sork ktfcatiatooathputh july the qfjtcrj vboctwc l tcirottu chicago oauiofttu of jutw uw rtfeec wr f t uclcod city tfiiul of uio csinulvjlkeluciv oc cn j jtftrivia cfcicffo the u4tt- the ie flfllrjr jafftav editor of im civimiv- iurkisocdiif titer j lfwrnnlii uuctiell oaua infu the rie ctlfr vuigreiuideof laiktcei itiwjnmltcliea last the ie t ur uoliinotoftui4a ptilic autanvi3i oiiftc of twin text icd daughter i niititt at oraiictcilic oa the llth inst the vile of tiwrgc sctbcu of a wo jutuxs public servjlxts a bvutvui make tragical traders paj lb pcrltttnktil8auritso uu- itoiiil im1 lnluou ktvuriuwiv ik eccinc oa tbe 9th in- j aai ucndcrf oc agvd 71 ywrs- cljf rtoit jfrcc rcssi thursday july 161839 kotes ajcdjxklcqttv fcataiatlergenerai wanamaket of the roiled slate sari tfcire thall be oo mok aaicoakwpcri in poitasioea and no pocl o sices ia saloons senator carrell of prinoe edward iikfld hit been appointed- lieatiinictgovtrnir to lacceed lieal governor mcdonald who retirei on september ind i a morcmed to hold worlds fair a toronto in 1632 u on foot the parpoaet la celebrate the alter jabilee of the coaled- exation of the canadian prorinoes j personal mention oar canadian financier ire somewhat irsnied on the cnxrenct qaeatioa opinion ut equally divided between the continuation of the bank issnes and the adoption of i korernmentl arcaiition i west jgddlesei oonsemtires luxe note- fasted mr j l hagbe of toronto ju their candidate for he legislature in op- ncfitioartdthflhonlgeo vt rota sr hagbos till hare sn opportunity to raeas- ore his strength with the slicistec of eif oatiott j at the worlds sabbaili scfceol ccnrm- tjoa in london a few da ys ago it m decil- ed to tend a tnetnorjalto the different cr- ertigns aakuur them to exert their influence in fitor of the proper observance of the sah- btifc after deciding upon this coarse oeartr cheers weregiren foe qaeen yic- torii ind president harrison the dominion potercccent have passed aa reducing the rate of i n- terest apoa deposits in the post ooe s id roternment sinngs binfa from f oar to three snd shxlf per oent this step lis been tikes tmder the sctheptj of in let introdacea siid passed in 2 683 when eir charles tcpper wxs minister of nxcce- there is onlrone jofcnatorn inpecnsvl- tsinx and onlr one johnstown in kew yocfc and it is noted as a enymlar coincidence that within the last few weeks each has been risited by a flood the kew roefc- tou isthe more recent snfferer the fiocxi bangs been caosed hy the bursting of t siomr eload- soce fifteen personi 4t their eves- j an act ertntinff t constitction tad re- preseautive government to ihe colony of west aostniit wis passed by the im penal kooss of lords last week the pall ksu gnarfli remarks that while the britisii tori will not hear of giving local seh- goteznment to ireland they hand otir western australia- a territory almost as urce as europe to forty thousand et conncts settled within its bordert coaccil met on mondiy evening metnbets prcseul reeve storey and councillors bheight harvey and scoard minutes of last race tkg read and coo- firraod i common icalio uk were read by the clerk from j l warren clerk of the bsptit church ucv dr gifford chairtnan of the board of trustees of the methodist church and front j m warren secretary of the royal tetnplarr of tempcrsijcc referring to the lawless conduct of the yoang fellows from toronto on dominion day tad the sunday previous in insulting yoang lidlcs oa the street surreptitioady catering the baptist aid methodist churches at the in terval betctra services and damagiug the property of citizens etch respectfully re questing ihc couucil to take such steps as shall give better protect iou to the public and prevent a reccrreuoe in the fulare cf such rowiyiitu a verbal report trotn the prcsbytecian church bearing upon this mat ter was also referred to sir wj j riaytr applied for a transient traders license a eyllw for thcaicenritig cf transient traders and- foe the repeal of bylaw ko 10 was introduced read the required number of times and passed the bylaw provides that it shall be illegal foe any person vrhcwo name is cot da the assessment roll to occupy premises as transient trader without first obtaining a license therefor from the municipality and fixing thq sum to be paid for license at 1 50 subject t a refund of 2 in the event of said trader continuing in the municipality for the spice of one year uninterruptedly a bylaw to fix ind settle the remunera tion of