Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 30, 1889, p. 4

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m m- b jlctoit m thtlrbiatkur p ffth otm jilfes nsnrnsidto r hwod t toe potter itood at tu daily onj patient foot on the croa id jm other jth tietfercifctum v turotojlutf swift whwsjro d hbtth w atoort behind biw lli witching utc reatleai ktioc tulrar friend taid low ialpttt ng vole ho tired hl tool man be xhfi potter ncrer paused lit hiaj work swptmlhswondroqt ijiim twas onlr a eonimon flowerrot but perfect la faaoianlnc slovir bcnitedhlf plteilffcc tv1u homely trath tntpjrcd so mttn it tml the ftot ttislklci hie oac that standi nt unidr j isnif j j lbonn wanted uic npaofni grata wafu t4 welcome the rmpcrtcrr tha lord of tfaa harvest ciiu sgaia who among n ihiil first trffy who i wauled lord it it tv j the uastct call tot the iervtatt tail fields gleam vbitc neath a tloadleu sky will booe tciio tickle lcf ore lo utc 7 winds of wfatercotne wrclng ijy who delaying uitlf i jingles and jokelets half an how vtttmin wj fcev llie yiu tadllkchlnrnpliivrthcdir 8labboni children readily ukt dr lows worm eyrop it please tie child tnd de stroys the woras errr despair eveu wlicti all teems lost then ii yet hope many a despairing disheartened vie luh o dyipepi luer complaint kidney oompluukwcrofulabr romniatism liu beeu broorhl back to uesltfi and uselalnou bj hardock hood biltcrt the fircaleil remedy knowii for all blood diseases harpers marajita 1 r 1 henry james in an article open our artist ivburopetchicfawilbepabhahe3 with mprtratta in farrx afagaajtt for jraeciajttruiheicenttiriea are ever arraigned at some bar o jasyce to answer m recari to what they bare pren of cood otol had to humanity bar dateresting ace which is not open to the charge of fearing stood wiihiu bands in its pockets might perhaps do tone than pet forth the plea dermei have given it a peat interest in clack and white he reviews the twt of a uamber of men who hare had roach to da especially- by magazine tuos- trarion witlicreatingthatiresn interest ewxjrkatfdmiheecjwinx abbey alfred parsons george k booghtod george da sfjsarier and c e reinhart t granger sfeirart il tj- f r e e ordinary physician to hulj the qneen in scguaaiexofcsiorcf bzacoe of physic in the university of edinburgh writes the arteries are sclerosed and alheromsv toes in the advanced itae l the inflam matory andlin the cirrhotic bat not so small in th-nxydisease- in that affec tion the small vessels in ouier parts are freqbflj the seat of wiiy defeneration from thisit will be seea thai in the three forms of kidney disease classed as bright disease thff arteries miner changes and it matters not whether they undergo sclerose aiheromatom or waxy ahanae ujey are so weakened as to endanger under any increased p ore i this explains the freqhency of apoplexy and paralytia and ucleady demonstratedthat the only pre ventive of these disastrous raptures of the bloodtcssels is the timely us of warners safe core to keep the kidneys ina healthy condition i j v anvicr to hothresixe yoa distaxfaed ai night and broken of roar rest by a tick child suffering and crying with pain of cut ting teeth izsosendlat ooce and get a bottle of kcs winalows soothins byrcp for children teething jits volne is incal- cnlable itjwill relieve the poor little sufferer immediately j depend npori it mothtra there is no mistake about l it cures dysentrr and diarrhcea regulalet the sttwnacri ani boweli cures wind colic softens the gums reduces inflammation and gives tone and energy to the whole sys tem itrswiuslawis soothing syrnp or children iteethingiis pleasant to the taste and is ite prescription of one of the oldest and best femile pnysiaans and nerses in the united states and is for tale by all druggists throughout the world price twentyfive cenjs a bottle be sore and ask for lfrs- ttinawws soothing syropand