fo jrton frit ress tht1r8dax october 8 1898 gift rtrttl jfoths ax vhtvrtuxats yjsitor jingles akd jokelbts nlrft hourwtth uit yin km luc w1u tad he pn4rrhi o f tb xi j there i a number bl yirielfatoc cocui hollowtyv oni core will remove my of them call on your dtuggiifc tad pet l bottle at once good woman i yoar tuuter lo v kaiduf6oudbo koiibrmy aiaiterha pt oul he vnt aft hour aso ajai iutitovexedloluy ttacladieacaalwar tw ladies too u oat abj cried tbant no ooe left bttt me 1 how aad r the vititor xclalmed bat ieeiac thaw come matca ijr yoar master fire aimlniu wl be jru home yo maiden looked aghast uku ald obirlfwhor you for u the troth now mart tell ttie fire hai coat oat too p 0 did vol kxowitkas he a raed boy afood with hit face pceaaed close to a pamof rum paxinj eanestly at the toys displayed ia the window hie hudi wen loosely duped behind tut back with the palms turned upwards a ltdy noticed thxiittie earnest face a tht toov paaied a moment before the tempting hr lira qowuy dropping ei many cant into jh little hands u they ooold hold she passed on the moment the boy felt their loach he tamed and caught tight otlhe pocketbook in the hand of the re- traating lady hnntstng after her he look- ediopanxioakly in her face and laid q maam 1 did you know it was me t evidently he thought ahe hid miiukeu him for soma little friend yes said the ladr billing i knew itwasyoa and the child bounded iaway with a face radiant with happiness this lady it in the habit of dropping smallfhange here and there as the daily walked through the poorer streets o the city f r many a tad little face has brightened u the money fell into itdlap and a pleasant cmflmg iacs ioofaed down and there nm and bay a stick of candy or l cookie think of ca a coarse persevered in year after year how many a tad childt heart ha been warmed by theloving ihoagatfcl nest eren mare than by the caezpected eifil inasmuch as ye dii it nntooneof the least of these ye did it onto ma a firstclass po xt a detroit drommer who lately made a trip into indiannt pat up in a hotel at a smalltown one night to find the fare u verr poaresvthe beds the worst he ever taw and the- house ran in such a way as to amaze him after a breakfast which he earcely tasted he entered the office and said to the landlord f wnatkond of aaratinsary do you callthisr ja firrtcun hotel tic j ton must be crtry show me ooe single firrtelatt point aboat it r jthe price sir too have hsd fupper lodging and breakfast three dollars if you please and if you want to ride down u the 001 that wilt be a quarter more detroit fra pre l jlftorvoyeuisov kdaonj brother a farmer in michigan tefls this story of the great inventor it woald require s vivid imagination ia beat the truth in toms case hehafhadmany ifngujar experience- wha a wstchmau st the station in stratford ontario he was e to poll a button every forty mfn ntes during the night to inform all parties interested tfcathtf wax on dect before he had been in the position long his inventive facqltna were set to work and he soon had the button pulled by an electricial detice aa regularfy docfcworfc tom went to bed and slept all night like a white m this worked first rate until two trains eaqn ta wjtwvri fluough his lack of attdiffiiarjarfact whkftctused bin to throw qp his position and iretaru to thisvde of the imtpkuaddpkta lrdjrr cyras the first isioricai monarch of eeaits not only conquered all resistance notably that of keuchadnezzar and his bsbylooiaii dominion and of the lydian kuwcstbavs by- no means remarkable only on account o his great riches but carried ink g irmi even to tf gen set to that asia in so far as it was known to europe was synonymous with persia cambyses sueoeor to cyrus crushed the oldest power in the world that of the fharoshs what sublime eburageit tookforafriend- less young man as he appeared to he to turnaway the rich young ruler from his ttaadard when his cause seemed to be hi inchesperale need of inflnenoeind wealth simply because he lacked oc tkug worms cause much sickness among children freemans worm powders pre vent this and make the child bright and healthy kever allow