municipal officers was introduced and passed the sakries were fixed ts follows assessor i3b collector- o co clirriimd trtcfcrcr ik 00 aaiitc 5 g3ceb seloctcrt of jcrcr icdcaib oitcf ccsxbe 3d op j etet other consljle 33 co j collector of sutute leber 15 per ccatof c-cdlcctloss- a lengthy debate took place opon the petitionslof the bodies whose coramunics- tiocs arenoted above and the necessity for additional police protection was fully con- sidered tee members of the council all cocccrred in the expression that something was necessary to he done but could not de cide whai was the best action to tike and after epending an hour without taking any definite action dropped the subject this method of daaling with a matter of sach public importance will not win much fivor with the petitioners who by the way re present a large majority of the ratepayers or commend the councillors to the public ts men af great ability orpossessing a de- eire to accord wth the wishes of the ma jority of jthe people in a mltter affecting the moral interests cf the commemty the committee on finance presented their seventh report recommending pay ment of accounts as follows edrtrf djxc tcrk oa tlrccte ij e4wxrd stbers do zl 5j kczry erfl do f 37 t eaitoa fecdics trtiat5 i do 9 10 adisicoct do t o htrti ilttlicoa suiioattj iaratrapliilleipectliigylillokto aud from acton with whom frvc press readers arekcreorlciiacattaiutcd the grandtrunk railway has recently msde a contract that will add very matec ally to thtzt terence and largely increase the freight basxness ou the road this im- portnt tranaactioq it the carrying of all squires hogs from chicago via tie chicago and grand trunk and grtod trunk proper oa to boston the imporp- a nee of thi more will be realized when it ii seen that they are already averaging fortyfire cars every twentyfour hocra the woman prohibition league of brook lyn hiz made a commotion the ladiec found out that in many cases in the brook lyu public schools the authorities were neglecting to hare tbecompulsory saentifie temperance lessons taught and that the beer- dinners of many children at home rendered them unfit for the afternoon school work the ladies called the mayors attention to the matter for which they art being badly denounced by the whiskey pjaperi a new method of discouraging drunfcec- ness has been adopted by iht danish police if maxr is found drunk in the streets oc at public places a cab is hired and he is taken home if he is too intoxicated to be oomrpqeicated with he is taken to a police station and kept till he is able to give his addrets when he ii taken home by cab the publican who has given the last glass of drink to the victim k made responsible for the cab fares which sometimes amount to considerable sum i j a despatch from eudiire wis says the i property of the canadian anthracite co has been sold to a british syndicate soxs i americans also are largely interested the- lands sold consist of 7000 acres in the vifmly of anthracite and banff in the i kofibwest territories the pnrchase- price is ftiyj 000 of which a large part has been deposited in the bank of england the iaje was negotiated by mayor 6tewart who harbeea in england several months on that erraud the names of the british 7 purchasers are not yet known here they will stock their company for 55000000 the news from paris is that a large r nomberof people from canada have al- ready put in tn appearance at the exhibt- i tion and that many more are looked for the american colony is an important fea- tore of ptrisiaa life md tl who come fraa this side of the atlantic are looked upoi as being americans and so they are in the broxd meaning of the term as a matter of fact the canadians hive a better title to the c of american than have those who have mooopolixed it seeicglhat cana da is the larger half of the continent bet that u not a matter of mccfa importance star a number of perpleiicg questions have been presented to the treasary department ict washington regarding the enforcement of the contract labor law so far as it applies i to the persons cm ployed in the united states i bat who reside jost across the canadian and mexican borders complaint has been j jodged against an officer of a bank in ver- moat near the canadian border who has his residence in canada he has crossed the border to bii business nearly eyry day for forty years a proust has also been made against ajlofriog canadian and hex- can laborers o enter united states terri tory for