take no other kina- is worse than madness to neglect a cougiror a cold which ts easily tnbdaedif iken in time becomesj when left to itself the forerunner of consumption and prema- turedeath inflammation when it attacks the delicate tissue of the longs and bronch ial tabes travels withj peritoos rapidity tna do not delay get a bottle of bicfces anticonsamptive syrup i the medicine that grasps this fonnidahle foe of the human body and drives it from the sys tem this medicine promotes free and easy expectoration subdoeskhe cough heals the diseased parts and exerts a most wonder ful infloenc in curing consumption tad other d of the th and longs if parent wish to save the lives of their children and themseloes from much anxi ety trouble and expense let them procure a bottle of jbicfclesi anttconsumptive syrup and whenever aehfld has taken cold has a cough orhoarsenesr give the syrnp fntjotnrngto directions i ifr t c berchard pahhc school teacher korland writes during the fall of i8i i was much troubled wh biliousness and dyspepsia and part of the time wastin- ahle to attend to the duties of my profef- sion northrop it lymans vegetable dis covery and dyspeptic cere was recommend ed to me and i have much pleasure in stating that i wae entirely cured by oszag one bottle i have not had an attack of my old complaint tinccraud have jgatned fifteen pounds in weight if yodwanttbbayorseua farm ad- ertisc in the toronto jfrehy mail that paper reaches 100000 farmers homea erery week and your aitertisement shoald nieet the eye ofrsomeone who wants to par chase adyertosementtof this class are in serted in the toronto ft mail lot five cents a word each insertion or twenty cent a word for fie ijjiertioiic address theifail roronto canada tasuantpkak satrefrcaired totleedilot- please inform your readers that i have a positive remedy for the ease by it timely ow thousitads of hope less cases have been permanently cufed i shall be glad to seod two bottles of my remedy rzxx to any of your reademcho hrrei consumption if they will send me their express and p oj address bespecafnjly du t l filocru jlcf west adelaide rttoroato ont the onughiog and wheeling of persons troubled with bronchi lis or asthma is ex- ceaively harasmiog tothemklvet and an noying to othcrv for thomas e electric ou obiratea all this ontirely safely and speedily and is a benign remedy for lame ness sorcoetl lnjanen ptlts kidney and spinal troubles of any men min minds but all men aud all minds ajtrce as to merits of bardock pills small and sugarcoated mm sa uriu as morning sun with atrcug and vivid ray f drives from the earth the sullen miu away so b b ii fu strength and power graud dfllh root disease and uy deaths heavy liand- i some of the vetem politicians collt the seeds of a plsut powder aud tft tbem and then hake iuto cakes which they smear with oleomargarine and eat in preparing this article tjf food they use an krticle known as imperial cream tartar baking pcwder that is acknowledged to be the best tu the world fatchrvtlj k cram mended fn the spring of isss i jiid mflamma tian of the laege which left my langs weak i had a very bad coogh and re solved to lry hagyardft pectoral balsam it did me more good thaa any other medi cine i have ever taken and i can faithfully recommend it ilis jury ky virginia ont l r a ganu u d ddan and prcfessoc ofsargery of the united stales afedical college said i am willing to ackdow- ledge and ccnimend thes frankly the rtloe of warners- safe cert the late dr dio lewis writing to the pro of warners safe cure safid over his own enature if i found myself the victim of a serious kidney trouble i coaid nse warners safe cere 0 c treat service iharenjed hsgytrfyeliok oil far cats and scalds on horses thoulders and they got better at once ii have also used it for sprains boms cats and croup among my children and can recommend it highly as of great