the bowels to remain con siipaiedlest serious evil ensue xsliontl pills are unsurpaated u a remedy for con- stipatioa it is worse than madness to neglect a cough or a cold which it easily subdued if taken in time becomes when left to itself the fare- runner of consumption end prn taredesuh infiammition when it attacks f the delicate tissue of the lungs and bronch iat tubes travels with perilous rapidity ihendo not delay get a battle ol bickies anticonsumptive syrap the medicine- that grasps this formidable foe of the human body and drives it from the sys tem this medicine promotes t free and easy expectoration nbdaes the cough heals the diseased parts and exerts a most wonder- ful infloenw in curing consumption and other diseases of the throat and lungs if parente wish to sare the lire of their children and fhemsefaes from much anxi- ety trouble and expense let ihem procure a bottle of btcklev anllcoosumptire syrup and whenever aclaldhas i cold i ha a couglz or hoarseness give the syrup acoordiog to directions hfnrwcuafayac twrec ulpklkeri rajlaaj ttrm djtpeptia assamea many phases ail diaagnwablfl to the sufferer yet it takes no form which from two lo four bottles of burdock blood buters will not cure bb b cures the appetite and renovates the entire system mr oilv uiggius bmiyillo writes acuitoi cr who tried a bottle of northrop lymauyegoubio diibovery it i it i the boil thio ho ever utd to mo hii own words jtjiiil tocmedio touoh the spot affected about a yeaj- ago ho hsd all tluck of bilious fever and nu afraid he was in far tuoihor when 1 recommended this vslutbla niodiciuo with such happy tostllts i jtmot h gumoar of t gilmour d co wholesale grocers brookvihe says i have used ttmarac elirir for a severecold and oough which it mmedialcly rqlieved and cured ililburnt atomotic yuiaioe wiao forti fies luesyttem igtinst allacki of agucchills bilious fever damb ague and like troubles cannot fail mrs john e thompaoa of shelburnc p o writes ify twochildrenrcceicdgreat benefit from fowlert extract of wild strawberry ijiarrhtcaandiumrcercoai- plaiut i gave itaooordint lo direction and they saau reccrercd be sure and ct the genuine victoria carbolic silve it a wonderful healiug compoand for cuts wocudsbrnies bum scalds boik piles phnples tc tried tested proved a year ago itt sammer i wis troubled with dysentery i procured pr fowlers eitrtct of wild strawberry and toot according to directioos which completely cured me- koarcv e gcrxx lyndhurst out this bcdiciae cares all looseness of bowels excelkct reasocs exist why dr thoxis eciectricoil should be uied by persons troufcled with affectiont of the throat or lung fores opoa the skin rheumatic pain corns bunions or external injuries the reasons are that it it speedy- pore and unobjectionable whether ttkea internally or applied oqlwsrdly from bad w worse scofala leads to consamptjon from three to sir battles of burdock blood bitten will curt scrofula salt rheum bails erysipeiis pimples tetter ehingles scald head sore eyes and all sbn affections by cleansing the system and rmoriog all impure matter that causes bad bbod maladiesmaltiplyonetcouicr acimple fit of digeetion may especially if the coo ttitution is not ngcroua throw the mechanism of the liver and bowels oat of gear sfcfcheadschefouows poisoning the blood by fade ensues and there is grave and serious disturbance of the entire system check the threatened dangers at the outset with xorthrop lymans vegetable dis covery and dyspeptic care that draws every impunty from the blood a sra fauatrlax hany diseases result from neglected consipation each as sick headache bad b foal humors heartburn dizziness and general ill health from one to three bottles of bcrdock blood bitters is gcaran teed to cure constipation and all diseases caused by irregularity of the bowels if you want tobcy or sell a farm adi vertise in the toronto tirhy mail that paper reaches 100000 farmers homes etery week and your advertisement should meet the eye of someone who wants to per chase advertisements of this esre are in serted in the toronto itfhy uail for five cents a word each insertion or