theredays wbrfc these matters i axe all under investigation mits miry brosu is visiting frisnds in toronto aid ilcwcr of ciuclpbi was in town ycslrdiy miss msddock of guclph visited frieuds here this week mr john c kelson spent kanday with friends in guclph mr wumcrlliu of charchville visited acton friends this week mrs john ltmbert of toronto is a guctt it the parental home mr catfislc of beavcrtoo has opened a general store in mrs records block mr john john ton of toronto is spend- ing a few days with his fathers family here mr mose bricker of listowel was the puest of dr mcgarvin a day or two this week mrs l g matthews returned home oa monday after ependtug a week very pleas antly with friends at kilbride mr robert anderson salesman of acton is spending his holidays with friends in and neirut forest rrp re k a ire the many friends of mr john lawson sr are pleased to notice that he is slowly regaining his health and is now able to be out again mr john thomson will leave in a couple of weeks on a trip to scotland it is likely the old gentleman will remain there over winter mr wilkinson proprietor of the st thomas taw sailed last week from mon treal for liverpool on a tour through eng land scotland and france rev father cote sj of st josephs church will have charge of yicargeheral kcosghs work in paris during the absence of the litter on a trip to ireland mr and mrs h p moore and eddie leave this morning for toronto to join the members of the canadian press association in their trip to st john k b and char- lotteiown p e i mr r harrison will have charge of the editorial department and mr w ebbage formerly of this office of the mechanical department of the georgetown ifrrald during the absence of the editor in great britian the office is in excellent hands mr and mrs w s- smith ofsan fran ciso cal are the ccests of mr smitha mother at fairview place it will be re membered that some fonr years ago mr smith left acton for australia he travel led throcfih the antipodes pretty thorough- ly and returned to san francisco a couple of years ago herehe engaged in business and to complete matters took a partner in life he will remain in acton for a month or so a kane tuief lynched busctt kcb july- igau indian named ham kaupin who had the repata- llouof being a rustler or hone acd cattle thief was placed in gaol on saturday on he charge of horsetealiog under a grand jury indictment list night a mob j of several hundred masked farmers broke j into the gaol during tlio ehtrifis absence j and shot kfcupiii to death fourteen bal- let holes were found in his body et is worse than madness to neglect a coajh or a cold which is easily tcbdeed if takenin lime becomes when left lo itself the forerunner ol consumption andprcma- turedcath inqaramalion when it attacks the delicate tissue of iho iuurs and bronch ial tabes travels with pcriluuk rupidity then do not delay get a bottle of uicklcs anticoniumptivo syrup the medicine that grasps this formidable foe of the human body and drives it from the sys tem this medicine promotes a free and easy expectoration subdues the cough heals the diseased parts and exerts a mo it wonder ful infiacne in curing coiihumptiuu and other diseases of the threat and lungs if parents wishta savo the lius ot their children and thcmselucs from much anxi ety troablo and expense let uicm procure a bottle ox uicklcs auticoueumntivc syrup and whenever achild has taken cold j has a congh or hoarseness give the syrup according to directions tfia ct the report was adopted the matter of the purchase of the er- hibtticn park by the tnccicipality was ia trodeceaand dijcussed from various stand points there was a ery general expres sion in favorof teconng it and from what we can leata a petition from the ratepayers in faro- of the project would result in the council taking the proper fiteps to make it municipal property the council adjourned at 10 pm tht akelvde h0nueable tue gentlemanly rretary if the attna ii c ijf traato ajwiuziks far the i artiuueof the unruly i lfenbtr at a ineetidg of the trcstees of the methodish church held on the 3rd kit thesecrftary of the board was instructed to write pe secretary of the etna b b club of toronto with reference to the out rages cammitwd in the church by mem bers of the dab an apology was demand ed and failing this legal proceedings were to be taken for the panishraent of the guilty parties in reply the following letter and spology has been received by the board j toronto july