value w service mioga iran that tocsin of the loul the dinner bell as byron calla it saggests no pleas ing reflections to the dyspeptic fcilibus sufferer he partakes of course but the subsequent tonnert is egregiocsly oat of proportion to the cantirj- of food he eats which lies endigested a weight likefeadin his unhappy stomach there is a remedy however and its name is korthrop ly mans vegetable discovery and dyspeptic care xd case isentiiely hopeless cfirxil dear sirs i can recommend hagyatds yellow oil as a sere care for rheumatism from which di i suffered for some time bat was cared with so bottles it is the best thing i cm get far man or horse j mustard strathavon oct frederick t bobeni k d frcfesscf in university college loudon ecg ex- aminer in ifedicicee boytl college of sur- geons eays in reference to advanced kidney disease camplications are met such as coiieumpticn heart disease morbid conditions iirer affections warn ers safe cure cures these affections by putting- the fcidneja in a healthy condition thereby enabling them to expel the waste or poisonous matter from the system the bed color of the blood is caused by the iron it contains supply the iron when lacking by using ifilhunis beef iron and wine i rot icemen gstffer from rheamatism dyspepsix bqioascess kidney complaint and many other ills in exactly the same manner as jrdiasxy mpr tahr andbardock blood bitters cores thetn quickly and permanently jost as it always does in every case from whatever cacse arising as an aid to internal remedies for skin dhetses dr lows sclpbcr soap proves tery valoaole jabeh snow guhnbg cove x s writes i was eomptdy prostrated with- the asthma bat hearing of dr thomas eclectric oil i procured a- bottle and it done me so mcch good that i got an other and before it was csed i was well ify bod was cured cf t bad cold by the use of half a battle it goes like wildfire and mafeescures wherever it is used ftesf ad tysttfart la be tmwtriuf browns hoosefioli panacea has no eqoaj for reliering pcinnioth internal and external- it cores prin in the side bsck or bowels sore throat rheamatism tooth- ache lumbago jmd any kind of pain or ache it will most surely rjaicken the blood and heal it acting- power is woodfrful- browns honliold pan acea being acknowledged a the great pain believer and of double the strength of any other elixir or liniment fa the world should be in every family ifandy for oaje when wanted it really is the beet jvfbedy in the world for cramps in the stotn4eli and and ache of all kinds and 14 fofnale by all druglts t to ctuti 1 paine s celery compound act atthi tmt timcoit thenerve8 the liver the bowels andthe kidneys tha combined action gives it wbn- ddial power o ctae all diicases ahovemetdisi why are we sick eeconse we allow the nerves o rtnisi vcalcncd and imtitcd and these peat organs to become clogged or torpid and ponccocs humon are lliercore forced into tie blood that should le expelled naturally pfikfg i celery rmcs compound will curemiowzbsftxzff cobstipatiojr kipwet coat- mnrtjutlnraryiiiseases resuteweaeltefibllhellata- nsh ireuealou aid all itievoiu lieoddees uy fpicilng rad tiiciihenng the jicr es arl ctvhvx cc tcucn cf lie hvcrlowcnjli iiig their jithcr lo thiowoif uitcase f whjtmsermutmt pjim rj act i iftenkbutiti4ktaiitoa1- wbjfritiiteleiorctoiiorrtjudbeyif vfar toiorc scttaai or lick staasdw wirtf tutflns nifliul vie vxiyeft ctirit conpotntn and saiceuiuealih u wanaiuvdjrrpia- sddby all dnaittt prt ixo 5lr fr ts00 wiulllchbosh4conproprfetbi1 uoktekaupq the teacher w udvlswl her pupils to strengthen unir mtuiuiby the use of aycrs bar 8iuriinnrttiiikil the trutlivuaf bodliy tealilf jn cfisintlab tpincntl vfrbvrrwn of delicto tod feeble cuiistliuilwi whether young orajl this iiicjivluu in riinnrkfthly bone fids i be scv yua get aj crs snrtapftrlua kitrv mriiig and full i take a miin- lrqt buhliis ui