twenty cents a word for fire insertions address the sfail toronto canada i c0acjupan sretjcrtf to ite edivsr please inform yoar readers that i have a positive remedy for the above named dis ease by its timely use thousands chaj- less cues nxve txxa jwrnxucatiy cured i shall be glxd to send two battles cf my remedy rax to any of your readers who have consumption if they will eend me their express and p o address eespectfully dc t a svxvu icf west adekiie st toronto out the third pae of the tarocto liaai hail is noted for want advertisement if yoa want to bay or seli anything if you want i situation amechanic a basi nets machinery lodgings if von hive lost or found anything or if yoa want to find out where anyone ir advertise in the to ronto dally mall ahd read the advertise- mention the third page of that paper the charge is two cents a word each in sertion address tu slall toronto cin- ads xk tttcrrtlnc ictprt the inland bevence department has recently issued a bulletin of about thirty pages which is devoted eidasirely to the subject of baking powder and which chows that the majority of the goods in tbemarket aresdulteratedaud unfit fouse prof a ifcgill who has had charge of this impor tant work for the government says that imperial baking powder is an excellent powder a word to the sensible housekeep er should be scfiicieat at night juid broken of your rest by a lick child iaucring and crying with pain of cut ting teeth if to scad at once and get a bottle of ifti wjntlowt soothing syrup for children teething lis vila a is incal culable uwtu relieve the poor littla luffercr immediately depend upon it mothtra there is no mistake about it it cures dyicnttvtud diarrhoea regulates the stomach and bowels cares wind colic so flees ho gums reduces inflammation and givci tone and energy to the whole sys tem ilrs wtnslows soothing syrup foe chile rcn teething is pleasant to the taste auc is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female physicians and nurses k the- united states and is for sale by all ruggists throughout the world trice twintyfivc ccuu a bottle be sure and ask forure winslows soothing syrup and lake no other kind c- c rioijjlu a- co gevrii i took a severe cold which set tled in ray throat and iaogs tod caused to entirely lose my voice for six weeki i suffered steal pain my wife advised me to try bfictrdt liniment and the effect was magical for alter only throe dotes and arfoutwird application my voice tarned and i rrts able to speak ia the army that liifiht a privilege i had heeu unable to enjoy for lix weeks yarmoalh ctticixs bhvitxcv tfcrerrlr kucked i was severly attacked with diarrhcei and vomiting the pain was intense and i thought i coald not live till morning sir doses of dr fowlers wild strawberry cured me and i have not had the least eymptom of it ence i hti ajjcl hoffcivt htmiitoo onl csxampcta cwred an old physician retired from practice having had placed in his hands by an east icdia missionary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and per manent care bf consumption bronchitis catarrh asthma and all throat and lung anections also a positive and radical cure for xervoas debility and all xervout cora- plaints after having tested its wonderful curative powers in thousands of cases has felt it his duty to mike it known to his suffering feuows aetciles by this motive and a desire to relieve hnman suffering i will eend froe of charge to all who desire it this recipe in german french or eag- ish with fall directions for preparing and using sent by mail by addressing with elamp liming this paper wa xqxes 110 powers block rochester k y ileiire xorthrop a lyman are the proprietor of dr thomas eciectricoil which is now being sold in immense quan tities throaghoat the dominion it u welcomed by the suffericg invalid every where with emotions of delight because it banishes pain and gives instant relief this valcablg specific for almost every ill that ceshis heirto is valued by the sufferer as more precious thin sold it it the elixir of life to many a wasted frame u you hate los purchased a bottle do so at once and keep it ready for