ihli a to the tecknxop thi hlteddikt cstkcb actov gcxtlkxe oa ubalf of- tlijtn litso ball clou i feci that it is my duty a secretary of lhateltb toiiccerely tikaote fcr the coa- coct of certain jkrtles irbo accotniianied cs to ixtan to tfks1 dominion day i also fael that we are prcatly iadebtoi to yoa for the lecleacy yoa have ihown u in cot ltvias forced tljfl it- uioa thc vhoso cjoefiy titu alleged entered your church md tainiered with ths crsac i hope gentlemen you will find the above kat- iafactorya i feel uutwc to cenrey my itxllzz ia wcrlbst i can on behalf of the above cnb again cncerely atfc your pirdonfrom the bottom of my heart i aic geatlemen votrn truly i j thos clauk scey tna ij b c k power st toronto this ts perfectly satisfactory to the board there is no doubt that if ths etnas again visit acwn their conduct will be becoming yonog gentlemen from tbe city mr clark u evidently more truthful and centle manly than some of his acton friends whese cowardly and unsolicited defencejin a city dailys sporting columns of the unruly youths whose condact in above apologised for hnft nobody mused a few and ttkuvzura foi acgust at a single kiln in the secluded town of sao felipe of the incomplete towers tor- resmoebst in tbe mexican state of gum- axaato k produced 1 mired jwitery rivalling in brilliancy thegorgeoos gubbio lustres of the sixteenth cltary during his mexican tjur of two years ego charles dudley warner found speimens of this ware the making of which hid been sup posed to be a lost art sius y h addie taking up the clew thusfurnishsd discover- ed the place of manufactore in flarr magaum for aognst she will tell the story of fcer exploit and w c prime iu an in troduction of her article will explain the valoe of the secret of gubbio instres thehotweathec in theie hot midsummer days the appe tite refuses anything that is not highly palatable and in no line of food is this more apparent than inthatof meat kovr while some butchers are eareles enough to offer indifferent meit to their easterners those who patronize the central meat market always rest assure they will get the best hat is goiog the centrals ire- frigerator keeps meat in prime condition iti thehotterf weather and it is always de livered with the least possible expos are give me your patronage and i will serve yoa well w if rrrmgc agents wanted address household remedy co j78 queen 61 west toronto a deafkite uate mr p malhison suierintendeat of the institution for tbe deaf aijd dumb at belleville sends tbe fell petas the follow icg letter diiau sib voa hive doilit1s noticed iu vtrioasccksiiajtrs article- ttaticfi thatadcaf- tnuic rtricty of the lciuan race u litcly to be the rvsult ia tbe nczx futcrc of the inarriace of dtaf linus fmn the iafomiatioa i have b3 able to lhcr up to thii time i lave only lean tdof oe deaf cliihl ia ontario ia little boy now foari cars of wuof- parentt are deal and dumb of tbe bucdredsof cbulrvnrhoareaow tttt-adii- or bavt atttadwl thu imtitctioa then h cot cat jak deix child who ha deifmnt iarcats i irould liae to obtain fall ar4 accurate iafonnitioa ia regard to this tnat- 1t and if jea ortiiy of yoar readers know of any deaf mute married pervoas kith or with- cat children if jou ill lindly stud tue their addreise i bal ft oblised tbcre arc deaf children of icbool aje in the trovince tbat i btve uot betnl of aad i am mat ins ta esort to ctt them into thl fa tit utiaa k litre they may receive an oiueatioa that will fit ihcui for tbe duties of life the condition of aa anmucatcd deifniut u more deptorabls than tliit of any other human being will ycra be good caosgh to belp ui to bring theto chil dren to scliool voa cando more than any other icrf oa i misht addrcfis tho parccts of mtire arc not arare that an institution crjits where their deaf children can be tacht to read and write there arc others who bare heard of the iasufjtioa bat ara iirobably not acqeaictod with i real character or froai other caosca fail to pcad their cbimreo tone these might be induced by a little effort to tend them deaf children bcttcn the ajcn of 7 and 33 are admitted odu- caud and boarded at the cipcsio of the trov inco it i only required that the child- be cf soand mind and that the irenta or the mcnlci- pality if the parent are enable xy the ralhoad farsand prorido necesaary clothing aprdic- tionjiaperh may be had by writing to oj at belleville and any information repaired wili be cheerfully espillcd we feel that wehave but to bring this