amurs ftarsaparllla and aih jffviilv hlmufttdywrs james h i jjuiatdu6laiirlmuji mas j t have tukeu atrs sanaparluft vugtvni ulictii to my geurral health mlu thlraa i- crvmr paftuyra ld mv ilaiulittt twelve years of ige hai sufforedfor uio imst yrtir from general debility a fca- ihikn pinrr we iwgnn in gvo hi r j tr r intnwrlllft htr lirolth lias ruxtly iinpruvrtl mrs harriet h taiufsc south clivlinsford mas lxint n j enrngo 1 began using a yera farwiitfidln n n retueily for debility ami ncitnvlgia rciulilug irotu malarial vurt in hie army- i was in avery sk tumlii jim but mix liollldk of the 8ar- mjtrija w iih mivkiuiiul doses of ayers pill have crenlly uuprovwl my hcouh 1 nm uuwaldc tu work and feci that i ttuituit mv twi much for your uxrellejit rnmhli k a rfukuaiu bottth yiolimrun my my dauglitcr nixtfon years old is nsinsavctsrtrmiiiarilla with good ef iiii kev s j gnihain lliitod lirahrvn church irtkhauiionwwa i sulttred fota nervous frostfatldrt tvith ithw intfc mul iiculftclic pud have htn much unittit i i by the une of ayers sntrtparilla ivm now so years of ace mil am witufiwl that mv present health nud urtittmgwl lif- arc due to the use of aver sarsapariha lucy mofllk mrs auutl pariwvvortli a lady t9 vtars om wtiodstxrk vt write after sennil weeks suffering from ucvvoui prostmlkiti i procured bottle of ayers saraaparllhi and licfcre i had taken half of ft my usual health returned ayers sarsaparilla 9 rsjsribxd by or jc ayer tc co lowell mass need stc milks j wta tfi a fcottlfc ifesse c c ricrujus co ffe having used ifunards liniment far several years ia my stable i attest to its being the best thing i know for horse flesh in the family we have used it for every purpose that liniment is adapted for it being recommended to us by the late dr jl r webster personally i find it the best alliyer of oearalgic pain i have overused l b tires proprietor yarmouth livery stable cauampcloa cared an old physician retired from practice having had placed in his hands by an east india missionary the formala of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and per manent care of consumption bronchitis catarrh asthma and all throat and long affections also apodtive and radical care for nervous debility and all nerrpatcotn- pkints aftir having tested its wonderful curative powers in thousands of cases has felt it his daty to make it known to his suffering fellows actcjles by this motive andadesrre to relieve human suffering i will send free of charge to all who desire it this recipe in german french or eug- ish with full directions for preparing and using sent by mail by addressing with stamp naming this paper w a notes u9 powers block rochester k y htaarat llalaaeat cares daadrao burflock jblqqd will cure or relieve biliousness dizziness dyspepsia dropsy ikdigesnoh flimiering jaundice of the heart bysipelas acidity of smjrheuh thestohach iiearteurk dryness iadache of the skin and cre species of tlis artr crssi disordered uv1z8 kidneys stozcach bowels q3loqd tifllmlkco sssana he urgest scale works n canada over 00 styles of hay scales grain scales farm scales tea scales 1mpr0yeb show gases moiet drawers -a- uid bjtchas soppues adotxss of rcii wri a tenm c wilson 4 son 60 ecpunaoe street east toronto ont mention tius piper c err tlsc rut wriis vof sprint rand 8ummer bry goods drew qooija mihinery flow- on foathera ribbons mantles short jackety wrapsoloaki ugs parbboh printa sateenb cham- brajs qlnharas sowed muslin embroideries sewed mmliri shirtings sntall wares corsets hosiery qloyes laces cnrtalns carpets oilcloths gents fur nishings clotlir twoods suit- iugs spriue and summer over- cortings cottonade checked shirtings blecched and un bleached cottons tickings readv made menii and boys clothing having purchased the staple portion of the stock before the recout great advance in cottons wolleits and silks audparchas- cd largely