an emergency its cheapness ij cents per bottle places it within the reach of all to the farmer it is indispensable ind it should be in every house kcatjtai latntartla lie fcaltertaff- browns hossehold panacea has no eycal for relieving pxin both internal and external it cures prin in the side back or bowels are throat rheumatism tooth ache lumbago and any kind of pain or ache it will most surely quicken the blood and heal as its acting- power is wonderful browns household pan acea being acknowledged as the great pain reliever and of double the strength of any other elixir or liniment in the world should be in every farauy handy for use wbca wtnted u it really is the best remedy in the world for cramps in the etomach ini pains and aches of all kinds and is for stle by til drnggists at hz cents a bottle c ltxreu ifr wv lee the favorite bailor has just received a nce assortment of goods- for fall suitings light overcoatings and other eoods suitable tothe season the work- nwnship on all orders is firstclass and i can aware good satisfaction lo all fc silk art garitad stove with oven i few choicest variety weeping willow and horse qtiettnul s- a- hixosif if you want a reliable working boot an elegant sahdayshoeacomforuble even- iiog slipper or good trunk orvalise to use in tra telling go to kenny bros boot ft 6hbe siore acton a full stock to aelect fiom t aatisfac- jtory price at kenny bros- boot shoe itorc actoo brilliant durable economical diamond dyjes excel all otliers in strength putity and fastness none other arc j ust as good be ware of imitations because they are made of cheap and inferior materials and give poor weak croclcy colors to be sure of scrccess use only the diakokd dves for coloring dresses stock ings yarns carpets feathers ribbons fix c we warrant- them to color more goods pack age for package than any other dyes ever made and to give more brilliant and durable colors ask for the diaiwndztid take no other taucrrfast orkrucu oar frtrr l kr itotnc trratfflmic sufferers are not generally aware that these diseases are contagious oc that they are dne to the presence of living pansitea in thelimogmembtance and eustachian tubes ificroscopic research however has proved this to be a fact and the result of this discovery is that a simple remedy has been formalated whereby catarrh catarrhal deafness and hay fever are permanently cured in from oire to three simple applica tions made at home by the patient once in two weeks x b this treatment it not a a snaff or an ointment both have been discirded by repafahle physicians as injur ious a pamphlet expltiniog this new treatment is sent on receipt of tec cents by a h dixon son 303 west king street toroato canada toronto glj scfterers from catarrh troubles should carefully read the above dr fowlekfc fwexhof lii wild mtrwberry bj cures fslholera i hjjpbnolera morbus larrhcea ysehtery akd all summer complaihts amd fluxes orthe bowels it s safe and reliable for children or adults le for 10 cents dtst dyed coat colored i baments renewed a child can use them ax drncftiu tad uxrcfuou dye book fret wells richardson co montroal p q urdock pills j a bur cure tor tluousnccs constipation inoiaestion dizzmccs sick hcadackchd oilcasct of tkc stomach iiveh and bowcls thct arc mtethoaouch sro momn r action ufo rorh a vauou al to burdock btoco brrreri in tkc trcathctrr kw curc qt chnonic akdob8tinatc oiscafcs 3 d d b d xreat millinery show henderson mcr ae co kcton our grand milliner displa on wednesday 35tk september will be open to all comers the ladies of acton and vicinit are specially invited to inspect our display of new fall goods which will be found most attractive v full lines of the latest styles of ladies dress goods in all the newest shades with trimmings in great variety i a cordial invitation is extended to all henderson mrke st co kcton grand display of new goods o -at- the rigbht house hamilton come and see them an immense stock of new fall and winter goods carpels houaefurniahinga and sxiilinery has been received and it aov- resdy for sale at the bight house 10 pacaafes opened up this week making a total of orer 