letter from thekindheartedskperintcndent of the institution at belleville under the at tention of oar readers to obtain their sym pithy and assistance in the laudable object which he has in view i k ich and poor prince and peasant the millionaire and day laborer by their common use of this remedy attest the worldwide rep utation of ayers fills leading phy sicians j these pills far stomach and liver troubles costive- nets lliliousnew and sick headache also for rheumatism jaundice and keuralgia tlieyaresngarcoated con tain no rahiiiiel are prompt but mild in oporatlou ami therefore the very best tnedifciue for family use as well as for travelers and tourists i have derived great relief from ayersffflls five years ago i was ukea so ill with rheumatism- that i was unable to do any work i took three boxes of ayers pills and was entirely cured since tbat time i am never without a iwr of these pills peter chris tenwn sherwood wis aycrspills have teen in use fn my family upwards of twenty years and have completely verified all that is claimed for tlietn in attacks of piles rom which i suffered many years they afford greater relief than anv other medicine i ever tried t f adams ifolly springs texas i have usl ayers pills far a nnm- br of years and have never foaud any thing jual to them for giving me an appetite and impartiug energy and ftrtngih ui the fystera i alwavs keep them in the house ec d jackson wilmington del two boxei of ayers pills cured ma of severe headache from which i was long a sufferer emma keyes hubbarditoa ifass whenever i am troubled with con st nation or suffer from loss of appetite ayers pills set me right again a j klser jr itock house vs ayers pills are in general demand among our customer oar sales of them exceed those of all other pills com bined we have never known them fail to give entire satisfaction wright hanoelly san diego texas ayers pills f zzulzi1 by t or 4 c ajer k co lowell mm som by h dealer in lleikclo- absolutely pure tali powder never vm a marvel of parity atresgth and whohacmcnctc llore eroaomicaj than the ordinary tinda and caaaot lie told in competition with tbe mcltitade oflow eatihort weight alum or phorphate porder sold only incaci borax bicikg powdee co 100 wall st s 1 jl cry fr pitchers castorb rii ti- v rc rc avi- her cnorii v7ira vaiacuijdahecricd for cast eria vcla tbe became hits fdio clucg to cistorjl vtlr elie hsd chil ren she rive thm castoria bollerts in a couple of weeks mr dollcrtcsves far the markets of tho old country intend ing to riut britain france and germany he will be most happy to attend to the bringing oat or any specialties that our friends may desire any special orders will have his most careful attention and all commiasions of any kind if in his power will xecstedwith pleascrc dcin desireous of reducing oar immense and attractive stock of summer goods wo commence today a grand price reduction sale it is to be a creat clearing oat time a room making time a money saving time and yoa hadnt better miss it we want both room and money and were coing to take the quick road to each a few straws will show yon which way the wind blows checked summersilks reduced from age to 15c embroidered chambray dresses reduced from 5600 to 3 50 i embroidered white presses reduced from 300 to 200 i plain and fancy alpicss reaoccd from 20c to 10c y fancy dress goods rluted from 25c to 13c j fine wool dress goods reduced from i5c to 20c wide lace floancings reduced from oc to 35c fancy madras liccs reduced from 50c to 3oc fine braided jersey b reduced from 2 co to tlc0 fine white brilliantes reduced from 15c to 5c fine scotch chambray reduced from isc to 5c all over embroideries reduced from li00 to 6lf0 all over embroideries rejuetd from flootosoc mens cotton underwtr reduced from 50c to 2oz clcaritjc line itrilfcols reauctd from 1200 to flgo boys jersey suits reduced from sv0to 1100 j fancy crcianues redaccd from 20c to 121c clearitig line ribbons reduced fjoin 15c to 5c i i0oo pair hoe reduced from jfle to 5c mens felt halt reduced from 100 to 25c splendid wool tvecds redaccd from 50c to 25c and eo on all thrcukhl3ietjouictcije keep the above list and afk for any of the lines and prices mentioned it will enable yoa to jadre whether we carry out what we advertise absolutely no jkedijt e r bolleil 27 lower wyndham street gruelph welcome spring henderson mrke co kcton thank their many friends for past favors and cordially solicit a continuance of their liberal patronage millinery