of wholesale bankrupt stocks such as j w gale co aud others vc uever were hitherto in such a position to offer suchpheuomiual aud unpreced ented bargains our dress goods urc in every variety of material and the latest shades such- as rodigorc mahogany cruihed 8trawberry fawn nile green moss green etc and wonderful cheap prices from 8c up aud an all wool french annure suiriug 50c per yd for 25c silks and satins in black and colored a magnificent stock from 25c per yd up a wonderful display of priuts gorgeous patterns very low prices fast colors from 61c per yd up seersuckers in cream and other shades from 6c up our millinery dressmaking and mantle making departments are equal to anything iu any city in canada andin a great many cases superior and for artistic style work and finish cannotbe excel led and prices considerably less than city houses oui ordered clothing department and stock of tweeds suitings overcoat ings and the style fit cut workmanship finish and low- necs nf prices cau neither be im itated nor approacbed a goss of black aud colored felt ate worth 100 and ioo for 50c each boots and shoes in great variety very cueap we can assure the public that they can come with the utmost confidence to see a magnificent display of goods great variety wonderfully cheap no trouble to show goods courteous and ob liging salesladies aud salesmen and that you will make money by patronizing us wmmcleodco mammoth to use ceobgetowh i cure fits when i saycufce t do not mean merely to too them for a time and uicn havr them return asajn i irrjin a kadical ccre t bate nude the disease of j fits epilepsy or i falling sickness j a itic long study i tabcaxt my remedr lg tcttuieromcases liecaawolberslavelolcd u ijo reason lor not now receiving a cure send at once lor a treatise anda frkk bottlkoc my lvrxluhlz kemkhv live krpre and tost offlre it costs voa notlilnt for a trial sal ft will cure you adrfrew h o boot icc branch oaoe 1m wert adalalde street spri go we have secured a large lot of worsted coatings in bine and black at lucciimowliie foliar prfeoictas to the wkolctle mxrlwt twlag over ttocied we fc capply thl seon good worsted suit for 2300 to 2400 formfr price 130 ajye us a call shaw crundy merchant tailors cuelph for new gold watce s new silver watches psfew gold scarf pins l gem rins new band rings cruets pickle stands fish sjices and napkin ringsj b sa y age guelph j a 13 jermtns acton we open and place in stock today two cases superb millinery 200 n6w and stylish shapes french ribbons flowers housefurn shings dress goods parasols bootsdt shoes rbjermyn jeiinjii sells clieap see that wonderful line ef striped and plain cham bra at 10 cents at the hioiil of que d these goods are worth 20 cts we see by the quantity of 6 cent prints we are selling how ver- generalh- our advertisements are read j d williamson co p s cream seersuckers at5 cents j d h co headquarters for whtl pmper spkixasairplesnowreadrin beactifclgilts sad other rich aad nobby patterns toeladiafiane ce1lixq decorations centerpieces cobxebfi id an endless tarietvot elegant borders the largest rtock ever broaght to acton- to choose from for sc per roll and upward- window blinds in glared and plain psperufo an assortment of fancy linens in beaotifnlabades snd de- ttcnf viih iprinff rollexi complete donl tall so see them before purchasing as oor prices are right alabastine aaotlierlotof the above jaatlt celebrated eals0u1ne to hand in 11 the pop alar ibades it ctres a beautiful bird uifci ftalth tad will not rab off one trul till ululvoa ft is the besi tblcff in the market prints knd qti4 peuchens prepared paints jnrt to hands full line of the ibove old reliable mixed paints inausisevand colors also g tjtta perch4 faint pnxe white leadi and all dry colors oh a turpentine varolabea japan shellae i have also added to my stock a foil line of tubepaints in m the leadulf