150 packages already receired this i i in i ad yet thix ik anf little one craofair ot tbe ea stock roqairad this rnatutna ud winter for the trmde oc the eight house going direct to the manufacturers and buying in large quantities paring cash down on the spot for these eoods enables watiina to give his customers the extra ood value in all goods sold at his establishment a magnificent assortment of irish and scotch made uoushold linen goodsfast receited including towelling table linens bisached and unbleachnd towels dojiies table napkins diaper linen fronting the mantle department is showing an extensive variety of fancy ulsteriagi plain goths in black and colored brocaded cloths fancy and plain astracan also bealettes splendid value elegant new hash velar mantling in black and seal brown these are correct goods foe stylish garments in his department is also to be seen an assortment of new mantles short and long lengths also raglans paletots and circulars elegant designs m broche velvets a large variety of price sod qualities in colored and hlack plashes a soecisl line of colored plashes only toe per yard keir shfc velvets and velveteens a large assortment of dress goods comprising silk warp henriettas in leading in leading shades also black allwool frankfort cloths foale serges allwool cashmeres fancy plaids also fancy checks and bordered and embroldred dress kobe one of the choicest varieties of dress and mantle trimmings ever imported into canada beautiful silk fringes sectional trimmings galooos gimps ornaments fourageri epaulettes seethe new lace cartains from 75c to 135 per pair newest styles of chenille and fancy makes of portiere cartains table covers table scarfs drapery fringes curiam holders and other hoojafornishuigs in he millinery department are to be seen new shapes for fall wear shown in velvet straw and felt a largej assortment of carpets including brussels tapestry and kidderminister in- new patterns have arrived carpet sweepers cornice poles painted window shadea etc man items king and millinerv depart ments ready to receive orders kemembet to enter the store east of the carpet window as many make mistakes and ia not get into the right house look on the windows for the name hamilton sept uth 1889 thom a s c- w-a-tkirisrs- successful buying 4 r tf a successful dealer mest be a well -known- ode he mast keep his name before the public he must be ap with the limes his stock mast be such that if any one desires an article she will lay if its not at sir as there is no use in looking to accomplish this he mast be known as enterprising reasonable in price of reeogniied uste in selecting goods and last but not least he mast ascertain which are the best markets of the world for goods and buy there the manufacturing centres oelhe old world are as every ooe will acknowledge the fountain head and source of the dry goods trade the great london wholesale houses buy their goods there and later ou the wholesale men of toronto and montreal purchase theirs in turn from these london hoases kaw it will at once be apparent that if by any means the canadian retailer can arrange- to bay his itock from the mauafsctarihg centres the consequence will be he will be able to not oaly undersell the nonfmporter bat to place before his customers the very latest sod freshest goods designed r i i these advantages we are now offering our customers he benefit of for nearly two mouths mr eyau has been visiting the old country manufacturing centres and writes us that he has placed orders for our fall and winter goods at prices which will enable us to convince our customers in the usual practical manner of the advantages of importing tn the meantime we are aaxioas to red acq oar itock before the arrival of our fall goods and axe offering the balance bf oar dress goods colored silks prints etc at prices to clear an examination of oar goods sod prices is all that is needed to con vince the most sceptical i v gbryan cfe co aueph the leading dr goods bouse 93 upper wyndham st successors to jno hogg son mammoth house georgetown immense arrivals of full and winter goods ourstofcku about