jfjforstf pffiefit itankratl and s ibanoaliaaiirtheb i atoau anno tt 3s hellin for safe in torr avenue arcs hook coi ilaxsto dhesoassox j actcni lots for sale 5 btktirable imilnicr lota t d lake arena m w b jaiw tares liberal wte- smith aetc irable bksaler iarci rci acton exrcj i i aawl repair fat nxucciizt apply to c c uses cr to liachaelsteight vl iliiiiiici dai sale carpentet i sizracua are cccrcd for ftchisext oxnprisga puif f cat gourlaj- ca l and ji hva iras im tilh a pdaser kcira also a quantity of carpet- ppit to i hbspilccass ble dwelluigs h sale- j icte f anhing oa c ro tiiitcif ferjs with fczd td soft tata cocrea- j n id ro for 13 per i residence on main street i d tbeaoose 5 r tsom upon ap- fexs5 office acipffc- small fruits 1 shmbbeit- biy abrrrobd mjl phi pastclf t rarsonage iovdr avtuu ji rrrice ims ai4 and sdnday puttt- all eortwur nrttl 7 mtuttvn and visitors always 41nac1 at flilhl to ii l fwtwf luws has beea appointee libis aectjos for thevcq tr sunerr s motlaoo pro- d to ate erira lor aar 1 frui or shrubs vslen srid caalocnta rf the seta of lis old boefcester a be gecar rrfiabteaod dl can tuianis gn stock bt etv l bl o50s acjsit latidii aca fsnnxbidg wfiffiff- ajcombeecof boeheslerht eevisi0n is2 to r5ns tl of actov i leisis tit coaia laid iiiie tr 3rdst0ne f oclock m- 1 5 lsicrexioi tie henhr gtrem tfjenselves 24m birthday tetowk ih iu prizes list ieaces im aa li cijtzvtsiiea la p iball jrfrod 4tuiin tlwir- orderof caxadunhojlrcircljes t mtemal bntolii tod benaflcc ury jrti docts la hc oddtollon rtrsrttbinwutolwchiaonlh anrlnf neardtne tn objtn and plana of cmkat socirtt vfll b iefacrfallr fftvi 5 oa tnjof thfollotns omevrt whtatloa4r u corrloail ltu or stilmaitcr fscc omattha seer- bait nfi rtna- uilt ftvi 1 by nuclamtrci 1 dr lovry mod ati geo acton jtsw ooaplela lioe 6 jfiihin tacik r baili ft the chodwn bu talli b batthilimii expnn wag ds ktv kott iv in and dool forctt ot r 5c aalxto will paper ttlae bog nnfut ov sdfaouiyi bhida bol 3s ud tte t look u them toi iow bkadtiq paper afid lioeo the la ling gtcn inactou of school booksstauai try ffmins nd btrthdaj ipreaenu it jrtoery ud 6ltiont store geo hynds acton onjt rtott jecttfrtffi ihubstjlt ua 231889 maky minor locals 2 f0t4 by he knr tbonsotful and fkirt tnt pre pter gr sxte tee qceex long mr she reign over nx obsenr the qaeen birthday loj illr iqaeen yietorittt seventieth bin idiy acton court of bevision wffi be held 1 honda etcmog 3rd jane snci church ladies aid social this tierang at mx l mcilqliofi qdte in in3cc o the men o the loth ia ten the past two dartdars the delegitea to the district ife ting rote acton 1 nest and attractive ittle ton sl catharines chiex c police has pro- i2attd the setting oflo fire craefcop a liiicilr the salvationists rill celebrate the omcoi birthdy by holding a picnj ia xoores grove j too are cordially invited to the ndal on mr thomas c moore s la to- maaaw evening it cost oliver thomas 10 forbrea sicg the third commandment in j the stree 4 of port hope last veefc becrioenowfarthfiftkeptiis loat horror uthereepy go oeati till pij for it until january 1890 mr aki becord is adding a new audio ud otherwise improving jus deoce 00 borer avenue tie crescent lacrosse team go tojgalt i morning to play the c alts they tqi have a good game oven sounds papulation has incr ased daring the past year from g359 to and the assessment from ub0l025 u on sunday the little f fouryes old aanghter of mr w p campbell of sirees fen off itule and sustained a rac- tnre of the eohsx bone the weatherof the past week his oeen very changeable from ninety in the fhade a vees ago to freezing point tues day ni a radical change sanitary inspector coot is now doing the torn be reports premises gen rally ia good sinitary condition those thax are net ire receiving his attention some people will do well to reme nber that u ii not necessary to get dnm to- r to loyally celeorate the bin iday jutairersary of oar beloved qaeen ofr j a speight his removed the paint shop next to the blacksmith shop kqes the street to a new foundation a the edge of the pood this will render it coarenlent fire hundred members a the ioyil gmudieriv of toronto wiutjass thiaarfi acton tomorrow mornioc exnvfe for ber- en where they partidpatc ui the big oele- iratioo