colors alio pure 5ibleand hog hair rnuhes in all iiies an endless rarietr of brcshss on band inciadiw eu0mix white wash paint scmb boot stove aothhortemfalsliie v always in itock heaps of hirdtire glass uchinc oil choice groceries crocked giuituo lcinpiic j sole agent for byacis couimou sense sasl balance gravity saab lock and curtain rollers also lilaor- encof perfected spectacles jbpearson oarsoc t belts thein ill specials- for twent days i am offering special inducements in ordered clothing i am showing the finest range of pantings at 4 and 5 per pair i have ever shown all the newest sty es in english and american hats in felts and straws at closed prices i re nelson merchant tailor 99 upper wyndham st guelph are yjou married or about to-be- speight son acton i j a speight manager cauiappiyyoawithallthefuraitnrareqalrodtofunilihyonrdewaiid cosy little borne or to replealsb yonrhme if t ietiled one in aay ityle at the very lowest prices there is no article of furniture we cannot lopply and furthni we deliver our furnitnre sod you have 110 armngiug freight charges and run uo risk of breakaee wocaaiuitall undertaking onrtbmynveyor experience iutliiibpiiness baa resultod iii coavidciug the imbhcof this eutiro eoiainaiiltyttlist we ropplyjwclaas work la all orders aad in styles which compsre with those of the city at ddo half city prices i 1 dur hearse if an sicelloni one aud our feaui always prwent a becoming appoarailce we havo ulaa- ore in inviuns tuejiiublic to call on u for anytblns requiwd id our liuea speight son i purest strtmeemf contikno jji onrruubdomwrnwe ewgillett to2rat cetzbkaied an al tiiii cadi jialsolldl awif 1 1 lb olbc i ttle jluiedv for- cttlkovf- c0rsdiptiohcoogjj0lsi asthma croup t alldiseases of th th luscsits pulmonary orcansv bt it rttnrrlfii 9oh8tjmptiok hifl bbefoubhh itfarnolfarr ncrafdieciirioiiiaoii 7 h flutj tflkt aut- jt cecncialeadeil is psvcnixflmikiircta7iwij ntliiei iq tic tpfrixljh3hrii3tv- ss am expectorahtffkafrwjtisiiv it contains no opium ia any fan liquttt frxott ttiiijavoritlsxciiti up in otalbotfla holding fr1 foci irffa ttie auu jlncn ia fie siwf them ofiu urcrjor jl-qmfi- icllt in pjf ink across ike fait ifjiskv- baraiitf imttatiens refuse alt sissv ivies anal you trill art be disajfc jwafcft psfce x jlus j john da ofrtcx- cares fl fj arising frcap a dlordficdsvvaf ticlil stomach and borels soclt as i dyspepsia or iabuceahoo bjhbaf geadaehe hearttnaij acidity of the stomach bhentnatisay jjoas of appetite gravel ggrfw t pebtuty nansei or yocritinfte4fc r phco 25 cejttc pen botrjs 1 tuputeo clty payi3 la9tesnc2 00 unttlft ndd at i3 nt bui led wtetb vtiiiiik ril tbe iwt i of era rekfr fd n r psm r mi 4l ir lcjw iwthi 1 j1 tetta j w ik- w m3 tit tn tt itrr p iiacfectsi tad w5 iso juhwfmtf wrbfl a tim wwii n brkf btcsctkea cnr tsr ivce ihj tomitaf faoitfbisautmrui ottrr xxceacobu 70 aktmuta nrxl nftti iia ktbiibfa q lit nil p exhausted vitalil the scibsce of live the great medical wats cf the ageonuankoodxcryatis and fhysicab dciuiy pre- mature decline error of voiru tnj the uutod mis eries consequent thcreca 300 pagett vo 115 prcscriptlgi for all disciacs- ootb tall gilt only mj mail scaled ulcsirauvj sample frea rjr young and inlddleagrd nse send tf- 7- t gold and jewelled ilcdal awarded to thesstfc tiy national medical isaadstion aidre p 0 ijoj 193j lloitcn mass or dr vvhtasj ker gradua of harvard modical ccjljb- yean practice ia boston wh o tuaybs j conideatialiy specialty diseaies of office so i hulinch st v f sncl wt georges s j rphe sali j guelpl fcsfc manhood how lost how r6storedl of brraionnr or incapsoltj tojo qoencci ol irlr error r i latfero- no miujr whit klr m fjiw mr tar limiicll tborv intlr w t rouii lid w iiuiiiii im i yo io ua udresi on recrlrl oo ccislorltirr mpt addrci v avst- sew i3 k mi i ploondarj u ool

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