe in- prletor and is prepared to take ordezs cr say of the trait trets mall frulu cr ibrti wuek are shown in tho iucstrstedcataloamotfif w norsery the prod act of tho ola tnrnwli i narsett are known to be geoeradt rellsut tat correctly named ail i cad promtt tstiltetsrry resnlu to all who purcliam stock iran at prices reasonable i- j iteybacooiastsg- u dissoruriou of partaiership xvx tho ondenised who have beeoftrsawt- m inj 1 general bntcherlns bastae tr actonunder the ann atms ol boiwee m acta- stoa herebytve notice that we nan thfcfer s dissolved partnership by mutual eocseat all accounts matt be wtued by the 90th hut sad 1 either of ns will glt rcceipu fartjtatihr- ot 1 wltxeu wbvtuae bivnu johkstox kn fiaum jcawros acton april 3rd lflffl j i i la reference to tht above 1 bin jhaisn 3p 1 informinj he nubile that i will eonlfaw the boiineas herttof ore carried on by the abaft ann at the old stand hy coosunl aim wih be to ff raish my customer with the best thtaarat affords and repectiuly olicit thepatroeagmf all who preriooslt gave their cbtamte thf central ylealuarket w hkctlewa public healths vjot1ce is haebbivec thai ail rvudeals ef 1 li aaton are required forthwith to eleantkeif rjj eellari draini yante pig styts wattr clotejai j and other oot bandnua ud preroiscv aad r- 1 move thcrclroni all airt pith manure or other i ubstance whioh may endanger the pahhe health uid to bare the binocoiiipieteitlilt by tho 10th day ot uav next on which dar tke sanitary inspector will commence gendil i- j ipection and further take flotice that tht section of the public health act prohibuaf the keeping of bogs between the istb of jfa j and tbeuat of sovesiber eicep in paasa tifeet from any dwelliug bouse and 50 feetiraes any street or lane with qboa kept free irafi standing water and regular yj caused and d- uif ected will be strictly enforced thostmoork scretai7 bow ol health powder absolutely pure this powder nerer tories a marvel of purity strength and wboldaomeneai mora oeodomlcal than the ordinary kinds and eaniiot be sold in 00m petition with the multitude oflow tit abort veubt alom or phosphate powders bold only ucaui uoril blxiko fowdea co 100 wall ht n v hollinrake son milton sell wholesale and retail special low figures to parties baying goods in large quadtitics hollinrake son milton the leading lleidiauts tenders 1 ealed tenders addressed to the bnir- o igned and endortwi tender lor indiah supphk will bo received stthu office op nooa on thullsday 9th may w toj delivery of indian snpphes daring thu j year ending ajth i oat ls cocsiiting of for baeob groceries ammanitiou twine oxe cow bulls afiricokural impkmects tee ic dtitv lieid at mrious points in llanitoea and thexorthwcattertilorres s forms of tender containing full i relative to the- supplies retjwed dales ov de livery c may be had lij-applyilgtolheandjr- iigned or to the indian conunitsiontratlteguia or to the indian onice- wufnipeg parties may tender for each descriptionjwjw for any portion of each description- of koo separately or for all the gooda called for in u schedules and the departmea rcsn w to iw the right to reject the wboic or aav pan 0 tender each tender must be accompanied cepted cheqne in favor of the sapcrmtenbebi general of indian again on a canadian for at least flee per cent of the amount ci u tendar which will bt lorieiied if the rrty uo- dering declines to catex iuto a contract mch tender when cflled npon todoo or ii w fails to complete the work contracted rafyj the tender be not accepted lb chcqoe wlh returned each tcndertusi ftilddiiion 10 the isnatnre of the tenderer be ugnci bv two iurrnee ac ceptable to the dfcparfuicu ot the itopcr per- fonnauceof the ooninct tbe lowest or any ttikltr lirt necessarily j cepted l this adtcrtiseiccs is y to i jh- aay newpapcr tcttheal tti mltenty oi queeuilriiitersuduo caiai for pavuicat vt anv newspajwr not baiag bad such aathenty will be adniiitcd lvaxkolgbnet dt dtrcf suixiacndenten v of indian acairs dciartiifjut oflulisii affair ottawa april y jj to80ht0 steam laumfy 196 rork st torontf i 1 l6 rork st torontj 8hbtb ooujars ko ojfj promptlj ulnicd lo ud per tnltrocllool q p bhaflpeproprietor i text doer lo pdnwr isix hmcj- k impot l 0 ie

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