there- j fruits of ill kinds with ihe eia ption of peaches promise to be iery plei tifol appfcs and pears hare had enbi moofl woomswirikt berries of ah sorts e n emellent crop the stayoeritfariys any ablet sdied niaa who will neglect cleaning his back jard at this season of the year is lazy owoeh to try to pad his pints ov r bis head to save bending his back l acton comet bind lamed od list thursday evening in fall uniform and play ed a number of excellent selections 0 1 the priocipal streete- a freqaent rep tition dariuethe summer months will be 1 ppre- tedbyoarcitizeds j eetarn tickets at single fare ill be oed by the gtb on the queens lirth- ieygobd to retorri on same prfolliwing and tickets fare and a thi d to- y arid tomorrow 23rd and 2fa g od to ttorn ap to sfonday the 27th- ld in j c- m the commsnion services will be hf tnox church next sabbath eev- bd of goeipb wfll preaot the 1 in connection ifh the prepa atory son saturday morning next faster wil ccndncl the sanday serv es- tomorrow morning the farmer 1 boys 11 sidg i will palj the harness from the coltit will lock the old j barn dwr i ifl let cattle go and tfamkof can nc more f ill wear my sanday dotfier c will wear the blooms of may i will go it while fn yonng on the qoaensbirthday a litue sou of mrkhewet i oelph witji 1 painful accident the othei ttg- he wis working with a lawn n ower o by some means bi hand came it eon et wtth one of the koives wben a completely seterpdl- asfmiat oceorred to a little boy jin acto 1 last k thoogh happily with less eahs b rnuttuaruidaoi s euw jlj onu to tor w tfctn sneer mlnt o oiharr oa hood- wmrfpnu rf ormoffvilu before p h ptuallo m t ditto f i joburo pittini to tbi pjit t tbecbuwti ctemy proro if 1 0 onukerwiiw inapntjwm w in ikf bodld be oukewbotrih uw writ bfif flb door of tlpo4 mctlnhuii hometsleaklnfis svtlrh atrlioiuy ot a local character and all lalfirsunp 1 uckicg jostafe stamps a dow man villa london ihlakcnsi ol his tongue wriict that that eminent au thonty la of hie opiniou that the troablu was caused by licking postage sumps licking postage ump tsa pemicloui practice it robs the ktarop of mqcuige which is bad for the stamp and it puts mucilage into the mouth which u bad for the month jboth these evils can bo avoided by raoiit- a ami ro thoie ftvcred the overflowing demand tar shod accom modation ia town ha iudaoed many teo lle to occupy the methodist chcrch ihed in recocuiticu of this pririlcge which has becu gratuitously extended so that our mer cantile iulorest shoald not be hampered one of the farmers osing tfcoimcl feg becording steward the otusxda and vd him mmr moore ayi that if fifteen or twenty more who hare been osing the sheds for years will do likewise the sum will ba expended ia improving the yard and miking necessary repairs to the shed fttawe accident in qut2ph mrs cotterell wife of mr joseph cot- teteil who bas charge charge ofthcgtr engine ia gcelph was awakened by the fire alarm on sanday morning md- went hor riedly towirds the window in her excite ment she forgot the stairway and feuheid- long down it breaking both arms between the elbow and the wrist getting a wwere cntover the left eye and being braised from head to foot it will be 1 month before she will be able lo do anything the aoa has just recovered from the fffoots 04a brokeasxkiettndipcc fe get o vk thls mttueryj a itirruw escape a very serious and piinfal iccident oc- currod on the mil etrect crossing of the grand trunk railway list friday hioruing at eleven oclock by which mrs thomas ferryman sr sasuioed the fractureof her right inn as rrell as other minor in- jories the old lady hid been down town wiaoa her return home and approached the crossicgjqst as lhecleven oclock ei- presa was coming in ft ix thought she be came bcwildtred and hesitated which way to arn when the train came along aud a itcp of one of the cira struck- tier with above results lr lowry dressed the broken member- the old lady has nfier- ed great deal since the accident hpt is now gradually rocovecing same one is cireless it is not very often necessary for fub pets lubscriberstocompliiiicf the irregu lar receipt of their papers with oar com plete lystem of mailing the printed address appearing od every copy in plain type there is no reason why pipers