display where there is on exhibition amost gorgeous display of millinery and fancy goods come and see general stock of dry goods complete in all lines selected on most favorable terms dress coods and trimmings special attention has been given to thisbranch with a view to pleasing all in style quality and price beautiful prints ginghams and chambrays splendid cottons white and grey from 5c up new lace curtains in setts and by the yard- very pretty rare value in carpets in wool tapestry and hemp everybody see our 100 ladies shoe a bargain boots and shoes to fit and suit teas sugars and groceries 0000 doz fresh eggs wanted at once a good line of pedlars tea by th6 half chest at iojc remember our famous 50c tea henderson mcrae co u ths fhir fie8t gkrlsrid oificittiitsna- commencement of a sh great sacrificing sale- pi bankrupt goods h p consisting of m brushes brooms m fe wooden ware tinware 1 stationer cutlery c tbe ccjre kocfc to be cleared cut it ozee it s5c be lad tzc oa the iclbx hatziizk e lh cverlxfare fccorn ia actcs litrsilat cnter thin mi r ercr be cn trila in actoc come etrly dottt take uzcus u caxace liie thii ejij- cct occrr isia ia t we- in mrs secords block next to havils tin shop ac on great semi- annual sale -at- g b ryrn 5t gos to last for two weeks only just glance over a lew of the bargains and you will see that when we speak of making re ductions in price we mean what we say peikts and seeratjckers 1500 yards prints at 5c well worth 10c 2000 yards of beautiful pongee print extra wide former price isc we are koing to clean them oat at 10c do not miss this lot or yoa will miss a bargain 2000 yards seersacker to be cleared oat at a ereat sacrifice these eoodx are being sold in the city at ioc bat we are reshing them off at 5c dress goods- too yards dress goods at ioc well worth 15c 50 yards dress goods all wool at u worth 25c 300 yards dress goods at loc former price 25c iqq yards dress goods at 18c and i9c these goods were sold at 25c and 30c 350 yards beaatifal dress coods to be cleared oat al20c and 25c former price 5c and 50c 200 yards press goods in all the latest shades at 35c former price gue this is a beaalifal line ia tripet u in wide ladies suits we have a few of those handsome french pattern sails which we will sell at a ereat redaction black goods we still lead tho trade in black cooda 135 yards bosary cord former price goc reduced tooc 75 yards pongee silk slightly damsgej former pnee 05c will clear it oct at 35c 0c yards colored silks in sll the leading ihades warranted pare lilk former price 1 100 reduced to 50c this line calls for special mention aa the cocjs are positively worth 1 special valce in black and colored beaded grenadines jest the thing fq- ladies wraps acd panels far dresses iu black silks we have a few drws lengths we will clear oat at the following redactions 200 for 8150 250farug5 and 1300 for s225 silk and kid gloves- iso pairs kid gloves opera shadte only 5c former nrice 75c 100 pairs kid gloves uid shades at 25c this a regalar 75c glove 50 pair gauntlet g lores redaced to 65c these good are well worth llio special line at lqo former price 1125 5 pairs ladies black kid gloves at 25c worth 50c 6cial value iu black and colored silk gloves millinery voail marvel at what a nice hat yon will get for very little money we will re- dace the price of bar ht shapes jast one third oc ia other words s l ihape will cost jxaoolygcc we will alto sell yoa a very nice rcstic hat at sc new goods bought this season mantles your pick of the balance of oar choice silk mantles and wraps at a redaction of 25 per cent paraspls ifany at half pnee ve have gathered together aboat 100 fancy parasols which we have decided to divide into three lots 75c 51 and 1150 is what tbey will be sold at mens- hoj we have a few special hoes in genti wear tbat have been marked down at a great redaction and we woatd ask every gentleman to pay particalar attention to this lot 50 do mens hose at 10c well wortli 124 iff 25c iq 8 35c former price 50 and goc these goods were eicellenf value at for mer prices v do not miss the golden opportunities offered you by above prices gbryan fe co aueipih tho leading dry goods house 93 upper wyndhain st successors to jno hogg son u lent il tr al5 j huft j- tnt cut txrj rt ul oas nrt jibie iliu t nim money to loait lumber rybou rwiiirisi liba tic ui ujtlr tokosto llilh comiwt ui tiactaelt luiijber and shinnies rphkurirur lit c l4 1 t hiiclosic ut 7xoi loirtl otiicr witli