complete ior the fall trade and we are receiving extensive addi tions daily we have all the new est fabrics in dreas goods at ext tremely low prices ureis silks from 25c per yard up our millinery showroom is complete with all the latest novelties in millinery out dressmaking and mantle making departmcnf is in full running order ladies jack ets dolmans and ulsters iu large variety an immense stock of cloaking material to olioose iniu iu cotton woollens flannels blaukets tweeds i shirtings prints our stock is jvery com plete and purchased before the recent advouce in prices an ex cellent grey flannel for 12k per yd up carpets house fur nishings iu large variety not for getting ladies and genu foot wear our ordered clothing depart- nientis a i j l readymade clothing in boys and mens immense stock great bargains the biggest drive ou earth iu readymade overcoats splendid overcoats for350imd overcoatsfor 500 worth gijoo others accordingly cheap we shall be glad to see you come and inspect onr ttock and seotfre bargains bay if suitable if not you shall be courteously treated wm mcleodco majimoth house 1 georgetown grand trunk railway o0is0 te ooijio east kxircfi pieiicr llall tbroaghkiii aecciu t ua tiio ttart ncecmfol ps clt rn o dxt a cl r i r iitzcti- t q t 1 1 r j n j cor- kli 1 jv uc2t tvi ilitc tlr iial 6p4l3 ctrip 1m tolllwfic sittjinu ititstli t- rafk crc in ccrr r- 7 ttcoauae- i lo zll ri 7 tl vcrjjnpwt r faiia j ixiciia w vevel a dr washington throat and lang surgeon of toronto i kendalls spavincure dtlil i rtjtii l jci v otnufl ta ilivt air snc core tn av i licit vu utrtae a icftul fnxaida fr tl rnlinlcu earn ica1 rtcuit nfti bt2i frxt ti ihatvcrrhjadlil habvrl me one rf rnf iii v ttj rlm a tti- tiiecnlhe ecno om l r waxiaa kendalls spavih gurl gntliann 1 tlnt kft j ktaji- 8ttn cur- cflj evr ca hi j ui1 ihcj- h rer fi-e- laj wtrt va uate ttr co hjt carrd tfcl of f it nd lsatw ca it 11 ofrertliidt2tirixtt iljuiiit u lrvfjirtjiiustl lij -tiriroaa-ria- i- osirrr ptfcm prfbtrr fruticf l it inisylt hareli it cur pjlftjt irii ji icot lo nr ajiirv 1 nxiri ii jri- ijll setifilfcesbui ra iirt re- vw sold dv niirits powder purest strongestsest iontajns no alan f trnfr tfna fhasphal oeakthjomasyestuke ewgillett xbz ctxeseaiep hoyil tust qazb n 1 dr r lux iea eompeliatl t montlilr isilt to ithir inpyly tha uitljo of hnodredi of pstienu vuo irjed themselves of hi racceufal tret tm eat his ne-a- mctboci it bxlaathe principle of eoareyibj cold uiedi- cstfld xxpor direct to the test of dioe thus fariocinc tii idedicotioo ia direct cauuet villi the diseased tissue he does uot cjsfcn to care svll pstienu vbo coatalt him but lie does claim to core k math lirjjtr ier ceniifiti tljsa iho- grnersl iirsctltiooen in eeuenj iinctice it is not in nurvssoasble cltim either tea i u eooeiderwi thst the docior ims detotd v vcarr to the icady of his iiwcisity snd uuproved 6a ill the new lystfitas iruich hsve bceu hciocv ihz cieatiflc world hu msttsect his rinea ssivr- ior is iu eflectind realu to tht sdopxed by theuost eruiccut specisiists cveuii sew vcrk ts he tut tdttv pfttieau ia tbst drv vtio bste hecn given ap uy new yorks most doaunfuuhod tlirost sod lang surgeons tad hire beta cend by hii tnstment the atines of tamo of them hive bcq pcblished fa this rpi oo ievenu occasion it mast x reajembered tint dr wiiiiington ho hss deen detting vcs to th ipecii stadyof fbxotttudrlaiig diseases has lo-daj- bn hsadaouielyrewudedfor his indomitable led indefatigsble penerverance ind coald there be s more taibla rocociition thii the testi- moauisjtabiishedia thf jtjer frcin time to time tbedrbssbnilt ay an eitfiiuito prac tice ihroagboat the doraiaiocetsmjaiacak pdaatieraasjly ndwilbo whollr reipqa- uhjc to til trim harem occuion to xitit him another fact it u tell forsjl to remetafer wbo msy be troubled vuituyof the followtac lymptoms of ctrrb tnat in a very lrs majority of cases it is the incipient itacaof coa- luuiptiou in fact m ier cent of all the cases of cotuumpiioa bivetteii origin ia catrrh of the head and throat a iev of the most iito- eiaent srmptotu of catarrh rill be fcaiid oe- law