should be sent astray a flagrant cce of carelessness on the part ot ome one has fast been brought to oar notice however as the following note explains dtxa eorrok mtr cc the issues- ai uxy 2a cr lh have been roctivod by cc also lime ccpies addressed either t my father or ajseli sizm april 1st have been receivod mark ed mised to ttafau eramosa tmi btit- bane rkiieclirelr there irc ha re bocn cross nlicace ae where ia the ratal icrritt ini tmafji as hfigshann wmorrellr ad dis- tinetlr friiiad 02 ihc ubczs yours etc bc we suicerely hope those whose duly it is to handle the mailawiu in hetxo azther complaints of this kind are necessary kwinoeapitci9doh a gang of carpenters are it work remod elling the grr6tation end innexes the station will be raised a fsw inches the agents onice enlarged by the removal of the partition between it and the baggage room and 1 bay window will be pot on in front the oil and lamp house hasbeeq removed across the west siding and a new baggage roam will be built urn the site it occupied some improvements will also be made ita the agents residence it is true these changes will be for the better is for as they go and credit ix doe mr holmes the attentive agent for securing even these from the railway authorities but after all the station will still be 1 patched affair keitherthe elation nor thft agent a residence are adojuile to their re quirements ind the aid birracks shouldbe replaced with s handsome new depot and a cdmfortibe residence det the im portance of the town demands this r interesting mznfcipil caja a ca in which beveril interesting jues- lincs of municipal iiw were settled was tried it osoode hall toronto last week the sum of tlstxm hid been voted cnby the people of guelph to loin the guetph junction bailway company after pissing 1 previous bonus of s 173000 in bylaws of this nature twofifths of all the ratepay ers mast be obtained nnd ibefmbniflldalj clerk must certify that the necessary two fifths are obtained in this case ilthoagh counting ill the votes oa the roll there were not twelfth the cerk took off- ill the names thsx occurred mere thin once contending they were the same persons and thus arrived it the twofifths chief jus tice sir thomas gilt held thit the clerk could cot go outside of the voters list or assessment roll to get cridence 1 ft to the twcfihs the council also had passed the bylaw two days after it had been rated on by the people and had not girai the ratepayers- in opportunity to petition against it the judge qaiihed the bylaw to loan the 1q0g and gave all costs against the city w a mclean applicant to aash d guthrie q c for city 3e went surlier thm he intended darioc the past week the boys about town have been deciding where there will go to spend the queens birthday and ainncg them billy bell the colored chore boyem ployed by eecve storey expressed bis intention of spending the day at mil ton bat bujy took 1 trip down to the county town z few days earlier than he at first had calculated he went down on tuesday afternoon and wis fivored with chief of police lawson as ati escort and will remain there the guet of jailer van illin for several days after the twenty- fourth- hf reason or sis earlier tisit wasaiibiiiyevideutly calculated thai hit fund of pocket money for the big day would be inaovjuaifi lolbe demands of his taste fori high old time and on monday afternoon while at work in the stable with mr ansoo smith he aw an oppeftoiriiiy when mr smith wasbnttovaraomerit and appropriated from his vest pockeflhe rest waslying in the boggy a five dollar bill thejosi wu soon discovered and billys lighufiogered reputationof the past caused tipwion to rest agaiost him- he was forthwith nrtesled od jodged in the cells where he remained noftl tec oclock next moroipg weohiscaaewaadeauwitfa by justices fctoreyandauad yideiitewis adduced which proved hv goilivand bity wis cougrjed to castle van all aa- for thirty days at hard laborhe inayhir the band play god save qoeen 14rnbrrow btjvheii hardly have an opportpauy of winning tberacla for which he his bevn iodastnonsly pijicticiog lately neiahbobhood fornlilitrt b- cortttoilttu news culled from bdiuipi to ir lie wr- uockvood lohr6lgociki periodical ipr when he wdi trreited by 8exflt ijooley aad looked qp lie ipeot