irrqyltv c iisr jjiuilr otfer baiidics t reiwnie ith a itostl piocidd codiz ibiilt ilsoc hul tavlol lutotftos lot and ihvellhic for- sale 0lsi si lei cc lioref atloae li h hard and dc apilrfcriaru j l icgirrn joaw toalortak l mt water ccsvusieai sikadaps uhckueusosj- acuta- n ptistl kolireo te ffal igeo fl geo- destkable house and lot tor sale t that very cccfcnal h mi rma idaiajs- en cfcurch sitccl aetcn zxtti- lent location oaildistj ta good nmi fvt terms and other particular apjilr to c c sreibl on be itcmises cr u juis lnchael speioht arstsaonl for sale steam planing idol carpenter shop and dwelling the abovo rremlstf ia acton are crei fa itlc tta naebkerr cocprjes plants asd moaldisg aachiac icac- gocday 4 co galti circular crscx azd i n iroa acj wood taming lathe wii plabcr knira tnadiac itone etc also a iaaauito carpen ter tools will be sci t cgcliicr tr caahiflerr t tools kparaicly arplf juis t mccas comfortable dwelling foe sale i ttjatifioarnu- doalle inac dwellicr oa west bovcruvcect two cre5 2os rii kitchea aliached lard iad iofi war krutta- cut ia every respect and reals irr eii p5 couth 1 tbe bdctlad residence othlaifl ttrtet 9tt30 two ttotev witii jarr tiichca aaached hard and aoft waur is the bcisc t tenn and nanica ian made known npen ap- rlicaiioc al niee rress ofhce icrts noifce rotice is hereby pitcn that ihe taajas e i sand or cratel from any of iho svotunl sfttlsa thii municipality is itrictly prohibited aci aaj person cr persons toncii remctuig laid r cxatfll alter thi date will l itrccily pro fecsust v ii- stoeft dvc ei ctncc a eca jsly 5rj altctioxsale valnable manuracturing property in the village of acton tbe andcrucd ha rtcxiv initrartiazh tiwi jesi to wll ly zhliz ijijz- at dc fmniiei saturday 27th joiy aiiocixfci tick bcilding and prviiihc kijui a the trust factory ou iai lnt actj2 tbe mal2 bcildincso j ictto ttorxyandliaf lean to 16 feet wide nisaiac lj tnarejenfili in tbe bailding thero i a 9j h u boiler whb none funime a wel arid pivi laid w the crtek from which water can b pampl if evodgt tekilsbeaijonajilkafiiail payiaestto lemade balane to rctjaip- oa uk- jiropertr for particalars addrcw the iboxt at iktiu w wif iiliistiiest aacjoscct exhausted vitality rpse science of life l the great ifedical wort cf the ae oa fanhoodkcrvoai and pbytlcal debility fre- mature decline errurs of iodth and the untold mia- erieaeonaoqocct thereof 300 pages s ro jis prcscripticcsl for all diseases cloth full gill cnlt fuo bj man scaled illnatralite tmpc 1rse to all young and iaiddlcgod intn send iow tb gold and jewcllod ilcdal awarded lolhcanttor by sationa itedica aisociatlpn addrcil p o box l3is kostoa miss cr dri w h tae ker gradual of hamml ifcdical college tf yean practice in bostoa who cay be conmlted canidentia3y specialty diicsfes of mas office ko budacdist man irheij put wlj umb nor be n mr l at ensm i pleiss 1 to wht t thai conntj htm ber hit irening ha ej tcwik tcj reajdenc midi ig ia goslp i ilirhoar xba 3lj puys thi sitordaj i it ia j who nod i i ind lie d i a ot wl irom tha si fl be ton the ill 1m for iej broke beer ifreet the lo i maob fqr tl completed f tiroceedea ik timst pari il i politic ii 4i4l eat tbl stoi a ul fill uthcf them to divj thefj tbra cooplj castcmep u il the jirj i iasfiacl gaelfih i 1 viirbe bfj tod com id v i we hj llittheijr tond ioabl j lof the archlo l btudtul iippen 10a tbe was ol stej f linneri keen issue kobinsoov tery ioten it is a endoitbel fiiffereiiti t ibips ln egfroplt theij lletecl itj spiciest inl tothisoffil prosperibcl iriu preicj 6qndy- cookinj i ipend s ttj b cooi manhood how lost how restored f drcnlwr- lu lajcjwre ail plliahei 1 rsw ciiz well celarirutcd eaaay r of bpencatorrhda cr ii ticrt oc earlv ia jrvi the cclejrad a ttr in this aittnw ctcarkiecirc5 ir r lry ycari iaeiful trncxize tin lw ttl f qnenooi ctairlytrrrr siy t rsdcir pointing est a moue c cjtc atc e ijk certain and fijcctuilvvccasi rl whci tctj luilercr nomatter what li ceuditica kir matcure hintieif cheap lv prviuy aad raai- -calir- 2 hathii lecture fhcli te it liehaniiof ererj roath and ery irjn in t lani 6at under eal- in a plain cs-rolopc- loui ddreaa on receipt cf i r ccu or tw po amp addrtxj lirstr iotti5x rp lim he lrgest scale works v in over 100 styles op hayrscales grain scales fahm scales tea scales ibpbdvedshowcjees money drawers hint hoppers mo butche3s ssfpues aooj rcll write it ma c wilson som 60 esplanade strett east torontcont hwooa tuii pjpei etry laic ioa wtitf