and let those who hate seen coosnuirtion in iu tint itafies recall the terrible fact il the above is not correct and xhv to tnanv dicof ibis terrible iseae is that when hoic yd ver chance of treatment tot lacccssfcl issjc it held out the patleat neglects till too late todsyiithesolden oppcnonltr take v-iru- inffinuwe tcraput ftyrt tuso lies 1ro- cruttnstioa is the theft of time symptoms of catarrh easceiitihility to catch cold in the besd a feeling- of tightaeas across the bridce of ujo ubse with sometime pain staffing cf the nasal pas- wge accamolatiod of mucnj trhich is 6ii charged by the nostrili or drops back into the throal a wase of paiu or heaviness ovur the eyes often in the back of the head and neck foinetimes fa the top of the head at times diiiinea psia lathe eyeballs in fever cases a dall drony llecpt feeling hi the head 1 owel- ungof th note and eyes sometimes a pro- tradine and distorted appearance is given to the epper part of the face a teudeucy to lueeie frvqaeutly sometimes uie eretiobs are col lected together in hard inassea orchjnksuicii are with crest difflcahy removed sonicxiiaes tllsmacai membraxe li broken and seals form wafch are discharged with mucus i la some cases the lecretious axj vcrj- cctio- and are found in the back of thehicadanduiroat chicflylod very little hufficgoi the nasal pas- aage with s cooslant dere to clear the throal hawking gr ipitting or railing of tough phlegm especially in the morning or after taking a warm drink in other cases the amouiit of phlegm u tery little but it is cxtnandv loukh aad almost impossible to remove- a 7tn racts to b remembered i 1st dr waahingtoa it the only throat and lang sargeoa in the dominion devoting li whole time to diseases of the passages hid he has devoted tevea years to hii fkci ally 3rd be has been compelled to open su oslcc in ottawa lo meet the ever increasing demands th he consults examines treats all cwe lcnouiy and is solely responsible i 5th hs reptwcata his own baiiuos 6th he ives usstiamonials of the m t reli able sad prominent character of residents of ontario of the most wonderful cuni ever re corded wtth whom a large number arts ac quainted 1 tth he gives the name iu foil aud po al- dreas uot the mere initial which might mean any tom pick or harry and in rites any person interested to write for particular i 8th this is the beat season to treat catarrh which leadito consamptiou and all disease of the bead throat and luagi 9th dr washington gradaatcd fu 1333 st toronto with honors id listi visited sew york and boston taking a special toloclyulc coarse an diseases of the throat and luugi 10th dr washington will be at acton pcrtonj ally ia icrin tending his own buslucxi cteryi mouth comulutiou free majshood how ldit how restored jast publish td a ccwciucz of drcultcr- reu celebrated essay o the iridic cere of pcm4ortiai or iapoir r by tie cclebrstod stir li admirseie eaycieiuly joioastrjtes frcu s tl ry vears inccesafi piexlc tim the iimnc canse- craccces of eiilycircr tiy le rajart rtrrd- pointiag oa a mode of fcre t e simple cenain and c5ct3sl ly neanf cf wliirh etot lacereroocisiter what his codvon nu be mavcurchimitu cccr rrvsracd radi cally- rths lecture khl a l ilerijit every youth aci cvtrjim-i- 4i sct nniierpnl is a jiia cayljcpv lo tnj address on recast olfcr coau ir lao tofctage amps addrtsf tfcrcalt3prch itrtical op clks st vewrcaji ioovsj l wj c e 30 l lcms si dn wf omcl wit a 1 t 4- s hilj pati twenty w rohsl jira t aneiasytj aaejhilij honed anij 1 aadchihil lllb will cure or relieve biuousness dizziness dyspepsia oropsr iffism fluttejils3 ial of tke hew pmipelas acidity of salt rkeufj the stomach hearteuss 03reess headache of the skis zd every bpocvj c jr- irivsz ia firjtvrrf uvzr kiusis stcsaci bowels c3 blqcd t imjirsk i co r kiavlaituivrcllvivjl i uvi- zvl- dcoi- o pits epilepsy pr palling sicejte3s vixiii ditm v li toij i yjlrit tf u ug aootatj brorch offlca 16twcsi adeliida strwrf torbnto- j d lows worm syrup destroys and removes worms of all kind n children or adults sweet as syrup and cannotharmthe most sdeiicatechilo -r- iv weill m f gel auon kttj fib