ill slfiht ui thooooler and iu fined at ibfmfttimrwrijnij irvosvau iorhii jannil lirdeialolpavnienl one week in jail hlchard ii a tlave to the bowl which inobritoi qoeluh wrrom tv la kattasweyt oa the ifrth may the wife of ltobert black of 1 daughter ouq day last week mr robert cox had the mlsfortuuo lo have one of bis feet badly crushed by a stone rolling on it the freqaent showers the past few days have made crops of all kinds take a big hook i r r hex friday the queens wbday the bloomsbary oang people hold their third annual pionic a good lime in storo tha womens foreign miision society in connection with the presbyterian church enn will filv their annual entertainment ia the blue ribbon hall erin on the even ing of qaeens birthday when miss ajcdos linox bs graduate of the phlladolphja school of oratory will 9 some choice selections of readings and recitations the advocate says respecting yoar base ball team who played here a week ago the glove manufacturers aro a gentle manly lot of yoauk men the volunteers are drilling every eveoiag now preparatory to the annual camp the court of rflvisicm will meeioh s urdsy evening to revise the assessment roll rev t m jefferis who bas been very ill for soma time is slowly recovering oakville takes its place in the procession for queens birthday celebrations the proctimme consists of horse races athletic ports and a base ball match between the stars of oakviua and dominions of ham- iltou to wind ap with an agricultural con cert in the evening v the concert in the presbyterian cirarcfii on monday evening was quite a suocesl mr caldwell charmed the audience mrs gentzier wife of j c gol trier fanner pablisher of the expwt of beuxi harbor mich is at present visiting in town being the guest of her sister mrs robert smith j the star of last week give quite 1 list of improvements in progress in town oik- villc is going ahead peb80n me hrarophxanectliif tulunto and 1rtm acton with whom tm prtii beiderk arehcreorlauaeqtulnted 8 parkdele wa in bekowerottotind wai a fiutit at tho lluw for teverl dayi this week mayor kim made lili onl appearuceat the woodtock cooncil boird fridy tor noon elnoo tho st oeorne diiuler tho deree of d d hi been conferred apoo ren hajh johnitoo 11 0 sothtr- land tnd otbora tulvictorli unlvenlw brftliist4lcrdndjmilonirf fee ury o the methodltt church loft uit week on a vieit to jipuu via vanobaver d 0 the eor w u uiuck metliodiet mlniiter it lrcttoa obtained the derroool ll b at tho lato examination at victoria unlveraitv coboum t ui tbwtjarvrly official board of fergus at their last meeting unanimously invited their pastor the rev jas droley o return to their circuit for the second year i mr a pattuiio ot the wooditock sfjilind review who has been absent abot two months on a trip to california yd british columia has arrived home j we are pleased to announce that tho re port stating that miss dimsdale had eaccombed to her illness was incorrect a telegram received on saturday afternoon stated that miss dimsdalo was much better and her doctors consider her out of danger the marriage of mr kelson martin of vancoaver city b c a former erin boy to miss mary denney daughter of robert denney bsqrwu fouotedcext day by qeirreihufckritf ppocourer city theft many frfenovfn acton and vicinity join in congratulations and best wishes for happiness and comfort in their far wesi home the free uvxa hid a verypleaaaat visit from john r clarke the wellknown lec turer on tuesday afternoon mr clarke has jast concluded a most hocccssful en- gagement through pennsylvania and leaves in a week to spend a month under the auspices of tha redpaxhxyceam bureau of boston he will spend jsly atgrimiby park and in august will leave for a three mojiuij engagement through southern california there ia no more generally popular lectarer irid entertainer on the oontinan ihohtvb fa ke t avothebgth smashlt i itlltox on saturday evening philip forbes and robert blackfock yoang men from kissa- gaweya after imbibing more whiskey than was good for them i frequent occurrence nowadays went to the salvation army barracks and made a disturbance they subsequently tore down a portion of coun cillor hemstrees fence and afterwards pro ceeded to clean oat the police force their fun cost forbes 12750 and cost and a bond to keep the peace for two yearly 31ackiock will payihe penalty too chas s hardy son of johnhardyesq of esquesing has graduated from the in diana dental college with the highest hooora obtainable receiving the degree of doctor of dental surgery mr w l p eager clerk of the county and surrogate courts has retired from office ind his successor mr w a law rence has been sworn in geobgetowk esquesing township court of revision will be held on monday 27th inst at 10 am cipt- moore is getting xo 3 company in shape for going into camp in jane drill tikes place tuesday and friday even ings- tuesday was divirion court day the number of cases before the jadge was con siderably larger tbiu usual probably on icccunt of the scarcity of cash iu the ccm- munitv herald georgetown expects a big crowd ia town tomorrow it is to be hoped that whiskey will not be allowed to role the proceedings therell be a jolly time tnywiy bev a- w- richardson is expected to ufce charge of the congregational church within a week now the herald last week gives yoar town its uicsl weakly drive in the following item a doptor diagnosed a case the other day si iofieningbf the brain snd enlargement of the gall the strange part is that tho patient was not an acton man- te gcelph ancuryretortsonoureditorthus if any one is anxioas to know where he be longed the following from the same issoe of the herald may enlighten them the rrcta are that there will be a trsmen- doas crowd in georgetown on the 2fth the only demonstration of any account whatever in this part of ontario on that oay will beheld here the high school inspectors report as the fferrif says mait have confirmed the general opinion that our teachers are well qailified for their positions md are doing good work excellent work when all cir- cumiiances are considered wm waison was up for throwing a stone through r bennetts window some time ago he told one o the witnesses that he throw the stone through the win- dow yet two of our j ps said he wasnt guilty jind dismissed the case i have often wondered why the boy in a printing office is called the- devil 1 think i have found out lately t there are two in anofscetcouidnamewhoi for filthjy and pro fane language would make their namesake the bloah if such here rxwihle the cdancfl have offered a reward of500 oralis apprehension of the person or persons who broke the lock on tha gate at the park thosportiog committee report the ground and track in the park in good shape for the 2ab t neclandsksi isbcrc hois going west for the purpose of purchasing a print ing office household goods with stoves carpets tool i ac dflbliisladolds evented iceotev and other flower roots and seed fbrcsinrur on time mb 6 a secsm the well established and high repute of oar dress goods and dressmaking departments have been alike the envy of competitors and the delight of an increasing host of customers many people have no idea of the widely extended oonneotiohi which we enjoy in these de partments we are favored with orders and purchaser from the west as far as vadoouver and many of the leadirg towns along the c p ii including winnipeg in the east onr orders reach as far as halifax and in scores of towns and cities u ontario do we count those who through the largfanesi of our stock and theezoellenee of oar work have been led to favor us with their orders and what is more having come to as one season they invariably come back again axd bo it is in the millinery throqgb the restlessness of human nature and ambition for improvements people move from one place to another but in so many cases where our customers have moved to other places we are still fivored with their patronage in these departments these reflections assure us that not by bombast not by vain pretensions bat by fair and honorable attention to the require ments of oar customers that a bond of this kind is established and maintained and while we do not claim to have an ex- derive monoply of all the fine goods that are sold in guelph we have good reason to know that a very large proportion of the finest goods sold go across our counters over thirty passengers injured tliaagu koue fstaliy belleville mayto a collision occur red at corbyville a small village on the g rand junction branch of the g rand trunk railway about four miles from belleville at j oclock saturday morning by which over thirty passengers were injured several seriously the madoc train consiiting of an engine a baggage car and one coach under the charge of conductor wm kerr and which is due here at 930 had reached corbyviila and had taken on a number of passengers and being the last statiou before- the city is reached the coach was well filled with pass engers following cloaeljr itrain consisticg of vt cars liadeo with squire timber the t first intimation which was heard of anything wrong was the shrill whistle for brakes by the engine of the timber train as it rotmded the curve near the junction of the gravel road the passenger train was then going slowly only jatt getting andtr headway and was un able to get but of the way on came the timber train and it was seen that a pitch- in was inevitable the fireman of the latter train named miller jamped just as the coach was struck te engineer how ever remained at his post the iron horse plunged in to the coach among the passengers and splinters- glass and iron work were scattered in all directions the passenger train was in thisminner carried some 200 yards by the other train before a stoppage was effected the interior of the coach was stripped of everything and the engine of the timber train was encased in the frame work the smoke stack being driven up through the centre of the roof willing hands were soon on the a o render tuch assistance as was needed by those wbn witnessed the disaster it was expected that a number were killed bat this happily was not the case a wrecking train was made up and teut out to the tcene to briog in some of the wounded some of whom were removed to the hospital and otherswerc taken to their homea i whiata ioinbet were badly in jajedv none were- it is thought fauhy hurt the injared arc reported by the various medical men fa attendance to be progressing favorably and no fatal results are apprehended the variety of oar dress and fancy goods at present is simply immense and in certain lines if not in all we have it established by actual eompaxsior that our prices for goods of equal quality are in many instances lower than others in the trade we enjoy a financial and trade position that opens ap to ns the keenest markets of the world and being confined to no amount or place we make our select ions wheresoever and by whomsoever the greatest and mot tangible inducements come in our way this is one reason for diffusiveness of onr styles and the fact that the requirements of every pocket and fancy find a ready response in onr colossal stock of staple and fancy dry goods e r bollert 27 lower wyadhim street fuelfh dr washington throat and lung surgeon of j toronto a few of the hundreds cured by drwaah- ingtons new method of znhalauon y it storey of bwrevi boa prominent glow mitmfarturcr ot acton oat eared by or washington of caburb of the throat bad form and pronounced incurable by eminent snedat- isum canada and eogtaaa write mm for pirtfcuun chronic bronchitis and asthma cured inengliau church clcrffruian epcaks j ectory cornwall ont dr wuhinston dtrtnsiii uii film lo bdalfio to inform job ilmt onrdaniit i jaiu- well again aff thin it the second time itic fin botq cored of pave bronchial irouljlcs under your treatment rhcn the usual nuitdlc laflod i write to ex- fir mi- grlitaile- liunxfi thetbtrd page of the toronto daaq mail is noted for want advcrtibementa if you want to buy or sell anything ii you wank a sfiuituntajijechinic a busi- nessf miehiery jcdgihgs if you hive lost or f ound mylhlng or if you want to find out where anyone is advertise iu the to ronto daily mall- md read the advertise ments on the third page of thit paper the charge is two cents i word each in sertion address 77ic mmv toronto can- ada ricuc acccjil inr atneero yours truly j i cblettit mnoija uckoivr kiugtoa onl catarrh aafl consumption jfir a hopping kingstouont liroocho con- rutaptioa kre scott kingsioa out- catarrh head and throat ttruohn ilertraa harro7niuth ont- near kingtton catarrb throat ujss mary a kombosrg cantrevniffont- catarrh head and throat junes uattbewr post simmt ont a e fish gents vuroishing bcubville catarrh throat i duimszs tiuutir catarrh of tho bead and throat catarrhal doafnxi chronic lironititii xithinaandcoastunitian alolosa cf voice sore throat enlarged tcnsus lliln of tha kose removed t cotuc early consultation free- olscc 2l5 yoege street torout maehiage ok hon- mkdeley the halt uyi the latest incident in ontario government circlet is a social one being no less than the marriage of hon charles drory minister of agriculture to miss isabella brownlee of shanty bay the taarriago took plaop at the home of the brides brother fo jbarrieon wednesday last the happy oonpla oarnfl to the ohy tbvmwtening and took np their resi- dehceatw czar street lately occupied by hiietfiofflpiqb only a very few friends were present at the ceremony even mr drurys friends in the cabinet being de- aware of tie rmtrriagfl jintil they learned of t yesterday mra jjmry is daicribed as a very amiable lady poltnred and refined by foreign travel loading spent several years r 9 ctpabl and ipeaklng french german and italian floently spri icq r we have secured ia large lot of woksted coatings in blue and black at much below the lingular prices owing to the vholoaale market being over itockcd we can f f supply ttiissewon good worsted suit for to 240 f0ri4ph price i30 bkvbnb a call merchant tailors cuelph jermyns acton we open and place in stock today two cases superb millinery 200 1 i i nfaw and stylish shapes french ribbons -anu- flowers for new gold watches new silver watches new gen r rbligswj q new binbinplfm cruets pickle stands fish slicfisivmdlnavsa b sifcyagmtreipi housefurnishirigs dress goods parasols boots tt shoes rbjermyn jennyu sells cheajp striped and plain cham bra at 10 cents 1 l at the j lion of guelpli these goods are worth 20 cts v we see b the quantity of 6 cent prints we aire selling how very generally njur advertisements ar read ff- i 1 j d williamson co p s cream seersuckersat 5 cents jid w coi i headquarxers for ii j r ii i m r selukgaakpleboortlylndeacraplxgiltbuj other b1ch uid sobjiy pfttenll taclndinj ne ceiling decokat10ks c8vterpiece8 c01wbb ud an odie nrlitrofeleaktboboebs tbelaisetttock era broqbt t ictoa to t j eboc irom lor h per roll end npvud t i window blinds r in figured and plain paper also an aasortmest of fancy ltsess in bkantitdl anadas and d- sacnsvub spring rollers complete nontailtostethembefcrepiinhaaugai our nrlees are right 1 h alabastini i i another jot ol the above f ustlteelebrated kaiaomine to liana in ill tho popular ihades it gltes a beautiful hard utln ftuiah and wtunofrtth off one trial wth asflafy you it the beet thing lb the markrtj i pkmts knd ijollls peuchens prepared pflintarjw jnrt to hud a fall line ofthe above old rehble mixed palnu in ail tiset ai d oeldrt also gctta peecha paints pure whitoleadj aaian dbyoolobs oul tutmbttoe- yarnlihca 1 hte aiso added tomy joaalultilis j tube paints in ill tbe leadtoj colon alsoft1e sable andhog uallt ilruibosiauauoi t kals0 an eadlm ruietr of ublshis on bud inelodias kalsomixe white wah patxt scrub boot store clotb horse wbiiktic j alttri la itoek huns of bartitexe uboe uacbtao oil cbofofi lrocrca croovrr glastwire lajpio j i t j -ii- sole agenf for r bams common son saah dalanbrathysashlewndcartaiqfloncrsjsoblanr encoircslectlsplacl t f j b esp oar 50c t bcite them all splicia for twenty days t i am offering special inducexnetits in f ordered clothing t i am showing the finest range of pantings atj4 and 5 per pairi have ever shawn i all the ncwestfstyiesin english and american hats in feltaiiiffaws at closed prices jw nelgqnjiewlmttauor 99 upperwyncfhanvstpuelph f are oti mariried orabgut to be speldht son agtont j a speight manager 1 ctoiapplyyoii wltbltiiefuniitolorpqairod tofarauh voartiok an coiy little botua or to reilealsb your boniq u aj4lued one in uj j stylo at uh lory loveet rrlot tbere li uo article of farnlturo caauot euviily au furtjier we ollfrexbor funtltorbisd youbareuoarrnctuafrolcbtouarficsuiilnin no ritilef breaiacc voqatniiltau- vfuclufi uie imbllq bf unpertakig i i j aeiliaritillcd in couviuchifi uds sntire- community thfw sapply ftnoelaur wjrk in all orders and in atiea whifieotniiart wiihllioaeottiecityalonebalf cltypritea v vit v a jivj a laau ezoelleot one ao4 onr turn alwajanicmot abwotnlo rpmaranee whaveids y j baxotnlqtitlngtbermbllouconojiforauytbuigw fuod in oar lines t peiglitiljb sba in